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The Ultimate Guide to

Effective Social Media

for Business

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Why businesses should be on social media 3
Chapter 2: Important social media terms 6
Chapter 3: Defining your target audience 8
Chapter 4: What networks you should be on 10
Chapter 5: Finding your voice 15
Chapter 6: How to write good copy 18
Chapter 7: Importance of images 22
Chapter 8: Goal setting 28

Bonus templates 35

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 2

Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business! Whether
you’re new to social media, offering services to your clients, or just looking to
refresh your knowledge, you’ve come to the right place.

This guide aims to help you get started, feel comfortable, and be successful with
social media for your business or on behalf of one of your clients. Whether you
are excited or dragging your feet when it comes to your online presence, we can
all agree it is immensely important. Making sure you have the proper tools and
knowledge is essential; the ever-changing world of social media can be far more
complex than it may appear at first. But have no fear - this comprehensive guide
is here to help!

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 3

Chapter 1:
Why businesses should
be on social media
As individuals, it’s easy to understand why we’re so obsessed with social media. It
helps us to stay in touch with friends, keep up with current events and news, fills
our spare time, allows us to network, be entertained, and gives us the ability to
share parts of our lives. Social media use comes down to a simple basic desire:
the need to connect with others. Luckily, technology and the internet have made it
so we can connect with anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Why Social Media for Businesses?

But what about businesses? Now that we have a better understanding as to why
we as individuals are on social media, it’s time to shift our focus to your business
or clients. If your business isn’t taking advantage of social, you’re missing out on
a fast and effective way to reach a huge audience. Not to mention, if you as an
agency aren’t providing these services, you’re missing out on a low-cost way of
earning revenue. Here are the many ways in which social media can help your
business or clients connect, engage, and grow.

Increase Brand Awareness

Did you know that there are 3.4 billion people that use social media? That’s about
45% of the earth’s population. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just young people
using it either. 48% of Baby Boomers, 77% of Gen X, and 90% of Millennials are
using social networks to stay connected. What exactly does this mean? It means
that there are a lot more people your business can reach in comparison to
traditional methods. Think that users only connect with brands they know and
love? Over 50% of people say they use social media to research and discover new
products! With the average person spending over two hours per day on social
networks, there are a lot of opportunities for your business to be found.

Humanize the Brand

In order to connect with potential customers, your business needs to show the
human side of the brand. Social networking allows businesses to create real human
connections. Your business can be one of those personal connections.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 4

Become a Thought Leader
Social media offers the opportunity to establish brands as thought leaders. Posting
content that showcases your expertise helps develop trust amongst followers.

Stay Top of Mind

Social media is powerful in keeping businesses top of mind with consumers.
Every time a user logs in or opens an app it is an opportunity for your business to
connect. When making a purchase, recent social media posts can help consumers
with their decision.

Increase Website Traffic

The power of social media doesn’t stop on the networks. Sharing great content
from your blog to social channels can increase readership. Additionally, posts and
updates can lead users to the website through a link.

Customer Service & Support

Finally, social media can be an excellent customer service and support tool. It
allows users to ask questions in real-time through a variety of channels that were
previously not available. Businesses can respond instantly and deal with any
comments, queries, or concerns. These responses can be more personal and
unique to the individual or situation.

It’s important to note that social media doesn’t work in the same way that traditional
marketing efforts do. With traditional efforts, the goal is almost always to increase
sales, and while that is still a goal with social media, it’s about a lot more than that.
Social media is about connecting with customers, growing an audience, building
relationships, and driving engagement. If businesses are successful in achieving
these efforts, converting followers to customers will be much easier.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 5

Chapter 2:
Important social
media terms
Whether you’re new to social media, or you consider yourself a digital native,
there are a few key terms that should be defined early on. Unless you spend every
waking moment on social media, it can be tough to keep up with the terminology.
Here’s what we think you need to know:

Audience: Your audience on social media is the group of people you’re able to
reach with your content. This includes your followers and anyone who sees or
interacts with your posts in their feed.

Average response time: Average response time is a social customer service

metric. It is the average time it takes a brand to reply to questions or complaints
on social media.

Bio: Your social media bio is a short description on your profile that tells people
who you are. It’s also a great place to share links to your website or other accounts.

Boosted post: A boosted post is a Facebook post that you put money behind
to increase its reach. These posts differ from Facebook ads in that they start out
as organic posts and then get additional paid reach based on your spend.

Brand Awareness: Brand awareness is the level of familiarity consumers have

with your brand.

Clickbait: Clickbait is content that uses manipulative copy to convince users to

click on it. Clickbait tends to rely on exaggeration and withholding information to
push people into clicking. When creating social media posts, businesses should
avoid using overt clickbait.

Conversion rate: In social media terminology, the conversion rate is the

percentage of users who see your post and then take a specified action. That
action is called a conversion, and it could mean purchasing an item, signing up
for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, or a variety of other acts.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 6

Dark social: Dark social is web traffic coming from social media that analytic
tools struggle to track. This is often due to users sharing links privately on social
in chats or direct messages.

Shining a Light on Dark Social

Social Marketing has dark social tracking!
With the link performance tab you can easily
track how many visits originate from social
networks or from dark social. Just use the link
shortener in the composer to get tracking!

Direct messages: A direct message on social media is a private message sent

directly to a user’s inbox.

Engagement rate: Engagement rate is a social media metric that tracks

how actively involved with your content your audience is. Typically, a higher
engagement rate means your post was more compelling.

Follower: A follower is a user on social media who has subscribed to see your
posts in their feed. Both personal and business accounts can have followers.
Your number of followers, or follower count, is a key metric for seeing how your
audience on social media is growing or shrinking over time.

Hashtag: A hashtag (#) is a way of connecting your posts on social media to

other posts on the same subject or trending topic. By searching for a specific
hashtag, users can find all public posts that have it.

Impressions: Impressions are a social media metric that measures how many times
your post has been shown in users’ feeds. Unlike with reach, you may count multiple
impressions for a single user if they have looked at your post more than once.

Reach: Reach is a social media metric that tells you how many people have
seen your post. It differs from impressions in that even if a user sees your post
multiple times, they still only count as one person reached.

Remarketing: Remarketing is the tactic of serving targeted ads to people

who have already visited or taken action on your website. In terms of technical
execution, remarketing is the process of using a javascript tag (known as a pixel)
to place a cookie in the user’s browser.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 7

Chapter 3:
Defining a target
social audience
Before you start creating engaging posts, it’s important to define your target social
audience. Many businesses provide perfect products and services but aren’t able
to succeed on social. Why is this? Their content isn’t able to reach the proper
audience. Too often we make campaigns and plans hoping that every audience
will be receptive to it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Before you start
planning your next, or first social media campaign, it’s important to define your
target social audience.

Why is it important to define your business’ or client’s target social audience?

First, It ensures you’re creating the right content for the right people. Second,
it helps you to better understand how to create content that actually connects
and benefits readers. Finally, and probably the most exciting reason, it helps to
increase conversions.

Defining a Target Social Audience

Now that we understand the importance of defining a target social audience it’s time
to get to work. But how exactly do you go about defining a target social audience?

Look at the current customer base

When beginning to develop a social audience it’s important to take a close look
at your current customer base. Who is already purchasing and celebrating your
brand? Look for common characteristics and interests. It is very likely that other
people like them could benefit from the product or service.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 8

Analyze the product or service
The next step is to take a close look at your current offering. What products or
services are you currently selling? What features provide the biggest benefit to
consumers? Understanding how people are using the current offering helps to
identify the key selling factors and valued aspects of the business.

Check out the competition

Another important step in defining the target audience is to check out your
competition. To get a good idea of how your industry is interpreted online, it’s
probably a good idea to see what others are doing. Who is the competition
targeting with their social media strategies? You may even find a niche market that
they are overlooking.

Choose specific demographics

It’s important when defining the target social audience to use specific
demographics. Consider the age, gender, occupation, and location of consumers
who would purchase your product or service. Whatever demographics you choose
will be the basis of how you form your social media strategy so try to be realistic.
While identifying demographics, make sure to include psychographics. These
more personal characteristics are super important when it comes to your social
audience. What are this audience’s opinions, attitudes, values, and behaviors?
Don’t forget to include the way the audience uses social media!

It’s important to note that there are many assumptions we can make that have the
potential to damage the effectiveness of the target social audience. Avoid thinking
that the social audience is just like you. The audience may have similarities, but they’re
not necessarily the same person. Make sure you are developing the right audience for
your business by taking the time to think about each of the above steps.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 9

Chapter 4:
What networks
you should be on
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, oh my! Wait, what’s Snapchat all about? Is Google
My Business a social networking site?

How do you go about deciding which networks are best for your business or
your client’s? Well, like any good marketing strategy it’s not about doing all the
things, but about doing a few things properly. Crafting relevant social posts for a
variety of networks can be difficult and take up a lot of time. Additionally, if a social
network is inactive it can reflect badly on the business.

To make a strategic decision, it’s important to keep your target social audience in
mind. This will largely affect which networks you choose on behalf of the business.

So what are the networks your team should be considering? Here’s what you need
to know:

This social networking site is one of the oldest and most widespread. Facebook is
a far-reaching platform that boasts 2.23 billion monthly active users from every
corner of the globe. Businesses can choose from a variety of options, including
professional pages, paid post promotion, and native advertising. This platform
has users of all ages, of which 53% are female. However, Facebook’s senior (55+)
demographic is growing at a rapid rate.

Facebook is a great network if your client operates in a foreign market. Unlike

other sites, Facebook is used all over the world. This network is also great for
clients who work in small/niche markets. Facebook is home to many “groups”
where people with unique interests congregate.

Facebook is best suited for text and image or video combinations. Posts without
a visual element are not as successful in terms of reach and engagement. Are
you looking to promote local events and build a community? Facebook is a great
network for just that.

The biggest challenge? Facebook has a low organic reach. If you’re not looking to
spend money to boost your posts, they will have a lower reach.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 10

You’ve probably heard a lot of buzz around YouTube. With 1.9 billion monthly
active users this social media giant cannot be overlooked. This platform has users
of all ages, of which 63% are male.

YouTube is a great choice for you if you are already skilled in producing video
content, as this is the only form of content posted to YouTube. If you have a
physical product with awesome features, this platform is best suited for you.
Do you solve problems for your customers? YouTube might be a good fit. This
network helps to solve problems with how-to tutorials.

The biggest challenge? Making YouTube videos takes a lot of time and resources.
If you don’t have the ability to do this, it might not be a good fit.

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is quickly becoming a big
player in the social media world. However, it’s important to note that the primary
audience is Millennials and teens. However, its international following is similar to
that of Facebook. The platform’s primary demographics are those aged 18-29, of
which 68% are female.

If your target social audience involves either women or Millennials, this network is
a must. If your brand offers a product unique to women, this is the perfect place
to promote it.

Instagram is all about images. In order to be successful on this social networking

platform, you need to be able to produce high-quality images and videos. If you
are already a visual brand and position yourself as very personal, Instagram is for
you. It’s important to note that users can be picky. If brands do not post high-
quality images, it can reflect poorly on the brand.

The biggest challenge? Instagram requires creativity. Not all images are created
equal and to excel with this network they need to be unique and stand out.

Fuel Your Brand’s Growth on Instagram

Did you know? Social Marketing has direct to Instagram

scheduling and publishing! Plan Instagram posts in
advance and then sit back while Social Marketing
publishes them automatically. It’s the perfect way to
drive engagement and grow your reach!

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 11

This social networking platform is very business-oriented. LinkedIn is a great way
to connect with other businesses and professionals. With 590 million monthly
active users there is plenty of opportunity for your clients. LinkedIn’s primary
demographic are those aged 25-54, of which 56% are males. This means if your
social audience is slightly older, this could be a good fit.

If you operate in the B2B landscape, LinkedIn is a must. This is especially true
if you sell B2B within small or niche markets. This platform is excellent for lead
generation, and unlike other forms of social media, its primary purpose is
business connection. Companies are searching for businesses and services like
the ones you offer. Are you recruiting? LinkedIn is the place to be.

Unlike other platforms, LinkedIn relies less on media content and more on text-based
updates. This network is a great place to find connections and employees, but not
the most ideal place for large-scale marketing campaigns. It’s important to note that
images and videos are still accepted and encouraged through this platform.

The biggest challenge? Users of this social media platform aren’t as active as they
are on others. Many users don’t post or check the site daily. Therefore, if you are
trying to reach people in a timely manner, it’s probably not a good fit.

This platform is unique amongst social networks. This is largely because of the
heavy sharing aspect that Twitter boasts. This provides you with the opportunity
to have a far reach. Smaller than others, Twitter has 326 million monthly active
users. It’s primary demographics are those aged 18-29, of which 53% are male. It
is a great network to be on if your audience are teenagers or Millennials. Funny,
thought-provoking, and interactive content does well amongst these groups.

Twitter is largely a text-based social networking site. Users can only ‘tweet’ 280
characters per post. While images and videos are accepted, the majority of
posts are text only. If you rely heavily on images to get your message across, this
network may not be for you.

Twitter is an excellent platform for news, public relations, and connecting with
influencers. When an event is going on or a hashtag is trending, it can be a great
way to join the conversation and make a mark on behalf of your business.

The biggest challenge? Since there are so many tweets posted every minute, the
posts themselves have a short lifespan. If your social media strategy involves
posting only once a week, this network is probably not for you.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 12

This platform is all about the images. Pinterest allows users to ‘pin’ or save pieces
of information using images, videos, and sometimes GIFs. Pinterest boasts 250
million monthly active users. Unlike the other social networking sites, this one is
80% females, of which the median age is 40.

Users search for pins largely by images, so if you have the resources to display
high-quality images, this may be the platform for you. Do you have a blog you
post to frequently? This could be a great place to share it. Pinterest is excellent in
driving traffic for blogs and e-commerce retailers.

The biggest challenge? At times, custom images are required, which can mean more
work for you. In order to stand out, these images need to be sharp and beautiful.

You may have heard a lot of buzz around this social networking platform; it is one
of the newest, after all. With 310 million monthly active users, this network has
taken the world by storm. However, because it is newer to the market it has been
mostly adopted by younger demographics. In fact, 69% of its users are between
the ages of 13 and 17. If your target social audience is under the age of 21, this
platform could be the perfect fit.

‘Snaps’ or messages sent out through this platform disappear after 24 hours. This
means that businesses on Snapchat must provide frequent content. However, the
quality of that content is not as important as with other platforms.

The biggest challenge? Since content disappears after 24 hours, there is no one
place for users to go to learn about your business. If this sounds difficult to you,
you’re not alone. Very few businesses use Snapchat, especially small ones.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 13

Google My Business
Time for the most abstract social network: Google My Business. How does it differ
from the other networks? Well, it’s sort of a cross between a listing and social network.
Once users verify and optimize their account, it will be easier for customers to find
them. They can also now post about their business. Great posts for this network?
What’s new, events, products, and new offerings. These posts will be published on
Google in the same area where users are searching for your business.

Did you know that over 56% of small businesses haven’t claimed their Google My
Business Listing? That’s pretty crazy when 86% of consumers use the internet
to find a local business. It is difficult to pinpoint specific Google My Business
statistics, however, it is safe to say that if consumers will be searching for your
brand, you should be posting through this platform.

Images accompanied with text and links do the best through this network. If you have
frequent events, an insightful blog, or new products, this will most likely be a good fit.

The biggest challenge? The expiry date. Posts published to Google My Business
are removed after 7 days.

Build Your Audience and

Grow Your Business on Social Media

Plan and publish your content for Instagram, Facebook,

Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google My Business, all from one easy
to use composer in Social Marketing!

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 14

Chapter 5:
Finding your voice
Social Media Brand Voice

Character/Persona Tone
Friendly, Playful, Warm, Inspiring, Personal, Honest, Direct, Scientific,
Authoritative, Professional Clinical, Humble

Language Purpose
Whimsical, Fun, Serious, Simple, Engage, Educate, Entertain, Amplify,
Complex, Savvy, Relaxed, Playful Enable, Sell, Delight, Inform

Social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are amazing tools for you
to connect with your customers and find new ones. When we get social media
interaction right, the results can be instant and wonderous. Unfortunately, if used
improperly, social media can spell disaster for your business.

The content that is posted to your accounts say a lot about your brand and
values. For this chapter, we aren’t as focused on what you’re saying, but with how
you say it. Your brand voice directly affects how your business is perceived.

By properly identifying your brand voice, you will be able to craft social posts that
sound unique and familiar to your followers. It will also help you to be consistent
and give a clear understanding of what to expect.

What exactly is a brand’s voice?

Every time you talk, write, design, post, and respond on behalf of your business
you are connecting with others using your brand voice. Brand voice is comprised
of four elements. The first is character/persona; Who does your brand sound like?
If it were a character, who would they be? The second element of brand voice is
tone; What is the general vibe of your brand? The third is language; What kinds of
words do you use in your social media and online conversations? The final aspect
of brand voice is purpose; Why are you on social media in the first place?

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 15

Why identify your voice?
Besides needing to maintain consistency, why is it so important to identify your
business’ brand voice? Well, it helps to communicate your brand’s mission and
values, humanizes the brand, and helps to develop trust and rapport. You don’t
want to be talking to your followers like they’re money. You want to identify and
outline your voice to provide authentic communication. Additionally, followers
look for consistency with the brands they follow. If the way you communicate
doesn’t achieve this, you will lose followers.

A well-defined brand voice will allow you to:

• Streamline responses and reactions
• Help make your business recognizable and identifiable
• Help build trust and loyalty through the deliverance of a consistent message
• Help to target your audience
• Develop a unique style and personality
• Build a community around your brand

Voice vs. Tone

Before we continue, it is important to understand the difference between voice
and tone. When discussing this topic these words get thrown around a lot.

Voice: the expression of your brand’s personality. This can be explained using
adjectives to describe your brand communication style. For example, your
brand could be: funny, sweet, or sassy.

Tone: This is how your brand voice is applied. Depending on the number of
networks you’re on, it can differ across social channels or even situations.

Essentially, there is one voice for your brand and many tones that help to refine
that voice. Sometimes it can be helpful to think of the brand voice as the mission
statement and the tone as an application of that mission.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 16

How to identify your client’s voice
When it comes to identifying your business’ voice, it can be helpful to include key
members of your team. This way, everyone gets to showcase elements of the
brand personality that already exist.

Find your adjectives

What adjectives would you use to describe the business? Pick 10. From this list,
pick 4 that stand out and have the ability to sum up the brand persona. Not sure
which adjectives fit? Think about how you want followers to perceive you. People
tend to follow brands that are honest, friendly, helpful, funny, trendy, politically
correct and snarky.

Identify where followers will hear it

Another important step in identifying your business’ voice is to know where it will
be heard. Do you leave comments on customer posts? Or do you respond to
every single private message? Most brands showcase their voice in replies, calls to
action, captions, direct messages, bios, and visuals.

Develop a brand persona questionnaire

If you’re looking for an in-depth way to get into the ‘mind’ of your business it can
be helpful to develop a brand persona questionnaire. This consists of a variety
of questions that will help identify key stakeholders, important messages, and
the ways you prefer to communicate. Some important questions to ask are: what
are your values? What sets you apart from competitors? What reputation do you
want? And, who is the audience?

It’s important to note that on social media most brands tend to be less formal
and more relaxed and ‘human’. After all, people are more interested in following
people and personalities than boring businesses.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 17

Chapter 6:
How to write good copy
Have you ever stared blankly at your screen trying to figure out what to write?
You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with how to write the perfect social media
content. How long does it need to be? Are emojis still cool? What kind of content
do followers want? Crafting the perfect post is not as easy as it looks. The way you
write social posts for your business or your client’s can affect the authority of the
post and more. Heck, if it was easy, you’d probably be out of a job!

Although it is more accessible, the copy of social media messages matters just
the same as big marketing spends. If you’re making multiple posts a day, it can
be even more difficult to craft an impressive message, as you won’t have as much
planning time. However, good copy matters because every post you make reflects
on your brand.

Tips for writing the best social media copy

Make grammar a priority
In a world where important conversations are happening through a few lines of
text, using proper grammar is incredibly important. Bad grammar reflects poorly
on the writer and your business. This can diminish credibility and the loyalty
your followers have to the brand.

Keep readers coming back and continuing the conversation by using proper
punctuation and grammar. Before publishing or scheduling your next post,
make sure to read it over multiple times. Not sure if you caught everything? Get
someone else from your team to read it over.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 18

Be compelling
When writing copy for your business, you’re competing for the attention of your
audience. One of the best ways to stand out? Tell them what’s in it for them. You
could describe an amazing benefit your followers will receive, pose an interesting
question that mentions additional benefits, or display an exciting statistic. This way
the user understands the relationship and wants to come back.

Passive: Understand active vs. passive voice

Flowers will be planted in the
greenhouse this season. When writing copy for social media posts you want to avoid using a passive voice.
What exactly are the differences between active and passive voice? With an
active voice, the subject performs the action described by the verb; with passive
We will be planting flowers in voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Using an active voice creates more
the greenhouse this season! engaging copy.

Be clear and concise (write to a sixth-grader)

Ever read something filled with technical jargon and become completely lost?
Same. People skim on social media, so long-winded, complex posts don’t really
work. When crafting social posts we want to avoid that. A good tip is to pretend
you’re writing the post for a sixth-grader to comprehend. This will force you to
write clearly and concisely. If followers don’t understand your posts, they will scroll
past and not engage. As the writer, do the work and make the post digestible by
any audience—your followers will appreciate it.

Invoke curiosity
The whole point of creating social media posts is to create a conversation. Write
in a way that makes people want to click through or make a comment. If you’re
linking to another piece of content, you don’t need to tell the whole story in your
copy. Leave some details unanswered, while implying your link will answer their
questions. However, it’s important to not use clickbait. Don’t make wild claims that
you can’t back up in the click through content.

Another great way to invoke curiosity? Ask your followers a question. This way they
will be motivated to make a comment and open a dialogue with you.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 19

The Perfect Post Is Waiting to Be Written (By You!)
Social Marketing has all the elements needed to craft the
perfect social post. With easy access to RSS feeds, emojis,
GIFs, and stock images, you’ll never hit writer’s block again.
Build fans, find customers, and engage with the community on
behalf of your clients all from within one incredible product.

Use emojis
Think emojis are just for text messages? Think again! Many of your followers use
emojis in their daily virtual interactions. In fact, 92% of people use emojis. Emojis
are a great way to catch the attention of a follower and break up blocks of black
text. However, it’s important to not overdo emojis. Stick to one or two per post.

Think audience first

Followers will get frustrated with your brand if there are only posts about your
business. It’s important to write in a way that puts your audience at the center of
the story. Easy way to do this? Say ‘you’ more than ‘us’.

Avoid making post after post about the business. Try switching it up with industry-
relevant content and posts about the community. At Vendasta, we recommend
following a 30/30/30 rule. You should aim to publish around 30% industry posts,
30% business posts, and 30% community posts. This will provide followers with a
range of interesting content to keep them engaged. When in doubt, think about
explaining the benefits to your potential customers instead of just the features.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 20

It’s important to note that it isn’t necessarily beneficial to post every single day
of the week. If your follower count is low, this could potentially frustrate them.
A good place to start? Post three times a week, start with Monday, Wednesday,
Friday. Try this out for a month or two and then evaluate. From there start either
adding or taking away days as needed. When in doubt, consistency is key! If you
post on the same day at the same time each week, followers will begin getting
used to, and in fact expect posts from your business.

Keep your social media active, even when you’re not

Maintaining and excellent social presence doesn’t mean you need to be glued to
your computer. Save time by scheduling your social media content across your
social networks with Social Marketing’s scheduling feature! Schedule your content
for an entire month and rest easy knowing you won’t have to worry about posting
new content for weeks.

Be positive
We previously discussed the importance of tone in your social strategy. Well, that
tone is translated to followers with the copy. Curious about what tone you should
be showcasing? Studies have shown that positivity in social media wins in online
interactions. So how do you showcase positivity on social media? Use exclamation
points, positive language/words, reference community members, and engage with
the community through questions!

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 21

Chapter 7:
Importance of images
The next, and arguably the most important aspect of social posting is the images!
Did you know that visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on social
media? This means that the images you attach to your social posts need to really
stand out. How do you do that? Let’s get into it.

Stock photos
Not everyone has access to photographers or the time to create their own
images, although that would be the most ideal. Therefore it’s important to
understand just how to use stock photos; I urge you to use stock photos with
caution. Many resources will even go as far as to tell you not to use them in any
situation, but I wouldn’t go that far. When you are posting on behalf of a client or
strapped for time, it can be difficult to get images. Stock image sites are created
for exactly this purpose.

I ask you to use caution, however, because many images on these sites can look
very stock image-y. If you’re confused as to what that means, think about the
image of a group of employees celebrating yet another ‘win’ at their office, we’ve
all seen it, or something similar; and if you’ve seen it, most likely your followers
also already have. This makes the brand appear to be less genuine.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 22

If you don’t want your stock images to look like stock images it can be helpful to
use unusual search words. Words like “funky” or “retro” might turn up something
different. Use a specific color or even the “era” like 1920 or 1980. You can also
add search phrases and keyword terms like “bright background”. A term like
“Instagram style” will instantly show up images with Instagram style filters or
lighting. Get creative.

Not sure where to start? Some great free stock image sites are Unsplash, Pixabay,
and Pexels. If you have the budget and are looking for more specific stock images, it
may be helpful to spend some money through Shutterstock, 123Rf, or Adobe Stock.

Amazing Stock Images,

Right Where You Need Them
Attaching images to your social posts has
never been easier! The Social Marketing
composer is integrated with Pixabay,
allowing you to search through thousands
of images without leaving the product.

Graphic design
Whether you are using stock images or your own photographs, graphic design is
the important next step. Now, I’m not saying you need to blow the entire year’s
marketing budget and hire a full-time graphic designer. What I am talking about is
the ability to add text or logos to an image. This will help to brand your style. With
even just a few elements of graphic design, your followers will have better brand
recognition. This can be especially useful on Instagram, as images are the first
thing a user sees.

While you don’t need to hire a graphic designer, it’s important to take note that
this does take a bit of time. While you don’t need to be a pro, it is an extra step to
the process. A helpful tip to save time in the future? Create a template that you
can easily just slot a new image into. This could include your or your client’s logo
and some brand recognizable coloring or shapes.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 23

Not sure where to start? A really great (and free) resource is Canva! This program
allows you to easily create templates and design beautiful images. It is also very
easy to learn and use, absolutely no design experience necessary. If you have
a little bit of money to spend in this department, it might be useful to get a
photoshop program that allows you to do more.

Style consistency
A topic that has come up time and time again in this book has been consistency.
As you may have guessed, consistency is just as important for the images you use.
Think about some of the biggest brands and their social presence. For example,
Coca-Cola uses mostly red and white in their posts, this makes it easy for followers
to identify which posts are from Coca-Cola before even looking at who posted the
image. Consistency gives followers proper expectations from your businesses’
social media strategy.

Think of your social media images as an extension of your brand voice. The first
is to keep in mind that your content, tone, and voice should reflect the branding
and feel of your business and the message you want to send to your audience.
Pick a style and stick to it. Pull from the work you did to develop your voice back in
chapter 5. As mentioned above, it can be incredibly useful to build a template that
you can reuse in order to maintain consistency.

It might be helpful to create a social media style guide for your business. This can
be especially helpful if multiple employees have access to the networks you post
to. A style guide will ensure that everything posted is consistent and on-brand.
This guide would document your brand’s tone and voice and include posting
guidelines for everyone to follow.

If your tone varies too much day to day it can be confusing to your followers.
Additionally, without a consistent image style, your page will have a hard time
attracting and connecting with followers.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 24

What makes a good image for social media?
Now that we’ve discussed some important aspects of social media images, it’s
time to talk about what it is exactly that makes a good image. First rule of thumb?
Try to always include people in your photos, images with faces receive 38% more
likes. Here’s what else you need to know:

Framing and composition

Framing and composition are some of the most important aspects of creating
appealing images. Proper framing allows the image to grab the attention of followers.

Have you heard of the rule of thirds? The rule of thirds is a guideline which
applies to the process of composing visual images. The guideline proposes that
an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally
spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and those important
compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.
It’s important to note that the rule of thirds doesn’t just apply to landscape-
oriented photos. You can also apply the rule of thirds to vertical photos. By placing
your subject at an intersection the image is suddenly more engaging.

Another important aspect of framing and composition? Depth levels. If either the
background or foreground is blurred it makes the image more dynamic.

Another important tip is to pay close attention to the resolution of your images.
While most people on social media use their mobile devices, people still do view
on desktop and laptop computers. The last thing you want is to put out a blurry
image. This could reflect poorly on your brand. Images need to have a higher
resolution to appear crisp and high definition on a bigger screen.

A good rule of thumb? Files with at least 1000 pixels are a good place to start.

Effective editing
As discussed earlier in this chapter, editing images can be very beneficial. It allows
you to capture aspects of the image that you weren’t able to get from the original
shot. However, if editing is overdone, it can spell disaster.

Luckily, social media has made it possible for photo editing to go mainstream.
There is nothing wrong with filtering for creative purposes, often times a filter is a
way to add artistic expression. However, there becomes a point at which filtering
and editing become a little over the top. In order to make your images ‘pop’,
without exploding them, try enhancing a few of the following:

• Adjust your photo’s shadows and highlights to give it a look true to real life.
Since our cameras can only see in stops of light, the shadows and highlights
are usually too dark, or overexposed in high contrast lighting.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 25

Another important tip is to pay close attention to the resolution of your images.
While most people on social media use their mobile devices, people still do view
on desktop and laptop computers. The last thing you want is to put out a blurry
image. This could reflect poorly on your brand. Images need to have a higher
resolution to appear crisp and high definition on a bigger screen.

A good rule of thumb? Files with at least 1000 pixels are a good place to start.

Effective editing
As discussed earlier in this chapter, editing images can be very beneficial. It allows
you to capture aspects of the image that you weren’t able to get from the original
shot. However, if editing is overdone, it can spell disaster.

Luckily, social media has made it possible for photo editing to go mainstream.
There is nothing wrong with filtering for creative purposes, often times a filter is a
way to add artistic expression. However, there becomes a point at which filtering
and editing become a little over the top. In order to make your images ‘pop’,
without exploding them, try enhancing a few of the following:
• Adjust your photo’s shadows and highlights to give it a look true to real life.
Since our cameras can only see in stops of light, the shadows and highlights
are usually too dark, or overexposed in high contrast lighting.
• Slightly bring up the vibrance, not the saturation, when attempting to make your
image more colorful. Over-saturation is a tell-tale sign you over-edited the photo.
• Crop your image to achieve the rule of thirds, and straighten the alignment so
your horizon lines aren’t crooked.

It’s important to note, that the more you edit an image, the lower the quality
becomes. Otherwise, the file size for the image would be outrageous. This is why
it’s important to practice effective editing.

Good editing Too much editing

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 26

Use contrasting color
Want to skip the editing but still have images that pop? You can do that with color!
When taking images, find objects that have very different or contrasting coloring

from the background. The same goes for people. Your models should dress in
solid colors that differ from the color of the backdrop, after all, you don’t want
them to fade into the background.

The Perfect Sized Image... Every Time

Make changes to your images without having to
leave the composer! The Social Marketing cropping
tool allows you to easily change the size of your
image. Once you have selected a stock image or
upload your own, simply click the crop icon in the
top right corner of the image to get to work.

Use your phone

You might be thinking, sure all these tips are great, but I don’t have an expensive
high-quality camera. Luckily, we have incredible cameras sitting in our pockets. Yup!
That’s right, your cellphone has the ability to take incredibly high-quality photos.

When taking images with your phone, there are a few things to keep in mind. First,
be aware of the light, you don’t want your images to be overexposed. To control
the exposure on most phones, you can tap the screen. You can also press on
the screen to focus on a specific object or person. It’s good practice to tap on
your subject before taking the image to make sure they’re in focus. Most phone
cameras also have a setting you can turn on to show a grid, this makes it super
easy to follow the rule of thirds.

Once you’ve taken the image, there are tons of free photo editing apps you can
use to enhance your images. While this is on mobile, we still want to remember
the editing tips from previous. A great free mobile editing app is Snapseed. It
allows you to edit images without reducing the quality of the image!

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 27

Chapter 8:
Goal setting
Did you know that only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually
feel successful about them? The biggest reason resolutions fail is because they
are too broad or outlandish to be attainable. Goal setting for social media is
similar. If you aim too high in too short of a time frame, you’re just setting yourself
up for failure. Setting goals and then monitoring your progress is an important
step to help you get from where your business is now to where you want to be
across all relevant channels.

Why set social media goals?

Time is one of the most valuable resources that you have. If you are already
spending a lot of time on social media for your business or on behalf of a client,
you’ll want to know that your time is being well spent. You want to know that the
efforts you are putting in are yielding the best possible results.
Setting goals and understanding important metrics are incredibly important if you
are posting on behalf of your clients. You’ll want to show them that your work is

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 28

worth their money. Goal setting can also help make sure the work you are doing
is aligned with your company vision. Think of it as a roadmap to help get your
business or your clients exactly where you want to go.

Without goals and metrics, you won’t know if your strategies are working. With the
help of goal setting, you can adapt and iterate on your strategy to be successful.

How to set social media goals

Now that we understand that goal setting is crucial to the success of your social
media strategies, it’s time to find out how. Before you move on to any of the below
steps, it’s important to decide what is important to your business. Sure, some
vanity metrics can be exciting to track, but can you tie these to your business
goals? Take a look at your overall business strategy to make sure you’re creating
goals that will align. Once you have an idea of what types of goals are going to be
important, it’s time to get started.

A common goal setting technique is to use the SMART guideline. SMART is an
acronym for:
Specific: Your goals should be clear, simple, and defined.
Goals that are specific have a significantly greater chance of being
accomplished. To make a goal specific, consider the 5 Ws: Who (who is involved
in this goal?), what (what do I want to accomplish?), where (where is the goal to
be achieved?), when (when do I want to achieve this goal?), and why (why do I
want to achieve this goal?).
Measurable: You want to set goals that have one or more measurable metrics.
Your goal must have criteria for measuring progress. If there are no criteria, you
won’t be able to determine your progress. Ask yourself: How many/much? How
will I know if I have reached my goal? What is my indicator of progress?
Achievable: Is this goal going to be achievable with the resources you currently have?
A proper goal must be achievable and attainable. You should stretch the goal
enough to feel challenged, but make sure it’s defined enough so that you can
actually achieve it. Ask yourself: Do I have the resources and capabilities to
achieve this goal? What might I be missing? Have others been successful with
this goal in the past?
Realistic: Will it be possible to achieve your goal?
Similar to above, your goal also needs to be realistic to ensure success. Your
goal is likely realistic if you believe that it can be accomplished. Ask yourself: Is
this goal within reach? Is the goal possible given time constraints and resources?
Are you able to commit to achieving this goal?
Time-sensitive: Every goal you set should have a time frame.
Your goal must be time-bound in that it has a start and finish date. If the goal
is not time constrained, there will be no sense of urgency and motivation to
achieve the goal. Ask yourself: Does my goal have a deadline? When do you
want to have your goal achieved?

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 29

Define objectives
Grow Your Brand When defining your social media objectives, start with broad goals that you would
at the Speed of Social like to achieve over the entire year. From here, you can start to break this goal
Measure social media down into quarterly or monthly digestible goals.
performance with Social
Some common, broad social media goals could be: increase brand awareness,
Marketing Insights! Understand
improve ROI, or develop a loyal fanbase. From here, you can break these broad
how your audience is growing
goals down further. Within ‘increase brand awareness’ a SMART goal could include
with the Insights tab and get
increasing follower count from 150 to 400 on Facebook by June 20th 2020.
in-depth reporting into specific
social channels with the Post You could also choose to develop different objectives for different networks.
Performance tab. This data can We recommend setting only 2 to 3 goals per time frame in order to not become
help you to make the most of overwhelmed.
your social strategy, no manual
reporting necessary! Define and track your goal metrics
Once you have set yourself a SMART goal, it’s time to discover how to track that
goal. Each goal will vary in terms of the metrics to track. Let’s continue to use the
‘increase brand awareness’ example. In order to reach this goal, you will want to
pay close attention to follower count, post impressions and reach, and maybe
even link clicks.
Set up a spreadsheet for yourself where you can easily track these metrics. Check
back either daily or weekly to see how these metrics are performing over time.
Once the time frame from your goal is completed, you will have all the important
information you need to assess if you were successful or not.

Social media goals you should track

Connecting Social Metrics to Business Goals
Traffic Follower Growth Engagement Reach | Impressions Conversions
• Revenue/Lead • Brand Loyalty • Brand Loyalty • Brand • Revenue
Generation • Brand • Brand Awareness • Lead
• Establishing Awareness Awareness • Establishing Generation
Authority • Customer • Audience Authority • Customer
• Conversions Growth Growth • Audience Growth

Not sure where to start in regards to social media goal setting? No problem! Here
are some popular and important social media goals and the metrics to track to
get you started:

Increase your social media ROI

In order to properly track your social media ROI (return on investment), you need
to add up all of the costs associated with your social media marketing efforts.
This could be everything from advertising spend, social media tools, and even
employee hours.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 30

Metrics to track? Conversions from social networks, product trials, landing page
hits, and email signups.
Looking to improve these metrics? Consider A/B testing! A/B testing allows you to
compare two versions of a single variable. For example, you could test two different
images with the same copy and see which one helps to generate conversions.

Increase brand awareness

Did you know that the average person spends nearly 2 hours on social media
every day? Social media is one of the best places to grab consumers’ attention.
Social media has also enabled people like you to have a more quantitative
understanding of their brand’s presence.

Metrics to track? Follower count, reach and impressions of your social media
posts, mentions, shares, and retweets, if your business is on Twitter.

Looking to improve these metrics? Consider hosting a giveaway! Offer your

followers a prize for liking the post or following your page.

It’s important to note that Facebook has very specific rules around running
promotions or giveaways. For example, you need to make it clear that your
giveaway has nothing to do with Facebook. You also are not allowed to allude that
purchasing the product makes the chance of winning higher. Additionally, you
cannot force someone to share your post, however you can encourage them to
share the post so their friends also know about the giveaway. Instead of asking
users to tag a friend, which is frowned upon, create an engaging contest that
people want to share with their friends. Note: you can still ask users to like your
post or follow your page! Curious if your post will be flagged by Facebook or want
up to date information on their policies? Head to Facebook’s Pages, Groups and
Events Policies on their website.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 31

Increase in-person sales
If you are a brick-and-mortar business, it can be extra challenging to understand
or prove the effectiveness of social media efforts. A good place to start? Make
sure that social media is incorporated into every part of your business. Develop
signage both inside and out that asks customers to follow your business on social.
Consider having your social tags on the bottom of physical receipts.

Metrics to track? Advertising discounts to social media followers (ex. “Mention this
post and receive a free small coffee!”), the number of posts tagged or checked in at
your location, and the number of Facebook reviews.

Looking to improve these metrics? Create a photo contest! Encourage fans to post
pictures to their social media feed or post a story (Instagram and Facebook) when at
your business. Another great idea? Collect customer emails and send your fans fun
photo challenges to complete, linking to your social profiles in the email, of course.

Develop a loyal fan base

Have you ever noticed that some products have fans posting about them without
a prompt from the brand? This is the ultimate goal of many people managing their
own or client’s social media. Those who post without being asked to are loyal fans
and advocates that talk positively about the brand.

Metrics to track? Tagged photos, brand hashtags, stories that tag you (Facebook
and Instagram), and the number of engagements per post.

Looking to improve these metrics? Work with micro-influencers! Micro-influencers

are social media users who have anywhere between 1,500 and 50,000 followers
whos profile is usually comprised of a focussed passion, topic or niche market.
Working with micro-influencers helps to build authenticity around your brand
and helps to encourage other followers to start sharing. The best part? Micro-
influencers are often easier to access and cost less per post.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 32

Drive traffic to your website
When it comes down to it, social media is really about driving real sales for your or
your client’s business. But what if you aren’t a traditional brick-and-mortar store?
One way to track sales is through traffic on your website. This is an especially good
goal to set if you have a blog that you link to through your social profiles.

Metrics to track? Traffic from social media, bounce rate of social media traffic,
clicks, and shares.

Looking to improve these metrics? Consider linking interesting or important

information in your bio! This is a great method to improve website traffic, especially
with Instagram. On Instagram, you cannot directly link to a URL in the post copy,
best practice is to put the desired URL in your bio and in the post copy tell users
to ‘click the link in the bio for more details’. If you want to take it a step further,
consider integrating a service such as These services allow you to share
more than one link in your bio. This is great for providing direct value to your fans,
instead of sending them on a wild goose chase through your website.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business 33

There you have it! Well, for now, anyway. When it
comes to social media, it can feel like things are
changing every single day. Think of social media as
life-long learning, it’s important to keep up if you want
your business to stay relevant. Luckily, the Vendasta
blog and other resources have you covered for all the
newest updates in this landscape.

Now it’s time to put down this guide

and get to work, happy posting!

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The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

BONUS Templates
Audience Persona Template
Uncovering Your Brand Voice
50 Social Media Post Ideas
Best Practices for Healthcare Vertical
Best Practices for Automotive Vertical
Best Practices for Restaurant Vertical
Best Practices for Financial Vertical
Goal Setting Checklist

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Audience Persona Template

Persona Name and Job Title

Details about their role:


Goals and Challenges

What does this persona want to achieve? What are some of the challenges that
are stopping them from achieving this?

Hobbies and Interests

What is this persona interested in doing outside of work? What fills their spare time?

Values and Fears

What does this persona expect from your service? What are some common
concerns that prevent them from converting to your customer?

Favourite Blogs or News Sources

Where does this Persona go to get information? List 5-10 popular sources that
this demographic would follow.

Online Behaviour
How does this demographic use the internet and social media. What would they
post and when? Consider how/if they spend money online and how they go about
making these decisions.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Uncovering Your Brand Voice

Start by selecting 10 adjectives to describe your or your client’s business:

Examples: Playful, intelligent, funny, sassy, sarcastic, authoritative

Select 4 from your list that best describe your or your client’s business:

Brand Persona Questionnaire:

What does your company do?

Who are your customers?

Why do people choose your company over your competitors?

What are your company values?

What reputation do you want your company to have?

If your brand were a person, how would you describe their personality?

What other brand voices do you admire? Why?

If your brand were a vacation destination, where would it be?

If your brand was a song, what would it be?

If your brand were a room, what three items would you find in it?

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

50 Social Media Post Ideas
Industry posts Community posts
1. Industry news 32. Questions
2. Links to free resources 33. Customer reviews and testimonials
3. Popular relevant podcast 34. Quick tips and Advice #ProTip
4. “On this day in history” 35. Contests
5. Share a statistic 36. Holiday posts
6. Take advantage of trending topics 37. Inspirational quotes
7. Share a viral video or image, making 38. Ask for customer feedback
sure to add your twist to it 39. Repost user generated content
8. Share your favourite podcast or 40. Promote your partners and showcase
YouTube channel (make sure it’s community relationships
41. Team up with another brand
9. An inspiring industry leader’s quote or
recent interview 42. Fun and (sometimes) silly holidays
(ex. National pizza day, national best
10. Relevant infographic friend day)
43. Poll your audience
Business posts
44. Host an AMA (ask me anything)
11. Your company’s blog posts
45. Thank your followers
12. Posts showcasing your company’s
culture 46. Special event in the community
13. Product/Service Videos 47. Post about a charity you often work
14. Photos from company events
48. Your employees giving back to the
15. Answer a commonly asked question
16. New job postings
49. Request customer feedback
17. Hiring announcements
50. Create a photo contest for your
18. Event promotion followers
19. Promote email sign-ups
20. Company accomplishments
21. How-to videos
22. Share a case study on one of your
23. Share a survey (and maybe give away
something for followers filling it out)
24. Create a daily, weekly, or monthly
series (video, podcast, or live video)
25. Get an employee to do a social media
take over for a day
26. Run a social exclusive deal
27. Photos of your employees
28. Throwback photos (bonus if it’s on
#ThrowbackThursday, #tbt)
29. Repurpose successful old content
30. Promote a sale
31. Best practices for using your product
or service

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Best Practices for Healthcare Vertical

Did you know? Nearly 90% of adults have used social media to seek and share
health information!

Benefits of social media for the healthcare industry:

1. Raise awareness and counter misinformation
2. Crisis communication
3. Public health monitoring
4. Patient support
5. Reputation management
6. Marketing

Share the most engaging content:

• Educate and share important information
• Remain compliant
• Diversify your channel mix beyond Facebook and Twitter (Instagram and
Youtube make great secondary channels)
• Vary your content mix to optimize audience actions
• Boost top performing organic posts
• Connect with niche communities and groups

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Best Practices for Automotive Vertical

Did you know? At least 70% of people discuss vehicle purchases on Social Media!

Benefits of social media for the automotive industry :

1. Easy access and lines of communication with customers
2. Finding leads
3. Way to surface positive reviews with potential customers

Share the most engaging content:

• Share positive reviews
• Commit to multiple channels
• Follow hashtags
• Search for leads within a 25 mile radius of your business
• Ask followers questions and engage in conversation
• Answer frequently asked questions through video or posts

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Best Practices for Restaurant Vertical

Did you know? 72% of customers use Facebook to make restaurant decisions,
largely based on comments and images shared by previous customers!

Benefits of social media for the restaurant industry:

1. Improves trust and loyalty
2. Brand advocacy
3. Provide real time updates to customers
4. Affordability
5. Finding customers (hungry ones!)

Share the most engaging content:

• Daily specials
• Images of food that is worthy of a repost
• Work with local micro-influencers
• Create a hashtag specific to your restaurant that guests can use & then
encourage people to post their meals
• Celebrate food based holidays

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Best Practices for Financial Vertical

Did you know? 71% of financial services organizations plan to increase their digital
marketing spend in the year to come!

Benefits of social media for the financial industry:

1. Become a thought leader, leverage existing content
2. Crisis communication
3. Increases visibility
4. Helps your firm to stand out
5. Builds credibility and trust

Share the most engaging content:

• Get rid of or explain the lingo
• Boost engagement with interactive content (contests, polls, etc)
• Share behind the scenes
• Utilize local micro-influencers to build credibility and reach
• Join the conversation with relevant and trending hashtags

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Goal Setting Checklist

Increase Brand Awareness

Example: Acquire 100 new Instagram followers in 30 days.
Action Items:
• Post daily on Instagram
• Research and use hashtags
• Seek out competitor follower lists
• Engage with targeted potential followers

Create your social media goal for increasing brand awareness here:
q ____________________________________________________________

Action items:
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________

Develop a loyal fan base

Example: Obtain an average of 50 engagements per Instagram post over 30
Action Items:
• Dedicate time to reply to comments, chats, DMs
• Engage on relevant hashtags

Create your social media goal for developing a loyal fan base here:
q ____________________________________________________________

Action items:
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Drive traffic to your website
Example: Generate 250 clicks to the holiday sale product page from Facebook
between November 1-18th.
Action Items:
• Post twice daily
• Place two offers on November 1st and 15th
• Use remarketing to convert a minimum of 5% of non-purchasing visitors

Create your social media goal for driving traffic to your website here
q ____________________________________________________________

Action items:
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________

Increase social media ROI

Example: Generate 15 leads per week with Facebook posts.
Action Items:
• Feature photos of easy-to-complete crafts using holiday products
• Invite followers to get 10% off their next purchase by showing the Facebook
post at checkout
• Implement $50 boosting budget to top performing organic posts

Create your social media goal for increasing social media ROI here:
q ____________________________________________________________

Action items:
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

Increase in-person sales
Example: Convert 100 sales during November 1-18th through social media.
Action Items:
• Post once daily about holiday sale
• Every Friday repost a customer’s image of holiday items
• Send users to holiday sale product page with social posts
• Track links use and shares with Vendasta’s Social Marketing
• Implement a $100 boosting budget on top performing organic posts

Create your social media goal for increasing in-person sales here:
q ____________________________________________________________

Action items:
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________
q _____________________

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Social Media for Business

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