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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ot the Na tional Bureau of Standa rds-A.

Physics a nd Chemistry
Vol. 67A, No.4, July-August 1963

A Phase Study of the System: Oxalic Acid/Acetic Acid/

Water; Its Significance in Oxalic Acid Crystal Growth 1
John Strassburger and John 1. Torgesen
(April 3, 1963)

The presen ce of limited a moun ts of wa~e r a l?pea rs t o improve t he qu ali ty of .anhJ:d ro us

oxalic a cid single crystals grow n fro m acet ic aC id solutions. Wate r co nce ntratIO ns 111 the
sa t urated solutio ns which allow crystallizat ion of the a nhydrous acid have bee n determined
from t he ph ase st udy of th is ter nary system. Ncar 50 °C t he a nhydro us ac id crystalli zes
from solu t ions con ta ining up to 5.2 weight pe rce nt watcr , while the dih ydrate appears when
water is in excess of t his amou nt.
The p hase diagram shows a minimum con te nt of oxalic ac iel in solu t ion at a sol vent
co mposit ion ncar 83 p ercen t acet ic ac id , 17 pe rcen t \\·ate!". The solubility increases " 'ith
in creased acetic ac iel to t he isothermal in variant point, fou n d expe ri me ntall y at a meas ured
tem perature of 50.21 ° C to have the co mposit ion 20. 94 pe rce nt oxalic acid, 73.89 percent
acet ic ac id, 5.17 pe rcent water. Decreas in & sol ubili ty occ urs .at ~i g her acetic acid co .nc~n ­
trations . T he maximu m water content whi ch allows crystallizatIOn of a nhy drous aCid In-
creases wit h in creasing crystalli zatio n temperat ure. The solu bility of oxalic acid in acetic
ac id /water m ixtures at 40 ° an d 50 °C is r epo rted.

l 1. Introduction This system does not lend i tself' to the growth of

large sin gle crystals o[ anhydrous oxali c acid b ecause
Atte mp ts have bee n made to purif'y oxalic acid by tlte required co ncentr a tio n or sulruric acid ind uces
growth o[ a nhydrous sin gle crystals f' ro m its solution deco mp osition of' oxalic acid in solu tion. K nox and
in acetic acid. Even when using eq uipment [1F Richards [3) have meas ured t he solll bili ty of oxalic
wit h precise co nt rol of solu tion temper t ure, good ac id in water solu tions of acetic acid. Their work
crystals only up to 1 em in lengt h co uld be grown did not extend to concentrations o[ acetic acid with
from glac ial acetic acid. La rger crystals b eca me which anhydrous oxalic acid is in eq uilibriu m.
clo udy owin g to t he inclusio n of' mot her li q uor.
:. The p rod uction of' anhy drous seed crystals by 2. Reagents and Apparatus
evaporatio n of acetic acid at 50 °C is rendered diffi-
cul t, too , by an excessive nucleation r ate res ulti ng R eage nt-grade oxalic acid (both an hydrous and the
in t he f'or mation of' polycrystalli ne cl usters. H ow- di hydrate) and acetic acid were used to prep are all
I eve r, it has been obser ved t hat a small quantity of solu tions. Assays or the hydrated oxalic acid de-
i water, about 5 per ce nt by weig ht, s uppresses the termi ned i ts puri ty to be 99.97 percent. T he ace tic
r<'" nucleation rate and also produces anhydrous seeds of aeid was assayed at 99.28 perce nt ; the rem.ainder was
hio'h q uality, mor e nearly free [rom in clusions. assumed to be water . No special steps were taken
WaLer in excess of this a mount leads to the form ation to r emove this residual water because it was not
oJ oxalic acid dihydrate crystals, which redissolve on esse ntial Jor the study to i nclude completely a nllY-
furt her evaporation wi th the even tual crystallizmtion dl'oLl s cond itions. The normal labo rato ry supply of'
oJ a nhydrous oxalic acid. . distilled water was used.
Thus, t he indications were t hat aqueo us acetlC T he various mixtures of th e three comp onents
acid may be the better solvent for the growth of' were con tained in 250-ml Florence flasks modified by
large sin gle crystals of anhydrous oxalic acid . Ac- attaching inner 24/40 standar d-taper seals at th e
cmate phase r ule data were needed to determine the neck. Stoppel' caps constructed of t he outer seal
per missible r ange of water concentration allowing allowed the use of a sealing grease with ou t clangcr of
crystallization a nd growth of t he anhydrous acid. contamination. Stainless steel retainer springs in-
T he ternary system oxalic acid/acetic acid/ water has sured a sec ure seal beteeen flask and stopper cap
consequen tly been studied as described in t his paper. and th e ou ter air space, indicated in figure 1, pre-
H ill, Go ulden, and H atton [2) have r eported a
phase st udy of the system oxalic acid/sulfuric acid/
water at 60 °C . The solu tion composition at the
vented infiux of th ermostat w::!,ter.
The solution flasks were supported in a water
t hermostat of 13 gal cap::!'city. A diagram of th e
invaria nt poin t is given as 20. 5 percen t oxalic acid, assembled app aratus, sh own in figure 1, indicates an
>, 44.6 percen t sul furic acid, and 34.9 percen t water. upp er suppor t position used while sampling th e
equilibrium mixtures and a lower p osition u sed in
attaining equilibrium. I n th e latter case t he flasks
I Submitted by\ [r . Strassburger in partia )ful fillment of the requirements for
t he degree of ~ l aster of SCience, Georgetown UniverSity, W"ashin gto n, D.C.
were clamp ed around a center post abou t 7~ in. from
2 Figures in brackets indicate the literat ure references at the end of this paper. t he bottom of t he bath. A m aximum of five flask s
685-22&---63- -6 347
temperature. The mixtures were heated well above
this temperature until complete dissolution of the
THERMOMETER excess oxalic acid was achieved and then were placed .,
LUCI TE in the water thermostat and allowed to crystallize
~ --------~r---~r~------~
________ ~~--~L--~----" I
while being continuously ·s tirred. Saturation equi-
librium was achieved by allowing each flask to remain
I -++------1+1--------- at least overnight in the constant tempera ture bath. A:
WATER The stirrer of that solution to be analyzed was
HEATERS turned off, and the crystalline material was allowed to
settle for a period of approximately 2 hr. The Hask
was then raised from the bottom and clamped into
position near the top of the bath so that only the
neck protruded above the water level and through
the hole provided in the lid (sampling position in
fig. 1) . This procedure allowed the solution flasks
to be completely immersed in the thermostat until
just before sampling.
A pipet was used to remove samples of clear solu- "'j
tion which were placed in weighing bottles and
SPRING (2) stoppered quicldy. The pipet was preheated to
avoid crystallization while transferring the samples.
The slurry was sampled by withdrawing a portion
of solid-pIus-liquid into a piece of preheated 6-mm
glass tubing and transferring it quickly into a
250cc FLASK(5) weighing bottle. Three samples of the liquid phase ..
and one sample of the solid-pIus-liquid mixtme were
MOTOR (5) 1
removed. The solution was replaced at the bottom
of the water bath, and the procedure was repeated
o u "'f-
in a day or two for each solution mixture.
FI GU RE 1. Apparatus assembly jor attaining equilibrium Schreinemakers' "method of wet residues" [5], as
solutions. described by Ricci [6], was the procedure followed for I

the determination of tie lines and the composition 0(

of the solid phase. The tie lines were determined by
could be accommodated in equivalent positions. analyzing the saturated solu tion and also a sample
Each flask contained a Kel-F-coated magnetic of the solid phase mixed with the mother-liquor
stirring bar and continuous stirring was provided by solution. These two analyses were then points .c.
individual magnetic stirring motors mounted under fixing a line joining the liquid and solid phase
the thermostat below each flask. compositions. Graphical extrapolation of the tie
The control of thermostat temperatme was lines to their point 0 f intersection determined the
achieved with equipment of the type developed by composition of the solid without the necessity of its I
Ransom [4], based on the principle of fa time-
modulated power supply in which the heat applied to
separation from mother liquor and of its drying J
preparatory to chemical analysis.
the system is in direct relation to the departure of
temperature from the desired point. The bulk of 3 .2 . Analysis I
the heat was supplied to the bath by a large con- r:
tinuous heater, the sensitive control heat by two Since it was necessary to make a complete analysis
Nichrome-wound finger heaters. The bath tempera- on each sample, a procedure was devised to allow
ture was observed with a Beckmann thermometer and compatibility between titration for total acid with
was controlled to within ± 0.005 00. The Beckmann sodium hydroxide and titration for oxalate with
thermometer was calibrated with a platinum resist- potassium permanganate. Preliminary analyses
ance thermometer which had been previously showed that acid-base indicators (phenolphthalein or
calibrated at the National Bureau of Standards. thymol blue) as well as the indicator solvent inter-
Electrometric titrations were performed with a fered with the permanganate titration for oxalic !~
pH meter, Beckman Model G, equipped with external acid. For this reason, the samples were analyzed
leads. electrometrically for total acid present bJT titration
with sodium hydroxide using a pH meter (endpoint = .,. !
3 . Experimental Procedure 9.0). The samples were reacidified with sulfuric ~j
acid and titrated hot with permanganate for per- I

3.1. Sample Preparation centage oxalic acid. Percentage water was cal-
culated by difference. \.
The saturated solutions were prepared by mixing The procedure used for the preparation, storage,
the appropriate proportion of acetic acid, water, and and standardization of the sodium hydroxide and
the excess oxalic acid necessary to saturate the potassium permanganate solu tions is described by/<
solutions and provide excess solid phase at the desired Kolthoff and Sandell [7]. The sodium hydroxide
(approxim a tely 0 .2N) was standardized with NBS T A B LE 1. Solubility of oxalic acid in acetic acid/water so/tt-
tions; 50.21 ± 0.005 °C
sta ndard sample acid potassium phthala te. The
perll1 angana te was prepa red to b e approximately
O.I N and was sta ndardi zed wiLh N BS standard (CO, II), CJ [,C O, lI. n ,o Solid ph ase
sa mple sodium oxala te. The a nalyses of the stand-
wt % wl% 1.1't%
ard solutions wer e not con sidered acceptable un til 24.33 0.0 75.67 I ta
three consecutive determin a tion s gav e results which 23.71 6.84 69.45 II
varied by no more than ± O.OOOIN.
21. 52
11. 47
2 1. 90
I 4 . Results and Discussion
16.62 45. 74 37.64 J[
15.50 50.62 33.85 I[
14.42 55.6 1 29.97 H
Analytical data at 50 .21 °C are given in table 1 12.42 66.05 21. 53 ][
12. 10 68.37 19.53 II
and the phase diagram is shown in figure 2. All
l values ar e giv en in weight percen t. The experi-
m ental values for the liquid-pIus-solid an alyses are
11. 92
11. 89
"'- 09
11 .90
I 11. 98 76.56 J1. 46 1I
plotted in figure 2 but are not given in table 101'm. 13.05 78.02 8.93 II

l The solubility points were found to lie on a smooth

curve and the isothermal invarian t point was found
16. 12
20. 94
77. 3·1
5. 17
]( +Ab
experimentally to have the composition 20.94 percen t 19.24 76.66 4. 10 A
(COzH )z, 73 .89 percen t CH 3COzH , and 5.17 percent 15.48
13. 31
1. 84
0. 70
wa ter. A minimum solubility of' oxalic acid occurs
in the r egion of' composition 11 .7 percen t (C0 2H )2 , • 1l =(C O, 1L),·21 [,O.
73 .3 p ercen t CH 3C0 2H , and 15 p ercen t water. On b A =(C O, lI.),.


FIGU R E 2. Th e te1'nal'Y system: oxalic acid/acetic acid/water; weight percent at 50.21 ± 0.005 DC.
the aqueous side of this point, the solubili ty of oxalic to 22°C [10], show that over the entire concentration
acid increases continuously to a maximum in water range the ratio of water to acetic acid is always
alon e. On the anhydrous side of the solubility greater in the vapor phase then in the liquid. We
minimum , a rapid increase in solubili ty occurs until can reasonably assume that a similar relationship
the invarient point is reached, followed by a decrease holds for the solvent in this ternary system, and that
until completely anhydrous conditions are reached. evaporation of the solvent will promo te continuous
The tie lines all extrapolated to the theoretical dihy- enrichment of acetic acid in the liquid phase.
drate or anhydrous composition with good precision , If a system of acetic acid and water saturated with
although the large extrapolation from two (or some- oxalic acid contains more than 5.2 percent water, as
times three) points is not very accurate. represented by point A (fig. 2) Jor example, the total
Limited data for the 40°C isotherm are given in composition of the system may be expected to follow
table 2. While the phase relationships at this tem- a line such as AB as the solvent is evaporated.
perature were not completely explored, the data show Evaporation will, in this case, result in crystallization
the influence of temperature on the crystallization of of the oxalic acid dihydrate and its eventual dissolu-
anhydrous oxalic acid in the presence of water. The tion by the time the dihydrate saturation curve is
maximum water content which allows crystallization again reached. Subsequent evaporation will under-
of the anhydrous form decreases with decreasing saturate the solu tion with respect to both solid
crystallization tempera ture. pbases until the anhydrolls satumtion curve is reached ,
whereafter (upon further enrichment of solvent in
T A BLE 2. Solubility of oxahc acid in acetic acid/water' solu- acetic acid) anhydrous oxalic acid will crystallize.
tions; 39.94 ± O.005 DC

(CO, 11) , C TT3CO, II If,O Solid phase 5. Conclusions

wt % wt % 2ft % Anhydrous oxalic ftc id will crystallize near 50°C
17. 83 0.0 8~. 17 I Ul.
13.98 36.75 49.27 .If
from its solu tion in acetic acid/ water mixtmes
12. 29 46.23 41. 48
1 I. 54 83.73 '1. 7:l I I: provided the water concentration of the solu tion
10.87 88.43 0.70 does not exceed 5.2 percent. Crystallization of the
anhydrous acid at higher temperatures may possibly
a 11 = (CO,lI ), .2I1, O .
b A = ( CO, ll),. be achieved over a still greater range of water con-
centration if necessary. The invariant point of the
As expected, the solubili ty of oxali c acid in acetic system at 50.21 °C was found at a solution composi-
acid is less than in water. 'W hen appropriate cor- tion of 20.94 p ercent (COZH )2, 73.89 percent
rections are made for the small differences in tempera- CH 3 C0 2H , and 5.17 percent water.
ture, t he results for the solubility of oxalic <tcid in
water compare wi th the literature values [8 , 9] at
least as well as the various literature values compare 6. References
with each other.
The second set of analyses usually reproduced the [1] J. L. Torgese n, A. T. Horton, and C. P. Saylor, J.
first set quite well, showing that equilibrium was Research NBS 67 C, (Eng. and Instr.) No.1 , 25 (1963) .
[2] L. M. Hi ll, T. P. GOUlden, and E. Hatton, J. Chem.
reached before the first smnpli ng , and that day to day Soc. p. 78- 8 1 (1946) .
vtwiabili ty was negligible. If the difference between [3] J. Knox and M. B. Richards, J. Chem. Soc. 115, 508- 31
the meftn values of the two individual sets exceeded (1919).
the standard deviation of a single set, additional [4] F. A. R a nsom , Control Engin eering 1, 1 (McGraw-Hill
Book Co., N ew York , N.Y. , Jan. 1954) .
analyses were made. Each value in tables 1 and 2, [5] F. A. H. Schreinema kers, Z. Phys . Ch e m. 11, 75 (1893) .
therefore, represents the average of at least six [6] J. E. Ri cci, The Phase Rule a nd H eterogeneous Equilib-
independent determinations. The calculated stand- rium, p . 323 (D . Van Nostrand Co., Inc. , N ew York.
N.Y., 1951) . .
ard deviations for a single determination, indicating [7] I. M. Kolthoff and E. B. Sandell, T extbook of Quantita-
the reliability of each mean value, have the following tive Inorganic Anal ysis, pp. 550, 553, and 592- 4.
average values : (C0 2H )2, 0.02 ; CH 3CO zH , 0.03 ; (T he Macmillan Co., ~ e w York, N.Y., 1943) .
water, 0.04. [8] H. C. S. Sneth lage, Rec . trav. chim . 69, 5- 13 (1950).
The phase diagram can be utilized to explain th e [9] A. Seidell, Solubilitif's of Organic Compound s, 3d ed. ,
II, pp. 79- 80 (D. Van Nostra nd Co. , In c., N ew York,
earlier observations of consecutive crystallization of N. Y. , 1941 ) .
the dihydrate and anhydrous forms of oxalic acid [10] D. F. Othmcr, S. J. Silvis, and A. Spiel, Ind. Eng . Ch ern.
which occurred during seed growth by evaporation . 44,1 861 (195:2).
Published vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the acetic ,1
acid/water system, at various temperatures down (Paper 67 A4- 224 ) J


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