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12, DECEMBER 1994 3409

The Cumulant Theory of Cyclostationary

Time-Series, Part 11: Development and Applications
Chad M. Spooner, Member, IEEE, and William A. Gardner, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract-The development of the theory of nonlinear process- a fourth-order nonlinearity can generate a sine wave with
ing of cyclostationary time-series that is initiated in the first part frequency equal to the pulse rate.
of this two-part paper is continued here in the second part. A The theory of second-order cyclostationary time-series (or
new type of cumulant for complex-valuedvariables is introduced
and used to generalize the temporal and spectral moments and second-order cyclostationarity (SOCS)) has been developed
cumulants for cyclostationary time-series from real-valued to over the last decade [lo], [ll], and has found application
complex-valued time-series. The relations between the temporal to numerous signal processing problems, such as weak-signal
and spectral moments and cumulants at the inputs and outputs detection, time-delay estimation, interference removal, system
of several signal processing operations are determined. Formu- identification. direction finding, and blind-adaptive spatial fil-
las for the temporal and spectral cumulants of complex-valued
pulse-amplitude-modulated time-series are derived. Estimators tering (see references in Part l and in [14]). The exploitation
for the temporal moments and cumulants and for the cyclic of SOCS is particularly beneficial when the time-series of
polyspectra are presented and their properties are discussed. The interest is heavily corrupted by (stationary or nonstationary)
performanceof these estimators is illustrated by several computer noise and interference. This is so because the SOCS parameters
simulation examples for pulse-amplitude-modulatedtime-series. associated with a particular cycle frequency a of such a time-
The theory is applied to the problems of weak-signal detection
and interference-toleranttime-delay estimation. series can, in principle, be reliably extracted regardless of the
amount and type of interference, provided only that neither
the noise nor the interference exhibit SOCS with the same
I. INTRODUCTION cycle frequency a. This last requirement typically means that
the time-series of interest must have a unique symbol rate,
T HIS sequel to [34] (herein referred to as Part I, which
is also in this issue) continues the development of the
theory of nonlinear processing of cyclostationary time-series.
chip rate, hop rate, frame rate, carrier frequency, or frequency
associated with some other underlying periodicity.
In order to take advantage of this property of tolerance to
It also applies this theory to the problems of weak-signal noise and interference for time-series that are cyclostationary
detection and interference-tolerant time-delay estimation. A of order n > 2, it is necessary to generalize the theory of
cyclostationary time-series is one from which finite-strength SOCS to a theory of higher order cyclostationarity (HOCS).
additive sine waves can be generated by using nonlinear The motivation and foundation for this generalization is given
transformations, but which typically does not itself contain in the first part of this two-part paper. Before continuing the
finite-strength additive sine-wave components. The minimum development of the theory, the key definitions and concepts
order of nonlinearity that is required to generate a sine wave from Part I are summarized.
is called the order of cyclostationarity of the time-series, Following the summary of Part I in Section 11, the parame-
and the frequency of a regenerated sine wave is called a ters of HOCS are generalized from real-valued time-series to
cycle frequency. For example, a suppressed-carrier amplitude- complex-valued time-series in Section 111, and in Section IV
modulated time-series is second-order cyclostationary because the effects of signal processing operations on the parameters of
a sine wave with frequency equal to twice the carrier frequency HOCS are determined. The temporal and spectral parameters
can be generated by using a squarer. As another example, a are calculated for a complex-valued PAM time-series model in
pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) time-series with positive- Section V, measurement techniques are discussed in Section
frequency bandwidth equal to half the pulse rate is fourth-order VI, and in Section VI1 the theory is applied to the problems of
cyclostationary because no nonlinearities of order less than weak-signal detection and time-delay estimation. Conclusions
four can generate a sine wave from such a time-series, but are drawn in Section VIII.

Manuscript received April 2, 1992; revised April 26, 1994. This work
was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants MIP-88- 11. KEY DEFINITIONS
12902 and MIP-91-12800, the United States Army Research Office under
contract DAAL03-91-C-O018; and E-Systems, Inc. (Greenville Division). The
associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for A. Analysis Framework
publication was Prof. JosC A. R. Fonollosa.
C. M. Spooner is with Mission Research Corporation, Monterey, CA 93940 The analysis framework that is used in this paper is the
USA. fraction-of-time (FOT) probabilistic framework, wherein the
W. A. Gardner is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, University of Califomia, Davis, CA 95616 USA. usual expectation operation E { . } is replaced by the sine-
IEEE Log Number 9406034. wave-extraction operation E { a }{ .}. The sine-wave-extraction
1053-587x/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE

operation extracts all finite-strength additive sine-wave com- are due to multiplication of sine waves associated with lower
ponents from its argument, including the sine wave with order lag products, namely, factors of L,(t, T ) , . A pure nth-
frequency equal to zero (the dc component): order sine wave is the sine-wave component of the nth-order
lag product that is left after all products of sine waves from
lower order lag products obtained by factoring the nth-order
lag product have been subtracted out. In Part I, it is shown that
where the sum of all pure nth-order sine waves for a time-series z ( t )
and a particular lag vector r is equal to the nth-order temporal
cumulant function for z ( t ) ,that is, the nth-order cumulant for
the set of variables { ~ ( t~j)}y=~ obtained by using the FOT
PDF's for z ( t ) for orders 1 through n (Part I, Section 11-B).
The operation {.} is actually an expectation operation
with respect to the FOT probability density function (PDF)
C. Time-Domain Parameters of HOCS
for g ( t ) . It is argued in Part I, and in [ I l l and [39], that the
FOT framework provides the most appropriate set of tools Both moments and cumulants are useful in characterizing
for developing a pragmatic theory of cyclostationary signals. the sine-wave components in nth-order nonlinear transforma-
However, it is not appropriate for generally nonstationary tions of cyclostationary time-series; let us start with moments.
signals, since it is based on infinite-time averages. Because the The nth-order temporal moment function (TMF) is defined to
FOT framework is dual to the stochastic process framework be the temporal expected value of the nth-order lag product
(for stationary and cyclostationary time-series), we can use all
of the notation and terminology that is associated with the
probabilistic theory of stochastic processes, such as moment,
cumulant, and characteristic function [ 131, [39].
R,(t,r), !
! era}
and can be expressed as
Z(t + Tj)
} E k""'{L~(tlT)n
( 5})

It should be emphasized that all of the results in this paper

and in Part I can be understood using stochastic process theory
provided only that the class of processes considered exhibits
appropriate ergodicity prpperties. Thus, the reader can, if he
or she wishes, interpret E{*}{.}to be the familiar stochastic where RZ ( r ) , is the nth-order cyclic temporal moment func-
expectation operation. However, it should also be emphasized tion (CTMF), which is the lag-dependent Fourier coefficient
that by avoiding the unnecessary abstraction of ensembles
that underlies the stochastic process, the FOT framework R;(r), =; )
(Rz(t,~),e-i2T"t (6)
has enabled us to develop the theory in a manner that is and is equal to
consistent with the ideas of single-data-record measurement
and application to signal processing problems involving single R,*(r)n= ( L , ( t : T ) n e - i 2 x m t )
data records, and it has resulted in our deriving the cumulant
which is taken to be its definition. The nth-order temporal
as the solution to a practically motivated problem involving
cumuluntfunction (TCF) is given by
sine-wave generation (See Part I, Section 11).
r 2) 1
B. Pure nth-Order Sine Waves
Since the aim of the present study is to characterize the
additive sine-wave components generated by nonlinearly trans- where the sum is over all distinct partitions P,, such as
forming cyclostationary time-series, it is natural to consider the {v~}E=~, of the index set {1,2,. . . n } , p is the number of

sine-wave components in nth-order lag products (elementary elements in a partition (1 5 p 5 n), nJ = IvjI,and
homogeneous nth-order polynomial transformations)

n z ( t + ~ ~ r) g, [TI-..T~]+ (3)
fiz(4G3)n3 A{"} { g, X(t +T d }
where rV3 is the vector of lags in r with indices in uJ.The nth-
of the time-series z ( t )under consideration (see Part I, Section order cyclic temporal cumulant function (CTCF) is the Fourier
11). For an nth-order cyclostationary time-series ~ ( t )the , coefficient of the TCF
C!(T), (C,(t17),e-z2~Pt ) (8)
R,*(r),2 ( L z ( t , r ) , e - i 2 r ~ t) (4)
and can be expressed in terms of lower order CTMF's by
for all a for which they are not identically zero completely using (7) in (8):
characterize the additive sine-wave components in homoge-
neous nth-order polynomial transformations of ~ ( t but
) , if z ( t )
also exhibits lower order cyclostationarity (order lower than
n), then the lag product L,(t,r), can contain sine waves that (9)

In (9), a is a vector of y cycle frequencies [a1. . . aP]and 1 and can be expressed as

is the vector of ones. The CTCF corresponds to the strength
(magnitude and phase) of the pure nth-order sine wave with Sz(f)n = c 3 : ( f ’ ) n 6 ( f ’ l - a ) . f’ = [ f l . - . f n - l l t
frequency /3 in the lag product L,(t, T ) ~It. can be shown that Q
the nth-order TMF is related to TCF’s of orders less than or where
equal to n by
(f‘)* is the nth-order reduced-dimension spectral
moment function (RD-SMF)

%(t17)n = ]
s;(& (10)
in which F L Pdenotes
L F-l{R;(u)n}
( n - 1)th-order Fourier transformation.

from which The nth-order spectral cumulant function (SCF) is defined by

R,a(T)n = 1
P T L [
rI c2 (Tu3 In, ] (I1)
Px(f)n ii ;irnE, (f)n

r P
can be deduced.
As shown in Part I, the following two reduced-dimension
and can be expressed as
(RD) functions play a central role in the theory

RD-CTMF: R ~ ( Ud- )( ~z ( t ) n

~ ( t1 ~ ~
) e - ~ ~ ~ ~
Pz(f)n =
~ D
~ ! ( f W ( f + l- P ) (19)

u = [uy7Ln-l]t (12)
where Pt(
f’)n is the nth-order cyclic polyspectrum (CP),
which is defined by
RD-CTCF: C : ( U ) ~ C!([u O])n. (13)
F!(f’)n 2 3n-l{c:(u)n}. (20)
In general, the RD-CTMF is not integrable with respect
to U, whereas the RD-CTCF is for a large class of time- In (18), the vector of frequencies f, consists of the elements
series models of practical interest, and the RD-CTCF is of f with indices in the partition element vJ. The following
signal selective, whereas the RD-CTMF is not (see Part I, formal relations are useful in subsequent sections of the paper:
Section 11-C). Specifically, if ~ ( tconsists
) of the sum of M
statistically independent time-series sJ( t ) , J”{R,”(T),} = S , ” ( f ’ ) n 6 ( f t l - a) (21)
AI 3”{C!(T),} = P!(f’)nb(f+l- P). (22)
z ( t )= s,(t) The CP is the only generally well-behaved spectral char-
J=l acterization of HOCS; the other functions are typically im-
then pulsive, and can even contain products of impulses. For
a time-series x ( t ) that is stationary of order n, we have
p!(f’)m 0 for /3 # 0 and ni 5 71. If ~ ( tcan ) be viewed as
a sample path of a cycloergodic stationary stochastic process,
and if /3 is an nth-order (pure) cycle frequency that is unique then P:(f’)n is equivalent (with probability one) to the
to s k ( t ) then conventional nth-order polyspectrum for the process [ 11431,
[26], [27], [29]. However, if the cycloergodicity assumption
C!(.,n = (7)n. does not hold, then the CP p:(f’)n can differ from the
polyspectrum for the process for almost every sample path. In
D. Frequency-Domain Parameters of HOCS this case, both parameters are well-defined, but single-record
The spectral parameters of HOCS are defined in Part I in estimation of the polyspectrum for the stochastic process is
terms of the complex envelopes not possible. A common way to (inadvertently or otherwise)
destroy cycloergodicity is to phase-randomize a process. By
introducing random phase variables into a stochastic model,
a stationary process can be obtained that has cyclostationary
of narrowband spectral components of the time-series ~ ( tat)n sample paths. This is illustrated with a numerical example in
frequencies. The spectral parameters are characterized by the Section VI-C (other examples are given in [39]).
Fourier transforms of the temporal parameters, as is evident
in the following summary. The nth-order spectral moment 111. COMPLEX-VALUED
function (SMF) is defined by
To allow for arbitrary conjugations in the lag product of a
complex-valued time-series ~ ( t we
) , use the notation

L,(t, T)n = nn

(t + TJ)
d*)J (23)

where ( * ) j is either a conjugation * or nothing, that is, (*)] is x ( * ) ~+

( t T ] ) , we obtain
an optional conjugation of the j t h factor x ( t ~ j ) For. each
of the 2n different choices of conjugations in (23) we define
the CTMF by

and its reduced-dimension counterpart by = x p ( t ,(-)jfj)

where ( - ) j is the optional minus sign associated with the
optional conjugation (* ) j . We can express the SMF for { y; ( t +
as in Part I for real time-series. The chosen notation does not ~ i ) } in terms of X ~ ( t , fby
indicate the number or placement of the optional conjugations. I n \
This is done to avoid further complications to an already
complicated notation.
In general, the 2n functions R ~ ( Tare ) ~distinct. This is
immediately clear in the case of n = 2, where we have which is not identically zero only if f t i = a, where a is an
nth-order cycle frequency for the set { x ( * ) 3( t T~)}:=~.
We can construct the RD-CTCF in the same manner as
in Part I for real-valued time-series, that is, by combining
lower order CTMF's. However, this requires the introduction
of a new type of cumulant for complex-valued variables, as
explained in Appendix A. The CP is the ( n - 1)-dimensional
Fourier transform of the RD-CTCF, and is not identically zero
For real time-series these four functions are equivalent. For only if f t 1 = p where /3 is a pure nth-order cycle frequency
complex-valued time-series they are not and, instead, the +
for { x ( * ) ~ ( tT~)}:=~.Just as in the case of the SMF (26),
following relations hold: the SCF can be thought of as the limit (as T -+ 03) of the
joint simple cumulant of the set {Y,,(t. f,)}@l. Thus, the CP
for the set { Z ( * ) J(t T~)}:=~ is characterized by the limit (as
T -+ 00) of the cumulant of the set {X$)2(t,(-)jfJ)}y=l,
analogous to the characterization for real-valued time-series
For certain complex-valued signal types and certain values in Part I, Section 111.
of n, the cycle frequency sets that are associated with some
choices of conjugations can be disjoint, as illustrated in [ 1 I] for
the case of n =2. For many complex-valued communication
signal models, the choice of no conjugations yields cycle In this section, we obtain input-output relations for the
frequencies that are related to the carrier frequency (or carrier higher order moments and cumulants of time-series subjected
offset), whereas the choice of n / 2 conjugations (for n even) to various signal processing operations, including addition,
yields cycle frequencies related to the pulse rate. multiplication, periodic time-sampling, and convolution. The
For an arbitrary collection of time-series translates { y ; ( t+ derived relations can be useful in the calculation of higher
T ~ ) } : = ~the
, cross (or joint) CTMF is defined by order parameters of modulated signals if such signals can be
represented as a series of operations on a simpler signal for
which the higher order parameters are known or can be easily

A. Addition
and the cross SMF is given by
Let ~ ( be
t ) equal to the sum of two statistically independent
I n \ time-series z ( t ) and y(t)

z ( t ) = .(t> + .y(t).
By analogy with the analysis in Section 111 of Part I for In this case, the TCF for ~ ( tis)given by (cf. Part I, Section 11)
real-valued time-series, (25) is not identically zero only if
fti = E,"=, ,fJ = (2, where (Y is an nth-order cycle frequency
C z ( t , T ) n= C z ( t , ~ ) n C , ( t ; ~ ) n
of { ~ ~ ( t ) } y = (i.e.,
~ only if (24) is not identically zero as which implies that the CTCF is given by
a function of 7 for this a ) , in which case (25) is the 71-
dimensional Fourier transform of (24). Choosing !/J ( t 7 j ) = CZP(7)n= cmn + C,"(T),,

and that the RD-CTCF is given by +

and CTCF for { ~ ( t ~ j ) } y = ~ can be constructed by using
(7), (8), and (28) or (29). The SMF can be obtained from (28)
C$(?b)TI ct(?b)?L + ct(u)IL. using the convolution theorem for the Fourier transform
The CP is, therefore, given by

P:(f/)Tl= P $ ( f / ) r +
L F;(f’)n. (27)
No equally simple additive relations hold in general for the which is a joint continuous and discrete convolution. No
CTMF and SMF. The result (27) can be extended by induction equally simple input-output relations hold for the CTCF and
to the case in which z ( t ) consists of the sum of M statistically CP if both x ( t ) and y(t) are random. If one of these time-
independent time-series. series, say x ( t ) , is nonrandom (which in the FOT framework
means it is constant, periodic, or polyperiodic [ 111, [ I3]), then
B. Product Modulation its lag product is identically equal to its TMF
Let the time-series ~ ( tbe) the product of two statistically Rz(t,T)n= &{“’{Lz(t,T)n}= L J t 1T)n.
independent time-series ~ ( tand) y(t)
In this case, there is a simple formula for the temporal and
Z(t) = ..(t)y(t).
spectral moments and cumulants for ~ ( t ) :
The statistical independence ([I I], [ 131, Section I of Part I) of
~ ( tand
) y(t) implies that
r f w
k=l I

Ik = l

Because ~ ( tis )nonrandom, the product of lower order TMF’s

for x ( t ) is equal to the nth-order TMF for x ( t ) for every
for all values of rL,rrL,T, and ‘U. The TMF ( 5 ) for z ( t ) is
partition and can, therefore, be factored out of the sum
therefore given by
c z ( t , ~ )=
n Lz(t>T)nCy(t,T)n
= Rr(tr~)nCy(t,~)n

Thus, in the special case where ~ ( tis )nonrandom (constant,

periodic, or polyperiodic), the formulas (28)-(30) hold with
R,, S,, R,, S, replaced by C,, P,, C y ,Py, respectively.

C. Linear Time-Invariant Filtering

= R,(t,T),RY(tJ),. Let z ( t ) be equal to a filtered version of x ( t )
Using (lo), we can represent the TMF in terms of CTMF’s

Z(t) = h(A)x(t- A)dA

where the impulse-response function h ( . ) is assumed to be
absolutely integrable. It is easy to show that the CTMF for
{ ~ ( t T ~ ) } : = is~ given by
which implies that the CTMF for { ~ ( t T ~ ) } Y = is
~ given by
R:(T), = ( R z ( t 3 ~ ) n e - L 2 X U t )
A a [A, . ‘ ‘ AT,]+.
Assuming that it exists, the SMF can be obtained by using the
1 RE-? ( 7 1 %(~7 );r z (29) convolution theorem for the Fourier transform and is given by

which is a discrete convolution, where CY - ‘r/ is equal to only rn 1

nth-order cycle frequencies for y( t ) in (28), and a - y is equal
to only nth-order cycle frequencies for .z;(t) in (29). The TCF 1

where is the Kronecker delta function. Thus, the RD-SMF for ~ ( t )

is given by


is the transfer function for the filter. The input-output relation

(31) is intuitively pleasing since the effect of filtering ~ ( t ) (34)
is to scale the spectral component in z ( t ) with frequency v Because y ( t ) is periodic, the cumulant for { z ( t + T~)};=~is
by the complex number H ( v ) . Thus, the individual spectral given by (cf. Section IV-B)
components that are averaged to form the SMF are each scaled
by the appropriate value H ( f j ) . It follows from (7) and (18) C z ( t , T ) n= Ry(trT)nC.r(t.T)n
that the effects of filtering on the CTCF and the CP are given
and, therefore, the analysis above for the RD-SMF holds also
for the RD-CTCF


and for the CP

r 1

The formulas (34) and (35) show that there are two kinds of
aliasing effects due to sampling: (i) frequency aliasing, which
is the overlapping of images of the CP (RD-SMF) with the
D. Periodic Time-Sampling
same cycle frequency which occurs when y = 0 (y = a )
Let z ( t ) be the product of an impulse train and the time- in the sum and, (ii) cycle aliasing, which is the overlapping
series ~ ( t ) of images of the CP (RD-SMF) with cycle frequencies other
than ,i?(a).


A. Ciimulant Formulas for Complex PAM

where T, is the sampling increment, and fs = l / T s is
the sampling rate. Since g ( i ) is periodic it is statistically In this section, we present the higher order parameters
independent of ~ ( t )and
, the results of Section IV-B can be for complex-valued and, as a special case, real-valued pulse-
used to find the nth-order parameters for z ( t ) . amplitude-modulated (PAM) signals, which provide useful
The nth-order RD-CTMF for ~ ( tis) given by (cf. Section models for the classes of digital baseband and quadrature-
IV-B) amplitude-modulated (QAM) signals. The PAM time-series is
given by

By using the formal identity

00 c1s
where {a,,,} is an independent and identically distributed (IID)
6 ( t - VlT,) = f s symbol sequence, 1/To is the symbol rate (or pulse rate), t o
m=-m ,n=-m
is an unknown constant that represents the absolute timing
it is straightfonvard to show that the RD-CTMF for y(t) is of the waveform, and p ( t ) is the pulse function with Fourier
given by transform given by P ( f )

P ( f )= p(t)eCi2%t.

where It is desired to calculate the CTCF and CP for { x ( * )(Jt +

m2 [ml . . .171,,]t m/ A [ 7 r L l . . . 71Ln-1]t
73 ) >J”=1.
The higher order cumulants for PAM time-series can be
and derived by using the results of Section IV, as sketched here.
The cumulants for arbitrary PAM signals can be derived from
1, 2 = 0 the cumulants for PAM signals that have rectangular pulses (or
).(. =
0, s # 0 any other real-valued pulse shape with duration not exceeding

the reciprocal of the symbol rate). These latter cumulants can Inverse Fourier transforming (41) yields the RD-CTCF for
be shown [35] to be given by (for to = 0) PAM:
C,P(?& = $-
can / -W

where Ca,nis the nth-order cumulant of the symbol sequence,

and is given by

B. Real-valued Binary PAM

In the case of binary symmetric real PAM, the symbols take
on the values f l with equal FOT probability. For n = 2 , the
in which cumulant for the symbol variables is
1 ca.2 = 1.
lirri (38)
Ra,u, K+ix:

2K + 1 k=-K qEv, Therefore, the second-order RD-CTCF is given by

The RD-CTCF and CP follow directly from (37):
~ , " ( u >=, J-w p(t)p(t+u)e-"2""tdt ezz~pto. p =k / ~ ~
C:(aln = ca,n lI_pit)
O0 n +

p(t u 3 ) e - z 2 r ~ t d t(39)
and the second-order CP is given by

P:(f')n = C""P(P
- Itf')

P(f3) (40) Pf(f)2= -P(P
- f)P(f)ez2T"o

which for p = 0 reduces to the well-known formula for the

where /3 = k / T o . PSD of a unity-power PAM signal
An arbitrary PAM time-series (36) can be represented as a
filtered impulse train ~ ( t ) : 1
W ) 2 = ~I~(f)lZ.
x ( t ) = a ( t )@ p ( t +to) For n = 4, the cumulant for the symbol variables is given by
where @ represents the convolution operation, and u ( t ) is a
PAM signal of the type just analyzed, but with pulses equal Ca,4 = Ra,4 - 3R:,Z - 4Ra,3Ra,l + 12Ra.~R:,, - 6R%,,
to impulses. The cyclic cumulants and cyclic polyspectra for = Ra.4 - 3R:,2 = - 2
~ ( tcan
) be determined by using the results in Section IV-C
to determine the effect of filtering on these cyclic parameters. where Ra.k is given by
The CP for u ( t ) follows from (40) with P ( f ) = 1:

The effect of filtering the time-series U( t ) is easily determined Thus, the fourth-order RD-CTCF is given by
by using (33) with the filter transfer function

~ ( f=) / 03

p(t + tO)e-i2Kftdt = P(f)ezznfto.

The magnitude of this function for u3 = 0 is shown in Figs. 1

Thus, the nth-order CP for x(t) is given by
and 2 for p = 0 and /3 = l/To for two different pulse shapes.
The pulse shape for Fig. 1 is rectangular:

and the pulse shape for Fig. 2 is the inverse transform of the
which reduces to the following simpler form for real-valued bandlimited pulse transform

which is sin(.irt/To)/.irt.

for 71 = 2 and the choice of no conjugations (or for two

conjugations) Cu,2= 0, and for the choice of one conjugation,
Cu,2 = 1, but because of (45), the RD-CTCF is zero:

S__p(t)p*(t + u)e-i2"otdt

p ( f ) p * (-
f p)e-wUdfei2+
/3 = k/To, k
= 0,

# 0.
Nevertheless, this PAM signal exhibits fourth-order cyclosta-
tionarity for two choices of conjugations. In the first case, there
are no conjugations and therefore

Ca,4 = R a . 4 - 3 R 2 ~- 4Ra,3Ra,1+ 12Ra,ZR?,,- GR;.,

= Ra,4 - 3R2>2= Ra,4= 1

which implies that

Fig. 1. Surface and contour plots for the magnitude of the ideal fourth-order
p = k/To.
RD-CTCF for binary PAM with full-duty-cycle rectangular pulses for
~ 1 . ~ E 2[-2T0,2To) and 113 = 0. Upper plots correspond to J = 0, In the second case, two variables are conjugated, that is, the
lower plots correspond to 3; = 1/To. set of variables under consideration is

{z(t + 7-1) z(t + T2) z*(t+ T3) x*(t + n)}.

In this case, the cumulant for the symbol variables simplifies
to Cu,4= -1, and the cumulant for the PAM time-series is
given by

C!3U)4 = 2

To -m
P * ( t ) P ( t + 'ILl)P(t + .2)

x p*(t+ u3)e-i2+jt ei2.iroto > P = VTo.

Note, however, that a different symbol distribution (e.g.,
uniform over the 8th roots of unity) could render Ca,4= 0 in
both of the preceding cases, but some higher order cumulant
(e.g., n = 8) would be nonzero.

The measurement (estimation) of HOCS parameters from a
single finite-length data record is considered in this section.
This study is motivated by the need for such estimates that is
demonstrated by the applications discussed in Section VII.
As explained in considerable detail in [ I l l , the FOT-
probability framework for the theory of cyclostationarity arises
Fig. 2. Surface and contour plots for the magnitude of the ideal fourth-order
RD-CTCF for binary PAM with zero-excess-bandwidth Nyquist pulses for
naturally when we conceptually start our inquiry with practical
(11. 11% E [--2T0,2Tg) and 213 = 0. Upper plots correspond to / j = 0, lower measurements and then idealize these measurements by letting
plots correspond to 0 = I/To. measurement times approach infinity and, where relevant,
letting spectral resolution bandwidths approach zero. These
C. Complex-Valued Quatemury PAM idealized measurements are the statistical parameters in terms
of which the theory is formulated. These parameters include
Consider the complex PAM signal (36) with symbol constel- FOT probability densities, and the various temporal and spec-
lation {kl,Ai} (equally probable), and a pulse with transform tral parameters of HOCS. Thus, it is quite obvious that the
given by (45). This is a model for the complex envelope of a practical measurements can be interpreted as estimates of the
bandwidth-efficient quaternary-phase-shift-keyed (QPSK) sig- idealized statistical parameters of the theory, which can be
nal. This signal has no second-order cyclostationarity because obtained only in the limit.

The measurement problem as formulated here may be and f,, is a vector of the first nJ - 1 elements of f,, . To
somewhat confusing for the reader indoctrinated in statistical derive (47), it is assumed (without loss of generality) that each
inference for stochastic processes because here the theoretical partition is ordered such that vp always contains n as its last
parameters to be measured are all mathematically defined in element in (46), and (21) is used to transform each of the
terms of a single infinite-length time-series, whereas the esti- CTMF’s in the products in the sum over P, in (46), except for
mation problem formulated in the classical theory of statistical the one with reduced dimension (corresponding to the partition
inference involves using a single finite-length data-record to element up). for which (17) is used.
estimate a theoretical parameter that is mathematically defined It is clear that S t ( f ’ ) n is equal to p$(f’)n only if the
in terms of an associated stochastic process-an abstraction sum over P, in (47) is zero, which will happen if one or
that cannot be derived by any form of idealization of actual more of the impulse functions is zero for each partition. This
measurement on a single time-series. Although the estimation will be the case for all f’ except those that lie on a (1-
methods described here can be viewed as the result of “backing submanifold. The P-submanifolds are the sets of f vectors
off’ from the limits that define the theoretical parameters, and for which there is at least one partition with p > 1 for which
then manipulating the resulting expressions to derive various there is at least one cy in (47) such that the argument of each
estimators, they can alternatively be thought of in conjunction associated impulse function is zero, in which case that impulse
with a cycloergodic stochastic process (cf. Section I-C of is nonzero. Another way to express the P-submanifold set is:
Part I), in which case the measurements are interpreted as f’ lies on a P-submanifold if the augmented vector (48) can
estimators of the parameters of this stochastic process. be partitioned such that the sum of the fJ in each subset vector
Measurement of the polyspectrum for strictly stationary f U k corresponding to the partition element vk is an nkth-order

stochastic processes is considered in detail in 131, [30],[29], cycle frequency for x ( t )( n k = Ivkl). This latter expression can
and [38], and to some extent estimation of the CP is similar. be derived by forcing equality between the SMF and SCF. By
Because a natural first step (for the reader familiar with examining (46) and (47), we see that moments and cumulants
the HOS literature) in constructing estimators for HOCS in both the time and frequency domains differ if there are lower
parameters is to generalize this work on stationary processes order cycle frequencies, whose orders sum to n, that sum to the
to cyclostationary time-series, it is important to understand nth-order cycle frequency of interest. It is important to note
the estimation methods outlined in these references. This that the function S t ( f ’ ) nis not impulsive at a value of f’ that
requires an understanding of the conditions under which the lies on a P-submanifold unless all the lower order coefficients
RD-SMF is equal to the CP because the methods of [3], S:’ (fLJ ,) of the impulses are themselves nonzero.
[30], and [29] use estimates of the RD-SMF to estimate the If ~ ( tis)strictly stationary, then the set of mth-order cycle
polyspectrum. It should be emphasized that it is not desirable frequencies is either the null set or {(I} for each m, and our
to estimate the RD-SMF over its entire domain of definition condition for equality between the the RD-SMF and CP (for
because it is generally impulsive, and can contain products of N = p = 0) is that there does not exist any proper subset of
impulses. However, it is desired to estimate the simpler RD- the elements of the vector
SMF wherever it is equal to the CP, because it is the CP that
we are interested in. f = [ f l fz . ’ .f T L k - 1 - 1+PI
The conditions for equality between the RD-SMF and the such that the frequencies in this subset sum to zero, which
CP can be determined by expressing the RD-CTMF in terms is exactly the condition stated in (291 for the equality of the
of the RD-CTCF and lower order CTMF’s (cf. (9)) stochastic RD-SMF and polyspectrum for a strictly stationary
stochastic process.
R:(T), = C!(T),, -
( - 1 ) q p - l)! The method of estimating the polyspectrum for strictly
stationary processes that is proposed in [3] and [29] is based
on the higher order periodogram defined by
x ir.xTu.:?l,] (46) 11 -1

where T = [ul. . . u,-1 Oli, and Fourier transforming in the

uJ variables to obtain The idea is to smooth this function over the n - 1 vari-
ables f’ with an ( n - 1)-dimensional window IV(f’) while
S , J ( f ’ ) n = ej(f’)n
Pp#f7l Ik(P)
at 1 = , 3
s;qfvpInp avoiding the inclusion of values of I&. ( t .f ‘), for f’ that lie
on a 0-submanijold. It is shown in [29] that this method
is asymptotically unbiased and consistent provided that the

x ns? (f*, nut,


In, 1-01 ] (47)
window function, which depends on the data-length T and on
71, satisfies certain conditions related to its rate of decay. This
frequency-smoothing method is also presented in Priestley ’s
book [30].However, Priestley does not force the smoothing
where k ( p ) = ( - l ) p - l ( p - l)!,the f,, correspond to subsets
of the the n-vector window to be zero on the 0-submanifolds. His single example
of the method uses a zero-mean time-series and n = 3, in
f = [fi f 2 . . . f n - 1 P - l’f’] (48) which case there are no 0-submanifolds to avoid.

In [ 2 ] , [3], and [29], the measurement parameter T is cou- 0.7 I 8

pled with the width of the window W(f'). In the approaches 0.6
for estimating the CP discussed in this paper, the width of the
spectral smoothing window is a parameter that is decoupled 0.5
from the data-length parameter T . That is, in the methods 0.4
for estimating the frequency-domain parameters of the RD-
SMF and CP, two independent measurement parameters are 0.3

explicitly used: the frequency-smoothing window width Af 0.2

and the data length T . This is consistent with the theory
of second-order cyclostationarity in [ 1I], and is appropriate
because in actual measurement situations, the operator should n
-15 - 10 -5 0 5 10 15
be able to choose T and Af independently. U
Before generalizing the frequency-smoothing technique to
the case of the cyclic polyspectrum, we first consider mea- Fig. 3. Fourth-order RD-CTCF's for binary PAM with full-duty-cycle rect-
angular pulses for U = [0 0 U ] , :? = 1/To, and SNR = 0 dB: (a) Theory;
surement of the time-domain moments and cumulants. Then (b) T = 512To; (c) T = 2048To (To = 8).
we present several estimators of the CP. All measurement
methods considered here, except for the frequency-smoothing
The estimator for the CTCF is given by the combination of
technique, were obtained by generalizing from order n = 2 to
lower order CTMF estimates specified by (8):
'ri > 2 and from moments to cumulants the methods proposed
in [ 1 11. The frequency-smoothing method could also have been r
obtained by generalizing the corresponding method from [ 1 I]
but, in fact, was obtained by generalizing the method of [2]
and [3].

A . Time-Domain Parameters
We are given the finite-length portion .(U) : U E [t - where the second sum is over all vectors a = [a1. . . of
T / 2 , t + T/2] of a persistent time-series. This portion has cycle frequencies with orders n1 . . . rip that sum to p: at1 =
length T and center t, and can be expressed as
p. Since each CTMF estimate converges to its theoretical
parameter, we have the following convergence (assuming that
x ( u ) rect [ U - t the possibly infinite but denumerable sum over a can be
interchanged with the limit)

rect(t) 1, It1 I 1/2 In order to construct the estimate (50), all lower order cycle
0, JtI > l/2. frequencies for z ( t )must be known or estimated; an algorithm
The nth-order lag product for this segment is given by for estimating these frequencies is described in Section VII.
n To estimate the RD-CTMF and RD-CTCF, we set T =
L,, (U, t , ~=) ~ .c(u
~ + TJ)rect [rul . . . u,-1 01 in (49) and (50), respectively.
The mean and variance of the estimator (49), derived in
[ 3 5 ] ,are given in Appendix B.
The estimator for the CTMF R:(T),, is I ) Examples: Consider the PAM signal (36) with full-duty-
cycle rectangular pulses (44), To = 8, and a sequence of binary
L X 1( U . t , T ) , e - Z * ~ a ~ d U . (fl) symbols that occur with equal probability. A portion
of the theoretical fourth-order RD-CTCF for this signal is
which can be expressed as shown in Fig. 1 . To verify the correctness of the estimators
of the CTMF and CTCF, we simulate this signal and use
discrete-time versions of the estimators (49) and (50) to obtain
estimates. Fig. 3 shows the theoretical and measured fourth-
order RD-CTCF for 0 = 1/To for the PAM signal described
where tl = t - T / 2 - niiri{Tj}, t u = t T / 2 - rnax{.r,}, and
above in white Gaussian noise (WGN) such that the signal and
tu 2 tl. If tu < tl, the estimate is defined to be zero because
noise have equal power. These RD-CTCF's were estimated
in this case the delays are so widely separated that the shifted
using the second-order cycle frequencies k / T o for 1k.l 5 3.
data segments do not overlap. The estimate (49) converges to
Contributions from cycle frequencies k / T , for Ikl > 3 were
the theoretical CTMF
found to be negligible. A reasonable estimate is obtained for
an observation interval length T of 512 symbols, and a good
estimate is obtained for T = 2048 symbols.
since R:(T),, is dejined to be the pointwise limit of Fig. 4 shows the same measurements for a binary PAM
(t.T),L. signal with Nyquist pulses that have 0% excess bandwidth

0.6 1 I I

The multidimensional window w l / ~ f ( ucan ) be replaced

by any function with finite support in ( n - 1)-dimensional
Euclidean space such that its Fourier transform converges
0 ’ I (formally) to a product of Dirac delta functions:
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Fig. 4. Fourth-order RD-CTCF’s for binary PAM with Nyquist pulses having Af-0
lirn ~ ~ - ‘ { w ~ / A f (=u ) } ~ ( f , ) .
zero excess bandwidth for U = [0 0 , I I ] , ;3 = l/To. and SNR = 0 dB: (a) ,=1
Theory; (b) T = 1024T0; ( c ) T = 4096T0 (To = 8).
The CP can also be estimated by first constructing the nth-
order cyclic periodogrum
1.4 I I

n x$’qt,
f & ( t , f ’ ) a LX$’”(t, ( - ) n [ / 3- Itf’]) (-)jfj)
’’ - T J=1

0.8 c 1 = F‘”-l{R:,(t,u)n}

masking it by a special function Z f l ( f ’ ) ,and then convolving


with a multidimensional smoothing window [3 I], [32], [ 191,
0.4 171, W I :

er(6 f)Af = Wdf’)@ [eT
(t, f’)nza(f’)] ‘ (53)

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 In (53), Z ” ( f ’ ) is equal to one except at those f’ that lie on

P-submanifolds, in which case it is equal to zero. The vector
Fig. 5. Fourth-order RD-CTCF and RD-CTMF estimates for the sum of two
equipower PAM signals (,r = S I + “ 2 ) with full-duty-cycle rectangular pulses
[ g .~. . y,], for y, = [j - CTzl g 3 , lies on a [hubmanifold
if there is at least one partition {.V~}Y=~ in P, with p > 1
having symbol rates ;jl and ) 3 ~ for , cycle frequency ;)I, U = [0 0 U ] , and
T = 204STo: (a) RD-CTCF for .SI ( t ) ;(b) RD-CTCF for . r ( t ) ;(c) RD-CTMF such that each sum f f k = xkEv, y k is an n,th-order cycle
for . s l ( t ) ;(d) RD-CTMF for .r(t) (;jl = 1/To = 1 / S . & = 1/5). frequency of ~ ( t(for ) the set of optional conjugations that are
chosen). As mentioned previously, these ,&submanifolds must
(45). A portion of the theoretical fourth-order RD-CTCF for be avoided in the convolution (53) because the smoothed nth-
this signal is shown in Fig. 2 . The only lower order cycle order cyclic periodogram converges to the function s!(
frequency for this signal is CY = 0 for n = 2. A much larger which can contain multiple impulsive factors for values of
value of T is required to obtain a reasonable estimate for this f’ that lie on P-submanifolds, but which, for all other f’,is
signal. equal to the nonimpulsive function p! ( f’),. These impulses
Finally, Fig. 5 shows the fourth-order RD-CTMF and are avoided in the method (51) because the additive sine-
RD-CTCF for the sum of two equipower full-duty-cycle wave components in the U variables of the RD-CTMF estimate
rectangular-pulse PAM signals with distinct symbol interval @ ( t , u ) , are removed in forming the RD-CTCF estimate
lengths of 8 and 5. The cycle frequency is = 1/8, and the C!T(t>u)n, and it is these additive sine waves that give rise
lower order cycle frequencies are those corresponding to the to the (smoothed) spectral lines in the transform I!T (t?f’),
first signal, lc/8 for llcl 5 3 for 71 = 2, because these are the of R& (t,a),. This transform relation ( 5 2 ) is a generalization
only lower order cycle frequencies that can add to the cycle of the cyclic periodogram-correlogram relation introduced in
frequency of the measurement, 1/8. This figure shows that [ l 11 from R = 2 to all n.
the RD-CTCF is signal selective, whereas the RD-CTMF is There are several difficulties associated with this frequency-
not. That is, if the symbol rate is known, the measured RD- smoothing method. The first is that although the impulsive
CTCF asymptotically approaches the theoretical RD-CTCF for parts of the RD-SMF are avoided by the smoothing operation,
the signal of interest, but the measured RD-CTMF does not there can be substantial leakage from the impulses into nearby
approach the theoretical RD-CTMF for the signal of interest. regions in f’,which are exactly the regions used to compute
This confirms the theory regarding signal selectivity given in the CP estimate for f’ that are on the /I-submanifolds. This can
Section IV. be seen by considering the simple case of n = 2. If the data
contains additive finite-strength sine wave components, then
B. Estimating the Cyclic Polyspectrum the spectrum contains impulses. To estimate the continuous
As explained in [35], the CP can be estimated by Fourier portion of the spectrum at a point where there is an impulse
transforming a windowed estimate of the RD-CTCF: due to the discrete portion of the spectrum is problematic when

using frequency smoothing because of leakage. This leakage 500

problem is discussed further and is illustrated with numerical
examples in Section VI-B-2. This leakage problem, which is 400
common knowledge for n = 2, is not mentioned in [ 2 ] , [3],
or [30] for the case of stationary stochastic processes, nor in 300
[ 191 or [71 for the case of cyclostationary stochastic processes.
In addition to the leakage problem, the frequency-smoothed 200
cyclic periodogram method is computationally costlier than
the Fourier transformed RD-CTCF method (51) for n > 2, 100
even when there are no ,&submanifolds to avoid [35] This is
surprising since the opposite is known to be true for 71 = 2 . n
-0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Finally, the CP can be estimated for values o f f ’ that do not f
lie on p-submanifolds by time-averaging the masked higher
order cyclic periodogram Fig. 6. The fourth-order CP from (54) for binary PAM with full-duty-cycle
rectangular pulses, f‘ = [1/32 1/64 f],9 = 1 / 7 0 . Af = l/8T0, and SNR
= 0 dB: (a) Theory, (b) T = 512T0,(c) T = 2O48T0 (To = 8).

1200 r 1

Unlike the frequency-smoothing method, the time-averaging
method cannot produce estimates of the CP for frequencies f’
that lie on P-submanifolds without modification. An example 400
of such a modification to (54) is to compute estimates of the
CP for values of f’ that are near to the P-submanifolds, and 200
then use interpolation to estimate the value of the CP for the
f’ that are on the P-submanifolds. -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
The three methods of estimating the CP converge to the I
theoretical CP [35] in the sense that Fig. 7. The fourth-order CP from (54) for binary PAM with Nyquist
pulses having zero excess bandwidth, f ‘ = 11/32 1/32 f ] , fl = l / T o ,
Af = 1/8To, and SNR = 0 dB. (a) Theory, (h) T = 5122’0, (c)
T = 409CTO (To = 8).
of Af =1/64. The lower order cycle frequencies used to
It is worth pointing out that the three estimators of the compute the 0-submanifold points are k/To = k / 8 for )kl 5 3
CP presented in this section each reduce to a well-known for I L = 2; cycle frequencies equal to higher harmonics of
estimator of the PSD for the case of n = 2 and zero- the symbol rate ( J k J > 3) can be neglected because they
mean stationary signals. Specifically, ( 5 1) reduces to the correspond to cyclic features that are relatively small. There
Blackman-Tukey method (Fourier transformation of a tapered are eight P-submanifo!d points in the specified domain of the
autocorrelation estimate), (53) reduces to the Wiener-Daniel1 estimate; these points are marked on the graph. The output of
method (frequency smoothing of the periodogram), and (54) the estimator is definzil (arbitrarily) to be zero at these points.
reduces to the Bartlett-Welch method (time-averaging of the Note that linear interpolation would yield good estimates of
periodogram) ([l I], Chapter 6). Similarly, each of the esti- the CP for the ,@submanifold points in the main lobe in Fig. 6.
mators of the CP can be considered as a generalization of The theoretical and measured fourth-order cyclic polyspec-
estimators of the cyclic spectruni from second-order to higher tra for the case of binary PAM with Nyquist pulses having 0%
orders ([lll, Chapter 13). Finally, the estimators (51) and excess bandwidth are shown in Fig. 7 (cf. Figs. 2 and 4). The
(53) are generalizations of estimators of the polyspectrum that measurement parameters are the same as in the previous case,
were proposed by Brillinger and Rosenblatt [ll-[3], [29] from except that there is only one lower order cycle frequency:
stationary stochastic processes to cyclostationary time-series. rr = 0 for n = 2 . Thus, there are no B-submanifolds for
I ) Examples: The fourth-order CP is estimated by the time- 13 = 1/T0 = 118.
averaging method (54) for the same signals and noises used Finally, the CP for the case of the sum of two equipower
to obtain the estimates of the RD-CTCF and RD-CTMF in PAM signals with full-duty-cycle rectangular pulses, having
Figs. 3-5. distinct symbol rates 118 and 115 for p = 118 is shown in
The theoretical and measured fourth-order cyclic polyspec- Fig. 8 (cf. Fig. 5). The lower order cycle frequencies used to
tra for the case of binary PAM with full-duty-cycle rectangular compute the P-submanifold points are k / 8 for lkl 5 3 for
pulses in WGN for [j = 111; are shown in Fig. 6. The 11 = 2.
data segment length used to form the fourth-order cyclic 2) Leakage from P-Submanllfolds: A leakage effect exists
periodogram is 64, which results in a frequency resolution in the method (53) that is due to the smearing of the im-
342 1

500, I
1 I

-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -05 -04 -03 -02 -01 0 01 02 03 04 05
f f
Fig. 8. Fourth-order CP from (54) for the sum of two equipower PAM Fig. 9. Estimates of the fourth-order CP for binary PAM with full-duty-cycle
signals (n. = .SI +
.sa) with full-duty-cycle rectangular pulses, having rectangular pulses for d = l/To, a collect time of 2922’0, and f’ E S I .The
symbol rates ;jl and ,& for cycle frequency ;31, f‘ = [1/32 1/64 f], TA estimate is defined to be zero at the two submanifold points f = 0 . 1 / 3 2 .
Af = 1/ST”: (a)Theory for s l ( t ) ;(b) CPestimate for . r ( t ) for T = 204ST0
(T” = 1/31 = S ~ > j = 2 1/5),

frequencies k/To for Ikl 5 3 are used to compute the lower

pulses on the [hubmanifolds to neighboring regions off the order CTMF’s and to find the P-submanifolds for the case
/3-submanifolds [32]. To quantify this leakage effect, the of rectangular pulses because the higher harmonics (Ikl >
temporal mean of (53) is computed. From Appendix B 3) produce relatively weak features and can therefore be
neglected. For Nyquist pulses, the only lower order cycle
(Rc(U),) = RE(74),UT(U) frequency is a = 0 for n = 2.
The fourth-order CP for /3 = 0 and ?A! = 1/T, is estimated
where for the observation interval length of 2048 (E 292To) samples
using the following methods:
VT(U) a FS: frequency-smoothing method ( 5 3 )
FT: Fourier-transformed RD-CTCF method ( 51) using
and FFT’s to estimate the lower order CTMF’s
FST: Fourier-transformed RD-CTCF ( 5 1) using the FST
uo (U) 2 min{ 0, u 1 . . . . , U,- 1} - Inax{0, u1, . . . ’~~-1). for estimating the lower order CTMF’s
TA: time-averaging method (54).
Using this result, it is easy to show that the temporal mean of
For the time-domain methods (FT and FST), the RD-CTCF
( 5 3 ) is given by the convolution
is estimated on the cubic grid of integers U = [UI uz ug] E
[-8. 713, and then Fourier transformed. In the FS method, the
&(f’) @ [(%Yf’)n @ VT(f’))Z,(f’)] spectral smoothing window width is set equal to 128 samples,
where V T ( ~ is ’ )the (71 - 1)-dimensional Fourier transform of and in the TA method, the block size is 32 samples. Thus, each
V T ( U ) . The effect of the convolution with J$(f’) is to smear method uses approximately the same temporal and spectral
the impulses in St(f’)n, thus producing spectral leakage into resolution parameters and can therefore be compared fairly.
Because computing the entire CP using (53) is relatively
nearby regions, which cannot be removed by the masking
function Zo(f’). costly, and is difficult to display, only two “slices” of the CP
The method (51) also exhibits leakage when the CTMF’s were estimated. The slices correspond to SI= [O.O 1/32 f ]
( 6 ) are computed using an FFT algorithm, and the cycle for the case of rectangular pulses, and S2 = [1/32 1/32 f ] for
frequencies aI are not “on bin center.” This leakage can be the case of Nyquist pulse for f E { k / 3 2 ,k = -16,. . . ,15}.
substantially reduced by computing each CTMF by evaluating The CP estimates for ten independent realizations (with the
the FST (the Fourier series transform, which is like the DFT same timing parameter t o in ( 3 6 ) )of the signals were averaged
but can be evaluated at an arbitrary value of frequency) for to produce the final set of estimates. The magnitudes of the
every aJ appearing in the sum in (50), but this can greatly estimates are shown in Figs. 9-12. Generally speaking, the
increase the computational cost of the method [32], [35]. FST method delivers the best performance because it suffers
In the following, several fourth-order CP measurements are the least from the aforementioned leakage effect. However, it
displayed graphically for the purpose of illustrating the relative is not the best method from the point of view of computational
performances of the CP estimators (51), ( 5 3 ) , and (54) in the cost [35].
presence of leakage from the P-submanifolds.
The signal of interest is a binary pulse-amplitude-modulated C. Cycloergodicity arid Measurement of Cumulants
signal with symbol interval length TO= 7T, and IID symbols. We illustrate here the kind of error that can result from mod-
Both rectangular keying pulses rect( t/7;1)and Nyquist-shaped eling a signal as a stationary stochastic process (or stationary
pulses are simulated. As before, only the second-order cycle time-series) when the sample paths are actually cyclostationary

700, I






, ,

-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 10. Estimates of the fourth-order CP for binary PAM with Fig. 12. Estimates of the fourth-order CP for binary PAM with Nyquist
full-duty-cycle rectangular pulses for ,a = 0, a collect time of 292T0, pulses having zero excess bandwidth for /? = 0, a collect time of 2922'0,
and f ' E SI. The TA estimate is defined to be zero at the two submanifold and f' E Sz . The TA estimate is defined to be zero at the submanifold point
points f = 0 , 1 / 3 2 . f = -1132.


500 Stationarity ~ ~ ~ - - - .





0 n
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
f U

Fig. 11. Estimates of the fourth-order CP for binary PAM with Nyquist Fig. 13. Estimates of the fourth-order RD-CTCF for a binary PAM signal
pulses having zero excess bandwidth for :3 = 1/To, a collect time of 292T0, under the assumptions of stationarity and cyclostationarity.
and f ' E S2.

obtain the RD-CTCF

time-series, and then measuring higher order parameters from
a single sample path. Specifically, we consider a zero-mean,
noiseless binary PAM signal with full-duty-cycle rectangular
pulses, B = 0, T = 5127'0, and n = 4. If we think of the signal
as stationary (e.g., by making the pulse timing parameter t o
random and uniformly distributed over [0, TO] in the stochastic
P, [ - I)! nP


A portion of an estimate corresponding to this cumulant

rt = Ui.74 = 0.

process model, we obtain a stationary process [9]) and compute formula is represented by the solid line in Fig. 13. Note
the theoretical RD-CTCF we obtain that both graphs are estimates obtained from the same data
r P 1 record. The CP estimates that correspond to the two different
.l)P-l(p - assumptions are shown in Fig. 14. The size of the peak in the
curve obtained by assuming stationarity grows with collect
J length T because this peak is due to the oscillatory portion of
rt = 'ui?7-4 = 0.
the RD-CTCF estimate, which does not die out with increasing
Hence, we are explicitly assuming that there are no lower U.
order sine waves associated with ~ ( tby) modeling ~ ( tas) Note that this phenomenon is usually not observed in the
stationary and ignoring the lack of cycloergodicity in this case of n = 2 because we typically consider zero-mean
model (cf. [39]). A portion of an estimate corresponding signals that do not contain finite-strength additive sine wave
to this cumulant formula is represented by a dotted line in components. Thus, the PSD estimates agree with the calculated
Fig. 13. The oscillatory portion of the estimate does not die formula based on a stationary model, even when the signal is
out for large U . This oscillation is due to the interaction of cyclostationary, because there are no lower order sine waves
second-order sine waves that have not been subtracted out to deal with. This example suggests that the theory of HOCS
of the fourth-order moment term in (56). On the other hand, is useful even in the case where cyclostationarity is of no
if we recognize the cyclostationarity of the sample path and, interest but is exhibited by the data because if cyclostationarity
therefore, take into account the second-order sine waves, we is ignored, theory and practice will not agree.


frequency/order pair (/?,no)and we attempt to determine if

Cyclostationarity -
there is a signal present in the data corresponding to this pair.
Stationanty In the third problem, called the known-modulationproblem, we
know the modulation format of the signal of interest, and hence
we know (in principle) the cyclic cumulants of the signal; we
wish to determine if that particular signal is present.
Motivation for using HOCS, instead of SOCS or HOS. to
detect the presence of a signal is provided by the situation
where this detection cannot be reliably accomplished using

-0 4
- -0 2
- \7,r
02 04
these other signal properties. This can be the case, for example,
when a signal has very weak SOCS, and is weak with respect
f to the noise and interference background (low SNR), which is
changing unpredictably during the observation interval. It can
Fig. 14. Estimates of the fourth-order CP for a binary PAM signal under the also be the case when the signal of interest does not have a
assumptions of stationarity and cyclostationarity.
unique cycle frequency for order two, but does for a higher
order. An example of this is a communication system wherein
OF HOCS all the signals are spectrally overlapping QPSK and have the
In general, the applications of the theory of HOCS are same symbol rate, but each has a distinct carrier frequency.
similar to those for the theory of SOCS and the theory of Since the computational complexity increases and the output
HOS, namely weak-signal detection, signal parameter estima- SNR decreases (when the input SNR is less than OdB) with
tion, system identification and equalization, and array-based increasing order n of nonlinearity, it is always desirable to use
direction-finding and blind adaptive spatial filtering. The use the smallest possible value of n. This typically corresponds to
of cyclic cumulants or cyclic polyspectra rather than conven- the lowest order of (substantial) cyclostationarity of the signal.
tional cumulants or polyspectra can be advantageous when Accordingly, it is often the case in the known-modulation
the corrupting signals are not Gaussian (manmade signals problem that the CTCF and CTMF are (approximately) equal
are rarely Gaussian), and the use of higher order cyclic for the chosen value of n, R ; ( T ) , = C?(T),.In addition,
parameters rather than second-order cyclic parameters can if the noise and interference (hereafter referred to as the
be advantageous when the signal does not exhibit second- environment) is such that R ~ ( T ) = , , 0, where /? is the pure
order cyclostationarity, or when there are no cycle frequencies cycle frequency of interest in s(t), in which case R~(T), =
unique to the signal of interest for order two, but there are C ~ ( T ) then
, , any detection method that requires an estimate of
unique cycle frequencies for a higher order. the CTCF for s ( t ) can be implemented by using an estimate
HOS-based detection algorithms are given in [I81 and of the CTMF for ~ ( t )thereby
, reducing the computational
[24], and HOS-based time-delay estimation algorithms are complexity of the method. However, if the environment is
given in [4], [ 2 2 ] , and [37], where the signals are modeled unknown, it is best to use estimates of the CTCF so that
as exponentially distributed stationary processes, and order potential lower order sine wave interactions can be avoided.
three is focused upon. HOCS-based detection and time-delay Let us now turn to an examination of each of the three
estimation algorithms are given in [33], [7], and [20]. The detection problems.
methods given in [7] and [20] are distinct from those given I ) The General Search Problem: In the general search
in this section; the former attempt to exploit the asymptotic problem, there is a maximum order N that is to be used
statistical nature of estimates of third-order cyclic cumulants, for processing. The goal of the processing is to produce a
whereas the latter attempt to exploit the structure of arbitrary- list of pure cycle frequencies (0,) for each value of n from
order cyclic moments and cumulants. HOCS-based direction- 1 to N . The list {,&} should characterize the detectable
finding methods (array based) are given in [21]. cyclostationarity of order n (and only n) that is associated
with x(t). Thus, these lists should not be contaminated by
entries that are due to lower order sine-wave interactions. To
A. Weak-Signal Detection
accomplish this task, we estimate the TCF for ~ ( tfor ) each
In this section, we consider the problem of detecting the order 71. From this estimate, the cycle frequencies {p,}, which
presence of a desired signal (or signals) s ( t ) in a received +
are needed for the estimate of the TCF for order n I, can
data set z ( t ) with noise and interference ,n(t), be found. More explicitly, the general search problem can be
tackled using the following algorithm:
z ( t )= s ( t ) + n ( t ) , -T/2 5 t 5 T / 2 .
There are several versions of the detection problem that are
of interest. The first is called the general search problem, in
which we are interested in analyzing a data set to determine if
there are any cyclostationary signals present. No information
about the received data is assumed in the general search
problem. In the second problem, called the known-cycle-
frequency problem, we have in mind a specific pure cycle

3) The Known-Modulation Problem: In this problem, we

wish to determine if a signal with known modulation type is
present. In particular, we know the CTCF of s ( t ) for n = 780
and pure cycle frequency p. The general search algorithm can
be used to remove* all lower order sine waves up to order
In step 4, the interval over which the average (.) is performed no-1. Then, from C k ( t , ~the) CTCF
~ ~ estimate (u)~"CtT
is determined by the amount of data z ( t ) available. If any cycle frequency ,O can be determined. The proposed detection
of the detected cycle frequencies are of particular interest, statistic is
a cyclic polyspectral analysis can be performed from which
the modulation type can possibly be determined. Also, a Y= lm.
1, 30

simple analysis of the relationship between the estimated
cycle frequencies for the different values of n can be used The primary justification for this particular statistic is that
to advantage for modulation recognition. when no signal is present with pure nth-order cycle frequency
2) The Known-Cycle-Frequency Problem: Here we are @, then clT (u)~, + 0, which implies that Y 0; when the

given knowledge of one or more of the signal's modulation signal of interest is present, then
frequencies, such as a symbol rate or carrier frequency, but
the shape of the CTCF is unknown. The environment is J--00 J-m
still assumed to be unknown and, therefore, the general search
algorithm is still of interest. It can be improved for the known- Thus, y is an asymptotically noise-free statistic on both the
cycle-frequency problem by combining it with a least-squares signal-present and signal-absent hypotheses. (Furthermore, the
estimation technique. Let (p,no) be the cycle frequencylorder integral (59) is finite (see Part I, Section II).) Hence, this
pair of interest.^Use the general search algorithm up to order statistic is the natural generalization of the single cycle detector
n o - 1. Form CL(t.T),, and use a least-squares estimator to that exploits second-order cyclostationarity [ 1 11
detect the presence of the signal of interest using the statistic
YSCD = 1- 00
RzT(T)R:(7)*dT= 1- CO
which has several optimality properties [12] and has been
shown to outperform radiometric (energy) detectors for weak
where cyclostationary signals in time-varying environments [ 151. In
(60), R y ( r )is the cyclic autocorrelation for s ( t ) ,RgT (T)is the
4 cyclic autocorrelation estimate (cyclic correlogram), SZT ( f ) is
the cyclic periodogram, and S ; ( f ) is the cyclic spectrum for
s(t) [34].
The detection statistic Y can be generalized to include only
and where w is the unity-norm version of the least-squares a portion of u-space, denoted by G c Rnil
weight vector that satisfies

Choices for G might include those values of u for which

The normalized solution to (58) is the RD-CTCF C ! ( U ) is ~~particularly large, or for which the
coefficient of variation (variance divided by squared mean) of
the estimator c& (u)~, of the RD-CTCF is particularly small.

where B. Time-Delay Estimation

In this section, we consider the problem of time-delay
estimation. We are given the data
in which H denotes conjugate transpose. Thus, the detection
statistic is
x ( t ) = s(t) + n(t)
y ( t ) = As(t + d) + m(t)
from two physically separated sensors and we wish to estimate
the time-delay parameter d, which is sometimes called the
This detection statistic is obtained by forming the particular time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) for s( t). We assume that
* I AI
linear combination of data sets C ( t , ~ 1 ) . ~. . ~, C, ( t , ~ & - ) , , s ( t ) is nth-order cyclostationary with cycle frequency /3.
that optimally combines the regenerated sine waves with The time-series n ( t ) and m(t) consist of arbitrary noise and
frequency /j present in each set, and then correlates this interfering signals, except that it is assumed that neither n ( t )
composite regenerated sine wave with the stored sine wave nor m(t) is nth-order cyclostationary with the pure nth-order
&2Tijt. cycle frequency @.

Conventional approaches to this problem (those that do where arg max means the value at which the maximum occurs,
not exploit cyclostationarity) can be collectively referred to and R! means the real part. This estimator is a higher order gen-
as generalized cross-correlation (GCC) methods [25]. In the eralization of the spectral coherence alignment (SPECCOA)
GCC methods, filtered versions of the sensor outputs ~ ( tand ) algorithm for TDOA estimation [ 161, which exploits second-
y ( t ) are cross-correlated, and the estimate of d is taken to order cyclostationarity, and has been shown to possess several
be the location of the peak in the cross-correlation estimate. optimality properties [40].
These methods suffer when n ( t ) and m ( t ) contain signals As an alternative, we can avoid using cross-sensor mea-
common to both, each with its own TDOA, because each such surements entirely by noting that
signal contributes a peak of its own to the cross-correlation
function. This causes two problems. The first is a resolution C:(u), = AnC;(u),eiznBd
problem which, to be solved, requires that the differences and
in the TDOA’s for each of the signals be greater than the
widths of the cross-correlation functions so that the peaks =
can be resolved. The second problem is that it is difficult to
which suggests the following least-squares approach:
correctly associate each peak with its corresponding signal.
Both of these problems arise because the GCC methods are
not signal selective; they produce TDOA peaks for all the
signals in the received data unless they are spectrally disjoint
and can, therefore, be separated by filtering. Signal selective The estimator for d is given explicitly by
methods that exploit the SOCS of the desired signal, which is
assumed to be unique to that signal, are studied in [SI, [ 161, and
[ 171. These methods have been shown to outperform the GCC
methods, and have been shown to produce unbiased TDOA which is a higher order generalization of the second-order
estimates with variance that is smaller than the CramCr-Rao cyclic phase difference (CPD) algorithm for TDOA estimation
lower bound on the variance of TDOA estimators that are without cross-sensor measurements [ 161. When generalized to
based on the assumption that the signal and environment are more than two sensors, CPD becomes a form of cyclic MUSIC
stationary. However, these methods do not apply when there for high-resolution direction finding [41], [42]. This suggests
is no SOCS to exploit. In this case, we can turn to HOCS in that similar methods of high-resolution direction finding with
order to develop signal-selective TDOA estitnators. higher order statistics could be obtained by generalizing the
Following the approach in [16] for SOCS, the general higher order CPD algorithm.
methodology considered here for HOCS is least-squares In general, there are as many estimators of the TDOA as
estimation [ 331. The following two examples illustrate the +
there are ways of choosing 1 ~ ( tTj-type terms and 71 - 1
methodology. To keep the notation simple only real-valued y(t + r)-type terms. Thus, for large n there are many different
signals are considered. possibilities. The relative advantages and disadvantages of
Let us define a cross-cumulant as these possibilities are currently being sought. The individual
statistics can also be combined using a least-squares technique,
~ ~ ~ ( t C;u m
7 u )l a n~t { ~z ( t + r l ) . . . z ( t + TiL-l) :y(t+r,)). as is done for order two in [SI.
The cyclic component of this cross-cumulant for the signal-
specific cycle frequency @ is REMARKS
In this paper, we generalize the basic parameters of higher
cg,(T) 2 (C,,
)1 ( t,7)P i r a t ) order cyclostationarity (HOCS) from real-valued to complex-
= ACf(7 + S,,d),, valued time-series and derive input-output relations for these
statistical parameters for various signal processing operations;
where S, is the unit vector along the 71th coordinate. It is easy
we use these relations and examine this generalization in
to show that the following relations involving RD-CTCF’s
detail for the class of digital QAM signals, and we apply the
parameters of HOCS to some signal processing problems of
= ACf(u - Id)nei2aiy
C,$y(u)vL current interest, namely weak-signal detection and time-delay
C!(UjTL = @(U),,. estimation. Several HOCS-parameter estimation methods are
presented and demonstrated for digital QAM signals in noise
Thus, we can do a least-squares fit of a measurement of C& to and interference, and some potential pitfalls in the application
a measurement of C: over a region G of u-space of interest: of the conventional theory of higher order statistics (HOS)
to modulated signals that are modeled as stationary but not
AC!T (U - cycloergodic are explained.
We are currently developing HOCS-based algorithms for
This leads (cf. [ 161) to the following estimator of the delay d: the problems of cochannel interference mitigation [36],
weak-signal detection in variable noise and interference
backgrounds, time-delay estimation for weak signals [33],
and multiple signal detection, sorting, and classification [43],

and we are applying the theory of HOCS to the design of and imaginary parts of {Y,},"_l:
covert signals.

In this Appendix, we show how to define cumulants directly
for complex-valued random variables in terms of a generalized
characteristic function for complex random variables (even
though PDF's can be defined only in terms of the real and
imaginary parts). Prior to this, cumulants have apparently
been defined only for the real and imaginary parts of the where
complex random variables, which are defined in terms of the
2 42 [R(Yl). . . R(Yn) %(Y,). ' . S(Yn)].
usual characteristic functions for real random variables, or they
were defined only through the momentkumulant relationship This multiple integral exists if the integrand is absolutely inte-
[34]. This new definition is necessary in order to be able to grable, but the integral of the absolute value of the integrand
characterize pure nth-order sine waves in terms of cumulants. simplifies to
For the set of real-valued random variables {Xj}Y=.=,, the
joint PDF is the 71-fold derivative of the probability distribution

FX (5) where I(yj) = ~ j + and

~ ; for every finite w,this integral exists
if the PDF for the vector of imaginary components f1(y)of
the complex vector Y decays more rapidly than

Few PDF's of interest do not decay this rapidly. For example,

all Gaussian PDF's and all PDF's with finite support do decay
The moments of {XJ}YT1can be found by differentiating the this As a counterexample~ the Cauchy PDF does
characteristic function: not decay this rapidly, but its variance does not even exist.
Similarly, all PDF's for which some moments do not exist do
not decay this rapidly. But we are not interested in such PDF's
because their corresponding cumulants would not exist either.
Now, the moments of the Yj can be found by differentiating
cPy(w). For example


Other moments can be found by other derivatives, for example, [zk + ' ~ Z k + n ] f Z ~ . Z (~Z+k r, Z7c+n)dZkdZk+n
E{X,"} is given by E{& + iZk+n}.
In addition, the joint moments of the real and imaginary
parts of the Yj can be found similarly by first expressing these
parts as
For complex-valued variables, the situation is a little different.
The n complex-valued variables {Yj}yzl must be be viewed as
2 + y,*)
2n real-valued variables in order to obtain a PDF. However, a l { Y j }= -(y3 - y;")
generalized characteristic function for { Y}y=l can be defined 2i
in terms of the 2n-fold PDF corresponding to the 2 n real and then using this to express the joint moment for R ( % )and
variables {!I?(%),3(Yj)}Y=l G {2j}5!11consisting of the real I ( % ) in terms of a joint moment, including conjugations, of

Y2 and then using the generalized characteristic function for where

the YJ including conjugations.
The function @ y ( w ) can be expanded into a Taylor series ul 5 - niin(0, ~ 1 . .,. , un-1 j.
where the various coefficients are the various joint moments
of the Y J .Since the relationship between the coefficients of uT A - rriax(0, u1,. . . . u n - l } ,
this series and the series expansion of In @ y ( w ) is purely 0 d
- U , - ut.
algebraic, and this algebraic relation is that between moments
and conventional cumulants, then the cumulants of {Y,},
Formula (64) reveals that the temporal mean of the CTMF
defined here in terms of moments using the same cumulant-
estimate contains a sine-wave component for each impure
moment relation that holds for real variables, are given by the
71th-order cycle frequency that is associated with x ( t ) .
Taylor series coefficients of 111 @ y ( w ) which
, can be obtained
It is shown in [35] that the time-averaged variance for
by differentiation and evaluation at w = 0.
Rgr(t,u), is given by
Conversely, if we use the generalized characteristic function
introduced here, and define cumulants for complex variables
in direct analogy to the definition in terms of the conventional
characteristic function for real variables, then we obtain a
moment-cumulant relation for complex variables that is iden-
tical to that for real variables, in which case the temporal
cumulant function for a complex time-series is identical to the
pure-sine-waves function for that time-series.
It is mentioned in closing that the cumulants defined here where PA is a subset of the partitions of the index set
cannot in general be expressed directly in terms of cumulants { 1.2.. . . , 2 7 1 ) such that for each member of PA, at least
of real and imaginary parts, and vice versa. This can only one partition element, say Vk, contains at least one element
be done through the expression of moments of one in terms from {1,2,.. . nj and at least one element from { n 1,n
~ + +
of the other, and is very complicated. Thus, the conventional 2,...,2n), and
approach to cumulants of complex variables [26], [28], [29]
is not useful in the study of pure Prith-order sine waves of
complex-valued polycyclostationary time-series unless one is
interested in the real and imaginary parts individually rather
than in the complex time-series as a whole.

MEANAND VARIANCES OF TEMPORAL MOMENTESTIMATES Before specializing (65) to the cases of 71 = 2, Gaussian
time-series, and stationary time-series, the temporal covariance
In this section, some results on the mean and variance of the between estimates of the CTMF is given. The time-averaged
RD-CTMF estimate RET ( t .u ) are ~ presented and discussed. temporal covariance is defined by
The derivation of the results is contained in [35].
The temporal variance for a cyclostationary time-series is
defined in terms of the sine-wave extraction operation
Var{x(t)} A k { a } { l x ( t-) k{a}{x(t))12} (62)
and it is time-varying. The time-averaged variance is the U: =0
component of the variance
and it is shown in [35] that it is given by
varo{z(t)} A ( ~ x ( -
t ) ,!Ya}{x(t)}12)
= ( I ~ ( t ) 1-~( )l k { a } { x ( t ) } 1 2 ) . (63)
The variance formula (62) can result in very complicated
analyses. For this reason, and the assumption that the time-
averaged temporal variance captures the essential behavior
of the temporal variance, the time-averaged variance (63) is
focused on herein.
It can be shown that the time-varying mean of the RD-
CTMF estimate is given by [35]
{ n&( t , j=

where PA is the same as in (65), and

The variance of the CTCF estimate is much more compli-

cated, and is not pursued herein. However, in the case that
the CTMF and CTCF are equal, then the variance expressions
derived here apply to the CTCF as well. In addition, methods
of CP estimation that make use of the RD-CTMF or its
transform, the cyclic periodogram, can be statistically analyzed
by using the covariance (66).
Note that the covariance (66) reduces to the variance (65) REFERENCES
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[30] M. B. Priestley, Non-Linear and Non-Stationary Time Series Analysis.
London: Academic, 1988.
[31] C. M. Spooner and W. A. Gardner, “Estimation of cyclic polyspectra,” Chad M. Spooner, for photograph and biography, please see this issue, p.
Proc. 25th Ann. Asilomar Conj Signals. Systems. Comput. (Pacific 3408.
Grove, CA), Nov. 4-6, 1991, pp. 370-376.
[32] -, “Performance evaluation of cyclic polyspectrum estimators,”
Proc. 26th Annual Asilomar Conj Signals, Systems, Compuf. (Pacific
Grove, CA), Oct. 26-28, 1992, pp. 477483.
[33J -, “Exploitation of higher order cyclostationarity for weak-signal
detection and time-delay estimation,” Proc. 6th Workshop Star. Signal,
Array Processing (Victoria, BC, Canada), Oct. 7-9, 1992, pp. 197-201. William A. Gardner, for photograph and biography, please see p. 3408.

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