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Rising Up

We can't say that after we fall and hit by a very strong storm we stand and put our faces and
heads up. It isn't that simple at all. But people carry those challenges and difficulties because
they had to and if not, you will never see your inner strenght.

Here are some tips on how to rise up after every fall.

1. Take time to feel your pain.

When you’ve hit the ground on all fours, you may feel the need to deny your situation or take it
for granted. Don’t. Instead, allow yourself to be vulnerable to the way you feel. If you feel angry
for being fired, inadequate for a failed business or depressed that your spouse left you, accept
what you feel.

Taking time to feel your emotions and grieving your situation is a good start to refocusing
yourself for what’s to come. You can’t rise from a fall by avoiding the fact that you fell and
actually got hurt. If you do so, the pain will pile up and weigh you down at a later time. So
grieve, cry if you feel the tears and scream at the top of your lungs if it helps you feel better. And
it will.

2. Accept what you can’t change.

This is like grieving, but more about understanding that what’s happened can’t be undone. If
your business failed and you’re deep in debt, you can’t change that fact. Not in a day, at least,
and definitely not by numbing or ignoring the situation you’re in.

If your spouse walked away from you and your kids and it hurts, it might hurt for a long time.
But you can’t change any of it. So try to accept it and start thinking of what comes next. This
comes after you’ve stopped screaming.

This is just part of the healing process, and the sooner you’re able to accept and understand
what you can’t change, the better.

3. Be kind, and forgive yourself.

When life knocks you down, it’s normal to feel guilty, blame yourself and even add self-hate to
that pile. However, at the end of the day, you must learn to forgive yourself and find a door
within the darkness.

Think about all the people that have been in your situation and successfully lived through it.
What did they do to recover? Do your research and read about it.

The truth is, in the midst of all your troubles and depression, someone else has been in your
shoes. Someone else has felt what you’re feeling now.

4. Evaluate your options, and redefine your goals.

Once you’ve forgiven yourself and are ready for the next move, it’s time to evaluate your
options. Ask yourself what can be done differently by assessing what went wrong.

If you made mistakes, write each one of them down to learn from your behavior. If it was
something you didn’t do, think about how you’ll change things up next time around. And if you
didn’t make a mistake and yet you still failed, focus on the future. There’s probably an aspect
from your experience you can learn from.

As you evaluate, also think about your larger vision. What is it that you want to achieve and
when do you want to achieve it? Remember that one of the daily habits of successful people is
goal setting. You, too, should write down your long-term goals and break them down into
smaller daily goals.

5. Map out a plan for your goals.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

This quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a great reminder that just having a goal is not enough.
You can write it down, break it down into as many small daily goals as you want, but if you don’t
have an action plan to execute it, all will be in vain.
So make plans around your goal. If your goal is to heal from a breakup and one of your smaller
goals is to read inspirational books, make plans to buy the book. Even this plan could include
smaller tasks, like identifying the right book by searching online or asking for referrals.

But most importantly, remember to not give up. You haven’t failed until you quit, so keep at it.

Make similar plans depending on your unique problem. If your goal is to get investors for your
startup idea, make plans to attend events and approach potential investors. Then make sure you
actually follow through on the things you write down.

Over time, it gets easier to rise up and follow through. You won’t have to exert as much will
because you’ll have formed a set of habits day in and day out. You’ll have a purpose. Your plans
and goals are that purpose. They give you a reason to wake up every morning.

If at one point you feel like you want to pull back into depression, go back to No. 3, where you
learn to forgive yourself. Listening to music, sharing your experiences with people and reading
books can help to avoid setbacks.

But most importantly, remember to not give up. You haven’t failed until you quit, so keep at it.


Alex Jasin

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