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Ashley Eubank

Ms. Taylor

English 1106

8 February 2019


Week 1 IC

Music writing activity

Ashley Eubank

Ms. Taylor

English 1106

24 Jan 2020

Music Writing Activity

A memory

During my senior year of high school, I was enjoying one of my most exciting years with my

best friends. We all played softball for our school and we were playing together for the last year.

One of the hardest nights for me was when we played our last game together. We fought our

hardest to win so we could continue playing just a little longer with each other but sadly we lost.

We grew playing before we were even in school so, knowing that was over was really sad. After

the game we all came together crying and hugged each other. Even though we wouldn’t step on

the field together again we knew we would always still be best friends. This was something that

will stay with me forever.

A place
Back home on a piece of land my family owns, and a creek runs through it and during winter

when it snows it is beautiful there. The creek freezes over in spots and the snow surrounds the

water. The trees around the hang over the creek have ice hanging from them that look like

crystals. The snow is one of the most pure and perfect sights you will ever see.

An activity

One activity this song brought to mind was a marching band playing their songs and perform at

half time. At the high school I attended our marching marching band would go out and perform

during halftime and to me it seemed impossible moving all around and yet making it to the exact

spot you intended without running into someone and messing up. Even though it seemed

impossible to me they always seemed to be calm and confident in what they were doing.

A dream

A dream I always have is being able to see my nana again. When I’m awake I dream about how

we could just hangout for one more day how great life would be. During night when im asleep

sometimes I dream about memories from the past that we share. I dream about riding around on

four-wheelers during the summer and cooking lunch for my family so we could all enjoy eating

together. I dream about playing cards with her one more time even though she never let me win.

I dream about seeing my best friend one more time.

A person

This song reminds me of my uncle because to me it songs like this song is relating to a journey

someone is traveling on. He has had one of the toughest journeys people go throughout but he

never gave up through it. My uncle was diagnosed with cancer which was scary for all of us but
like the song he stayed upbeat no matter what. He did not show that he was sad or scared he

stayed brave even if not all of us did. He reassured us it would all be okay; seems like it should

be the other way around, right? That’s how strong he is and after fighting for a few years he

finally beat cancer and continues to stay in remission.

Week 1 OOC

Canvas scavenger hunt

Ashley Eubank

Ms. Taylor

English 1106

25 Jan 2020

Canvas Scavenger Hunt

1) What do you need to do to receive the “Jack of All Trades” achievement?

You need to reach level 10 with all skills

2) How much XP is “Create Your Own Quest” worth?


3) How much XP do you need to reach level 10?


4) Where can you find the leaderboards?

Under leader board history page

5) What is the reward for the overachiever achievement?

5 gems and a tent

6) How many gems does one potion cost?

10 gems
7) What is the due date and time for the fieldwork half draft?

Sunday march 1 @ 11:59pm

8) What does an XP booster do?

Doubles your XP gain for the week item is redeemed; does not apply to XP from

presentation or unit quests and checkpoints

9) How many gems do you have?

10) What level are you?

Level one

11) Where can you find your skill levels?

Check current level in assignment pages

12) How do you purchase and redeem items?

Submit a text box response on your bank assignment page stating which items you want

to purchase are send the information on discord.

Week 2 IC

Issue 10 and Starting Brainstorming

Ashley Eubank

Ms. Taylor

English 1106

29 Jan 2020

My overall reaction to this reading was eye opening. I have written research papers in

high school, but I was constantly just finding information through books and databases. This
showed me there is more than one way to conduct research. A term that stuck out to me was

research proposal. This stuck out because even though I have heard it mentioned a few times I

have never done one before. Something useful for me was how they mention primary and

secondary resources and the examples contained within them. This not only allowed me to see all

my option on ways to conduct my research it gives me freedom on how I could go about it to

allow myself to have fun while researching. I have never written a proposal before.

Week 2 OOC

“Issue 10”

Ashley Eubank
Understanding Rhetoric "Issue 10: What Are Research Methods?"
     In this reading the authors go over how people do research in their daily
lives even in simple tasks they may not notice. They go over why research is
necessary to better your understanding about certain topics. They also go
into different research methods that will help you to get the most out of
research. These strategies give you different ways you can go about
conducting research from using databases or even surveying people.
     This reading will help throughout the course since we will be doing
research. This allows us to have a better understanding of ways to go about
researching. Connecting and actually understanding all the different aspects
that goes into research will not only help us in this course but in our future
when conducting research. This reading also mentions even if we don't
realize it yet we already conduct research without thinking about which helps
us realize we do have at least a slight understanding of how to research.
Week 3 IC
Rhetorical Grammar
Week 3 OOC
“Issue 9”
Ashley Eubank
Understanding Rhetoric "Issue 9"
In this reading  it is a reminder of how when writing to make sure you are
writing something that your target audience would be interested in reading.
It also reminds us that the style and format of your writing changes based on
the environment or who you are writing. For example sometimes it is
important to write formal and other times you can write relaxed and have
more freedom. In the reading it goes over the important rules, some familiar
and other not so much. They also go over common mistakes made in writing
and methods used to revise your writing.
In this reading I recognized their advice of writing for your audience and
making sure to use the write styles depending on who you are writing to
from last semester. I think the revising method was helped since even
though we have done peer reviews before it is always helpful to see other
ideas on how you could go about revising your own paper or someone else's.
The review of commas and other common parts of writing were helpful as a
“Shitty First Drafts”
Ashley Eubank
"Shitty First Drafts" by Anne Lamott
This reading shows that all people struggle writing even professional
writings. The reading gives advice on how to start writing when you are
having trouble. Anne Lamott explains how writing down all your ideas can
help you. By seeing all the options you have you can decided in what
direction you want to go in and expand it from there.
This reading helped me in realizing that I was not the only one who struggled
in writing and that this was actually very common. This is also useful since
throughout this course and in the future I will be writing so by learning these
technique I will be able to better my writing.
My current writing and revision process is pretty good I think but can always
use improvement. When starting my writing process I try to get down all
possible ideas and the deciding my path from there. Once I decide on what
exacting I will writing about I decide what structure will be best for my paper
to make it flow smoothly when being read. My peer workshop experiences
have helped me a lot as a writer. Seeing other people's perspectives on
ideas have expanded my mind. I think peer workshops are on of the most
useful methods of review.

Formal proposal Half Draft

Ashley Eubank
Ms. Taylor

English 1106

2 February 2020

Formal Proposal

Over the years social media, more specially Instagram, has moved from a more casual

atmosphere to having pressure to post pictures that fit into the “ideal” image. This means people

try to please others by their pictures instead of themselves; maybe because they feel like no one

will like their pictures unless they are pretty in society’s eyes. Why do people feel the need to

have the “perfect” or “ideal” pictures to post on Instagram? I hope this question can help people

to understand why people feel the need to perfect. I hope this makes people see the pressure they

are putting on themselves to try to be “perfect” in society’s eyes and also shows that this is a

huge issue that many people go through. I will look at data bases and different studies done to

see what the most liked pictures on Instagram are of, and I will research why people say they

think those picture types are the most liked. I will also look at data and conduct my own my

asking people do they feel pressure to have a good enough picture to post so they won’t be

criticized. I will research have why do people feel pressure, and have they ever felt they needed a

break from social media because of it. I think this method is best because hearing what people

have said and how they feel about social media will help to understand what has made the social

media platform change to be this way. I will take the data that I gather and use it to explain how

many people feel pressure from social media and why do they feel pressured. I will explain why

some people take breaks from social media and if they ever felt left out even on social media.

From all this research and the answers, they will give can allow me to answer the question of

why people feel the need to post the “ideal” pictures.

Formal proposal
Ashley Eubank

Ms. Taylor

English 1106

7 February 2020

Formal Proposal

Over the year’s social media, more specially Instagram, has moved from a more casual

atmosphere to having pressure to post pictures that fit into the “ideal” image. In society the

“ideal” Instagram pictures are in shape men and women who tend to not wear a lot of clothes. By

people being skinny or in good shape and showing their bodies this catches people’s eyes on

social media and their pictures get more likes than someone that may not be as skinny and

covering their bodies up. These images tend to have high likes and comments while and pictures

that don’t contain the “ideal” image usually do not have as much likes. People have moved from

posting casual pictures to posting pictures like the “ideal” pictures to gain more followers and

likes. People post pictures like these to go viral and become famous through the social media

platforms. This means people try to please others by their pictures instead of themselves; maybe

because they feel like no one will like their pictures unless they are pretty in society’s eyes. Why

do people feel the need to have the “perfect” or “ideal” pictures to post on Instagram?

I hope this question can help people to understand why people feel the need to perfect. I

hope this makes people see the pressure they are putting on themselves to try to be “perfect” in

society’s eyes and also shows that this is a huge issue that many people go through. I also hope

this makes people change their ways on social media and realize that people have more to them

than their bodies and that everyone is beautiful. If the platform can change to having more casual

pictures again this might allow people who lack self-confidence to gain the confidence to join
social media. This can also help people who have anxiety about their body if more people begin

to post more casual and unfiltered pictures. Collecting data that shows social media puts pressure

on a huge amount of society might change it to be a place where every picture is seen as

beautiful and not just the “ideal pictures”.

I will look at data bases and different studies done to see what the most liked pictures on

Instagram are of, and I will research why people say they think those picture types are the most

liked. I will also look at data and conduct my own my asking people do they feel pressure to

have a good enough picture to post so they won’t be criticized. I will research have why do

people feel pressure, and have they ever felt they needed a break from social media because of it.

I think this method is best because hearing what people have said and how they feel about social

media will help to understand what has made the social media platform change to be this way.

I will take the data that I gather and use it to explain how many people feel pressure from

social media and why do they feel pressured. I will explain why some people take breaks from

social media and if they ever felt left out even on social media. I will also find quantitative data

on how many people take breaks from social media. I will also conduct a polling on whether

people feel pressure from social media ideology or not.

Once receiving the data from my research, I can begin to understand how large of amount

of people feel pressures and why they feel like way. Understanding why people feel this pressure

from social media will be one of the biggest keys to understand why this platform has changed to

casual posting to people editing their pictures and trying to please others. From all this research

and interpreting the data, this will allow me to answer the question of why people feel the need

to post the “ideal” pictures.

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