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: ii

i'i i

_: .:,::ii_:_:_:_:_:_:::::_:_:i_::_
......ranus is so far away
......that light takes two
.......................... .............................

:: hours and 45 minutes to • //.
...... travelfrornthereto Earth.
s:::: 2, flying at an
..... _{{,i, /_:::
.... average velocity of
........48,000 kilometers an hour
(30,000 miles an hour), took eight-
and-a-haft years to get there.
Uranus cannot be seen with the
naked eye except on a clear,
moonless night. Ancient observers
did not record the planet, which re-
mained unreported until amateur
astronomer William Herschel
discovered it in 1781 with the aid of
a powerful, homemade telescope.
(As a result, Herschel soon shed
his amateur standing to become
one of the giants of astronomy.)
At first sighting, he believed the
object to be a comet. Astronomers
and mathematicians, however,
calculated that its motion described
an orbit around the Sun that no
comet would follow. Two months
after discovery, Uranus was
decreed to be a planet--the first
discovered with a telescope.

(above) was con-

ducting a system-
atic survey of the
entire sky when,
on March 13,
1781, he observed
what was later to
be known as
Uranus. In his
logbook on the
night of the
discovery he wrote
that he'd seen "a
curious nebulous
star or perhaps a
comet." In 1789,
i iii
he drew pictures
(right) of the stubby
rings he thought
he had glimpsed
around the planet.

iil ¸ ii
...... ii

For more than 200 years--unti/

Voyager 23 flyby--hazy views of
the planet were the best scientists
cou/d obtain from even the most
powerfu/ te/escopes on Earth. On/y
the broadest of characteristics
cou/d be discerned. Uranus was
known to be tipped over on its
side, to have an atmosphere that
contained hydrogen, and to be sur-
rounded by at/east nine b/ack
rings and five dark, medium- to
sma//-sized moons. Scientists
theorized that the p/anet's atmo-
sphere a/so inc/uded he/ium and
gaseous compounds of carbon,
nitrogen, and oxygen. A/ayer of
me/ted ice was thought possib/y to
exist beneath the deep, b/uish
atmosphere, it was not known
efore the
discovery whether Uranus had a magnetic
of Uranus, the fie/d at a//. Scientists wou/d have
known solar one chance in this century to
system ended at
answer their questions about the
Saturn's orbit (far
left), as compared seventh p/anet from the Sun.
with the solar Over the decades fo//owing
system we know Uranus' discovery, observers noted
today (left).
an irregularity in its motion that
showed it was being tugged at by
the gravitationa/ fie/d of something
even farther away from the Sun.
This suggested to mathematicians
the existence of another p/anet
beyond Uranus. The orbit of an
eighth p/anet was ca/cu/ated and
predicted. Sixty-five years after the
discovery of Uranus, Neptune
became the first p/anet to be
discovered through mathematica/

his 18th cen-

ury engrav-
ing (left) shows the
relative positions
of Jupiter, Mars,
and "Herschel,"
as Uranus was

il ii_ ii
ili i_ il

.......i! ,iii _,i!..............................

hen building Built to the specifications of the
the Voyager 1 mission they were funded to fly, the
and 2 spacecraft Voyager spacecraft were designed
for the National to last four years and outfitted to
Aeronautics and study just Jupiter and Saturn and
Space Administration their moons. No special equipment
(NASA) at the Jet Propulsion was to be put on board for Uranus
Laboratory (JPL) in the mid-1970s, or Neptune encounters. According
mission engineers and scientists to approved Project plans, the
were aware of the opportunity Voyager missions would end in late
before them the four largest 1981, with continued operation of
planets formed a pattern that would the two spacecraft left in question.
allow a spacecraft, using "gravity- Despite the lack of funding, a
assist" techniques, to fly past them firm plan, or a full understanding of
and most of the 32 moons they the ability of the spacecraft to con-
were then known to collectively duct Uranus and Neptune en-
possess. The same fortuitous counters, Voyager officials at NASA
arrangement of the planets would and JPL kept those options open.
not occur for another 175 years, Their hope was that funding would
and, without using gravity assist, it catch up with Voyager 2 as it flew
would take a spacecraft 30 years across the solar system.
to get to Uranus. Funding for the Uranus leg of the
As tempting as the opportunity mission was authorized in 1981,
may have been, the effort would and for the Voyager Neptune en-
have required the development of counter in 1985.
expensive new technology. Budget
constraints prevailed and the four-
planet "Grand Tour" mission idea
was shelved. The planetary itinerary
for the Voyager spacecraft, though
still ambitious, would be limited to
Jupiter and Saturn.

VOYAGER1)_ Jupiter
.- _ _i_:. 9Jul79,
_i_li_. . \ / Jupiter


.... *_!l!ii_
...... / /5Sep77

8/89 " .............

Saturn : ..........
12 Nov 80 .... _i_,,:._i.i
_/_ 24 Aug 89

25 Aug 81 / .................. ......
Uranus VOYAGER 2
24 Jan 86
iiii .....
_!_ ii ii ii i_
: _ii ii ii

As Voyager flies farther away, its

signal received on Earth gets
weaker. By lowering the rate at
which the spacecraft transmits data,
Voyager engineers increased the
time devoted to the transmission of
each bit of information, akin to
speaking slowly to be better under-
stood; less is said, but what is said
has a better chance of being heard
clearly. The normal trade-off for get-
ting high-quality data from Voyager
at Uranus would, therefore, be to
reduce the amount of data
transmitted. Voyager scientists,
however, needed both high-quality
data and lots of it. To accomplish
this, imaging--the bulkiest of the
data--would have to be squeezed
down for transmission to Earth.
Each picture would have to be
described in fewer words.

Te techique toward a rendez-

that allows vous with Saturn.
Voyager to travel In this way, the
from one planet to orbital motion of
the next is called one planet is used ORIGINAE /A-(]-E
"gravity assist." to increase the
As Voyager neared spacecraft's
Jupiter, for ex- velocity, and the
ample, the space- gravitational field
craft came under of the planet is
the influence of that used to redirect
planet's gravity.
This affected
the spacecraft's
course to the next
V° ager j.

Voyager's flight planet. It was this on a journey into

path in two ways. gravity-assist unexplored space
i :.:,
First, as Jupiter's technique that above the plane of
gravity drew the made the idea of the solar system
spacecraft closer multiple-planet after its Saturn en-
to the planet, missions at all counter in 1980.
Voyager's velocity feasible with the Voyager 2 was
directed from
Jupiter early 1970's tech-
also pulled the nology available Saturn to Uranus,
spacecraft off its to Voyager's and will encounter
relatively straight designers. Neptune in 1989.
course, so that it
ii i _ iil I
flew in a curve
around Jupiter

i_ : :i
First, engineers enhanced require up to 5.12 million bits of
Voyager 2's capabilities by radioing data to be described. Instead of
new software to the spacecraft. The measuring the absolute level of
new programming enabled one gray in each pixel, however, only
computer, which had served as a the absolute level in the first pixel
backup to another, to be devoted of each line is transmitted, followed
to compressing and formatting by the difference in brightness be-
all imaging data prior to tween each successive pixel in that
transmission. line. This way, many fewer bits of
Each Voyager picture frame con- data are needed to rebuild a
sists of 800 lines, with each line Voyager picture on the ground. The
containing 800 picture elements, process allowed the spacecraft to
called pixels. Eight bits of data are return thousands, instead of
required to describe each of the hundreds, of pictures from Uranus.
256 shades of gray possible for One Voyager data management
each pixel. Thus each image could process on the spacecraft encodes
data in a way that allows com-
puters on Earth to reconstruct
transmissions that have been
garbled by interplanetary radio
interference. COLOR pHoTOGRAPH

oyager 2 The second major

as had a problem affecting
few mechanical Voyager 2 occurred
problems on its in 1981. The mov-
journey of more able instrument
than five billion platform jammed
miles. in one of its two
axes, preventing
The spacecraft's pointing of the
first major problem mounted instru-
was the total ments. Engineers
failure of one of later determined
its two radio that the jamming
receivers. The re- was caused by a
maining receiver loss of lubricant
works, despite and the conse-
suffering a reduc- quent damage to a
tion in the range bearing in the
of frequencies that high-speed section
it can "hear" to of the gear chain,
only a thousandth precipitated by
of its original repeated high-
design capability. speed movement ii' _i
In the event that of the platform
Voyager's remain- during the busy
ing radio receiver Saturn encounter.
might fail alto- The platform ii i!
gether, Voyager began moving ii i_

ii_ i
engineers have set again when com-
aside a corner of mands were sent
the spacecraft's two days after it
computer memory jammed. It per-
for what is called formed flawlessly,
the "back-up mis- but at intentionally
sion load." This is low speeds, during
a load of computer the Uranus
commands that encounter.
would instruct
Voyager to carry
out rudimentary
investigations on
its own if the radio
receiver failed.

• i
Ultraviolet Cameras

Plasma Detector oyagers 1 Voyager 2 has

and 2 are been heavily
the most sophis- reprogrammed
ticated robotic during its flight,
Infrared spacecraft ever and its six on-
Interferometer flown. Unlike board computers
ii i
Spectrometer earlier spacecraft, have been con-
Cosmic Ray Detector
and Radiometer they were pro- tinually given
gramrned to make newly developed
independent and more expedient
decisions that methods of
Low-Energy safeguard both the processing and
Charged Particle spacecraft and packaging data for
their ability to return to Earth.
communicate with Voyager 2 carries
High-Gain Antenna Earth. instruments to
(3. 7-meter diameter) conduct 11 investi-
The two spacecraft gations. Among
i ii_il have been found these are televi-
to be extremely sion cameras,
adaptable since infrared and
iliill _ _ i!
they were launched ultraviolet detec-
i!ii !i in 1977. This tors, and a
i iilii_II _ adaptability has communications
allowed engineers system that
to give Voyager 2, doubles as a radio
i in particular, new experiment. Three
capabilities as it sets of twin com-
ii ii_iJ flies from planet puters control the
to planet, spacecraft's
stability and
govern its complex


Spacecraft Mass 825 kg (1,820 Ib)

Science Instruments Mass 106 kg (234 Ib)

High-Gain Antenna Diameter 3.7 m (12 ft)

Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator -400 W

(RTG) Power (at Uranus)
Data Storage Capability 538 million bits

X-Band Data Rate

Planetary Radio
Astronomy and at Jupiter 115,200 bits per second
ii̧ i__ Plasma Wave at Saturn 44,800 bits per second

ii i Antenna (2) at Uranus 21,600 bits per second


Thermoelectric i;
ii_ iii _ i Generator (3)

!.... i i

_ i_i Magnetometer
Planetary Radio Boom
_ _ ii il Astronomy and
Plasma Wave
ii i i ii Antenna (2)
¸ ! i¸ i


i i i

i il ii i
With the Golay encoding tech- Dusk on Earth is brighter than ...........................
nique used during the first six years noon on Uranus. The Voyager 2
of the mission, an equal number of cameras were not designed to _,,,..
bits of encoding information were operate with such low light levels,
added to each package of data so techniques were developed to
returned. A characteristic of JPL allow the cameras to take clear
spacecraft is redundancy--the pictures of dimly lit, moving
existence of backup or alternate objects--the Uranian moons--from
systems to function in lieu of any the speeding spacecraft.
critical components that may fail. To One technique was to have the
protect against a variety of possible cameras track their targets while
failures in Voyager's data and making long exposures. The entire
communications hardware, an addi- spacecraft was rotated with the
tional encoding device, a Reed- camera's shutter open for exposures
Solomon encoder, was placed on as long as 15 seconds. This difficult
the spacecraft. Voyager engineers engineering feat yielded sharply
had no previous experience with focused close-ups of Miranda and
the device, but it did offer the the other Uranian moons.
advantage of requiring only one- Other situations called for the
sixth the number of appended bits cameras to be as motionless as
needed by the Golay system. possible for exposures of up to 96
By the time Voyager 2 passed seconds. In this effort, Voyager
Saturn, the need for Reed-Solomon engineers managed to slow the
encoding had not arisen. But it was spacecraft's inherent "wobble" to
obvious that Reed-Solomon would one-twentieth the rate at which an
be more efficient than Golay en- hour hand moves on a clock.
coding for sending information back
from distant Uranus and Neptune.
Since the Reed-Solomon scheme
produced fewer bits to encode the
data Voyager collected, a much he DSN's an-
greater amount of data from nna site in
Uranus was returned than would Canberra, Australia
provided critical
have otherwise been possible.
coverage during
the Uranus

_ '"%._!i_i?

mages of
Miranda (right)
taken with and
without measures
to reduce smear
are compared,
showing the ob-
vious clarity gained
by turning the
spacecraft while
the camera shutter
was open.
All the information to be returned
by Voyager from Uranus wouldn't
be useful if it couldn't be received
clearly on Earth. The 64-meter
(210#oo0 antennas of JPL's Deep
Space Network (DSN), among the
world's largest, weren't big enough
to separate the Voyager data from
radio "noise" in the spacecraft's
To solve the problem, DSN
engineers electronically linked two
or more antennas together in a
technique called antenna arraying.
This reinforces the strength of the
received signals in the same way
that a single, larger dish would.
Arraying's biggest payoff came in
Australia, whose government pro-
vided its Parkes Radio Astronomy
Observatory 64-meter antenna to
be linked with the DSN's three-
antenna complex near Canberra.
The most critical events of the en-
counter, including Voyager's closest
approaches to Uranus and its
moons, were designed to occur
when the spacecraft would be
transmitting to the complex in
Australia. The data were successfully
relayed to JPL through this array.


" :#
i ..............................
f it weren't for the (molten iron in Earth's core, for ex-
............. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

-- :/_:_:_:
..... S',i',i',i',i'_i',i',ir
imaging experiment, we ample). While Uranus is believed to
wouldn't even know the have a partially molten core, the

/ii_i_£planet is there," lamented core is not big enough to generate,

one scientist less than by itself, the magnetic field Voyager
i!i i! ii
....15 days before Voyager was observed. Voyager scientists now !i .....
to make its closest approach to believe that the field is produced
Uranus. No radio noise, like that instead by electrically conducting
emitted from Jupiter and Saturn, water deep within the Uranian at-
could be heard. Nothing unusual mosphere. (At one time, scientists
appeared in data from the ultra- thought that Uranus' relatively
violet and infrared instruments. No abundant water was concentrated ii_ ii_

evidence of a magnetic field had in a deep ocean.)

been observed. Even the pictures This atmospheric water is quite !;_i_
of Uranus returned by Voyager's unlike anything on Earth: it is hot ii_ii
is image of
cameras hadn't changed substan- [10, 500 ° Celsius (8, 000 ° Fahrenheit)] ranus is a

tially. The planet, still a hazy blue and under such great pressure that composite of pic-
tures taken through
sphere, only grew larger in the field it becomes highly electrically con-
blue, green, and
of view of Voyager's cameras. ductive. It would require a pressure orange filters.
Voyager scientists called it "the a few million times that at Earth's
fuzzy blue tennis ball." This was a surface to produce the same effect
planet that would not readily give on Earth.
up its secrets. Whatever it had to
offer, as Voyager would find, it
would hold until the last possible
minute. But what the Uranian
system did finally yield makes it
one of the strangest collections of
planet, moons, and rings in the
solar system. ORiGiNAL PAGE
Voyager supplied the first big COLOR_ PHOTOGRAPH
piece of the Uranian puzzle when it
discovered the planet's substantial
magnetic field, comparable in
strength to the fields around Saturn
and Earth. Planetary magnetic fields
are thought to be generated by
fluid motion in a planet's core

eep within
Uranus' in-
terior (right) is a
partially molten
core. Atop that
core are cloud
layers of ammonia,
water, methane !i !i
ice, and, finally,
hydrogen and
helium. ii ii
!ii !

_iii_ i!
_!, i_
_ il
:i! ii_ ii
ii_ii i!

:_, ii¸ il i!


il _iiii


e offset axis
op) of the
Uranian magnetic
field results in an
oddly shaped
magnetic tail that
twists behind the
planet (left).

Voyager scientists looked for, and At the top of Uranus' atmosphere

finally found, the elusive Uranian is a relatively uniform layer of
magnetic field. What was unex- hydrogen and helium. Beneath this N

pected was the orientation of that layer, Voyager found clouds of

field, tilted from the planet's axis of methane ice. Scientists believe that
rotation by 60 degrees and offset farther down, clouds of ammonia
from it by one-third of Uranus' and water may also exist.
radius. As at Earth and other The fact that Uranus contains a
planets with magnetic fields, large proportion of melted methane
Uranus' field is swept back into a ice reveals much about the neigh- S
long tail by the wind of charged borhood of the solar system in
particles that streams from the Sun. which it formed. The planets formed
The odd tilt of the magnetic field, from the remnants of the solar
however, coupled with the fact that nebula left over from the formation
the planet's axis of rotation points of the Sun. Silicon and iron aggre-
toward the Sun, has the effect of gated into globes. In the inner solar
twisting the tail into an unusual system, the planets from Mercury to
corkscrew shape that spirals in Mars were too small to attract and
sync with Uranus' 17.24-hour rota- hold gases like hydrogen and
tion period. helium. But in the outer solar
Voyager found radiation belts at system, the giant planets Jupiter
Uranus of an intensity similar to and Saturn, with their powerful
those at Saturn, although they differ gravitational fields, attracted and
in composition. The radiation belts held thick atmospheres dominated
at Uranus appear to be dominated by these two gases. upiter's
by hydrogen ions, without any Some of the most abundant
field (top),
evidence of heavier ions (charged material existing two billion miles indicative of other
atoms) that might have been sput- from the Sun was water ice. planets, illustrates
tered from the surfaces of the Uranus apparently drew upon this just how unusual
moons. Uranus' radiation belts are Uranus' magnetic
frozen material, building up a layer
field (bottom) is.
so intense that irradiation would of melted ice which was then
quickly darken any methane trapped covered with an atmosphere of
in the icy surfaces of the moons, hydrogen and helium. Thus, Uranus
possibly contributing to the dark is denser than Jupiter and Satur/_,
appearance of their surfaces. and has a thinner atmosphere and
a different internal structure,

mages of
Uranus were
combined and pro-
cessed to enhance
variations in the
planet's at-
mosphere. A
grid shows the
atmosphere cir-
culates in the
same direction as
the planet rotates.

Pecial image
was applied to this
picture of Uranus
to enhance the

high-level haze in
the planet's upPer

: _ i i

Troposphere _ Hydrogen Sulfide as Ammonium


_ Water Ice Ammonia Ice Layer

_ Methane

i i!i ii i_ _ Methane
Haze Ice


Unlike the other giant planets, Through a telescope, Uranus ap-

Uranus possesses an internal heat pears a uniform powder blue. By
source that is quite small. Infrared exaggerating the colors of faint
measurements from Voyager indi- features in the atmosphere,
cate that Uranus has a virtually however, Voyager scientists
uniform temperature of - 214 o discovered latitudinal banding on
Celsius (-353 ° Fahrenheit). This is Uranus, further enhancing the
especially strange because the planet's "bull's-eye" appearance.
polar regions receive more sunlight This was an important finding in
than the equatorial regions, and the atmospheric physics, because it
equator should therefore be colder. shows that rotation and not sunlight
Some unknown mechanism is determines the motion of a planet's
equalizing the temperature of the atmosphere.
Uranian atmosphere from pole to The few small clouds discerned A faintly
equator. in the Uranian atmosphere were cloud (the bright
Voyager's ultraviolet instrument enough to allow scientists to deter- streak) was
found that the entire southern (Sun- mine wind velocities on the planet enhanced to

facing) hemisphere glows, a phe- on the order of 40 to 160 meters facilitate atmo-
spheric motion
nomenon scientists have dubbed per second (90 to 360 miles per easons on
measurements. Uranus last
"electroglow." It results from some hour); on Earth jet streams blow at
approximately 21
unknown process that also pro- about 50 meters per second (110 years, as different
duces an extended corona of miles per hour). hemispheres face
the Sun.
dissociated hydrogen molecules
....:iii " _
surrounding the planet.

• ............ _iii_;_<_ ..

...................... i_i_. .,_,...

............. ...- .=,......
- '.ii_=. " ......

hie picture at
ght shows
Uranus as human
eyes would see it,
a uniformly blue
planet. Computer
techniques were
applied to the pic-
ture above to bring
out the subtle con-
trast between
latitudinal bands.
i_,!i il

/ i_i ii i'_i

__,_ii_ ii_ii
_!_ i_i ii_ ii
X _, ;i ii ii

b _ il ii ii

_i! il _i!

i_, ii _i! ii

_., il i

< :, i

: ii !_ ii

,, _,i

i i ili
a as
kilometers (about
600,000 miles)
_ ii__iii
beyond Uranus
' " ii " when it acquired
this view of the
planet's sunlit

_ i_ _i i!_

ii _iii
• i_i ii

/_ i ii il

ii _ _:

iiii/!i;_ _iii
_i i

..... ii
<i: ii ii_i

< i_ il ii ORIGINAL .PAG_

i! il ii .,_
er photographed
each of the five large
....moons of Uranus known _J
before the encounter: from the
innermost out these are Miranda,
Ariel Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon.
Ten additional moons were
discovered by Voyager. The largest
of the new moons is about 170
kilometers (110 miles) in diameter.
Titania is marked by huge fault
systems and canyons that indicate
some degree of geologic activity in
its history. Ariel appears to have
undergone a period of even more
intense activity leading to many
fault valleys and flows of melted
methane ice.
Umbriel is ancient and dark,
apparently having undergone tittle
geologic activity. Large craters
pockmark its surface, undisturbed
since they were formed. The outer-
most of the pre-Voyager moons,
Oberon, is also heavily cratered,
with tittle evidence of internal activity
other than some dark material tania is the
covering the floors of several of rgest of
the craters. Uranus' moons
and shows long,
deep fault valleys
across its surface.

U mbriel's beron's icy

southern surface
hemisphere displays several
displays heavy large impact
cratering. The face craters. A large
of this dark moon peak protrudes 20
indicates a low kilometers (about
level of geologic 13 miles) above
activity. Oberon's lower
left limb.
:I .....


J i


ree of the

moons discovered
by Voyager were
captured in one
photograph, at
left. Adel, at right,
has undergone
much geologic
change, with most
evidence of early
cratering erased
by surface melting
and other activity.





@ O Oberon

Planetary scientists were not sur-
prised to see the geologically
altered surfaces on the Uranian
moons. But they were amazed by
the tortuously rended face of Mir-
anda, impressed that such a small,
cold body had endured so much
change. Here was a moon marked
by crisscrossed grooves, with
parallel fault systems encircling
even more complex grooved ter-
rain. Huge canyons one 20
kilometers (12 miles) deep slice
this tiny moon's surface. Great
plates of land appear to have been
upthrust, leaving Miranda looking
as though it was being spaded by
a giant shovel when suddenly, all
geologic activity ceased.
Some scientists think Miranda
may have been frozen in the midst
of a geologic process most ter-
restrial objects in the solar system
underwent at an early age, a pro-
cess in which the body almost
literally turns inside out. Miranda
may also be the reaggregated
parts of one or more moons that
were shattered in a collision or torn
apart in a gravitational tug-of-war.

Earth's Moon


vidence of a

0 variety of
geologic processes
is seen in this
patch of Miranda's
surface. The top

0 Titania
image is in false
color. The entire
picture spans an
area about 220
kilometers (140
miles) across.



ine images
were com-
bined to create
this mosaic of
Miranda. The
moon's surface
consists of two
ORIGINAL P_G:E strikingly different
types of terrain:
COLOR PHOTOGRA,_ old, heavily
cratered areas and
young, complex
regions character-
ized by scarps and
rom Uranus' dark, irregular rings,
scientists have determined that
planetary rings may be
short-lived phenomena
that come and go throughout a
planet's lifetime.
Based on the discovery of
shepherd moons in Saturn's rings,
Voyager scientists predicted and
found small shepherding moons at
Uranus that herd particles into
strands that form rings around the
planet. The particles themselves
may be chunks of a moon frac-
tured in a collision.

rings were made

from data obtained

by Voyager's
At left is the narrow

gamma ring. Four

slices of the epsilon
ring, above, show
the widely varying
widths of the ring.

i/ !i :
°I I



y observing
the light of
a star through
Uranus' rings,
collected data to
allow scientists to
determine the
width and depth of
the rings and the
distribution of
material in them.

s the star
Sagittarii passed
behind the delta
ring, the photo-
recorded the data
from which this
false-color picture
was developed.

is photo
as taken as
Voyager crossed
the Plane of the
Uranian ring
system. _ .
j .....
At least two new rings and COLOR PHOTOGRAPH
several partial rings were observed,
in addition to the nine known to
exist before Voyager arrived.
The outermost ring, called ep-
silon, contains nothing smaller than
fist-sized particles. The other rings
also seem to contain few smaller
particles, in marked contrast to
Saturn's and Jupiter's rings. It is
thought that atmospheric drag, due hepherd
to the extended hydrogen corona moons, as
that Voyager observed around the predicted, were
found guiding
planet, causes dust particles to
some of Uranus'
spiral into the planet. But why there rings into shape.
are no intermediate, marble-sized
particles is a puzzle.
Scientists believe that, in time,
the rings may actually vanish. As !!
large ring particles collide and grind
down to dust, the dust would be
swept from the ring system (again,
because of drag). New rings could
be formed only by the breakup of
the orbiting moons.

his 96-
exposure, taken
while Voyager was
in the shadow of
Uranus, enhances
the visibility of
particles. The
short streaks are
smeared images
of background
• .

Uranus' rings vary
from a scant
335 kilometers
(208 miles) to
2,877 kilometers
(1,784 miles).

i D ust
and large
! chunks of rock
i and ice make up
i the Uranian ring


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