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Arch Gynecol Obstet (2009) 280:907–910

DOI 10.1007/s00404-009-1013-4


Obstetric morbidity and the diagnostic dilemma in pregnancy

in rudimentary horn: retrospective analysis
Seema Chopra · Anish Keepanasseril ·
Meenakshi Rohilla · Rashmi Bagga ·
Jaswinder Kalra · Vanita Jain

Received: 14 December 2008 / Accepted: 12 February 2009 / Published online: 13 March 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract morbidity, as they may present with acute uterine rupture in

Background Pregnancy in rudimentary horn of uterus, a pregnancy.
form of ectopic gestation, is associated with signiWcant
rates of morbidity and mortality. Despite the recent Keywords Rudimentary horn pregnancy ·
advances in the ultrasonography, diagnosis of cornual preg- Mullerian anomaly · Ectopic pregnancy
nancy still remains elusive; with conWrmatory diagnosis
usually made during laparotomy. The aim of the present
study is to analyze the obstetric implications and the diag- Introduction
nostic dilemma of rudimentary horn pregnancy.
Materials and methods Records of women diagnosed Anatomical aberrations of the female genital tract result
with ectopic pregnancy in the rudimentary horn, during the from abnormal fusion of the mullerian ducts and failure of
years 2004 to 2008, managed in a referral hospital in north- absorption of the female genital tract. The prevalence of
ern India; were reviewed for their diagnostic diYculties and congenital uterine anomalies among fertile women is
the associated morbidity. reported as 1:200 to 1:600, whereas that of unicornuate
Results During the four year study period, rudimentary uterus with rudimentary horn is even rare (1 in 100,000)
horn pregnancies accounted for 12 pregnancies. Non com- [1]. Many women remain asymptomatic where as some of
municating horn accounted for 75% of the cases. The mean them are diagnosed by the presence of infertility or obstetri-
age of women at presentation was 26 § 5.11 years and the cal complications such as recurrent pregnancy loss, malpre-
period of gestation at diagnosis varied between 10 and sentation, and premature labor [2–4].
34 weeks. Preruputure diagnosis was possible only in two Unicornuate uterus is caused by the non development of
cases and sensitivity of ultrasonographic diagnosis was the mullerian duct; usually associated with various degrees
33.3%. Laprotomy with excision of rudimentary horn and of rudimentary horn which may be communicating or non-
salpingectomy was done in all cases. Multiple blood trans- communicating with the cavity of the uterus. Pregnancy in
fusions were required in 83.3% of women. the rudimentary horn is rare and represents a form of
Conclusion Management of pregnancy in a rudimentary ectopic gestation, with a reported incidence of one in
uterine horn continues to be a challenge to this day. Main- 100,000 to one in 140,000 pregnancies [5]. Due to variable
taining a higher degree of alertness, especially in high risk muscular constitution of the rudimentary horn; pregnancy
groups by emergency staV is required to prevent the can be accommodated up to varying gestation in diVerent
women. It often presents as rupture of the uterine wall in
the second trimester, manifesting as acute abdominal pain
S. Chopra (&) · A. Keepanasseril · M. Rohilla · R. Bagga · with intraperitoneal hemorrhage, with high risk of maternal
J. Kalra · V. Jain morbidity and mortality. Despite the recent advances in the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
ultrasound, diagnosis of cornual pregnancy remains elusive
(PGIMER), Sector-12, Chandigarh 160012, India with conWrmatory diagnosis usually made during laprot-
e-mail: omy. The aim of the present study is to analyze the obstetric

908 Arch Gynecol Obstet (2009) 280:907–910

implications and review the diagnostic dilemma of rudi-

Non communicating rudimentary horn, right (2,000 ml)

Non communicating rudimentary horn, right (1,000 ml)

Non communicating rudimentary horn, right (2,500 ml)

Non communicating rudimentary horn, left (1,500 ml)

Non communicating rudimentary horn, left (1,200 ml)

Non communicating rudimentary horn, left (1,700 ml)
mentary horn pregnancy.

Non communicating rudimentary horn, left (800 ml)

Non communicating rudimentary horn, left (600 ml)
Communicating rudimentary horn, right (1,000 ml)

Communicating rudimentary horn, right (200 ml)

Non communicating rudimentary horn, left (0)
Communicating rudimentary horn, left (0)
Materials and methods

Intraoperative diagnosis [blood loss (ml)]

Records of women diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy, who
were managed under the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Nehru Hospital attached to Postgraduate Insti-
tute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh were
reviewed from year 2004 to 2008. All women diagnosed to
have pregnancy in the rudimentary horn, either preopera-
tive using ultrasonography (transabdominal and transvagi-
nal) or during laprotomy were included in the study. Their
data was analyzed with regards to the gestational age at pre-
sentation, presenting feature, the diagnostic method and
management. Since this was a retrospective study analyzing

Unruptured ectopic pregnancy

Rudimentary horn pregnancy
Rudimentary horn pregnancy

Rudimentary horn pregnancy

Rudimentary horn pregnancy

the records, clearance from ethical committee was not

Rupture ectopic pregnancy

Rupture ectopic pregnancy

Rupture ectopic pregnancy

Rupture ectopic pregnancy

obtained; however this was approved by the departmental

Preoperative diagnosis
screening committee.

Placenta previa
Rupture uterus
Rupture uterus

There were 224 ectopic pregnancies managed in our hos-

pital during the 4-year study period and rudimentary horn Pain abdomen, hypotension, bleeding per vaginum
pregnancies accounted for 12 pregnancies. The mean age Failed MTP, pain abdomen, bleeding per vaginum
of these women at presentation was 26 § 5.11 years.

Rupture uterus with intrauterine fetal death

Period of gestation at diagnosis varied between 10 and

20 Infertility, pain abdomen, hypotension

Pain abdomen, hypotension, pelvic mass

34 weeks, with majority of them presenting in the late

Pain abdomen, bleeding per vaginum

Wrst trimester or early second trimester (mean-20.25 §
8.6 weeks). Majority of the women (83.3%) presented to Pain abdomen, syncopal attack
Table 1 Characteristics of the women with pregnancy in rudimentary horn

the emergency with acute abdomen and were found to be

Pain abdomen, hypotension
Pain abdomen, hypotension

Pain abdomen, hypotension

Pain abdomen, pelvic mass

in hypotension. Medical termination of pregnancy was

attempted in two women with Mifepristone and Miso-
Presenting feature

prostol prior to admission in our hospital; who were later

diagnosed to have rudimentary horn pregnancy when
Failed MTP

investigated for the method failure. Characteristics of

these women who had rudimentary horn pregnancies are
shown in Table 1.
On admission, hemoperitoneum was present in 83.3%
diagnosis (weeks)

women, with one woman developing disseminated intra-

vascular coagulation. Vaginal examination revealed an
gestation at

adnexal mass in 16.7% of women. Initial ultrasonographic

Period of

examination revealed ectopic pregnancy in 50%, rupture

uterus in 16.6% and the remaining 41.7% were found to

have an intrauterine pregnancy with intrauterine fetal death.

Six women had a repeat ultrasonography and four of them

G 2 P 1 L0

G 4 P 3 L3

G 2 P 1 L1

G 2 P 1 L1

G 2 P 1 L1
G 3 P2 L 2

G4 A3

G3 A2

were diagnosed to have rudimentary horn pregnancy. In





one case the rudimentary horn was mistakenly diagnosed as

placenta previa with intrauterine fetal demise. Prerupture

diagnosis of the rudimentary horn was made only in 16.7%



(2/12) of the cases.

Arch Gynecol Obstet (2009) 280:907–910 909

Laprotomy and excision of the horn was done in all 88% [13], and 90% of deaths occurred within the Wrst
cases; with 75% found to have a non-communicating horn. 10–15 min of the onset of symptoms [14]. The most recent
Rudimentary horn was found on the left side in 58.3% of estimates of maternal mortality are less than 0.5%, despite
the cases. Rupture of the rudimentary horn was present in rupture rates of 50% [15]. In our study there were no mater-
majority (83.3%) of the women. In ten women salpingec- nal deaths despite the rupture of the rudimentary horn
tomy was done on the side of the rudimentary horn, and, occurring in 83.3% of the cases because of timely diagnosis
bilateral salpingectomy was done in two women who had and management.
completed their families. Mean hemoglobin level at the Pre-gestational diagnosis of rudimentary horn requires
time of admission was 6.80 § 1.72 gm/dl and majority of hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy,
them required multiple blood transfusions (mean 2.82 § 1.17 whereas prenatal diagnosis is attempted with ultrasonogra-
units per patient). phy especially transvaginal [16]. If a woman with a preges-
tational suspicion of rudimentary horn becomes pregnant
and pregnancy in the rudimentary horn is suspected, then
Discussion close monitoring is warranted due to the risks of rupture
and its complications [17]. Pre-gestational diagnosis was
Pregnancy in the rudimentary horn is always an emergency, not made in our patients; so they presented as emergencies
as rupture of the pregnant rudimentary horn can occur, as it during the index pregnancies in our series.
does mostly between 10 and 15 gestational weeks [6]. Early diagnosis of a rudimentary horn pregnancy is diY-
Although there are sporadic case reports of producing a live cult, particularly because women often have a history of
infant, the prognosis of pregnancy in the rudimentary horn previous normal pregnancies. Abdominal pain and collapse
is often poor for the patient [4, 7]. Rupture of the pregnant with hemoperitoneum can occur suddenly [15]. Pelvic
rudimentary horn causes heavy bleeding and threatens examination may suggest an adnexal mass, causing devia-
patient’s life. This study highlights the dilemma in early tion of the uterus and cervix to one side [18, 19]. Ultra-
diagnosis of these cases as preoperative diagnosis was pos- sound examination may reveal bicornuate uterus. An extra
sible only in four cases and majority of the women pre- uterine pregnancy with well deWned placenta diVerentiates
sented to emergency in shock requiring blood transfusions. an abdominal pregnancy from rudimentary horn pregnancy.
Rudimentary horn results from arrest in development of Thin endometrial lining which is not seen in continuity with
one of the mullerian ducts and incomplete fusion with con- the internal os, visualization of the sac separately form the
tralateral side. Pregnancy in the rudimentary horn is uterus and the greater distance from the horns may help to
extremely rare. Because the horn is noncommunicating in identify the rudimentary horn pregnancy [15]. It may be
approximately 80% of cases, fertilization is thought to take diYcult to diVerentiate placenta form pregnancy in the low
place by transperitoneal migration of gametes or in the anterior rudimentary horn by ultrasonography; as in one of
pouch of douglas [5, 7]. In a large prospective study involv- the cases in the present series [6]. Pre-operative diagnosis
ing unicornuate uteri, the unicornuate uterus with non-com- of the rudimentary horn was made in only six women by
municating horn was the most common type, with ultrasonography after an earlier diagnosis of intrauterine
prevalence of 83% [8]; which was also common in the pres- pregnancy in the present study. Magnetic resonancy
ent series with a prevalence of 75%. The mean age at pre- imaging can aid in the localization of the pregnancy in a
sentation in our study was 26 § 5.11 years which was rudimentary horn if ultrasonography is unable to conWrm
similar to the previous reported literature with majority of that the pregnancy is intrauterine [15]. Laparotomy will
the patients presented in the third decade with obstetric conWrm as well as cure this condition in case of a rupture.
complications. Conservative management during pregnancy is also
There is an increased risk of miscarriage, ectopic preg- reported in the literature in selected cases; in these cases
nancy, preterm labor, intrauterine growth retardation and access to immediate operative intervention is vital. Exci-
malpresentation [1, 8–10]. Failed termination of pregnancy sion of the rudimentary horn and ipsilateral salpingectomy,
and uterine evacuations have been reported [7, 11, 12]. In preferably conserving the ovary, is the surgical procedure
the present series, there were two women who had failed recommended for patients desiring to preserve the fertility
termination of pregnancy by medical method and were sub- potential; though hysterectomy may be necessary in life
sequently found to have rudimentary horn pregnancy. threatening hemorrhage. Laparoscopy can be used in
Most important danger of rudimentary horn pregnancy is unruptured cases [6, 20].
the risk of rupture because of poorly developed muscula- In conclusion, management of the rudimentary uterine
ture. Rupture occurs in 80–90% at mid trimester, and only horn continues to be a challenge to this day. Many women
10% reach term, with a fetal salvage rate of 2% [7]. Mater- having non communicating horns with endometrial activity
nal mortality in the 19th century was reported to be around may present with acute uterine rupture in pregnancy. Early

910 Arch Gynecol Obstet (2009) 280:907–910

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