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ESR study of the temperature dependence of metallic complexes

of alkali-metal-doped polyacetylene
F. Rachdi and P. Bernier
Groupe de Dynarnique des Phases Condensees, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc,
34060 Montpellier, France
(Received 2 December 1985)

In this work, we have followed the evolution of the electron-spin-resonance (ESR) linewidth (AHp p ) of
highly-alkali-metal-doped polyacetylene, as a function of the nature of the dopant and the temperature in
the range 4-300 K. The room-temperature linewidth increases with increasing atomic number (Z) of the
dopant, suggesting a significant contribution to the width from the spin-orbit coupling of the unpaired elec-
trons on the dopant site. This linewidth behavior versus Z follows a Z law, with o, =2.
3+0.7. In the
case of Li-, K-, and Rb-doped films, the linewidth decreases with decreasing temperature down to 100 K for
Li-doped films and — 50 K for K- and Rb-doped ones where it starts to increase. This temperature
behavior can be analyzed in terms of gradual transition from a high-temperature metallic state where inter-
chain electron hopping plays a dominant role, to a low-temperature semiconducting state where electrons
are mainly confined along the chains.

I. INTRODUCTION was achieved up to saturation ()

15%) and the samples
were washed with pure THF distilled from the solution and
Using ESR, we have investigated the magnetic properties pumped for several hours by constant cryogenic pumping.
of the metallic state of polyacetylene complexes with alkali- The ESR tubes containing the samples were sealed under
metal dopant atoms in order to obtain information about the high vacuum, to avoid the possibility of atmospheric con-
origin and nature of the electronic magnetism in these sys- tamination. '2
tems. Highly doped polyacetylene with donors or acceptors ESR spectra were recorded in the temperature range from
exhibits a relatively high electrical conductivity and is com- 4 to 300 K, using an X-band (9.5 6Hz) ER 200D Bruker
monly likened to a metal though the temperature depen- spectrometer, provided with a ESR 900 Oxford instrument
dence of the conductivity is not metallike. This behavior of with a continuous-flow helium system.
the conductivity versus temperature has been verified by
several authors' 3 for both p- and n-type doped (CH)„.
A complementary approach to the study of metallic poly- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
acetylene has been to investigate its magnetic properties.
The magnetic properties of undoped (CH)„, which exhibits A. Room-temperature variation of AHp with
semiconducting behavior, have been investigated by dif- the nature of the dopant
ferent groups. 4 6 The ESR-linewidth temperature depen-
dence has been studied and the observed increase of AHp p %e present in Fig. 1, experimental data of the corrected'3
with decreasing temperature has been analyzed in terms of ESR-linewidth AHp p versus the dopant atomic number Z at
thermally activated spin delocalization. room temperature for highly-alkali-metal-doped (CH) „.
On the other hand, the magnetic properties of metals
such as alkali metals have been for a long time the subject
of extensive research and a lot of experimental data con-
various authors. ' '
These data include our values as well as values reported by
'7 In
any case, the observed ESR spec-
tra consist of a characteristic Dysonian" asymmetric line
cerning the temperature dependence of the conduction- whose shape is consistent with that for a metallic state. The
electron-spin-resonance (CESR) linewidth and the g factor large range of b, H„values obtained for Li-doped (CH)„ is
has been reported. ' Comparing these results, Beuneu and related to the solvation effect which influences significantly
Monod have been able to test Elliott's model which relies the width as we have mentioned earlier. '9 For highly Na-
on the spin-orbit interaction in defining the CESR linewidth. doped samples AHpp values from 6 to 10 6
have been re-
%e find it particularly interesting to make a similar compar- ported. ' '5 In the case of K-doped films a large range of
ison using the available data concerning the metallic com- 5 Hp p values w as observed at room temperature, which was
tempt to test the existing models '
plexes of (CH), with alkali-metal dopant atoms, in an at-
for metals and to gain a
mainly due to the influence of the annealing on the line
broadening. In agreement with the recent work of Forbes
better understanding of these metallic systems. et a/. , ' we have observed that under thermal treatment
(180'C for T hour) the K-doped linewidth significantly in-
II. EXPERIMENT creases from —5 to —
35 G. Highly Rb- and Cs-doped
(CH) have been less extensively investigated by ESR. In
The polyacetylene (CH)„ films were prepared according to both cases, we have obtained ESR spectra which consist of a
the Shirakawa technique. "Chemical doping was carried out relatively large asymmetric line with AHpp 50+10 for 6
by immersing cis-rich (CH)„ films of convenient sizes for Rb-doped films and AHpp = 300 + 50 6
for Cs-doped ones
ESR study in a 0.3M solution of alkali-metal-naphthalene and, contrary to the case of K-doped samples, ther' was no
complexes in tetrahydrofuran (THF). In all cases, doping annealing effect on the linewidth.

1986 The American Physical Society


]0- CHMy)z
N Kg, C)

2 3g0.7


OD~ l i
0~ 10 )0 F03 q(}0 2bO
Room-tempe yariation he CESR
g, linewidth
F)G.. 2. ESR
of hig 1 Li- and K-do% CI9 (CH) x
linewi idth
y-al s the a'om' mber Z of the
dopant (do pan«on centr ation
function „oftempera t„re. So»l'd lines are guiides to th@

Th room-temp erature ESR linewidth AH tends to in

ant (Fig. 1) as airea d y ob d'in the c

ortant conntri-

o (CHRbo ie)
ssp ln-or b'ti coupling in
metals an uctors,
ESR linewidth on atomic num 30-
a Z law.
ntal data obtaine
menta e
follow a
could be observe
p or inter mic num
lar compoounds wit est ta
bl te

a i) cou ld b d t th io
width of othe r relaxa i anisms also e on t e
nature of the dopant of

L newgtth temperat o heavily
rature dependence for

from 1 00 to 300 K for

g d 3, increasing tthee temperature FIG. 3. E """"'""'"' oof highly
. '. h",.
- o d
aas a func-
i- tionof temper rature.
o ~ d.

for K- and Rb-doped ones, results in an increase of the Such a behavior could be interpreted as a consequence of
linewidth which is nearly proportional to temperature. A electron localization on the chains, following a process simi-
similar behavior has been observed in the case of highly lar to the one existing in the case of undoped (CH)„.
Na-doped (CH)„.22 Such a temperature dependence will be Therefore, when the temperature decreases the electron
interpreted using the structural model developed by Baugh- spends more and more time on a given chain and the hop-
man, Murthy, and Miller23 concerning metallic complexes of ping time between chains (rq) becomes very large com-
polyacetylene with alkali-metal dopant atoms which predicts pared to the longitudinal scattering time (r ~~). Consequent-
that the (CH)„chains form a host lattice in which the ly, spin-lattice relaxation via the spin-orbit coupling is over-
alkali-metal ions are present in channels. %e expect such a corne by other relaxation mechanisms. The exchange
structure to result in a spin-orbit coupling on the alkali- between quasilocalized spins and the hyperfine interaction
metal ions which is more efficient for electronic motion nor- with the nuclear spins could explain the observed broaden-
mal to the chains than along the chain. With increasing ing of the line with decreasing temperature.
temperature above 50 K, the electron-activated transverse Further work is required in order to estimate the expected
hopping becomes more and more efficient. Then spin- deviation of the electronic g factor from the free-electron g
lattice relaxation via the spin-orbit coupling becomes the value, resulting from the spin-orbit coupling on the alkali-
dominant relaxation process in defining the linewidth, yield- metal ions; the one predicted by E11iotts (hg)2= rhH with r
ing the observed AHpp increase with temperature. the electron-phonon scattering time. It is also necessary to
On the other hand, for metallic systems in which the elec- analyze in more detail the temperature dependence of the
tronic longitudinal and transverse relaxation time, respec- susceptibility of the alkali-metal-(CH), complexes in order
tively, Ti, and T2, are similar, the theory of Elliott and to gain further information about the nature of the spins in
Yafet' predicts that Ti, ' =
T2, '~ T for temperature T the metallic state, at low temperature. Such studies are now
above the Debye temperature. Thus, according to the latter in progress.
relation, the observed linewidth behavior as a function of
temperature seems to follow a metallic T law, in agreement ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with the fact that the origin of the obtained ESR signal can
be attributed to the delocalized electrons (see paragraph %e thank M. Nechtschein, F. Genoud, P. De-
above). lannoy, C. Forbes, and R. L. Elsenbaumer for helpful dis-
Contrary to the preceding case, for low temperatures cussions, S. Lefrant and J. Rouxel for technical assistance,
between 4 and 100 K for Li-doped (CH)„and between 4 and J. L. Ribet for providing (CH)„samples. The Groupe
and 50 K for K- and Rb-doped (CH)„, the linewidth in- de Dynamique des Phases Condensees is a "unite associee
creases when the temperature decreases (see Figs. 2 and 3). No. 233 au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. "

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' For asymmetric ESR line, the measured peak to peak linewidth

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