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The 3 Pillars of an Extraordinary Life

Mini Action Book

An extraordinary life: a life of meaning, a magnificent life, a life of joy, happiness,
love, passion, success, fulfillment…whatever it means to you. Life experienced on
your terms.

We’ve all known or witnessed someone who seems to have mastered an ability to grab life by the horns and
realize the completion of their most cherished desires. You may even feel that pure joy at least occasionally
if not consistently. However, experiencing the things you want to happen is one thing; being conscious of
how you’re doing it is another. So the question is: What creates an extraordinary quality of life? What are
the forces that shape the direction of our lives and determine our destiny? Most importantly, how can we
harness these forces to create a life of happiness, joy, success, fulfillment, and meaning?
The details of what we really want in life are going to be different from person to person, but we’re all
after a certain quality of life that will truly make us feel alive. This is not dependant on the economy or
any other outside factor. What’s most important is living life on your terms.
We all have a gap between where we are and where we want to be. Success and happiness knows no limits.
This mini action book is intended to help you bridge that gap. Whether you are wildly successful or facing
tough times right now, it is crucial to know where you stand in the areas that matter to you most. These
overarching lessons and exercises will help you think about and ultimately define what you want your life
to be, and how to maximize your inner resources to manifest that vision—not by anyone else’s standards,
but by yours and yours alone.

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
The 2 Master Lessons of Life

While achieving can provide many wonderful things, the true measure of an extraordinary life is its level
of absolute fulfillment: success without fulfillment is failure. Living an extraordinary life means mastering
two skills:

1. The Science of Achievement:

Achievement is based on scientific laws. Regardless of your age, race, background,
or experience in life, if you understand and master these laws, you will be able to
achieve the results you desire. The Science of Achievement is the experience of
achieving the things you really want in your life, taking the invisible and making
it visible, stepping up as a leader and breaking through barriers. This comes from
mastering the skills necessary to produce extraordinary results and maximize peak
performance in all the areas of life that matter most.

2. The Art of Fulfillment:

Can you have all the money and success in the world, but still be internally
bankrupt? Can you have the perfect body, unbelievable friends and be in the ideal
relationship, but still feel empty on the inside? Absolutely! Fulfillment is an art
form. The Art of Fulfillment is the ability to experience not only the thrill of the
chase, but also the magic of the moment, the unbridled joy of feeling truly alive.
Lasting fulfillment is attained only through gaining insight into the core of our
human nature, unleashing the power to understand, appreciate, and enjoy our lives
at the deepest level.

As we travel on the journey of life, The Science of Achievement is the destination and the Art of Fulfillment
are the experiences along the way that make the journey feel worth it.

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
The Pyramid of Mastery:
7 Areas of Constant Growth for an Extraordinary Life

If you want an Extraordinary Life, there are Seven Areas that you have to master. Fulfillment will not happen by doing
okay in some, great in another, and letting the others go by the wayside. Though there are times when we might need
to focus on one or two, each area is never less important than another. They are all interwoven.
Given the times, finances can seem like the most important area to concentrate on. But having all the money in the
world is not going to matter if you’re neglecting your physical and mental health—those inner resources that are always
within your control and are essential for a life of enjoying love; doing what you want to do when you want to do it;
meaningful accomplishment; material abundance; giving and celebrating. Mastering these seven areas means living
life to its complete fullest.
While all seven areas of life are important, there is a hierarchy that creates peak performance and fulfillment. For
example, if you don’t master your body—your capacity to maximize your health, energy and vitality—all the money,
career success, or contribution in the world will be worthless. You can’t experience an extraordinary quality of life
without the vehicle that’s going to help you create it. Or, if you spend your time trying to solve all your relationship
problems, but you haven’t even mastered your emotions, it’s a recipe for disaster. Without mastering meaning and
emotion, you will always be at the mercy of life’s challenges. Having a firm grasp of your emotions frees you to be
proactive rather than reactive to changes you face. Similarly, you must determine how you focus and spend your time
in order to create a successful career. Once you’ve discovered how to add value in your work/career/mission, you can
create a plan to grow your wealth. Spiritual growth and your capacity to celebrate and contribute is at the top because
you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labor until you’ve sowed the right seeds.
This is not to say that a person can’t work on their finances and transform their body at the same time. Rather, it shows
the importance and hierarchy of the core areas of life that are necessary to create a magnificent experience of life.

7. Celebrate & Contribute:

Spiritual Sense

6. Finances

5. Work/Career/Mission

4. Time

3. Relationships

2. Emotions & Meaning

1. Physical Body

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.

“Be thee, a light unto thyself.”


© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
Exercise: Get Honest
Where Are You in the 7 Areas of Mastery?

1. In each of the 7 areas of Mastery, grade yourself on a scale of ‘0 to 10’ of where you are today vs. where
you really want to be (‘10’ is where you ultimately want to be). For example, you might rate yourself at
a ‘7’ in your family life, an ‘8’ in your finances, a ‘5’ in your emotional life, a ‘9’ in your career, a ‘6’ in
your spirituality, and a ‘7’ in your physical health.

Physical Body/Health: __________ 7. Celebrate & Contribute:

Spiritual Sense

Emotions/Meaning: __________ 6. Finances

5. Work/Career/Mission
Relationships: __________
4. Time
Time: __________
3. Relationships

Work/Career/Mission: __________ 2. Emotions & Meaning

1. Physical Body
Finances: __________

Celebrate & Contribute: A Spiritual Sense: __________

2. What did you learn from doing this exercise?

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.

“The hunger for love is much more difficult

to remove than the hunger for bread.”
—Mother Teresa

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
Creating Your Life Map

Now, taking the scores you just identified for each of the 7 Areas of Mastery let’s convert this pyramid
to the Wheel of Life.

Look at the wheel below and notice that it’s divided up into different sections corresponding to some
of the typical areas of a person’s life: your physical body, your emotions/meaning, your relationships,
your time, your work/career/mission, your finances, and your spiritual sense. The middle of the circle
corresponds to ‘0’ and the outside ring of the circle corresponds to ‘10’. Now, taking one area at a time,
grade yourself on a scale of ‘0 to 10’ of where you are today vs. where you really want to be. For example,
you might rate yourself at a ‘7’ in your family life, an ‘8’ in your finances, a ‘5’ in your emotional life, a ‘9’
in your career, an ‘8’ in your ability to manage time, a ‘6’ in your spirituality, and a ‘7’ in your physical
health. Simply draw a line across the section that represents the number you currently rate yourself at in
that section.

e Ph
b rat te 10 ys
Ce ntrib
u Bo ical
o dy

10 10

& Mean

0 ing

10 10

or issi

k/ on




10 10

Now, once you’ve drawn the lines across each section rating yourself on a scale of 0-10, color in each
section to get a true picture of where you really are in each area.

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
Answer This Question...

If this wheel were a tire on your car called life, how would your car run?
How would you do even at 10 mph?
How would you do as an achiever going 100 mph?

If you are like most people, your car is a little out of balance, and it’s going to be one heck of a bumpy ride!
The same is true of your life. When certain areas of your life are out of balance, you tend to experience
more bumps in the road. You can still achieve your desired destination, but it’s going to take you longer
and the ride isn’t going to be as smooth or fun!

te Ph
e bra ute 10 ys
Ce ntrib Bo ical
What did you learn? o dy
First of all, congratulations for taking
a moment to really follow through and 10 10
be honest with yourself! What did you
learn about yourself in the process?
At a minimum level, you should at

& Mean

least have an idea of some areas you

might not be maximizing as well as

some areas where you really are doing 0
well, are happy and where you should
truly be acknowledged. Remember,
10 10
there is no right or wrong answer—this
exercise is simply designed for you
to get a general look at your life and

or issi

where you might not be experiencing

k/ on


the results, joy and happiness you not io



only desire, but also deserve to have.


10 10


© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
The 3 Pillars of an Extraordinary Life:
The Fast Track to Results: The Path of Personal Mastery

Chances are that you’ve experienced some level of growth and improvement in at least one of the Seven
Areas of Mastery. This kind of progress did not happen by accident alone. Think about those things
you wanted to accomplish, build upon, or change for the better—and succeeded at. What were the
common elements? The answers are as simple as they are profound. First of all, you knew what you
wanted, and then you developed a strategy to get there. However, something that may not be as evident
when acknowledging past achievements is that you fully aligned your intentions with your actions. No
thoughts, feelings, contradictions, or obstacles stopped you.
Therein lays the key to reaching any goal. Anything that you’ve ever accomplished, or will accomplish,
comes from implementing these 3 Pillars…

III. Get Aligned, Get II. Get the Best Tools I. Get Focused and Clear &
Integrated and Get Results for Success Make it Compelling

The Power The Power of The Power of Clear and

of Psychology Activated Resources Compelling Vision
Unlock What’s Stopping You What – Why – The Truth
And Unleash Your Power

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
1. The First Pillar: The Power of Clarity
The first step is to clarify the results you desire in your life: what do you want most in
the areas of life that are important to you? What is your definition of an extraordinary
quality of life for you? What do you need to take your life to the next level?

Without a clear and compelling vision for what you want today, you won’t be able
to even find the target of lasting happiness, let alone hit it. Your chances of knowing
what your bull’s eye looks like, however, depends on how honest you can be with
yourself. If you have the courage to face the truth of where you are, you will discover
the path to where you want to be.

2. The Second Pillar: The Power of Activated Resources

Once you’ve defined your target, you need an effective and efficient game plan to
hit it. In order to close the “gap” between where you are and where you want to
be, you need a proven map, an effective mentor, and training to drive you to take
action. Armed with proven tools, high quality skills, an effective coach to constantly
measure your progress and an empowering community to hold you to a higher
standard, there is no way that you won’t get the results that you deserve!

3. The Third Pillar: The Power of Discovery, Alignment,

Integration & Action
However, sometimes tools are not enough: you need to unlock what’s blocking
you and unleash your power. Why is it that sometimes we know what to do, we
have great motives for change, and yet we fail to follow through? Or, we make
changes in the moment, but they do not last long-term? What’s missing is a practical
understanding of human psychology: why we do what we do and how to change it.
By understanding your personal blueprint—how you create meaning and emotion
and what causes you to think, feel, and behave the way you do—you can not
only gain the answers to these questions, but learn how to create lasting change
and fulfillment. Through the process of discovering, understanding and aligning
your internal drives, you are able to channel them so that you naturally move in the
direction you desire more—a direction that serves not only you, but also all those
you care about.

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
Steps to Completing Your Personal Mastery Plan

Grab your Gap Map on Page 13 and complete the following:

Step One: Write Down Your Scores

1. First take the scores you wrote down for each area of the Mastery Pyramid and transfer them to
the bottom of the Gap Map where it asks “Where are you now?”
2. Now take a few minutes to fill out your scores on top, and indicate where you want to be. Don’t
automatically assume that you want a ‘10’ for each area; what score would make you feel truly
fulfilled in that area?

Step Two: Create Your Checklist to Close the Gap

1. Get Focused and Clear and Make it Compelling

i. For one or two of these areas write a short description of you’re your vision would look like.
(Thought it may be tempting to focus on all of these areas, focus on one or two vs. simultaneous
progress in all areas to prevent burn out and ensure momentum!)
ii. Ask yourself: Is your vision specific, clear and compelling to you? If not, then revise until it is
all of these elements!
iii. Give yourself compelling reasons to follow through and make the change.
iv. Select a time frame of 30 days, 90 days, six months, whichever is more compelling to you.

2. Get the Best Tools for Results

Now determine the strategies you’ll use to get results; write down answers to the
following questions:
i. Proven Map: Who or what can you study/learn from that has seen results in this area? What
book can you buy? What class can you enroll in?
ii. Effective Guide/Mentor: Who can offer you a unique and effective perspective/coaching? Who
can you team up with whose been down this road before?
iii. Tools/Skills: Do you have some strong skills or tools now that you can use in that area? Can
you gain some skills?
iv. Standards/Rituals: What ritual can you immediately implement to make a difference in this
v. Get Trained: Have you trained some of those skills today? Have you practiced them today?
Have you found them to be effective? Could you train someone else using these tools?
vi. Peer Group/Community: Do you feel you have a community that supports this emotionally?
Who specifically?
vii. Daily Action/Constant Measurement: How will you measure your results each day? What’s
your daily action plan?

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
3. Get Aligned, Get Integrated and Get Results
Finally, think about anything that may be holding you back:
i. Have you found any conflicts in your old beliefs, values or goals?
ii. What might you need to shift in these beliefs or values to get the results you desire?
iii. Who else will you touch with these changes?
iv. How will you reward yourself?

Step Three: Share with Someone Who Will Hold You Accountable
1. Share your action plan with someone you know who will hold you to a higher standard.
2. Put your Map in a place that you can come back to with ease as positive reinforcement.
3. And don’t forget to celebrate—no win is too small!

Gap Map Example:

Emotions & Meaning

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
My Personal Mastery Plan: The Gap Map

1. Physical 2. Emotions 3. Relationships 4. Time 5. Work/Career/ 6. Finances 7. Celebrate

Body & Meaning Mission & Contribute


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

II. Where do you

want to be?

III. Checklist to Close

the Gap
1. Get Focused & Clear
1) Clear & Compelling Vision
2) Strong Reasons to Follow Through
3) Total Honesty about Where You
Really Are (the Gap)
2. Get the Best Tools for Success
1) Get a Proven Map

2) Get an Expert/Effective Guide/Mentor
3) Principles & Skills
4) Standards/Rituals/Schedule
Critical for Success
5) System for Training & Conditioning
for Results
6) Get a Team/Peer Group/Community
to Call You to a Higher Level
7) Daily Action, a Flexible Approach
& Constant Measurement
3. Get Aligned, Get Integrated &
Get Results
1) Do you have beliefs, values and
goals in conflict? Do you have
conflicts with other people about
getting results in this area of your life?
2) What’s your plan to transform these
conflicts? Update your BP, integrate,
align and achieve.
3) How will you celebrate? What will
you do for yourself and others when
you achieve? Who will you touch
with your improvement?


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
I. Where are you

*Rate yourself from 0–10 (10 being absolutely where you want to be in this category)

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.

“When you want something, all the universe

conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
—Paulo Coelho

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
Closing the Gap: Your Master Checklist to Fast Track Your Results

I. Get Focused & Clear

1. Clear & compelling vision
What specific, achievable outcomes do you want for that area of your life? Wanting to be thin is
vague. Wanting to drop 30 pounds is a specific result that can be measured.
2. Strong reasons to follow through
Why do you want it? What emotional juice is going to drive you to achieve your vision, no
matter what?
3. Total honesty about where you really are (the gap)
Don’t say you are big-boned. Step up and have the courage to admit you’re fat! The more honest
you can be about where you are, the clearer you can be about where you want to be.

II. Get the Best Tools for Success

1. Get a proven map
Progress is only possible when you have a map that details how to get from where you are to
where you want to be.
2. Get an expert/effective guide/mentor
Once you have a map, you need someone to interpret that map for you and guide you to follow
it. Remember, success leaves clues. Find an effective and extraordinary mentor who has already
achieved the result you desire.
3. Principles and skills
Principles show you what to focus on. The skills teach you how to do something.
4. Standards/rituals/schedule critical for success
Standards make change possible; rituals make it real. Only when creating a change becomes a
‘must’ for you; when you make it a daily discipline to condition the changes and follow through;
and when you raise your standards so that the changes become part of your identity, will the
change last long-term.
5. System for training & conditioning for results
In any area of life, mastering a set of skills requires training and practice to become proficient
in applying them. You need a system that will condition your mind and body for peak
6. Get a team / peer group / community to call you to a higher level
You need to become part of a community that constantly calls you to a higher level and that you
truly want to serve. This community is necessary to not only reinforce your new identity, but to
keep you focused on giving, growing, appreciating, and serving all that is important to you in
7. Daily action, a flexible approach & constant measurement
Take daily action on your massive action plan and be flexible in your approach. If one plan
doesn’t work, don’t worry. Learn from it and move on to the next one! Also, you cannot manage
what you don’t measure. Measure your progress daily to keep yourself on track.

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
III. Get Aligned, Get Integrated & Get Results
1. Uncover conflicts in your blueprint
Could you have the tools to achieve what you want, but still fail? Absolutely. There may be
conflicting values in your blueprint that hold you back.
2. Update, integrate, align and achieve a new blueprint
Install a new blueprint for yourself that is in sync with your goal. Only when you are aligned, will
you have the fire to go after what you want.
3. Succeed, celebrate & pay it forward
Once you’ve achieved your outcome, inspire those who you love to have the courage to create
the life that they deserve.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where

he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but
where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
—Martin Luther King Jr.

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
The 7 Master Principles of Life:
Key Beliefs to Help You on Your Journey

1. The quality of your life is found in meaning.

Life is not the challenges that you face, but the meaning that you give to those challenges. Is
your glass of fulfillment half empty or half full?

2. Emotions are the fuel of life.

How many emotions do you experience on a day-to-day basis? How many of those emotions
serve you? How many sabotage you? The quality of your experiences depends on the quality
of your emotions.

3. Life is constant change.

The only thing you can be sure of is change. All of us human beings fight with the illusion
that things are always the same, because we have a need for certainty. Our nervous system
tricks us into believing that the room is still when everyone knows that the earth is
constantly moving.

4. Life is an experience of seasons.

All aspects of your life go through seasons. In the spring, things are born and begin to grow.
In the summer, things continue to grow and mature. In the fall, everything reaches its peak
and begins to fall. Finally, in the winter, things stagnate and pass on. But, their passing makes
the next spring possible.
Unlike the world, your seasons can occur over the course of months, weeks, days or even
hours. Just know that you need to go through all of the seasons to truly grow. So, anticipate
fluctuating seasons and embrace and learn from the changes that they bring.

5. Life is a paradox.
What’s right is wrong and what’s wrong is right depending on the…
a. Context c. Culture
b. Time Frame d. Perception

6. Love, happiness and joy are available right now in this

moment…and are always available.
The degree of love, joy and happiness that you experience in this moment is a direct result of
what you notice, appreciate and believe…in this moment.

7. Life is constant growth.

If something doesn’t grow, it dies. Every human being needs to feel like they are making
constant progress.

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.
Pay It Forward

Perhaps the best definition of a truly happy and fulfilled person is someone who gives more than they
take. In the movie, “Pay it Forward”, a young boy creates a revolutionary way of life—repaying good deeds
not with payback, but with new good deeds done to three new people.

The antidote to stress is gratitude; the long-lasting cure for pain is service. As you transform your life, use
the extraordinary joy and happiness that you create to serve the world. Sounds impossible right? Like how
could I affect the lives of millions of people?

You can! If you share your transformation, integrate it into your world and ensure that the people around
you are holding themselves to a higher standard, you will be serving them. Pay it forward to three people
and they will pay it on to three more people each, making nine people. The day after that, 27 people will
pay it forward to another three. And each day, everyone will pay it forward to three more. This spreads
to 81 people, then 243, then 729, 2,187, etc. In two weeks that’s 4,782,969 people! Your gift has traveled
all over the world.

Does it work? Just ask the parents of the young boy. Better still; ask the millions of people that received
his gift.

Be the change that you want to see in the world.

Tony Robbins is looking forward to connecting with you during the UPW Webinar
on Wednesday, February 18.

Until then, live with passion!

“My message is my life.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

© 2007 Robbins Research International, Inc. (RRI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the express permission of RRI is prohibited.

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