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School of Physical Therapy, Western University, Elborn College, London, Ontario, Canada; 2School of Kinesiology, Western
University, London, Ontario, Canada; 3Sport Injury Prevention Research Center, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 4Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada; and 5School of Physical
Therapy, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT a large positive effect size (Hedge’s d, 0.68) in isometric com-

Versteegh, TH, Dickey, JP, Emery, CA, Fischer, LK, MacDer- posite (multiplane) neck strength favoring the intervention
mid, JC, and Walton, DM. Evaluating the effects of a novel group over the control group (difference, 20 N; 95% CI, 28
neuromuscular neck training device on multiplanar static and to 48). The largest magnitude strength improvement in a single
dynamic neck strength: A pilot study. J Strength Cond Res plane was in axial rotation and also favored the intervention
XX(X): 000–000, 2019—The neck serves an important function group over the control group (Hedge’s d, 1.24; difference,
in damping the transference of acceleration forces between 46 N; 95% CI, 9–83). Future studies should explore whether
the head and the trunk, such as that occurring during contact the dynamic training presented here could help reduce the risk
sports or motor vehicle collisions. An inability to adequately of sports concussion, whiplash, or other head-neck trauma.
dissipate forces has been proposed as a potential mechanism KEY WORDS axial rotation, plyometric, centripetal, cervical
for clinical conditions such as whiplash or concussion, but strengthening
current approaches to neck training may not be targeting the
correct mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to explore
the training effect of a novel neuromuscular strengthening pro-
tocol on dynamic and static neck strength. This was a quasiex- INTRODUCTION

perimental pilot study design with intervention (n = 8) and oncussions are a major concern in contact sports,
control (n = 10) groups. The intervention group was trained and research is currently underway to explore
(twice/week, ;10 minutes, for 7 weeks) on a training device preventative measures to reduce the risk of expo-
that uses self-generated centripetal force to create a dynamic sure (2,10,12,18). Most concussion prevention
rotational resistance. This protocol is intended to target the measures are focused on policy and equipment, including
ability of the neck muscles to perform coordinated multiplanar changes to rules or equipment with less focus on the indi-
plyometric contractions. Both groups also continued with tra- vidual player (9). One area of research that is gaining atten-
ditional neck strengthening that included training on a straight- tion at the player level is the role the neck muscles, which
may play in damping the acceleration experienced by the
plane, isotonic, 4-way neck machine. Performance on the train-
head (5,8,15,24,29). This is important because the primary
ing device showed improvement after routine practice within 1
cause of most concussions are the linear and rotational ac-
week, as evidenced by a trend toward increased peak speed in
celerations of the head resulting from impact (19).
revolutions per minute (RPM). After 7 weeks, peak RPM Alsalaheen et al. (1) suggested that there are 2 important
increased from 122.8 (95% confidence interval [CI], 91.3– but unrelated constructs that influence the role the neck
154.4) to 252.3 (95% CI, 241.5–263.1). There was also muscles in mitigating acceleration forces of the head and
the neck: the musculoskeletal attribute of girth and strength,
Address correspondence to Theodore H. Versteegh, and the neuromuscular attributes of electromyographic
00(00)/1–9 (EMG) amplitude and latency. Biomechanical studies have
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shown that people with a stiffer and stronger neck experi-
Ó 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association ence less acceleration from impacts to the head (7,8,15,29).

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019 | 1

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Evaluating a Neuromuscular Neck Training Device

on optimizing neck muscle reactivity. They theorized that

the ability to rapidly dissipate anticipated or unanticipated
impact energy could be improved through more efficient
and shorter latency excitation-contraction coupling. In other
words, the shorter amount of time it takes the neck to
respond to a blow, the more efficiently it can absorb that
force. The analogy of viewing the neck muscles as damping
springs appears appropriate here, where more rapid recruit-
ment of motor units of the neck muscle complex (including
trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, splenius capitis, and
the deep segmental muscles) should, in theory, be more
resilient to sudden load, reducing the energy transfer to
the head and the brain. A focus on dynamic plyometric
training of the neck muscles is also supported by Hrysomallis
(14), following a systematic review of the relevant literature.
Plyometric training has shown some potential for injury pre-
vention in other body regions (23). Collectively, the current
body of evidence, although not large, appears to support
rigorous evaluation of more dynamic approaches to neck
muscle training for risk management in any injury mecha-
nism involving transfer of energy between the head and the
Toward this, a new neck training protocol focused on
dynamic, multiplanar plyometric training has been designed.
Akin to a “hula hoop” for the neck, the protocol leverages
Figure 1. Neuromuscular training device. The small weighted arm
self-generated centripetal force using the neck to keep
swings freely about the centrally mounted axis such that the athlete
wearing the helmet and using coordinated head movements can get the a weighted arm rotating about the top of a custom-fitted
weighted arm spinning. The faster the individual can get the weighted helmet. In theory, the use of self-generated force should
arm spinning, the greater the centripetal force generated and the
present less risk of overexertion and injury than that created
stronger and faster the neck muscles need to respond and contract to
maintain the weight spinning. by an external machine, although several questions need to
be answered before a fully powered clinical trial can be
appropriately undertaken. These include recruitment and
retention of participants, estimates of effect size following
Eckner et al. (8) demonstrated that neck strength in each the training, and collection of any adverse events. As such,
cardinal plane of motion is inversely proportional to the the purpose of this pilot study was to explore the feasibility
magnitude of head acceleration experienced from a low- of a planned future trial to explore the effectiveness of train-
level but sudden force applied to the head in that plane of ing on the novel neuromuscular strengthening device shown
motion. Jin et al. (15) used finite element modeling to find an in Figure 1. This pilot study involved a 7-week training pro-
inverse relationship between contraction velocity of the neck tocol in a sample drawn from a highly trained athletic pop-
muscles and accelerations measured at the head; the faster ulation of university football players.
the muscles respond to perturbation, the lesser the acceler-
ation experienced by the head. Collins et al. (5) captured
strength and anthropomorphic data in 6,662 high-school
athletes and followed them for a standard sports season,
during which 179 were diagnosed with a concussion. Using
multivariate logistic regression, it was found that only com- TABLE 1. Subject demographics (mean 6 SD).
posite (4-plane) neck strength remained as a significant pre- Intervention Control
dictor of concussion diagnosis. In a critical appraisal and (n = 8) (n = 10)
synthesis of the relevant literature, Gilchrist et al. (11) found
enough evidence to endorse training of the neck muscles Neck girth (cm) 43.8 6 2.3 43.5 6 3.0
through all planes of available motion as a potential strategy Age (y) 20.8 6 1.4 20.8 6 1.8
Height (m) 1.886 6 0.062 1.903 6 0.056
for concussion risk management. They further suggested Body mass (kg) 112.4 6 21.5 113.9 6 20.2
that such training should move from single-plane isotonic
resistance training focused on strength or hypertrophy, to
dynamic plyometric-type training programs focused more
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Figure 2. Flow diagram of subject recruitment and training.

METHODS etal issues that prevented them from participation in their

Experimental Approach to the Problem
team prescribed preseason training. Figure 2 presents a flow
This pilot study was designed as a quasiexperimental clinical diagram of the participants through each stage of the study.
trial with an intervention group and a control group, with Formal written informed consent was obtained from all sub-
a planned subanalysis of the change in performance metrics jects before participation in the study. The Western Univer-
on the neuromuscular training device in the intervention sity Human Research Ethics Board approved the project
group. All consenting participants continued to engage in before recruitment.
team-mandated off-season training sessions. The interven- Procedures
tion group also participated in a 7-week neuromuscular Self-reported age, height, and body mass were collected
neck-training program (exposure variable) involving 2 ses- from each player at the start of the study. Neck girth was
sions per week of approximately 10 minutes each. The measured using a flexible measuring tape at the level just
outcome variables in the study were change in multiplanar below the thyroid cartilage. Isometric neck strength (re-
isometric neck strength and performance on the neuromus- corded in newtons) was measured using a handheld dyna-
cular training device after training. Strength changes in the mometer according to a previously described assessment
transverse plane (axial rotation) were of particular interest as protocol (28). This protocol uses self-generated resistance
strengthening in this direction is clinically challenging. from the subject’s upper extremity to press into the dyna-
Subjects mometer to evaluate isometric neck strength in flexion,
Participants for this pilot study were selected from a list of extension, and right and left side flexion, side-flexion/rota-
current players who had participated in spring training and tion, and axial rotation. This protocol has shown good to
performed baseline strength testing. There were 38 eligible excellent test-retest reliability (intersession intraclass correla-
players for this study in total. For feasibility, selection was tion coefficient range from 0.87 to 0.95 and SEM range from
based on players who were locally available to train during 12.7 to 20 N for all tested directions). The strength values for
the 7 weeks leading up to the start of the fall football season. the 3 cardinal planes of motion were used for analysis (sag-
The control group was selected to match the intervention ittal plane: flexion/extension, frontal plane: right and left side
group on height (threshold 6 5 cm), body mass (68 kg), age flexion, and transverse plane: right and left axial rotation).
(62 years), and neck girth (63 cm) (Table 1). All subjects The average between the right and left sides for side-flexion
were between 18 and 23 years of age. Subjects were excluded and rotation was used for their respective single plane iso-
if, at the time of recruitment, team medical staff indicated metric strength analyses. A single metric termed “composite
that there were any concussion symptoms or musculoskel- neck strength” was also calculated as the arithmetic mean of

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Evaluating a Neuromuscular Neck Training Device

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

TABLE 2. Isometric strength values pre and post testing with mean change in newton (N) and effect sizes of the difference between control (Con) and
intervention (Int) groups (95% CI).*†

Percent change in Between-group difference

Pretest Posttest Strength change strength in strength change Effect size (Hedge’s d)

Composite neck strength


Con 300 (266–335) 312 (275–349) 12 (210 to 34) 4.0

Int 310 (278–343) 342 (307–377) 32 (13 to 50)z 10.3 20 (28 to 48) 0.68 (20.27 to 1.64)
Axial rotation
Con 246 (196–298) 243 (190–298) 23 (227 to 21) 21.2
Int 254 (213–296) 297 (267–327) 43 (9 to 76)z 16.9 46 (9 to 83)z 1.24 (0.23 to 2.26)z
Con 267 (240–293) 276 (245–307) 9 (218 to 37) 3.4
Int 281 (245–317) 306 (273–339) 25 (16 to 35)z 8.9 16 (212 to 44) 0.51 (20.43 to 1.46)
Con 328 (275–381) 393 (350–436) 65 (28–102)z 19.8
Int 363 (318–408) 398 (337–459) 35 (5 to 65)z 9.6 230 (275 to 16) 20.62 (21.58 to 0.33)
Con 444 (373–515) 433 (355–511) 210.5 (250 to 29) 22.4
Int 429 (380–478) 448 (383–514) 19 (221 to 59) 4.4 30 (223 to 82) 0.54 (20.41 to 1.49)

*CI = confidence interval.

†Int = intervention (n = 8), Con = control (n = 10), effect size calculated using the difference between the mean change in strength values of intervention and control. Qualitative
analysis of effect size thresholds: small 0.2, moderate 0.5, large 0.8 (6).
zDenotes statistical significance, as 95% confidence interval does not include zero.
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TABLE 3. Pre- and posttraining performance of the intervention group (n = 8) (95% CI).*

Pretest Posttest Change change Effect size (Hedge’s d)

RPMpeak 122.8 (91.3–154.4) 252.3 (241.5–263.1) 129.5 (103.7 to 155.3) +105.5 4.36 (2.56–6.16)
Tcw50 32.3 (21.2–41.3) 16.6 (14.0–19.1) 15.7 (1.6 to 29.8) 248.7 1.55 (0.43–2.67)
Tccw50 33.0 (21.4–44.7) 14.4 (13.6–15.2) 18.6 (26.3 to 43.5) 256.4 1.79 (0.63–2.95)

*RPMpeak = peak number of revolutions per minute of the spinning weight, Tcw50, Tccw50 = time to complete 50 revolutions in
clockwise and counterclockwise directions, respectively, in seconds.

all 6 movements. This allowed easier comparison of findings muscle activity. Each set was timed with a stopwatch and
against those reported by Collins et al. (5) and was intended recorded (time clockwise [Tcw50] and time counterclockwise
to facilitate interpretation of results for clinical and condi- [Tccw50]). A portable cycling computer was used to count the
tioning personnel and to determine if the training protocol revolutions and calculate the velocity of each revolution of
could also be expected to improve strength across all planes the set. The peak velocity achieved in kilometers per hour
when considered together. was then stored on the cycling computer and recorded for
Both the intervention and control groups participated in analysis. Given speed (km$h21) and the preset distance per
their team prescribed off-season training program that revolution (200 cm) from the cycling computer, the peak
included 2 neck-training days per week. One day would revolutions per minute (RPMpeak) was calculated. The best
involve training on a 4-way uniplanar (flexion/extension and Tcw50, Tccw50, and the best RPMpeak of all 6 sets were used
right/left side-flexion) isotonic neck-strengthening machine, as outcomes.
2 sets of 8–12 repetitions in each direction. The second day Because this type of training has not been previously
involved “manual neck” strengthening with a workout part- examined, an effective training protocol has not yet been
ner, wherein the partner applied manual resistance to neck established. Therefore, the meta-analysis of Peterson et al.
movement in each of the same 4 directions, 1 set of 5–8 (22) on maximizing strength development in athletes was
repetitions. The 2 different protocols were separated by 3– used as a rough guide for creating the intervention training
4 days and were administered under the guidance of the protocol. The intervention consisted of 2 high-intensity
team’s strength and conditioning coach. training sessions per week with an average of 8 sets per
training session. Each session lasted between 8 and 12 mi-
Pretest. The intervention group players were fitted with nutes and was separated by 2–3 days of rest. In weeks 1–3,
a secure football helmet with flange-mounted bearing the players performed 3 timed sets of 50 revolutions in each
attached to the top (Figure 1). A 25-cm rod extended from direction. For each training session, the best RPMpeak of the
this bearing such that the rod was perpendicular to the bear- 6 sets was recorded. In weeks 4–7, the players performed 5
ing and parallel to the floor. A small mass (125 g) was sets of 50 revolutions in each direction, with the best of the
located at the distal end of the rod (weighted arm). With 10 sets RPMpeak achieved recorded for each session.
the helmet tightly secured on the head, the players were
seated on a bench with their back unsupported and feet flat Posttest. On the final training session, the players again
on the ground. Players then created coordinated circumduc- completed 3 timed sets of 50 revolutions in each direction.
tion movements of the head using the neck muscles to start The best Tcw50 and Tccw50 were recorded along with the best
the weighted arm spinning about its axis while keeping the RPMpeak of the 6 sets. After completing the neuromuscular
rest of the trunk as motionless as possible. As spin speed evaluation and a short rest (approximately 3–5 minutes), the
increased, the small weight provided increased resistance isometric neck strength protocol was repeated using the
to the neck muscles through centripetal force. Once the sub- handheld dynamometer. The control group also performed
ject felt comfortable with the movement pattern, they com- the follow-up isometric neck strength testing.
pleted 3 sets of 50 revolutions in each direction (clockwise Adherence was measured as the proportion of neuromus-
and counterclockwise), for a total of 6 sets. The weight cular training sessions that each subject attended over the
selection and protocol of 50 revolutions in each direction maximum offered (n = 14). Dropout rate was defined as
was informed by prior in-laboratory testing with select mem- subjects who completed baseline (pre) testing for the inter-
bers of the target population, feasibility of training time, and vention group with the neuromuscular training device but
as best as possible matched to the theory of intensity needed did not complete the final follow-up (post) testing. Questions
for neuromuscular adaptations and coordination of neck about adverse events from the previous session were asked at

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Evaluating a Neuromuscular Neck Training Device

Figure 3. Mean RPMpeak for the intervention group performance on the neuromuscular training device for each of the 14 training sessions with 95%
confidence intervals.*Start of significant difference in RPMpeak for training sessions from session 1 indicated by point estimates outside of 95% confidence
intervals. All subsequent sessions were also significantly different than session 1. RPMpeak = peak number of revolutions per minute of the spinning weight.

each subsequent session (3). Acute head or neck pain asso- dependent variables of performance on the neuromuscular
ciated with the use of the neuromuscular training device was device in the intervention group only (TCW50, TCCW50,
of particular interest. Because this method of training in- RPMpeak). The independent variables were time (pre and
volves a novel method of exercising the neck muscles, it post) and group (intervention and control). Hedge’s d was
was expected that subjects might experience delayed onset used for effect size calculations because this value is consid-
muscle soreness (4). If the pain or duration were greater than ered unbiased and more accurate than Cohen’s d when the
the subjects had experienced with other neck training pro- sample size is less than 20 (20). Effect sizes and 95% CIs
grams, they were to inform the primary investigator. Other were calculated in Microsoft Excel (Microsoft; Redmond,
adverse events, regardless of whether they were clearly WA, USA) using the formulas described by Nakagawa and
because of the training regimen (e.g., headache, dizziness), Cuthill (20), whereas all other statistical analyses were con-
were collected through direct questioning at the beginning ducted in SPSS (v24.0, IBM, Armonk, NY).
of each subsequent session.

Statistical Analyses RESULTS

Subject characteristics were explored descriptively (mean, Of the 24 eligible participants, 21 consented to participate
95% confidence interval [CI]), along with recruitment rate, for a recruitment rate of 88%. Of those, 18 completed the
retention rate, adherence rates, dropouts, and adverse events pre- and posttest measures with a retention rate of 86%. Of
reported as proportions. Raw change along with 95% CIs those entered into the intervention arm, 8 of 12 (67%)
and percentage change were calculated for pre and post completed at least 11 (79%) of the 14 training sessions over 7
values for isometric strength and for the neuromuscular weeks. Reasons for noncompletion were that 3 participants
training device performance metrics. An important function declined to participate in the study and 1 participant was
of pilot research is to provide an estimate for the magnitude involved in an unrelated motor vehicle collision before the
of effect of the intervention, for purposes of calculating the initiation of the training protocol. Although some did report
sample size of a fully powered study. Accordingly, effect the experience of delayed onset muscle soreness for up to 24
sizes (Hedge’s d; 95% CI) (20) were calculated for the differ- hours after the training, none rated it as any more intense
ences in the primary dependent variables of isometric neck than that experienced routinely after other types of training
strength (N) for each direction of motion and the composite sessions. No participant in the intervention group reported
value between the intervention and control groups. Effect any other adverse events at any time during the protocol.
sizes were also calculated for the differences in the secondary Participants in the intervention group attended an average of
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85% of the 14 training sessions (mean = 11.9; range = 11– preseason training that involved using the 4-way neck
14). Of the 12 enrolled into the control group, 2 participants machine, it is not surprising that there was evidence of
were lost to follow-up (1 missed posttesting and 1 was no improvement over time for flexion and side-flexion in both
longer on the team at the end of the study period). groups. The 4-way neck machine trains the neck isotonically
The mean isometric strength values, raw and percent in these directions and is known to improve isometric neck
change, and observed effect sizes between the intervention strength in those planes (14). However, axial rotation
and control groups pre and post testing are presented in strength is not trained with the 4-way neck machine. There
Table 2. The point estimates indicated that composite neck are few methods available for training neck rotation strength
strength improvement favored the intervention group. Mean owing largely to the shape of the head that is not conducive
change in composite strength of the intervention group was to adding rotational resistance. Yet forces in the horizontal
32 N (95% CI, 13–50), whereas in the control group, it was (rotational) plane have previously been associated with more
12 N (95% CI, 210 to 34). Change in axial rotation strength, vulnerability to postconcussive syndrome (19). Although
the direction of most interest, demonstrated the largest mean purely speculative, this or any other protocol for training
difference between the control and intervention cohorts of dynamic contractions of the neck in a rotation direction
46 N (95% CI, 9–83) and the largest effect size with 95% CIs may have value for mitigating risk of long-term problems
that do not include zero (Hedge’s d Drotation = 1.24; 95% from head-neck trauma.
CI, 0.23–2.26). As retention was not consistent between Predictably, the results also indicate that training on the
groups, a sensitivity analysis in which only 8 control subjects neuromuscular device improves performance on the device;
were selected as matched to the intervention group revealed however it is valuable to note the extent of change.
nearly identical findings to the full sample (not shown). RPMpeak more than doubled, and both Tcw50 and Tccw50
Pre- and postneuromuscular performance parameters over times were roughly cut in half after the training, suggesting
the 7 weeks of training, along with mean change scores, that this change may be to the result of improved neuromus-
percent change, and effect sizes, are presented in Table 3. cular control or coordination. It is interesting to the authors
The RPMpeak over each training session during the 7 weeks that the average RPMpeak after training was more than 250
of training is displayed in Figure 3. Consistent with a training RPM. This represents more than 4 revolutions per second
effect, all performance parameters showed a qualitative and would suggest that the neck muscles involved in the
improvement over the course of the 7 weeks of training training were contracting at a rate of more than 4 contrac-
protocol, evident as early as training session 3. tions per second to achieve this speed (or less than 250
milliseconds per contraction). In trials involving an unantic-
DISCUSSION ipated head perturbation in a group of healthy adults, the
The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the neck muscles responded with a peak latency of 224 milli-
feasibility and anticipated training effect of a novel neuro- seconds (1). Training on the device approached a similar
muscular training device in a cohort of highly trained and neuromuscular latency. It is also notable that the training
otherwise healthy athletes. Two-thirds of the subjects effect did not appear to reach a plateau after 7 weeks, mean-
approached for involvement in the intervention arm of the ing that with continued training, it may be possible to
study completed the training program. Subjects who trained achieve higher speeds and further approach these potentially
on the device demonstrated an 85% adherence rate with no important contraction latencies. The aim of this training
dropouts, and there were no adverse events reported to the approach was to emphasize high-velocity muscle contrac-
investigators by the subjects in the duration of the study. tions and facilitate the short latency rate of force develop-
This is slightly higher than the compliance rates seen in ment, as described by Gilchrist et al. (11). This training
other neuromuscular training programs in athletic popula- approach is in line with the type of training, as suggested
tions ranging from 52 to 79% (13,21,25,26). Adherence has by prior researchers, that should be investigated as a means
previously been shown to significantly influence the effec- of training the neck to prevent concussion (11,16,17,24).
tiveness of injury prevention programs (27), so this is an There were several limitations to this study. First, the
important consideration in sample size calculations. study population was a group of highly trained male
This new 7-week training protocol was demonstrated to athletes (university football players) and not representative
be potential for improving isometric composite neck of the general population. Different populations may
strength (increase of 20 N, 95% CI 28 to 48 N, over control) respond differently to the dynamic training presented
with a moderate to large effect size (Hedge’s d = 0.68). here, and other sporting populations that include both
Additionally, training on the device in conjunction with tra- male and female subjects who may benefit from dynamic
ditional neck strengthening may be an effective means of neck strengthening should also be investigated. Second,
improving isometric neck axial rotation strength above tra- measurement bias may have occurred because the subjects
ditional neck strengthening alone (mean increase of 46 N; were not blinded to the training they received and those in
95% CI, 9–83 N, over control group). As both the interven- the intervention group may have put more effort into their
tion group and control group continued their standard neck strength assessments post training. The use of the

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Evaluating a Neuromuscular Neck Training Device

4-way neck machine by control and intervention groups method of multiplanar neck training that includes axial
and other training techniques was also not documented or rotation. This is a direction of strengthening that is very
controlled, preventing the exploration of combined train- difficult to achieve through traditional methods. The
ing. This, along with other potentially unknown variables, presented method also offers these professionals a novel
may have been confounding variables. Although potential means of dynamic neck strengthening for their clients
differences were seen with the 7-week training program, it with a more ballistic or plyometric-type of approach to
is likely that the protocol could yet be refined to optimize neck muscle training than traditional neck strengthening
the training effect. For instance, Conley et al. (6) demon- alone.
strated an increase in head extension strength of 34% after
a 12-week training program involving 3 training sessions ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
per week. Different training programs, such as longer dura- The authors thank all the players who participated in this
tion, more training sessions or more sets per session, study and trained on the device during their off-season. The
greater or fewer revolutions per set, and using a heavier authors also confirm that no financial support was received
or lighter weight on the spinning arm, may influence the to conduct this research. The author T. H. Versteegh is the
dose response and produce greater differences and results. developer and owner of the patent of the training device
It is also recognized that CIs are influenced by sample size; used for the intervention group in this research and
therefore, larger sample sizes will produce more accurate cofounder in the company that owns the rights to this
results. Future studies can consider variations to the train- patent. The author L. Fischer’s spouse is also a cofounder in
ing program parameters and also consider monitoring the this company. The other authors have no personal, financial,
cross-sectional area, fiber composition, EMG response of or institutional interest in the device described in this article.
key muscles, and kinematic responses to head perturbation The results of this study do not constitute endorsement by
trials before and after training on this device to help define the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
the physiological response to training. This research received no external funding. J. MacDermid
In summary, this pilot study has demonstrated that the was supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research
protocol seems to be feasible in that all 8 participants Chair in Gender, Work and Health and the Dr. James Roth
completed at least 79% of the training, and no adverse Chair in Musculoskeletal Measurement and Knowledge
events were reported. It has also provided important Translation.
information for conducting a fully powered study. For
example, a trial comparing improvements in composite neck REFERENCES
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Prior research suggests that neck strength may play 35: 309–319, 2014.
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VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019 | 9

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