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Grammar Logs

A. Procedure Text

How to take photos using the camera

1. Hold up the camera and center the object in the LCD

2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want
3. When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter half way. It is very
important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other
4. A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go
5. Press shutter all the way down. It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the
view finder when there is more extreme sunlight of to conserve battery. The glare
from the LCD does not work well with more bright light.

Source :

Sentence 1
“Hold up the camera and center the object in the LCD”

No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme Hold up the camera
2 Rheme and center the object in the LCD
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Imperative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector And
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
11 Translate Angkat kamera dan pusatkan objek di LCD
Sentence 2
“Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want”

No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme Move closer or use the zoom control
2 Rheme for the result you want
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Imperative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector For
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
Bergerak lebih dekat atau gunakan kontrol zoom untuk hasil
11 Translate
yang Anda inginkan

Sentence 3
“When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter half way. It is very important, so
the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations”

No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme When you are ready to take the picture
hold the shutter half way. It is very important, so the camera
2 Rheme
sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Imperative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector When
9 Reference It
10 Types of Sentence Complex
Saat Anda siap untuk mengambil gambar, pegang rana setengah
11 Translate jalan. ini sangat penting, sehingga kamera mengatur fokus,
kecepatan rana, dan berbagai perhitungan lainnya.
B. Descriptive Text


A cellular telephone (cellphone) is an electronic telecommunications device that has the

same basic capabilities as a conventional fixed line telephone, but can be carried anywhere
(portable, mobile) and does not need to be connected to a telephone network using a cable
(wireless; wireless). Indonesia currently has two wireless telephone networks, namely the GSM
system (Global System for Mobile Telecommunications) and the CDMA (Code Division
Multiple Access) system. The agency that regulates Indonesian cellular telecommunications is
the Indonesian Cellular Telecommunications Association (ATSI).

Source :

Sentence 1
“A cellular telephone (cellphone) is an electronic telecommunications device that has the same
basic capabilities as a conventional fixed line telephone, but can be carried anywhere (portable,
mobile) and does not need to be connected to a telephone network using a cable (wireless;

No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme A celluler telephone (cellphone)
is an electronic telecommunications device that has the same
basic capabilities as a conventional fixed line telephone, but can
2 Rheme be carried anywhere (portable, mobile) and does not need to be
connected to a telephone network using a cable (wireless;
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality Can
6 Mood Declarative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector Or, As, But, And
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
Telepon selular (ponsel) adalah perangkat telekomunikasi
elektronik yang mempunyai kemampuan dasar yang sama
11 Translate dengan telepon konvensional saluran tetap, namun dapat dibawa
ke mana-mana (portabel, mobile) dan tidak perlu disambungkan
dengan jaringan telepon menggunakan kabel (nirkabel; wireless)
Sentence 2
“Indonesia currently has two wireless telephone networks, namely the GSM system (Global
System for Mobile Telecommunications) and the CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme Indonesia currently has two wireless telephone networks
namely the GSM system (Global System for Mobile
2 Rheme Telecommunications) and the CDMA (Code Division Multiple
Access) system
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Declarative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector And
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
Saat ini Indonesia mempunyai dua jaringan telepon nirkabel
yaitu sistem GSM (Global System for Mobile
11 Translate
Telecommunications) dan sistem CDMA (Code Division
Multiple Access)

Sentence 3
“The agency that regulates Indonesian cellular telecommunications is the Indonesian Cellular
Telecommunications Association (ATSI).”

No Features Sentence 1
The agency that regulates Indonesian cellular
1 Theme
is the Indonesian Cellular Telecommunications Association
2 Rheme
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Declarative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector None
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
Lembaga yang mengatur telekomunikasi seluler Indonesia
11 Translate
adalah Asosiasi Telekomunikasi Seluler Indonesia (ATSI).
C. Explanation Text

How a cellphone works

A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone
is actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other
people in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays,
people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data.
Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make great change in the way people
communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. While wireless radio was
formally known in 18994 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two technologies, then a
cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work?
This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or
in long term “cellular telephone’ works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular.
The towers are networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire,
fiber optic-cables, or microwave.
Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed
connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are pick up by the towers and relayed
to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network.
The towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the
signal from short distance and the others can receive more distance. However, there are usually
more than one tower in certain given area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone
Source :

Sentence 1
“A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world.”
No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme A cell phone
2 Rheme is a great gadget in this modern world
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Declarative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector None
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
11 Translate Ponsel adalah gadget hebat di dunia modern saat ini
Sentence 2
“Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make great change in the way people communicate
to each other.”

No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme Alexander Graham Bell
is the person who make great change in the way people
2 Rheme
communicate to each other
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Declarative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector None
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
Alexander Graham Bell adalah orang yang membuat perubahan
11 Translate
besar dalam cara orang berkomunikasi satu sama lain

Sentence 3
“However do you know how actually cell phones work?”

No Features Sentence 1
1 Theme However do you know
2 Rheme how actually cell phones work?
3 Tense Simple Present
4 Active/Passive Active
5 Modality None
6 Mood Interrogative
7 Polarity Positive
8 Connector None
9 Reference None
10 Types of Sentence Simple
11 Translate Namun tahukah Anda bagaimana sebenarnya ponsel bekerja?
Graphic Organizer


a noun names a person, place, thing, animal, and idea.

Person Place Thing Animal Idea

Mountain Book Cat Love
Beach Cellphone Bird Joy
Zoo Scisor Mouse Peace
Playground Cup Elephant Fear
School Tree Lion Silence

Pronouns are words that substitue for noun. Gender pronouns are used in place of
person's name. This list is not exhaustive but is a good place to start!

Nominative Objective Possessive Possessive

(Subject) (Object) Adjective Pronouns
She She Her Her Hers Herself
He He Him His His Himself
They They Them Their Theirs Themself
Ze Ze Hir Hir Hirs Hirself
Ey Ey Em Eir Eirs Eirself
Reflective Journal

Hello everyone, my name is Toriq Hidayatul Madinah. I am a student of the 2019 class
of electrical engineering study program at the Faculty of Engineering, Singaperbangsa
Karawang University. Here I intend to tell my experience of learning English at the University
of Singaperbangsa Karawang with my lecturer, Elih Sutisna Yanto, M.Pd, MM.
Previously, I was among those who were left behind in the English field when studying
at the level of education before entering college because I was often lazy to learn English.
When I entered college, I realized how important it is to speak English. In modern times English
is an international language that is very important to communicate with other people, especially
foreign citizens. In addition, if we can speak English it is very easy for us to apply for work in
certain companies.
My parents always reminded me to be serious in learning English, so when I started
entering the world of lectures I decided seriously to learn English. When I study English with
Elis Sutisna Yanto, M.Pd, MM, I feel quite enthusiastic in learning because the learning
methods of Father Elis Sutisna are not boring, he also interacts more frequently with his
students. In my opinion it's quite good because the more we interact with lecturers the more
excited we are in learning with them. especially with the eloquent father's learning method
which requires us to be brave in answering, it is natural that it is wrong because we are still
In college I learned about grammar that I hadn't learned in high school, here I learned
a lot of sample material about course descriptions or about the skills that we must have in
English such as navigating skills, viewing skills, and so on. here I also learn about listening,
speaking, reading and writing. I am very grateful to Father Elis Sutisna, M.pd, MM because
Father Elis teaches quite casually but seriously. I will continue to strive in learning English.
Jurnal Reflektif

Halo semua, nama saya Toriq Hidayatul Madinah. Saya mahasiswa angkatan 2019
program studi teknik elektro di fakultas teknik unsiversitas singaperbangsa karawang. Disini
saya bermaksud untuk menceritakan pengalaman saya belajar bahasa inggris di universitas
singaperbangsa karawang dengan dosen saya, bapa elih sutisna yanto, M.pd , MM.
Sebelumnya saya termasuk orang yang tertinggal di bidang bahasa inggris ketika
belajar di jenjang pendidikan sebelum masuk kuliah karena saya sering malas untuk belajar
bahasa inggris. Ketika saya masuk kuliah, saya sadar betapa pentingnya bisa berbahasa inggris
. Di zaman modern ini bahasa inggris adalah bahasa internasional yang sangat penting untuk
berkomunikasi dengan orang lain teruama warga asing. Selain itu, apabila kita bisa berbahasa
inggris sangat memudahkan kita untuk melamar kerja di perusahaan tertentu.
Orang tua saya selalu mengingatkan saya untuk serius dalam belajar bahasa inggris,
oleh karena itu saat mulai memasuki dunia perkuliahan saya memutuskan serius untuk belajar
berbahasa inggris. Saat saya belajar bahasa inggris dengan bapa elih sutisna yanto, M.pd, MM
saya merasa cukup semangat dalam belajar karena metode pembelajaran dari bapa elih sutisna
tidak membosankan, dia juga lebih sering berinteraksi dengan para mahasiswanya. Menurut
saya itu cukup bagus karena semakin kita sering berinteraksi dengan dosen kita semakin
bersemangat dalam belajar denganya . apalagi dengan metode belajarnya bapa elih yang
mengharuskan kami untuk berani dalam menjawab, wajar apabila salah dikarenakan kita masih
Di kuliah saya belajar tentang grammar yang belum sempat saya pelajari di sekolah
menengah atas, disini saya belajar banyak materi contoh tentang course description atau
tentang skil – skil yang harus kita miliki dalam berbahasa inggris seperti skill navigating,skill
viewing, dan lain lain. disini saya juga belajar tentang listening,speaking,reading dan writing.
Saya sangat berterimakasih kepada bapa elih sutisna, M.pd, MM Karena bapa elih mengajar
dengan cukup santai tapi serius. Saya akan terus berusaha dalam belajar bahasa inggris.

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