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Municipal Solid Waste Management in Sukodono Village – East Java

Steven1, Angelina Tulus1, Silvia Haniwijaya Tjokro2, Mujtahidah, and Djazuly Chalidyanto
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Administration and Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya, Indonesia
Puskesmas Panceng, Gresik, Indonesia
Department of Administration and Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia,

Keywords: Waste Sorting, Infrastructure, Community Leader, Garbage Bank, Waste Management

Abstract: Municipal solid waste management system has not been introduced in Sukodono Village and gave negative
impacts such as smoke pollution and damage ground water sources. The research used analytic survey,
directed to connect between the level of knowledge, attitude about waste management, infrastructure or
facilities, and the role of community leaders with the waste management behavior in this community, also
applied a simple random sampling with 170 respondents. The data were analyzed using a cross sectional
method. The results showed that the related factors include infrastructure with p = 0.000 and r = 0.324, the
role of community leaders with p = 0.000 and r = 0.301. By finding the related factors, the village then made
programs to solve the problem, such as forming a garbage bank, and 62.5% waste could be managed without
burning them. The recommendations that can be given are by making plans for proposed activities, such as
counseling on good waste management, giving different trash bins as a means of sorting organic and inorganic
waste, building temporary dump and final landfill, counseling organic waste management into integrated
fertilizer, craft training from inorganic waste, and the formation of waste banks.

1 INTRODUCTION Negative impacts of burning cause pollution.

Meanwhile, burying waste can damage ground water
Rural areas in Gresik Regency are dominated by rural sources, and garbage disposal into waterways can
settlements, where waste management applies increase the potential for disasters due to clogged
individual management like by burning, burying or water flow in the surrounding. The application of
throwing into a water channel or river. This occurs due individual waste management in rural areas of Gresik
to differences in physical characteristics, community Regency has a negative impact. In Sukodono Village,
characteristics and community lifestyle, as well as the most people individually manage waste by collecting
waste management infrastructure and facilities in the household waste without sorting them out first
area (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan PDPDKG (inorganic or organic waste). As a result, the wastes
2010, 2010). arethen stacked behind the house.
Rural areas in Gresik Regency are not introduced Municipal solid waste characterisation is necessary
to the waste management system. One of them is for planning sustainable solid waste management,
Sukodono Village area, Panceng Subdistrict (KKSK, especially in across socioeconomic residents. Higher
Gresik, 2011). Based on the Gresik Environmental Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development,
Agency, the gap of waste management in rural areas of Bamenda University of Science and Technology in
Gresik is caused by the ineffective role of waste Cameroon has did the study and revealed that the per
management elements, limited funding, and lack of capita generation of putrescible and miscellaneous
facilities and infrastructure, such as storage facilities, wastes (predominantly sand, ash and dust) were
collection facilities, number and spread of garbage statistically different (p < 0,05) across residents and
dumps and allocation landfill land. This limitation were inversely related to income while the generation
requires Gresik Regency Government to seek for of plastics, metals, papers, glass except textiles were
innovative solutions from various sectors.
statistically different across residents and were previously used by Kamal Fitrul in 2009 and tested
positively related to income (Tambe, et al., 2016). valid and reliable (Fitrul, 2009).
Nowadays, solid waste is accepted as a major The population in this study was all heads of
problem of our society. Solid wastes may be defined Sukodono Village in Panceng Sub-District of Gresik
as useless, unused, unwanted, or discarded material in Community Unit No. 001 to Community Unit No.
available in solid form. Semisolid food wastes and 007 with a total number of 463 families. The total
municipal sludge may also be included in municipal respondents participating in this study were 170 people
solid waste (Singh, et al., 2014). A six-month field selected by using a simple random sampling
study was conducted to identify the solid wastes (Notoatmodjo, 2013). Bivariate analysis was
management steps such as storage at source, performed using non-parametric statistics, the
separation, on-site storage, collection, transporation, Spearman Rho correlation test.
treatment, reuse, recycling, and ultimate disposal in
Bangladesh (Ahsan, et al., 2014).
2 METHODS The results of this study were analyzed using
Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS programs (version
This research used an analytical survey directed to 13.0). These are the results of the study ranging from
connect the level of knowledge, attitudes about waste the latest level of education, the level of knowledge
management, infrastructure and the role of community about waste, respondent's attitudes towards waste, the
leaders with the waste management behavior in role of community leaders, availability of facilities and
Sukodono Village community. The research method infrastructure, and respondent's waste management
used was a survey with a cross sectional approach behavior.
(Handayani, 2011). The survey in this study was
carried out by distributing questionnaires that was

Distribution of Respondents
84.7% 87.1%
68.8% 66.5%
30.0% 59.4%
20.0% 40.6%
31.2% 35.9% 26.5% 25.9%
10.0% 15.3% 12.9%
0.0% 1.2% 0.6% 4.7% 5.3%

High school
Middle school





Not attending school

Elementary school





Based on the Latest Educational Level

Based on Level of Knowledge about Waste
Based on Attitudes toward Garbage
Distribution of Community Leaders’ Roles
Distribution of Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure
Distribution of Waste Management Behavior

Figure 1 : Distribution of respondents based on the latest educational level, level of knowledge about waste, attitudes toward
garbage, community leaders’ roles, availability of facilities and infrasturcture, and waste management behavior
90.0% 81.8%
80.0% 69.9%
66.6% 65.9% 65.4% 65.5%
70.0% 61.4%
56.4% 58.3%
50.0% 43.6% 41.7% 38.6%
40.0% 33.3% 34.1% 34.6% 34.5%

Availability of lack facilities and

Availability of good facilities and

Positive attitude
Negative attitude
Less knowledge

Sufficient knowledge

The role of community leaders is less

The role of community leaders is good

Good knowledge


Distribution of Knowledge Based on Distribution of Distribution of Distribution of
Respondents with Waste Management Respondents Based on Respondents Based on Respondents Based on
Behavior Attitudes towards Waste the Role of Community Availability of Facilities
Leaders in Waste and Infrastructure For
Management waste management

Bad behavior Good behavior

Figure 2 : The Relationship of Knowledge, Attitudes, Community Figures and Infrastructures with Waste Management

The results above show a significant relationship relationship of independent variables (knowledge,
with the value of p <0.005 of bivariate analysis. This attitudes, community figures and infrastructures) with
bivariate analysis was conducted to identify the the dependent variable (waste management behavior).

Ishikawa diagram helps to identify and organize quality) who can influence people's behavior in waste
causes that might arise from a specific effect and then sorting.
separate the root cause. Through Ishikawa diagram In order to intervene four factors that influence
below, it can be seen that the high incidence of people waste management behavior, some activities, such as
who still burn plastic waste was influenced by various counseling on the importance of maintaining early
factors, such as human, economic, material, lack of cleanliness and sorting waste, the impact of waste, and
waste management activities from resident's homes, a 6-step hand-washing demonstration were proposed.
time and environment. Furthermore, the lack of There was also processing on the integrated
cooperation with parties that can process plastic waste compost fertilizer from organic waste and craft
also becomes a factor for waste burning. Also, there training from inorganic waste which residents can
were no cadres and health workers (number and process the sorted waste.
Diagram 1: Ishikawa Diagram of Priority Issues

In addition, the construction of TPS (Tempat from inorganic waste, and the formation of waste
Pembuangan Sementara or temporary dump) and TPA banks. There was a significant relationship between
(Tempat Pembuangan Akhir or final landfill) was external factors and waste processing behavior.
planned in Sukodono Village as additional waste
processing shelters. It can also increase employment
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