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The Green Grass Grows All Around

## 4
& 4 œ ŒÓ Œ œ ŒÓ Œ œ ŒÓ
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ
There was a tree all in a wood, The pret-tiest lit-tle tree
And on that tree there was a limb, The pret-tiest lit-tle limb
And on that limb there was a branch, The pret-tiest lit-tle branch
And on that branch there was a nest, The pret-tiest lit-tle nest
And in that nest there was an egg, The pret-tiest lit-tle egg
And in that egg there was a bird, The pret-tiest lit-tle bird
And on that bird there was a wing, The pret-tiest lit-tle wing
And on that wing there was a feather, The pret-tiest lit-tle feather
And on that feather there was a bug, The pret-tiest lit-tle bug
And on that bug there was a germ, The pret-tiest lit-tle germ

A7 D A7
## Œ
& œ œ œœ œ œ Œ Ó Ó Œ œ ™™ œ ™™
œ œ œ œ œ
that you ev-er did see, The tree in a hole and the
that you ev-er did see, The limb on the tree and the
that you ev-er did see, The branch on the limb and the
that you ev-er did see, The nest on the branch and the
that you ev-er did see, The egg in the nest and the
that you ev-er did see, The bird in the egg and the
that you ev-er did see, The wing on the bird and the
that you ev-er did see, The feather on the wing and the
that you ev-er did see, The bug on the feather and the
that you ev-er did see, The germ on the bug and the

D A7 D A7
& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ
hole in the ground And the green grass grew all a -

D G D A7 D
& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
round, all a - round, And the green grass grew all a - round.

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