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More than 4.

5 billion years ago the, Milky Way galaxy collided with a nearby dwarf galaxy this
encounter hastened the formation of stars.
Our solar system is a part of the Milky Way galaxy. Within the solar system material circulation
had been progressing the water component from the outer region evaporated to make materials
Through this process particles were zonally distributed depending on their water content the
bipolar flow stopped and with it material circulation some regions around the Sun with high particle
density appeared within these regions collisions frequently occurred small particles gradually
grew to become planetesimals.
planetesimals continued colliding with smaller particles and other planetesimals eventually
growing to
planets such as the earth
A number of planets were moving in the same orbit.
The early Earth collided with a smaller mars-sized planet.
Debris from this impact eventually came to form our moon.
The earth-moon system as we know it today was in place.
Countless planetesimals and icy planets bombarded the early dry earth.
Due to the bombarding water enriched planetesimals, the earth became enveloped by an ocean
atmosphere system
Water vapor in the atmosphere produced rain forming an ocean the atmospheric pressure
gradually decreased the carbon dioxide rich atmosphere transitioned into a co2 ocean covering
the water ocean Carbon dioxide also combined with rock components and was transported to the
bottom of the ocean through weathering and erosion.
At this time the ocean was still toxic with a high salinity and an overabundance of metals.
It was too toxic to support life upwelling mantle displaced the oceanic plates above.
Uplift of the plate by mantle convection caused horizontal slippage due to the weight of the plate
this is plate tectonics in action
The oceanic plate subducting under the lighter continental plate
Weathered sediments neutralized the ultra-acidic ocean
Heavy metals settled out and became fixed as deposits at the mid-ocean ridge
These deposits were transported through plate tectonics into the deep mantle
Gradually the ocean became a habitable environment
By 4.2 billion years ago a liquid core formed in the center of the earth
Convection within the liquid core created a strong magnetic field surrounding the earth.
This geomagnetic field shields the Earth's surface from cosmic rays the Earth's surface was
nearing readiness for life
The early Earth when the atmosphere prevented sunlight from reaching the surface primitive life
was about to emerge underground in the cave of a geyser
Uranium ore emitted large amounts of radiation creating a diverse range of materials and
eventually producing the early building blocks of life
Water boiled and rose up to the surface and the surface water flowed back down into the natural
nuclear reactor.
The temperature of the geyser water remained below 100 degrees protecting the newly formed
The underground environment was reductive while the surface environment oxidizing these
conditions were necessary to synthesize biomolecules
In the Earth's hidden 'ya tidal forces were much more pronounced than they are today
Even Lakes had significant urban flow of water creating wet and dry cycles
These wet and dry cycles were one of the most crucial factors in producing the building blocks of
Fatty acids came together encasing the proto life molecules
Polymerization progressed under the wet and dry cycles eventually protein like basic materials
that could act as catalysts were produced
These molecules circulated between the geyser cave and the surface environment the
interactions of these materials led to more complex biomolecules proto RNA combined with
enzyme like basic materials and evolved into ribozymes which had the ability to replicate
This laid the groundwork for life to reproduce finally these molecules were enclosed within lipid
membranes forming primitive proto cellular life
This was the beginning of life
The Earth's plate tectonics which had begun with the creation of its ocean eventually destroyed
its primordial continent and subsumed it to the deep mantle
By four billion years ago the mother continent had disappeared leaving life on the margins of a
fragmented landmass
Inside the earth a dramatic change was about to begin
The subducted primordial continent descended toward the core-mantle boundary
The wealth of radioactive elements in the primordial continent caused the uppermost part of the
core to melt
By 4.2 billion years ago the newly-created liquid outer core was strengthening the Earth's
magnetic field protecting the surface environment against solar winds and cosmic rays
As a result life could exist on the surface environment the supply of energy and nutrient
Through material circulation is necessary for life the essential mechanism to maintain life is an
endless flow of electrons
The first pro to life couldn't survive very far from the nuclear geyser due to insufficient energy
Mutations however allowed life to evolve the more resilient life-forms were able to adapt and
survive in harsh environments
This second stage of proto life evolved to make use of the sunlight available on the Earth's surface
They developed a metabolism that converted light energy into electrochemical energy
Moreover they used sugars to store energy for the sunless night hours. The source of energy for
life on earth shifted from nuclear geysers to the Sun
Around 4.1 billion years ago the ocean was still extremely toxic killing off most of the proto life-
forms within it
Nevertheless some proto life-forms survived the extreme environment
They developed protective mechanisms to prevent the metallic ions in the ocean water from
entering their protocells
This proto life began coalescing into larger and more complex forms modern life-forms use only
twenty kinds of amino acids this means our ancestors that used the same amino acids were the
ones that survived the mass extinction
Evolution walks a perilous tightrope between continuing and ending unstable
RNA evolved through ionizing radiation into more durable DNA making it possible to reliably pass
information across generations and the third stage of proto life was born this was the beginning
of prokaryotic organisms the ancestors of
Today's archaea and bacteria oxygen when unbound to any other material can be toxic to life
because oxygen destroys the reductive life body
Therefore the first photosynthetic organisms would have been anaerobic microbes which
produced no oxygen life
However adapted taking advantage of oxygen as a valuable source of additional energy
This development resulted in the appearance of cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria produced oxygen which crystallized into felsic iron-bearing oxide reducing the iron
content of the ocean
Still the ocean was five times as saline as it is today as the Earth's interior cooled old slabs of the
primordial crust resting at the bottom of the upper mantle fell into the lower mantle
Meanwhile numerous mantle plumes ascended from the lower mantle into the upper mantle this
phenomenon is known as mantle overturn
Mantle plumes pushed the basaltic crust upward generating landmass
This created shallow marine environments penetrated by sunlight which allowed the
cyanobacteria to flourish
The oxygen produced by the cyanobacteria gradually altered the Earth's atmosphere on the
ocean floor ferric and ferrous iron were accumulating in the form of hematite and magnetite
creating a massive banded iron formation
By 2.5 billion years ago the remaining banded iron formation was a few kilometers sic
This rapid decrease in iron content changed the color of the ocean to a familiar blue life began to
change the surface environment such is the coevolution of the earth and its inhabitants
This was an important step in life on Earth's long journey towards civilization
A collision between the Milky Way and a nearby dwarf galaxy produced countless glowing stars
within a few thousand years
Some of these stars ended in supernova explosions a myriad of cosmic rays from the supernova
deteriorated the sun's heliosphere and bombarded the earth
These cosmic rays help generate cloud condensation nuclei which produced more and more
clouds until the earth was completely blanketed with them the thick cloud cover prevented sunlight
from reaching the surface of the earth
The earth underwent a global glaciation event known as the snowball earth
This caused another global mass extinction but once again some life survived yet another difficult
period beneath the ice sheet tiny life was protected by the Earth's massive circulating system and
the earth is similarly held in place by the solar system and the expansive universe life is but one
part of an enormous system
The prokaryotes survived the snowball earth evolving into more complex life such as
endosymbiotic systems living together inside cells they formed mitochondria and chloroplasts
which allowed them to get more energy from oxygen
A single prokaryote body could contain thousands of mitochondria
A nuclear membrane formed protecting DNA from the oxygen dense ocean water
DNA strands grew longer retaining ever more genetic information life evolved into more diverse
and complex organisms
At long last the eukaryotes appeared the eukaryotes grew a million times larger than the
In theory everything inevitably falls into disorder and yet life is orderly and increasingly complex
life seems to continue evolving undeterred by universal entropy
Plate tectonics caused small developing continents to assemble into a single supercontinent
called nuna As nuna formed its burgeoning landmass provided cyanobacteria with an expanding
habitat in its lakes rivers wetlands and estuaries
Cyanobacteria produces free oxygen through photosynthesis at that time
However most of the free oxygen produced was consumed in decomposing dead cyanobacteria
so very little free oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere on land
However dead cyanobacteria got buried under sediments so oxygen that would have broken
down their bodies instead ended up in the atmosphere the presence of a large landmass helped
increase the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere
As the total land area on the surface of the earth increased so too did atmospheric oxygen levels
dramatically over time the nuna supercontinent broke up into smaller continents but once again
plate techtonics reassembled a supercontinent
This one called Rodinia
In equator region slabs of oceanic plates subducted under continental plates gradually
accumulated in the mantle transition zone eventually these slabs fell down into the core
The slabs cooled the outer core changing the flow of electricity within as a result the cores dipole
magnetic field transformed into a weaker quadrupole magnetic field
The Milky Way galaxy collided with a dwarf galaxy and underwent to transition into starburst
conditions over time
These newly produced stars ended in supernova explosions bombarding the earth with cosmic
The earth with its weak quadrupole magnetic field was heavily affected
Clouds covered the entire earth and ice covered its surface
A series of supernova explosions occurred long periods of extreme heat were punctuated by
shorter periods of extreme cold in the extremely cold periods oxygen in the atmosphere fell to
Archaean Eon levels causing mass extinctions
These mass extinctions however created great opportunities for life to evolve into something
completely new repeated in fluxes of cosmic rays and drastic fluctuations in oxygen levels
These environmental changes caused genetic mutations that accelerated the appearance of new
The starburst period ended and the Earth's core reverted to a stronger dipole magnetic field
Photosynthesis returned the oxygen in the atmosphere to previous levels
Meanwhile the Inner Earth was gradually cooling down when the Inner Earth is hot enough
The components of water trapped in minerals in the oceanic plates are released to the surface
environment and the sea water level is unaffected
However once the mantle temperature drops below 650 degrees Celsius minerals carry these
water components down into the upper mantle
Meanwhile on the surface deprived of the components of water sea levels gradually decrease this
is known as the leaking earth phenomena which is inevitable on a cooling planet
This leaking effect moved three percent of all seawater into the deeper mantle
Sea level dropped by 600 meters as a result surface land areas grew as did continental shelf
areas receiving sunlight a habitat for future life on earth was being created
Rivers carried nutrients from the inlands down to the continental shelves and the additional
landmass significantly accelerated the build-up of oxygen in the atmosphere
These processes set the stage for an explosive evolution of life-forms
Extreme climate changes continued putting life on a path to new evolutional stages for survival
Evolved with prokaryotes and eukaryotes living together as ever larger symbiotic organisms
compensating for each other's shortcomings and thriving as a whole
This greatly expanded the possibilities for forms of life
Life forms grew to 1 million times the size of eukaryotes and 1 trillion times
The size of prokaryotes the appearance of multicellular life was a critical leap for evolution
Another glaciation period came and life suffered a mass extinction with time
This glaciation also passed and the global climate gradually warmed
Phosphorus and other materials essential for life circulated through the climate system and
accumulated in the oceans
The animals of the Ediacaran period appeared at this time
dickinson are iconic among the Ediacaran fauna

Some grew to over 1 metre in length they were soft bodied creatures with no shell or skeleton
They probably lived in warm shallow marine environments around the Rodinia supercontinent
The supply of nutrients from the land was ever-increasing as was atmospheric oxygen
The amount of ferrous iron in the oceans increased the ferrous iron oxidized once again creating
large bands of iron phosphorus and calcium levels in the ocean increased life evolved to use
These elements becoming animals with bones and shells
For example the calcium helped protect microdiktyon from other animals their bodies used calcium
to form a covering of hard scales
Life evolves to survive making use of the elements in its environment and the Earth's environment
alters the shapes of life
The earth entered another period of climactic instability the earth alternated between periods of
extreme heat and extreme cold for tens of millions of years
These severe changes killed off the Ediacaran fauna
Nevertheless new species were about to appear
Radiation from inside the earth plays a significant role in the evolution of life
A continental rift is a place where a continent breaks open to expose erupting magma and
radioactive elements radiation hastens the creation of new species and new branches in the Tree
of Life
This is stem evolution creating new species at continental rifts
Life evolved separately on each small continent when small continents recombined their life forms
crossbred different crossbreeding
These created new forms of life variation
Thrived this is crown evolution continental collisions created more diverse surface environments
bays and gulfs on large continents were especially well supplied with nutrients from upstream
Making use of these nutrients Cambrian era life-forms diversified much more quickly
The Cambrian explosion created some 35 new phyla these phyla became the foundation for the
types of plans and animals we see today
There are three main ways that life evolved mass extinctions that eradicated many species stem
evolution that hastened genetic mutations when continents broke apart and crown evolution that
hastened bio diversification
When continents collided so the evolution of life is inextricably linked to environmental changes
due to universal factors and continents assembling together and breaking apart
The ocean was more than five times as saline as it is today
600 million years ago the ocean gradually became less salty salt from seawater was relocated to
the land in the form of rock salt decreasing sea levels made this possible through more exposed
land even if seawater rose again high enough to reclaim the rock salt
Most of it had become inaccessible encased in sediments
The decrease in seawater salinity made the ocean more hospitable to diverse life-forms
Estuaries and open seas welcomed new life with increasing atmospheric oxygen levels an ozone
layer formed in the Earth's upper atmosphere
The ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun the land was becoming a more
habitable environment
Algae was the first life-form to transition out of the water onto the challenging land environment
This is why algae evolved before animals did
When insects appeared they Co evolved together with plants
Appearing during the Cambrian explosion fish were the first of the vertebrates
Animals with backbones fish are the oldest vertebrate ancestors of us humans as fish continued
to evolve
Ichthyostega appeared,m the ancestor of amphibians
Plants flourished producing free oxygen through photosynthesis providing the atmosphere with
1.5 times as much oxygen as it has today
Long after the remains of these plants would become sedimentary coal
That coal would help fuel the remarkable breakthroughs for human civilization that started with
the Industrial Revolution
Next vertebrates equipped with lungs appeared and made their way onto land
The tree of life evolved branching from fish to amphibians to reptiles and then dinosaurs and
mammals and eventually to humans
All that just yet the solar system collided with the Dark Nebula as the solar system passed through
the nebula
The earth was bombarded with cosmic rays
The earth entered yet another frozen age
Plants were affected first dramatically reducing the oxygen they supplied to the atmosphere
The surface environment reverted to an anaerobic state like during the Archean period
The lack of oxygen killed off most species of amphibians, reptiles and insects
Life managed to continue evolving but faced another big challenge
Untouched by the evolutionary changes on the Earth's surface, anaerobic microorganisms had
been thriving in oxygen-poor underground environments
The new oxygen-poor surface environment allowed them to re-emerge on land and in oceans
Their native habitat expanded across the globe as oxygen levels rose again
These microorganisms evolved to adapt to the new environmental conditions setting the stage for
another phase of evolution
The emergence of new creatures that would evolve into humans was close at hand
On the supercontinent Pangea, mammals and reptiles appeared and started evolving under a
warm climate
While reptiles diversified into many varieties, mammals remained nocturnal rat sized animals
The mammals were in the shadows with the appearance of dinosaurs
Reptiles entered for Golden Age
Dinosaurs prevailed against many other animal species and won the struggle for survival
High-radiation magma is produced when a continent is split apart and this is where stem evolution
occurs due to induced mutation
Dinosaurs were at the pinnacle of their ecosystems
The pieces of northern Pangaea that had split later rejoined this caused crown evolution
Amalgamation of continents brings the hybridization of life and new species
Spread out to other continents, dinosaurs flourished all over the world
In the plant world angiosperms with advanced reproductive capacities appeared
Angiosperms utilize animals to help with pollination and thus flourished on the other hand the
habitat of gymnosperms was reduced
Primates the ancestors of humans appeared at the rift of the Gondwana super continent via stem
New species appeared among the rodents such as rats
With time Gondwana split into South America and Africa
After South America was isolated the primates. There evolved into the new world monkeys
On the African continent the primates evolved into the old-world monkeys
After the Indian subcontinent split off from Antarctica. Primates on this continent evolved into the
lorises. Primates evolved independently on each continent and in this way many species of
primate appeared
A large-scale Pacific super-plume pushed the Pacific plate up and raised the sea level lowlands
fell below sea level and the total land area decreased rising sea-levels segmented the continent
providing isolated environments for individualized morphological evolution
A universe scale event had changed Earth's surface environment the solar system collided with
a Dark Nebula
The earth was entirely covered by clouds.
Global cooling progressed catastrophic damaging ecosystems
Finally a meteorite ten kilometers across fell on the Yucatan Peninsula. This event was the final
trigger to cause the mass extinction of dinosaurs
The fate of the Earth's life is deeply connected to the events in the universe
Universe scale events can cause global cooling and mass extinctions. Moreover galactic cosmic
rays directly affect the DNA that carries the blueprints of life
Cosmic rays cause mutations which promote evolution
All aspects of life on the earth are thus influenced by universe scale events
Finally the dinosaurs that had flourished went extinct along the African Rift Valley
Explosive volcanic activity continued and peculiar magma containing abundant radioactive
elements erupted
Old world monkeys a new clade of primates appeared there they're thought to be our remote
About 4.5 billion years have passed since the birth of the earth large fluctuations in terrestrial
environments have occurred repeatedly a never-ending cycle of life and death
Finally human beings appeared. This was the onset of the humans. Humans have a unique set
of genetic regions called human accelerated regions, and these regions differentiate humans from
other animals Humans developed enlarged brains that enable them to gain language capabilities.
They also gained the abilities to think to be conscious to remember and to imagine. The brain
volume of human beings has discontinuously increased in three stages. The growth of brain
volume seems to be synchronized with large-scale volcanic eruptions. This indicates that the
increase in brain volume is caused by stem evolution driven by magma.
About 1 million two hundred thousand years ago humans started moving out of the African
continent the last common female ancestor who left the African continent 200,000 years ago is
called mitochondrial Eve descendants of mitochondrial Eve entered North America and Central
America fifteen thousand years ago
Ten thousand years ago further descendents reached the southern tip of South America they had
spread all over the world. since then an epical advance of human civilization has taken place
humans invented agriculture and livestock production with these methods
a stable food supply became possible
human populations increased rapidly
various occupational specializations arose
people began to barter and trade
to enable effective bartering, cities formed with time small cities developed into small city states
with currencies, economies laws courts and police
finally the four great civilizations of the world appeared along large rivers where food productivity
is higher than in other regions
conflicts in fighting over territory occurred between civilizations to avoid fighting religions spread
to replace governance by royal families entrenched through inheritance with time
national leaders came to be elected by voters
modern democratic nations appeared
democracy is a social form that grants freedom equality and basic human rights the Industrial
Revolution began in Great Britain after the Principia by Isaac Newton was published
new technologies established or applied based on scientific knowledge dramatically changed
human society
the invention of the steam locomotive enabled transportation of goods by railway
the invention of cars and airplanes enabled us to travel long distances easily
human society entered the age of never-before-seen abundance
however war occurred incessantly. sometimes irreversible tragedy was caused by the
misapplication of scientific knowledge
the information revolution arose following the invention of computers
it enabled human beings to explore the universe as was symbolized by the Apollo program and
the invention of the internet led to a new era in which people across the world can connect with
each other in an instant
out of contrition over past Wars the birth of a unified world nation is coming to be realized in 1993
the EU was formed as a unified state in Europe where Wars had recurred most frequently in other
areas similar Federation's have been emerging bringing us closer to the birth of a unified world
within the scope of Earth's history the human azoic era is very short however it is humans entire
history unfolding within the context of the Earth's history
biologically human beings are just one species of animal
however we are essentially different from other animals because of our evolved brains
what else lies ahead for human beings
human activities have been dependent on fossil fuel fossil fuel was produced and accumulated
through Earth's history
over billions of years we are now using up these fuels
at a furious pace the amount of fossil fuel remaining is expected to decrease sharply after 2020
it was once assumed that fossil fuel would one out by 2100 however due to the shale gas
revolution this depletion will be delayed 100 years progress in medical technology and the intake
of nutritious meals has caused explosive population growth as a result serious food shortages will
occur around 2020
these will mark the beginning of the era of 3 billion refugee
however the world's population is expected to decrease to 5 billion by 2100 after peaking at 10
billion in 2050 until 2050 the increasing population will continue to cause serious environmental
numerous global challenges will amplify the anxiety within human societies what does the future
of human beings hold in the field of science innovative technologies will be developed at an
accelerated pace
humans will build a space base on the moon to prepare for exploration of our solar systems
artificially intelligent robots will be involved in space exploration assisting humans in their tasks in
the near future
self-replicating robots will appear and will evolve beyond humans limits. these artificial life-forms
will gradually travel out into the galaxy
Moreover new technology enabling us to go into different dimensions will be developed
humans must become able to recognize the world beyond space and time eventually the role of
human beings will be finished
that will be the end of the human. this scenario may be the inevitable result of the strategy of life's
evolution because in the future the earth will face more upheavals than ever before in its history
centering on Asia
all continents will gather to form the supercontinent Amasia
plants consume atmospheric co2 to fix carbon in their bodies dead plants made of fixed carbon
are covered by sediment
this process plays a role in reducing atmospheric co2
the appearance of the supercontinent Amasia will lead to an increase in the land area that can fix
more plants on a larger supercontinent reduce more atmospheric co2 the amount of co2 will
decrease to one tenth of the present level
the c4 plants requiring higher concentrations of co2 will go extinct as. a result other animals that
rely on the c4 plants for food will be affected
seawater has been decreasing for the past six hundred million years as it has been transported
into the mantle in the form of hydras minerals
finally mid-oceanic ridges form summits above the seawater water cannot be taken into the crust
as a lubricant anymore and plate tectonics is terminated
this is the fate of a cooling planet
volcanic activity along these subduction zone stops upheaval of the mountains, stops the earth
suffers severe environmental changes due to erosion
subducted cold plates do not go down to the bottom of the mantle
the outer core is not cooled down anymore and the geomagnetic field disappears
Earth's atmosphere is removed by the solar wind. at this point in time large multicellular animals
living in the surface environment go extinct
when the ocean disappears, animals that survived in the ocean will also die, finally all the Earth's
life disappears
the heating up of the solar surface increases the Earth's surface temperature to 500 degrees
Celsius. the
earth becomes a Venus like planet
the andromeda galaxy collides with our Milky Way galaxy because of this collision. the birth rate
of stars increases with time those stars undergo supernova explosions intense galactic cosmic
rays rain on the earth
the expanding Sun will swallow the earth. this is the day when the planet Earth that gave birth to
life will disappear from the universe. by that time the Earth's life will have reached other galaxies
as self-replicating artificial life in a different form.

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