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KSU Sad Manunggal Jaya

This Is Submitted To Fulfill One Course Subject

Economic Cooperative

Arya Singa Dwi Pandita



Praise be to God Almighty for His blessings and gifts, the author is able to complete a Research
Report on cooperatives with the title "COOPERATIVE BUSINESS SAD MANUNGGAL JAYA"
well and in accordance with what is expected. Although the author knows that in the process and
research results there are still many shortcomings and errors. However, due to the blessing, effort,
prayer and support from all parties involved in making this report, so it can be resolved. Hopefully
what the writer has provided can provide good benefits for the reader, especially for the writer
himself. Finally, and by not reducing respect, the authors also thank those who have helped to
make this report a reality.

Denpasar 7 November 2019


Because it is very important to report the results of work from assignments that have been given
to students, then by compiling research reports on this cooperative students are expected to make
the correct reports and students are also required to be responsible for their assignments.
This Cooperative research report is made to fulfill one of the grade requirements in the Cooperative
Economics course.
The background in making this report is:
1. Meet one of the value requirements in the Cooperative Economics course.
2. Report the results of the tasks that have been carried out.
3. As written evidence of activities that have been carried out.
4. Research and see firsthand the activities of the Cooperative in the Community

Limitations on the scope of writing of this report include:
• History of the formation of the Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative
• Vision and Mission of the Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative
• Purpose of the Cooperative Sad Manunggal Jaya
• Membership of Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative
• The composition / organizational structure of the Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative
• Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative Activities
• How to manage the remaining money from the Cooperative Sad Manunggal Jaya


The purpose of this report is to provide an introduction to the Cooperative in the surrounding
community, add insight and knowledge in the field of cooperative knowledge and require students
to become accustomed to knowing and learning the intricacies of cooperative activities. And the
objectives of this report are:
1. To find out the history of cooperatives in the community.
2. To find out the organizational structure in the community.
3. To find out the system run by cooperatives in the community.
4. To know firsthand the procedure for cooperative economic activities in the community.

Data collection techniques used by the compiler include:
1. Observation, how to collect report data by carrying out the task of recording and research
directly on the object to get more accurate data also see evidence of cooperative transaction
activities in the community.
2. Interview, asking questions or answering questions directly with the parties concerned,
namely with representatives of cooperatives.
3. Documentation, analyzing documents / data relating to financial transactions.

Name of Cooperative : Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative

Cooperative Identity : Multipurpose Cooperative
Business Address : Gang. Tunjung Mekar No. 50, semer highway
Banjar : Peliatan
Village / Kelurahan : Kerobokan
District : NORTH KUTA
Latitude, Longitude : -8.6547033,115.1623565
Establishment Legal Entity Number : 08 / BH / DISKOP / VIII / 2005
Understanding Multipurpose Cooperative is a cooperative whose business activities are in
various economic aspects, such as the fields of production, consumption, credit, and services
consisting of people or legal entities of cooperatives by basing their activities based on cooperative
principles as well as the people's economic movement based on the principle of kinship.
History of Cooperatives
A Brief History of Cooperatives is a business entity with the aim of advancing the
economic interests of its members Cooperative businesses are businesses that can support or
enhance the purchasing power of their members. Cooperatives as a people's economic movement
and also as a business entity at war and to improve the standard of living of the more advanced
society, and make it based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in national governance which
are prepared as a joint effort with the basics of family and economic economy. The establishment
of the Sad Manunggal Jaya Multipurpose Cooperative (Savings and Loan Unit) was the idea of
the founders which was followed up with joint meetings to create a microfinance institution.
Hopefully this is based on thinking about being able to support and build a national economic
order in order to create a developed, just society and also assist the government in programs that
discuss new work fields and alleviate poverty, specifically within the KSU work environment. Sad
Manunggal Jaya (Savings and Loans Unit) On July 9, 2004, it succeeded in forming a financial
institution engaged in the savings and loan business under the name "KSU. Sad Manunggal Jaya
with 70 members. Agrees to form a cooperative which gives the name of the Sad Manunggal Jaya
Cooperative located in Jalan Tunjung Mekar 27 Br Peliatan Kerobokan Utara Kuta, Badung For
business activities starting on August 15, 2004. On February 4, 2005 received a touch from the
Office of Cooperatives of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Regency of Badung. Standing to
the State Minister for Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises RI through Badung
Regency Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Service Office with letter No: 05 / SK / KSU-
SMJ / V / 2005, dated May 17, 2005 received approval from the State Minister for Cooperatives
and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia with NO. 08 / BH DISKOP / VIII
/ 2005, August 15, 2005. With the ratification of the Irian Cooperative Education Act, Sad
Manunggal Jaya has obtained Legal Entity status. Cooperative
Increase the ability to build and develop the potential and economic capabilities of members in
general and society in general to improve economic prosperity with a future that is to come.
SAD MANUNGGAL JAYA COOPERATION asks me to advance the welfare of special members
and the general public as well as to build an order to increase public budgets in the field of
improving prosperous society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution to obtain appropriate
aid results and SAD MANUNGGAL JAYA COOPERATION also wants to help compete in
market conditions increasingly competitive.
Increase SHU approval from year to year by providing better services and developing own and
external capital as well as increasing successful lending based on the precautionary principle.


The main task of the SAD MANUNGGAL JAYA Cooperative is to aim at developing the welfare
of members in particular and advancing the work area in general in order to promote the
implementation of a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila.
Cooperative business activities in order to achieve the main tasks referred to are:
1. Helping the surrounding community in terms of economic problems.
2. Requiring members or customers to save at the cooperative.
3. Providing loans in the form of money and goods to members and the public.
4. Organizing and commercializing the goods needed by members.
Cooperative Capital
In summary, here are some sources of cooperative capital:
1. Basic Savings
The principal deposit is the amount of money that must be paid by members to the cooperative
when entering into a member. The principal savings cannot be taken back as long as the person
concerned is still a member of the cooperative. The principal amount is the same for each member.
2. Mandatory Deposits
Deposits must be different from the principal savings, namely the amount of certain savings that
must be paid by members to the cooperative at certain times and opportunities, for example every
month with the same amount of savings for each month. Mandatory savings cannot be taken back
as long as the person concerned is still a member of the cooperative.
3. Reserve Funds
Reserve fund is the amount of money obtained from the allowance for the Remnant of Operating
Results, which is intended for the fertilization of their own capital, distribution to members who
leave the cooperative membership, and to cover cooperative losses if necessary.
4. Grants
Grant is a sum of money or capital goods that can be valued with money received from other
parties that are grants / gifts and are not binding.


Based on the results of the Annual Member Meeting (RAT) decisions for the 2019 to 2022 service
period as follows:
Leader : I Nyoman Sudra
Vice Leader : I Nyoman Mastra
I Nyoman Tana
Secretary : I Made Sudika, SE
Treasurer : I Gede Artha Jaya, SE
Number of L / P Members : 116 Male Members / 90 Female Members
Number of L / P Employees : 2 Male Employees / 5 Female Employees
Number of L / P Management: 3 Male Management / 0 Female Management

Job Description
The Savings and Loan Cooperative of SAD MANUNGGAL JAYA has 7 employees managing
the course of management consisting of:
• Leaders: Monitor the performance of all employees and know the development of the
• Credit Supervisor: Must be aware of monthly reports that occur at the Cooperative.
• Administration Section: Arranges correspondence in the Cooperative, archives important
documents of the Cooperative, monitors household needs and cooperative stationery.
• Treasurer: responsible for the entry and exit of money, making proof of entry and exit of
money in the cooperative.
• Marketing: Looking for customers who want to join the Sad Manunggal Jaya
Cooperative Savings and Loans
• Surveyor: checks incoming customer data or data of customers who want to borrow
• Collectors: deal with customers who have problems / bad credit.
Product :

SIMAYA (Tabungan Manunggal Jaya) is a daily savings product collected by collectors from the
SAD Manunggal Jaya Cooperative with a monthly flowering system. SIMAYA is processed with
the intention of not knowing that your money will grow rapidly and profitably.
1. Your savings grow rapidly and quickly because it uses the interest rate calculated every
month, with attractive interest rates and directly added to the savings balance every month.
2. SIMAYA Can Be Used Using Credit (90% of your savings balance).
3. The amount of deposit is very flexible that can determine the amount of deposit according
to ability as long as it does not deviate from the minimum deposit amount in the attached
4. You can manage and reduce the use of excessive funds to pursue a better future
5. How to deposit is very easy and practical can be deposited directly into the cooperative
SAD MANUNGGAL JAYA or picked up by cooperative officers every month

Deposit Product Type:

1. Business Capital Savings (SIMUBER), for members and non-members can save and
savings can be taken every time you start a Cultivation Business (Rice, Horticulture,
Coffee, etc.). With a minimum deposit of Rp. 500,000, - 1% interest per 2 months, 1.5%
per 3 months, 2% per 3 months, 4% per 6 Months and 8% per year. Administration Rp.
5,000 per year. Minimum balance of Rp. 50.000
2. Voluntary Deposits (SISKA), for members and non-members. 8% interest per year for
savings 1-6 months, 10% per year for savings per 9 months and 12% per year for savings
over 1 year. Administration Rp. 2,000 per year. Minimum balance of Rp. 1,000,000
3. Education Deposits (SIDIK), Deposits for the preparation of the Education Costs for future
children. Deposit interest is calculated daily at 8% per year.
4. COOPERATIVE DEPOSITS / DEPOSITS (SIJAKOP), namely time deposits with a
variety of services and times
• 1 Month of 8% PA or 0.66% per month
• 3 Months at 9% PA or 0.75% per month
• 6 Months at 10% PA or 0.83% per month
• 12 - 24 Months 12% PA or 1% per month
Loan Product Type :
1. Regular loans / maximum of Rp. 75,000,000 with an interest of 2% decreasing with a period
• Loans up to Rp. 25,000,000 for a period of 24 months
• Loans above Rp. 25,000,000 up to Rp. 50,000,000 - 36 months
• Loans above Rp. 50,000,000 up to Rp. 75,000,000 - 48 months
2. Maximum home ownership loan of Rp. 100,000,000
• • 1.75% interest decreases with repayment period 8 year
3. Goods credit loans a maximum of Rp. 10,000,000
• • Flat interest of 1% DP for a minimum of 10% term 20 months
4. Emergency loans: given to members who have experienced a disaster, such as fire, accident
with special conditions

Conditions for Applying for SAD MANUNGGAL JAYA Cooperative Credit

1. 2 copies of the Applicant's KTP
2. 1 copy of the applicant's Family Card
3. 2 copies of BPKB, STNK & tax paid
4. 2 pieces of friction No. Machine & No. Order
5. 3 blank receipts in the name of the applicant and with a Rp. 6000 compensation
6. 1 sheet of salary receipt (employee)
7. Certificate of RT / RW

How the Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative attracted the public's interest in applying for credit:
• By carrying out literacy to the community, for example such as to markets close to the
cooperative area. And Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative also helped petrified local
communities who wanted to borrow funds for ceremonies such as mesangi or cremation.
• Distributing brochures to the public

Problems that often occur :

Constrained by an uncertain economic situation, the obstacle that cooperatives often face is the
late payment of credit installments by the public or bad credit. Of course things like this get a
special response from the cooperative
How Sad Manunggal Jaya Cooperative handles bad loans:
• Give a first warning letter to the customer
• Give a second warning letter to the customer
• Give a third warning letter to the customer and also follow up on what is happening with
the customer, such as asking why it is too late to pay in installments.
• If the deal will be held a credit rescue (reskejuling, reconditioning, and restructuring)
• Provide repayment with lightening interest or fines
• Finally, if the customer is already unable to pay installments, the cooperative will auction
the customer guarantee

A large turnover will bring in profits, which in cooperative terms is called the residual results of
operations (SHU). So SHU cooperatives are cooperative income obtained in one fiscal year minus
costs, depreciation, and other obligations including taxes in the fiscal year concerned. This SHU
will be distributed back to members, the size of which depends on the amount of contribution of
each member in creating the turnover earlier. In Sad Manunggal Jaya cooperatives have
calculations in the division of SHU which are as follows:
• Cooperative reserves 40%
• 40% member services
• 5% management fund
• 5% employee funds
• 5% education fund
• 5% social funds
• 5% environmental development fund.

Annual Member Meeting (RAT)

RAT or an abbreviation of the Annual Member Meeting is a mandatory agenda for each
cooperative business entity, because in it will be discussed about the accountability of cooperative
management for one year to the members of the cooperative concerned. The more members
involved, the better and can produce decisions according to the needs of cooperative members. In
the Sad Manunggal Jaya cooperative the RAT was held in December. As for some of the main
topics in RAT, among others are:
• Financial statements of the previous fiscal year (still related to financial statements).
• Future business plans (forecasting and business plans).
• Voting for new administrators.
Awards that have been won
The Sad Manunggal Jaya multi-purpose cooperative does not yet have any awards, but every year
there is always supervision and auditing related to operations, financial reports and quality of
cooperatives from the central level
Routine activities carried out
• Tirta yatra to ask for safety every year.
• Management meetings are held every 3 months
• Coaching members
• And annual meetings
Chapter III

After reading and studying the discussion above, I, as the writer of this cooperative
research, can conclude that cooperatives are a collection of people and not a collection of capital.
Cooperatives must truly serve the interests of humanity solely on the principle of kinship and not
on the basis of seeking an advantage. Cooperation in cooperatives is based on a sense of equality,
and awareness of its members. Cooperatives are a forum for economic and social democracy.
Cooperatives are jointly owned by members, management and managers. The business is arranged
in accordance with the wishes of the members through a member meeting. Cooperatives as a
business entity can conduct its own business activities such as opening a business and can also
work with other business entities, such as private companies and state companies.

It is expected that all members have a cooperative attitude in running a cooperative
business by developing an innovative attitude and courage to bear all risks and hold fast to the
principles of Cooperative Identity. And also the creation of cooperatives that are honest, fair, and
even, the fulfillment of the needs of cooperative members who need them, especially middle and
lower-class students in their daily lives and increasing welfare with campus residents, can develop
the potential and economic capabilities of members, achieving a better quality of life.
Documentation :

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