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French 112: Beginning French 2 Tuesday/Thursday Schedule

Location _Queens Hall 245G____ Time 5:00 to 6:50 pm____

Professeur: Paul Fadoul Bureau: Q.H. 205B

Téléphone: 718-997-5980 Heures de bureau: T & Th 4 :30 to 5 :00 pm

Courrier électronique:

The textbook must be purchased online on the Queens College Online Bookstore: We will use Vis-à-vis Elementary French I with
Workbook & Lab Manual, Special Queens College Edition, volume 2, chapters 7-12. This
volume is a combined special edition designed for Queens College. It includes only the relevant
chapters seen in the course (Chapters 7-12) as well as the accompanying written and listening
exercises from the workbook and laboratory manual.

Course Description
French 112 is the second course in Queens College’s two-term beginning sequence. The
emphasis will be on the four essential language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Classes will be conducted entirely in French. English will be reserved for questions outside of
the classroom.

F112 Learning Outcomes (ACTFL Novice Mid-High Speaking and Writing)

o Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
o Perform all of the activities covered in F111 (see F111 syllabus)
o Discuss and write about past events
o Talk and write about vacations, travel, restaurants, and artistic and historical heritage
o Express negation and disagree
o Use pronouns to speak and write succinctly

Homework reinforces the work we do in class and helps you to practice your new skills outside
of class. This is the key to mastering French and will help you succeed in this course. The
written exercises and listening/speaking activities in the cahier des exercices should be done in
the library or in a quiet place at home after each class session. You may access the audio for the
audio exercises by going to

Completed Workbook/Laboratory exercises will be due at the conclusion of each chapter. I

encourage you to begin your writing and listening exercises early, and to work on them a little at
a time. You should schedule at least 1-2 hours per day for F112 homework. When you have
completed the written and listening exercises, you should self-correct your own work using a
different color ink. This will allow you to identify your problem areas and seek outside help
from your instructor or the French peer tutors.

Class participation
While perfecting pronunciation is an important part of learning any foreign language, it is more
important for you to make an effort to get your ideas across in French. Language learning
requires lots of practice, and that is why attendance in class is of the utmost importance. You
will receive a class participation grade every day. If you do not come to class, you will receive a
zero. If you arrive late, your grade will be lowered proportionately to your lateness. Your two
lowest participation grades will be dropped, so you may miss two sessions without any penalty,
but frequent absences will certainly have a negative effect on your participation grade. Any time
you know you will miss class, you should notify me in advance.

In addition to your daily class participation grade, your homework assignments will be reviewed
to make sure that you are keeping up with the work in the class. Due to the amount of work for
the course, late work will not be accepted. Constant review of what you already know is
essential to mastering a foreign language. Therefore, you will have a quiz (contrôle) at the end
of each lesson, then a midterm exam and a final. You will also have a graded oral activity.

The department has peer tutors who offer free tutoring to students of French during the
semester. Consult the bulletin board near the departmental office (200 Queens Hall) for times
and locations or visit the Academic Support Center website:

Continuing your studies of French

You will learn a great deal this semester. There are many ways to continue your progress in the
language. You can join the QC French/Francophone Club. The QC French program offers
courses in English and in French as well as a major and minor in French language and French
and Francophone cultures. There are also several opportunities for study abroad.
Go to our website to learn more:

Components of Grade

Oral Participation 20%

Homework/Labs 10%
Contrôles 30%
Midterm 10%
Oral Activity 10%
Final Exam 20%
Français 112—Programme—Automne 2017 (T,TH)

mardi 29 août Introduction au cours, Ch. 7

jeudi 31 août Ch. 7

mardi 5 septembre Ch. 7

jeudi 7 septembre Ch. 7

mardi 12 septembre Cahier et Contrôle + 8

jeudi 14 septembre Ch. 8

mardi 19 septembre Ch. 8 (Thursday Schedule)

jeudi 21 septembre No classes Scheduled- College Open

mardi 26 septembre Ch. 8 Cahier et Contrôle

jeudi 28 septembre No classes Scheduled- College Open

mardi 3 octobre Ch. 9

jeudi 5 octobre Ch. 9

mardi 10 octobre Ch. 9 et cahier

jeudi 12 octobre Examen partiel (midterm) + Ch. 10

mardi 17 octobre Ch. 10

jeudi 19 octobre Ch. 10

mardi 24 octobre Ch. 10

jeudi 26 octobre Ch. 10

mardi 31 octobre Ch. 10 Cahier et Contrôle + Ch. 11

jeudi 2 novembre Ch. 11

mardi 7 novembre Ch. 11

jeudi 9 novembre Ch. 11

mardi 14 novembre Ch. 11 Cahier et Contrôle + Ch. 12

jeudi 16 novembre Ch. 12

mardi 21 novembre No Class – Friday Schedule

jeudi 23 novembre Thanksgiving – No Class

mardi 28 novembre Ch. 12

jeudi 30 novembre Ch. 12

mardi 5 décembre Ch. 12

jeudi 7 décembre Ch. 12 Cahier et Contrôle

mardi 12 décembre Activité orale + Révision

13-20 décembre Examen final – date to be determined

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