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Prof. Yves Charles Zarka


Current Positions
- Professor at Paris Descartes (Sorbonne) University, Chair of political philosophy
- Director of PHILéPOL (Center of Philosophy, epistemology and Politics) of University Paris
Descartes, Faculty SHS, Sorbonne.
- Currently leader of a program of ANR-Université Paris Descartes-ISTERA-CREIDD (2011-2015:
DEMOENV “Democracy faced with environmental issues”
- Currently leader of a program of IDEX of Sorbonne Paris Cité : "Democracy and the mutations of
the public space in Europe".
- Currently Director of a program on “Territories, population and citizenship in Europe” (2008
onwards) at the Université Paris Descartes, in collaboration with

Previous positions :
- Researcher (CR2) at CNRS (1988-1995)
- Research Director at CNRS (1995-2004)
- Former Director of the Thomas Hobbes Center, CNRS (1990-2002)
- Former Director of the Center for the History of Modern Philosophy, CNRS (1996-2004)
- Former leader of the research program of ANR-Université de Paris Descartes (2006-2010)
LEGICONTEST = “Competition between legitimacies, types of
contestation and State reform”

Titles and degrees

- CAPES in Philosophy
- Agrégation in Philosophy (4 admis.)
- Doctorate in Philosophy
- Qualified to direct research
- Qualified as university professor
- Prizewinner of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
- Bronze medal of the CNRS
- Recipient of the ‘prime d'excellence scientifique'

- 1975-1988: Secondary-school Philosophy teacher for 14 years at lycées in Angoulême, Fontenay
le Comte, Sceaux (Lakanal), et Savigny sur Orge.
- 1988: Passed the concours to become Chargé de recherche (CR2) at CNRS
- 1995: Passed the concours to become Research Director (DR2) at CNRS
- At CNED (Center for Distance Learning): in charge of teaching for both Internal and External
CAPES and Agrégation in Philosophy (1997- 2003).
- 2005: Elected to the Chair of Political Phlosophy at the Université Paris Descartes.

Editorial responsibilities
- Director of the journal Cités, PUF, published since January 2000 (60 issues published).
- Director of the collection « Fondements de la politique » at Presses Universitaires de France (60
volumes published).
-Director of the collection « Intervention philosophique », PUF, (45 volumes published).
- Director of the collection « Débats philosophiques », PUF, (65 volumes published).
- Director of the collection « Grands Entretiens », PUF, (1 volume published).

- Director of the collection « Emergences », Armand Colin (7 volumes published)

- Director of the collection « Philosophie et société », Mimesis (5 volumes Forthcoming 2015)
- Director of the Edition of the OEuvres de Hobbes, Vrin (8 volumes published)
- Member of the editorial committee of the journal Archives de Philosophie.
- Member of the advisory committee of the journal Droits (PUF)
- Member of the advisory committee of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy,
Routledge, London.
- Member of the advisory committee of the journal Science et Esprit, éditions Bellarmin, Ottawa.
- Member of the advisory committee of the journal Derechos y Libertades, Dykinson, Madrid.

Other responsibilities (CNU, CNRS, Commissions, etc.)

- Appointed member of the Conseil National des Universités 17 ème section (1994-95, collège B,
- Member of the group of experts in Philosophy for the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
— Co-president of the commission tasked with consulting and reporting on philosophical research
in France (1995-1996).
- Former appointed member of the "Comité national de la recherche scientifique" 35ème section
(1995-1999, collège A, research directors).
- Elected member of the Conseil national des Universités 17 ème section (2000-2003, collège A,
university professors)
- Member of the Commission of specialists in Philosophy, Université de Poitiers (2003-2008).
- Member of a Selection Committee for a position in the 17ème-19ème section at the Université
Paris Descartes, in 2010, 2012, 2013.

International recognition
As Invited Professor: Laval University, Canada, (2001, 2004, 2009) ; Johns Hopkins University in
Baltimore (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006); New York University (2010,
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) ; Palermo University (2012, 2013) ; DePaul University in Chicago (2012) ;
Urbino and Macerate Universities (2013) ; Pisa - Scuola normale
superiore (2014) ; Shanghai Jiao-Tong University and Renmin University of China in Beijing
(2013, 2014), Renmin University, Beijing, 2014.
Invited presentations :
Lectures at Rutgers University, NJ, USA, October 2001 ; Invited Professor, Laval University,
Quebec, Canada, (Autumn semester 2001) ; Classes at the Istituto
Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples, April 2002 ; Classes at Carlos III University, Madrid,
May 2003 ; Invited professor, Quebec, Autumn semester 2004
(intensive semester) ; Classes at the Istituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples (April
2005) ; Invited Professor at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore),
October 2003, October 2004, October 2005 and October 2006 ; Lecture course at Jerusalem Hebrew
University, April 2007 ; Lecture course at the Istituto di Studi sul
Rinascimento, Florence, May 2007 ; Lecture course at Jerusalem Hebrew University, November
2007 ; Seminar at the Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, Naples,
May 2008 ; Lecture course at the Istituto di Studi sul Rinascimento, Florence, June 2009 ; Invited
Professor at Laval University, Quebec, Autumn semester 2009 ;
Lectures and seminars at the University of Dublin , April 2010 ; Seminar at the Istituto italiano per
gli studi filosofici, Naples, October 2010 ; Invited professor at
New York University in November 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 ; Invited professor at Palermo
University, May 2012, 2013 ; Invited professor at DePaul University
(Chicago), October 2012 ; Invited professor at Urbino and Macerate Universities, May 2013 ;
Invited professor at Pisa - Scuola normale superiore, February 2014 ;

Invited professor at Shanghai Jiao-Tong University and Renmin University of China (Beijing),
April 2014.
And also: Boston, Chicago, New Brunswick (Rutgers University), New School (New York),
Cambridge (King's College), Oxford (All Soul's, Londres, Dublin,
Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rome, Turin, Naples, Milan, Padoue, Pise, Florence, Barcelone, Madrid,
Valencia, Berlin, Montréal (U.deM. et UQAM), Québec (U. Laval), Tel
Aviv, Jérusalem, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Kaslik (Liban), Tunis, Bruxelles, Liège, San José
(Costa Rica), Bruxelles, Louvain La Neuve, etc.

Major contributions to the early careers of excellent researchers

I have trained 21 doctoral students (completed and 10 ongoing) and 3 postdoctoral fellows most of
which have gone on become professors at top research universities
around the world.
° - Cristina Ion, PhD on Machiavelli under my direction, currently Chief Librarian at the
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
° - Wladimir Barreto-Lisboa, PhD on Hobbes under my direction, currently Professor at the
University of Porto Alegre
° - Luis Mora-Rodriguez, PhD under my direction on the Conquest, currently Professor at the
University of Costa Rica
° - Sara Miglietti, PhD on Jean Bodin under my direction, currently Assistant Professor at Johns
Hopkins University (Baltimore)
° - Guillaume Cazeaux, PhD under my direction on internet and opinion-forming. Also author of a
book on Montaigne.
° - Avishag Zafrani, PhD under my direction, currently temporary lecturer at Paris Descartes
All these former PhD students have had their PhD theses published in one of my collections.

Major collaborations
° - 1993-2003: co-leader of research group on the reason of State - “International Program on the
reason of State in the modern era” in collaboration with Turin University (‘History of political
doctrines', Enzo Baldini); Federico II University, Naples (Gianfranco Borelli); University of Padua
(Alberto Andreatta), Aldo Moro
University, Bari (Sylvio Suppa); Trento University (Diego Quaglioni) with the Centre for the
History of Modern Philosophy (Yves Charles Zarka).
° - 1998-2002: co-leader of “Program on toleration in the modern era” in collaboration with Keele
University (UK, John Rogers). Sessions took place at All Souls'
College, Oxford.
° - 2013-2016: leader of IDEX program “Democracy and mutations in the public space in Europe”
at Sorbonne Paris Cités, in collaboration with the Frankfurt School
(Jürgen Habermas, Axel Honneth).
° - 2012: “Nature and Culture: at the foundations of human and social sciences” program, around
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in collaboration with New York University
(Anne Deney-Tunney).
° - 2014: collaboration with the University of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem University and Jerusalem Van
Leer Institute (Israel) around “Philosophy in France today”.
° - 2013-1015 : collaboration with La Sapienza University (Stefano Petrucciani and Francesco
Saverio Trincia) concerning the relation between philosophy and Politics.

Representative publications (books)


° - Zarka Yves Charles, La Décision métaphysique de Hobbes. Conditions de la politique, Vrin,

1987, 2e édition augmentée d'une nouvelle préface en 1999.
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Hobbes et la pensée politique moderne, PUF, 1995, 2000
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Philosophie et politique à l'âge classique, PUF, 1998
° - Zarka Yves Charles, La questione del fondamento nelle dottrine moderne del diritto naturale,
Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2000
° - Zarka Yves Charles, L'Autre Voie de la subjectivité, Beauchesne, 2000
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Skinner Quentin, The Amsterdam Debate on Thomas Hobbes, Olms, 2001
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Figure du pouvoir, PUF, 2001
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Difficile tolérance, PUF, "Intervention philosophique", 2004
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Un détail nazi dans la pensée de Carl Schmitt, PUF, "Intervention
philosophique", 2005
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Réflexions intempestives de philosophie et de politique, PUF, "Intervention
philosophique", 2006
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Critique des nouvelles servitudes, PUF, 2007
° - Zarka Yves Charles, La destitution des intellectuels, PUF,? 2010,
° - Zarka Yves Charles, L'inapropriabilité de la Terre : Principe d'une refondation philosophique,
Armand Colin,? 2013
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Refonder le cosmopolitisme, Paris, PUF, 2014.
° - Zarka Yves Charles, Métamorphoses du monstre politique, Paris, PUF, Forthcoming in 2015

Representative translation of books

- Zarka Yves Charles, La Décision métaphysique de Hobbes. Conditions de la politique, Spanish
translation being published by Escolar y Mayo, Madrid
- Zarka Yves Charles, Hobbes and Modern Political Thought, Edinburgh University Press,
Forthcoming in 2015 (English) ; Hobbes y el pensamiento político
moderno, Barcelone, Herder, 1997 (Spanish) ; Hobbes i el pensament polític modern, Barcelone,
Quaderns d'Estudis i Treballs, 2000 (Catalan) ; Hobbes e il pensiero
politico moderno, Bari, Palomar, 2001 (Italian) ; Hobbes si gândirea politica moderna, Galaxia
Gutenberg, 2005 (Romanian).
- Zarka Yves Charles, Filosofía y politica en la época moderna, Escolar y Mayo, Madrid, 2008
- Zarka Yves Charles, La questione del fondamento nelle dottrine moderne del diritto naturale,
Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2000 (Italian)
- Zarka Yves Charles, L'Altra via della soggettività, Guerini, 2002 (Italian) ; L'altra via de la
subjectivitat, Barcelone, Barcelonesa d'edicions, 2003 (Catalan) ; La otra
vía de la subjetividad, Madrid, Dykinson, 2006 (Spanish) ; a translation is in progress in Polish, by
Kronos editor.
- Zarka Yves Charles, Skinner Quentin, The Amsterdam Debate on Thomas Hobbes, Olms, 2001
- Zarka Yves Charles, How far should go toleration, Mimesis, Forthcoming in 2015 (English) ;
Difícil tolerancia, Madrid, Escolar y Mayo, 2008 (Spanish) ; Difícil
Tolerância :a coexistência de culturas em regimes democráticos, São Leopoldo, Editora
UNISINOS, 2013 (Portuguese).
- Zarka Yves Charles, Figuras de poder. Estudios de filosofía política de Maquiavelo a Foucault,
Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2004 (Spanish) ; Chinese translation by
Fujian Education Presse (2014) ; Turkish translation in progress by Elipskitap
- Zarka Yves Charles, Un dettagglio nazi nel pensiero di Carl Schmitt, Genova, Il Melangolo, 2005
(Italian) ; Un detalle nazi en el pensamiento de Carl Schmitt,
Anthropos, Barcelona, 2007 (Spanish) ; Hebrew translation, Jérusalem, éd. Shalem Press, 2009.
- Zarka Yves Charles, Critica delle nuove schiavitù, Pensa Multimedia, 2009 (Italian)

- Zarka Yves Charles, Habermas Jürgen, Refaire l'Europe, English translation in progress, Turkish
translation, Pinhan editor and Tekin editor, Istanbul, 2013
Representative translation of papers
- Zarka Yves Charles, « The Mutation of the Right of Resistance in Grotius and Hobbes », in
Grotiana (New series), vol. 20/21, (1999/2000), p. 35-48.
- Zarka Yves Charles, « Being and Action in the thought of Ralph Cudworth », Graduate Faculty
Philosophy Jounal, New School for Social Research, Volume 22, n 1,
New York.
- Zarka Yves Charles, « The Invention of the Subject of the Law », in British Journal for the History
of Philosophy en 1998, Volume 7, n° 2, juin 1999, p. 245-262.
-Zarka Yves Charles, « Liberty, Necessity and Chance : Hobbes's General Theory of Events, in
British Journal for the history of philosophie, vol. 9/3, 2001, p.
- Zarka Yves Charles, « The Ideology of Context : Uses and Abuses of Context in the
Historiography of Philosophy », Analytic philosophy and the History of
Philosophy Tom Sorell et John Rogers (ads) , Oxford University Press, 2005.
- Zarka Yves Charles, « The Political Subject », in Leviathan : After 350 years, edited by Tom
Sorell, Oxford University Press, 2004, p. 219-229.
- Zarka Yves Charles, « The Constitution of Historical Conscouiness », in British Journal for the
History of Philosophy, n°3, 2004, p. 413-428.
- Zarka Yves Charles, « Tolerance as a Juridico-Political Problem », in Raymond Boudon. A life in
Sociology, The Bardwell Press, Oxford, 2009.
- Zarka Yves Charles, "Levinas : Humanism and Heteronomy", in British Journal for the History of
Philosophy, volume 19, number 1, january 2011, p. 111-121.
- Zarka Yves Charles, « Politics and Fiction », in Philosophy Today, volume 57/3, Chicago, 2013,
p. 240-251.

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