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Delaware County STOP-DWI Program

Lisa A. Barrows - Coordinator 280 Phoebe Lane - Suite 5 Delhi, New York 13753
Phone 607.746.8400 Fax 607.746.8412 Email:


Mr. Bob McCarthy, Supervisor - Town of Sidney

41 Wood Rd.
Sidney, NY 13838

Re. Your Letter dated May 26, 2010

Mr. McCarthy,

I am in receipt of your response to my invitation to you and other Supervisors to

witness the “Mock Crash” Program. Since the New York State STOP-DWI Program
was first adopted pursuant to Chapter 910 of the Laws of 1981 (now section 1197 of
the Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL), it has proven to be one of the nation’s most effective
approaches to addressing the unnecessary carnage caused by drunk drivers. It has
received both Congressional and Presidential awards for its effectiveness.

Similar invitations were sent to each Supervisor where the program was conducting a
mock crash. Some graciously accepted the invitation and I was glad to have the
opportunity to host them and demonstrate just one of the many projects we are running
out of the Delaware County STOP-DWI Program.

In your email you express your concern about losing your rights as an American
citizen; and the Libertarian streak in me can certainly sympathize with you. But liberty
is something of a two way street. The people who choose to call Delaware County their
home also have the right to drive on our roads without the fear of being mowed down
by a drunk or drugged driver.

Furthermore, I want to make certain that it is clear that the county STOP-DWI
Coordinators are essentially administrators tasked, under VTL §1197, with
collaborating with a cross section of local officials, including law enforcement,
prosecutors, probation, the courts, the Drinking Driver Program (VTL §1196), schools,
rehabilitation facilities etc. to develop and fund a comprehensive county-wide approach
to reducing the incidence of drinking and driving in their respective counties. Funding
is derived exclusively from the fines collected from offenders. And, we have a saying
that we may be the only program in the State with a mission statement to put itself out
of business -- because that would mean that we have eliminated drunk driving.

We are not, however, legislators. We do not enact the laws that seem to be at the

The Delaware County STOP-DWI Program is supported entirely by fines that are paid by people
convicted of Driving While Intoxicated
heart of your concern. Those are passed in Albany, and, to be perfectly honest, my
colleagues and I are often as appalled as you by some of the ill-conceived legislation
that we have to deal with -- such as the plethora of surcharges that have been piled
on to convicted drunk drivers for budget relief and now the requirement that all persons
convicted of DWI must install an ignition interlock device on each vehicle they own or
operate -- and pay for it. And, to make matters worse, the State provided the county
with no funding for the administration and monitoring of the program.

Moreover, I hope you recognize that our program has nothing to do with establishing
the statutory threshold for intoxication, nor do we circumscribe the punishment. As
administrators, our functions and duties are established in law.

In the last 5 years since I have been the Coordinator of the program in Delaware
County, and with the support and guidance of the county legislature, here are some of
the things we have done with the fine money (the sole source of funding for the
program). Since 2005 STOP-DWI has purchased:

• $86,175.73 for Equipment for Delaware County law enforcement and probation
• $176,765.00 for Patrols and grants for Delaware County law enforcement
• $141,000.00 for Prosecution
• $83,000.00 for Community Education and Outreach
• $45,000.00 for Advertising (using strictly Delaware County businesses)

This totals $531,940.73 of fine money returned to Delaware County and utilized to
prevent further DWI tragedies. It also amounts to a $531,940.73 savings to the county,
as no tax dollars are used in any portion of the STOP-DWI program. Bringing it closer
to home, STOP-DWI purchased a 2010 Dodge Charger for the Sidney Police
Department. This provided a much needed replacement for the Village, resulting in a
savings to Sidney of $26,187.25.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is an epidemic in our society. We can
never educate people enough on the dangers of this deadly behavior and the
consequences it can have on the driver and others around them. Approximately every
2 minutes in the US someone is either killed or injured in a DWI crash. These are not
accidents. Impaired driving is the most frequently committed violent crime in the US
today; and it completely avoidable.

The STOP-DWI program is a highly successful, self-sustaining, life saving program.

The likelihood of being involved in a fatal alcohol related car crash in the State of New
York has gone down a staggering 69% since the implementation of this program. Right
here in Delaware County, in the last five years, underage DWI arrests have fallen 32%!
Obviously we are doing something right.

Each of the 62 counties in the State of New York participates in this program. By our
participation, we align ourselves to receive back from the State all DWI fines imposed
upon convicted drunk drivers. It is this money that runs our entire program, including
Coordinators salaries and benefits. Not a single tax dollar comes into this program. If
Delaware County opted out of the program, all fine money from DWI’s would be
redirected to the States General Fund.

Mr. McCarthy, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the program with you in
greater depth. If I may be of further service to you, please do not hesitate to contact


Lisa A. Barrows
Coordinator, STOP-DWI

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