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Part 1.


Based on the principle of benefit reciprocation obligation, (the agreement that whatever I
do as “work,” which benefits someone, obliges someone to reciprocate with services or
goods in exchange) and that being a working principle fundamental and inherent in all
systems of exchange, we can organize a system of government for the productive people
of the system. We shall call those working members’ citizens, who shall grant
reciprocation to their fellow citizens—and therefore to themselves—the benefits of the
right to food, clothing, shelter, transportation, information, and health care from the
social order. These rights are to be for the participation of a person generally, and
therefore it can be said we are all equal in the pursuit of self-actualization through these
rights. However, specifically, the commercial exchange of goods between people is
determined by specifics such as: job title, quality of work, number of occupations,
complexity of the job, and the rarity of ones expertise (other qualifications may apply).
The purchasing power of an individual is represented as a grade, or class, by those factors
prescribed. The material used to access exchange on a commercial level is through a card
with said grade on it, the grade being an indication of purchasing power for luxury goods.

Subset 1.

The technology and ideology for this change presently exist, and require only slight
alterations of the system to become reality. Indeed, new perhaps better materials for
cashless exchange will be invented, and should be. The people may be willing and able to
invent new ways of living that improve their lives and the lives of their brother selves and
sister selves.

However what does not exist is an office by which an evaluation of consumer goods, the
value of businesses, and the valuation of trades like art, music, comedy, invention, and
other creations of critical thought and behavior can take place. The necessity for such an
office doe not exist either. However, only by giving an intense evaluation of what we
value can we ever weed out banality, avoid monotony, and escape the poor quality of life,
which is pervasive in a world without critical thought.

Subset 2.

This office, which will collaborate with business owners, tradesmen, and laborers, will
have as its mission to establish standards of quality that are as close to objective as
possible, while keeping the citizens best interest. The rewards for higher performance are
based on the relative performance of others (therefore competition still exists for
businesses and citizens alike because there is no ceiling to how much you can earn). The
better you perform the more you earn in your field. Like the system of today, every field
of occupation has a different level of pay, which is determined by factors like difficulty
of the job, the amount of training necessary to perform a job, and so on. These factors
would still apply, but without the arbitrary measurement of time to determine wages.
What this kind of system would do is allow for non-evasive human interaction to take
place to establish wage earnings. This means that a worker has a human being he can talk
to about his work conditions that is not attached to the business or industry itself. Further,
the human element of critical examination is more thorough, and less arbitrary than
hourly wages and yearly salaries. The way pay would be allocated to an individual is
simple: every four months their entitlements are renewed, but within that period a persons
performance determines the new grade they are given in that quarterly period. This also
allows for industry or business workers to have more time to spend freely, and in fact the
ability for certain jobs to have workdays every other day instead of every day. Doing so
would allow companies to hire more people, putting twice as many people to work, and
more free time for citizens.

Because this system is devoid of material wealth like cash, it can create projects, offices,
and labor without having to worry about where the funds will come from. The system we
use for exchange is just as arbitrary, but the one we use is designed to consolidate into the
hands of the few, while the system we propose is designed to distribute wealth to the
collective. The way this idea is ultimately kept in order is through incentives: the wage of
the official who would qualify work is paid by how generously but justly he evaluates
performance. Therefore the negative of corruption, under this system, may be reversed.

How can such a complex office exist efficiently? Without arbitrary systems of exchange
such as money and debt, a new concept can be born, new incentives can be created that
will ensure that people want to work. New ways of going about hiring and applying can
change the way people get jobs, and the difficulty of finding a job can be flipped to a
choice to have a job. This means also that a person, graduating from education, has the
choice to become a member of society, and to become a citizen. (You are not born a
citizen under this system. However because you are born a person the laws and rights of
persons under the constitution of the united states will still apply, and will transfer to the
other states or countries wherein this system is accepted.)

Part 2. Structure of the states

This is an idea for global cooperation among people—not governments, not

bureaucracies, and not financial institutions, but the people of these entities, which have
been put into positions of arbitrary power and control over them. Those who have
sequestered power, however they may, have done so because of the desire for power, not
for the benefit of mankind. Most every country that is industrial today is because of war,
and in fact most countries that exist today were formed out of conflict, and their design
reflects this. However, this system has no such preconception, and in fact rejects the idea
of military defense, and puts the defense of the people in the hands of the people
themselves. Further, this system does not presuppose that the states are to be controlled or
regulated by the federal government in any way other than those, which are requested by
the people of the state, city, or county. The structures of the states are to be united by a
common cause: the development of the human experience.

Subset 1.
The principle that would allow this global idea to function may be flexibility, and may be
grass roots, but in reality it will always stem, as all systems function, from the willingness
and cooperation of the individual, and from that their private organizations, and the
cultures that are created by society will follow. The pyramid of power is to be flipped
upside down if progress is to be made. The people of a state will independently attend to
the people of that state, their culture, and their individual and collective interests therein.
However, by the request of the people of any state, the states of the world may give
resources or help to a state that requires assistance to reach productivity. Through the
federal government of the world, the resources and facilitation or assistance in other ways
may be granted. The federal government may not do so without the request of the people,
however the role of the federal government would be to develop the underdeveloped
parts of the world: agriculturally, architecturally, scientifically, technologically and
through information; and to feed and cloth the people on earth. With the resources of the
world at the hands of the people, rather than the hands of a few wealthy industry and
business interests, the wealth and health needed for a better world can come into

Choosing to request evaluation in this system makes you a citizen. Therefore citizenship
is a choice, not a privilege. With that choice you are accepting the responsibility of a
citizen: to the world through active involvement in it, its life forms through green
initiatives, and to the betterment of your self through the betterment of the world. If being
civilized were to mean to have dignity, would it not then mean to attend, to be truly
present that being civilized is about, and not technologies and complicated systems of
exchange? With the people holding a position, a universal title, they are privileged with
the rights of food, clothing, shelter, transportation, information, and health care.

In the hands and daily lives of the people will be freedom and opportunity. It is therefore
the responsibility of the people to standardize their education, and be themselves
dignified. The necessity of a people who are well informed, disinterested in banality, lies,
and mediocrity is obvious, and a people who are serious about life, duty, and passion.
This standard is the greatest check against those who seek domination, but it is the most
obscure idea in the world. Critical thought can be thought of as frustrating to a formal
official, but it is that critical, intense attention and curiosity that creates, that is creative
and most active.

Subset 2.

The density of population and development determines the size of each state and
province. A states’ size cannot be larger than that of the continental united states, and
cannot be smaller than that of Japan. Those provinces within states are determined by a
simple method: agricultural states, larger, and urban states smaller. While determining
state boundaries, culture, language, and other social factors are important. Whatever
traditions and cultural standards there are being encouraged, a people are more amicable.
Every state, being encouraged to be a community, therefore decides its own laws and
social standards.
Part 3. The Wise Council

Because the checks and balances of the present American or United States model is
flawed, as evidenced by the corruption inherent and even accepted in the system today,
there is obviously a great need for broader oversight, public involvement, and simply
enough wisdom in government and society today. The way this will be done is to have a
fourth branch, given the power of congressional oversight, as well as the power to
establish offices in the name of the public good, for instance: an education department, a
department for commercial oversight, and any others that this branch may deem
necessary. The way this fourth branch would be kept in check, both locally and federally,
would be to make those who hold office in this branch serve for life, and for them to be
unprotected by the laws of assault and battery—meaning they can be harmed—but not
killed—by the people at their discretion, putting the people in a position of check over
government itself. However, in a twist, the wise council, if functioning properly is what
checks the irrational violent fervor of the people, how they will do this will be talked
about in the following subset.

Subset 1.

This fourth branch, a council of nine with a premise of wisdom, would be essential to the
proper functioning of not only government, but also society. The premise of their purpose
on the local level being most directed towards the idea of the family, expanding it from
its present isolate concept, to a more community-oriented scope of what family can be,
and in truth what it is. The education system being locally established by this Council of
wise voices, the need for community participation to make its establishment and
fulfillment complimentary to the education of young ones is undeniable. The local school
being a source of community interaction is not where community ends however, festivals
organized by this council will also form a more unified social network, while the
community itself is having fun.

The purpose of this wise council on the more aggregate level, for instance beyond the
cities and their districts—on the county, state, or on the federal level—would resemble
the powers of the congress, the judicial system, and the president: with the powers-by-
vote to veto legislation, overturn policies or acts of congress, and by unanimous vote to
overrule the consensus of the people. This office would be like counterpart to the present
day powers that be, which are without regulation, are enshrouded in complete anonymity,
and are protected by the laws that give them their greatest immunity to harm. With this
system in place, the powers that be would be replaced, their responsibility for most every
facet of society—which they have obviously abused—will be taken up by an office
accountable to the people, without secrecy or the opportunity for corruption.

Subset 2.
The other responsibilities of the fourth branch would be to regulate the values of goods,
services, talents, and businesses, (effectively acting as money men) but not by force or
coercion, but through voicing their opinion and their ability to convince the people of
what is of value, and why. This office will establish a system of exchange (predicated on
the principles and methods which part one of this list has covered) by further establishing
its own office, one that would be responsible for individually evaluating a business or
company’s value, and in doing so evaluating the individual values of its constituents,
including management. Such evaluations can and will be done on an individual basis,
however the overall value of a company should logically determine its constituents with
little discrepancy. This premise leaves little room for inactivity, and puts a more real
attention on the quality of work, rather than time spent. It is because of this that a new
method of currency must be implemented.

The new method of currency would resemble that of the card system for credit or debit
today. Using a grading system where there are an infinite possible number of grades,
which determine your luxury spending or entitlements, the quality of ones work
determines the amount of entitlements one has to spend. Every four months these
entitlements are renewed. Based upon a thorough inspection of ones quality of work—
relative to previous inspections, and relative to others; based on the overall complexity of
the job, the benefit to society it provides, and other factors that determine a jobs value—
by an official of the office established by the fourth branch, one is graded.

Subset 3.

Education taken seriously, the minds of the children, their well understood potential
pandered to through different methodologies, varying from school to school and teacher
to teacher. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade would learn subjects ranging from
English to mathematics, to acupuncture and agriculture, the idea being to increase the
level of contact with the earth and the world. Subjects would be taught for five hours with
three recesses and two meals a day. Students would also learn culinary arts by fifth grade.

Because the entire staff is there to teach the children, even their chefs would teach them
how to cook. This would be done so that when the student has harvested his or her
agriculture project, they can then make their own lunch with the chef’s approval. With
the idea of really internalizing what is learned as the most fundamental premise to
education, and the restriction of time and curriculum the teacher can, with enough
dedication, attention, and cooperation with the other teachers and the faculty.

The faculty would consist of a staff of child psychologists, office secretaries, and the
local wise council. The job of the faculty would be to concentrate on finding the best
environment for a child: teacher, method, and atmosphere etcetera. The child
psychologists would act as a catalyst for the teacher between the students, making sure
the two understand each other. The wise council would then act upon information given
to them, their priority being the proper functioning of those schools.
The intensity of education would gradually transfer from the teachers to the students as
they reach high school. This is done by gradually changing the role of the teacher from
being a professional to an amateur, there to facilitate the students’ curiosity and prepare
them for the world through drivers’ education, and technical things like engineering.
Depending upon the interests of the student and their overall character traits they will be
placed at a location that “fits.”

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