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9o ANO
Nos Cadernos do Programa de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) – Mundo do Trabalho são indicados
sites para o aprofundamento de conhecimentos, como fonte de consulta dos conteúdos apresentados e
como referências bibliográficas. Todos esses endereços eletrônicos foram verificados. No entanto, como a
internet é um meio dinâmico e sujeito a mudanças, a Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência,
Tecnologia e Inovação não garante que os sites indicados permaneçam acessíveis ou inalterados, após a
data de consulta impressa neste material.

A Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação autoriza a reprodução

do conteúdo do material de sua titularidade pelas demais secretarias do país, desde que mantida a
integridade da obra e dos créditos, ressaltando que direitos autorais protegidos* deverão ser diretamente
negociados com seus próprios titulares, sob pena de infração aos artigos da Lei no 9.610/98.

*Constituem “direitos autorais protegidos” todas e quaisquer obras de terceiros reproduzidas neste material que não estejam em domínio
público nos termos do artigo 41 da Lei de Direitos Autorais.

Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) – Mundo do Trabalho: Arte, Inglês e Língua Portuguesa: 9o ano/4o termo
do Ensino Fundamental. São Paulo: Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência e Tecnologia
(SDECT), 2013.
il. (EJA – Mundo do Trabalho)

Conteúdo: Caderno do Estudante.

ISBN: 978-85-65278-92-8 (Impresso)
978-85-65278-86-7 (Digital)

1. Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) – Ensino Fundamental 2. Artes – Estudo e ensino 3. Língua
Inglesa – Estudo e ensino 4. Língua Portuguesa – Estudo e ensino I. Secretaria de Desenvolvimento
Econômico, Ciência e Tecnologia II. Título III. Série.

CDD: 372

Sandra Aparecida Miquelin – CRB-8 / 6090
Tatiane Silva Massucato Arias – CRB-8 / 7262
Geraldo Alckmin



Nelson Luiz Baeta Neves Filho

Secretário em exercício

Maria Cristina Lopes Victorino

Chefe de Gabinete

Ernesto Masselani Neto

Coordenador de Ensino Técnico,
Tecnológico e Profissionalizante


Herman Voorwald

Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio

Secretária Adjunta

Fernando Padula Novaes

Chefe de Gabinete

Maria Elizabete da Costa

Coordenadora de Gestão da Educação Básica
Concepção do programa e elaboração de conteúdos

Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação

Coordenação Geral do Projeto Equipe Técnica

Juan Carlos Dans Sanchez Cibele Rodrigues Silva, João Mota Jr.
e Raphael Lebsa do Prado

Fundação do Desenvolvimento Administrativo – Fundap

Wanderley Messias da Costa Equipe técnica e pedagógica

Diretor Executivo Ana Paula Alves de Lavos, Clélia La Laina, Dilma
Fabri Marão Pichoneri, Emily Hozokawa Dias,
Fernando Manzieri Heder, Laís Schalch, Liliana
Márgara Raquel Cunha Rolfsen Petrilli Segnini, Maria Helena de Castro Lima,
Diretora de Políticas Sociais Odair Stephano Sant’Ana, Paula Marcia Ciacco da
Silva Dias e Walkiria Rigolon
Coordenação Executiva do Projeto Autores
José Lucas Cordeiro Arte: Carolina Martin, Eloise Guazzelli, Emily Hozokawa
Dias e Laís Schalch. Ciências: Gustavo Isaac Killner.
Geografia: Mait Bertollo. História: Fábio Luis Barbosa
Coordenação Técnica dos Santos. Inglês: Eduardo Portela. Língua Portuguesa:
Impressos: Selma Venco Claudio Bazzoni e Giulia Mendonça. Matemática:
Vídeos: Cristiane Ballerini Antonio José Lopes. Trabalho: Selma Venco.

Gestão do processo de produção editorial

Fundação Carlos Alberto Vanzolini

Antonio Rafael Namur Muscat Gestão Editorial

Presidente da Diretoria Executiva Denise Blanes

Equipe de Produção
Alberto Wunderler Ramos
Assessoria pedagógica: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira
Vice-presidente da Diretoria Executiva
Editorial: Adriana Ayami Takimoto, Airton Dantas de
Araújo, Amanda Bonuccelli Voivodic, Beatriz Chaves,
Gestão de Tecnologias em Educação Beatriz Ramos Bevilacqua, Bruno de Pontes Barrio,
Camila De Pieri Fernandes, Carolina Pedro Soares,
Direção da Área Cláudia Letícia Vendrame Santos, Lívia Andersen
Guilherme Ary Plonski França, Lucas Puntel Carrasco, Mainã Greeb Vicente,
Patrícia Pinheiro de Sant’Ana, Paulo Mendes e
Coordenação Executiva do Projeto Tatiana Pavanelli Valsi

Angela Sprenger e Beatriz Scavazza Direitos autorais e iconografia: Aparecido Francisco,

Beatriz Blay, Fernanda Catalão, Juliana Prado,
Olívia Vieira da Silva Villa de Lima, Priscila Garofalo,
Gestão do Portal
Rita De Luca e Roberto Polacov
Luiz Carlos Gonçalves, Sonia Akimoto e Apoio à produção: Luiz Roberto Vital Pinto,
Wilder Rogério de Oliveira Maria Regina Xavier de Brito, Valéria Aranha e
Vanessa Leite Rios
Gestão de Comunicação Projeto gráfico-editorial: R2 Editorial e Michelangelo
Ane do Valle Russo (Capa)

CTP, Impressão e Acabamento

Imprensa Oficial do Estado de São Paulo
Caro(a) estudante,
É com grande satisfação que a Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico,
Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, em parceria com a Secretaria da Educação
do Estado de São Paulo, apresenta os Cadernos do Estudante do Programa
Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) – Mundo do Trabalho, em atendimento
a uma justa reivindicação dos educadores e da sociedade. A proposta é oferecer
um material pedagógico de fácil compreensão, para complementar suas atuais
necessidades de conhecimento.
Sabemos quanto é difícil para quem trabalha ou procura um emprego se dedi-
car aos estudos, principalmente quando se retorna à escola após algum tempo.
O Programa nasceu da constatação de que os estudantes jovens e adultos
têm experiências pessoais que devem ser consideradas no processo de aprendi-
zagem em sala de aula. Trata-se de um conjunto de experiências, conhecimen-
tos e convicções que se formou ao longo da vida. Dessa forma, procuramos
respeitar a trajetória daqueles que apostaram na educação como o caminho
para a conquista de um futuro melhor.
Nos Cadernos e vídeos que fazem parte do seu material de estudo, você
perceberá a nossa preocupação em estabelecer um diálogo com o universo do
trabalho. Além disso, foi acrescentada ao currículo a disciplina Trabalho para
tratar de questões relacionadas a esse tema.
Nessa disciplina, você terá acesso a conteúdos que poderão auxiliá-lo na
procura do primeiro ou de um novo emprego. Vai aprender a elaborar o seu
currículo observando as diversas formas de seleção utilizadas pelas empresas.
Compreenderá também os aspectos mais gerais do mundo do trabalho, como as
causas do desemprego, os direitos trabalhistas e os dados relativos ao mercado
de trabalho na região em que vive. Além disso, você conhecerá algumas estra-
tégias que poderão ajudá-lo a abrir um negócio próprio, entre outros assuntos.
Esperamos que neste Programa você conclua o Ensino Fundamental e, pos-
teriormente, continue estudando e buscando conhecimentos importantes para
seu desenvolvimento e para sua participação na sociedade. Afinal, o conheci-
mento é o bem mais valioso que adquirimos na vida e o único que se acumula
por toda a nossa existência.
Bons estudos!
Secretaria da Educação

Secretaria de Desenvolvimento
Econômico, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Arte.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Unidade 1
Música e cultura popular brasileira 9
Unidade 2
Cinema e música 27
Unidade 3
Desenho como expressão 47
Unidade 4
A arte de criar esculturas 67

Inglês................................................................................................................................. 85
Unit 1
Life narratives 87
Unit 2
The Internet and the world of work 99
Unit 3
Professions of the future 109
Unit 4
Other horizons in the world of work 119

Língua Portuguesa......................................................................................... 127

Unidade 1
Texto teatral: a palavra encena 129
Unidade 2
As opiniões no mundo 151
Unidade 3
Poetas e cantadores: na trilha do cordel 177
Unidade 4
O mundo da Ciência, a Ciência do mundo 191
Unidade 5
Textos sobre textos: o essencial e o acessório
na escrita de resumos 213
E nglish

9o ANO

Caro(a) estudante,

Você está iniciando a disciplina Inglês do 9 o ano/4o termo do Programa

EJA – Mundo do Trabalho.

Neste Caderno, você continuará a expandir seu repertório em inglês,

aprenderá novas palavras e discutirá temas relevantes ao mundo do trabalho,
de modo a ampliar sua capacidade leitora.

A Unidade 1 retratará as vidas de João Cândido, Margarida Maria Alves e

Chico Mendes, pessoas importantes que lutaram por melhores condições nas rela-
ções de trabalho. Por meio da biografia dessas personalidades, você poderá refletir
sobre questões relevantes aos direitos humanos e dos trabalhadores.

A Unidade 2 tratará da história da internet, do seu surgimento e da sua

finalidade. Além disso, abordará as consequências de sua criação e expansão,
como também a maneira como ela altera o dia a dia das pessoas. Você ainda
terá a chance de estudar algumas implicações da internet sobre o trabalho,
como o aparecimento de novas atividades profissionais relacionadas a essa
tecnologia e o crescimento da educação a distância.

A Unidade 3 enfocará algumas ocupações extintas e profissões do futuro,

as quais têm sido consideradas promissoras por especialistas do mercado de
trabalho. Nessa Unidade, você poderá discutir os fatores que contribuem para
o surgimento desses novos campos de atuação.

A Unidade 4 abordará novos horizontes profissionais que estão crescendo

atualmente, como o empreendedorismo e o cooperativismo. Você também
conhecerá o co-working e refletirá sobre suas vantagens e desvantagens para o

Bons estudos!
U nit

1 Life narratives

Nesta Unidade, você conhecerá alguns brasileiros que contribuí-

ram para o processo de humanização no mundo do trabalho: João
Cândido, Margarida Maria e Chico Mendes. Vai conhecer as biogra-
fias dessas personalidades e como cada uma delas, com os meios que
tinham disponíveis, contribuiu para a luta de trabalhadoras e traba-
lhadores do Brasil e do mundo.

For starters
In group up to four people, answer the following questions: Língua Portuguesa
7o ano/2o termo
• Have you ever read a biography? What kind of information is Unidades 1 e 2
usually found in a life narrative?
• In your opinion, who most contributed to a positive change in
the world of work in your country? Why?

Activity 1 Reading on vacation

1. Read the following dialogue between Anderson and Gláucia in
silence. There is a “keywords box” at the end of the text. Make
sure to add new words in your glossary.

(After 15 days of vacation, Anderson meets Gláucia at the Star Clean lobby.)
GLÁUCIA —H  i, Anderson. How are you? It’s been a long time since we last saw each other!
ANDERSON —H  i, Gláucia! It’s been a long time, hmm... Since I left for my vacation. I’m fine, and you?
GLÁUCIA — I ’m all right. Tell me, did you enjoy your vacation?
ANDERSON —Y  es, I enjoyed it very much. I really love going to the beach. You know, I really like to read on
the beach. It’s very nice.
GLÁUCIA —W  ow, Anderson, I’m very impressed!
ANDERSON — O  h, are you? Why?
GLÁUCIA — ( laughing) Don’t get me wrong, I just thought you would prefer to rest, you had a busy year!
ANDERSON — Y  eah, right... But I don’t get tired when I read. For me, reading is relaxing.
GLÁUCIA — I know what you mean, I love reading too.
ANDERSON — R  eally? I’m impressed!
(They both laugh for a moment.)
GLÁUCIA —A  nd what book did you read during your vacation?
ANDERSON — I read a very interesting book about Brazilians who fought for better working conditions.
GLÁUCIA —R  eally? Tell me about it, I want to know it all!
ANDERSON — O  K, I will tell you, don’t worry...

English – Unit 1

Keywords box

both ambos I know what you mean eu sei o que você quer dizer
busy year ano cheio, ano ocupado it’s been a long time faz muito tempo
don’t get me wrong não me leve a mal to meet encontrar
each other um ao outro to prefer/would prefer preferir/preferiria
to get tired ficar cansado, cansar-se vacation férias

2. Now that you have read the dialogue in silence, practice it a few
times out loud with a partner. The teacher will choose a pair of
volunteers to perform it to the rest of the class.

Activity 2 The story of a brave Brazilian sailor

Língua Portuguesa 1. Before you read the text, pay close attention to the pictures and
6o ano/1o termo
Unidades 2 e 3 their captions. Then discuss the following questions in pair:

a) Who do you think João Cândido was?

b) In your opinion, what was the Revolt against the Lash?

2. Now read the following text silently.

Pay attention João Cândido: the black admiral

IN 1912 (IN + year) João Cândido Felisberto was born in Rio Grande do Sul´s countryside, on
IN November (IN + month) June 24th, 1880. He was one of the eight children of Inácia Felisberto and João
ON June 24th (ON + date)
Cândido Felisberto, a former slave who worked in a farm.
AT 10 o’clock (AT + time) At the age of 15, João Cândido was forced to join the Navy as punishment
AT night for an act of insubordination. Five years later, he turned into an instructor of
IN the morning sailor apprentices and participated in several international missions. By the
IN the afternoon age of 29, he was a first-class sailor.
© Acervo Iconographia/Reminiscências

João Cândido
(on the right side)
in Rio de Janeiro,

English – Unit 1

At the beginning of the 20th century, physical punishments against sailors –

similar to those inflicted on slaves before the Abolition of Slavery – were common
practice in the Navy.

© João Pirolla
The image
reproduces a public
punishment against
a sailor witnessed
by João Cândido and
his fellows.

João Cândido and his fellow sailors witnessed many public whipping sessions
with growing indignation. On November 21st at night, a sailor was submitted to
250 whippings, fact that set off a movement called “Revolt against the Lash”, with
João Cândido as its leader. On November 22nd, by orders of João Cândido, the
battleship “Minas Gerais” gave a signal for the beginning of the uprising. A radio
station from Morro da Babilônia received the first message from the insurgents:
We do not want the whip again. We ask this from the President of the
Republic, from the Minister for the Navy. We want an answer now and
now. In case we don’t get one, we will bomb cities and ships which do not
revolt. Signed: “São Paulo”, “Bahia” and “Minas Gerais” garrisons (apud
Passos, 2008).

The revolt was brutally repressed by the government. The few sailors who
survived were forced to board a ship named “Satellite” to the Amazon region and
work as rubber tappers. João Cândido and 17 other sailors were jailed, without
water or food. In addition, quicklime was poured inside their cells with the excuse
of “cleaning” them. After about two days, only two sailors survived: one of them
was João Cândido, who was later admitted to a psychiatric hospital by Navy orders.
Acervo G.Ermakoff Casa Editorial


The insurgents
waiting for the new
commander in Rio de
Janeiro, 1910.

English – Unit 1

Top tips In 1912, he was tried and acquitted for his leadership in the Revolt against
the Lash. Despite his acquittal, he was expelled from the Navy with no money and
João Cândido is only the clothes on his body. João Cândido lived in poverty until 1969, when he
remembered until this died aged 88. In 2008, the Navy granted him post-mortem amnesty, and in 2010,
day. In his honour, in 1973 100 years after the revolt, an oil tanker was named to his homage.
composers João Bosco
and Aldir Blanc wrote a
song entitled O mestre-

© Eudes Santana/Transpetro
-sala dos mares in reference
to the Revolt against the
Lash, despite attempts of
the military dictatorship to
censor the lyrics.

The modern
Brazilian oil
tanker João
Cândido named
to his homage.

PASSOS, Eridan. João Cândido: o herói da ralé. São Paulo: Expressão Popular, 2008. Tradução:
Eduardo Portela.
SALATIEL, José Renato. Revolta da Chibata – 100 anos. UOL Educação. Disponível em: <http://
tratamento-justo.jhtm>. Acesso em: 29 abr. 2013.

Keywords box
to acquit/ absolver, inocentar/ lash chibata
acquitted absolvido, inocentado Navy Marinha
admiral almirante oil tanker petroleiro
amnesty anistia punishment castigo
battleship navio de guerra quicklime cal virgem
countryside interior rubber tapper seringueiro
to expel/expelled expulsar/expulso sailor marinheiro
former slave ex-escravo to survive/survived sobreviver/sobreviveram
garrison guarnição to try/tried julgar/julgado
to grant/granted conceder/concedeu uprising motim
to inflict/inflicted impor/imposto whipping, whip açoitamento, chibata
to jail/jailed prender/preso to witness/witnessed testemunhar/testemunharam

English – Unit 1

3. Answer the following questions:

a) Now that you have already read the text, who was João Cândido?
What was his role in the revolt mentioned in the text?

b) What did the sailors demand? How did they try to achieve
their objectives?

c) What did the government do to end the revolt?

d) And nowadays, what is the government reaction to popular

and labor movements?

English – Unit 1

4. Share your opinion about the Revolt against the Lash with your
classmates. Your teacher will mediate the discussion. Make sure
to help set and respect rules for the debate.

Here are some examples of sentence patterns that can help you:

• May I have the word, please?

• I agree with Juliana/I don’t agree with Juliana.
• I partially agree with Paulo.
• I think that.../I don’t think that...

5. Add the new words in your glossary.

Activity 3 M
 argarida Maria, the first female president of
a trade union

1. Now you will read a short biography of Margarida Alves. What do

you expect to find in the text based on the title of this activity?

2. Read the text in silence.

Margarida Maria and the March of the Daisies

Margarida Maria Alves was born in Alagoa Grande, Paraíba,

in 1943. Mother and wife, she was also a hard worker, both as a
Acervo de família

peasant and as a lace maker.

She was the first female president of a trade union, the Union of
Rural Workers of Alagoa Grande. She fought to guarantee the rights
of the peasants in her town, like the 13th salary, annual vacation
and the 8-hour work day.
As the leader of the union, she filed 73 work claims against
sugarcane mills without ever losing a single one. She was
also responsible for founding a Centre for the Education and
Culture of the Peasant Worker.
One of these claims was against the son of a farmer who
had beaten a crippled old woman who lived in his property.
Margarida and the union won the claim and the farmer was forced to pay 2 million and 300 thousand cruzeiros
to the old woman and the union.
The farmer threatened Margarida by saying that “she could receive the money, but she wasn’t going to
spend it”.
Margarida Maria Alves was constantly threatened during her term as union president because of her efforts to
promote citizenship, access to rights and information, and for her help in strengthening family agriculture and the
empowerment of women for better conditions in the fields.

English – Unit 1

She was brutally murdered in August, 1983, at the door­step of her house while she was watching her son play
in the street.
Margarida’s coward murder is not to be forgotten. Since 2000, thousands of women have gathered in a
march called “March of the Daisies” (“Marcha das Margaridas”). In 2011, more than 70 thousand women
marched to Brasília to demand better conditions for rural workers and to end the violence in land conflicts.

© Edilson Rodrigues/CB/D.A Press

Acervo de família

Margarida Maria’s speech to workers, probably March of the Daisies in Brasília, 2011.
on May 1st, the International Worker’s Day.

WOORTMANN, Ellen F.; HEREDIA, Beatriz; MENASHE, Renata (Orgs.). Margarida Alves: coletânea sobre estudos rurais e gênero.
Brasília, DF: MDA/IICA, 2006. NEAD especial. Disponível em: <
Alves_I_Colet%C3%A2nea_Sobre_estudos_Rurais_e_G%C3%AAnero.pdf>. Acesso em: 29 abr. 2013.

Did you know?

The Brazilian currency has changed both in denomination and value according to economic situations. Cruzeiro was the
currency from 1942 to 1967. From 1967 to 1970 the currency changed into Cruzeiro Novo and from 1970 to 1986 turned
back into Cruzeiro again.
These are the currencies issued by the Central Bank (Banco Central) from that period to the present time:
• Cruzeiro (Cr$): from 1942 to 1967
• Cruzeiro Novo (NCr$): from 1967 to 1970
• Cruzeiro (Cr$): from 1970 to 1986
• Cruzado (Cz$): from 1986 to 1989
• Cruzado Novo (NCz$): from 1989 to 1990
• Cruzeiro (Cr$): from 1990 to 1993
• Cruzeiro Real (CR$): from 1993 to 1994
• Real (R$): from 1994 to the present time
Our first currency was launched in the beginning of the 19th century, the Réis (Rs$).

BANCO Central do Brasil. Museu de valores: cédulas e moedas brasileiras. Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 29 abr. 2013.

English – Unit 1

Keywords box
to beat/ espancar/tinha to forget/forgotten esquecer/esquecido
had beaten espancado
for founding por fundar
both... and tanto... quanto
to gather/gathered reunir-se/reuniram-se
claim queixa, processo
lace maker rendeira
crippled aleijado(a)
peasant camponês/camponesa
to demand exigir
to spend gastar
doorstep degrau da porta, soleira
strengthening fortalecimento
empowerment empoderamento
to threaten/ ameaçar/
to file/filed dar entrada/deu entrada threatened ameaçado

3. Answer the following questions in your own words:

a) Who was Margarida Maria Alves?

b) What were her contributions to rural workers in Brazil?

English – Unit 1

c) How did she die? Why was she murdered?

d) Do you know any other people who were murdered for

defending similar causes?

e) What is the “March of the Daisies”? What are its demands?

4. The teacher will start reading the text Margarida Maria and the
March of the Daisies out loud. When he/she is finished, he/she
will choose a volunteer to continue reading. After a few sentences,
the teacher will choose another volunteer. Pay attention to
pronunciation corrections and other explanations that your teacher
will make.

Activity 4 Chico Mendes’ story

1. The following text is about another person who influenced the
world of work in Brazil. Read it silently. It is about Chico Mendes,
a rubber tapper who organized workers to struggle for better
conditions while preserving the Amazon forest. Use the “keywords
box” at the end of the text to understand the meaning of new
words and expressions.

English – Unit 1

Chico Mendes

Francisco Alves Mendes Filho was born in Xapuri, southeastern

Acre, on December 15th, 1944. His father was a rubber tapper and, for
© Carlos Ruggi/AE

this reason, Chico Mendes started rubber tapping when he was only
nine years old. Mendes only learned how to read and write in adult life
because landowners did not allow schools in their land until 1970.

Mendes decided to organize workers after noticing their poor

conditions and the destruction of the forest caused by timber producers
and cattle farmers. These two activities – logging and cattle farming –
represented a menace to rubber tappers because they destroyed the most
important resource for these workers: rubber trees.

The union movement in Acre was started by Mendes with the Union
of Rural Workers of Brasileia. At that period, he also was able to get
elected town councilor in 1977, at the height of the military dictatorship
Chico Mendes at work in Xapuri, 1988.

© Rodrigo Baleia/Folhapress
In 1979, he was accused of “subversion”. Secretly jailed and
tortured, Mendes could not reveal what he went through during the
interrogations because of the risk of getting killed.

One year later, he was jailed again, this time with the false
accusation of murdering a farmer.

Like Margarida Maria Alves, Chico Mendes was also brutally

murdered in 1988 at his doorstep. Chico Mendes was an
environmentalist and unionist who contributed to the humanization
of work conditions and to the preservation of the Amazon forest. He
is remembered worldwide for his struggle until the present time.
Logs illegally extracted in the Amazon region.

BIOGRAFIA de Francisco Alves Mendes Filho “Chico Mendes”. Instituto Chico Mendes. Disponível em: <http://www.chicomendes.>. Acesso em: 29 abr. 2013.
CHICO Mendes – líder sindical seringalista, ativista ambiental brasileiro. UOL Educação. Disponível em: <
biografias/chico-mendes.jhtm>. Acesso em: 29 abr. 2013.

Keywords box

to allow permitir landowner proprietário de terra

at the height no auge logging atividade madeireira
to be able to/ ser capaz de/ rubber tree seringueira
was able to foi capaz de timber producer madeireiro
cattle farmer pecuarista town councilor vereador
cattle farming criação de gado, pecuária unionist sindicalista
environmentalist ambientalista

English – Unit 1

2. In pair or trio, discuss the following questions and answer them

based on the text: Top tips

In his album Flowers

a) Where and when was Chico Mendes born? in the dirt (1989), Paul
McCartney, one of the
famous Beatles, includes
the song How many
people as a tribute to
Chico Mendes. You can
hear a part of it on the
official site of the artist.
Disponível em: <http://
Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.
b) Why did Mendes start to organize the rubber tappers?

c) Like João Cândido, Chico Mendes was also jailed. In your

opinion, what are the similarities between both cases?

3. Now that you have known Chico Mendes’ story, the teacher will
select some volunteers to conduct the reading aloud.

Activity 5 Important people

1. After reading three stories of Brazilians who contributed to the
humanization of work and to the struggle for human rights, get
together in group of four and discuss: How different were the
lives of these three Brazilians? How similar were they?

English – Unit 1

2. Research about a person or a group of people who helped to

change the world of work in different countries. You can use the
following topics as guidelines for your research:
• Name of the person/people.
• Date and place of birth.
• Nature of contribution to workers.

Take notes in your notebook to share your findings with your


You studied

In this Unit, you have read about three people who helped to
transform work relations in Brazil. By reading the life story of
João Cândido, Margarida Maria and Chico Mendes, you could
expand your vocabulary and learn new structures which will
help you to better communicate in English.

Think about it

Milhares de homens e mulheres em todo o planeta já lutaram e

morreram por condições dignas de trabalho. Atualmente, no Brasil,
os trabalhadores têm mais direitos do que, por exemplo, durante a
ditadura militar, quando o direito à greve e aos sindicatos foi limi-
tado. No entanto, ainda hoje permanecem em nossa sociedade alguns
resquícios desse e de outros autoritarismos. Você já vivenciou ou
conhece alguém que tenha vivenciado uma situação na qual os direi-
tos dos trabalhadores tenham sido cerceados?

U nit

2 The Internet and the

world of work

Nesta Unidade, você vai estudar as influências da internet no

mundo do trabalho, com o objetivo de ampliar o vocabulário e apren-
der novas estruturas de frases em inglês. Conhecerá as origens da
internet e as profissões a ela relacionadas. Por fim, também discutirá
sobre a educação a distância.

For starters
In group up to four people, answer the following question:

• What are the possible uses of the Internet in the world of work?
Make a list with at least four of them.

Activity 1 Help me out

1. Read the following dialogue between Gláucia and Anderson silently.
Pay attention to new words and expressions, and make sure to add
them in your glossary.

(Gláucia has just joined a university course and now she needs to do a research
about the Internet. She asks Anderson to help her. They meet in a public library.)
ANDERSON — S o, Gláucia, how can I help you?
GLÁUCIA — Well, Anderson, I need help with a research I am doing for my
university course.
ANDERSON — R eally? What kind of research are you doing?
GLÁUCIA — It’s a research about the Internet and how it is changing the
world of work. I have to present the results of my research in
front of the class next week!
ANDERSON — This is a very interesting subject and I think I can help you. I love
the Internet, especially social networks!
GLÁUCIA — Fantastic!
ANDERSON — S o, how should we do this?
GLÁUCIA — Let’s split. I search on the Internet while you look for some books.
ANDERSON — “ Let’s split”?
GLÁUCIA —V  amos nos separar. Eu pesquiso na internet enquanto você pro-
cura alguns livros.
ANDERSON — Oh! Now I understand! Yes, let’s split. Let’s meet in 30 minutes, OK?
GLÁUCIA —O  K! I’ll meet you back here in 30 minutes. Thank you!
ANDERSON — Y ou are always welcome, Gláucia!

English – Unit 2

2. Now pair up with a classmate and practice the dialogue out

loud. One of you will be Gláucia and the other one will be
Anderson. The teacher will choose some pairs to perform for the
rest of the class.

How did the history of the Internet start?

História The history of the Internet begins in the 1960s. At that time, the
8o ano/3o termo
Unidade 3 tension of the Cold War and the fear that an enemy attack could
destroy important data and research reports led the U.S. government
to create a network called Advanced Research Projects Agency
Network (ARPANET).

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), one of the universities connected to the ARPANET network. ©Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site and Archive/UCLA/Reuters/Latinstock

The main objective of the ARPANET was to protect information

by sharing it with other computers. In case a computer was destroyed,
information would be safe thanks to this network. Computers were
enormous structures at that time, nothing like the ones we have today.

The ARPANET was restricted to military use, but with the end of
the Cold War, scientists and students in universities started using it to
exchange information and also to research and develop new projects
based on the novelty.

Besides the ARPANET, several technological developments and

improvements have been necessary until the advent of the Internet.

English – Unit 2

Only in the middle of the 1990s, the PCs or Personal Computers

began to enter people’s houses. At first, only a few families could
afford a PC at home, but access to this technology and to the Internet
is growing every year. In 2000, 4.9 million Brazilians had access to
the Internet at home, and ten years later, this number increased
to almost 35 million. It’s an amazing growth, isn’t it?

© Maksim Pasko/123RF
Keywords box

a few poucos improvement melhoria

to afford arcar, pagar to lead/ fazer com que, levar a/
amazing fantástico led fez com que, levou a
by sharing compartilhando novelty novidade
datum/data dado/dados several vários
to exchange trocar thanks to graças a
growth crescimento

Did you know?

© US Army/SPL/Latinstock

ENIAC: the first computer

The first computer was developed in 1946 by the U.S. Army during
World War II. Its main function was to perform ballistic mathematical
calculations. It was operated manually and a sequence of keys and
wires were necessary to trigger a task.
The computer weighed 30 tons and occupied an entire room.

Christos. The Internet: a historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA:
ABC-CLIO, 2005, p. 23-24. Two technicians programming ENIAC.

English – Unit 2

Activity 2 The history of the Internet

1. Answer the following questions based on the text you have just read.
Did you know?
“Datum” is one of the a) What was the ARPANET? How did it start?
few words that kept its
original form in Latin
when incorporated by
the English language.
For this reason, its plural
is “data”. However, the
word in singular “datum”
is seldom used. Another
word of this type is
“phenomenon” and its
b) After the army, who else started using the ARPANET? And
plural is “phenomena”.
what for?

Top tips

In 2009, a German
student called Melih
Bilgil produced a short
video called History
of the Internet. It is a
simple but complete c) What happened in the 1990s?
narrative. The video
is a huge success, and
people from all over
the world translated it
and created subtitles in
their native languages,
including Portuguese.
If you want to know
more details about the
birth of the Internet, you
can access it in Melih’s 2. Technology in general and the Internet in particular brought
website. Disponível
em: <http://www.lonja.
many changes and possibilities to daily life. Form group up to
de/the-history-of-the- four people and describe how the following activities have
internet/>. Acesso em: changed with the advent of the Internet.
30 abr. 2013.
Use the example below as a reference:
a) Chat to each other
© Marish/Shutterstock

Before the Internet people used to send letters.

Now people can send emails.

© Jazzia/123RF © Tuulijumala/123RF © Digital Storm/Shutterstock
© Stockbyte/Thinkstock

e) Banking
d) Working
b) Shopping

c) Finding information
English – Unit 2

English – Unit 2

Activity 3 Professions and the Internet

1. Look at the following text. Read its title and observe the pictures.
Discuss with your classmates: In your opinion, what is the text

2. Now read it silently. If necessary use the “keywords box” at the

end of the text to better understand it.

Professions related to the Internet

© Texelart/Shutterstock
A web designer plans, develops and implements websites. This professional
must consider all essential components for browsing websites in order to create
an appropriate design for the contracting company.
© Luba Nel/123RF

An online community manager acts in social networks and

Internet communities making the connection between company
and society in virtual environments. This professional promotes
conversations and debates about the needs and interests of
customers, developing and consolidating the company’s image in
environments such as websites and social networks.

© Tischenko Irina/Shutterstock
Web analysts analyze data and traffic statistics or number of
access in order to optimize the use of websites. They are able to say,
for example, what is the best landing page to encourage customers
to make purchases. These professionals use these indicators in
order to help the company to improve its website thus achieving
better results.
© Zimmytws/123RF

The lawyer is an old professional that gained a new branch with the
popularization of Internet. Theft of information, improper downloads,
bank fraud, undelivered purchase, calumny and defamation are all
examples of electronic crimes. The Internet lawyer analyzes each case
according to current laws.

UNIVERSIA. 21 profissões novas da era digital, 7 mar. 2012. Disponível em: <
noticia/2012/03/07/915903/21-profisses-novas-da-era-digital.html>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.

English – Unit 2

Keywords box

to achieve/ atingir, alcançar/ to develop/ desenvolver/ lawyer advogado

achieving atingindo, alcançando developing desenvolvendo manager gerente
appropriate apropriado to encourage encorajar, need necessidade
bank fraud fraude bancária estimular
for browsing para navegar to optimize otimizar
branch ramo
purchase compra
to consolidate/ consolidar, fortalecer/ to gain/ ganhar,
consolidating consolidando, gained conquistar/ such as tais como
fortalecendo ganhou, theft roubo
contracting empresa thus assim,
company contratante to implement implementar portanto
current laws legislação atual, improper impróprio virtual ambiente
leis em vigor in order to a fim de environment virtual
customer cliente landing página de
page entrada

3. Answer the following questions in your own words:

Top tips
a) Define the work of a web designer.
The documentary
Connected: an
autoblogography about
love, death & technology
(directed by Tiffany
Shlain, 2011) explores
two dimensions of the
connection between
b) What is the importance of the work done by an Internet lawyer? people: the bond which
keeps relatives and
friends affectively close
and the one that keeps
strangers interdependent.
In this movie you can
c) Describe the work of a web analyst. see the positive and
negative impacts of the
Internet on relationships
and how it reshapes
the world we live in.
Tiffany Shlain presents
her autobiography,
d) What does an online community manager do? but through her story
it is possible to identify
aspects which are truly

e) Would you consider being any of these professionals? Why?

English – Unit 2

4. Now read the text out loud. The teacher will choose a volunteer
to begin with the reading. After a few sentences, the teacher
will choose another volunteer to continue. Pay attention to
pronunciation corrections and other explanations that your
teacher will give.

Activity 4 Distance education

1. Discuss with your classmates: What do you know about distance
education? Have you ever taken a distance course? Or do you
know someone that has taken it?

2. Now read the following text silently.

Distance education

Distance education is a method of

© Steven Frame/123RF

teaching and learning which occurs

with little or no direct contact between
teacher and student. This method uses
several resources such as printed materials
sent by post offices, audio, video and the
Internet. This last one has expanded this
system all over the world.

Although distance education sounds quite recent, this type of education

has been around for a long time. The first mention of this method was in 1728,
Did you know? when a teacher of the new method of shorthand, named Caleb Phillips,
advertised in the Boston Gazette newspaper:
Shorthand (taquigrafia) is
a technique which uses Persons in the country desirous to learn this art may, by having
handwritten signs to the several lessons sent weekly to them, be as perfectly instructed
represent words or phrases. as those that live in Boston.
It is a method of writing that
allows quick registration At that time, thanks to the development of postal services, distance
of speeches, almost
education was already possible.
Nowadays distance education is very common all over the world. In
Lizete Castro

Brazil, this type of education is offered at all levels and modalities of learning,
Example of a sentence in the
from elementary to higher education, in different fields in public and private
Marti shorthand method. universities.
It means “Hoje eu tenho uma
audiência”. Distance education appears as a solution to the needs of millions of people
who, for various reasons, cannot attend schools in person and to other
There are many different people who prefer this type of education as well.
methods of shorthand
worldwide and many have
been adapted to Portuguese.
In Brazil, shorthand is widely BOSTON Gazette. March 20, 1728.
used in justice courts and BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Referenciais de qualidade para a educação superior a
parliaments to transcribe distância. Brasília, DF: Secretaria de Educação a Distância, 2007. Disponível em: <http://
discourses.>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.

English – Unit 2

Keywords box

to advertise/ anunciar/ has been around já existe, está presente

advertised anunciou nowadays hoje em dia
although embora quite bastante
as perfectly tão perfeitamente to send/sent enviar/enviado
instructed as instruído quanto
those aqueles(as) several lessons várias lições

to attend comparecer, frequentar weekly semanalmente

between entre with little or no com pouco ou

by having ao ter
desirous desejoso

3. Answer the following questions in your own words:

a) What is distance education?

b) What are the resources used by this method of teaching and


c) What was the first advertisement of distance education published

in a newspaper?

4. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of

distance education courses?

English – Unit 2

You studied

In this Unit you were able to expand your vocabulary while

learning about several topics related to the Internet in the world
of work. First you learned about the ARPANET, the origins of
the Internet and the first computer in the world (ENIAC). Then
you talked about the professions related to the Internet as well
as distance education and its origins.

Think about it

A internet tem se tornado mais importante no cotidiano das pes-

soas. Ela está cada vez mais presente no lar, na escola, na faculdade e no
ambiente de trabalho. No entanto, existe um conceito que reflete uma
situação ainda comum no Brasil e no mundo, o conceito de exclusão
digital. O que você entende por exclusão digital? Qual parcela da popu-
lação você acredita estar mais sujeita a ela? Quais são as implicações
dessa exclusão? O que poderia ser feito para democratizar o acesso às
tecnologias da informação?

U nit

3 Professions of the future

In this Unit, you will know some of the professions which tend
to grow in the future. You will read about professions in the fields
of shipbuilding, renewable energy, biotechnology, mathematics, web
development and gerontology. While studying these topics, you will
also be able to expand your knowledge of the English language.

For starters
In group, answer the following questions:

• What professions and occupations do you think will be highly

requested in the future?

• In your opinion, what are the reasons for the growth of these
professions and occupations in the future?

Activity 1 My future job

1. Read the following dialogue between Gláucia and Anderson
silently. Pay attention to new words and expressions, and make
sure to add them in your glossary. You may use the “keywords
box” at the end of the text if you need help.

(Anderson is reading a science magazine when Gláucia walks into the room.)
 ou really like to read, huh?
 h! Hello, Gláucia. Yes, I told you I love reading...
 ay I know what you are reading about?
ANDERSON — I am reading about the professions of the future. I want to know
about the future of the world of work.
 ery smart of you, Anderson. I have been reading about it too!
 h! Conta outra!
 et out of here!
 alm down, Gláucia. It was just a joke, you don’t need to tell me
to “Get out of here!”.

English – Unit 3

GLÁUCIA — No, Anderson. “Get out of here” is an expression used when you
don’t believe what the person is saying; it’s like “Conta outra!”.
 h, now I understand! I thought you wanted me to go away!
 o, not at all! I like to chat with you very much!
ANDERSON — ( laughing) Yeah, right, get out of here!
GLÁUCIA — I’m serious, since we met again one year ago, I’ve learned so
much from you!
 eally? But I am learning English with you!
GLÁUCIA — Yes, I know, but I am also learning lots of things that you tell me!
 h! Bom saber...
GLÁUCIA — “ Good to know”.
ANDERSON — Good to know. But tell me, what do you know about the professions
of the future?
GLÁUCIA — I know everything: spaceship pilots, human robot developers,
drivers for flying taxicabs...
(Anderson looks confused.)
GLÁUCIA — Of course I’m joking. I have no idea what the professions of the
future are. Why don’t you tell me?
 K, I will. The professions of the future are...

Keywords box
to believe acreditar magazine revista
confused confuso may I know...? posso saber...?
joke brincadeira, piada spaceship espaçonave
to joke/joking brincar/brincando taxicab, cab, taxi táxi
to laugh/laughing rir/rindo

2. Now that you have finished reading the dialogue in silence, read
it again out loud with a classmate. After you have practiced it a
few times, the teacher will select some volunteers to perform for
the rest of the class.

Future trends and professions

© Hudson Calasans sobre fotos
© 123RF e © Shutterstock

The nature of work changes along with society and the

environment we live in. Paying attention to the trends that
reshape the world of work is a great tip to those who want to
walk a promising path. Medical breakthroughs, advanced
technologies and challenges related to the depletion of natural
resources are on the list of trends that create great opportunities
for the near future.

English – Unit 3

Keywords box
along with junto com path caminho
breakthrough descoberta to pay attention to prestar atenção a
challenge desafio to reshape remodelar
depletion esgotamento trend tendência

Activity 2 K
 nowing the trends and the professions of
the future
1. Answer the question based on the text you have just read: Which
trends create most of the professions of the future?

2. In pair, pay attention to the pictures and the words in bold

types in the following text and discuss: What do you think
these professionals do? Although they already exist, what do you
think has changed?

3. Now read the text silently. Use the “keywords box” to help you
understand it.

Future professions
Technicians, technologists and engineers
of shipbuilding can act in the planning,
© ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images

construction, maintenance or supervision

of shipyards, vessels and oil tankers. The
area lacks professionals at all levels, from
technicians and technologists to engineers. In
Brazil, for example, these professionals have job
opportunities associated with pre-salt projects.
© Vaclav Volrab/123RF

Sustainable development is more than a

world trend: it is an imperative. The search for
renewable energy sources has been gaining
importance in recent years. Technicians and
engineers in renewable energy are qualified
to design, build and operate energy systems
based on renewable sources such as solar and
wind power.

English – Unit 3

Biotechnologists work in the development

and application of biological technologies in the
industries of food, cosmetics and pharmaceutics,

© Zoonar/Erwin Wodicka/
age fotostock/Easypix
as well as in the environmental industry. In
Brazil, the sector is being encouraged by the
Biotechnology Development Policy which aims
at the development of the Brazilian industry
and the use of biotechnology by the society.
There are job positions in research institutes,
universities and biotech companies.

Mathematicians are requested in

© Jiri Vaclavek/123RF
various areas and their activities go beyond
educational institutions. Assessment of
investment risks, numerical analysis on
computers, software development and
analysis in logistics are some of the duties
undertaken by these professionals in banks,
insurance brokers, information technology
companies and many others.

Mobile web developers create programs,

© Tetiana Vitsenko/123RF

interfaces and applications for electronic commerce

and marketing. According to a report from the
National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel),
there were 261.78 million active mobile phone
lines in Brazil in 2012. This creates an overgrowing
demand for mobile web developers in our country.

© Steven Peters/Stone/Getty Images

Gerontologists are specialists in seniors’ health.
Their work consists of planning and implementing
actions to improve the quality of life of elderly
people. They may work in public hospitals, private
clinics or on their own. In Brazil, increasing life
expectancy and an aging population make these
professionals very requested nowadays.

BIOTECNOLOGIA – Bacharelado. Guia do estudante. Disponível em: <http://guiadoestudante.>. Acesso em:
30 abr. 2013.
BRASIL. Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). Telefonia móvel fecha 2012 com 261,78
milhões de linhas, 18 jan. 2013. Disponível em: <
do?acao=carregaNoticia&codigo=27607>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.
FRANÇA, Luiz de; VIEIRA, Vanessa. 30 novas carreiras – encontre a sua aqui. Você S/A, São Paulo,
ed. 161, 1o nov. 2011. Disponível em: <
noticias/30-novas-carreiras-encontre-a-sua-aqui>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.
POLÍTICA de Desenvolvimento da Biotecnologia e o decreto que a criou. Inovação Unicamp,
Campinas, 24 fev. 2007. Disponível em: <
desenvolvimento-da-biotecnologia-e-o-decreto-que-a-criou>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.

English – Unit 3

Keywords box

to act atuar, agir imperative imperativo, to request/requisitar/

aging envelhecimento necessário requested requisitado
to aim at visar a increasing em crescimento senioridoso
assessment avaliação insurance seguradora shipyard estaleiro
broker source fonte
Biotechnology Política de
Development Desenvolvimento to lack faltar, carecer de to undertake/ executar,
Policy Biotecnológico on their por conta undertaken empreender/
demand demanda own própria executado,
to qualify/ qualificar, habilitar/ empreendido
duty/duties função/funções
qualified qualificado/ vessel embarcação
elderly idoso habilitado wind power energia eólica
to go beyond ir além renewable renovável

4. According to the text, answer the following questions:

a) What are the professions mentioned in the text?

b) Choose two of them and describe in your own words what

these professionals do.

c) What explains the demand for mobile web developers in Brazil?

d) Which institutions offer positions for mathematicians?

English – Unit 3

5. The teacher will choose a volunteer to begin with the reading and
switch to another volunteer after a few lines. Pay attention to
pronunciation corrections and explanations that your teacher will give.

Activity 3 Important issues

1. The following text is about the importance of education and
innovation to the development of countries. Discuss with your
classmates: In your opinion, is education important to the
development of countries? Do you think Brazil is investing in
2. Read the text silently.

The race for knowledge

Knowledge, information and

education are key issues for countries
© João Pirolla

wishing to develop and to provide a

better quality of life for their citizens.
The U.S., Brazil, India, China, many
countries in Europe and in other
continents have a growing necessity
for investment in research, education
and innovation. For many scholars and
specialists, access and development of
new technologies will be responsible
for economic growth and job creation
in the future.
In China, an emerging superpower,
the commitment to technological and
educational development is part of a
national economic strategy. Nowadays
China has the largest number of
graduates, and it is estimated that in
2030 the country will have over 200
million Chinese with a higher education
Graduates of Medical Sciences, Engineering, Gastronomy and Architecture. degree.
Like its neighbor, India has also invested greatly in education, and from 2005 to 2012 has tripled the
number of graduates in Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology.
Brazil is recognized throughout the world as an emerging country and has a significant number of graduates.
According to MEC, in 2000 there were 6.1 million Brazilians with a higher education degree and in 2010
the number increased to 12.8 million. Brazil is also a major exporter of sophisticated products like aircrafts,
automobiles and industrial equipment.
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Número de brasileiros com graduação cresce 109,83% em 10 anos. Brasília, DF, 3 maio 2012.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.
COOPER, Donna; HERSH, Adam; O’LEARY, Ann. The competition that really matters. Center for American Progress, Washington,
21 ago. 2012. Disponível em: <
really-matters/>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.
PESSOA, Sergio. Guest post: Brazilian innovation. Financial Times, 29 ago. 2012. Disponível em: <
brics/2012/08/29/guest-post-brazilian-innovation/#axzz2BNYwTLhy>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.

English – Unit 3

Keywords box
aircraft aeronave to recognize/ reconhecer/
commitment compromisso recognized reconhecido
emerging emergente scholar acadêmico, estudioso
key issue questão-chave superpower superpotência
knowledge conhecimento throughout the world por todo o mundo
major grande to triple/has tripled triplicar/triplicou
to provide proporcionar wishing to que desejam
race corrida

3. Answer the following questions:

a) According to the text, what is necessary for a country wishing

to be developed?

b) What are countries like Brazil, China and India doing in order
to achieve development?

c) What happened in Brazil from 2000 to 2010?

4. Now, the teacher will choose a volunteer student to read the text
The race for knowledge out loud. After a few sentences, another
volunteer will continue reading. Pay attention to pronunciation
corrections and explanations that your teacher will give.

5. Take a look at the list of innovations which have changed the world
we live in and benefited millions of people. In trio, choose one of the
items in the list and do a research about it. You can use the following
topics as guidelines for your research:

• Characteristics.
• Benefits.
• Development through the years.

English – Unit 3

List of innovations
Did you know?
There are many • Airplane • Personal computer (PC)
occupations that once • Antibiotics • Radio
were very popular, but
today are either rare or • Automobile • Robotics
simply extinct. Some
of them are: milkman; • Genetic engineering • Rocket science
typewriter typist and • Internet • Submarine
• Nanotechnology • Television
• Nuclear energy
© E. Dean/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Activity 4 GIANT
1. In group, discuss this question: Have you ever heard about a
knowledge cluster?

2. Read the following text.

Lamplighter in
London, 1935.

GIANT: a knowledge cluster

Grenoble is a small city with over 15 thousand inhabitants, at the feet of the
French Alps, and it is home to an ambitious project named GIANT – the Grenoble
Innovation for Advanced New Technologies. This project is a knowledge cluster
Knowledge cluster which aims at attracting researchers and engineers from around the globe.
Is a system for It is a partnership among universities, research institutes and companies to
technological innovation develop products, procedures and systems in the sectors of health, technology
that houses several and energy.
research cells (a cluster
is a group of cells) According to the developers, around 40 thousand people – among inhabitants,
working together and students, researchers and workers – are expected to circulate in the area, which
sharing resources will also have leisure and sports centers. The project also includes a power plant
(like supercomputers) for clean energy and a transportation network of its own.
that would be hard to
maintain if they were GIANT intends to get in the fight for innovation and catch up with well-known
separated. centers such as Boston and California, in the U.S., Cambridge, in England, Science
City, in Zurich, and Digital Media, in South Korea.

COUGHLAN, Sean. Battle of the knowledge superpowers. BBC News, Londres, 28 set. 2011.
Education & family. Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.

Keywords box

ambitious ambicioso cluster polo, grupo

to catch up with alcançar power plant usina de energia

English – Unit 3

3. Answer the following questions:

a) What is the text about?

b) Who are expected to work and study in this knowledge cluster?

c) Would you like to study or work there? Why?

4. Add the new words you have learned in this reading activity in
your glossary.

5. In our country, do you think this kind of place exists? Do a

research about technology parks in Brazil. Your research can
provide answers to the following questions:
• Where are they?
• What kind of technology do they develop?
• What companies, universities and other institutes are located
in them?

English – Unit 3

You studied

In this Unit you studied about the professions of the future

and the importance of knowledge and innovation for countries
wishing to develop. You also learned new words in English and
improved your reading skills. In the Unit 4 you will continue
to develop your vocabulary and practice your skills while
discussing other possibilities in the world of work.

Think about it

O mercado de trabalho está em constante transformação. Mui-

tas profissões já desapareceram ou correm o risco de desaparecer.
A tecnologia é um fator que influencia nessas transformações, mas
não é o único. Quais seriam os outros fatores? Na sua opinião, o
que os trabalhadores podem fazer para acompanhar essas transfor-

U nit

4 Other horizons in the

world of work

In this Unit you will study other possibilities in the world of work.
You will know other ways of making a living, such as cooperatives,
entrepreneurship and co-working. While you learn about these other
interesting professional horizons, you will continue to work on the
expansion of your vocabulary and your reading skills.

For starters
In group, answer the following question:
• What are the other possibilities of making a living besides working
as a registered worker in a regular company?

Activity 1 My own business

1. Read the following dialogue between Anderson and Dolores.

(Anderson is talking to Dolores. He would like to be an entrepreneur.)

ANDERSON —H  ello, my new co-worker!
DOLORES —H  i, Anderson. How are you doing?
ANDERSON — I ’m fine. Could be better, but I’m fine.
DOLORES —W  hat’s the matter, Anderson? You don’t sound very happy.
ANDERSON —W  ell, sometimes I think I would like to have my own business...
DOLORES —H  mm, I know what you mean, you would like to be an entrepreneur, right?
ANDERSON — “Entrepreneur”?
DOLORES —Y  es, an entrepreneur is someone who starts their own business.
ANDERSON —O  h! Now I understand! In Portuguese, entrepreneur is empreendedor.
DOLORES —E  mpreendedor?
ANDERSON —T  hat’s right! Tell me something, Dolores, do you know any entrepreneur?
DOLORES — Yes, I know many entrepreneurs in my home country. My sister is an entrepreneur. She runs a
small business. She makes and sells birthday cakes. Her cakes are delicious and she earns enough
to make a living.
ANDERSON — Hmm, very interesting! What about you, Dolores, have you ever thought about opening your
own business?
DOLORES —Y  es, Anderson, quite often, actually. I would like to open my own gift shop...
ANDERSON — It’s a good idea... Maybe you, Gláucia and I could start a business one day. Maybe a language
DOLORES —H  ey, that’s a good idea! Who knows, maybe one day we will be partners!

English – Unit 4

Keywords box
to earn ganhar partner parceiro, sócio
enough suficiente quite often com muita frequência
gift shop loja de artigos para presente to run a business gerir um negócio
to make a living sustentar-se what’s the matter? qual o problema?

2. Now that you have read the dialogue in silence, practice it a few
times out loud with a partner. The teacher will choose a pair of
volunteers to perform it to the rest of the class.

The words “entrepreneurship”, “entrepreneur” and “enterprise”
derive from the French word entreprendre, which is quite similar
to the Portuguese empreender. But no matter where you are from,
there are certain characteristics an entrepreneur should have in
order to be a successful business owner.

An entrepreneur should be a
© Ariel Skelley/Corbis/Latinstock

good leader, able to motivate

employees to plan and execute
strategies. He/She should see
le a r n i ng about t he m a rke t ,
competitors and new techniques
as a permanent process, and also
be prepared to take some risks and
make difficult decisions. Persistence,
optimism, determination and
independent thinking are other
important qualities for those
wanting to succeed. So, do you have
what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

Keywords box

to derive derivar no matter não importa

leader líder to succeed ter sucesso

English – Unit 4

Activity 2 Characteristics of an entrepreneur

1. Now, answer the questions based on the text you have just read:

a) What is the origin of the word “entrepreneurship”?

b) In your opinion, which characteristics in the text are the most

important for an entrepreneur? Choose three of them.

c) Are you an entrepreneur? If not, would you like to be one? Why?

2. Research about the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur. Share

your findings with the classmates.

Activity 3 A different form of work organization

1. The following text is about an ancient form of work organization
that is growing nowadays. Read it silently.

© Pakhnyushchyy/123RF

You have probably heard of cooperatives. Their history is old, starting

in the 19 th century during the Industrial Revolution, when the first
modern cooperative in the world was founded. Cooperatives differ from
regular companies because they are collectively owned; they consist of
people who voluntarily get together and democratically divide tasks,
duties and salary in accordance with pre-established rules.

English – Unit 4

To Juan Somavia, former director-general of the International Labour Organization (ILO), cooperatives
have a social spirit:

[...] Guided by the compass of social justice, cooperatives are vehicles for promoting decent work and decent
lives for all. As democratic, value-driven and locally-controlled organizations, they foster social inclusion. [...]

The latest statistics provided by the Organization of Brazilian Cooperatives (OCB – Organização das Coope-
rativas Brasileiras) show that there are more than 6,652 cooperatives in the country, bringing together nine
million members and generating 300,000 direct jobs.
There are cooperatives operating in several sectors, here are some of them:
• credit;
• consumer goods;
• agriculture (farmers and fishermen);
• health;
• housing;
• industry and services;
• insurance.
According to OIT (Organização Internacional do Trabalho), in 2012 the cooperatives were responsible for:
• guaranteeing the livelihood of 50% of the world’s population;
• providing services for 1 billion people worldwide;
• producing 50% of agricultural products in the world.
BRASIL. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Cooperativismo. Brasília, DF: Secretaria de Desenvolvimento
Agropecuário e Cooperativismo, 2012. Disponível em: <
Associativismo/Publica%C3%A7%C3%B5es%20e%20M%C3%ADdias/cooperativismo%20atualizada%202012.pdf>. Acesso em:
30 abr. 2013.
INTERNATIONAL Labour Organization (ILO). ‘Cooperative enterprises build a better world’ – Statement by ILO Director-General.
Genebra, 6 jul. 2012. Disponível em: <
lang--en/index.htm>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.
MOGROVEJO, Rodrigo; MORA, Alberto; VANHUYNEGEM, Philippe (Orgs.). El cooperativismo en América Latina: una
diversidad de contribuciones al desarrollo sostenible. La Paz: Oficina de la OIT para los Países Andinos, 2012. Disponível em: <http://>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.
ORGANIZAÇÃO Internacional do Trabalho (OIT). Cooperativas: essenciais para o crescimento. Genebra, 9 jul. 2012. Disponível
em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2013. Tradução: Eduardo Portela.

Keywords box

to bring together/ reunir/ to hear/heard ouvir/ouviu

bringing together reunindo insurance seguro
collectively owned propriedade coletiva latest mais recente
to differ diferenciar-se, diferir livelihood subsistência
to foster promover, estimular locally-controlled controlado localmente
to found/founded fundar/fundado regular comum, regular
to get together reunir-se task tarefa
to guarantee garantir value-driven movido por valores

English – Unit 4

2. According to the text Cooperatives, answer the following questions:

Top tips
a) Define cooperatives in your own words.
The documentary
film The take (directed
by Avi Lewis & Naomi
Klein, 2004) is about
a group of workers
in Argentina that
successfully gain control
over their former
factory, which was shut
down because of several
factors, including
b) Do you know any cooperatives in your neighborhood or city? bad management
and a financial crisis
What do you think of them? in Argentina. Instead
of giving up, those
employees decided to
work collectively and
share profits equally
among themselves.

3. Read the following text.

The Rochdale principles

In 1844, workers of Manchester (England) decided to meet and discuss a

way to overcome their painful conditions of work. After several meetings, they
established rules and principles for a society of mutual help, and after a year of
work, they accumulated enough capital to open a small cooperative warehouse.
The principles of this society are the basis for cooperatives known today (apud
International Co-operative Information Centre):
• open membership;
• democratic control (one man, one vote);
• distribution of the surplus to the members in proportion to their transactions;
• limited interest on capital;
• political and religious neutrality;
• cash trading;
• promotion of education.

PRESENT Application of the Rochdale principles of co-operation (1937), The. Studies and reports,
ICA, London, 1964, p. 3-5. Apud International Co-operative Information Centre. Disponível em:
The-Rochdale-Principles-of-Co-operation-1.html>. Acesso em: 2 maio 2013.

English – Unit 4

Keywords box
cash trading troca por dinheiro painful penoso, doloroso
(da titularidade) surplus superávit
to know/known conhecer/conhecido warehouse armazém
to overcome superar

4. Based on the text, what are the rules and principles established in
the Rochdale principles?

5. Read the texts Cooperatives and The Rochdale Principles out

loud. The teacher will choose a volunteer to begin with the
reading and switch to another volunteer after a few lines. Pay
attention to pronunciation corrections and explanations that your
teacher will give.

Activity 4 A recent trend in the world of work

1. Before you read the following text, take a look at the picture
and discuss with your classmates: How does it relate to the title
of the text?
2. Now read the text silently.

Co-working is a recent world trend
© Helena Yoshioka

through which different people (usually

freelancers) from different sectors of the
economy share the same office space.
This type of office is commonly known
as “shared office”. Many people compare
the “shared office model” to the “home
office model”. Although co-working is
Co-workers at the Hub, a shared office in
quite a new concept, there are already
São Paulo. several shared offices in Brazil.
If you compare having your own office to a shared one, you may see that
co-working can lower costs with rent, water, electricity, Internet and phone,
for example. Besides, there is a possibility of networking with different people
for specific projects.

English – Unit 4

Keywords box
freelancer profissional autônomo rent aluguel
home office escritório em casa to share compartilhar
to lower reduzir

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) What is co-working?

b) Some defenders of the shared office model say home office is

unproductive because of its many distractions which might lead
to laziness. Do you agree? Why?

c) According to the text, what are the positive aspects of co-working?

Can you think of negative aspects?

4. In group, choose one of the topics presented so far in this Unit:

entrepreneurship, cooperatives and co-working. Each group will
do a research bringing additional information about the chosen
subject. Make sure to include at least one individual example of a
person or group of people who engaged in this activity. You can use
the following topics as guidelines for your research:

• Entrepreneurship around the world.

• History of cooperatives.
• Co-working in Brazil.

Pay attention to relevant information – dates, numbers and places –

and add them to your research.

English – Unit 4

Time for citizenship

As relações pessoais em cooperativas são baseadas na igualdade entre todos os tra-

balhadores. Por não haver hierarquia nem chefia, os valores ligados ao individualismo
podem ser dissipados nesses ambientes, fortalecendo o ambiente “coletivo”.
A economia solidária é uma das formas de trabalho que promovem valores, como
igualdade, cooperação e solidariedade entre os que dela participam.
O Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE) mantém uma secretaria especialmente
para esse tema e considera a economia solidária uma alternativa para a comercialização
de produtos sem a exploração de trabalhadores.
Assim, a economia solidária prega uma forma de subsistência capaz de preservar o
ambiente e fortalecer relações mais solidárias entre as pessoas.
Você pode ler mais sobre economia solidária no site do MTE.
Fonte: BRASIL. Ministério do Trabalho (MTE). O que é economia solidária.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2013.

You studied

In this final Unit, you expanded your vocabulary and

knew different forms of work organization: entrepreneurship,
co-working and cooperatives. Congratulations for your progress!

Think about it

Começar um negócio exige cuidado e planejamento. Além disso,

como em qualquer outra profissão, algumas características pessoais
podem ser muito relevantes para alguém que queira se tornar um
empreendedor. Entre elas estão a disciplina, a confiança e a criati-
vidade. E para um cooperado? Quais características são necessárias
para o trabalho em uma cooperativa? O que você preferiria ser: um
cooperado ou um empreendedor?


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