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Cor STATE OF GEORGIA _ CRIMINAL ACTION.No. — 93CROL35 ve ee OFFENSES(s) CT.T.-CONTRIB/DELINQUENCY/MONOR ChE, V.-CRUELTY 70 GHLIRAN SHERRY JO WILKES (Or. TEL, 1V-AGERAVATED CHILD MOLESTATICN =TANUARY. AD Tenu,19 3 e CT.IL,-CHLD MOLESTATION J pusa: = © verDict: NEGOTIATED © sury @ GUILTY oN counTis) GUILTY ON COUNT(S) _T.._IL TTL. Tv. = NONJURY NOLO CONTENDRE ON GoUNT(S)— Q NOT GUILTY ON counts) TO LESSER INCLUDED OFFENSE(S) 9 GUILTY oF INCLUDED OFFENSES OF ‘ON CouNT(S) (ON CouNT(S) O_SEFENOANT WAS ADVISED OF HMER RIGHT TO HAVE TH SENTENCE REVIEWED BY THE SUPERIOR COURTS SEMTENCE REVIEW PANEL “p FELONY SENTENCE Q MISDEMEANOR SENTENCE tal dona ove;named deendant has boon fund gui! the above-sstd offnee, WHEREUPON, ill ordred and agjudgedby tho Cour tk ‘id defondant's hereby sentenced to coninoment fora period of nt” WHEF —TEN (10) YEARS lew HOW even S/3tam oF such other instuton as the Commisiona ofthe Georgia Dapaninen ol Comedians may fea. ob compued ae Provi law. HOWEVER, itis further ordered by the Court: Bs sors nae ttn FRED tt en angi eo gt te etn ‘conditions, heroin imposed by the Court as apart of W GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PROBATION tons open onan grote th og of orn alr pr ofthe show sate sentence on probate, hray i setncod olen ge By Da eratatlon ead bok and tho condos on tho raore si of ts cantnce ch condo by sstaee aoe oa & 1) Do not violate the criminal laws of any govemmental unit. & 3) Anat rows and vious habs special alcohol iowicaton and nace and oer dangerous cig unos prserbed any, & 3) Avoid parsons or places of lsmputabo or hanmiul character. & 4) Roport to to Probation Otfior as drecod and parm such Oficor ta iit him at homo o eleouhoro. 5) Work faithfully at suitable employment solar a8 may be possible. 6) Donotchange hismer prosant pace o abode, move cusile th juicleton othe Cour, r leave the Sato for any period of time without prior permis of the Probation Ofew. % 7) Support histor loge doponcnts to th best of his er ability. @ OTHER CONDITIONS OF PROBATION ITIS FURTHER ORDERED that th dtondant pay ine in th anoint ot $1000.00 lve fa) sone whichovoris ss prtuantto OCGA, gist 1nd pay restiution in the amount ot; $100.00 __ Probation Fee : _$20/0_ coucoste: _0 ‘Atomeys Foos N/A (1) Court orderod payments are tobe made attherate of $ $150.00 gy _ MONI beginning 20 DAYS APTER RELEASE ho CANTON Probation Otfice. (2) Pays __$20-00 per month probaton foe or a period not to excoed 19 months beginning 30 DAYS ARTER RELEASE. @ SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1) Fippatoner shallot skaintohis body any substance prohibited or controlled by any lawolthe Stal of Gooqiaor the United Slates ext fhe precernesp nyScian's preseipion which shallbe submited to the Probation Cicer let nspecian endcopy we Wena the prescribed substances, "41 Frobatloner shal rom imetotime,ypon oralor wilt equest by the Protstion Oticer or ay law etercomentotce, produ of any body substance fr analysis forth presence ofa substance prohibited by any Lwal tne See ese ene ase

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