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Reported Questions

Atunci cand trecem o intrebare din vorbirea directa in vorbirea

indirecta in limba engleza cuvantul cu WH (where/ what/ which/
etc.) se pastreaza dar nu se mai face inversiunea intre auxiliar si
subiect, subiectul se pune
imediat dupa cuvantul cu WH si pe urma se pune verbul
Normal direct question: Wh-word + Aux + S + Verb?
Reported question: S + reporting verb + Wh-word + S + transformed Verb.
E.g. “ Where have you been?” he asked. (- Unde ai fost, a intrebat el.)
He asked me where I had been. (El m-a intrebat unde fusesem.)/ He asked me
where had I
Daca intrebarea in limba engleza se face cu un auxiliar atunci la vorbirea
se foloseste IF sau WHETHER (daca) (!! atentile sa nu confundati cu
inseamna vreme) dupa care urmeaza subiectul si verbul transformat (din nou
nu se mai
face inversiunea intre auxiliar si subiect)
Normal direct question: Aux + S + Verb?
Reported question : S + reporting verb + IF/WHETHER + S + transformed
E.g. “Do you like cats?” (-Iti plac pisicile?)
He asked me if/whether I liked cats. (El m-a intrebat daca imi placeau pisicile.)
!!!!!!!!!!! (Atentie daca aveti o intrebare la trecut, DID dispare iar verbul se pune
la Mai
mult ca Perfect)
“Did you see her?” (- Ai vazut-o?)
He asked me if/ whether I had seen saw her. (El m-a intrebat daca o vazusem.)
Reported Commands/ Requests/ Suggestions
Ordinele, cererile si sugestiile se introduc la vorbirea indirecta prin verbe ca:
ask, beg, offer, request, etc. care sunt urmate de Verb la Infinitiv Lung:
E.g. “Go away,” he said to me. => He ordered me to go away. (-Pleaca, el mi-a
spus. -> El mia
ordonat sa plec.)
“Please don’t shout,” he said to me. => He asked me not to shout. (- Te rog nu tipa,
el mia
spus. -> El m-a rugat sa nu tip.)
!!! Atentie: negatia la Infinitiv se face punand NOT in fata lui TO si nu intre TO si
verb: NOT
TO DRINK (a nu bea) si nu TO NOT DRINK
!!!!!!!! Dupa verbul Suggest se folosesc urmatoarele structuri:
suggest + Vb. –ing
suggest + that + S + should + Vb. Inf.
suggest + that + S + Vb. Short Inf
E.g. “Let’s see a film,” he said. => He suggested seeing a film. (El a sugerat sa
vedem un film.)
(- Hai sa vedem un film! a spus el.) He suggested that we should see a film. (El a
sugerat sa vedem un film.)
Hsueg gested that we see a film. (El a sugerat sa
vedem un film.)
He suggested to see a film. (Nu se pune Infinitiv
dupa suggest)
Reported Exclamations are paraphrases of direct exclamations (exclamatiile
parafrazeaza in vorbirea indirecta):
E.g. “How nice to meet you!” => He exclaimed he was delighted to meet me.
(-Incantat sa va intalnesc! -> El a exclamat ca era incantat sa ma intalneasca.)
“What a terrible day!” => He complained about the day.
(- Ce zi groaznica! -> El s-a plans de vreme.)
“Good evening!” => She greeted me./ She wished me a good evening.
(- Buna seara! -> Ea m-a salutat./ Ea mi-a dorit o seara buna.)
Indirect Questions (polite questions)
Direct question: Wh-word+Aux+S+Vb?
Indirect question: I wonder(ed)/I want(ed) to know (ma intreb/ ma intrebam/ vreau
sa stiu/
voiam sa stiu)+Wh-word+S+P.
Could you tell me/ Do you know/Did you know (Ati putea sa imi spuneti/ Stiti/
Stiati)+ Wh-word+S+P?
Eg."How much does it cost?" => "Could you tell me how much it costs?"/ how
much does it
(- Cat costa? -> Ati putea sa imi spuneti cat costa?)
"Where did she live?" => "I wanted to know where she lived."/ where did she live.
(- Unde locuia ea? -> Doream sa stiu unde locuia ea.)
Diferenta intre Intrebarile raportate si Intrebarile indirecte in limba engleza este
aceea ca
Intrebarile raportate sunt introduse prin "said, told, asked, etc." si sunt urmate de
care trebuie sa respecte transformarile de la vorbirea indirecta pe cand Intrebarile
sunt de fapt intrebari politicoase introduse de expresii politicoase ca: "I wonder, I
want to
know, Could you tell me, etc." care nu sunt urmate neaparat de verbe
Asemanarea dintre Intrebarile raportate si intrebarile indirecte este ca in ambele
nu se mai
face inversiunea intre auxiliar si subiect.
Direct Speech Reported question Indirect question
"Where is she?" => He asked where she was. "I want to know where she is."
(- Unde este ea? -> El m-a intrebat unde era ea. Vreau sa stiu unde este ea.)
Special Introductory Verbs
Exista mai multe verbe care pot sa introduca vorbirea indirecta in limba
engleza in afara
de "say", "tell" si "ask", dar unele verbe introductive cer anumite structuri
dupa ele:
Dupa verbele: agree ( a fi de acord), demand (a cere), offer (a oferi), promise (a
refuse (a refuza), threaten (a ameninta), claim (a pretinde) se foloseste Vb. Long
E.g. “Yes, I’ll help you.” => He agreed to help me (-Da, te voi ajuta. -> El a fost de
acord sa ma
=> He said that he would help me. (El a spus ca ma va ajuta.)
Dupa verbele: advise (a sfatui), allow (a permite), ask (a ruga), beg (a implora),
(a comanda), encourage (a incuraja), forbid (a interzice), instruct (a in strui),
invite ( a
invita), order (a ordona), permit (permite), remind (a aminti cuiva), urge (a
indemna), warn
(a avertiza), want ( a vrea) se foloseste un pronume in Acuzativ (me/ you/ him/
her/ it/ us/
you/ them) + Vb. Long Infinitive
“You should take an umbrella.” => He advised me to take an umbrella.
(- Ar trebui sa iei o umbrela. -> El m-a sfatuit sa iau o umbrela.)
Dupa verbele: accuse somebody of (a acuza pe cineva de), apologise for (a-si
cere scuze
pentru), admit to (a admite), boast about (a se lauda), complain to sb about (a
se plange
cuiva de), deny (a nega), insist on (a insista), suggest (a sugera) se foloseste
Vb. –ING
“You broke my glasses.” => He accused me of breaking his glasses. (-Mi-ai spart
ochelarii. ->
El m-a acuzat ca i-am spart ochelarii.)
“No, I didn’t steal it.” => He denied stealing it. (-Nu, nu am furat asta. -> El a negat
ca a furat
Iata cateva expresii si verbe modale impreuna cu verbele introductive
specifice lor la
vorbirea indirecta:
Would you like...? => offer
“Would you like me to help?” => He offered to help. (-Ati vrea sa va ajut? -> El s-a
oferit sa
ma ajute.)
Won’t => refuse
“I won’t do it.” => He refused to do it. (-Eu refuz sa fac asta. -> El a refuzat sa faca
Should => advise
“You should learn more.” => He advised me to learn more. (-Ar trebui sa inveti mai
mult. -> El
m-a sfatuit sa invat mai mult.)
Can => allow
“You can stay here.” => He allowed me to stay there. (-Poti sa stai aici. -> El mi-a
permis sa stau acolo.)
Let’s/ How about/ What about/ Why don’t we => suggest +vb. –ing/ suggest +
that +S +
SHOULD + Vb. Inf/suggest + that +S + Vb. Short Inf
“Let’s pay her a visit later.” => He suggested paying her a visit later./ He suggested
we should
pay her a visit later./ He suggested we pay her a visit later.
(- Hai sa ii facem o vizita/ sa o vizitam mai tarziu. -> El a sugerat sa o viziteze mai
Mustn’t/ not be allowed to => forbid+ somebody + Long Infinitive
“You mustn’t cheat during the exam” he said. => The teacher forbade us to cheat
during the exam.
(- Este interzis sa copiati in timpul examenului, a spus el. -> Profesorul ne-a interzis
sa copiem in timpul examenului.)
“You are very beautiful.” (Tu esti foarte frumoasa.)
He said that I was very beautiful. (El a spus ca eram foarte frumoasa.)
He said to me that I was very beautiful. (dupa say se pune TO)(El mi-a spus mie
ca eram foarte frumoasa.)

He said me that I was very beautiful.

He told me that I was very beautiful. (dupa tell nu se pune TO)(El mi-a spus mie ca
eram foarte
He told to me that I was very beautiful.

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