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This chapter presents a description of the research design, population and

sampling, research instrument and data gathering.

Research Design

The aim of this study is to explicate the quantitative methodology. The study

established that quantitative research deals with quantifying and analyzing

variables in order to get results. It involves the utilization and analysis of numerical

data using specific statistical techniques to answer questions like who, how much,

what, where, when, how many, and how. It also describes the methods of

explaining an issue or phenomenon through gathering data in numerical form. The

study further reveals that quantitative methods can be categorized into; survey

research, correlational research, experimental research and causal-comparative

research. This study use a descriptive survey method use to asses socio-

demographic profile such as sex, age and grade level. Descriptive research is a

purposive process of data gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data

about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends and cause-effect

relationships and then adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with

or without aid of statistical treatment.

Population and Sampling

The researcher receive a simple random list of 20% in 443 students in 9-12 of

Lawy High School on February 2020. A simple random was selected as opposed

to a convenience sample because a simple random sample is a subset of a

statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal

probability of being chosen. A simple random sample is meant to be an

unbiased representation of a group. Therefore, having a boyfriend/girlfriend in

internet was not a requirement for this study since the population was randomly

selected. The survey was voluntary and subjects received no incentive for

participating in the research.

Research Instrument

The first two questions in the survey asked participants for their age and gender.

These two categories were selected to distinguish differences between men and

women of varying ages. Following questions one and two, a qualifying question

asked 120 participants if they currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend online.

The instrument used was an researcher-made questionnaire checklist to gather

the needed data for the students profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn

out based on the researcher’s readings, previous studies, professional literature,

published and unpublished thesis relevant to the study. In the preparation of the

instrument, the requirements in the designing of good data collection instrument

were considered. For instance, statement describing the situations or issues

pertaining was toned down to accommodate to free formatted views related to the

topics or issues. In this way, the instrument is authorized to obtain valid responses

of the students. Preference for the use of the structured questionnaire is premised

on several research assumptions such as a) cost of being a least expensive means

of gathering data, b) violence of personal bias, c) less pressure for immediate

response, and giving the respondents a greater feeling of anonymity. In the end, it

encouraged open responses to sensitive issues at hand. In addition the instrument

was validated by few consultant and former professors before it laid on to the study.

Data Gathering

The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a request letter.

Upon approval, the researcher retrieves the request letter. The Principal, as well

as class advisers and other faculty members were selected in the administration.

In administering the questionnaire, the researcher was use the time allotted for

vacant to avoid distractions of class discussions.

The respondents were given 30 minutes to accomplish the forms to prevent them

from giving hasty responses. The researches went from one section to another on

collecting the accomplished questionnaires.

After the questionnaires have been accomplished, the results where tallied the

tabulated. These data became the bases of analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Treatment

Responses to the questionnaire by 9-12 students were statistically analyzed with

the data requirements of the study. Students were statistically analyzed with the

data instruments of the study. Descriptive statistic such a frequency count, mean,

percent and rank are considered.

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