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Which of the following drugs should be sold only on prescription of a registered medical
a. Schedule H drugs
b. ..
c. …
d. …
2. Which of the following parameter is used to assess the rate of drug absorption?
a. Tmax
b. Cmax
c. Half life
d. Area under the curve
3. From which of the following routes, bioavailability of the drug is likely to be 100 percent?
a. Intravenous
b. Subcutaneous
c. Intramuscular
d. Intradermal
4. Hepatic First pass metabolism will be encountered by which of the following routes of drug
a. Oral
b. Intravenous
c. Sublingual
d. Subcutaneous
5. Manufacturer of a drug company labels the drug contains 500 mg paracetamol. On govt.
analysis, it was found to contain only 200 mg of drug. Which type of drug it is known as?
a. Counterfeit drug
b. Spurious drug
c. Adulterant drug
d. Unethical drug
6. Which of the following is wrongly matched regarding mechanism of action of anti-fungal drugs?
a. Azoles:
b. Polyenes:
c. Echinocandins:
d. Amphotericin B:
7. New drug recently approved for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is?
a. Edaravone
b. ..
c. …
d. …
8. Which of the following drugs is not used in typhoid fever?
a. Amikacin
b. Cefixime
c. Azithromycin
d. Ciprofloxacin
9. A patient require ceftriaxone 180 mg. You have a 2 ml syringe with 10 divisons per ml. the vial
contains 100 mg/5ml of ceftriaxone. How many divisions in the 2 ml syringe will you fill to give
180 mg ceftriaxone?
a. 18
b. 1.8
c. 20
d. 2
10. Which of the following is not a disease modifying antirheumatoid drug?
a. Febuxostat
b. Leflunomide
c. Adalimumab
d. Methotrexate
11. Which of the following drug is commonly used in cancer associated thromboembolism
a. Low molecular weight heparin
b. Unfractionated heparin
c. Direct thrombin inhibitors
d. Warfarin
12. A patient from north-eastern states was diagnosed to have infection with P. falciparum malaria.
What is the most appropriate drug for this patient?
a. Artemether plus lumefantrine
b. Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus artesunate
c. Chloroquine
d. …
13. Drug of choice for scrub typhus is
a. Doxycycline
b. Metronidazole
c. Sulfonamides
d. Erythromycin
14. Effect of ionophor valinomycin on pancreas is
a. Decrease the secretion of insulin
b. Insulin secretion increases
c. C-peptide secretion increases
d. Increase secretion of both insulin and C- peptide
15. Which of the following is not an adverse effect of salbutamol?
a. Hypoglycemia
b. Hypokalemia
c. Tremors
d. …
16. Which of the following drug is commonly used for community acquired pneumonia caused by
Staphylococcu aureus?
a. Vancomycin
b. Ceftriaxone
c. Azithromycin
d. Streptomycin
17. Which drug is likely to cause flagellated pigmentation of skin?
a. Bleomycin
b. Minocycline
c. Vincristine
d. Etoposide
18. Which anti-emetic can lead to abnormal posturing of a person?
a. Metoclopramide
b. Ondansetron
c. Domperidone
d. …
19. Which of the following is not an adverse effect of escitalopram?
a. Sialorrhea
b. Vivid dreams
c. Nausea
d. Anorgasmia
20. Discontinuation of which of the following drugs can result in anxiety and insomnia?
a. Venlafaxine
b. Imipramine
c. Lithium
d. Olanzapine
21. Heparin acts via which of the following adjuvants
a. Antithrombin 3
b. Protein C
c. Protein S
d. Thrombomodulin
22. Therapeutic index is measure of
a. Safety
b. Efficacy
c. Potency
d. ….
23. Loading dose of a drug depends upon
a. Volume of distribution
b. Clearance
c. ..
d. …
24. Treatment of choice for cardiovascular syphilis is?
a. Benzathine penicillin 7.2 million units in three divided doses
b. Benzathine penicillin 2.4 million units single dose
c. ..
d. …
25. Which of the following antifungal drug is developing drug resistance and has not been
prescribed for tinea cruris and tinea corporis since last 2 years?
a. Griseofulvin
b. Terbinafine
c. ..
d. …
26. A female was started on Mala N for contraception. After the end of first strip, there was no
withdrawl bleeding. What should be done?
a. Start next cycle of tablets from 5th day
b. Start next cycle immediately
c. Check for pregnancy
d. Take two pills after 12 hours
27. Patient present with fever. Typhoid and malaria tests are negative. Which drug can be used?
a. Bedaquiline
b. Linezolide
c. …
d. …

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