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a cura di

Mario Bevilacqua e Daniela Gallavotti Cavallero

con un saggio introduttivo di Marcello Fagiolo
Collana a cura del
Centro di Studi sulla Cultura e l’Immagine di Roma

© Copyright 2010
Editoriale Artemide s.r.l.
Via Angelo Bargoni, 8 - 00153 Roma
Tel. 06.45493446 - Tel./Fax 06.45441995

Lucio Barbazza

In copertina
FRANCIS TOWNE (1739-1816). Veduta dell’Aventino dal Palatino.
Acquarello (1781). Londra, British Museum
(© Trustees of the British Museum).

Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2010

da Petruzzi Stampa - Città di Castello (PG)

ISBN 978-88-7575-107-4



Nel volume confluiscono esiti della ricerca di Università 2008, L’evoluzione dell’Aventino dal ’500 al ’900: complessi religiosi, ville, lottizzazioni. Parte I, responsabile Prof. Marcello
Fagiolo, Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura, Facoltà di Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma.

Introduzione all’Aventino in età moderna: la fortezza, la sacralità, la natura e la memoria dell’antico
Memorie funerarie del primo Rinascimento nel pavimento di Santa Sabina all’Aventino
“Morse lo cardinal de Ragona”: cerimoniale e arte funeraria a Santa Sabina e nella Roma di fine Quattrocento
L’iconografia di santa Prisca e l’immagine di Pietro dalla basilica Vaticana al titulus della santa sull’Aventino
nei secoli XVI e XVII
Novità documentarie su Santa Prisca in età barocca. L’attività architettonica di Carlo Lambardi e Carlo Fontana
I “teatri sacri” del Barocco nel cenobio dei Domenicani di Santa Sabina
Le pendici dell’Aventino in una perizia di Carlo Fontana: archeologia e meccanica pratica
Nolli e Piranesi all’Aventino
I marmi dei pavimenti nell’appartamento di Carlo IV e Luisa di Parma
“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato
Residenza, produzione, preghiera: orti, vigne e giardini dell’Aventino dal Cinquecento all’Ottocento
Il “viridario” Rufini-Capizucchi-Ginnasi a Santa Sabina. Notizie storiche dai Farnese all’Arcadia
La vigna dei Gesuiti, poi Torlonia, all’Aventino
La gestione dei cimiteri: la Confraternita Ghemilut Chasadim
Raffaele De Vico sull’Aventino. Il parco Savello e il roseto comunale
L’Aventino nella grafica fra Seicento e Settecento
L’Aventino nelle fotografie di John Henry Parker: l’evidenza materiale del passato
L’Aventino moderno: edilizia e urbanistica dopo il 1870

273 Bibliografia

Fig. 1 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Rome, S. Maria del Priorato, façade.

140 Fabio Barry

Fontana’s remodelling that formed the bones of Piranesi’s new nesi’s intentions is the anonymous Description of the renovations
scheme.12 The defintive aspect of the church would be established made in the Church of St. Basil the Great on the Aventine, belonging to
by Giovanni Battista Piranesi in 1764-66. the Grand Priory of Rome of the Sacred Order of Malta written short-
Piranesi, the son of a Venetian mason and master builder, ly after completion (1766/1769), which has been afforded aston-
entered the theatre of architecture in his native Venice first as an ishingly little attention since its publication in 1998.20 This docu-
apprentice to the hydraulic engineer Matteo Lucchesi, and then ment has all the air of being an official description drafted for
the architect Giovanni Antonio Scalfurotto.13 Although he subse- publication; it is so familiar with details of construction, the chal-
quently fled his homeland to gain fame and prosperity as an lenges that necessitated them, and a wealth of iconographic
engraver in Rome, he continued to consider himself and sign his detail, some that would go unnoticed otherwise, some virtually
works “Architectus Venetus” and his entire output was largely a invisible, that it could not have been written without at least the
continuous meditation on architecture. Yet it was not until the collusion of the architect. It contains at least one partisan nuance
1760s, and the accession of his compatriot Clement XIII Rezzon- (regarding the design of the high altar), and an occasional choice
ico to the papacy, that Piranesi was able to fulfill his youthful of words that could only have come from the architect. One pas-
training, and superabundant ambition to excel as an architect, in sage reappears almost verbatim in one of his engravings. Such is
word and deed, as a theoretician and as a builder.14 the text that one concludes that either Piranesi was the author, co-
Setting up a studio-showroom in the Via Sistina in 1761, he author, or the Description was ghost-written for him, and all these
now printed a host of polemical writings on architecture and its possibilities are strengthened by the fact that the name of the
archaeology beginning with the Della magnificenza ed architettura architect is not mentioned once, suggesting that the published
de’ Romani (1761), which he dedicated to the new pope; his new version would have born his signature. With this conviction in
“acquaintance with Rezzonico’s nephews,” Cardinal Carlo Rez- mind, the author of the Description will be to some extent my co-
zonico (1724-1799) and Giovambattista Rezzonico (1740-1783), narrator.
“gave him the opportunity to give lessons in [actual] architec-
ture”15; he designed interiors and furniture for the Pope at Castel The Suburban Setting and the Piazza.
Gandolfo, for Cardinal Rezzonico at the Palazzo del Quirinale Piranesi’s interventions included not only renovating the
and for Abbondio Rezzonico, Senatore di Roma, at the Palazzo church but constructing an entirely new piazza, the present Piazza
Senatorio on the Campidoglio.16 But, most importantly of all, dei Cavalieri di Malta.21 To understand the piazza it is necessary to
Piranesi produced designs for two actual buildings. While his far understand its location, meaning its detachment from the church
more ambitious project to transform the choir of the great basili- and its rural environment. The piazza was not designed to be a
ca at the Lateran (1762-67) fell foul of bureaucracy and natural vestibule to the church, save a displaced one that spoke the same
calamity to remain a vision on paper, the other a restoration of symbolic language, so one cannot speak of a labyrinthine trail
the minor church of S. Maria del Priorato on the Aventine (1764- from one to the other, as Manfredo Tafuri characterised it.
66) became his sole realised building.17 The two buildings were It is important to realise that one eighteenth-century road has
designed contemporaneously and are to great extent symbiotic. gone missing, and the original viability therefore radically altered,
Piranesi was able to realise the complex of S. Maria del Priorato almost inverted. Nowadays visitors reach the piazza from either
thanks to Giovambattista Rezzonico, who became Grand Prior of the north-east or due south: from either the Via di Santa Sabina
the Order of Malta in Rome in 1763.18 that winds up from the Tiber, or the steeper Via di Porta Laver-
Church and piazza have not lacked for study, much ground- nale from the modern quarter of Testaccio. However, in Piranesi’s
breaking the complex is a staple of surveys of eighteenth-century day the quickest way to the church was up a steep road from the riv-
Italian, and European, architecture thanks to its own merits, its er bank (the Via del Priorato or Salita delli Olmi) that ended in the
individual status within the architectural currents of the day, the piazzale perched on a bastion in front of the church. Cardinal
apparently hermetic nature of its imagery, as well as the fact that Bonelli had made this ramp in 1568 precisely for this reason, and
it is the only piece of architecture ever executed by Piranesi. Inter- it appears in several views up until the nineteenth century, which
est in the church therefore centres on perceiving its relationship also show that it was planted as an avenue at some point in the late
to Piranesi’s more ample activity as an engraver, his not inconsid- sixteenth or early seventeenth centuries.22 It is clearly marked on
erable output as an architectural theorist and, to a much lesser Giovanni Battista Nolli’s map of Rome (1748) and the Catasto
degree, the relationship of this building to those of his contem- Gregoriano (1835), and both show that the road continued
poraries, especially at a moment in which the Baroque is seen to beyond the church, skirting the Priory walls, to flow into a shallow
be moribund and Neoclassicism on the verge of overwhelming its bend of the curving Via di S. Alessio that traversed the Aventine.23
remnants. At this junction, Piranesi carved out the new piazza.
Nonetheless, a number of misconceptions persist, and exist- This circulation route was disrupted when the Via del Priora-
ing interpretations, however valuable, often take an exclusive view to was privatised and gated, certainly after 1869 when both the
of the meaning of the ensemble. A number of key documents, in Palazzo di Malta (Via Condotti) and the Villa Malta were granted
particular the Libro dei Conti for the church’s construction, have extraterritorial rights, becoming, incidentally, the Order’s only
long been known but still yield significant detail on closer scruti- sovereign territorial possessions after the loss of Malta to
ny.19 However, a more serious omission for understanding Pira- Napoleon in 1798. The oblivion of the street means that the

142 Fabio Barry

church has lost its own “street address,” and was never exclusively during the festival in honour of Mars, and to the accompaniment
the culmination of a sequence beginning in the square. Piranesi of trumpets (tubae) and the dancing of the Salii, the priests of
made no formal attempt to connect the two events, and the piaz- Mars.30 As an evocation of the Armilustrium, then, we can imag-
za is more immediately an entrance to the complex and the Villa ine that when the Knights ascended the hill to convene in the
of the Grand Prior, of which the church is an appendage. church they retraced the steps of their martial forebears. In addi-
While a gateway already existed and it was close to a small piaz- tion Wilton-Ely explained many other iconographical ingredients
za, this was “narrow and filthy,” and the gateway “still remained in terms of the Aventine’s prehistory as the site of several Italic
within the mouth of an alley all the more inconvenient and nar- cults: the Temple of Juna Regina was thought to lie under the
row.”24 A strip of land was bought up from the canons of S. Sabi- church of S. Sabina and that of Bona Dea under the Priory itself;
na, and Piranesi set out the new perimeter with a new right-angle as the serpent was sacred to both deities, and hence the Aventine
wall and by remodelling the old boundary wall to the garden of was also known as the Mons Serpentarius, this would explain its
the Priorato.25 In the course of time, possibly during the repetition through Piranesi’s ornament.31 Finally, Wilton-Ely
Napoleonic period, the canons of S. Alessio made a mild traced other motifs, the lyre, pan’s pipes, cornucopia, cameo,
response to Piranesi’s piazza by establishing their own fugitive bird’s wing, gorgon, and so on, to the synoptic plate in Piranesi’s
piazzale, a crescent-shaped space in front of the portal to the later Diverse Maniere (1769) which identifies these elements as Etr-
church atrium.26 Much has been made of the forlorn emptiness of uscan inventions.
Piranesi’s square, that it is a void, “una piazza in negativo” (Tafu- Piranesi’s archaeological fervour cannot be doubted, and he
ri). Yet this was unavoidable, as the Aventine was largely covered undertook excavations before any construction of either church
with fields, vineyards, and allotments until the 1920s.27 Until the or piazza. The pretext was underpinning and Piranesi’s workmen
convent of S. Anselmo was built (1892-6) there were no interlop- excavated to the extraordinary depth of 40 palmi (8.94 m) in
ers on the skyline of Piranesi’s piazza. Even the cypresses are mod- search of a firm footing, unearthing in the process a trove of
ern plantings. Unlike its baroque forebears, Piranesi’s piazza was archaeological remains. These are described at length in the man-
not urban, but suburban, a void in a void. There were no build- uscript Diario di Roma, which implies Piranesi “considered
ings to converse with each other, no inhabitants to animate. At describing all the ancient walls that had been found there”, possi-
best there were processions, and the carriages that brought the bly in print.32 Under the church he found a stretch of the “Ser-
Knights and illustrious visitors to the Villa di Malta. To make a vian” wall, a complex of straight and curved walls which almost
teatro for the Knights, Piranesi instead devised a dramatic skyline certainly belonged to the late antique domus in which Alberic
and loaded the walls with didactic ornament. had instituted the original church, and which Piranesi interpret-
Although Piranesi was contractually bound to follow the ed as the calidarium of a baths, as well as a great quantity of
height of the garden wall he had demolished to make the piazza, unspecified “utensils.” In the garden and at its perimeter he
the new horizon was punctuated by three prominences, two uncovered an ancient square, a section of the Vicus Armilustri, a
“stele” flanked by obelisks and an even taller “meta,” the inter- large land drain, and, more importantly, a huge section of archi-
vening walls scoring an “off-beat” of paired pilasters topped by trave (2.45 m x 1.56 x 0.67 m) which he concluded, with high like-
ball finials.28 Piranesi could not shift the existing entrance portal lihood, had belonged to the pronaos of a temple.33 Piranesi’s
to the Priory gardens nor could the new piazza be centred on it, labourers must have missed by only a whisker another frieze block
so the scansion of these walls was derived in the simplest of ways: unearthed on the spot in 1880 and rich in marine iconography;
a “stela” was placed on axis with the portal, the obelisks lined up nonetheless, he might have known other fragments already
with its piers, a pendant placed symmetrically, and the “meta” unearthed under Paul III (c. 1538) and “adorned with things of
equidistant from the two (figg. 8, 9). The “meta” and “stele” are the sea… such as dolphins, starfish, shells, and ships’ rudders”,
loaded with reliefs, primarily trophies derived from those of especially as one was included in the Museo Cartaceo of Cassiano
Domitian, the base of the Column of Trajan, and lesser known dal Pozzo.34 Even without this cue, a further encouragement to
antiquities, some of the details updated, so that quivers become naval symbolism came anyway from the common knowledge that
cannon for example. These are interspersed with the recognisable the Emporium and boat yards of the ancient port had occupied
insignia of the Knights and the heraldry of the Rezzonico. the banks below the Priory, and antiquarians and vedutisti alike
John Wilton-Ely’s groundbreaking article on the complex identified the enormous ruins on the slopes of the Aventine with
accounted for the apparently esoteric imagery of this piazza in these “Navilj”.35
terms of the ancient topography of the Aventine. Wilton-Ely However, ancient and aboriginal history is not the end of the
pointed to the inspiration for so many martial reliefs in Piranesi’s story to the piazza’s meaning. For a start, the Piazza is loaded with
new piazza in the knowledge that somewhere near the site had obvious funerary emblems, cinerary urns, miniature sarcophagi,
stood the ancient Armilustrium. Indeed, its location is already and obelisks (the latter being interchangeable with pyramids in
clearly labelled on Bufalini’s map of Rome (1551), it recurs in the renaissance, and still in the capriccio and ephemeral catafal-
Vasi’s view of the Tiber, and a stretch of the road leading to it, the ques). The closest parallel is the group of urns and sarcophagi that
Vicus Armilustri, was rediscovered in 1764.29 The Armilustrium once stood in the Villa Corsini (fig. 2), but altogether Piranesi’s
was the large open precinct in which the weapons of legionaries piazza cuts a profile somewhere between the spina of an antique
were ritually purified and stored for winter on the October 19 circus and his own fantastic reconstructions of the tomb-lined Via

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 143

greatest general of antiquity though this was presumably less
important than the fact that this sort of helmet was an attribute
of Mars.41 The author’s use of the word “protiride” is particularly
telling, as it refers not simply to a keystone but the type of pro-
jecting mensole that one finds on triumphal arches. To either side
of this arch are two reliefs, each with the double eagle of the Rez-
zonico in the middle:
Visible in the bas-relief to the right [fig. 5] is a display of shields, a bow,
quiver, helmet, spears, the anchor, the rudder, the tower and other symbols,
over which slithers the serpent of Eternity to perpetuate their glory. Next, in
the bas-relief on the left [fig. 6] one sees a spread wing, symbol of Fame unit-
ed to the scale of the deeds and strength of the Sacred Order signified by the
Tower delineated in the same space and together alluding to the House of
Rezzonico, by the column and shields covered by the same volume. There
are also the trumpets of the same Fame, and her hands holding these trum-
pets, as well as acrostoles, that is figureheads, indicating the principal type of
Fig. 2 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Urne, cippi, e vasi di marmo nella Villa Corsini warfare by which the Sacred Order has won its victories.42
fuori di Porta S. Pancrazio (engraving from Le Antichità Romane, Rome 1756,
pl. 57). The naval emblems in these stuccoes are largely based on six
famous frieze blocks (probably Augustan, possibly celebrating
the battle of Actium) that were believed to have come from a
Appia.36 The visitor approaching the piazza from the abitato Temple of Neptune.43 While some antiquarians had referred to
would have passed both the ruins of the Circus Maximus and the the various prows, rudders, and poops they showed as simply
Jewish cemetery (the “ortaccio degli ebrei,” in situ from 1645 to “strumenti dell’Arte di Navigare,” others had, erroneously,
1894) on their way. As Sylvia Pressouyre poetically observed, “par- related the friezes to the columns with trophy-capitals that still
mi les stèles dressées, règne un climat funèbre; dans l’attirail stand in the choir of S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura, where the friezes
antique et militaire des casques et des boucliers, il passe des ser- stood between the middle ages and the 1720s.44 Not only had
pents; on aperçoit, sous l’amoncellement des trophées, des attrib- Piranesi engraved these capitals also, but he could not have
uts étranges don’t on ne saisit pas le sens. Tout est mat, comme been ignorant that the naval emblems had been replicated at
décoloré, spectral et irréel.”37 The piazza is not just the Armilustri- monumental scale on the ceiling of S. Maria in Aracoeli to
um reborn, but a cenotaph to generations of knights fighting a bit- commemorate the glorious rout of the Turk, to which the
ter retreat across the Mediterranean (Acre, Cyprus, Rhodes, Mal- Knights of Malta had contributed, at the Battle of Lepanto
ta), in which the “stelae” are mounted like Stations of the Cross.38 (1571); moreover, a century later the reliefs had been models
In fact, the Description devotes particular care to itemising the for the rostral column that was reconstructed in the Musei
iconography of combat and triumph represented by both naval Capitolini, possibly in the 1680s, to crown the rediscovered
emblems and the spoils of the vanquished Turk: base of the original column of Caius Duilius.45
on the main perimeter wall of the new piazza rises a great Meta [fig. 7] with a Whatever the case, Piranesi’s quotations were not as remote
frieze of Turkish arms, chained and set behind the Labarum of the Cross and as they are now, as galleys had still been used at the Battle of
the Shield of Malta, [the latter] hung from a Marine tident, to signify the lev- Lepanto, as a multitude of paintings and prints showed, and
ee and bridle that Malta herself poses to the power of the Mohammedans and Turkish spoils, like the quivers whose distinctive profiles are
their terror, expressed by the head of a Gorgon set below and with trophies of
their arms; in the middle of which stands also the armorial tower of the House
discernible in the background of the relief below the “meta”
of Rezzonico, and amongst which are likewise interspersed some barbarian could be found in palace collections (fig. 7).
arms to recall the same subject of the Meta.39 So much for military history, ancient and modern. The
Description also points to a third level of exegesis. The piazza is
Directly opposite this totem it was decided to make the arched
the entrance to the Villa di Malta and this is the villa of the
gateway to the Priory Gardens “more decorous by giving it the
appearance of a triumphal arch”: Grand Prior of the order in Rome, not of any single family. In
that sense it is a communal possession and so the imagery of
for this reason on the keystone [proteride] of the gate [fig. 3] there was set in the Knights as a corporate body in the piazza – and even the
bas-relief the Paragon of Maltese power, expressed by a great, heroic helmet,
carried by the Emblem of two Ships, and surrounded by shields, flags, and very idea of a piazza – is appropriate. However, since the late
halberds, both their own and those taken from the barbarians. This helmet sixteenth century, and especially since the rennovations of Car-
crowns the Cross, which is both the badge of Malta and appears in the arms dinal Benedetto Pamphilj (1678-84), the role of suburban villa
of the House of Rezzonico, whose attributes for the same reason are figured and luogo di delizie had completely effaced the building’s origins
in some of the aforementioned shields.40
as the Grand Priory.46 Pamphilj had added a Kaffeehaus and he
Piranesi had engraved the “heroic helmet” on the frontispiece may even have planted the famous avenue that still frames a
of Della Magnificenza (fig. 4), quoting that on a statue then identi- view of the cupola of St. Peter’s.47 It is in this light that we
fied as King Pyrrhus, whom Hannibal apparently esteemed as the should read the following passage from the Description:

144 Fabio Barry

Next, for the recreation of whosoever lingers in this piazza and for the swords, and all’antica standards. Their significance has long been
amoenity of the place are dedicated two monuments [fig. 8] flanking the known: “The scabbards hung in the middle of the four pilasters…
same Meta with those festoons of fruits and flowers with the Lyre of
Apollo and the Pipes of Pan. The four masks finally placed at the top of denote the mission of the the same Sacred Order to protect the
these same monuments, and signifying the four ages of human life alert Faith with arms, and the two staffs or standards between the
us to the fact that the pleasures nurtured and obtained by Your Excellen- pilasters and the door, with the capture of Rhodes signified by the
cy in Your Priory, are not the delights that fade with the flower of youth, acronymn F.E.R.T. (which means Fortitudo Eius Rhodum Tenuit),
but proper to any age and at any age devoid of regret.48 specify that the principle mission of the Sacred Order is to repell
Allusions to Apollo and Pan were entirely suitable to villa the attacks of the Mohammedans against Christianity.”54 Pirane-
pursuits, refined or rustic, as well as the Arcadian setting of the si retained the brick pilasters Bonelli had introduced to make a
rural Aventine, where, it bears noting, Rome’s famed literary tetrastyle aedicule and incorporated the medieval oculus which is
academy, the Arcadi (whose stemma was the Pan’s pipes), had now framed by a fluted sarcophagus panel (enclosing the pre-
held their poetry readings in a topiary amphitheatre a stone’s existing oculus as though it were a clipeus) with flanking snake-
throw away from 1707 to 1725. But Apollo and Pan also hint at mensoles “placed in profile around the ornament of the oculus of
a darker nature, the fatal and brutal contest that was subsumed the Façade, [that] allude to the eternity of the Faith protected by
into Christian moral and that bracketed two natures. A more the same Sacred Order.”55 This ingenuous combination hints
precise reference is to the paired masks on each “stela,” theatri- that the church is also a mausoleum and prefigures the hybrid
cal masks evidently derived from those on the so-called War- base of the high altar, a sarcophagus-with-rostra (beaked prows)
wick Vase from Hadrian’s Villa, which Piranesi also engraved.49 that again synthesises funeral and maritime symbolism. In fact,
A fuller commentary on the meaning of these masks appears in the same reeded fluting that splays out on either side of the ocu-
Piranesi’s lengthy description of the funerary candelabrum lus, which substitutes the expected strigillation and which seems
that he concocted out of fragments found at Hadrian’s Villa, to have derived from observing Egyptian reliefs, appears as orna-
and which was to serve briefly as his cenotaph in S. Maria del ment on the relief of the invented prow he had earlier engraved
Priorato (fig. 9): here we are told that they are both the four on the frontispiece of the Della Magnificenza (fig. 4). The tympa-
masks of the four types of poetry and the four seasons of the num of the existing façade was endowed with elaborate mould-
cycle of life, from Spring to Winter or Autumn to Summer.50 ings (pervaded, appropriately, by arrow-heads, even outside their
Another allusion to a grand temporal cycle is equally hard to canonical venue in egg-and-dart mouldings) and the tympanum
spot without the prompting of the Description, namely “the crammed with relief that one would just take for so much orna-
zone of the Zodiac running around the aforesaid Symbol [over ment did not the Description provide an exegesis of the details,
the keystone of the garden portal] to signify not only eternity, some of which are virtually invisible: “one can see the old coat of
but also the glory and decorum of the Sacred Order, that is arms of the Pope Pius V [replaced with the badge of the order in
scattered everywhere that the sun shines.”51 1850] flanked by two pieces of armour [the ‘Pyrrhus’ cuirass,
The Description has no words to offer on the Armilustrium, though the Rezzonico double-headed eagle replaces the original
Bona Dea, the Mons Serpentarius, or any of the classical pre- facing griffins] of the Sacred Order, indicated as such firstly by the
history let alone the Etruscans. Instead it supplies relatively globe on which they rest, and in which is figured the Mediter-
more traditional conventions for every ornament. In one case ranean with the Island of Malta; secondly by the Cross or rather
they strain credibility, in another fill an important gap in our Standard of the same Sacred Order; and thirdly by the extension
understanding. On the hand, it is difficult to accept the ex- above these arms of the Stole that is the insignia of the Ambas-
traordinary offence to decorum, and inauspicious injury to sadors of Malta to the Holy See, in which are figured the Myster-
Fame, involved in the amputated wing and arms brandishing ies of the Passion of Christ: and all of this to signify that the
trumpets, especially when the latter are obviously battle-horns church pertains to both the Holy See and to the Sacred Order of
(tubae; fig. 6); on the other, the poignant masks cannot be Jerusalem.”56
explained by Wilton-Ely’s analysis; nor is the specificity of the From the Tiber below, or stripped of its ornament, Piranesi’s
Armilustrium supported by the ommission of the 8-shaped ritu- façade might pass for sober neoclassicism but only because it is
al shields of the Salii, the ancilia.52 Piranesi was evidently work- now bereft of the original attic that was damaged by French
ing in both modes, and not all his concerns were meant for shelling in June 1849. This appears in several long distance views
public consumption. Besides their obvious propriety to the of the Aventine, but the only detailed views are an innacurate
naval history of the knights, and the fact that they were tro- etching and the reasonably faithful elevation drafted by an
phies, it was also believed that the friezes from which many of unknown artist as a memoir for Robert Adam (fig. 12).57 Histori-
these emblems were copied had belonged to a temple. But the ans seem to have been left speechless by this vanished attic. Per-
emblematic appearance of the friezes also assimilated them in haps they are embarassed by it. Perhaps even to Piranesi sympa-
the Renaissance and baroque eye to hieroglyphs.53 thisers it seems “over the top.”58 To the austere tastes of corrective
classicism it would have been a licentious excrescence, and when
The Church Façade. it was hit by French cannon this must have seemed a blessing in
Piranesi ennobled the church with a new façade (fig. 1), again disguise. For one doubts whether the damage really warranted the
studded with military emblems, cuirasses, helmets, sheathed demolition, whether it was not more a style victim than a casual-

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 145

Fig. 3 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Stucco bas-relief with emblems of the
Knights and naval warfare, Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, entrance arch to the
Villa di Malta.

ty of war.59 The original motivation for heightening the façade

was that Piranesi had raised the walls of the nave so that the roof
trusses no longer sat directly on the vault, menacing its stability.60
But its height far exceeded this purpose and is inspired by those
church façades that sought to measure up to their urban sur-
roundings, like Carlo Maderno’s S. Susanna and Giovanni Bat-
tista Soria’s nearby S. Maria della Vittoria, or Alessandro Galilei’s
façade (1732-5) on the church Piranesi was concurrently redesign-
ing, St. John in Lateran.
Piranesi’s invention, in fact, sought to fuse the temple façade
with that of the triumphal arch, resuming the long prehistory of
Italian church façades, beginning with Leon Battista Alberti’s
S. Andrea in Mantua (1460-99), that merged the image of the
temple with the antique monument that encapsulated liminality
par excellence. In the process, the attic of S. Maria del Priorato
also situated Piranesi’s innovation in both a recognisable and per-
sonal architectural genealogy that wove his Venetian origins
together with his Roman home. To set an attic over a pediment –
in the same plane – can be traced to Palladio’s design of the Fig. 4 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Della Magnificenza ed Architettura de’ Romani,
Redentore (fig. 10), and S. Pietro di Castello (built by Francesco Rome 1761, second frontispiece.
Smeraldi in 1594-6 but commonly believed to follow Palladio’s
design), and Palladio was still the hero of all Venetian architects.61
But the ancient justification for doing so in all cases was the Pan- Order of Jerusalem conferred upon the same House”62 – another
theon in Rome, and in modern times even Rome’s premier basil- example of the knights’ subservience to Fides/Religio/Ecclesia.
ica, St. Peter’s, had been given an attic over its pediment. In designing the triumphal arch component of the façade
Yet, the advantage of this amalgam in the context of S. Maria Piranesi did not limit himself to the repertoire of antiquity
del Priorato was that it allowed Piranesi to inscribe a temple front (however excellent the examples at Rome, Benevento, Ancona
within a triumphal arch, not only to stress the Knights’ martial and elsewhere) but was also inspired by Rome’s renaissance city
exploits once more but also marry them with their Christian gates. Some details suggest that Piranesi had been studying
piety, a theme pursued throughout the complex. Not only could Michelangelo’s Porta Pia,63 but the strange acroterion-finial
the Knights boast a succession of past exploits against the Infidel that tops out the façade, and which originally bore the cross,
in the defence of the Faith but that their new Prior was the Pope’s can only be derived from Bernini’s addition (1655) to the Por-
nephew. Indeed, the attic is capped with “trophies,” just like ta del Popolo (1562-5), a gate that even the latest guidebooks
Roman triumphal arches, as any erudito would have known from still claimed was the work of Vignola and Michelangelo
ancient coins. The lateral, hexagonal scudi are in reality prone (though in reality designed by Nanni di Baccio Bigio; fig. 11).
shields of the Rezzonico arms (abbrieviated to their barres), while Piranesi drew upon the gate because it was a modern reinter-
the central acroterion – where there might have been a military pretation of the triumphal arch that came with a gilt-edge
quadriga – bears “two helmets below the Cross that reigns over designer pedigree, yet the lofty façade not only consummates
the façade” to denote “the Grand Priory of Rome of the Sacred the triumph of the Knights but also makes the church a land-

146 Fabio Barry

Figs 5-6 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Stucco bas-relief with emblems of the Knights, symbols, and the Rezzonico Arms, Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, entrance gate to
the Villa di Malta.

mark on the urban skyline. For travellers approaching Rome Piranesi’s remedy allowed him the opportunity to install a lay-
on the Via Portuense across open countryside, or for river traf- ered apsidal vault partially quoted from Raphael at the Villa
fic, S. Maria del Priorato would have been the first celebratory Madama and, possibly, Bramante’s long lost apse at St. Peter’s, as
monument they saw. In this sense it may be conceived as a well as an attached colonnade of columns that he was seeking to
propylaeon to Roma Sacra, or on point-duty overlooking the introduce into his schemes for the Lateran.67 The same maneuvre
Ripa Grande, Rome’s main landing stage since 1692, like the left Piranesi with another problem to resolve, because he had now
port temples one sees in paintings by Claude. altered the coordinates of the crossing. Having reduced the width
of the apse, only three arches of the crossing – which, let us
The Church Interior. remember, Carlo Fontana had instituted eighty years earlier –
Beyond this façade, Piranesi remodelled the ancient church, remained identical in width (fig. 13). Rudolph Wittkower itemis-
chapel of the Priory and mausoleum of some of the Order’s lumi- es the solution: “instead of the single pilasters of the nave, there
naries, including even one Grand Master. Carlo Fontana’s struc- are double half-columns in the apse and single half-columns in
tural skeleton was patched, braced, and realigned here and there, the transept. Secondly, the four corners of the crossing are not
but otherwise left untouched in its general lines.64 Piranesi encrust- equal: on the side of the nave, they are formed by imposts corre-
ed the whole interior in a finely modelled stucco envelope that sup- sponding to those on which the arches of the chapels rest; on the
plied a tectonic and illusionist depth beyond the means of such a far side of the crossing there are double pilasters of which only the
mute structure: “such that nothing was left of the old church except outside one is answered across the transept. Here the corners are
its shape, in itself quite unfortunate, which had to be obeyed and to formed by full pilasters which carry the vault separating the apse
be subject in the discovery or appropriation of ornaments that now from the rest of the vault.”68
differentiate it from that which it was formerly.”65 Wittkower, unaware of the original trigger to this chain-reac-
One of the architect’s first priorities, the Description tells us, tion of differentiated articulation, was even moved to write that,
was to remedy the perceived aesthetic deficiencies of the apse: “no clearer sign of Piranesi’s contempt for structural logic in the
The proscenium arch of this was eliptical, with the result that the vault (that Roman tradition is possible. In a Roman church the beholder
is the curvature) of the apse, being circumscribed by an arch so low and flat- feels stimulated to notice and appreciate the element of continu-
tened, looked mean and ugly. The task was to reduce the apse arch and cur- ity, but the system of articulation is deployed without optical or
vature to the right proportions without having to break the wall or compro- illusionist concessions. Piranesi, by contrast, breaks the tradition-
mise the integrity of the structure during construction; since columns had
been added below this apse, and their projection [forward of the apse wall] al continuity because he has primarily the subjective optical expe-
had increased the depth of its cornice, it was decided to add a structure rience of the beholder in mind… this points to Venice, to Palladio
spanning from the mid-point of the arch and vault down, where it was plant- and Longhena, who were intent on scenographic relationships
ed on the aforesaid cornice projection, thereby allowing the apse vault to from space to space.”69
assume the required profile. This is an overstatement. A more classicising architect might
Many coffers, studded with rosettes, were excavated within this new struc-
ture (that reaches, as has been said, as far as the middle of the curvature of have made the apse a separate unit, with the concentric prosceni-
the arch and vault); and, because if one had wanted to continue the coffers um arch Piranesi had been forced to add – to make up the differ-
from the middle up it would have been necessary to carve out the pre-exist- ence between old and new vaults – landing on detached piers or
ing vault, not to touch this a canopy ribbed and radiating like a shell was columns (as in the side chapels of the Corsini Chapel in St. John
erected to grace the same vault; wherein appears the heraldic arms of the in Lateran). Piranesi instead kept the ring cornice intact, making
church’s Benefactor. And to make these two different ornaments appear
more beautiful and concordant within the concavity, a double festoon was the apse even more of a niche in the end wall, and thereby per-
made to shoot from two rosettes, which interweaving across, rises to sur- spectivally increasing the apparent depth of the transepts into the
round the same coat of arms.66 bargain.70 Piranesi then attempted to unify the perimeter vault of

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 147

Fig. 7 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. “Meta”, Piazza dei Fig. 8 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Piazza dei Cavalieri di Fig. 9 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Cande-
Cavalieri di Malta. Malta, entrance gate to the Villa di Malta. “Stela”, detail. labrum for the artist’s tomb (1778; Paris,
Musée du Louvre).

the crossing with pannelled bands running from pier to pier, but gio Maggiore, Longhena’s S. Maria della Salute, and Juvarra’s
the apse wall and flanking wall sections are articuated with a Chiesa della Venaria Reale near Turin (for its use of engaged
rhythm of pairs that can be read either as closely coupled (coupled columns in the apse).72 There is no point contesting these obser-
columns, column + corner pier + paired pilasters) or, in the apse, vations except to make two points. Firstly, that an influential
widely spaced and framing voids. The apse is a fictive screen, no scenographic tradition obviously did exist in Rome, in the world
doubt a memory of Palladio’s in the apse of the Redentore and a of ephemera, particularly the Quarant’ore, which was then trans-
form with which he was simultaneously experimenting in his lated into permanent architecture throughout Bernini’s oeuvre
designs of the Lateran.71 The gable walls of the transepts are equal- but also churches like Carlo Rainaldi’s S. Maria in Campitelli, in
ly skeletal, treated as fictive loggias, with the lunettes excavated to which building that absence of an organic articulation which dis-
imitate thermal windows (another memory of Palladio’s Venetian turbed Wittkower so much is far more evident.73 Secondly, and
churches), a motif Piranesi replicated on the counter-façade. All more importantly, while Piranesi’s nave is certainly scenographic,
are portals, and perhaps conceived once more as “triumphal arch- this begs the question of what scene is being staged.
es,” but the net effect on the interior of the church is that it is Wittkower assumes that the entire building is building up to a
implicitly “open-ended,” giving the nave by contrast more the feel visual climax in the sculpture group of the altar, but it must be
of a casket, which by design or accident was appropriate to its stressed that the real innovation in Piranesi’s division of the nave,
function, as a gallery of tombs and mementos. was not the level change between choir and nave, which was nor-
Wittkower also drew attention to the fact that Piranesi divid- mal, but the introduction of an intermediary level between them.
ed the church floor into three levels, introducing a freestanding Piranesi considered this level so important that he had the exist-
altar that projects into the choir space and which was given still ing floor under the crossing dug out and then extended this
more prominence by its silhouette against a new window plateau with new construction as far as the line between the third
punched through the apse wall. Wittkower again concluded that and fourth chapels of the nave.74 Indeed, the altar – which had
all of these initiatives were alien to Roman churches, and that S. always been freestanding – gained in splendid isolation precisely
Maria del Priorato had “exchanged its specific Roman quality for because it had lost the raised floor originally on either side.
one which can only be described as north Italian,” citing again Leading onto this plateau were the two transept portals, the
the scenographic impulse from Palladio’s Redentore and S. Gior- right one from the sacristy (and robing room for the Knights?),

148 Fabio Barry

and the other the entrance of the Grand Prior from his villa Marchionni won the commission to restore the Lateran, crushing
directly adjacent; indeed, the latter portal is also topped by a Piranesi’s own hopes.82 Marchionni’s solution, a Berninesque
coretto, skillfully concealed behind a pseudo-relief that functions altar type that had enjoyed renewed favour during the eighteenth
as a gelosia (modesty screen for praying in private with a privileged century, is timid and static and would have been difficult to read
view of the High Altar).75 All in all, the motivation for this ample when in so brightly backlit a location. In any case, the author of
intermediary level can only have been to provide a stage for the the Description argues the supremacy of Piranesi’s solution, a free-
knights in the manner of a canons’ choir. It can least be assumed standing sculpture group, and allows us to eavesdrop the debate
that some ceremony would have been required, and that the and quite probably Piranesi’s critique of Marchionni’s scheme:
Knights resident in Rome would have gathered, for the festivals of An altar so disposed and isolated appears adorned from every angle that it
St. John the Baptist (the patron of the Knights), St. Basil (the orig- can be regarded. To tell the truth one could have made simply an altar table
inal dedicatee of the church) and all Marian festivals (the co-dedi- with only a Crucifix and candlesticks, and put a painting representing all the
catee), but perhaps also investitures of Knights, maybe that of the aforementioned Saints in place of the window that has been opened in the
apse; but, besides the fact that the Church would have been left deprived of
Grand Prior, and certainly burials, for access to the burial vault is its illumination, it would have remained an empty vessel in which whoever
from a slab in the centre of this tribune.76 Whether this tribune entered would not have found the principle subject that every Work requires
was reserved for professed knights, and the nave for novices or and, when one regards the composition of the present altar, it has greater
simply the public is a detail, but such large tribunes are a feature prominence for the harmonious proportion it has with the apse, by which it
of the other churches of the Knights from that of St. Lawrence in seems to be received, as though the latter had been made just for it; [...].
[Nonetheless] how were all these Images in relief then to be placed over the
Vittoriosa (Birgu), the first conventual church of the Knights on Altar? The Virgin and St. John the Baptist could not cede their place, as they
Malta (1530-77), to Giovanni del Tempio (now S. Giovanni di say, to St. Basil; and should not St. Basil, as Dedicatee of the Church, be the
Malta), the church of the Gran Priorato di Venezia, to their most primary subject and the most visible? Furthermore, on this Altar also had to
important, the co-cathedral of St. John in Valletta (1573-78).77 be placed the Crucifix and the Tabernacle of the Sacrament, each of which
The focus of any ceremony, and of the standard liturgy, was of had to take precdence. Now, all these difficulties had to be ironed out in the
Architecture of the new Altar.83
course the high altar, in fact the only altar in the church, which
Piranesi re-erected in its original position; for it had always been Piranesi’s solution was a stacked structure, a true “machina,”
freestanding and formerly covered with a baldachin. The Descrip- composed of a sarcophagus with an oculus (the traditional
tion details the challenge to the designer here in terms of both fenestrella confessionis) for the remains of the early martyrs; on top
typology and iconography, specifically the need to cram several of this is a pedestal, in which to insert the tabernacle of the Sacra-
dedications into one altarpiece, as well as accommodate the ment; above this another sarcophagus-cum-barque with beaked
Sacrament and the relics of the early Christian martyrs that had prows, fronted by a panel of the Virgin and Child and the infant
been fortuitously rediscovered while the floor was being dug out: John the Baptist, itself topped by the Mystic Lamb; and all of this
in order to succeed in this enterprise, it was necessary to overcome many dif-
surmounted by a huge globe from which St. Basil floats upwards
ficulties. The disposition of the apse and the crossing demanded that the in the company of angels. Having decided to make St. Basil the
new altar was isolated just like the old one, and visible from every angle; “primary subject,” Piranesi dispensed with the remaining iconog-
since it was inappropriate to install a painting, which, being a panel, only raphy, the Virgin and the Baptist by cramming them into a bas-
makes a forwards display, and even less so of the old altarpiece [by Andrea relief, and even this was a copy of a much earlier relief by Gio-
Sacchi] that is wider than it is tall and also arched according to an old fad. vanni Battista Foggini.84 The reasoning, some of which smacks of
What was to be done? Just an altar with candlesticks and the Cross, as is the
custom for isolated altars in other churches? But because in our church the post-rationalisation was as follows:
chapels are all occupied by several sepulchral monuments, where were to be The great globe is then carried aloft, as if by two ships with beaked prows,
placed, and decorously, the Images of Our Lady, of St. John the Baptist, pro- and these so placed to signify the Sacred Order of Malta, whose forces
tectors of the Sacred Order, and of St. Basil, the dedicatee of the Church? uphold and defend the Christian world, well expressed in the same globe
Everything had to be on the new altar, but not in a painting, which was con- with the mystery of the Assumption. In front of the two ships with beaked
sidered, but in relief.78 prows can be seen in that octagonal panel the figures in bas-relief of the Vir-
gin and Child, and of St. John the Baptist, and, in fact, right in front of the
As it happens, this passing hint at a round of consultations is ships to denote that the naval forces of the Sacred Order are under the glo-
confirmed by a drawing that has been published on numerous rious Protection of those depicted. And since St. John the Baptist cannot
occasions but in every case without any discussion (fig. 14).79 This cut a grand figure in the panel, as this rightly belongs to the Virgin and
alternative scheme for the altar was made while the building was Child, therefore an acroterion was added on which the lies on a cushion the
figure of the Lamb of God, attribute of the same Saint. 85
still on the drawing board, or in the early stages of construction,
for Piranesi’s apse is visible in the background but there are some It is Wittkower again, who attributes Piranesi’s towering altar
minor differences from the version executed.80 The design is by to Venetian precedents in the Redentore, S. Giorgio Maggiore
Carlo Marchionni, who was a seasoned architect, a practised and S. Maria della Salute.86 Indeed, in the Redentore the monu-
sculptor, and an artful scenographer, so apparently the ideal mental altar stands before a semicircular columnar screen; in S.
choice.81 Whether the drawing was created at the behest of the Giorgio, a statue of God the Father stands on a large gilt-bronze
Rezzonico or on the initiative of Marchionni, who includes him- globe of the World borne by the four Evangelists; and in the
self explaining the design to the Cardinal Nephew in the right Salute, the multi-storey altar offers a parity between sculpture and
foreground, is unknown and a possible date is early 1764 when architecture and encapsulates a panel painting (of the Madonna)

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 149

as well as the Sacrament. Nonetheless, it must also be observed play of battle shields of the Sacred Order, as a sign that they battle in
that Piranesi took courage from Roman example, possibly one on defence of these same Mysteries, and that by virtue [of these Mysteries]
the Order conquers, [this virtue] indicated by a corona of rays that flows
the spot. For the late medieval frescoes in the apse had represent- forth from the same Triangle. Below the Triangle has as its base the
ed an Assumption of the Virgin, and had these been covered over in emblem of two ships with beaked prows, indicating the naval forces of
Fontana’s restorations they would still have come to light during the Island of Malta, and [these are] adorned with bas-reliefs: one showing
Piranesi’s remodelling. More certain is the fact that although shields, candelabra, and Cherubim, to signify that piety and devotion
Tommaso Righi’s sculpture group of St. Basil is highly unusual in [are] united with soldiering; the other with two seated and pensive fig-
ures, accompanied by two genies, to signify that the Grand Masters [are
Rome because it is freestanding and backlit, it still stands firmly guided] by Prudence, and the steering of the ships directed by valour, fur-
in the traditon of Berninian altarpieces from the ascending S. ther expressed by the two winds that blow and fly with veils instead of
Francis in the Cappella Raimondi to the floating Teresa in the wings. Next, a tablet descends below the Triangle and overlies the
Cornaro Chapel. Indeed, it is directly derived from the figure of emblem of the two ships, on which is figured the Holy Protector of the
St. Andrew in S. Andrea al Quirinale, arms outstretched and on Sacred Order with his attribute of the Lamb, and with the inscription,
SAINT JOHN PROTECTOR. Finally, at the top of the staff is hung the
a trajectory to the brilliant cupola at the church’s heart. In fact, tunic with the cross of the Knights, crowned by the Triple Tiara and
the Description spells out the parallel: papal keys, on the pommels of which is superimposed the Cross of the
it was decided to make the most important thing and in the highest site Knights, to signify the subordination of the Sacred Military Order to the
above the Altar, as if an Apotheosis, or rather the assumption of St. Basil to Holy See, and the ornament the latter receives from the same Order. At
the mansions of Immortality. For this reason that great Globe was placed the head and foot of the panel can be seen, superimposed on the frame
there, which figures the earth, from which the saint is lifted and carried by that surrounds it, two round shields with the monogram of the Name of
angels, in pontifical robes, and in the act of love that is about to join him Christ, both adorned with palms and laurels, alluding to the victories
with his God, and the perpendicular window of the Lantern, given the sub- won by the Sacred Order against the Mohammedans, whose own
ject of the work, seems to be the venue for the glorious Assumption.87 emblem has been expressed in the many crescent moons that run as a
meander in the field of the cornice made around the two upper and low-
Today it is difficult to consider the gloomy socket over the er extremities of the panel, yet seem oppressed by a general and continu-
crossing a glorious oculus into heaven, but the structure is now ous wreath of the same laurels, which encircles the entire panel.90
greatly changed. When Piranesi had raised the roof the pre- The concetto is highly ingenious: a giant battle standard, its ban-
existing lantern became trapped in the roof space. He resolved ner being an equilateral triangle because it represents the Trinity,
the problem by enlarging the diameter of the lantern and trans- and complete with angels adoring the cross at its heart; a banner
forming the loft into a “camera di luce,” with a large oval win- that – just like the relief over the piazza entrance to the Priory (fig. 3)
dow in the wall above the apse, and “lucernarij” (skylights, pos- – is also the sail of the double-prowed trireme/galleon of the
sibly in the shape of dormer windows) on the two flanks of the knights, always blown on by a fair wind from heaven; the staff its
lantern as well as a periscopic canopy (“tetto a padiglione”) fac- mast, a mast that then becomes the helmsman’s oar (his rudder),
ing the façade, ensuring that the lantern was therefore lit the and the helmsman the Knights’ protector St. John the Baptist.
whole day long.88 Presumably, all of this fell victim to the Finally, the inspiration for making a boat and its vast sail occupy the
French cannonading of 1849, or the roof leaked too much, and lion’s share of the vault, was no doubt the inescapable pun that the
the arrangement was not restored during the restoration car- nave of the church was a “navis.” Military endeavour and spiritual
ried out by Cardinal Lorenzo Simonetti in 1850, when instead devotion are fused. Even the rigging, it seems, is the Rosary. The
new windows were cut below the eaves to supply the paltry illu- Knights as consecrated warriors and the subjugation of their arms
mination that exists today.89 to a holy mission is the core theme, once more backdated beyond
A final way of separating the choir from the nave (and we have the crusades to antiquity. Their sacrifice and subordination is
to remember that in the end these are all just notional spaces expressed in the tunic-trophy whose helmet is the papal tiara. More-
inscribed within a rectangular plan), was to introduce the image over the origins of Christian militarism resurge in the Chi-Rho sym-
of cross-vaulting between choir and nave, repeated at the other bol that Constantine had instructed his troops to paint on their
end of the church to isolate the central panel. The inspiration, as shields before the Battle of Pons Milvius and had made his stan-
elsewhere was Borromini’s vault at the Cappella dei Re Magi in dard (the Labarum). This standard, which the Crusaders adopted
the Collegio della Propaganda. as their battle flag along with the hymn Vexilla regis prodeunt, already
The central panel of the vault is instead given over to a massive appears on the “meta” in the piazza (fig. 7) and the stucco standards
relief, the largest figurative display in the church besides the high that flank the church portal (fig. 1); even the swords hung on the
altar. The Description again provides an ample exegesis of details pilasters become crosses.91 On the nave vault the Christogram
that it would be hard to intepret with the same accuracy unless appears in medallions on the further borders of the panel, and thus
one had conceived them: the entire composition is pointedly termed a “Labarum or Vexil-
In the double-length panel has been made a bas-relief, which represents a lum.” With this in mind, the ensemble of the bas-relief with its
vexillum or labarum of the same Sacred Order, consisting of a great staff, angels and gloria of rays becomes another vision of Constantine.
in the middle of which hangs from a noble rope the Triangle of the Most The vault is another bold departure from Roman tradition.
Holy Trinity, in whose field is the Cross with two Seraphim that adore
these two great Mysteries of Christianity, as a reminder to the faithful to Nowhere else can one see an entire vault constructed in relief,
revere them. This Triangle is bordered by the same rope, with many rather than illusionist fresco, which had been the norm for
paired bouquets of roses in order; by a halo of Cherubim; and by a dis- over a century.92 Piranesi does borrow the conventions of quad-

150 Fabio Barry

Fig. 10 - ANDREA PALLADIO. Venice, Il Redentore. Façade Fig. 11 - NANNI DI BACCIO BIGIO and GIAN LORENZO Fig. 12 - Rome, S. Maria del Priorato,
(1577-92). BERNINI. Rome, Porta del Popolo (1562-5, 1655; photo- façade elevation (drawing, late eighteenth
graph c. 1868). century; London, Sir John Soane Mu-
seum; from Jatta 1998).

ratura for it to be a gloria, but otherwise he can only be influ- string courses, while the “Maltese Cross” is perhaps subsumed into
enced by late sixteenth-century wooden ceilings and their the omnipresent tabula ansata (tablet with dovetail handles meant
emblematic ornaments, like that in the nave of the church he for inscriptions, both a military and funereal motif) that even reap-
was concurrently redesigning, the Lateran (1562-66). The ceil- pears in the frames of the clerestory windows. Both crosses haunt
ing of S. Maria in Aracoeli (1572-84), where the ship embodies the stuccoes around the lantern oculus in the slightly splayed frame
the Ecclesia Militans, would have been of special note; even behind the shells and cameos, and the bevelling of the outer frame
more so also that of S. Maria in Navicella (1566), which that seems to mediate between the two types of cross. Overlaying
acquired its dedication from a antique miniature ship in stone this is a quatrefoil cross netting four medallions coupled with
(the “Navicella”) that stands before the church, and whose shells, themselves forming crosses: the medallions represent the
prominent panels of Noah’s Ark and the Eucharistic Temple main chapters in the life of the Baptist and are “accompanied by 8
borne on a barque alluded to the Navicella as both a symbol of shells alluding to the sea, in which lies the Island of Malta, sur-
the church and the Ship of State.93 rounded by four crowns of laurel, indicating the incorruptible and
In the penombra below the frozen vision on the vault, Piranesi evergreen Sacred Order, and the victories that it has achieved
orchestrated the architecture of the nave and its chapels. Here he under the Protection of the same Saint [John the Baptist] over the
made subtle play between the major pilaster order of the nave and enemies of the name of Christ.”94
the normally subsidiary mouldings of the chapels. He created a sort The remodelled nave chapels themselves resumed the role
of tartan web that overlaps all angles by intersecting the voids that they had long held and reacquired in the early seventeenth
framed by string courses and pier mouldings (a motif again century, deposits for the tombs of the Knights’ good and glori-
inspired by Borromini’s vault in the Propaganda Fide). On the one ous. These included the tombs of a fearless naval commander
hand Piranesi is playing the same game of elisions witnessed in the and one Grand Master, as well as an antique sarcophagus valued
crossing, on the other he weaves the image of the cross into the for its iconography of the Muses. But the whole circuit of the
church’s fabric as a “sub-routine.” The cross is both the Labarum of interior is filled with relics from the earlier church, all tombs.
the Knights and that quartered in the heraldic arms of the Even in the apse two floor slabs are set vertically into the wall and
Rezzonico. The Knights themselves employed two crosses, both of visible to either side of the altar (fig. 13). Even outside the church,
which are visible on the Garden Portal (fig. 3). One, the “Maltese Piranesi had various antique fragments immured in the new
Cross” composed of four convergent arrowheads, the other a sim- scarping wall flanking the ramp up from the river, as a historical
pler battle flag consisting of a white cross on a red field, or, to adopt preface to the church and, given their position on the slope,
another Gestalt, a cross-shaped void between four solids. The latter almost a cross-section through its stratigraphy.95 Piranesi had a
is presumably the inspiration for Piranesi’s game of voided ribs and free hand in rearranging these relics except in one case, the sec-

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 151

Fig. 13 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. S. Maria del Priorato, crossing and apse. Fig. 14 - CARLO or FILIPPO MARCHIONNI. Project for the High Altar of S. Maria
del Priorato (1764-66; New York, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum).

ond chapel on the left, which contained a run-of-the-mill but very tles were added in front of the windows in lieu of the absent altar-
recently completed tomb of Cardinal Portocarero. Otherwise, the pieces, where they instead would have acted as light baffles, dim-
paradigm for reintegrating the medieval and quattrocento tombs ming the nave in preparation for the luminosity of the crossing
was Borromini’s ad hoc recompositions of displaced tomb frag- and contre-jour revelation of the altar.98 To underscore the mor-
ments in the aisles of the Lateran, and Piranesi more or less tuary theme, the back walls of the chapels were hung with shields,
copied the articulation in the first pair of chapels in the church just as commanders hung up their arms upon retirement (Ho-
(figs. 16, 17).96 It so happens that some of Piranesi’s thoughts on race, Odes 3.26), and these were accompanied by skulls, down-
tomb monuments are known from a letter, written five years after turned torches and the ubiquitous serpent. Three of the chapels
completing works at S. Maria del Priorato. Many comments, for also bear the papal tiara, a bishop’s mitre, and the crown of a
example his disdain for neo-Berninesque ensembles (like Christian king. Together, the Descrizione tells us, these emblems
Cardinal Portocarero’s monument) are barely relevant, but oth- allude to “the union of the priesthood and the realm in the pro-
ers on how to integrate tombs into architecture do catch the eye. fession and Protection of the Faith for which the Sacred Order
The tomb must “enrich the whole with its ornament and nobili- fights,” but they also recall the insignia that lie at the feet of
ty… as though it were almost an ornament missing from the Death, the Great Leveller, in medieval and renaissance prints and
original idea of the Author, or as if the architect had already pre- illuminations, as he spares no rank with his scythe.99
pared the site for subjects of memory that obligate this very end: However, two chapels hold no tombs. Within them Piranesi
thus the Church will become a gallery for the just symmetry of as instead set up the tenth-century reliquary altar (fig. 15) and choir
many monuments as there are Benefactors.”97 Supposedly to alle- transennae from the original Benedictine church.100 Since the
viate the tomb-like ambience of the nave, medallions of the apos- remains of the early martyrs were deposited in Piranesi’s new

152 Fabio Barry

Fig. 15 - Rome, S. Maria del Priorato. Third chapel on Fig. 16 - Rome, S. Maria del Priorato. Second Fig. 17 - FRANCESCO BORROMINI. Funerary monu-
the left, reliquiary altar (c. 942). chapel on the left, Tomb of the Admiral of Rhodes, ment of the Cardinal of Portugal (d. 1459), Rome,
Fra’ Sergio Seripando (d. 1465). St. John in Lateran, reconstructed in the right, out-
side aisle (1658-9).

high altar, and an inscription on the podium of the repositioned Certainly, its uncanonical use of an inverted rinceau seems to be
medieval altar records this fact, some observers have concluded repeated on the inscription panels over the transept doorways
that Piranesi’s new arrangement was “inspired by the spirit of the and the Agnus Dei that exalts the martyr in the altar pediment
Enlightenment” and that “the intention was thus to underline over the half-open door will reappear on Piranesi’s new altar
the distinction between cult and history.”101 In fact, if anything, between the fenestella confessionis and the apotheosis of Basil. The
the inscription certifies the history of cult, for the medieval altar altar must have appealed to Piranesi for its ambiguous place in
had been empty from time immemorial and long displayed near history, an object as much antique as it was medieval, for the
the church door.102 A far longer inscription in the right transept artist not only appealed to the authority of ancient architecture,
instead relates the unexpected invention of the relics under the whether Greek, Roman, Etruscan or Egyptian but also, unlike
floor there, and the event is depicted in yet more stucco medal- any contemporary, to medieval. In particular, Piranesi was
lions, along with miniature sarcophagi used as hoods to the por- impressed by the enrichment and innovation in architectural lan-
tals.103 Like the reinstalled tombs, the altar is not an art object but guage that became possible with the use of spolia, a sensibility
a vehicle for meaning, elevated on a pedestal so it could be con- probably fostered by the paratactic assemblies in his native
templated, and set in a chapel where one would expect an altar. Venice.
When paired, as it is, with the transennae elevated and mounted Piranesi combined archaeological erudition with the activities
an identical block in the chapel opposite, it traces a notional chan- of an art dealer, and unexpected combinations of alien fragments
cel barrier across the width of the nave. Only in the 1930s did the daily resulted both from their chance apposition on paper (as in
raised block with the transennae become the pedestal for a recent- the Trofei di Ottaviano) or the actual praxis of collage that Piranesi
ly deceased Grand Master (fra’ Galeazzo Thun-Hohenstein). exercised in the candelabra he fabricated through the 1760s and
70s (fig.9). Tafuri characterised Piranesi’s use of ornament at S.
The Spolia Style. Maria del Priorato in terms of “objet trouvées” or “ready-mades”
The altar is also a cipher to Piranesi’s instincts in design. As a combined in “collage” or “pastiche.” He refers to the medieval
miniature temple façade crowned with its own attic, it may even and quattrocento fragments in the nave, but also implies the for-
be the germ of the idea that became the façade of the church. mal accumulation of the High Altar.104 We can add the disjunc-

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 153

Fig. 18 - FRANCESCO GUALDI. Trophies of antique altars Fig. 19 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Fig. 20 - GIOVAN BATTISTA PIRANESI. Casa dei
(recarved) and capitals (c. 1660), Rome, SS. Trinità dei Third project for St. John in Lateran. Crescenzi (drawing from “Taccuino A”, Modena,
Monti. Elevation of the “cappella” or “mau- Biblioteca Estense e Universitaria; from Bevi-
soleo” in the ambulatory behind the pro- lacqua 2008).
posed choir (pl. 25; New York, Avery
Library, Columbia University), detail.

tions created by the mouldings so blatantly amputated on the and cloisters. By the mid-seventeenth century, this habit had gen-
façade. A preferable phrase for these additive assemblies is “vir- erated new combinations that were as Christianising as they were
tual spoliation,” a Piranesian mentality that would invert the “vir- antiquarian. Thus, at the top of the Via Sistina where Piranesi set
tual archaeology” in his etchings of Roman ruins despoiled of up his new studio in 1763, stood the semantic re-combinations of
modern accretions. Such ideas were not exactly alien to him, for spolia that the antiquarian Francesco Gualdi had raised over a
in the preface to the Antichità Romane (1756) he claimed to com- century before (fig. 18). Although Gualdi’s fragments differed in
pensate for the creeping destruction of ancient remains by pre- typology, dimensions and epoch, they were recarved with
serving them in engravings (“conservarli col mezzo delle Christian images (S. Francesco di Paola, St. Louis and the Ma-
stampe”). donna) and thereby rededicated as trophies-cum-pilgrims’
Rome’s architects had always been in the thrall of the metae.105 In Piranesi’s day, academicians like Pier Paolo Scudellini
ancients. To expand their vocabulary and avoid the charge of would summarise the cultural currents of the previous two cen-
license Piranesi’s heroes, Peruzzi, Ligorio, Borromini (and even to turies by remarking that medieval Christian remains were “pre-
some extent Palladio), had sought out the variae, the mouldings, cious monuments with an eloquent, albeit mute, language teach
bases, capitals, and columns not mentioned by Vitruvius. These us what was believed and practised from the Church’s very begin-
were the “deviations” that Piranesi had so lovingly catalogued in nings.”106 In earlier studies I have argued that the Piranesi’s
his Della Magnificenza. But, the signal precedent for recombining designs for a columnar exedra in the Lateran constituted such a
these fragments into a new grammar of architecture came from disjunctive assembly that it seemed almost a parody of the
the medieval reuse of spolia. The attraction for Piranesi was that agglomerations of the medieval Renovatio (fig. 19).107 Happily, Ma-
this practice offered him a variable paradigm to ennable imagi- rio Bevilacqua has recently published unexpected evidence for
native design (“pura libertà di lavorare a capriccio,” as he says in this hypothesis from Piranesi’s Modena sketchbooks, in the
the Parere), but one still secured by history, a new syntax that shape of a two sketches and a scribbled note.108 The drawing
resulted from both happy error and inventive recombination. (fig. 20) records the entabulature of the twelfth-century “Casa di
Collecting spolia had also acquired another level of propriety Crescenzio”, a Roman tower house that is exceptional for the
with the rise of Christian archaeology, where not only the evi- lengths to which the patron went in shuffling and coordinating
dence of the origins of cult – like the tenth-century altar in our ancient spolia. As the long inscription over its door explained,
church – but also the prehistory that Christian devotion had sub- “Nicholas, whose domus this is, was not unaware that the glory
stituted, were collected and displayed in church atria, vestibules of this world means nothing in itself, so much so that he built

154 Fabio Barry

this not out of vain glory, but to renew Rome’s ancient deco- Knights of Malta is the last gasp of the baroque it is because the
rum.” architect still thinks figuratively and in terms of concetti, in
In the abortive projects for St. John in Lateran Piranesi’s Piranesi’s case almost an alphabet of emblematics or hieroglyphs,
heretical inventions justified themselves by spanning between while his contemporaries were progressively leeching architecture
calculated references to the isdiosyncracies of the basilica’s cult of symbolic considerations in favour of issues of taste, decorum,
and a shuffling of architectonic and ornamented referents that and correctional reductivism.
could produce architectural renewal. At the Lateran, Piranesi At S. Maria del Priorato, Piranesi had the wit to pit distant
attempted to avoid the rancour that had greeted the last great but ubiquitous antiquity against the achievements of a recent
restoration of a papal basilica, Fuga’s new S. Maria Maggiore baroque now fading fast. In these terms, pagan heritage becomes
(1746-51), so monotonous in its normalisation of every eccen- the prologue to the Christian eschaton. In the piazza with its
tricity of the building record that Benedict XIV dismissed the bloodless trophies and cinerary urns, we witness the now dusty
results as a “ball-room.”109 On the Aventine, in his efforts “to but glorious career of the Knights in terms of deposed arms and
renew, rather than restore” (“rinovare, anzichè ristorare” as he the ashes of history. Nonetheless, this historicist capriccio con-
says in the introduction to the Diverse Maniere) S. Maria del verges on the garden portal of the Priory and its keyhole view of
Priorato, it was Tommaso de Marchis bloodless restoration of the dome of St. Peter’s, a prospect that puts the sovreignty of the
the neighbouring S. Alessio fifteen years previously (1750) that knights in the perspective of their fealty to the Holy See. Yet,
was his competitor. within the vessel of the church we perceive the trajectory of
Christian salvation through Just War and martial sacrifice in the
Once Piranesi had completed his works at S. Maria del nave vault that converges on the oculus as much as the apotheo-
Priorato, the Pope granted him his spurs (the Sperone d’Oro) in the sis of St. Basil does on its own vector. Basil had saved the catholic
church itself, presumably on the very platform that he had church in the east. After all the empty cuirasses and discarded
designed for the Knights to gather. Conservative critics instead arms of the piazza, it is fitting that the only full-bodied figures any-
queued up to vent their approbrium. When the likes of where in the complex should be the Baptist, the angels, and the
Francesco Milizia and Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi castigated transcending Basil. In the words of Prudentius, the Knights of
the overloaded ornaments, “which although they came from Malta were, after all,
ancient monuments, were in disharmony with each other” and
the soldiers to whom harsh toil was no stranger in past life, whom Christ
would make Vitruvius and Palladio turn in their graves, they was summoning to his everlasting troop; their usual virtue was now under
failed to look beyond visual elaboration and grasp the plot of arms for the faith. They abandoned Caesar’s ensigns, choosing the standard
Piranesi’s accumulation of fragments.110 If the Priory of the of the cross111.

NOTE quadra murata con colonne d’ordine dorico, architrave, fregio, cornice, e fron-
tispizio rotto di stucco dell’istess’ordine […f. 113r] questa chiesa è larga nella nave
My thanks to Giulia Bordi, Robert Coates-Stephens, Jon Coulston, Fra’ del piede pal. 31.4. di questa la porta ne piglia 12. si aggiungono pal. 3 e 10 per
John Edward Critien, Carla Keyvanian, Eugenio Polito, Vitale Zanchettin, and ciascun’altare, che sono due, cioè pal. 7 per che è larga pal. 39 nelle braccia e
especially Paul Gwynne and, Peter Carl for a more than usually dense exchange larga 4 pal. di più. La nave del piede è lunga pal. 84, cioè dalla Porta sino al pri-
of opinion. mo altare pal. 20 dal secondo altare sino al rinchiuso altretanto. I due altari pal.
B. HAMILTON 1962, p. 51; R. COATES-STEPHENS 1997, pp. 204-206. The 15 e 3 l’uno. Tre pilastri pal. 4. 6. sei l’uno. Dal muro di marmo che rinchiude
best overall history of the church remains D. GALLAVOTTI CAVALLERO, R. U. la traversa sino alla nicchia pal. 29 e pal 4. 6. il pilastro del quarto arco, e pal 24.
MONTINI 1984, though the present essay will add to and reinterpret some of 6 e lunga la nave. La nicchia è larga pal. 24 lunga pal. 12 siché la chiesa dalquar-
their findings. to pilastro sino alla nicchia inclusive e lunga pal. 41 che si devono aggiungere agli
G. A. Bruzio, Chiese de Canonici e Regolari et altre del Clero romano (c. 84 onde la lunghezza è [...] pal. 125.” Bruzio’s description gives the Grand Prior
1655), BAV, Cod. Lat. 11885, ff. 108r-113r (partially cited in D. GALLAVOTTI as Cardinal Antonio Barberini, whose tenure began in 1635 and presumably
CAVALLERO, R. U. MONTINI 1984, pp. 31, 34): “[111v] Hà forma di croce con la lasted til 1658 when Cardinale Sigismondo Chigi took over. It is dated to 1655
tribuna à nicchia. Piglia il lume da un occhio grande sopra la Porta e per fianco in D. GALLAVOTTI CAVALLERO, R. U. MONTINI 1984 and c.1655 in P. PANZA
da una fenestra tonda a tramontana in capo alla nave del Piede, la quale è a tet- 1998.
to. Per traverso è fortificata da quattro grandi archi, de quali ne sono due per 3
For the knights in Rome for the thirteenth-sixteenth centuries: G. ZIPPEL
banda che di dentro formano due cappelle, ancorche non vi siano altari […] La 1921.
nave traversa, sollevata alquanto dal resto della Chiesa, vien rinchiusa in faccia 4
In general, see M. E. SAVI 1987; for detailed discussion of Rome, M.
con due muri di marmo, e con l’apertura in mezzo per poter entrarvi. Questi CAPERNA 1999, pp. 59-82 with bibliography.
sono intagliati di bassi rilievi chiusi in quattro tavole: in una è scolpito un leone, 5
G. A. Bruzio, Chiese de Canonici e Regolari et altre del Clero romano (c. 1655),
nell’altra un Griffo, e nell’altre due vicine alla Pareti sono intagliati fogliami BAV, Cod. Lat. 11885, f. 111r: “Dietro all’altare sovrasta la Tribuna semicirco-
d’opera st.a antica. Questa nave è à tetto, come l’altra, ma ha soffitto di legno lare, la cui volta hà due ordini di pitture che mostrano essere della maniera anti-
intagliato. Nel mezzo è alzato l’altare cinto da quattro colonne di marmo bianco ca di trecento e più anni. In alto è dipinto in un ovato il Salvatore, e quattro
a otto faccie d’ordine corinthio […] Sotto la [112v] volta [dell’apside] una Porta Angeli, che tengono l’ovato. Nell’ordine da basso la Vergine in mezzo à due

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 155

Angeli, et à dodici Apostoli nelle cantonate due Alberi goffamente fatti, una 19
Avery Library, Columbia University, inv. no. 496. The Libro dei conti is
mostra foglie di cedro, l’altro si rassomiglia più ad una Pianta di Girasole, che ad briefly discussed with some excerpts in R. WITTKOWER 1975b; amply contextu-
Albore alcuno.” Visit to church made by Nicola Tornaquinci and Michele Cimi- alised and more excerpts published in J. CONNORS 1998; analysed and summar-
ni, 27-29 novembre 1584, ASR, fondo Cybo, busta 20, n. 2, f. 10r: “Tribuna, in ily transcribed (with many alterations of the original text) in P. PANZA 1998, pp.
qua sunt depictae immago Virginis Mariae, et supra immago Ssmi Salvatoris et 124-70. My own transcriptions are from the photocopy of the original manu-
a lateribus dexteris et sinistris immagines diversorum Angelorum, et aliorum script in the library of the American Academy in Rome (817.3.Pir.Lib).
Apostolorum.” 20
Rome, Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta, Archivio Magistrale, Ms. M11,
San Basilio frescoes: W. ANGELELLI 1998. The other closest surving com- Descrizione delle Rinnovazioni fatte nella Chiesa di S. Basilio Magno su l’Aventino, spet-
parandum is the 9th-century fresco in the lower church of S. Clemente. tante al Gran Priorato di Roma della Sacra Religione di Malta (hereafter Descrizione):
Letter to Pius V of 1 July 1568: copy in ASV, Misc. Arm. II, 63, fol. 73r/v, J. E. CRITIEN 1998, pp. 80-85. In my translations, the occasionally unwieldy
cited in DBI, vol. 11, p. 767 (A. Prosperi). prose of the original has been abbreviated and paraphrased for clarity.
Bonelli was protector between 1568 and 1588, and both dates are some- 21
W. KORTE 1933; R. WITTKOWER 1975b; J. WILTON-ELY 1976c; R. PRES-
times given as alternatives for the restoration. However, Francesco del Sodo SOUYRE 1978; M. TAFURI 1978; R. BATTAGLIA 1994; L. FINOCCHI GHERSI 2000,
(1575) mentions (with obvious hyperbole) that the church had been “tutta rifat- pp. 204-206.
ta dalli / fondamenti”: Compendio delle Chiese con le loro fondatione, BAV, Vat. lat. 22
Giacomo Gregorio Terribilini, Descriptio Templorum Urbis Romae, tom. VII,
11911, ff. 224-225 (modern numeration 113v-114r). For Bonelli, see also A. ZUC- Biblioteca Casanatense ms. 2183, f. 54: “Il card. Alessandrino Fra Michele
CHI 1938-43, vol. 2, pp. 148-151. Bonello… si ristora la detta chiesa, ch’era rovinata… facendosi anche una strada
For Sacchi’s activity as an architect, see K. WOLFE 1999, who does not men- per rendere la salita dal Monte Aventino meno aspra dove è situata la Chiesa.”
tion S. Maria del Priorato. For the altarpiece (tentatively dated 1636/40): A. Indeed, the avenue appears in Alò Giovannoli’s view of the Aventine (1616), but
SUTHERLAND HARRIS 1977, cat. n. 50, tav. 88. not that of Etienne Duperac (1569/75): reproduced in B. JATTA 1998, pp. 126,
L. MONTALTO 1955, pp. 270, 347-350. These statements are as much as 132. For Bonelli’s urbanisation of the neighbourhood around S. Basilio (hence
can be deduced from the documents currently available. Due to unforseen dif- the Via Bonella and the Via Alessandrina): A. ROCA DE AMICIS 1993.
ficulties in searching the Archivio Doria Pamphilj, I adjourne to another venue 23
Views in B. JATTA 1998, pp. 126, 130, 132, 136, 141, 145, 146. ASR, Cat-
a more detailed discussion of the seventeenth-century restorations. Descrizione, asto Gregoriano, Rione XII Ripa, ff. IV, VII.
in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 83. 24
“l’ingresso principale dalla parte del giardino fusse decorato e più como-
It is clear from Piranesi’s Libro dei conti (see below, at note 19) that the vault do… sebben prossima ad un aja, e questa angusta e sozzissima, restava nondi-
pre-existed as did the nave windows, whilst Bruzio’s description and those in the meno dentro l’imboccatura d’un vicolo tanto più sconvenevole e stretto”:
Visita Apostolica refer only to a window by the façade and the oculus there. The Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 85. As the dedicatory inscription repeats:
existence of Fontana’s lantern may be deduced from two documents of 1731 IOANNES . BAPTISTA . REZZONICO / SS . D . N . CLEMENTIS . PP . XIII
advising repairs: ASR, fondo Cybo, busta 20, n. 22 (three more copies at n. 39): / FRATRIS . FILIVS . AC . MAGNVS . PRIOR. / VT. LOCI . MAIESTATEM
Nota dei risarcimenti che si devano fare nella Chiesa, Nel Palazino, e nel Giardino del . AVGERET / AREAM . HANC . LAXANDAM . CVRAVIT / A . P . C . N .
Gran Priore (1731), “La conversa che resta sopra al cuppolino della Chiesa deve MDCCLXV (“Giovanni Battista Rezzonico, nephew of the (Servant of Servants
essere ingrandita mentre penetra l’aqua dentro la Chiesa pche è troppo bassa”; of Our Lord) Pope Clement XIII, and Gran Prior, commissioned this piazza that
ibid., n. 43, f. 104v: “no. 57. Si fà istanza da d.o Em.o Cibo, che si levi l’umido required widening to enhance the dignity of the place, in the Year of Our Lord
sopra l’Arcone laterale dell’Altare maggiore, che passa al corritore, che si sup- 1765”).
pone provenga dalla conversa di Piombo del tetto di sopra.” The relevant pay- 25
Documento di stipula del notaio D. Marcorelli (18 April 1765), Archivio Magis-
ment in the Libro dei conti (no. 332) has been misread, for it refers to enlarging trale dell’Ordine di Malta, MS 10, 50, cited in P. PANZA 1998, p. 74.
an existing oculus rather than making a completely new one: “Per aver spic- 26
This piazzale, which still exists, appears on the Catasto Gregoriano (1818-
conato il muro della volta a crociera dov’è l’occhio del lanternino, e aver realizzato 20), not Nolli’s map (1748), and (Mario Bevilacqua tells me) there are no licens-
una nuova fodera e muro simile dove si è ingrossata la volta attorno all’occhio es for its construction in the records of the Maestri delle Strade, which are inte-
del lanternino del diametro esterno di 11 palmi, e trasforata la vecchia volta in gral until 1799.
quindici punti ed unita alla nuova con tevoloni, scudi 50.50,1/2.” Nos. 333-334 27
For the twentieth-century urbanisation: V. DI GIOIA 1995; V. DI GIOIA
refer to the new reinforcing “cerchio di ferro” on which the enlarged lantern 2004, and Alessandro Mazza in this volume.
would sit. Other payments for the lantern, mainly finishing, are at nos. 335-348. 28
“…per la demolizione del muro antico, e fabbrica del muro nuovo, ed
ASR, fondo Cybo, busta 20, n. 22 (three more copies at n. 39): Nota dei egual livello di elevazione”: Documento di stipula cited in P. PANZA 1998, p. 91.
risarcimenti che si devano fare nella Chiesa, Nel Palazino, e nel Giardino del Gran Priore 29
J. WILTON-ELY 1976c.
[annotated f. 173, copy of a document of 1731]; new glass in windows, remedies 30
Wilton-Ely might also have included the Quinquatria, a festival sacred to
for water infiltration, replastering parts of the exterior, repairing steps outside Minerva (whose main temple was also on the Aventine), celebrated on the 19
church; ibid., n. 43, ff. 103r-107v (8 March 1731), recognizione di Navona co- March at the beginning of the campaign season or even the Tubilustrium, when
signed by Valvassori; ibid., n. 49, Scandaglio della spese necessarie per il manteni- the trumpets were cleansed and celebrated on the 23 March.
mento di tutte le fabbriche (scudi 715); ibid., n. 51, Osservazioni del Sig.r Navona per- 31
Others placed the temple of Bona Dea under the Priory. E.g. Francesco
ito architetto… (for works outside Rome). For a brief biography of Navone, del Sodo, Compendio delle Chiese con le loro fondatione (1575), BAV, Vat. lat. 11911,
although it does not include the present employment: B. CONTARDI, G. CURCIO fol. 224 (modern numeration 113v): “dove oggi questa chiesa già vi era il tempio
1991, pp. 407-8. della Dea bona.”
E. BASSI 1977; A. FOSCARI 1983; L. MORETTI 1983; L. PUPPI 1983; L. 32
S. PASQUALI 2007, pp. 176 (note 32), 180-181. The church required major
FINOCCHI GHERSI 2000. underpinning, partly because of the threat of landslide that menaced the foun-
On Piranesi as architect: W. KORTE 1933; R. WITTKOWER 1975a and b; J. dations on the Tiber side. This problem was not fully resolved until the late
WILTON-ELY, J. CONNORS 1992; J. WILTON-ELY 1992; J. WILTON-ELY 1993 and 1960s with more, reinforced concrete, underpinning: M. SALIMEI 1970.
2002a; P. PANZA 1998. 33
Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Diario di Roma, Ms. 3816, ff. 364r-365r:
“il fit la connaissance des neveux de Rezzonico auxquels il eut l’occasion “Martedi 16 Luglio 1765. Eccza. Prosegeuendosi su monte avventino le
de donner des leçons d’architecture”: LEGRAND cited in G. EROUART, M. riparazioni, e nuovi ornamenti che S. E. D. Gio. Batta. Rezzonico
MOSSER 1978, p. 227. nipote di Sua Santità, e Gran Priore di Malta fa fare alla Chiesa, Casa, e Giardi-
On Piranesi’s Rezzonico patronage: B. CONTARDI 1997 and 1998; S. no dello istesso suo Priorato ne diversi scavi fatti intorno alla stessa Chiesa, ove
PASQUALI 2007 e 2008. per quanto ella è larga, e lunga, si è penetrato sino al Terren Vergine, il
For the Lateran scheme: F. BARRY 2006 with previous bibliography. Gio. Batta. Piranesi, architetto delle riparazioni, prima di fare imprendere le for-
J. E. CRITIEN 1998, pp. 60-62. tificazioni, e i tanti barbacani e sustruzzioni che si sono state aggiunte per liber-

156 Fabio Barry

are quelle fabriche dai cedimenti, che le avevan ridotte al punto di andar tutte in renderlo decoroso con dargli l’apparenza come d’un arco trionfale. Perciò nella
rovina; Pensò di descrivere tutti i muri antichi, che vi furono rinvenuti, e di fare proteride della porta si è posto in bassorilievo un Tipo della potenza Maltese,
estrarre, e porre in salvo molti, e molti utensili de più curiosi, ivi parimenti espresso con un grand’elmo all’eroica, sostenuto dall’Emblemma di due Navilj,
trovati questi muri adunque, oltre quelli che appartenevano alle antiche sus- e circondato da scudi, e banderie e labarde, sì sue che prese a barbari. Quest’el-
truzzioni del Monte, e [364v] che sono stati (rifaveriti?), e fatti servire anch’essi al mo incorona la Croce, o si Insegna tanto di Malta, quanto appartenente allo
reggim.o dell’istesse fabbriche, parte caminano per lo diritto, e parte sferici, (li stemma gentilizio della Casa Rezzonico, i cui attributi si veggono perciò effiggiati
essersene di?) trovato una fesso pel mezzo sebbene grossissimo, e lavorato à ordi- in qualcuno de’ detti scudi”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 85.
ni di Peperini, (fe si?), che si proseguisse lo scavo entro la Chiesa istessa non solo 41
Plutarch, Parallel Lives. Musei Capitolini, inv. n. 58. The helmet of Mars
ai fondamenti di essa ma quivi sino al terren Vergine, ed all’altezza di 40 palmi had perhaps been restored in the sixteenth century, but it was radically refash-
per ovviare d’ogni pericolo, e che con ciò si vedesse i muri sferici essere stati di ioned between 16 October 1738 and 3 February 1740 by Carlo Antonio Napo-
una specie di Bagnio, ò di calidario, e gli altri resti d’una aja che forse sarà lioni: F. P. ARATA 1998, pp. 200-202, with bibliography. This is now thought to
appartenuta à qualche Tempio. Siccome poi Sua Eccza non solamente fa be the cult statue from the Temple of Mars Ultor. The only previous identifica-
riparare e adornare quella Chiesa, e Casa con Trofei ed insegne allusive alla reli- tion of this helmet is as that of Athena Partheopos: S. PRESSOUYRE 1978, p. 426.
gione in genere, e dalla Religione di Malta, ma con l’istessa magnificenza anche 42
“Siede in mezzo ai due bassirilievi laterali la doppia Aquila pur gentilizia
la nuova Piazza incontro al Giardino; in un Scavo dovutosi [365r] perciò fare sul- della stessa Casa Rezzonico. Vedesi nel bassorilievo di man dritta una espan-
l’angolo del Giardino medesimo sotto la via, e sotto rinvenuto sette palmi sotto sione di scudi, l’arco, la faretra, l’elmo, l’aste, l’ancora, il timone, la torre ed altri
terra il lastricato un pezzo enorme di cornice di Marmo Greco, lungo p.mi 11 = simboli, su quali scorre a perpetuarne la gloria il serpente dell’Eternità. Nel bas-
largo 7 = è alto 3 = tagliato dall’una, e l’altra estremità a perpendicolo, e lavora- sorilievo poi da sinistra vedesi un’ala spansa, simbolo della Fama unita al volume
to per lungo dall’una, e l’altra parte con modanature singolari, e di un sottilissi- delle gesta e della fortezza della Sacra Religione Significata per la Torre delinea-
mo intaglio, sicchè il pezzo doveva appartenere al Pronao, e vestibolo, come altri ta nel volume stesso ed insieme allusiva alla casa Rezzonico, per la colonna e per
lo chiamano di qualche Tempio; E proseguendosi lo scavo sotto il lastricato, si è gli scudi coperti dalla stessa ala. Sonovi le trombe della stessa Fama, e le mani di
finalmente trovata una ben alta, e larga Cloaca, capace di due uomini, che essa tenenti queste trombe, e degli acrostolj, o siano estremità de’ navilj, indi-
volessero camminare a spalla, il cui andamento poi, e quel medesimo della via canti la principale specie di milizia con cui la Sac: Religione ha riportato le sue
antica, e della moderna, fino al detto angolo, oltre il quale piega per la Rupe del vittorie”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 85.
monte fra mezzo giorno, e Ponente.” 43
Musei Capitolini inv. nos. 604, 606, 608, 609, 611, 613: L. LEONCINI
Discovered “lunga la via di Santa Sabina, di là da S. Alessio, e precisa- 1987a; L. LEONCINI 1987b; F. BIANCHINI 1724, p. 97; F. DE’ FICORONI 1744, p.
mente dove quella via si allarga, facendo piazza dinanzi al giardino del Priorato 118; F. TITI 1763, vol. 2, p. 26.
di Malta, fu diseppellito, alla profondità di metri 1.50… giaceva alla distanza di 44
R. VENUTI 1763, vol. 1, cap. 8, p. 197: “le colonne, che sono attorno al
circa 6 metri oltre il cancello del Priorato, presso il margine di un’antica via las- Presbiterio [di S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura], la metà sepolte, sostengono un antico
tricata di selci”: C. L. VISCONTI , R. LANCIANI 1893, p. 278. “ornato di cose di architrave, che era ornato di sculture d’istrumenti di marina, navi, che di lí tolto,
mare… come sono delphini, stelle marine, conghigli, et gubernacoli di nave”: si vede adesso nella Stanza de’ Filosofi del Museo Capitolino.”
Pirro Ligorio, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Cod. Ital. 1129, fol. 375r; R. LAN- 45
L. LEONCINI 1987b, pp. 76-77 and figs. 9-10, 13.
CIANI 1902-12, Vol. 2, p. 103. At fol. 384, Ligorio says “nella decimoterza regione 46
L. MONTALTO 1955, pp. 270, 350-356. Mattia de’Rossi remodelled the Vil-
dell’Aventino, presso la riva del Tevere, fu il tempio della FortunaDubia, nel la in 1678-81, and Carlo Fontana added another storey.
quale i nostri cristiani edificarono la chiesa di Sant’Hermo, la quale ai nostri 47
The allée that consists of an extruded “portal” either planted as a hedge or
giorni è stata anco spianata affatto da monsignor Gonzaga, decano della Rev- constructed as a bower belongs to the landscape of the Mannerist villa, but such
erenda Camera Apostolica, per esser essa chiesa già abandonata e privata delle long, framed views had become popular in the 1660s in villa and palace design:
sue entrate e ridotta senza tetto e senza custodia. Fu dunque il Tempio della For- e.g. the Villa Altieri, Palazzo Borghese and Palazzo Barberini.
tuna in questo luogo, dove è il giardino del signor Alfonso Gonzaga.” For the 48
“Alla ricreazione poi che gode chiunque si trattiene su questa piazza ed alla
Dal Pozzo drawing: I. CAMPBELL 2004, Vol. 2, p. 742, cat. n. 281. Piranesi is amenità del luogo sono dedicati i due monumenti collaterali alla stessa meta
bound to have been acquainted with the albums either when they were in the con que’ festoni di verzura e di fiori con la Lira d’Apolline e la Siringa di Pane.
Albani collection, or during their deposit at the Roman house of Robert Adam Le 4 maschere finalmente sopraposte ai medesimi monumenti, e significanti le
(1762-63). 4 età della vita umana ne ammoniscono che i piaceri accresciutisi e procuratisi
It is ironic that the ruins of the so-called “Porticus Aemilia” (an identifi- da Sua Eccellenza in quel suo Priorato, non son delizie cascanti col fior degl’an-
cation shared by Piranesi), in full sight of S. Maria del Priorato were only identi- ni, ma convenienti ad ogni età e prive in ogni età di rimorso”: Descrizione, in J. E.
fied as the “Navalia,” i.e. the dry dock sheds of the Roman navy, very recently: L. CRITIEN 1998, p. 85.
COZZA, P. L. TUCCI 2006. 49
Vasi, candelabri, cippi..., I.
The comparison with the Via Appia is already remarked in W. KORTE 50
Ibidem: “Le quattro teste di Fauni, osiano maschere sceniche, alludenti ai
1933, pp. 20-22. Wilton-Ely points to the “group of inscribed stelae commemo- quattro generi della Poesia… rappresentano anche le quattro eta del’uomo,
rating members of the Praetorian Guard, excavated at Villa de’ Cinque” ovvero le quattro stagioni simboliche della vita umana.” The adjacent imagery
engraved in the Antichità Romane: J. WILTON-ELY 1976c, p. 222. on the candelabrum expands on the theme: “La scringa a lato della maschera, e
S. PRESSOUYRE 1978, p. 426. il pedo appartengono alle due teste di Fauni, figurati per l’Estate e l’Autunno,
The closest architectural comparanda are, in fact, walls with Stations of all’oposto si vedono le figure di fauni accanto alle maschere dell’Inverno in atto
the Cross like those, now destroyed, lining the garden wall of the convent of di raccoglier pigne, ultimo frutto della stagione, simbolo del termine della vita
S. Francesco a Ripa and for which the road (now Via Anicia) was once called Via umana.” For the candelabrum now in the Louvre: inter alia R. BATTAGLIA 1994,
della Crociata. notes 25, 26; B. JATTA 1998, pp. 188-189.
“Incontro a questo Ingresso principale del Priorato […] sorge sul muro 51
“Gira poi sopra al Tipo predetto la zona del Zodiaco, significante non
principale del circondario della nuova piazza un gran Meta fregiata d’armi meno la perpetuità, che la gloria e ‘l decoro della Sacra Religione, sparso
Turchesche, incatenate e poste dietro al Labaro della Croce e dello Scudo di ovunque illumina il Sole”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 85.
Malta, appeso al tridente Marittimo, per significare l’argine e ‘l freno che Malta 52
The ancilia were known from literary descriptions, coins, and reliefs: E.g.
medesima pone alla potenza de’ Maomettani col suo terrore, espresso col sotto- the obverse of an As of Antoninus Pius with two above the inscription ANCIL-
posto capo del Gorgone e co’ trofei delle sue armi; le quali ricevono in mezzo IA (BMC 1629); they were sometimes copied from ancient reliefs by seven-
anco quì la torre gentilizia della Casa Rezzonico, e fra le quali son frapposte pari- teenth-century draughtsmen: e.g. I. CAMPBELL 2004, Vol. 3, p. 823, cat. n. 318;
mente delle armi barbaresche per richiamo del soggetto medesimo della Meta”: 8-shaped shields also appear on the Uffizi reliefs from the Armilustrium.
Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 85. 53
L. LEONCINI 1987b, p. 62; C. BERTELLI 1976b, pp. 185-187. Although
“Essendosi così provveduto al comodo dell’ingresso, si è pensato poi di Piranesi’s mentor Bottari believed the reliefs with sacrificial implements to be

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 157

fakes (G. G. BOTTARI 1741-82, vol. 4, pp. 190-191) Piranesi engraved them along faceva una vista troppo gretta e disaggradevole. Or per ridur l’arco e la curvità
with the naval reliefs on the frontsipece to his Lapides Capitolini (1762). della Tribuna ad una giusta dimensione, senz’avere a rompere il muro, e
“Le scialbe appese in mezzo a quattro pilastri… dinotano l’Istituto dello cimentare, in operando, la solidità dell’edifizio; poiche sotto l’edifizio si erano
stesso Sac: Ordine di proteggere la Fede con l’armi, e le due aste o vessilli fra i aggiunte le colonne, e queste col loro sporgimento avean fatto crescere anco
pilastri e la porta, con la presa di Rodi significata con la sigla F.E.R.T., vale a dire, quello della cornice medesima, si pensò perciò d’aggiungere da mezza discesa
Fortitudo Eius Rhodum Tenuit, specificano lo studio principale del Sac: Ordine in dell’arco e del Tolo in giù una costruttura, la quale è stata piantata sul detto
reprimere gli attentati de’ Maomettani contra il Cristianesimo”: Descrizione, in J. sporgimento della cornice, e con questa costruttura far prendere al Tolo della
E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 84. Tribuna la forma debita. Or nella nuova costruttura, che giunge, come si è det-
“poste in profilo attorno all’ornamento dell’occhio della Facciata, [che] to, sino alla metà della curvità dell’arco, e del Tolo, si son poi incavati tanti lacu-
alludono all’eternità della Fede protetta dello stesso Sacro Ordine”: Descrizione, nari, tempestati a rosoni; e perche, a voler proseguirli dalla metà in su, si sarebbe
in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, pp. 84-5. The image of a sarcophagus above the door dovuto scavare il muro vecchio; per non toccar questo vi si è riportato sopra quel
appears in several Venetian churches (e.g. S. Maria Formosa, San Moisè, San padiglione costolato a conchiglia, e radiato in grazia allo stesso Tolo; ove
Giuliano Rangone): L. FINOCCHI GHERSI 2000, p. 204. apparisce lo stemma gentilizio del Benefattor della Chiesa. E per far apparir piu
“vedesi l’antico stemma del Sommo Pontefice S. Pio V fiancheggiato da avvenenti e piu concordi in un concavo queste due differenze d’ornato, si è fat-
due armature della Sacra Religione, indicate per tali, primieramente dal globo to nascere da due rosoni quel doppio festone, che incrocicchiandosi, sorge a cir-
su cui elleno posano, ed in cui è effigiato il Mare Mediterraneo con l’Isola di condare lo stesso stemma”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 81. This account
Malta; secondariamente dalla Croce o sia Insegna della stessa Sac: Religione; e is confirmed by the Libro dei conti, nos. 314-324, 373-391.
terzo dalla estensione sopra queste armature della Stola insigne degli Ambasci- 67
Villa Madama: longitudinal apse of garden loggia. For Piranesi’s possible
adori Pontificj di Malta, nella quale sono effigiati i Misterj della Passione di knowledge of Bramante’s apse (destroyed 1585): F. BARRY 2006, pp. 98 and 108
Cristo: e tutto ciò per significare l’appartenenza della Chiesa alla Santa Sede e al (note 48).
Sacro Ordine Gerosolimitano”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 83. 68
R. WITTKOWER 1975b, 253.
London, Soane Museum, Adam Drawings, vol. XXVII, no. 48. For the 69
Ibidem, 255.
etching, by Giovanni Maria Cassini (1779): B. JATTA 1998, p. 140. 70
The previous transept was asymmetrical and Piranesi regularised the
The only substantial comment is made by Tafuri, who concludes that “la plan by a new wall lining on the facade adjoining to the palazzina: Libro dei
pesantezza dell’attico… invertiva la gerarchia ‘naturale’ dei partiti architettonici” conti, n. 317.
(M. TAFURI 1978, p. 82). For a brief but more sympathetic appraisal: B. JATTA 71
F. BARRY 2006.
1998, p. 140. In the current exhibition “Le Arti di Piranesi architetto, incisore, 72
R. WITTKOWER 1975b, 253.
antiquario, vedutista, designer” at the Fondazione Cini, Venice (25 August 2010 73
F. BARRY 2006.
- 9 January 2011), two wooden models of the church omit the attic. 74
Libro dei conti, no. 314: “Per lo cavo della terra fatta per abbassare il piano
French cannon were replying to a Republican gun emplacement in front della Tribuna, che prima dadetta si scendeva nel contiguo Palazzino, longo da
of the façade. The official report specifies only that, “la partie gauche du portail un muro all’altro laterale e verso le porticelle p. 42 1/4, largo dal principio della
est percée à jour, et la voûte de l’église présente des témoinages irrécusables de la Navata sin al principio ove centina la Tribuna p 23 1/2, alto p quanto si è cavato
justesse du tir de nos artilleurs […] endommagèrent la toiture, la voûte du tem- p. 2 1/4: cresce accanto nel sito della Tribuna centinato longo p. 24, largo
ple, la partie gauche de la façade, et brisèrent différentes sculptures en marbre et p. 10 alto compresovi il vaso sotto detta porzione di Tribuna centinata lassato vi
en stuc qui la décoraient”: MINISTÈRE 1851, pp. XVII, 17. Likewise, Carlo a fine di rendere il pavimento asciutto p. 5 trasportata la terra con carrole nella
Fontana’s heretical pediment of S. Maria dell’Umiltà (c. 1681) with an elevated Priora, e gettata nel contiguo orto contro la chiesa – 7.89.”
pediment between back-to-back, inverted, semi-pediments (Vasi 1758, VIII, tav. 75
On corretti: F. BARRY 1999. The new window is mentioned at nos. 319,
144), was removed when the church was restored under Pius IX and replaced by 360-3.
the existing pure rectilinear pediment. 76
An extraordinary number (21) of Marian Feastdays were observed by the
The “rialzatura de muri superiori della Chiesa per potervi mettere l’in- Knights on Malta: G. SCARABELLI 2006, esp. pp. 15-19. For the liturgcal calendar
cavallature per reggere il tetto sopra la sede sul quale prima posava sopra li muri of the Knights: G. SCARABELLI 2004, pp. 61-129. The Magistral archives in Rome
dell’arconi, che aveano patito e fatto patire la volta col peso del medemo Tetto” are remarkably short of records of ceremony and protocol, but pertinent docu-
is detailed in the Libro dei Conti, nos. 177-203. ments may survive in the main archive in Valletta.
Finally, Giacomo della Porta’s façade of S. Nicola in Carcere, which also 77
The choir of St. John has fify-two stalls in two tiers. The stalls for Knights
has paired columns, an attic (but below the pediment), appliqué relief, and and a throne and baldachin for the Grand Master in S. Maria del Priorato today
incorporates an earlier oculus may also have been the subject of study by Pirane- almost certainly date from after the early nineteenth-century establishment of
si. Ironically, it was once attributed to him: G. FIOCCO 1954, p. 131. the Grand Masters in Rome, and one must imagine a more ad hoc arrangement
“i due elmi sotto la Croce che regna su la facciata [per dinotare] il gran Pri- in Piranesi’s day.
orato di Roma della Sacra Religione Gerosolimitana conferito alla medesima 78
“Per ben riuscire in questa impresa, bisognò superare molte difficoltà. La
casa”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, pp. 85. disposizione della Tribuna e della Crociera, richiedeva che il nuovo altare si
An early design for the gateway in the piazza (Berlin, Kunstbibliothek, inv. ponesse isolato come il vecchio, e visibile per tutti i versi; sicchè ell’era cosa
Hdz. 6303, B. JATTA 1998, p. 172 with bibliography) had an inscription block set impropria di servirsi d’un quadro, che consistendo in una tavola, fa mostra sola-
in the tympanum, obviously derived from the Porta Pia; the tablet over the ped- mente dinanzi, e molto più del quadro vecchio, il quale è più largo che alto,
iment of S. Maria del Priorato, interlocking with an implicit one that is upside centinato poi con l’ultima gofferia. Laonde che dovea farsi? Una pura mensa co’
down and slips behind the pediment may share the same source; the use of gut- candelieri e la Croce, come soglion essere gli altari isolate d’altre Chiese? Ma nel-
tae within the tympanum and the equally unconventional relief panels on the la nostra Chiesa le cui cappelle… son tutte occupate da tanti monumenti sepol-
piers over the coupled pilasters may be inspired by the pedestal block that crali, ove si avevano elleno a porre, e con decoro, le Immagini di Nostra Signo-
Michelangelo inserted between his composite pediment and the pseudo-capitals ra, di S. Gio: Battista, Protettori della Sagra Religione, e di S. Basilio titolar del-
of his fluted pilasters. la Chiesa? Tutte sul nuovo altare, e non in un quadro dipinto, come si è con-
Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 81. siderato, ma rilevate”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 83.
“Talchè altro non sia rimasto della vecchia Chiesa, che la forma, di sua 79
Pen and black ink, gray wash, black chalk on white laid paper, 671 x 459
natura infelicissima, alla quale si è dovuto ubbidire e star soggetti nel ritrova- mm; Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution,New
mento o nell’appropriazione degli ornati che or la differenziano da quell ch’el- York, Friends of the Museum Fund, 1938-88-3497. Published with an attribu-
l’era”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 81. tion to Carlo Marchionni in B. JATTA 1998, p. 73, fig. 21; published (in reverse)
“L’arco di essa era ellittico, sicchè il Tolo, o sia la curvità della Tribuna as by his son Filippo Marchionni (1732-1805), and equally mysteriously dated to
medesima, circoscritto da un arco sì fatto, essendo troppo basso e schiacciato, 1724-30 in S. E. LAWRENCE 2007, p. 315. Three drawings published by Tafuri

158 Fabio Barry

have nothing to do with Santa Maria del Priorato and are certainly neither by due navilie rostrati, indicanti le forze marittime dell’Isola di Malta, ed ornati con
Piranesi nor Marchionni: M. TAFURI 1978, figs. 471 and 472 (Cooper Hewitt bassirilievi, l’uno rappresentante scudi, candelabri, e Cherubini per significare
Museum of Design 1938.88.4192, 1938.88.4193) and an unlabelled drawing la pietà e la divozione unita con la milizia; l’altre due figure sedute e pensose,
inserted between these two figures. assistite da due genj, per significare il gran Magistero di Malta dalla Saviezza, e ‘l
The design of the Rezzonico stemma is smaller and slightly different, there governo de’ navilj diretto dal valore, espresso altresì da due venti che soffiano e
are rosettes in the lozenges not just the octagonal coffers, the altar stylobate is volan co’ veli in vece di ale. Scende poi di sotto al Trigono, soprapposta all’em-
shown as completely freestanding rather than engaged with a platform filling the blema de’ due navilj una tabella, in cui è effigiato il Santo Protettore della Sacra
apse. It is noteworthy that the altarpiece not only shows St. Basil but also Religione col suo distintivo dell’Agnello, e con l’iscrizione, SANCTUS
includes St. John the Baptist witnessing the apparition of the Virgin Mary and IOANNES PROTECTOR. In cima all’asta finalmente resta appesa la tonaca
angels in clouds. Cruciata de’ Cavalieri, incoronata dal Triregno e dalle chiavi del Sommo Pon-
R. BERLINER 1958-9; J. GAUS 1967; E. DEBENEDETTI 1988; B. CONTARDI, tefice, su le maniglie delle quali è soprapposta la Croce Cavalleresca, per signifi-
G. CURCIO 1991, pp. 394-6. care la dipendenza del Sac: Ordine Militare dall S. Sede, e il decoro che questa
S. PASQUALI 2007, p. 175. riceve dallo stess’Ordine. Veggonsi da capo e da piedi del quadro, soprapposti
“Per altro un altare così disposto e isolato, apparisce adorno per tutt’i ver- alla cornice che lo circonda, due scudi rotondi col prototipo del Nome di Cristo,
si da quali è soggetto ad esser rimirato. Potevasi a dire il vero, fare una mensa col ambedue ornati di palme e d’allori, allusivi alle vittorie riportate dalla Sac: Reli-
solo Crocefisso e i Candelieri, e in luogo della finestra che è stata aperta nella gione contra i Maomettani, l’insegna de’ quali è ’spressa in tante mezze lune,
Tribuna, fare un quadro over rappresentar tutt’i Santi sopra divisati; ma, oltre mentre gira a guisa di meandro nel fondo della cornice fatta attorno alle due
che la Chiesa restava priva di questo lume, sarebbe rimasta un vaso vuoto, in cui estremità inferiore e superiore del quadro, resta come oppressa da un serto gen-
chiunque fuss’entrato, non avrebbe rinvenuto un sugetto principale che erale e continuo degli’allori medesimi, il quale gira attorno a tutto il quadro”:
richiedesi in ciascun’Opera, e che mirandosi nella composizione del presente Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 81.
altare, tanto più fà risalto per l’amonica proporzione ch’egli ha con la Tribuna, 91
Lactantius, On the deaths of the Persecutors; 44.5-9; Eusebius, Life of Con-
dalla quale sembra ricevuto, come s’ella fusse stata fatta per esso; anzichè la dis- stantine, 1.28-31.
posizione degli ornamenti di essa e della Crociera punto apparischino peturbati 92
W. KORTE 1933, pp. 27-28.
ed offesi. Come poi disporre sopra un Altare tutte coteste Immagini di rilevo? La 93
For the latter ceiling: L. BENCINI 2003, esp. pp. 320-326. The navicella is
Vergine e S. Gio: Battista non dovean ceder la mano, come suol dirsi, a represented no less than ten times.
S. Basilio; e S. Basilio, come Titolar della Chiesa, dovea pur fare il suggetto prin- 94
“Questa crociera è divisa in quattro lunette, e 4 aree intermedie. Or
cipale e la prima vista? Aggiungasi altresì che dovean porsi su questo Altare, il poiche la Chiesa è dedicata a S. Basilio, e a S. Gio: Batista Protettore della Sacra
Crocefisso, e ‘l Tabernacolo del Sagramento, cosa ognuna delle quali dovea fare Religione non ha luogo in essa di fare la principal figura, è nè tampoco dee farvi
come la prima figura. Or tutte queste difficoltà si son dovute spianare nell’Ar- la seconda; si pensò perciò di esprimere intanto nelle stesse 4 aree, e compren-
chitettura del nuovo Altare”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 83. dere in 8 medaglie ovali la vita dello stesso Santo Protettore a bassorilievo, cioè:
J. MONTAGU 1994. la santificazione di esso nell’utero di S. Elisabetta, la sua natività, la predicazione
“È poi sostenuto il gran globo, come da due navi rostrate, e queste così nel deserto, il Battesimo di Gesù, l’invio de’ suoi discepoli a Cristo, il rim-
poste, significano la Sagra Religione di Malta, che con le sue forze sostiene e provero ad Erode per l’adulterio incestuoso, la decollazione e la sacra Testa
difende il mondo Cristiano, ben espresso nello stesso globo col mistero della mostrata ad Erode dalla Saltatrice: le quali medaglie essendo disposte a due a
riferita Assunzione. // Dinanzi alle due navi rostrate si veggono in quello Spec- due in ciascuna delle 4 aree, ed accompagnate da 8 concighlie allusive al mare,
chio ottangolare le figure a bassorilievo della Vergine col Bambino, e di S. Gio: ove siede l’Isola di Malta, sono state poi circondate da quattro corone di lauro,
Batista, e appunto dinanzi alle navi, per dinotare che le forze marittime della indicanti la viridità immarcescibile della Sac: Religione, e le vittorie da essa ripor-
Sac: Religione sono sotto la gloriosa Protezione di questi figurati. E perche nello tate sotto la Protezione dello stesso Santo, contra i nemici del nome Cristiano”:
specchio S. Gio: Batista non può fare una grandiosa apparenza, dovendo questa Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 81.
essere della Vergine col Bambino, perciò vi si è sopraposto quell’acroterio, ove 95
The Libro dei conti (nos. 39, 61, 62) specifies that these included four capi-
posa sur un origliere la figura dell’Agnel di Dio, distintivo dello stesso Santo”: tals, the arms of the Grand Prior, an “ancient inscription,” and two sections of
Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 83. the 10th-century transenna.
R. WITTKOWER 1975b, 255. 96
A. ROCA DE AMICIS 1997, with bibliography. The similarity is noted in J.
“Quindi si è pensato di fare apparire per cosa massima e nel più alto sito WILTON-ELY 1978c, p. 541 and pls. 25, 26; S. PRESSOUYRE 1978.
sopra l’Altare, come un Apoteosi, o sia assunzione di S. Basilio alle Sedi del- 97
“Si conserve e si porti per legge un soggetto che non tolga, anzi che dia
l’Immortalità. Perciò vi si è posto quel gran Globo che figura la terra, dalla quale maggior risalto alla prima forma (ossia all’edicola). Domanda il sito un soggetto
preso e sostenuto dagl’Angeli, si distacca il santo, pontificalmente vestito, e in svelto, e isolato, che sia d’ornamento e con nobiltà arrichisca il tutto: che l’edi-
un atto di amore che stà per congiungerlo col suo Dio, e la finestra perpendico- cola non si lagni di ricevere per superiore l’ingombro ma che sia quasi un orna-
lare della Lanterna, considerato il materiale dell’opera, sembra far luogo alla glo- mento mancato all’idea dell’Autore, o come se avesse preparato il sito per sogget-
riosa Assunzione”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 83. ti di memoria, che obbligano questo proposto fine fine: Così la Chiesa diverrà
Libro dei Conti, nos. 193-196, 198-199. Nos. 193-196 are cited in J. CON- una galleria per la giusta simetria d’altrettanti monumenti quanti saranno i
NORS 1998, p. 91. Benefattori…”: C. BERTELLI 1976a, p. 122; cf. R. BATTAGLIA 1994.
Three small windows are visible below the belfry and on axis with the 98
“Perche poi la Chiesa, eccetto la Crociera e la Tribuna, anzichè la Chiesa,
lantern on the garden side. A corresponding set on the side toward the villa are sembrava essere una camera Sepolcrale, non essendo in tutta l’estensione della
visible in aerial photos. They do not correspond to any payments in the Libro dei Navata alcun altare, o imagini da venerarsi, si è pensato di decorar la Chiesa con
Conti. dodici medaglioni ove son figurati a bassorilievo i XII Apostoli…”: Descrizione, in
“nel quadro bislungo è stato fatto un bassorilievo, che figura come un ves- J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 82.
sillo, o Labaro della stessa Sacra Religione, consistente in una grande asta, in 99
“Ne’ muri delle altre cappelle, ove le iscrizioni e gli stemmi non erano, si
mezzo alla quale resta appeso da nobil cordone il Trigono della SS. Trinità, è pensato d’affiggere tre emblemi sepolcrali, l’uno in onore de’ sommi Pontefi-
avente nel suo campo la Croce con due Serafini che adorano questi due gran ci, l’altro de’ Vescovi e ‘l terzo de’ Re del Cristianesimo, allusivi all’unione del
Misterj del Cristianesimo, come per ricordarne a fedeli la riverenza. È questo sacerdozio, e del Regno nella professione e Protezione della Fede per cui milita
Trigono circondato dallo stesso cordone con cui sono accoppiate per ordine la Sacra Religione”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 82. These ornaments
tante ciocche di rose, da una corona di Cherubini, e da una espansione di scudi are called “diversi emblemi della morte” in the Libro dei conti (nos. 511, 519).
militari della Sac. Religione, in segno ch’ella milita in difesa degli stessi Misterj, 100
S. RICCIONI 2002 with bibliography.
e che con la virtù di essi ella vince, indicata da un effluvio di raggi che nascono 101
dal medesimo Trigono; il quale ha poi sotto, come per sostegno, l’emblema di 102
G. A. Bruzio, op. cit., f. 111v: “ All’entrata vicino alla Porta à sua destra si

“Onward Christian Soldiers”: Piranesi at Santa Maria del Priorato 159

vede una custodia antica di marmo scolpito di basso rilievo in faccia.” The altar 105
C. FRANZONI, A. TEMPESTA 1992, pp. 17-22. Piranesi engraved and dis-
is also discussed in F. MARTINELLI 1653, p. 186. “V’era un ceppo di marmo… e cussed the capitals in Della magnificenza (p. 109) and according to a letter from
la di cui iscrizione ugualmente antica dice, che le Sacre Reliquie si contengono Angelo Battaglini to Francesco Gaetano, Rome 26 March 1783 – “furono orig-
in essa, ma egli era vuoto da tempo immemorabile. Furon elleno rinvenute in ine di gran contesa fra il Piranesi e monsieur le Roi per determinare se sieno gre-
una cassetta d’argento, mentre si scavavano i fondamenti della Chiesa sotto il ci”: Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, ms. 4301; cited in C. FRANZONI, A. TEM-
pavimento, e precisamente presso l’angolo che fa il laterale destro della PESTA 1992, p. 17 and note 113, and cat. nos. 4a-f, with copious bibliography. For
Crociera”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 82. the eighteenth-century rediscovery of the medieval art in Roman circles: G. PRE-
“Preziosi monumenti con un eloquente, tuttoché muto, linguaggio
LETINI. EPISC. ET. MARTYRIS / COSTAM. S. CAESARII. MARTYRIS. / c’insegnano, cosa abbia creduto e praticato fin da principio la Chiesa”: P.P.
F. BARRY 2000, pp. 458-460; F. BARRY 2006, pp. 100-101.
M. BEVILACQUA 2008, vol. 1, pp. 49-56; vol. 2, c. 34v. The sketch at c. 67v
MDCCLXIV. REPERTAS. / SVB. ARA. HONORIFICENTIVS. COLLO- is a direct representation of the spolia on the Casa di Crescenzio. One can see a
CAVIT. A. P. C. N. MDCCLXV. Sotto la lapida poi, o sia sopra la porta della close affinity also with designs at cc. 13r, c.26r, c. 30r, 38v, 39r.
Sacristia, fu figurata un urna sacra avente in mezzo il segno de’ Santi Martiri, o 109
“Ne nous vantons pas d’avoir fait cet ouvrage, ou nous prendroit pour
sia il prototipo del segno di Cristo”: Descrizione, in J. E. CRITIEN 1998, p. 82. des Entrepreneurs d’ópera: elle a réelment l’air d’une salle de bals”: L. CARAC-
M. TAFURI 1978, pp. 81, 83. “Che esista un iato, una cesura violenta, fra CIOLI 1783, p. 102. For Fuga’s restoration of S. Maria Maggiore: F. BELLINI 1995.
la navata e il transetto è indubbio… il frazionamento piranesiano sembra piut- 110
“L’opera alla fine risultò carica di ornamenti che, per quanto provenissero
tosto conseguente a una tematica declinata con tecniche diverse, ma in conti- da monumenti antichi, non erano in armonia l’uno con l’altro”: G. L. BIANCONI
nuità fra loro, che dalle ‘Carceri,’ attraverso il ‘Campo Marzio,’ giunge sino alle (1779) 1976, p. 133.
tavole che accompagnano il ‘Parere du l’architettura.’ Il problema è sempre quel- 111
Prudentius, Peristephanon 1.30-34: “nec rudem crudi laboris ante vitam
lo di negare ogni oggettività alla categoria dello ‘spazio.’ Come il ‘tempo’ – il duxerant / milites quos ad perenne cingulum Christus vocat. / sueta virtus
tempo storico – anche lo spazio è, per Piranesi, ‘relativo’: relativo, più precisa- bello et armis nunc fidei militat. // Caesaris vexilla linquunt, eligunt Signum
mente, a un’esperienza soggettiva di rielaborazione”: M. TAFURI 1978, pp. 84-85. Crucis.”

160 Fabio Barry


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