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ACTIVITY6: Jump and Compare Instruction

6.1 Program Outcomes (POs) Addressed by the Activity

• ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering


• ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

• ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within

realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards

• ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

• ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

• knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a

member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary

6.2 Activity’s Intended Learning Outcomes (AILOs)

At the end of this activity, the student shall be able to:
• Discuss the functions of JMP and CMP.
• Apply and Demonstrate the Jump and Compare Instructions in Assembly Language

6.3 Objectives of the Activity

The objectives of this activity are to:

• Understand how compare and jump works in assembly language programming.

• Create a program that can perform comparison operations.

6.4 Principle of the Activity

An assembly program consists of a set of statements. The two type of statements are the
instructions and directives.

Program control transfer instructions change or modify the flow of a program.

The basic instruction that transfers control to another point in the program is

JMP label
Jump is usually an indication of a change in program counter that is not
directly related to the current program counter and is often free of distance limits from the
current program counter.

CMP Instruction
The CMP instruction performs an implied subtraction of a source
operand from a destination operand. Neither operand is modified:
CMP <destination>, <source>
Flags: the CMP instruction changes the overflow, sign , zero, carry, auxiliary
carry, and parity flags according to the destination operand would have had if the SUB
instruction were used.

Which tell the assembler to perform specific action, such as define a data item.
An assembly language supports a number of statements that enable you to control
the way in which a source program assembles and list.
6.5 Materials/Equipment

1 unit Personal Computer

DOS / Command Prompt
Text Editor (SK, Notrepad, Wordpad)
Assembler (TASM.EXE)
• Linker (TLINK.EXE )
• Storage unit

6.6 Circuit Diagrams / Figures / Source Codes (if Applicable)

Figure 1. Title

6.7 Procedure/s

• Encode the given program.

(Filename: initialactivity6.asm)

• Write the following program using SK’s notepad or any of your text editor using the

.model small
org 100h
start: jmp main
msg1 db "Enter a number:$"
msg2 db "Equal to 5$"
msg3 db "More than 5$"
msg4 db "Less than 5$"
newline db 0ah, 0dh, 24h

mov ah, 09
lea dx, msg1
int 21h

mov ah, 01
int 21h

mov bl, al

call down

cmp bl, '5'

jE equaltofive
jG morethanfive
jL lessthanfive

mov ah, 09
lea dx, msg2
int 21h
jmp exit

mov ah, 09
lea dx, msg3
int 21h
jmp exit

mov ah, 09
lea dx, msg4
int 21h

int 20h

down proc
mov ah, 09
lea dx, newline
int 21h
down endp
end start

• Execute the given program.

• Does the expected output appear? Attached the picture of the output.

Challenge Activity

• Create a program that input a character and display if it is a small letters, capital
letters or if it is special/numeric character..

6.8 Activity Report

Section: X23 Date Performed: 10/30/19
Course Code: IT0047 Date Submitted: 10/30/19
Course Title: IT Elective

Instructor: Engr. Joaquin

Activity No.: 6
Student Name (LN, FN MI) Castillo, Juan Signature:
Carlo Q.

6.8.1 Data and Results

• Given the sample output coming from your instructor, write down and compile the
required program that will provide the expected sample output using expt6.asm as
the filename.

• Encode the program.

Activity Code

.model small


org 100h

start: jmp main

msg1 db "Press a key:$"

msg2 db "Capital$"

msg3 db "Small Letter$"

msg4 db "Numeric or Special$"

newline db 0ah, 0dh, 24h

mov ah, 09

lea dx, msg1

int 21h

mov ah, 01

int 21h

mov bl, al

call down

cmp bl, 41h

jE Capital

jG TestMore

jL NumericSpecial


mov ah, 09

lea dx, msg2

int 21h

jmp exit


mov ah, 09

lea dx, msg3

int 21h

jmp exit


cmp bl, 5bh

jE equaltoA

jG Testmore1

jL equaltoA


cmp bl, 61h

jE SmallLetter

jG Testmore2

jL NumericSpecial


cmp bl, 7ah

jE SmallLetter

jG NumericSpecial

jL SmallLetter


mov ah, 09

lea dx, msg4

int 21h

int 20h

down proc

mov ah, 09

lea dx, newline

int 21h


down endp

end star


• Ask your instructor to check your work.

• Save the program to your data disk.

6.8.2 Observations




6.8.3 Conclusion/s

6.8.4 Rating (include Rubric)

Criteria Grade

Activity Conduct (1-5)

Correctness of Command(s)/Program(s) (1-5) x 2

Completeness of Tasks (1-5)

Data Analysis and Results Interpretation (1-5)

Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score / 5)

Percentage Score = (Total Score/25) * 100

Other Comments:

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