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Author name/s patel yash s.

Department of information technology
Shah and anchor kuthchii engineering college .
Chembur,mumbai 400088

Email id -

Abstract-- Python is a multi-paradigm programming data and behaviour are called as attributes and object
language. Meaning, it supports different programming respectively in object oriented programming(oops).And a
approach. One of the approach to solve a programming Class is the blueprint from which individual objects are
problem is by creating objects. This is known as created
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) . Python , an
object-oriented very-high-level language , zcan be used A constructor is a special type of method (function) which is
to extend legacy codes. .Constructors in python generally used to initialize the instance members of the class.
used for instantiating an object.The task of constructors is
to initialize(assign values) to the data members of the class Constructors can be of two types.:
when an object of class is created

1. Parameterized Constructor

2. Non-parameterized Constructor


II. Class And Object

How we define obeject oriented programming
(oop) ?Objects are a representation of the real world objects
like tower,books, and behaviour are one of the
characteristics of Object.
A class is a blueprint for the object.Class is model to
vehicles have attributes like number of wheels, number of create set of objects with similar attributes and action of
doors, seating capacity and also have behavior: accelerate, objects.attribute are represented by variable and action are
stop, show how much fuel is missing and so many other. represented by methods
The instance of a class is called object.The variable and A constructor is essentially a class function with its name
the method of an object are called instance. surrounded by double underscores (__). We always call it
__init__(). In C++ or Java, a constructor has the same name
The example for class of student can be : as its class, but things aren’t the same with Python.
Constructors let us initialize an object. Let’s take an example.

class student: class citrus:

1. def __init__(self):
pass 2. self.detoxifying=True
3. def show(self):
4. print("I detoxify")
Here, we use class keyword to define an empty class student.
5. if self.detoxifying==True
From class, we construct instances. An instance is a specific 6. else print("I do not detoxify")
object created from a particular class. 7. a=citrus()

An object (instance) is an instantiation of a class. When class Output – I detoxify

is defined, only the description for the object is defined. Now statement by statement, let’s see what’s happening.
Therefore, no memory or storage is allocated.
 __init__() is the constructor here.

The example for object of studentt class can be:  It takes the self-keyword to tell the interpreter to work
with attributes of this object. It should be the first
a = student()
 It takes no parameters.

 When setting detoxifying to true, we use

Here, a define the object of class student.
the self-keyword.

 We have another method show(), we pass self to this

II. Constructors
 Then, we create an object as a=citrus().
In python, the method __init__ simulates the constructor of  Finally, we make a call to
the class. ‘__init__’ default type of method which is called
only when the class is instantiated. We can pass any number  Together, both __new__ and __init__ form a
of arguments at the time of creating the class object, constructor.
depending upon __init__ definition. It is mostly used to
initialize the class attributes. Every class must have a III. Types Of Constructors
constructor, even if it simply relies on the default constructor.
A. Default Constructor in Python
A. Object Creation A constructor that Python lends us when we forget to include
__new__ is a static class method that lets us control object one. This one does absolutely nothing but instantiates the
creation. Whenever we make a call to the class constructor, it object; it is an empty constructor- without a body.
makes a call to __new__. While this is a default function for
every class, we can definitely play around with it. class demo:
1. def show(self):
B. Object Initialization (and self-parameter) 2. print("Thank you for instantiating me :)")
3. d=demo()
4. IV. Basic Code To Implement Constructor

Write a program to define student class and create an

Output – Thank you for instantiating me object to it also you call method and display the student
b. Non- Parameterized Constructor in Python
When we want a constructor to do something but none of that
is to manipulate values, we can use a non-parameterized #define class and name it as student
Let’s try the previous example with this! class student:

1. class demo: def __init__(self): #instancetiate the constuctor

2. def __init__(self):
3. print("Thank you :)")
4. d=demo() = input("enter the name of student")

Output – Thank you self.rollno = input("enter the rollno of student")

We can also use this constructor to set values we’ve decided.
self.age = input("enter the age of student")
Watch how.
self.marks = input("enter marks name of
1. class demo: student")
2. def __init__(self):
3. self.color='red' self.div = input("enter the div of student")
4. self.drink='tea'
5. def hello(self):
6. print(f"Thank you for instantiating me, I'm def displaydetail(self):
all {self.color}. Would you like some {self.drink}? :)")
7. d=demo() print("name of student is ",
8. d.hello()
print("rollno of student is ",self.rollno)
Output – Thank you for instantiating me, I’m all red.
print("age of student is ",self.age)
Would you like some tea?
print("marks of student is ",self.marks)
C. Parameterized Constructor in Python
print("division of student is ",self.div)
This lets us set custom values for instance variables. We can
have any number of these.

1. class demo: s1 = student()

2. def __init__(self,age,country):
3. self.age=age
5. def hello(self):
6. print(f"Hello, I am a {self.age}year old and Output:
I am from {}")
7. d=demo(22,'India') enter the name of student: yash
8. d.hello()
enter the rollno of student: 47
Output – Hello, I am a 22year old and I am from India
enter the age of student: 20
enter marks name of student: 95

enter the div of student: 5

name of student is : yash

rollno of student is : 47

age of student is : 20

marks of student is : 95

division of student is : 5


Who knew there was so much to know about constructors in

Python? We learned about parameterized and
non-parameterized Python Constructors, the default Python
Constructor, the self-keyword, object creation, and object


[1] Greg lindstorm : program with python ,

[2] David B. Davidson : Driving and Extending Legacy

Codes using Python ,




 I would like to thank my project mentor prof Ms.pramila


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