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Data Privacy Consent Form

By signing this Data P「ivacy Consent Form (“Consent} I understand tha= am agreeing to the p「ocessing, PrOf剛g and sharing
Of PersonaI Data in connection w肌my appiication’P「jor o「 current empIoyment’training’inte「nship o「 other sim=a「 engagement
O「記Iafronship w胤Citibank, N.A. Philippine Branch (Citibank), C請ibank N.A. RegionaI Operating Headquarters (ROHQ〉, Citigroup
Business Prooess Solutions Pte. Ltd・, PhiIippjne B「anch (CBPS), Citicorp Financial Services and lnsurance B「okerage P輔ppines,
看nc- (CFSl), Or any Other entity direc調y or indirectry owned o「 controIied by Cjtigroup Inc, in the P輔ppines (COilectively, “Cjt間as
叩rvided ir' the HR Data Statement) the tems of which a「e inco叩Orated h創ein by 「eference.

This Consent covers my Personai Data as weiI as Personal Data of famiiy membe「s, 「eferences, beneficia「ies章autho「ized
Signatorfes or 「epresentatives, and o請er individuals (COIIective母aRelevan川dividuals’’) whose冊b「mafron was provided by me,
my au皿orized representatives or third parties巾Cluding ReIevan=ndividuais and other ava川abIe sou「ces.

Personal Data may include. but isれ0川mited to- nameS. identificafron particulars, COntaCt detaiIs, PattemS, histo「y and behavior,
empIoyment information’financiaI background’educatjonaI background and demographic data" Capitalized terms used he「ein
Sha航ave the meanings set forth in the HR Data.

S由tement. In particuIar:

1. i ag「ee請at PersonaI Data submitted to Citi may be processed, P「O刷ed o「 shared to, by and
between Citigroup inc.章and any of its a輔ates and subsidiaries (COIlectiveIy, “Citig「oup") or each Authority (foreign
or domes癌c〉 or Data Re軸ient (Whe姉e両n or o鴫ide請e Ph晒Pin蹄and for the purposes sct out in the HR Dat蜜
Statement in force provided by Citi from time to time, nOtwithstanding any applicab-e non-disc-osure agreemen=
acknowledge that such Pe「sonal Data may be processed or p「o冊ed by or shared with jurisdictions which do not have
data protection or data privaey Iaws,

2. I oonsent to the processing- ProfiIing and sha血g of Personal Data du血g the empIoyment
application and evaluation stages, aS Weil as forthe duration of employment with Citi up to a pe「iod ofseven (7) years
fo軸owing the date of empfoyment te「mination・ After the expiration of the seven (7) year period, Citi wiii destroy, Pu「ge章
anonymize or 「ende「 inaccessibIe o「 unusable the Personal Data’eXCIuding employment histo「y informatjon, Which
Citi wiII continue to store・ ProCeSS and access fo「 sta晦tical, 「egu看atory and/or reco「d pu「poses・一n case my app=cation
fo「 empIoyment is not accepted’I consent to the sto略ge and p「ocessing of the Pe「sona! Data for a period of up to
One (1 ) year from the non-aCCePtance of said appl cafron, for continued evaIuation purpo§eS. Whe「e Citi has deemed
it necessa「y or required to fu醐foreign and domestie Iegal’「egulatory, COmPliance and litigation requirements and
discIo合ure tO any cou轟, authorfty or記gulatory bedy or se阿eguぬtory orga雨zation, l consent to the sto「age and

ProceSSing of such Personai Data untii the血ai conclusion of any requi「ement or discIosure ob-igation, dispute o「

3・ Where i o「 my representatives have p「ovided any Personai Data relating to any Relevan=ndividuai to Citi, l conflm
that each ReIevant Individual has been irfrormed and given consen=o Citi’s processing- P「O輔ng and sha「ing of the
Personal Data’and that i wiIl obtain such consent in advance of providing any simile「 Personai Data in the futu「e,

4. These provisions shall be in addition to’and not in substitution forうany Other emp-oyment, aPPIication or customer
te「ms l have previousiy agreed to (Whethe「 before or afte「 the date he「eof) which gives broader rights to Citi than
COntained herein.

Understood and agreed by:


P「inted Name Date

(丘 0.

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