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The Daily Star Editorial থথথথ থথথথ থথথথথথথথ -

September 02, 2019

Is the NRC exclusion really India’s internal issue? Our foreign ministry should have a

sure footing on the issue

পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ

পপ exclusion-পপপ; পপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপ really-পপপপপপ; পপ:পপপপপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপ India’s internal issue-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপ Our foreign ministry -পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপ footing -পপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপ;

পপ exclude from-পপপপ পপপপপ; পপপ পপপপপ;

পপ certainly-পপ:পপপপপপপ;

পপ worrisome-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপ concern -পপপপপপ;

পপপ because of -পপপপপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ Indian politicians-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ allude to-পপপপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ individuals-পপপপপপপ; পপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ illegal immigrants-পপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ come from-(পপপপপ পপপপ) পপপ;

পপপ Thus-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপপ excluded people-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ deport-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ push-পপপপপপ পপপপপ; পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ farfetched-পপপপপপপপপপ;
পপপ perturb-পপপপপপপপ পপপ; পপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপ;
পপপ vagueness-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ treat-পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ echo-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ the Indian external minister-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ/পপপপপ পপপপপ


পপপ remark-পপপপপপ পপপ; Android App: Job Circular

পপপ “an internal issue” of India-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ at a press conference-পপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ perplex-পপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ the discussions-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ different-পপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপ informed of-পপপপ;

পপপ the outcome of the discussions-পপপপপপপ পপপপপ/পপপপপপ;

পপপ for years-পপপপপ পপ পপপ পপপ;

পপপ revise-পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ a few times-পপপপ পপপ; পপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ notion-পপপপপ; পপপপপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ crop up -(পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ) পপপপপপপপ পপপপ; পপপপপপপপ


পপপ seems-পপপ পপপপ;

পপপ surefooted -পপপপ পপপ;

পপপ this complex issue-পপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ vague comments-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ/পপপপপপপ;

পপপ assurance-পপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ worry-পপপপ পপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ ignore-পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ unlawfully-পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ perceive-পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ Although-পপপপ;
পপপ hard to know-পপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ proceedings-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপ scenario-পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ merely-পপপপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ cordial of relationships-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ national interest-পপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ the first priority-পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ India’s position-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ regarding the Rohingya crisis-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপ/পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ therefore-পপপ পপপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপপ cannot help but raise the question -পপপপপপ পপ পপপপ পপপপ পপ;

পপপ deeply-পপপপপপপপ;


By: Md Mohiuddin
***পপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ***


The Daily Star Editorial পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপ -

August 31, 2019

Rohingya repatriation has reached a stalemate. Only international action can solve the crisis
পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ


পপ Rohingya repatriation-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপ has reached-পপপপপপ;

পপ stalemate-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপ Only international action -পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ


পপ can solve-পপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপ;

পপ the crisis-পপপপপপ;

পপ evident-পপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপ the repatriation process -পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপ of Rohingya refugees-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ fault-পপপপপপ; পপপ;

পপপ because of -পপপপপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ Myanmar’s failure-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ convince -পপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ safe to return-পপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ Although -পপপপ;

পপপ blame Bangladesh-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপ পপ পপপ পপপপ;

পপপ truth-পপপপ;

পপপ sincere -পপপপপপপ;

পপপ patient-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ facilitate-পপপ পপপ;

পপপ submit-পপপ পপপ; পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ a verified list-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ the Myanmar authorities-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ result in -পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ positive-পপপপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ provide assurance-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ the conditions in Myanmar-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ/পপপপপপ;

পপপ have changed-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ Hence-পপপপপপ; পপপপ;

পপপ interview-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ over a thousand refugees-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ they all expressed-পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপ (পপপপপপ);

পপপ unwillingness-পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ go back-পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ without the guarantee of their security-পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ


পপপ status-পপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপ the return of their homes and property-পপপপপ পপ প পপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ In such circumstances-পপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ the international community -পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ step up-পপপপপপ পপপ; Android App: Job Circular

পপপ efforts-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ pressurise -পপপ পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ create a conducive environment-পপপপপপ/পপপপপ/পপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপপ


পপপ return without fear or uncertainty-পপ প পপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ first of all-পপপপপপ;

পপপ exert-পপপপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ allow UN and aid workers -পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ


পপপ as well as-পপ; পপপপপপপপ; প;

পপপ representatives of the Rohingya refugees-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ


পপপ assess the situation-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ significant influence-পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ make sure-পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ such conditions for safe-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ voluntary repatriation-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ trilateral meeting-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ/পপপপ;

পপপ happen soon-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ headway -পপপপপপপ;

পপপ generously-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ funds required-পপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ Despite all the efforts-পপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ provide humanitarian assistance-পপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপ পপপ/পপপপ;

পপপ increasingly-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ untenable-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ Gang violence-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ drug and human trafficking -পপপপ পপপ পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ criminal elements-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ insecurity-পপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ locals -পপপপপপপ (পপপপপপপ);

পপপ hardship-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ therefore-পপপ পপপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপপ demands-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ immediate-পপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ effective measures-পপপপপপ/পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ bring about an end-পপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;


By: Md Mohiuddin

পপপপ পপপপ:-

The Daily Star Editorial পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপ -
August 29, 2019
Women migrant workers must be protected from abuse. Why are recruiting countries not

held accountable?

পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ


পপ Women migrant workers-পপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপ protect-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপ abuse-পপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপ;

পপ recruit-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপ accountable-পপপপ;

পপ A report in this daily revealed that-পপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ

পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপ over a hundred women migrant workers-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপ returned from Saudi Arabia -পপপপ পপপ পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপ because of horrific abuse-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ at the hands of their employers-পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ commit suicide-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ sexual and physical abuse-পপপ প পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ Bangladeshi women migrant workers-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ at least -পপপপপপপ;

পপপ because of the same reason-পপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ torture and abuse-পপপপপপপপ প পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ in the last three years-পপপপ প পপপপ;

পপপ the bodies of 311 women migrants-পপপ পপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপ;

পপপ the Middle East-পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ mostly-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ appalled-পপপপপপ;
পপপ bewildered-পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ by these statistics-পপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ alarming-পপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ think-পপপপপপ পপপ; prebd. com

পপপ take immediate measures-পপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ shameful-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ unforgivable situation-পপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ every year-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ hundreds of women migrants-পপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ go to work in the Middle East-পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপ পপপ;

পপপ dreams of a better life-পপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ aware of -পপপপপ;

পপপ prey to-পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ abusive employers-পপপপপ/পপপ পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ unbelievable torture -পপপপপপপপপ/পপপপপপপ/পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ enough food to eat-পপপপপপ/পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ take responsibility-পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ soil-পপপপপপপপ; Android App: Job Circular

পপপ government’s responsibility -পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ make sure that -পপপপপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ take action -পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ nationals-পপপপপপ;

পপপ provide protection to women migrant workers -পপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ

পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ monitoring systems-পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ equal opportunities -পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ seek employment -পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ enjoy-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ the benefits of earning high wages-পপপপ পপপপ/পপপপ পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ;
পপপ physical safety-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ mental wellbeing-পপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ denial-পপপপপপপপ;

***** **

By: Md Mohiuddin

*পপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ*

Women migrant workers must be protected from abuse

Why are recruiting countries not held accountable?



The Daily Star Editorial পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপ -

September 03, 2019
Declining number of urban working women. Remove the obstacles that hold them back

পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ


পপ Declining-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপ number of-(পপপ পপপপপ) পপপপপপ;

পপ urban working women-পপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপ Remove-পপপপপ; পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপ obstacles-পপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপ Women employment-পপপপ পপপপপ/পপপ;

পপ in urban areas-পপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপ a recently published report-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপ mentions-পপপপপপ পপপ;
পপপ increase-পপপপপপ;

পপপ in women’s employment-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ in rural areas-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ female participation-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ alarming-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপপ Lack of jobs and self-employment opportunities-পপপপপ প পপপপ-

পপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ high unemployment-পপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ young educated women-পপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ the key reasons -পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ behind-পপপপপ;

পপপ Moreover-পপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপপ lack of support from family-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ inadequate-পপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপ child care facilities-পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ insufficient-পপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপ access to-পপপপপপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ tertiary education-পপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ early marriage-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ; পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ discourage-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ In view of this situation-পপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ In view of-পপপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ policymakers-পপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ come forward-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ hurdles-পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ effective skills training programmes-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ


পপপ providing child care facilities-পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ at work-পপপপপপপপপ;
পপপ steps-পপপপপপপপ; Android App: Job Circular

পপপ address the situation-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ take initiatives-পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ increase women’s participation-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ in job-sectors-পপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ conventionally-পপপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ male-oriented-পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ such as-পপপপ;

পপপ the armed forces-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ aviation-পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ by empowering women-পপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ with leadership roles-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপ;

পপপ Security and professionalism-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ at workplace-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ strengthen-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ so that-পপপপ;

পপপ female workers-পপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ face sexual harassment or violence-পপপ পপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপ

পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ appear for job interviews-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ worry-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ about their security-পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ The concerned authorities-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ make sure-পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ sustain-পপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ For a country-পপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ disconcert-পপপপপপ পপপ;


By: Md Mohiuddin
***পপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ****

Declining number of urban working women

Remove the obstacles that hold them back

পপপপ পপপপ:-


The Daily Star Editorial পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপ -

September 04, 2019
More weighbridges won’t save damaged roads. Adhering to international global standards


পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ


পপ weighbridges-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপ save-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপ damaged roads-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপ Adhering to-পপপপ পপপপ;

পপ international global standards will-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপ The government-পপপপপ;

পপ set to procure-পপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপ further-পপপ;

পপ key highways-পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ check overloading-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ/পপপ পপপপপ পপপ/পপপপ;

পপপ The practice of overloading transport-laden lorries-পপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপপ

পপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ/পপপপপপপ;

পপপ is causing-পপপপ (পপপপপপপ);

পপপ a lot of damage to roads and bridges-পপপ প পপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ Experts tell us that-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপ;

পপপ the authorities-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ buckle-পপপ;

পপপ under pressure-পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ from transport associations-পপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ raise-পপপপপ;

পপপ the maximum weight limit-পপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপ;

পপপ vehicles-পপপপ;

পপপ wear off -পপপপপ পপপপ; পপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ usual-পপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ alleged corruption-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ apparently-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ pay off -(পপপপপপ পপপপপ) পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ law enforcers-পপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ look the other way-পপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ/পপপপ;

পপপ enforce-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ backtrack-পপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ transport owners and workers -পপপপপপ পপপপপ প পপপপপপ;

পপপ Instead of -পপপপপপপপ; Android App: Job Circular

পপপ marauders-পপপপপপ; পপপপপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ task-পপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ cave in-পপপ পপপপপ; পপপপ পপপপ পপপ;

পপপ internationally-accepted weight limits-পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ

পপপ পপপপ;

পপপ two-axle vehicles (six wheels)-পপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ carry-পপপ পপপ;

পপপ three-axle vehicles (10 wheels)-পপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ four-axle vehicles (14 wheels)-পপ পপপা পপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ wonder-পপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ According to a survey -পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ by roads and highways department (RHD) -পপপ প পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ

(পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ);

পপপ Precisely-পপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ except-পপপপপপ; পপপপ;

পপপ the national exchequer -পপপপপ পপপপপপ/পপপপ;

পপপ point out-পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ official-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ the approved limit-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ reduce-পপপপপ;

পপপ lifespan-পপপপপপপ;

পপপ willing to address-পপপপপপপ/পপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপ/পপপপপপ;

পপপ the problems of overweight vehicles-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ serious-পপপপপপপ;

পপপ who are allegedly taking bribes-পপপপ পপপ পপপ পপপ পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ headache-পপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপপ public money-পপপপপপ পপপপ; পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ present circumstances-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ deliver desired results-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ;


By: Md Mohiuddin

****পপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ**

More weighbridges won’t save damaged roads

Adhering to international global standards will

The Daily Star Editorial পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপ -
September 05, 2019
High level conference on blue economy. Should be followed by a feasibility study

পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ


পপ conference-পপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপ High level conference-পপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপ;

পপ on blue economy-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপ a feasibility study-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপ follow-পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপ A two-day summit -পপপ পপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপ commenced-পপপপপ পপপপপ/পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপ yesterday-পপপপপ;

পপ bring-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ together-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপ ministers-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ officials-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ discuss-পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ potential -পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ sustainable development-পপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ among-পপপপ;

পপপ nations-পপপপ;

পপপ bordering the Indian Ocean-পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ organised by-পপপপপপ;

পপপ happens-পপপ;

পপপ an inter-governmental organisation-পপপপ:পপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ hear-পপপপ;
পপপ great potential-পপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ part of the region-পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ the third instalment of the conference-পপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ attend-পপপপপ পপ পপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ key ministers-পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ of all the countries-পপ পপপপপ;

পপপ experts-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ give presentations-পপপপপ/পপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ fishing-পপপ পপপ;

পপপ shipping-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ mining-পপপ পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ Needless to say-পপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ projections-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ possible-পপপপপপপপ; পপপপপ;

পপপ spirit-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ cooperation-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ exists-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ; পপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ implementation-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ truly-পপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ promotion-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ inclusive-পপপপ; পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ open up-পপপপ পপপ;

পপপ employment opportunities-পপপপপপ পপপপপ-পপপপপপ;

পপপ lead-পপপপপপপ;

পপপ need to formulate-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ/পপপপপপ পপপ পপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ undertake-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ pinpoint-পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ precisely-পপপপপ;

পপপ economic opportunities-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ-পপপপপপ;

পপপ respective governments-পপপ পপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ can work-পপপ পপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ launch-পপপপ পপপ; পপপপ পপপ;

পপপ various projects -পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ resources-পপপপপ;

পপপ from the seabed-পপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ maritime-পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ coastal-পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ foundations-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপ for future interventions -পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ trajectory-পপপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ will benefit all-পপপপপ পপপ পপপপ;


By: Md Mohiuddin

**পপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ***

High level conference on blue economy

Should be followed by a feasibility study

পপপপ পপপপ -


The Daily Star Editorial পপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপপ -

September 06, 2019
Rohingya crisis—what is OIC’s role? Time to show its solidarity with Bangladesh and the

পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ


পপ Rohingya crisis-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপ OIC’s role-পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপ show-পপপপপপ;

পপ solidarity -পপপপপ;

পপ appreciate-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপ stress-পপপ পপপপপ;

পপ the need for-(পপপ পপপপপ পপপপ) পপপপপ/পপপপপপপ;

পপ the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপ


পপ play a pivotal role-পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ in forging unity-পপপপপপ/পপপপপপপপপ পপপপ/পপপপ;

পপপ of the Muslim community-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ stopping the conflicts-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ among Muslim countries-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ at a recent meeting-পপপপপপপপ পপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ with visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif-পপপপপপ

পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ however-পপপপ;

পপপ believe-পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ a wider role-পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ especially-পপপপপপপপপ; পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ comes to the Rohingya crisis-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ;

পপপ deal with-পপপপপপপপ পপ পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ despite -পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ constraints-পপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ influx-পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ; পপপ;

পপপ refugees-পপপপপপপপ;
পপপ already-পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ limited resources-পপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ a huge population-পপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ a huge toll-পপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ Hence-পপপপপপ;

পপপ we cannot help but be puzzled -পপপপপপপপ/পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপ পপপ

পপপপ পপপপ পপ;

পপপ the lack of interest-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ from the OIC-পপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ in helping their member-পপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ resolve the crisis-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ the second biggest international governmental organisation-পপ পপপপপপপ

পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ after the UN-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ membership-পপপপপপপ;

পপপ represents-পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ the Islamic world-পপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ seeks to protect-পপপপপ পপপপ পপপপ পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ As per the OIC charter-পপপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপ;

পপপ it aims-পপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ preserve-পপপপপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ Islamic values-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ safeguard and defend national sovereignty-পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ

প পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ independence-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ truly-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ concerned -পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ all over the world-পপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ indifferent-পপপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ who have suffered-পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ the worst kind of persecution-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ in the land-পপপপ; পপপপপপ;

পপপ manage-পপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ such a huge crisis-পপপ পপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ solely-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ In the last OIC summit -পপ পপপপপ পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ our PM sought support-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপ


পপপ from the (OIC) member states-(পপপপপপ) পপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ launch-পপপপ পপপ; পপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ the Rohingya case -পপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ at International Court of Justice (ICJ)-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ voluntary-পপপপপপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ technical help-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ ensure the legal rights of Rohingyas -পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ পপপপপপ

পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ address-পপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ the question of accountability and justice-পপপপপপপপপপ প পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ Unless-পপপপপ;

পপপ guaranteed-পপপপপপপ;

পপপ safe-পপপপপপ;

পপপ dignified return to Myanmar-পপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ possible to repatriate-পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ we have witnessed-পপপপ পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ in the second failed attempt-পপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ at repatriation-পপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ provide any proof-পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ willingness -পপপপপ; পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ create a conducive environment -পপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপ পপপ;

পপপ for the Rohingya refugees to return-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ

পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ play a significant role-পপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ in creating the necessary pressure-পপপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ on Myanmar-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ comply with-পপপপপ পপপ পপপ;

পপপ the basic conditions-পপপপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপfor voluntary repatriation-পপপপপপপপপ পপপপপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ continue-পপপপপ পপপপ; পপপপপপ পপপপপ;

পপপ ignore this crisis-পপ পপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ debilitate-পপপপপপ পপপ;

পপপ fellow -পপপপপপ; পপপপ:

পপপ humiliating-পপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ destroying-পপপপপ;

পপপ the lives of Muslims-পপপপপপপপপপ পপপপ;

পপপ relevance -পপপপপপপপপপপপ;

পপপ dignity-পপপপপপপ;

পপপ rights of the Ummah -পপপপপপ পপপপপপ;

পপপ strengthen -পপপপপপপপপ পপপ পপপপ পপ পপপপ;

পপপ solidarity and cooperation-পপপপপ প পপপপপপপপ;

পপপ amongst-পপপপ; পপপপপপপ;

পপপপ peoples of the Muslim world-পপপপপপ পপপপপপপ পপপপ;


By: Md Mohiuddin

*****পপপপ পপপ পপপপপপপপপপপ পপপ**

Rohingya crisis—what is OIC’s role?

Time to show its solidarity with Bangladesh and the Rohingya

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