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Brands exist to serve customers,

not the other way around.
But you'd never know that from
the way brands are managed.

Brand Management
by Roland! Rust, Valarie A.ZeithamI, and Katherine N. Lemon


with the notion that they should
focus on growing the lifetime value of
tomer management in most large com-
panies, and that focus is increasingly
incompatible with growth.
their customer relationships. Building Consider the story of Oldsmobile, an
loyalty and retention, cross selling re- American car brand launched earlier
lated goods and services, broadening than any other in existence today. In
offerings to fulfill more of customers' the 1980s, it enjoyed outstanding brand
needs - all are ways of adding to over- equity with many customers. But as the
all customer equity. Indeed, given the century wore on, the people who loved
cost of winning new customers (much the Olds were getting downright old.
higher than that of keeping current The managers that parent company
ones), and the ultimately finite universe General Motors put in charge ofthe
of buyers out there, a mature business brand realized that maintaining mar-
would be hard-pressed to increase prof- ket share meant appealing to younger
its otherwise. buyers, who unfortunately tended to
The problem is, for all that managers see the brand as old-fashioned. We ali
buy into this long-term customer focus, know what came next: the memorable
most have not bought into its logical 1988 ad campaign featuring the slogan,
implications. Listen to them talk, and "This is not your father's Oidsmobile."
you may hear customer, customer, cus- In 1990, less memorably but in the same
tomer. But watch them act, and you'll vein,the company's marketers unveiled
see the truth: It's all about the brand. its next message: "A New Generation of
Brand management still trumps cus- Olds." Catchy or not, neither campaign


turned back the clock. By 2000, Olds- We know why not, of course. It's be- a well-managed brand. These changes
mobile's market share had sputtered to cause, in large consumer-goods compa- will be among the most wrenching your
1.6%, from 6.9% in 1985. And in Decem- nies like General Motors, brands are organization ever undertal<es. But they're
ber 2000, General Motors announced the raison d'etre. They are the focus long overdue.
that the Oldsmobile brand would be of decision making and the basis of
phased out. accountability. They are the fiefdoms, It's OK, \'m with the Brand
Car aficionados might have shed a run by the managers with the biggest When a marketer focuses on growing
tear at the passing of a proud old marque, jobs and the biggest budgets. And never a customer base, and not necessarily a
but we see the tragedy differently. Why have those managers been rewarded brand, things can look very different.
did General Motors spend so many years for shrinking their turfs. Let's take an example from the enter-
and so much money trying to reposi- We propose a reinvention of brand tainment world, courtesy of song-
tion and refurbish such a tired image? management that puts the brand in writer and performer George Clinton.
Why not instead move younger buyers the service ofthe larger goal: growing Known as one of the founders of funk,
along a path of less resistance, toward customer equity. This doesn't mean that Clinton in the 1970s sought the atten-
another ofthe brands in GM's stable- brand becomes unimportant. Compel- tion of two different segments of record
or even launch a wholly new brand ling brand images remain essential to buyers-mainstream listeners, who liked
geared to their tastes? Cultivating the winning and keeping customers' trade. vocal soul music with horns, and pro-
customers, even at the expense of the But it does mean fundamentally chang- gressive listeners, who liked harder-
brand, would surely have been the path ing how management thinks about the edged funk. Clinton knew that his band
to profits. goals, roles, and metrics associated with was accomplished enough to play both

TOOL KIT • Customer-Centered Brand Management

kinds of music, but he realized that al- Phaeton. Volkswagen is one of the consumer goods companies. The com-
ternating between the styles would world's most recognizable brands and panies have little in common on the
muddy the band's image and serve nei- has excellent brand equity among buy- production side of things; they range
ther audience well. The solution was ers of low- to medium-priced cars. The from carmaker Toyota to electronics
simple. The same group of musicians, Phaeton, however, is a high-priced lux- marketer Matsushita (Panasonic) to
essentially, recorded and performed ury car, positioned to compete with such beer brewer Asahi. But they have a
under two different band names: Par- icons as BMW and Mercedes. To Volks- great deal in common in their pursuit
liament, when the music was aimed at wagen, the car is simply an extension of a certain new and affluent demo-
ofthe engineering prowess it al- graphic. In fact, this target segment of
ready prides Itself on. And by all consumers-"new generation" women
Companies must focus accounts,the objective attributes in their twenties or thirties who like
on customer equity rather of the Phaeton (fit and finish, things that are "genuine" and fun -
comfort, and power) are compet- defines the WiLL brand. The design of
than brand equity. itive with those of other luxury the WiLL Web site,,
marques. Unfortunately, the com- is exclusively focused on that rather nar-
popular tastes, and Funkadelic,when it pany's brand is defined not so much by row demographic and psychographic
was edgier. Both bands were very suc- its exacting producers as by its custom- profile. It features a hip mix of Japanese
cessful, even though some Parliament ers. It has virtually no brand equity and English, a fashionable color pal-
fans would never listen to Funkadelic among luxury buyers. This is undoubt- ette, and disparate products unified by
and vice versa. The point is that Clinton edly why management's sales projec- the quirky playfulness of their design.
did not try to make his original brand tions were soflawed.When the Phaeton The products include the WiLL Vi (an
a big tent by stretching it to accommo- automobile manufactured by Toyota),
date the tastes of very different markets. the WiLL PC (made by Panasonic), and
His branding reflected his customers' WiLL beer (brewed by Asahi). These
identities instead of his band members'. megabrands have chosen to become, in
essence, private label manufacturers
That kind of thinking led to Honda's
behind a brand they own Jointly. It
development and marketing ofthe Acura
makes sense because, independently,
Legend in the United States. The same
none of them would have invested
car was introduced in most other coun-
so heavily in a branding effort that
tries, including Japan, as the Honda Leg-
hit just one segment, no matter how
end. But the company had good reason
squarely between the eyes. For that
to think it would not succeed using that
matter, the list of partnering compa-
name Stateside. In the 1980s, U.S. buy-
nies could change, along with the kinds
ers, much more than their counterparts
of products offered, and the WiLL brand
elsewhere, associated the Honda brand
would remain strong-because its mean-
with economy cars. They expected and
ing and value stem from its customers.
trusted the company to provide inex-
pensive, dependable - if not very excit-
ing - cars. Rather than work to change Customer Equity Is the Point
that image (which served the company Forward thinkers like George Clinton,
well with other models), management was launched in Europe in 2003, Volks- Honda, and the WiLL consortium aside,
decided to launch a new brand. "Acura" wagen predicted 15,000 would be sold. most companies today are geared to-
had no positive equity established with Several months later, it admitted that ward aggrandizing their brands, on the
upscale buyers, but neither did it have only about 2,500 had been. assumption that sales will follow. But
baggage to overcome. Finally, let's turn to an example that for firms to be successful over time,
Honda's successful branding strategy really pushes the envelope. In Japan, their focus must switch to maximizing
stands in direct contrast to Volkswagen's there is a brand called WiLL that is customer lifetime value-that is, the net
more recent disappointment with the owned and managed by a consortium of profit a company accrues from transac-

Roland T. Rust (rrust(§ holds the David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing at the Robert H. Smith School of Busi-
ness at the University of Maryland in College Park. Valarie A. ZeithamI ( is the associate dean of MBA programs
and the Roy and Alice H. Richards Bicentennial Professor at the Kenan-flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina
in Chapel Hill. Katherine N. Lemon ( is an associate professor at the Carroll School of Management al Boston Col-
lege in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. They are the authors of Driving Customer Equity: How Customer Lifetime Value Is Reshaping
Corporate Strategy (Free Press, 2000).


Customer-Centered Brand Management • T O O L K I T

tions with a given customer during the Yet most marketing managers speak age would lead to actions that weren't
time that the customer has a relation- about the value of a brand as though it right for many customers.
ship with the company In other words, were solid and monolithic, and they Assigning an average value to brand
companies must focus on customer eq- measure brand equity with a summary equity is dangerous because it obscures
uity (the sum of the lifetime values of metric of brand strength. It's a perfect the fact that brand value is idiosyncrat-
all the firm's customers, across all the example of what's been called the "fiaw ically assigned by the customer. Manag-
firm's brands) rather than brand equity of averages." The value they arrive at is ers begin to believe that the value of
(the sum of customers' assessments of true for practically no one - and hardly their brand is somehow intrinsic-that,
a brand's intangible qualities, positive a useful management tool. like a diamond in a necklace, the brand
or negative). And though the two often We conducted a survey of customers has an objective, inherent value. We
move in concert, it is important to re- in two cities to measure brand equity know of one company, for example, that
member that acting in the best inter- for 23 brands in five industries. Look, stumbled badly as it tried to make head-
ests of brand equity isn't necessarily for example, at the wide range of values way in South American markets, it was
the same as acting in the best interests customers assigned to the American Air- one ofthe world's largest and most suc-
of customer equity. lines brand. (See the exhibit "Customers cessful brands, and its marketing man-
Suppose we have a customer-let's call Differ on Brand Equity.") Many market- agers assumed that its outstanding brand
her Ann-who tends to favor one of our ing decisions proceed from what man- equity was a given. In truth, while the
current brands. Brand A. To the extent agers believe to be the strength ofthe brand tended to have very high equity
that Ann values Brand A above and be- brand. Defining that value as the aver- with consumers in the United States and
yond the obiective value ofthe product's
attributes, we can say that it has posi-
tive brand equity for her. If Brand A's
equity increases in her eyes, Ann is likely Customers Differ on Brand Equity
to buy it more frequently and perhaps
in higher volume per purchase. This We surveyed customers of 23 brands to measure differences in brand equity.
of course increases Ann's lifetime value For the American Airlines example shown here, customers had widely varying
to the company. But what happens if perceptions ofthe value of the brand. This distribution was typical across
Ann grows tired of Brand A? Or if the brands and industries and shows why average measures of brand equity are
brand ceases to resonate with her? If we misleading.
manage the customer relationship prop-
erly, we can introduce Ann to another
of our brands that is a better match Percentage of customers surveyed
with her sensibilities. In fact, we should
be willing to do whatever is necessary
with our brands (including replacing 28%
them with new ones) to maintain our
customer relationships. Our attitude
should be that brands come and g o -
but customers like Ann must remain.
The Value of a Brand
Depends on the Customer
One ofthe most important things to
understand about a brand is that its
value is highly individualized. A cus-
tomer might grow tired of a brand, or
more enamored, independent of how
other customers are responding to it.
One reader sees the Wall Street Jourrial
as tbe pinnacle of probity; another calls
it a reactionary rag. For some people, -39% 40%-49% 50%-59% 60%-69% 70%-79% 80%-100%
Stouffer's stands for taste and conve- Customers' ratings of the American Airlines brand
nience; for others, trans fats and carbs. (relative to maximum)
Between the two extremes are infinite
shades of gray.

SEPTEMBER 2004 113

TOOL K I T • Customer-Centered Brand Management

many other countries, people in South Make brand decisions subservient segment managers for distributing re-
America were more likely to favor local to decisions about customer relation- sources. Brand management will be-
brands. Confused by poor sales, man- ships. This means creating or strength- come a team-oriented task.
agement seemed unable to acknowl- ening the roie ofthe customer segment Build brands around customer seg-
edge that the brand might not be such manager and allocating resources to ments, not the other way around. Some
an asset. The company only redoubled that function rather than to traditional products, like Viagra, are inherently di-
its efforts at what could be called brand brand managers. It may even make rected at the needs and requirements
imperialism, with limited success. sense to go beyond segments and assign of a particular customer segment. Oth-
managers to specific customers, if they ers, like the Black Pride beer once sold
Put Your Brands in Their are big and important enough. In the actively in the African-American neigh-
Place business-to-business world, this is known borhoods of Chicago, are generic prod-
If you accept that the goal of manage- as managing key accounts; companies ucts positioned for a specific segment.
ment is to grow customer equity, not like Ericsson and IBM assign account Procter & Gamble markets an extensive
brand value, and that brand value is managers and give them broad author- portfolio of soap brands, each targeted
only meaningful at a highly individual ity in marketing to important custom- to a different psychographic or demo-
level, then you will likely manage your ers. Consumer companies can also use graphic segment. Its laundry deter-
brands in a profoundly different way. the approach, organizing around cus- gents, too -Tide, Gain, Cheer, Ivory,
Our work with leading companies craft- tomers or customer segments. Brand Bold-are differentiated more by target
ing customer-centric branding strategies managers will still have an important customer segment than by product fea-
suggests seven directives that go against role in the marketing function, but they tures. The world's largest women's cloth-
the grain of current practice. will be dependent on the customer ing company, Liz Claibome, has a similar

How Big to Brand?

Once your frame of reference has shifted People used to subscribe to general the proliferation of media have made for
to customer management, the central interest magazines, if you were female, increasingly fragmented customer mar-
problem of brand management becomes: you might put a finer point on your kets. Meanwhile, computerization and
How big should the brand be? Customers reading by buying a women's magazine. modular manufacturing are making it
are individuals with unique tastes and Today, the Lifes, Looks, and Saturday Eve- progressively cheaper to customize
desires. Suppose, for example, a cus- ning Posts are gone, and even the idea goods and services-and individualized
tomer named Benito was being targeted of a women's magazine is laughably communication networks like the Inter-
by a company. In an ideal world, where vague. Depending on the woman, the net, combined with computerized data
money was no object, would this mean right magazine might focus on general analysis, enable companies to microtar-
creating a "Benito" brand? fitness {Shape), health {Natural Health), get their messages.
Not quite. To some extent, customers self-esteem (Self), parenting {Working The shift to narrower and more nu-
look to brands to provide safety in num- Mother), high fashion (Vogue), high fash- merous brands is difficult for even the
bers. Buying a popular brand not only ion in midlife (More), shopping {Lucky), most astute marketers to accept. Uni-
increases the customer's trust that the ethnic women {Essence), gay women lever, for example, fought against market
offering will perform as promised but {Curve)-\.he choices go on and on. fragmentation by instituting a brand con-
also contributes to the customer's social The key, of course, whether we're solidation program in 1999. Its manage-
needs (why buy a Harley if not for the talking about magazines or cars, is ment eliminated hundreds of brands in
Harley community?). So even if it were identifying the point at which creating search of economies of scale. Among
financiaily and operationally feasible to a narrower, clearer brand yields customer the discarded were such successful
create miliions or billions of separate benefits insufficient to pay back the brands as Elizabeth Arden cosmetics
brands, it would not be advisable. Still, company's costs of supporting it. Long- and the Diversey cleaning and hygiene
brands should cater to individual needs term historical trends indicate that this business. The strategy was lauded by
as specifically as possible, given the cur- trade-off point is steadily shifting toward some analysts at the time, but it doesn't
rent threshold of economies of scale. even narrower brands, due primarily to seem to be aging well. Five years later,
changes in both customer tastes and Unilever's sales have stagnated, while pri-
The magazine industry is a good
production capabilities. In the United mary competitor Procter & Gamble, with
indicator of how narrow the niches can
States and other developed countries, its niche branding strategy, has enjoyed
become, given the technology and con-
expiosions of immigrant populations and healthy gains.
sumer information available today.


Customer-Centered Brand Management • TOOL KIT

focus on the customer. Each of its cus- is central, then the purpose of a brand aches for IBM when the company en-
tomer segments has its own named should be to satisfy as small a customer tered the personal computer market in
brand and personality. The company segment as is economically feasible. Al- 1981. It was widely believed at the time
makes the high-end Dana Buchman lowing for the fact that some breadth is
brand for professional women; the styl- desirable for its own sake, the tendency
ish Ellen Tracy brand for sophisticated should be toward brands that are in- Brand managers need
but casual women; the young, upscale creasingly narrow over time. A tighter to know their customers
Laundry brand for individualists; the focus can only enhance the clarity and
Liz Claiborne brand for its traditional value ofthe brand in customers'eyes (see well enough to tell
casual market; and the Elizabeth brand the sidebar "How Big to Brand?"). when it's time to hand
for plus-size women. The lines are so Plan brand extensions based on
well differentiated by brand, fit, and customer needs, not component simi- them off.
style that fevw consumers know they larities. Many companies are guilty of
are made by the same company. brand overextension - usually because that IBM's superior brand equity in com-
Make your brands as narrow as they evaluate extensions according to puters would guarantee its dominance
possible. Henry Ford may have sold the how similar the new product is to the ofthe PC marketplace. In fact, IBM had
Model T to a broad cross section of con- old one. Instead, they should be think- a far more difficult time than expected.
sumers, but today there are men's and ing about whether the two products' Customers of IBM's PC (individuals)
women's formulas of vitamins and dis- customers are similar. Clearly, it makes were entirely different from customers
tinct teievision channels for Latinos, no sense to try to extend a brand to of its mainframe computers (business
African-Americans, women, golfers, se- a dissimilar product with dissimilar buyers). Personal computer buyers had
nior citizens, and gays. As advances in customers. But even extending a brand much less attachment to IBM and were
technology and customer information to a similar product doesn't work very open to competing products from
make such segmentation easier, this well if tbe customers have little in com- Apple, Atari, and other previously
trend is likely to become even more pro- mon. This was Volkswagen's mistake minor players in the computing market.
nounced. And it should. If the customer with the Phaeton. It also caused head- This paved the way for success by later

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TOOL KIT • Customer-Centered Brand Management

entrants into the PC category such as create brand extensions that would not sions are so common. It was not difficult
Dell, Compaq, and Hewlett-Packard. otherwise work. Likewise, Tiffany's found to predict that Caffeine-Free Coke would
Brand extensions are more likely to it possible to extend from expensive jew- be an easy stretch for Coca-Cola or that
be successful if the customers are simi- elry to expensive perfume because both Visa could extend from credit cards to
lar, even if the products are not. Virgin, products attract the wealthy prestige debit cards. Even when the brand exten-
for example, has extended into a wide buyer. Disney is involved with products sion is not just a line extension, a similar
variety of unrelated products, including as diverse as movies, hotels, and amuse- enough product and a similar customer
airlines, music stores, soft drinks, and ment parks. These extensions work be- make success more likely. Yamaha could
mobile phones. What unites Virgin's cause the target market (the young and extend from organs to pianos to guitars
offerings is value pricing, high quality, the young at heart who want to be en- with some confidence because all were
and a hip, fun image that attracts a par- tertained) does not change. musical instruments and all had simi-
ticular customer segment This psycho- The best results, though, come when lar customers. The brand equity that a
graphic similarity in Virgin's customers both the products and customers are sim- musician accorded to Yamaha pianos
makes it possible for the company to ilar. This is one reason that line exten- could easily be extended toward guitars.

Brand Equity in the Scheme of Things their perceptions ofthe company's ethics
and corporate citizenship. Finding the
To manage something,you need to be beyond its objectively perceived value. relative weight of these drivers is again
able to measure it, and brand managers Relationship equity factors in switching the challenge, but it involves no surpris-
have long struggled to find the right for- costs-the customer's reluctance to go ing technique. This type of key-driver
mula for measuring brand equity. If what elsewhere because of learning curves, analysis is done routinely to measure
we care about most is customer lifetime user-community benefits, or other con- customer satisfaction using survey data
value, then that has two major implica- siderations perhaps as simple as friend- of individual customer ratings. As in
tions for how we measure brand equity. ships with salespeople. The first chal- customer satisfaction analysis, success
First, we must put it in the contextof cus- lenge is to determine the relative depends on defining drivers that are di-
tomer equity. Second, we must recognize infiuence of these three drivers on a rectly related to specific areas of expendi-
that it varies by individual. Any aggre- given company's customer equity. This ture and capable of being perceived and
gate measure we produce must not be can vary dramatically from category to rated by individual customers. A number
a meaningless average. category and even from product to prod- of companies (among them IBM, Sears,
The model shown here presents a way uct. Our own research, for instance, re- ChevronTexaco, and Saks Fifth Avenue)
to measure customer equity and brand veals that brand equity is a dominant are already applying the technique to
equity by understanding what drives driver in the facial tissue category and tease out the driversof customer equity
each one and to what degree. By exten- for grocery products in general. It makes and brand equity.
sion, the model is a tool for decision sense: These are classic instances of
The final step is to statistically link the
making- Once management knows the what marketers call "low involvement
customer equity drivers (brand equity
drivers and their relative weights, it can goods"-relatively low-priced and fre-
drivers plus value equity drivers, relation-
predict the impact of specific brand- quently purchased products that con-
ship equity drivers, and inertia) to cus-
building actions on customer equity sumers don't want to spend much time
tomer lifetime value-at the level ofthe
and, in turn,on profitability. thinking about. Brand equity is far less
individual customer. Conceptually, this
important in industries like air travel and
Let's start with the bottom line ofthe amounts to estimating how "consumer
rental cars, where value is examined
model, which is customer equity, the sum utility," or the consumer's perception of
more carefully and relationship equity
ofthe lifetime values ofthe firm's cus- value from the transaction, is affected by
has become a greater factor since the
tomers. As shown, a customer's lifetime those drivers, and, in turn: how that level
advent of loyalty programs.
value is driven by choices, and those of consumer utility relates to switching
choices are driven by three considera- Once the relative importance of brand patterns (thetendency of consumers to
tions, or, as we term them, forms of equity is established, the next challenge change brands); what those switching
equity. Value equity is the objectively con- is to figure out what drives brand equity patterns mean for projected future
sidered quality, price, and convenience in a particular company. Typically, as choice; and what that projection of
ofthe offering. 6rafjdei7t(/fy is the cus- shown, these drivers include elements future choice yields in customer lifetime
tomer's subjective assessment of a like consumers'awareness ofthe brand, value. With these relationships estab-
branded offering's worth above and their attitudes toward the brand, and lished, a company can tell how much


Customer-Centered Brand Management • T O O L K I T

Develop the capability and the vate the relationsbips and increase should forfeit the Fairfield Inn brand re-
mind-set to hand off customers to customer equity. Imagine, for example, lationship for a higher-value customer
other brands in the company. There's a longtime customer of Fairfield Inn, relationship with the Marriott brand.
absolutely no sense in spending dispro- Marriott's budget hotel brand. What if In practice, that would mean that if
portionately to hold on to a brand's the company has discovered that he is Fairfield customers who begin traveling
customer relationship if the customer a good prospect to move up to the more frequently and more widely tend
is a more naturai fit with another brand higher-priced Marriott brand, perhaps to switch to the Marriott brand, then
in the company's portfolio. Brand man- by analyzing the customer's purchase customers who fit that profile should
agers need to know their customers well history and connecting that to patterns be actively invited to try the Marriott
enough to tell when it's time to hand off with other customers? Under tradi- brand, perhaps with promotional hotel
customers. In extreme cases, a company tional brand management, nothing stays or special deals. Future profits
might even encourage some customers would happen; Fairfield Inn would hold are driven not by repeat business at
to abandon a brand to which they are on to its customer at all costs. But most Fairfield Inn but by the customer's pur-
loyal if another brand will better culti- of us would agree that the company chases across all Marriott brands.

customer equity will increase as a result disguised'). Consider Aerosphere's deci- $5 million would be required annually
of a given improvement in anyone of sion whether to Invest in seat-back video for upkeep. If test market results indi-
the driversof brand equity. units to enhance customers' perceptions cated that having seat-back video units
As an example, we applied this of cabin service. (Cabin service is a driver would result in an average improvement
approach to a major airline we'll call of quality, which in turn drives value of 0.2 (on a five-point rating scale) for
Aerosphere (the example Is based on equity.) Say installing the units would perceived cabin service, the rating would
actual data, but the company has been cost $100 million, and an additional rise from a current average of 3.6 to 3.8.
Given a discount rate of 10% and a time
horizon of three years (because Aero-
sphere probably couldn't be confident
Image Ethical corporate
Free samples, etc. advertising, etc. about the nature ofthe market and com-
petitive reactions past that period), we
Attitude toward can predict the chain of effects: Aero-
Brand awareness Brand ethics
the brand sphere's customer equity would increase
from $6.8 billion to $6.94 billion. That
increase would outweigh the net pres-
ent value of the improvement costs
{$112 million), and the result would be
an ROIof28.8%.
Value Equity Relationship Equity Now suppose that costs turned out
to be somewhat higher than anticipated
($105 million for installation) and that
the perception of cabin service actually
improved a bit less than anticipated (to
3.79). inserting these revised figures into
the statistical model yields an ROI of
Brand Choice
17.1%. The framework provides something
management has long sought: financial
accountability for marketing decisions,
Customer Lifetime
Value both before and after an investment
is made.

1. For more statistical details, see Rust, Lemon,and ZeithamI,

"Return on Marketing: Using Customer Equity to Focus
Marketing Sirategy" Journal of Marketing, January 2004. To
CUSTOMER EQUITY pursue this examplefurther or try other potentiai expendi- our free software from http;//www,rhsmith html.

SEPTEMBER 2004 117

TOOL KIT • Customer-Centered Brand Management

Take no heroic measures. Some- became concerned about the ill effects ual to that person's choice of brand.
times a brand becomes very unattrac- of too much sodium. Painting over the Because a sample of customers (perhaps
tive to a customer segment. Reversing WorldCom sign was an easy decision. augmented by customer panel data or
that impression might simply be too But would it make sense to walk away purchase intent data) gives individual-
hard to do. By analogy, suppose you from the Tyco name? level data on both brand choice and
went on a summer vacation for two Brands should never be scrapped friv- advertising, the two measures can be re-
weeks, left the car at home, and re- olously, but companies should retain lated statistically. Likewise, if a full set of
turned tofindthat a skunk had jumped only those that have avid customers - drivers, including advertising activities,
not sentimental owners or overly ag- is measured at the individual customer
gressive brand managers. Retiring inef- level, then we can statistically infer
If brand managers fective brands is easier to do if the which drivers are the most important,
control the resources, marketing resources ofthe firm are con- as well as how much an improvement in
trolled by customer segment managers, one ofthe drivers would increase choice.
they will persist too long as we propose, rather than brand man-
with a brand that has agers. If brand managers control the re- Overcome Your Blind Spot
sources, they will persist too long with The changes we're suggesting will re-
lost its punch. a brand that has lost its punch in a par- verberate throughout an organization,
ticular segment To do any less would shifting roles and responsibilities, bud-
into it, sprayed, then died. Given your feel like a personal failing. geting processes, performance mea-
investment in the car and its replace- Change how you measure brand eq- surement systems, and more. This kind
ment cost, you would labor mightily to uity. A focus on customer equity doesn't of broad-based reinvention is possible
get that smell out ofthe car. But we can mean brand equity is unimportant. To only when it also entails a fundamental
tell you with some authority, it would the contrary, improving brand equity change in perspective on the part ofthe
be a lost cause. Now suppose such a lin- remains one of the most important executive team. People leaming to drive
gering stench has attached itself to your marketing tasks. And that means it realize quickly that they have a vulner-
brand. At what point would you cut needs to be reliably measured and able area where their vision is hindered
your losses and invest in a new one? tracked. The task is greatly compli- or obscured. For many management
Fordiscount airline Valujet, that point cated - but not rendered impossible - teams, brand is one of those blind spots.
came just as the brand had started to by the realization that brand equity Executives must begin looking at the
build momentum. Valujet was off to varies dramatically from customer to problem of brand management more
a stellar start when in May 1996 one of customer. In the sidebar "Brand Equity deliberately and from the customer's
its airliners crashed, killing al! aboard. in the Scheme of Things," we describe in point of view.
The National Transportation Safety detail a workable method. It starts with In a customer-centered company,
Board accused Valujet of failing to en- a means for helping managers under- brands are important. But they are not
sure the safe handling ofthe hazardous stand the drivers of customer equity and all-important Therefore, companies
materials that had set the plane on fire the extent to which brand equity affects cannot be structured, staffed, and moti-
and caused the crash. No question: The customers' buying decisions (more so vated to grow their brands, full stop. It
brand stunk. Rather than try to redeem in some industries than in others). The is top management's job to correct this
it, Valujet dumped the name. It merged method then involves an analysis of focus, and only top management can
with another carrier, AirTran, and its the drivers of brand equity. do it. The first step is to develop a com-
fleet was soon back in business under Most important, for measurements to f)etent cadre of customer segment man-
that brand. AirTran is currently one of be tmly useful, brand values must be cal- agers. The second is to hand them the
the few U.S. airlines making a profit. culated on an individual customer basis purse strings. The third is to track and
in a Valujet situation, the decision and roiled up only at the highest level. reward their progress using reliable
seems obvious. Unfortunately, most com- The altemative, tempting in its simplic- metrics for customer and brand equity.
panies face decisions more like GM's ity, is to average the measures associated Make these adjustments and you in
with Oldsmobile. And iust think ofthe with each of the brand drivers. For ex- turn will see changes - subtle at first,
angst that must have surrounded the ample, companies have long assessed but substantial over time. Your people
renaming of McCall's magazine first to advertising effectiveness in terms of will understand that brands are only a
Rosie's McCall's and then to Rosle (not recognition and recall. Typically, they means to an end, and the end is this:
to mention the second-guessing after refer to these measures based on their to create and cultivate profitable, long-
the new venture imploded). Now think averages, attempting to differentiate term relationships with customers. ^
ofthe discussion going on at Martha good ads from poor ads. But it is possi-
Stewart Omnimedia. Nabisco phased ble, using the same data set, to relate the Reprint R0409H
out its Mr. Salty brand when the public measures associated with each individ- To order, see page 139.


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