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# Arguments #

Note: Case sensitive.

### App arguments ###

Bypass "single instance of WPD" check.
Hide Splashscreen.
Hide OS compatibility warning. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Get rule updates via proxy. Example: -proxy "", -proxy "" - go
Force localization culture. Localization.ini required. Example: -locale "en-US"
Create a Restore Point.
Copy Blocker rules to "rules.txt". App's folder by default.
-dumpRules "Path"
Custom path. No backslash at the end required. Example: -dumpRules "C:\folder"
Ignore "Windows Defender Firewall" and use WFP only.
Save current state to a bat file.
Quit program after arguments execution.

### Tab arguments ###

Use registry for Group Policy instead of group policy objects.
Unlocks Experimental list.
Show errors during Appx setup.
Do not check MS Office installation. Show GP anyway.
Bypass Blocker tab loading.
Bypass Appx tab loading.

### Button arguments ###

Note: Priority order.

Switch everything to default, except Appx.
Switch everything to full privacy, except Appx.
-privacy ""
Switch list of buttons to privacy. Example: -privacy "GP1 GP2 Service2 Scheduler3
Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.
-revert ""
Revert list of buttons to default state. Example: -revert "GP1 GP2 Service2
Scheduler3 Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.

### Advanced Button arguments ###

Check "Set Telemetry to Security level". (Windows 10 Enterprise and LTSB/LTSC)
Check "Include All Advanced settings". (Windows 10)
-defender ""
Enable/disable Windows Defender Firewall. Example: -defender "on", -defender "off"

-wfp ""
Enable/disable Windows Filtering Platform. Example: -wfp "on", -wfp "off"

### List of buttons ###

* GP1 - Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP2 - Internet Explorer Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP3 - Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP4 - Allow Cortana
* GP5 - Allow search and Cortana to use location
* GP6 - Windows Error Reporting
* GP7 - Steps Recorder
* GP8 - Inventory Collector
* GP9 - Telemetry
* GP10 - Handwriting automatic learning
* GP11 - Input personalization / Allow users to enable online speech recognition
* GP12 - Improve inking and typing recognition
* GP13 - PerfTrack
* GP14 - Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
* GP15 - Advertising ID
* GP16 - Search Companion
* GP17 - Microsoft consumer experiences
* GPoffice1 - Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GPoffice2 - Send Telemetry
* GPoffice3 - Send personal information
* Service1 - Diagnostics Tracking Service / Connected User Experiences and
* Service2 - Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
* Service3 - Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message
Routing Service
* Service4 - DataCollectionPublishingService (DcpSvc)
* Service5 - Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
* Scheduler1 - Consolidator
* Scheduler2 - KernelCeipTask
* Scheduler3 - UsbCeip
* Scheduler4 - BthSQM
* Scheduler5 - Sqm-Tasks
* Scheduler6 - BackgroundUploadTask
* Scheduler7 - Proxy
* Scheduler8 - Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
* Scheduler9 - ProgramDataUpdater
* Scheduler10 - AitAgent
* Scheduler11 - DiskDiagnosticDataCollector
* Scheduler12 - GatherNetworkInfo
* Scheduler13 - Device Census
* GPadv1 - Allow publishing of User Activities
* GPadv2 - Allow upload of User Activities
* GPadv3 - Enables Activity Feed
* GPadv4 - Allow Clipboard synchronization across devices
* GPadv5 - Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data
* GPadv6 - Sync your settings
* GPadv7 - Use OneDrive for file storage
* GPadv8 - Windows Defender Antivirus
* GPadv9 - Access to all Windows Update features
* GPapp1 - Let Windows apps access account information
* GPapp2 - Let Windows apps access the calendar
* GPapp3 - Let Windows apps access call history
* GPapp4 - Let Windows apps access the camera
* GPapp5 - Let Windows apps access the contacts
* GPapp6 - Let Windows apps access email
* GPapp7 - Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device
* GPapp8 - Let Windows apps access location
* GPapp9 - Let Windows apps access messaging
* GPapp10 - Let Windows apps access the microphone
* GPapp11 - Let Windows apps access motion
* GPapp12 - Let Windows apps access notifications
* GPapp13 - Let Windows apps make phone calls
* GPapp14 - Let Windows apps control radios
* GPapp15 - Let Windows apps access Tasks
* GPapp16 - Let Windows apps access trusted devices
* GPapp17 - Let Windows apps access diagnostic information about other apps
* GPapp18 - Let Windows apps run in the background
* GPapp19 - Let Windows apps communicate with unpaired devices
* GPapp20 - Let Windows apps activate with voice
* GPapp21 - Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked
* ServAdv1 - Connected Devices Platform User Service
* ServAdv2 - Sync Host
* ServAdv3 - Contact Data
* ServAdv4 - User Data Storage
* ServAdv5 - User Data Access
* ServAdv6 - MessagingService
* ServAdv7 - Windows Push Notifications User Service
* ServAdv8 - Windows Update
* Misc1 - Show sync provider notifications
* Misc2 - Tailored experiences
* Misc3 - Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results
* Rule1 - Block Spy
* Rule2 - Block Extra
* Rule3 - Block Update# Arguments #
Note: Case sensitive.

### App arguments ###

Bypass "single instance of WPD" check.
Hide Splashscreen.
Hide OS compatibility warning. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Get rule updates via proxy. Example: -proxy "", -proxy "" - go
Force localization culture. Localization.ini required. Example: -locale "en-US"
Create a Restore Point.
Copy Blocker rules to "rules.txt". App's folder by default.
-dumpRules "Path"
Custom path. No backslash at the end required. Example: -dumpRules "C:\folder"
Ignore "Windows Defender Firewall" and use WFP only.
Save current state to a bat file.
Quit program after arguments execution.

### Tab arguments ###

Use registry for Group Policy instead of group policy objects.
Unlocks Experimental list.
Show errors during Appx setup.
Do not check MS Office installation. Show GP anyway.
Bypass Blocker tab loading.
Bypass Appx tab loading.

### Button arguments ###

Note: Priority order.

Switch everything to default, except Appx.
Switch everything to full privacy, except Appx.
-privacy ""
Switch list of buttons to privacy. Example: -privacy "GP1 GP2 Service2 Scheduler3
Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.
-revert ""
Revert list of buttons to default state. Example: -revert "GP1 GP2 Service2
Scheduler3 Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.

### Advanced Button arguments ###

Check "Set Telemetry to Security level". (Windows 10 Enterprise and LTSB/LTSC)
Check "Include All Advanced settings". (Windows 10)
-defender ""
Enable/disable Windows Defender Firewall. Example: -defender "on", -defender "off"

-wfp ""
Enable/disable Windows Filtering Platform. Example: -wfp "on", -wfp "off"

### List of buttons ###

* GP1 - Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP2 - Internet Explorer Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP3 - Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP4 - Allow Cortana
* GP5 - Allow search and Cortana to use location
* GP6 - Windows Error Reporting
* GP7 - Steps Recorder
* GP8 - Inventory Collector
* GP9 - Telemetry
* GP10 - Handwriting automatic learning
* GP11 - Input personalization / Allow users to enable online speech recognition
* GP12 - Improve inking and typing recognition
* GP13 - PerfTrack
* GP14 - Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
* GP15 - Advertising ID
* GP16 - Search Companion
* GP17 - Microsoft consumer experiences
* GPoffice1 - Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GPoffice2 - Send Telemetry
* GPoffice3 - Send personal information
* Service1 - Diagnostics Tracking Service / Connected User Experiences and
* Service2 - Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
* Service3 - Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message
Routing Service
* Service4 - DataCollectionPublishingService (DcpSvc)
* Service5 - Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
* Scheduler1 - Consolidator
* Scheduler2 - KernelCeipTask
* Scheduler3 - UsbCeip
* Scheduler4 - BthSQM
* Scheduler5 - Sqm-Tasks
* Scheduler6 - BackgroundUploadTask
* Scheduler7 - Proxy
* Scheduler8 - Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
* Scheduler9 - ProgramDataUpdater
* Scheduler10 - AitAgent
* Scheduler11 - DiskDiagnosticDataCollector
* Scheduler12 - GatherNetworkInfo
* Scheduler13 - Device Census
* GPadv1 - Allow publishing of User Activities
* GPadv2 - Allow upload of User Activities
* GPadv3 - Enables Activity Feed
* GPadv4 - Allow Clipboard synchronization across devices
* GPadv5 - Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data
* GPadv6 - Sync your settings
* GPadv7 - Use OneDrive for file storage
* GPadv8 - Windows Defender Antivirus
* GPadv9 - Access to all Windows Update features
* GPapp1 - Let Windows apps access account information
* GPapp2 - Let Windows apps access the calendar
* GPapp3 - Let Windows apps access call history
* GPapp4 - Let Windows apps access the camera
* GPapp5 - Let Windows apps access the contacts
* GPapp6 - Let Windows apps access email
* GPapp7 - Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device
* GPapp8 - Let Windows apps access location
* GPapp9 - Let Windows apps access messaging
* GPapp10 - Let Windows apps access the microphone
* GPapp11 - Let Windows apps access motion
* GPapp12 - Let Windows apps access notifications
* GPapp13 - Let Windows apps make phone calls
* GPapp14 - Let Windows apps control radios
* GPapp15 - Let Windows apps access Tasks
* GPapp16 - Let Windows apps access trusted devices
* GPapp17 - Let Windows apps access diagnostic information about other apps
* GPapp18 - Let Windows apps run in the background
* GPapp19 - Let Windows apps communicate with unpaired devices
* GPapp20 - Let Windows apps activate with voice
* GPapp21 - Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked
* ServAdv1 - Connected Devices Platform User Service
* ServAdv2 - Sync Host
* ServAdv3 - Contact Data
* ServAdv4 - User Data Storage
* ServAdv5 - User Data Access
* ServAdv6 - MessagingService
* ServAdv7 - Windows Push Notifications User Service
* ServAdv8 - Windows Update
* Misc1 - Show sync provider notifications
* Misc2 - Tailored experiences
* Misc3 - Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results
* Rule1 - Block Spy
* Rule2 - Block Extra
* Rule3 - Block Update# Arguments #
Note: Case sensitive.

### App arguments ###

Bypass "single instance of WPD" check.
Hide Splashscreen.
Hide OS compatibility warning. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Get rule updates via proxy. Example: -proxy "", -proxy "" - go
Force localization culture. Localization.ini required. Example: -locale "en-US"
Create a Restore Point.
Copy Blocker rules to "rules.txt". App's folder by default.
-dumpRules "Path"
Custom path. No backslash at the end required. Example: -dumpRules "C:\folder"
Ignore "Windows Defender Firewall" and use WFP only.
Save current state to a bat file.
Quit program after arguments execution.

### Tab arguments ###

Use registry for Group Policy instead of group policy objects.
Unlocks Experimental list.
Show errors during Appx setup.
Do not check MS Office installation. Show GP anyway.
Bypass Blocker tab loading.
Bypass Appx tab loading.

### Button arguments ###

Note: Priority order.

Switch everything to default, except Appx.
Switch everything to full privacy, except Appx.
-privacy ""
Switch list of buttons to privacy. Example: -privacy "GP1 GP2 Service2 Scheduler3
Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.
-revert ""
Revert list of buttons to default state. Example: -revert "GP1 GP2 Service2
Scheduler3 Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.

### Advanced Button arguments ###

Check "Set Telemetry to Security level". (Windows 10 Enterprise and LTSB/LTSC)
Check "Include All Advanced settings". (Windows 10)
-defender ""
Enable/disable Windows Defender Firewall. Example: -defender "on", -defender "off"

-wfp ""
Enable/disable Windows Filtering Platform. Example: -wfp "on", -wfp "off"

### List of buttons ###

* GP1 - Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP2 - Internet Explorer Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP3 - Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP4 - Allow Cortana
* GP5 - Allow search and Cortana to use location
* GP6 - Windows Error Reporting
* GP7 - Steps Recorder
* GP8 - Inventory Collector
* GP9 - Telemetry
* GP10 - Handwriting automatic learning
* GP11 - Input personalization / Allow users to enable online speech recognition
* GP12 - Improve inking and typing recognition
* GP13 - PerfTrack
* GP14 - Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
* GP15 - Advertising ID
* GP16 - Search Companion
* GP17 - Microsoft consumer experiences
* GPoffice1 - Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GPoffice2 - Send Telemetry
* GPoffice3 - Send personal information
* Service1 - Diagnostics Tracking Service / Connected User Experiences and
* Service2 - Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
* Service3 - Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message
Routing Service
* Service4 - DataCollectionPublishingService (DcpSvc)
* Service5 - Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
* Scheduler1 - Consolidator
* Scheduler2 - KernelCeipTask
* Scheduler3 - UsbCeip
* Scheduler4 - BthSQM
* Scheduler5 - Sqm-Tasks
* Scheduler6 - BackgroundUploadTask
* Scheduler7 - Proxy
* Scheduler8 - Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
* Scheduler9 - ProgramDataUpdater
* Scheduler10 - AitAgent
* Scheduler11 - DiskDiagnosticDataCollector
* Scheduler12 - GatherNetworkInfo
* Scheduler13 - Device Census
* GPadv1 - Allow publishing of User Activities
* GPadv2 - Allow upload of User Activities
* GPadv3 - Enables Activity Feed
* GPadv4 - Allow Clipboard synchronization across devices
* GPadv5 - Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data
* GPadv6 - Sync your settings
* GPadv7 - Use OneDrive for file storage
* GPadv8 - Windows Defender Antivirus
* GPadv9 - Access to all Windows Update features
* GPapp1 - Let Windows apps access account information
* GPapp2 - Let Windows apps access the calendar
* GPapp3 - Let Windows apps access call history
* GPapp4 - Let Windows apps access the camera
* GPapp5 - Let Windows apps access the contacts
* GPapp6 - Let Windows apps access email
* GPapp7 - Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device
* GPapp8 - Let Windows apps access location
* GPapp9 - Let Windows apps access messaging
* GPapp10 - Let Windows apps access the microphone
* GPapp11 - Let Windows apps access motion
* GPapp12 - Let Windows apps access notifications
* GPapp13 - Let Windows apps make phone calls
* GPapp14 - Let Windows apps control radios
* GPapp15 - Let Windows apps access Tasks
* GPapp16 - Let Windows apps access trusted devices
* GPapp17 - Let Windows apps access diagnostic information about other apps
* GPapp18 - Let Windows apps run in the background
* GPapp19 - Let Windows apps communicate with unpaired devices
* GPapp20 - Let Windows apps activate with voice
* GPapp21 - Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked
* ServAdv1 - Connected Devices Platform User Service
* ServAdv2 - Sync Host
* ServAdv3 - Contact Data
* ServAdv4 - User Data Storage
* ServAdv5 - User Data Access
* ServAdv6 - MessagingService
* ServAdv7 - Windows Push Notifications User Service
* ServAdv8 - Windows Update
* Misc1 - Show sync provider notifications
* Misc2 - Tailored experiences
* Misc3 - Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results
* Rule1 - Block Spy
* Rule2 - Block Extra
* Rule3 - Block Update# Arguments #
Note: Case sensitive.

### App arguments ###

Bypass "single instance of WPD" check.
Hide Splashscreen.
Hide OS compatibility warning. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Get rule updates via proxy. Example: -proxy "", -proxy "" - go
Force localization culture. Localization.ini required. Example: -locale "en-US"
Create a Restore Point.
Copy Blocker rules to "rules.txt". App's folder by default.
-dumpRules "Path"
Custom path. No backslash at the end required. Example: -dumpRules "C:\folder"
Ignore "Windows Defender Firewall" and use WFP only.
Save current state to a bat file.
Quit program after arguments execution.

### Tab arguments ###

Use registry for Group Policy instead of group policy objects.
Unlocks Experimental list.
Show errors during Appx setup.
Do not check MS Office installation. Show GP anyway.
Bypass Blocker tab loading.
Bypass Appx tab loading.

### Button arguments ###

Note: Priority order.
Switch everything to default, except Appx.
Switch everything to full privacy, except Appx.
-privacy ""
Switch list of buttons to privacy. Example: -privacy "GP1 GP2 Service2 Scheduler3
Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.
-revert ""
Revert list of buttons to default state. Example: -revert "GP1 GP2 Service2
Scheduler3 Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.

### Advanced Button arguments ###

Check "Set Telemetry to Security level". (Windows 10 Enterprise and LTSB/LTSC)
Check "Include All Advanced settings". (Windows 10)
-defender ""
Enable/disable Windows Defender Firewall. Example: -defender "on", -defender "off"

-wfp ""
Enable/disable Windows Filtering Platform. Example: -wfp "on", -wfp "off"

### List of buttons ###

* GP1 - Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP2 - Internet Explorer Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP3 - Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP4 - Allow Cortana
* GP5 - Allow search and Cortana to use location
* GP6 - Windows Error Reporting
* GP7 - Steps Recorder
* GP8 - Inventory Collector
* GP9 - Telemetry
* GP10 - Handwriting automatic learning
* GP11 - Input personalization / Allow users to enable online speech recognition
* GP12 - Improve inking and typing recognition
* GP13 - PerfTrack
* GP14 - Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
* GP15 - Advertising ID
* GP16 - Search Companion
* GP17 - Microsoft consumer experiences
* GPoffice1 - Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GPoffice2 - Send Telemetry
* GPoffice3 - Send personal information
* Service1 - Diagnostics Tracking Service / Connected User Experiences and
* Service2 - Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
* Service3 - Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message
Routing Service
* Service4 - DataCollectionPublishingService (DcpSvc)
* Service5 - Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
* Scheduler1 - Consolidator
* Scheduler2 - KernelCeipTask
* Scheduler3 - UsbCeip
* Scheduler4 - BthSQM
* Scheduler5 - Sqm-Tasks
* Scheduler6 - BackgroundUploadTask
* Scheduler7 - Proxy
* Scheduler8 - Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
* Scheduler9 - ProgramDataUpdater
* Scheduler10 - AitAgent
* Scheduler11 - DiskDiagnosticDataCollector
* Scheduler12 - GatherNetworkInfo
* Scheduler13 - Device Census
* GPadv1 - Allow publishing of User Activities
* GPadv2 - Allow upload of User Activities
* GPadv3 - Enables Activity Feed
* GPadv4 - Allow Clipboard synchronization across devices
* GPadv5 - Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data
* GPadv6 - Sync your settings
* GPadv7 - Use OneDrive for file storage
* GPadv8 - Windows Defender Antivirus
* GPadv9 - Access to all Windows Update features
* GPapp1 - Let Windows apps access account information
* GPapp2 - Let Windows apps access the calendar
* GPapp3 - Let Windows apps access call history
* GPapp4 - Let Windows apps access the camera
* GPapp5 - Let Windows apps access the contacts
* GPapp6 - Let Windows apps access email
* GPapp7 - Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device
* GPapp8 - Let Windows apps access location
* GPapp9 - Let Windows apps access messaging
* GPapp10 - Let Windows apps access the microphone
* GPapp11 - Let Windows apps access motion
* GPapp12 - Let Windows apps access notifications
* GPapp13 - Let Windows apps make phone calls
* GPapp14 - Let Windows apps control radios
* GPapp15 - Let Windows apps access Tasks
* GPapp16 - Let Windows apps access trusted devices
* GPapp17 - Let Windows apps access diagnostic information about other apps
* GPapp18 - Let Windows apps run in the background
* GPapp19 - Let Windows apps communicate with unpaired devices
* GPapp20 - Let Windows apps activate with voice
* GPapp21 - Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked
* ServAdv1 - Connected Devices Platform User Service
* ServAdv2 - Sync Host
* ServAdv3 - Contact Data
* ServAdv4 - User Data Storage
* ServAdv5 - User Data Access
* ServAdv6 - MessagingService
* ServAdv7 - Windows Push Notifications User Service
* ServAdv8 - Windows Update
* Misc1 - Show sync provider notifications
* Misc2 - Tailored experiences
* Misc3 - Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results
* Rule1 - Block Spy
* Rule2 - Block Extra
* Rule3 - Block Update# Arguments #
Note: Case sensitive.

### App arguments ###

Bypass "single instance of WPD" check.
Hide Splashscreen.
Hide OS compatibility warning. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Get rule updates via proxy. Example: -proxy "", -proxy "" - go
Force localization culture. Localization.ini required. Example: -locale "en-US"
Create a Restore Point.
Copy Blocker rules to "rules.txt". App's folder by default.
-dumpRules "Path"
Custom path. No backslash at the end required. Example: -dumpRules "C:\folder"
Ignore "Windows Defender Firewall" and use WFP only.
Save current state to a bat file.
Quit program after arguments execution.

### Tab arguments ###

Use registry for Group Policy instead of group policy objects.
Unlocks Experimental list.
Show errors during Appx setup.
Do not check MS Office installation. Show GP anyway.
Bypass Blocker tab loading.
Bypass Appx tab loading.

### Button arguments ###

Note: Priority order.

Switch everything to default, except Appx.
Switch everything to full privacy, except Appx.
-privacy ""
Switch list of buttons to privacy. Example: -privacy "GP1 GP2 Service2 Scheduler3
Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.
-revert ""
Revert list of buttons to default state. Example: -revert "GP1 GP2 Service2
Scheduler3 Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.

### Advanced Button arguments ###

Check "Set Telemetry to Security level". (Windows 10 Enterprise and LTSB/LTSC)
Check "Include All Advanced settings". (Windows 10)
-defender ""
Enable/disable Windows Defender Firewall. Example: -defender "on", -defender "off"

-wfp ""
Enable/disable Windows Filtering Platform. Example: -wfp "on", -wfp "off"

### List of buttons ###

* GP1 - Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP2 - Internet Explorer Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP3 - Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP4 - Allow Cortana
* GP5 - Allow search and Cortana to use location
* GP6 - Windows Error Reporting
* GP7 - Steps Recorder
* GP8 - Inventory Collector
* GP9 - Telemetry
* GP10 - Handwriting automatic learning
* GP11 - Input personalization / Allow users to enable online speech recognition
* GP12 - Improve inking and typing recognition
* GP13 - PerfTrack
* GP14 - Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
* GP15 - Advertising ID
* GP16 - Search Companion
* GP17 - Microsoft consumer experiences
* GPoffice1 - Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GPoffice2 - Send Telemetry
* GPoffice3 - Send personal information
* Service1 - Diagnostics Tracking Service / Connected User Experiences and
* Service2 - Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
* Service3 - Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message
Routing Service
* Service4 - DataCollectionPublishingService (DcpSvc)
* Service5 - Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
* Scheduler1 - Consolidator
* Scheduler2 - KernelCeipTask
* Scheduler3 - UsbCeip
* Scheduler4 - BthSQM
* Scheduler5 - Sqm-Tasks
* Scheduler6 - BackgroundUploadTask
* Scheduler7 - Proxy
* Scheduler8 - Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
* Scheduler9 - ProgramDataUpdater
* Scheduler10 - AitAgent
* Scheduler11 - DiskDiagnosticDataCollector
* Scheduler12 - GatherNetworkInfo
* Scheduler13 - Device Census
* GPadv1 - Allow publishing of User Activities
* GPadv2 - Allow upload of User Activities
* GPadv3 - Enables Activity Feed
* GPadv4 - Allow Clipboard synchronization across devices
* GPadv5 - Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data
* GPadv6 - Sync your settings
* GPadv7 - Use OneDrive for file storage
* GPadv8 - Windows Defender Antivirus
* GPadv9 - Access to all Windows Update features
* GPapp1 - Let Windows apps access account information
* GPapp2 - Let Windows apps access the calendar
* GPapp3 - Let Windows apps access call history
* GPapp4 - Let Windows apps access the camera
* GPapp5 - Let Windows apps access the contacts
* GPapp6 - Let Windows apps access email
* GPapp7 - Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device
* GPapp8 - Let Windows apps access location
* GPapp9 - Let Windows apps access messaging
* GPapp10 - Let Windows apps access the microphone
* GPapp11 - Let Windows apps access motion
* GPapp12 - Let Windows apps access notifications
* GPapp13 - Let Windows apps make phone calls
* GPapp14 - Let Windows apps control radios
* GPapp15 - Let Windows apps access Tasks
* GPapp16 - Let Windows apps access trusted devices
* GPapp17 - Let Windows apps access diagnostic information about other apps
* GPapp18 - Let Windows apps run in the background
* GPapp19 - Let Windows apps communicate with unpaired devices
* GPapp20 - Let Windows apps activate with voice
* GPapp21 - Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked
* ServAdv1 - Connected Devices Platform User Service
* ServAdv2 - Sync Host
* ServAdv3 - Contact Data
* ServAdv4 - User Data Storage
* ServAdv5 - User Data Access
* ServAdv6 - MessagingService
* ServAdv7 - Windows Push Notifications User Service
* ServAdv8 - Windows Update
* Misc1 - Show sync provider notifications
* Misc2 - Tailored experiences
* Misc3 - Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results
* Rule1 - Block Spy
* Rule2 - Block Extra
* Rule3 - Block Update# Arguments #
Note: Case sensitive.

### App arguments ###

Bypass "single instance of WPD" check.
Hide Splashscreen.
Hide OS compatibility warning. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Get rule updates via proxy. Example: -proxy "", -proxy "" - go
Force localization culture. Localization.ini required. Example: -locale "en-US"
Create a Restore Point.
Copy Blocker rules to "rules.txt". App's folder by default.
-dumpRules "Path"
Custom path. No backslash at the end required. Example: -dumpRules "C:\folder"
Ignore "Windows Defender Firewall" and use WFP only.
Save current state to a bat file.
Quit program after arguments execution.

### Tab arguments ###

Use registry for Group Policy instead of group policy objects.
Unlocks Experimental list.
Show errors during Appx setup.
Do not check MS Office installation. Show GP anyway.
Bypass Blocker tab loading.
Bypass Appx tab loading.

### Button arguments ###

Note: Priority order.

Switch everything to default, except Appx.
Switch everything to full privacy, except Appx.
-privacy ""
Switch list of buttons to privacy. Example: -privacy "GP1 GP2 Service2 Scheduler3
Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.
-revert ""
Revert list of buttons to default state. Example: -revert "GP1 GP2 Service2
Scheduler3 Rule2 Misc1"
Full list of buttons below.

### Advanced Button arguments ###

Check "Set Telemetry to Security level". (Windows 10 Enterprise and LTSB/LTSC)
Check "Include All Advanced settings". (Windows 10)
-defender ""
Enable/disable Windows Defender Firewall. Example: -defender "on", -defender "off"

-wfp ""
Enable/disable Windows Filtering Platform. Example: -wfp "on", -wfp "off"

### List of buttons ###

* GP1 - Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP2 - Internet Explorer Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP3 - Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GP4 - Allow Cortana
* GP5 - Allow search and Cortana to use location
* GP6 - Windows Error Reporting
* GP7 - Steps Recorder
* GP8 - Inventory Collector
* GP9 - Telemetry
* GP10 - Handwriting automatic learning
* GP11 - Input personalization / Allow users to enable online speech recognition
* GP12 - Improve inking and typing recognition
* GP13 - PerfTrack
* GP14 - Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
* GP15 - Advertising ID
* GP16 - Search Companion
* GP17 - Microsoft consumer experiences
* GPoffice1 - Customer Experience Improvement Program
* GPoffice2 - Send Telemetry
* GPoffice3 - Send personal information
* Service1 - Diagnostics Tracking Service / Connected User Experiences and
* Service2 - Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
* Service3 - Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message
Routing Service
* Service4 - DataCollectionPublishingService (DcpSvc)
* Service5 - Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
* Scheduler1 - Consolidator
* Scheduler2 - KernelCeipTask
* Scheduler3 - UsbCeip
* Scheduler4 - BthSQM
* Scheduler5 - Sqm-Tasks
* Scheduler6 - BackgroundUploadTask
* Scheduler7 - Proxy
* Scheduler8 - Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
* Scheduler9 - ProgramDataUpdater
* Scheduler10 - AitAgent
* Scheduler11 - DiskDiagnosticDataCollector
* Scheduler12 - GatherNetworkInfo
* Scheduler13 - Device Census
* GPadv1 - Allow publishing of User Activities
* GPadv2 - Allow upload of User Activities
* GPadv3 - Enables Activity Feed
* GPadv4 - Allow Clipboard synchronization across devices
* GPadv5 - Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data
* GPadv6 - Sync your settings
* GPadv7 - Use OneDrive for file storage
* GPadv8 - Windows Defender Antivirus
* GPadv9 - Access to all Windows Update features
* GPapp1 - Let Windows apps access account information
* GPapp2 - Let Windows apps access the calendar
* GPapp3 - Let Windows apps access call history
* GPapp4 - Let Windows apps access the camera
* GPapp5 - Let Windows apps access the contacts
* GPapp6 - Let Windows apps access email
* GPapp7 - Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device
* GPapp8 - Let Windows apps access location
* GPapp9 - Let Windows apps access messaging
* GPapp10 - Let Windows apps access the microphone
* GPapp11 - Let Windows apps access motion
* GPapp12 - Let Windows apps access notifications
* GPapp13 - Let Windows apps make phone calls
* GPapp14 - Let Windows apps control radios
* GPapp15 - Let Windows apps access Tasks
* GPapp16 - Let Windows apps access trusted devices
* GPapp17 - Let Windows apps access diagnostic information about other apps
* GPapp18 - Let Windows apps run in the background
* GPapp19 - Let Windows apps communicate with unpaired devices
* GPapp20 - Let Windows apps activate with voice
* GPapp21 - Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked
* ServAdv1 - Connected Devices Platform User Service
* ServAdv2 - Sync Host
* ServAdv3 - Contact Data
* ServAdv4 - User Data Storage
* ServAdv5 - User Data Access
* ServAdv6 - MessagingService
* ServAdv7 - Windows Push Notifications User Service
* ServAdv8 - Windows Update
* Misc1 - Show sync provider notifications
* Misc2 - Tailored experiences
* Misc3 - Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results
* Rule1 - Block Spy
* Rule2 - Block Extra
* Rule3 - Block Update

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