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Level :
I. Vocabulary
English Indonesia Indonesia English
1. work hari ini
2. tall Selamat sore
3. thin Kamar mandi
4. get up membersihkan
5. eat Nasi goreng
6.drink Susu
7. breakfast Mobil
8. go Pagi
9. seven o’clock Malam
10. teacher Istirahat

II. Reading:
This is miss Dina. She is a teacher. She is tall and thin. She works at Rafin school. She
teaches English. She gets up at six o’clock in the morning. She takes a bath and puts on her
clothes. Then she eats breakfast at seven o’clock. Ms Dina starts working at half past two
until half past five. She goes home at seven o’clock.
1. Where does she work? _________________________________
2. What time does she eat breakfast? ________________________
3. What is Ms. Dina’s job? ________________________________
4. What time does she get up in the morning? _________________
5. What time does she go home? ___________________________

III. Translate into bahasa English

1. Ini adalah Miss Dina
2. Miss Dina adalah seorang guru
3. Hari ini adalah giliranku untuk menyampaikan pidatoku
4. Jam berapa kamu biasanya bangun dipagi hari?
5. Saya berdoa di pagi hari
6. Bagaimana kamu pergi kesekolah?
7. Saya makan nasi goring
8. Jam berapa kamu mengerjakan PR?
9. Jam berapa kamu tiba di sekolah?
10. Saya pulang kerumah dari sekolah jam 1 tepat
IV. Translate into bahasa Indonesia
1. I go to school by car
2. I get up at 6 o’clock
3. Ms. Dina works at Rafin School
4. I go to bathroom to take a bath
5. Before I go to school, I have breakfast.

V. Arrange this sentences into a good sentences

1. Time-you-what-do-you-get-up?
2. Breakfast- do-what-you-eat-for?
3. Arrive-usually-at-school-time-what-do-you?
4. Go-you-do-to-school-how?
5. Lunch-do-what-for-eat-you?

VI. Fill the blank

1. G _ t U _ :
2. R _ _ d :
3. E _ t :
4. M _ _ k :
5. T _ k _ :

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