Sei sulla pagina 1di 4


Pipe and cistern

1. A pipe Can fill a tanke in 10 hours. The other pipe ckn B dksca n dj fn; k t k; sft l l sVd
a v k/ s?ka
can fill a tank in 15 hours. How much time will they
t k; srksdksdqN feuV D; k gS \
take to fill that tank together.
9. Pipe A can fill a tank in 3 hours, pipe B can fill in 4
, d i kbi fdl h Va
S dks10 ?ka VsesaHkj l drk gSv kjS hours. and Pipe C can empty in 41 hour. All Three

nwl jkVS
d 15 ?ka
VsesaHkj l drkgS
Arksnksuksafeydj fdrus pipes are opened in order, at 3, 4 and 5 pm respec-
xs\ tively. The tank will be emptied at?

2. A pipe can fill a tank in 10 hours. The other pipe can A fdl h VS a
d dks3 ?kVasesaHkjrk gS
AB, 4 ?kV
asesaHkjrk gSA

empty a tank. Both are opened together. In how much C, 1?ka
Vsesa[ kkyhdjrk gSAA dks' kke 3 ct s] B dks' kke
4 ct srFkk C dks' kke 5 ct sopen fd; k x; kArksVS a

time will tank be filled?
, d i kbi fdl h Va d
S dks10 ?ka
VsesaHkj l drk gSv kjS fdrusct s[ kkyh gkst k; sxk\
nwl jk 15 ?ka Vsesa[ kkyhdj l drk gSrksVdS
a fdrus?ka
Vsesa 10. A pipe can fill a tank in 20 min and auother pipe can

Hkj t k; sxk\ fill in 30 min. After retrning, a man noticed that The

3. A pipe can fill a tank in 20 min. Another pipe can tank did not filled due to a leakage. If he repaired
empty that tank in 25 min. If both are opened That leakage than the tank was filled in 3 minutes. In
how much time will that leakage be emptied that tank?

atternatively then the tank will be filled in?
, d i kbi fdl h VdS
a dks20 min ea srFkk nwl jk Vd
a 30

, d i kbi fdl h Va d
S dks20 min esaHkj l drk gSv kjS
nwl jk 25 min esa[ kkyh dj l drk gS; fn ; salternate min easHkj l drkgSAt c v knehoki l v k; krksi rkpyk

pyk; st krsgS
\ rksVS
d fdruh nsj esaHkj t k; sxk\ fd Va
d hea
sNsn gkussdsdkj.kVd S
a ughaHkj i k; k v c Nsn

n fd; k x; k v kS
j Vd
a h 3 min esaHkj xbZ
ANsn Va dh
4. A pipe can fill a tank in 30 minutes. Another pipe
can empty that tank in 40 minutes. It both are opened dksfdrusfeuV esa[ kkyh dj nsxk\
alternatively. How larg will it take to fill the tank? 11. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 25 min and 45
min respectively. Pipe C can empty. The tank in 10
, d i kbi fdl h VSa
d dks30 feuV esaHkj l drk gSrFkk minutes. If pipe A and pipe B are kept open for 5
nwl jk i kbi 40 feuV esa[ kkyh djrk gSv xj budksa

minutes in The begining and then C is also opened.

alternate pyk; k t k; srksVS
d fdruh nsj esaHkj t k; sxk\ In what time will the tank be emptied?
4 ct

5. A pipe can fill a tank in 12 minutes. Another pipe can , d i kbi A fdl hVS d
a dks25 min esarFkknw l jki kbi B, 45
89 nta

empty a tank in 20 minutes. They are opened in alter- min esaHkjrk gSrFkk i kbi C, 10 min esa[ kkyhdj nsrk gS A
nate minutes, How long will it take to fill the tank? i gysnksuksai kbi ksadks5 min [ kksy usdsckn i kbi C dksHkh
09 o

, d i kbi fdl h Vad hdks12 feuV esaHkj l drk gSv kS j [ kksy fn; k t krk gSrksVS
d fdruhnsj esa[ kkyhgkst k; sxk\
09 s C

nwl jki kbi 20 feuV esa[ kkyhdj l drkgS A; salternate 12. A pipe can fill a tank in 10 hours. An outlet pipe
pyk; st krsgS ArksVSa
d fdruh nsj esaHkj t k; sxk\ drains the water at the rate of 50 l/hour. Then the

6. A pipe can fill a tank in 12 minutes. Another pipe can tank fills in 15 hours. Find the capcity of tank.
82 o

empty that tank in 30 minutes. If they are opened alterna- , d i kbi fdl h VS
d dks10 ?ka VsesaHkj l drk gS
A, d
91 N

tively. How much time will they take to fill that tanke? [ kkyhdjusokyki kbi yxkt ks50 yhVj i kuh@ ?ka

, d i kbi fdl h VSa

d esa12 feuV esaHkjrk gSrFkk nw
l jk djrkgS Arksv c Vd
a dksHkjusesa15 ?ka
30 feuV esa[ kkyh dj l drk gSv xj budksalternate dh capacity D; k gS
o: itt

pyk; k t k; srksVa
S fdruh nsj esaHkj t k; sxk\
N Wr

13. Two pipes can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 min-


7. Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 hours and 12 hours utes. respectively. An outlet pipe is draining the wa-

respectively pipe C can empty that tank in 15 hours. ter at the rate of 28l/minute. All three pipes fill that
ta nd

Of B is open all the time and A and C are open for one tank in 12 minutes. Find the capacity of tank.
m m

hour each alternately. Then the tank will be full in? , d i kbi fdl h VS a
d dks15 min esaHkj l drk gS Anw l jk
on a

co e

, d i kbi fdl h VS
d dks20 ?ka VsesaHkj l drk gSAi kbi
C rH

20 min es aHkj l drkgSA, d [ kkyhdjusokyki kbi t ksM+


x. ad

B ml h Vad
S dks12 ?ka
VsesaHkj l drk gS Ai kbi C, 15 ?ka
Vs fn; k t ksi kuh dks28 l/min ckgj dj jgk gS Av kS
j bl dksa

esa[ kkyhdj l drk gSAi kbi B ges'kk Open jgrk gS AB

tri c

rhuksafeydj 12 min esaHkjrsgS ] rksVad

S dh capacity

dsl kFk 1 ?ka VsA rFkk fi Qj 1 ?kaVsC dke djrk gS D; k gS?


alterate . rksVS
d fdruh nsj esaHkj t k; sxk\
am to

14. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 10 min and 20

Ex en

1 min respectively. A outlet pipe is draining the water

8. Two pipes can fill a tank in 37 minutes and 45 at the rate of 22l/min. All three pipes take 25 min to

minutes respectively. Both are opened together. Af- fill that tank. Find the capacity of tank.
ter working at it together for some time B is closed i kbi A fdl h Va d
S dks10 min v kjS i kbi B, 20 min esa
then the tank is filled in half an hour. After what time Hkj l drk gSA, d [ kkyhdjusokyk i kbi t ksM+fn; k t ks
will the pipe B have turned of. 22 l/min i kuhckgj dj jgk gS
Av kS
j v c Va
S 25 min esa
1 Hkj t krk gSrksVS
d dh capacity D; k gS
nksi kbi fdl h Va
S dks 37 feuV v kjS 45 feuV esa 15. A pipe can empty a tank in 12 hours. If an inlet pipe
Anksuksadks, d l kFk[ kksy fn; kt krk gSdq
N feuV fill water at the rate of 5 l/min then the tank takes 18
hours to be emptied. Find the capacity of tank?
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 2

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

, d i kbi fdl h Vd
a dks12 ?ka Vsesa[ kkyh dj i krk gSA 4
, d Hkjusokyk i kbi geust ksM+fn; k t ks5 l/min i kuh gS
AfdURkqi kbi esadpjk gksusdhot g l sdsoy i kuh
HkjrkgSv c Va
S dks[ kkyhgksusesa18 ?ka
VsyxrsgSrksVa d
S 3
dh capacity D; k gS
\ ghHkst i kjgkgSt cfd nw
l jki kbi i kuhghHkst i kjgk
16. Two outlet pipes can empty a tank in 12 min and 15 gS
Ai rkpyusdsckn dpjsdksgVkfn; kx; kv kS j fi Q
j VS
min respectively. If an inlet pipe fills water at the

rate of 12 l/min then the tank takes 20 min to be 8 min es
aHkj x; k rkscrkvksadpjk fdruh nsj jgk\
emptied. Find the capacity of tank. 22. A tank has 8 pipes. Out of which some one inlet and

some one outlets. Inlet pipe can fill a tank in 8 hours
i kbi A fdl hVa d
S dks12 min esa[ kkyhdj nsrkgS Ai kbi and an outlet pipe can empty the tank in 6 hours. If

B, 15 min es a[ kkyhdj nsrkgSA, d Hkjusokyki kbi yxk all pipes are opened together then the tank get filled

fn; k t ks12 l/min i kuh Mky jgk gSv c Vd S
a 20 min esa in 8 hours. Find the number of inlets and outlets pipe.
[ kkyh gkst krk gS ArksVSa
d dh capacity D; k gS? , d VSa
d l s8 i kbi t q Ms+gq; sgS
Aft l esadqN HkjusokysgS

17. A pipe can fill a tank in 10 min. The other pipe can rFkk dqN [ kkyhdjusokysAHkjusokyk i kbi 8 ?kV asesaHkj
fill in 20 min. If and outlet pipe drains water at the
l drkgS ArFkk[ kkyhdjusokyki kbi 6 ?ka Vsesa[ kkyhdj

rate of 1710 l/min. Then the tank get empty in 25
min. Find the capacity of tank. l drk gS Al kjsi kbi , d l kFk [ kksy fn; st k; srksVad h8
, d i kbi fdl hVS a
d dks10 min esaHkj l drkgS
Anwl jk20 ?ka
VsesaHkj t krhgS Arkscrkb; sfd fdrusHkjusrFkk fdrus

[ kkyh djusokysi kbi gS \

min es aHkj l drkgS, d [ kkyhdjusokyki kbi yxkfn; k
rks1710 yhVj i kuh@ feuV ckgj dj jgk gSv kjS VSa
d 25 23. Out of 7 pipes. Some one inlets and some one out-

feuV esa[ kkyhgkst krhgS
d dhcapacity D; k gS
\ lets. An inlet pipe can fill a tank in 5 hours amd one

outlet pipe can empty tank in 4 hours. It all the pipes
1 1 are opened together then the tank get filled in 20
18. Two pipes can fill a tank in 12
min and 8 min
3 en hours. Find the number of inlet and outlets pipe.
respctively. An outlet pipe drains 162 l water in one , d VSa
d l s7 i kbi t qMs+gq; sgS
Aft l esadq N HkjusokysgS
minute. All three pipes empty that tank in 4 minutes.
Find the capactiy of tank.
rFkk dqN [ kkyhdjusokysAHkjusokyk i kbi 5 hr. esaHkj
l drk gSrFkk [ kkyh djusokyk i kbi 4 hr. esa[ kkyhdj

1 l drkgS Al kjsi kbi , d l kFk[ kksy fn; st k; s rksVd

a h20
, d i kbi fdl hVa
S dks12 feuV esaHkj l drkgSrFkk
hr. es
aHkj t krh gSrkscrkb; sfd fdrusHkjusrFkk fdrus
4 ct

[ kkyh djusokysi kbi gS \
89 nta

l jk i kbi 8 feuV esaHkj l drk gS
A, d [ kkyh djus
3 24. A pipe can fill a tank in 20 min and another pipe can
okyk i kbi t ksM+fn; k t ks1feuV esa162 yhVj i kuhckgj
09 o

fill a tank in 30 min. Pipe A is opened for half of the

09 s C

djrk gS Av kS
j v c VS a
d 4 feuV esa[ kkyh gkst krk gSrks taime and pipe A and B are opened for the other half.
a dh capacity D; k gS ? How long will it take to fill the tank?

19. A pipe can empty a tank in 15 min. and anotherr pipe , d i kbi , d Vd a hdks20 min ea sHkj l drkgSrFkknw l jk
i kbi 30 min esaHkj l drkgS Ai kbi A dksv k/ sl e; ds
82 o

can empty the tank in 20 min. It an inlet pipe fill

91 N

waterr at the rate of 91 l/min. Then tank get full in 10 fy; s[ kksy k rFkk ckdh v k/ sl e; dsfy; snksuksai kbi
min. Find the capacity of tank. pyk; sx; srksVd a h fdruh nsj esaHkj t k; sxh\

, d i kbi fdl hVS a

d dks15 feuV esa[ kkyhdj l drk gS 25. Three pipes which has radius 1, 2, 3 can respectively
o: itt

rFkknwl jki kbi 20 feuV esa[ kkyhdj l drkgS A, d Hkjus


are connected to a tank water flowing in that pipes is

okyki kbi yxkfn; kt ks91 l/min i kuhHkj jgkgSvkS j VS
N Wr

square of radius of that pipes respectively. If the thin-


10 min es aHkj t krk gSrkstank dh capacity D; k gS?


nest piepe fills a tank in 42 minutes. How much time


will they take to fill that tanke together.

ta nd

20. A pipe can fill a tank in 14 hours and the other pipe
, d Vad h l s3 i kbi t q M+sgq; sgS
Aft udh radius 1, 2, 3
m m

can fill the tank in 16 hours. Both one opened to-

on a

cm gS A i kbi esa cgus okyk i kuh f=kT; k d s oxZds

co e

gether. But due to a leakage in the tank it takes 32

C rH

v uq
Øekuq i krhgSA; fn l cl si rysokyki kbi Va d
S dks42
x. ad

minutes more to fill that tank In how much time will

that leakage be emptied that tank? min es aHkj nsrkgSArhuksai kbi feydj fdruhnsj esaHkjsaxs\

tri c

, d i kbi fdl h VS a
d dks14 ?ka Vsea
sHkjrk gSrFkk nw l jk 26.

Three pipes which has radius 1/2, 1, 3/2 can respec-

i kbi 16 ?kaVsesaHkjrk gSAnksuksadks, d l kFk [ kksy fn; k

tively are connected to a tank. Speed of water flow-

am to

t krk gSi jUrqyhd dsdkj.k Va d

S dksHkjusesa32 feuV ing in that pipes 33 l/min. If all three pipes fill that
Ex en

T; knkyxrhgS Ayhd i w j sVa

S dksfdruhnsj esa[ kkyhdj tank in 18 min three how long will theickest pipe
l drk gS\ take to fill the tank alone.

21. Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 min and 25 min re- 1 3
spectively due tu some wastage in pipes, only 4/5 rhu i kbi ksadhf=kT; k, ¡ ] 1]
gSArhuksai kbi ksal scgus
2 2
water can flow through first pipe and 3/4 water can okysi kuh dh speed 33 l /min gS
A ; fn rhuksai kbi bl
flow through second pipe. After clearing that pipes,
The tank was filled in 8 minutes. How long would Va
d h dks18 min esaHkj nsrsgS
Arksl cl scM+sokyk i kbi
that wastage be in pipes? fdruh nsj esaHkj nsxk\
nksi kbi fdl hVS
d dks20 min v kS j 25 min esaHkj l drs 27. Three pipes which has radius 1, 3/2. 2 can respec-
tively are connected to a tank. speed of water flow-

Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 3

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

ing in that pipes is 3, 2, 1 l/min respectively If the esaHkj fn; k t k, \
thiknest pipe can fill the tank in 46 min. Then how
much time will they take to fill the tank together. 34. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 12 min and 16
3 min respectively. Both tapes are opened together but
rhu i kbi ksadh f=kT; k, ¡ 1, , 2 gS
Arhuksai kbi ksal scgus due to some problem they work 7/8 and 5/6 of their
2 efficiency, after some time the problem was removed
okysi kuh dh speed i jLi j 3, 2, 1 l/min gS A; fn l cl s

and now the tank will fill in 3 min. Then after how
NksVkokyki kbi Va d
S dks46 min esaHkj l drkgSrksrhuksa much time the problem is removed.
i kbi feydj fdruh nsj esaHkjsa
x\s , d gkSt dsnksi kbi vyx&vyx Øe' k%12 rFkk16 feuV

28. A boy and girl together fill a cistern with water. esaHkj l drsgS a
Anksuksai kbi ksadks, d l kFk[ kksy kt krkgS
] dqN

The boy pours 4 litres of water every 3 minutes dehgksusdsdkj.k i gysi kbi esai w j h {kerk dk 7@ 8 Hkkx

and the girl pours 3 litres every 4 minutes. How i kuhcgrk gS ] rFkk nwl jsi kbZl s5@ 6 Hkkx i kuhcgrkgSrFkk
much time will it takes to fill 100 litres of water dehnw j sgksusds3 feuVckn gkS t Hkj t krhgS ] rksKkr dhft ,

in the cistern? fdrusl e; ckn dehdksBhd fd; k x; k\
, d yMd + k rFkk yMd + h feydj fdl h gkS
l dksi kuh l s 35. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 15 min and 25
HkjrsgSAyMd + k i zR;sd 3 feuV esa4 yhVj i kuhmMsy+rk

min respectively. Both tapes are opened together but
gS] t cfd yMd + hi zR;sd 4 feuV eas3 yhVj i kuhmMsy+rh due to some problem they work 5/6 and 5/8 of their
gSAgktS esa100 yhVj i kuh Hkjusesafdruk l e; yxsxk\ efficiency, after some time the problem was removed

and now the tank will fill in 5 min. Then after how

29. 12 pumps working 6 hours a day can empty a
completely filled reservoir in 15 days. How much time the problem is removed.

many such pumps working 9 hours a day will , d gkS
t dksnksi kbi v yx&v yx 15 rFkk25 feuVesaHkj

empty the same reservoir in 12 days? l drsgSa
Anksuksai kbi ksadks, d l kFk[ kksy kt krkgSfdUrqdq N
6 ?k.Vsi zfrfnu dk; Zdjds12 i Ei , d i jwsHkjst yk' k; dehgksusdsdkj.k i gysi kbi l si w j h{kerk dks5@ 6 Hkkx
dks15 fnu esa[ kkyhdj l drsgS en
A, slsfdrusi Ei 9 ?k.Vs i kuhcgrkgSrFkk nw l jhi kbZl sml dh{kerkdk5@ 8 i kuh
i zfrnu i zfrfnu dke djdsml h t yk' k; dks12 fnu esa cgrk gSAdehnw j gksus5 feuV ckn gkS t Hkj t krhgSAKkr
[ kkyh dj l dsa xs\ dhft , fdrusl e; ckn deh dksnw j fd; k x; k\

30. A tap takes 36 hours extra to fill a tank due to a 36. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 30 min and 36
leakage equivalent to half of its inflow . The min respectively. Both tapes are opened together but
4 ct

inlet pipe alone can fill the tank in how many due to some problem they work 5/6 and 9/10 of their
efficiency, after some time the problem was removed
89 nta

, d uy fdl hVa d
S dksHkjusesabl ds, d fjl ko t ksuy 1
and now the tank will fill in 16 . Then after how
dsv UrZokg dsv k/ sdsl erq
Y; gS
] dsdkj.k36 ?k.Vsdk
09 o

09 s C

v frfjDr l e; ysrk gS
Auy dk v UrokZg] VS
d dksfdrus much time the problem is removed.
?k.VsesaHkj l drk gS
A , d gkS t dksnksv yx&v yx i kbi Øe' k%30 rFkk 36
feuV esaHkj l drsgSA
anksuksai kbi dks, d l kFk [ kksy fn; k

31. A cistern has two pipes. One can will it with

water in 8 hours and the other can empty it in 5 t krk gSA fdUrqdq N deh gksusdsdkj.k i gysi kbZl s
82 o
91 N

hours. In how many hours will the cistern be ml dh i jwh {kerk dk 5@ 6 Hkkx i kuh cgrk gSrFkk nw l js
emptied if both the pipes are opened together, i kbZ
i l sdsoy 9@10 Hkkx i kuhcgrk gS Adehnw j gksusds

when 3/4 of the cistern is already full of water?

, d Vad hesanksi kbi yxsgq , gS A, d bl dks8 ?ka Vsesai kuh feuV ckn gktS Hkj t krh gS AKkr dhft , fdrus
o: itt


l sHkj l drk gSv kS j nwl jk bl dks5 ?kV asesa[ kkyh dj 2

N Wr

l e; ckn deh dksnw j fd; k x; k\


l drk gS A; fn Va d h dk 3@ 4 Hkkx i kuh l sHkjk gq v k gks]


37. Two pipes can separately fill a tank in 20 hours and

v kjSnksuksai kbi , d l kFk [ kksy fn, t k, a
¡ rks] Va
d hfdrus
ta nd

30 hours respectively. Both the pipes are opened to

l e; esa[ kkyh gkst k, xh\
m m

fill the tank but when the tank is 1/3 full a leak devel-
on a

32. Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15 ops in the tank through which 1/3 of the water sup-
co e
C rH

and 20 hours respectively. If A is open all the plied by both the pipes leak out.What is the total time

x. ad

time and B and C are open for one hour each taken to fill the tank?

uy A rFkkB fdl hVa d

S dksv yx&v yx Øe' k%20 rFkk
tri c

alternatively, the tank will be full in


rhu uy A , B v kjSC Vd a hdksØe' k%12] 15 v kjS20 30 ?kaVsesaHkj l drsgS

Anksuksauy dks, d l kFk[ kksy fn; k

VksaesaHkj l drsgS
] ; fn uy A i jwsl e; [ kq
y k jgsrFkk t krkgS] t c VdS
a dks1@3 Hkkx Hkj t krkgSrc VS
d dsry
am to

B v kjSC ckjhl s, d&, d ?ka Vsdsfy, [ kksy fn, t krsgS] esa, d fNnzgkst krkgSfd uy A rFkkB }kjki zfr ?kV asx,
Ex en

d h fdrusl e; esaHkj t k, xh\ i kuhdk1@ 3 [ kkyhdjrkgS] rksKkr dhft , Va
S dksHkjus

33. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 48 min. and 36 esafdruk l e; yxsxk\
min. If both taps are opened together after how much 38. In a tank four taps of equal efficiency are fitted on
tap A is closed so that the whole tank will fill in 25 equal intervals. The first pipe is at the base of the
min. 30 sec. tank. And the 4th pipe is at 3/4 th of height of the
nksuy A rFkk B v yx&v yx fdl hVS a
d dksØe' k%48 tank. Then calculate in how much time the whole tank
rFkk36 feuV esaHkj l drsgS a
A; fn A v kjSB nksuksadks, d will empty. If the first pipe can empty the tank in 12
l kFk [ kksy fn; k t k, ] rksKkr dhft , fdrusl e; ckn hours.
uy A dkscUn fd; kt k, rkfd VS a
d 25 feuV 30 l sd s.M , d VS
d esa, d l eku dk; Z
{kerk okys4 uy nw j hi j yxs
gq, gS
Ai gykuy Va d
S dsry esa ] rFkkpkS
Fkk uy Va d
S dks
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 4

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

3@ 4 Å¡pkbZi j yxk gS] ; fn i gyk uy Va
S dks12 ?kV
asesa v yx&v yx Øe' k%10 rFkk 15 feuV esaHkj l drk gS A
[ kkyhdj l drk gS ] rksKkr dhft , Hkjk gq
v kVa
S fdrus , d O;fDr nksuksai kbi ksadks, d l kFk [ kksy dj ckFk: e l s
l e; esa[ kkyh gkst k, xk\ ckgj pyk t krk gSrFkk og oki l ml l e; i j v krk gS
39. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 10 hours and 12 t c Va d
S dksHkj t kukpkfg, FkkfdUrqoki l v kusi j ml s
hours respectively. There is an outlet tap C. if all the Kkr gksrkgSfd [ kkyhdjusokyki kbi [ kq y kjg x; k] v c
taps are opened together the tank will fill in 30 hours.
og ml scUn dj nsrk gSv kS j v xys4 feuV esaVS a
d Hkj

In how many hours tap C can alone empty the tank.
t krk gS ] Kkr dhft , [ kkyhdjusokyki kbi fdru l e;
nksuy A rFkk B fdl h Va d
S dksv yx&v yx Øe' k%10
esaVa d
S dks[ kkyh djsxk\

rFkk12 ?ka
VsesaHkj l drsgS a
a esa, d [ kkyhdjusokyk
48. , d gktS esarhu i kbi A, B rFkk C yxsgq , gSa
AA rFkkB
uy C gS] ; fn l Hkhuyksadks, d l kFk[ kksy fn; kt krkgS

nksi kbi v yx&v yx gktS dksØe' k%20 rFkk 30 feuV
a 30 ?ka VsesaHkj t krk gS
] Kkr dhft , v dsy k uy

esaHkj l drsgS arFkkC gkS t dks[ kkyhdjrkgS Anksuksai kbi
C Vd
a dksfdrusl e; esa[ kkyh djsxk\
40. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 1 hours and 75 dks, d l kFk [ kksy usdsckn , d v knehgktS dksNksM+ dj

min respectively. There is an outlet tap C. if all the pykt krkgS ] rFkkoki l ml l e; i j v krkgS ] t c gkT Sdks
taps are opened together the tank will fill in 50 min. Hkj t kuk pkfg, Fkk fdUrqml sKkr gksrk gSfd i kbi C

In how many hours tap C can alone empty the tank. xyrhl s[ kq y k jg x; k FkkrFkk vc og ml scUn dj nsrk
nksuy A rFkk B v yx&v yx fdl h gkS Tk dksØe' k%1 gSvkS j gktS vxys3 feuV esaHkj t krk gS AKkr dhft ,

Vk rFkk 75 feuV esaHkj l drsgSa
] rFkk uy C gkS t dks v dsy k i kbi C gkS t dksfdrusl e; esa[ kkyh djsxk\

[ kkyh djrk gS A; fn l Hkhuyksadks, d l kFk [ kksy k t k, 49. fdl h cUnj dks100 ehVj Å¡psfpdus[ ka Hksi j p<+ uk gS
rksgktS 50 feuV esaHkj t krhgS AKkr dhft , fd uy C ; fn og i gysfeuV og 6 ehVj Åi j p<+ r k gSrFkk nw l js

dksHkjhgq bZgktS dks[ kkyhdjusesafdruk l e; yxsxk\ feuV 4 ehVj uhpsf[ kl d t krk gS ] rksKkr djsog [ ka Hkk

41. nksi kbZi , d l kFk feydj fdl h VS a
d dksHkjrsgS a
Ai gyk fdrusfeuV esap<+ sxk\
rFkk nw l jk i kbi v yx&v yx VS
?k.VsesaHkj l drsgS a
AfdUrqrhl jki kbi VS a
d dksØe' k%5 rFkk 20 50.
d dks[ kkyhdjrk
, d cUnj dks60 ehVj Å¡ps[ ka
i gysfeuV 5 ehVj p<+
Hksi j p<+
r k gSo nw
uk gSA; fn og
l jsfeuV 4 ehVj uhps
gS] ft l dsckjsesav ki jsVj dksKkr u gksusdsdkj.kVS a
d dks f[ kl drk gS ] rksKkr djsafd og 60 ehVj Å¡ps[ ka Hksi j
Hkjusesa, d ?ka Vsdkvfèkd l e; yxrkgS ] rksKkr dhft , fdrusl e; esap<+i k, xk\

rhl jk i kbi VS a
d dks[ kkyh djusesafdruk l e; yxsxk\ 51. , d gkS t esaA, B rFkkC rhu i kbi yxsgq , gSa
AA rFkkB
nksi kbi , d gkS t dksv yx&v yx Øe' k%14 rFkk 16 VdS
a dksv yx&v yx 20 rFkk 30 feuV esaHkj l drsgS a
4 ct

VsesaHkj l drsgS a
Anksuksi kbi ksadks, d l kFk [ kksy k t krk rFkk i kbi C Vd S
a dks15 feuV esa[ kkyh dj l drk gS A
89 nta

gSrFkk gkS t dsry esa, d fNnzgksusdsdkj.k gkS t dks ; fn A, B rFkkC dks, d dsckn , d&, d feuV dsfy,
Hkjusesa92 feuV dk v fèkd l e; yxrk gS AKkr dhft , [ kkst k t k, ] rksgkS
t fdrusl e; esaHkjsxh\
09 o

t c gkS t Hkjh gq bZgks] rksfNnzgkS t dksfdrusl e; esa 52. uy A rFkkB fdl hVa d
S dksv yx&v yx Øe' k%10 rFkk
09 s C

[ kkyh djsxk\ 20 ?ka VsHkj l drsgS at cfd uy C Vd S

a dks12 ?k.Vsesa
, d rkykc esarhu uy yxsgS a
] t ksml sØe' k%30 ?k.Vs [ kkyh dj l drk gS A; fn A, B rFkk C dksckjh&ckjh l s

rFkk 20 ?k.VsesaHkj l drsgS at cfd rhl jk uy ml gkS t , d&, d ?k.Vsdsfy, [ kksy k t k, ] rksVd S
a dksHkjusesa
82 o

l si zfr feuV 45 yhVj i kuhckgj fudkyrk gS A; fn rhuksa fdruk l e; yxsxk\

91 N

uyksadks, d l kFk [ kksy fn; k t k, ] rksi w j k gktS 15 ?k.Vs 53., d gktS esarhu i kbi A, B rFkk C yxsgq , gSa
AA rFkkB

esaHkj t k, xkAKkr dhft , fd ml gkS t esafdruk i kuh v yx&v yx gktS dksØe' k%20 rFkk 30 ?k.VsesaHkj
v krk gS \ l drsgS a
] rFkk i kbi C gkS t dks60 ?k.Vsesa[ kkyh dj
o: itt

, d VS a
d esa8 uy yxsgq , gSft l esal sdq n uy Va d
S dks l drk gS Ai kbi A rFkk C dks, d l kFki gys?ka Vsdsfy,
N Wr


HkjrsgS arFkk ' ks"k uy VS d

a dks[ kkyhdjrsgS a
Ai zR;sd Hkjus [ kkst k t krk gS] rFkk B + C dksnw l js?ka
Vsdsfy, [ kksy k

okyk uy VS a
d dks12 ?k.VsesaHkj l drk gSrFkk i zR;sd t krkAnksckjk i kbi A rFkk C dks, d l kFk rhl js?ka Vsds
ta nd

[ kkyhdjusokykuy VS a
d dks36 ?ka Vsesa[ kkyhdj l drk fy, [ kksy k t krk gSv kS j bl i zd kj ; g Ø; v kxsrc rd
m m
on a

gSA; fn l HkhVS ad , d l kFk [ kksy fn; k t k; sarks3 ?k.Vsesa pyrk gSt c rd gkS t Hkj u t k, ] Kkr dhft , fd Vd S
co e
C rH

d Hkj t krkgS ] rksHkjusokysuy dhl a [ ; kKkr dhft , \ fdrusl e; esaHkj t k, xk\
x. ad

45. , d VS a
d esa12 uy yxsgq , gSft l esal sdq N uy VS a
d dks 54., d gkS t esa3 i kbi yxsgq , gSaft udsO;kl Øe' k%1] 2

tri c

HkjrsgS arFkk ' ks"k uy VS d

a dks[ kkyhdjrsgS a
Ai zR;sd Hkjus

okykuy VS d
a dks6 ?k.VsesaHkj l drkgSrFkki zR;sd [ kkyh rFkk 4 l seh gS ] cMk+ i kbi gkT
Sk dks1 ?k.VsesaHkj
am to

djusokykuy VS ad dks12 ?ka Vsesa[ kkyhdj l drkgS A; fn l drk gS Ai zR;sd i kbi l scgusokysi kuhdhek=kk ml ds
Ex en

l HkhVa S
d , d l kFk [ kksy fn; k t k; sarks4 ?k.VsesaVS a
d Hkj O;kl dsoxZdsl ekuq i krh gS
] Kkr dhft , rhuksai kbi
t krk gS ] rksHkjusokysuy dhl a [ ; k Kkr dhft , \ feydj gkS t dksfdrusl e; esaHkjsa xs\

46. nksi kbi A rFkk fdl h VS a

d dksv yx&v yx Øe' k%10 55. , d gkS t dksHkjusesai kbi A rFkk B }kjk l kFk feydj
rFkk 15 ?k.VsesaHkj l drsgS at cfd i kbi C Vd S
a dks20 gkSt dksHkjusesayxsl e; l s3 feuV dk v fèkd l e;
?k.Vsesa[ kkyhdj l drk gS Av kja Hk esai kbi A rFkk B dks yxrk gS A nwl jsi kbi B dks] i kbi A rFkk B }kjk l kFk
, d l kFk[ kksy fn; kt krkgSi ja r qt c Vad
S Hkjusokykgksrk 1
gSrc i rk pyrk gSfd u C xyrhl s[ kyqk jg x; k rFkk feydj gkS t dksHkjusesayxsl e; esa21 feuV dk
fi Qj ml scUn dj fn; k t krk gS A Kkr dhft , ' ks"k Va d
v fèkd l e; yxrk gS A; fn nksuksai kbi A rFkk B dksl kFk
fdrusl e; esaHkj t k, xk\
[ kksy fn; k t k, ] rksgkS
t dksHkjusesafdrukl e; yxsxk\
47. , d Vd S
a dksB.Msi kuh okyk rFkk xeZi kuh okyk i kbi
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 5

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

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