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v 5.


• CM01 - 3 • T42
• B01 - 03 • TB1
• B3 - 4 • V1
• BoD1 - 4 • XX2
• D1 • Y2
• D01 • Y3
• E01- 02 • Z1
• G1 - 2 • A New Home
• G01 - 06 • Direct Competition
• IC1 - 11 • Hallway of Death
• ICM • Pit of Zombies
• J1 • Police Station
• L01 • Stockholm School of
• M2 - 3 Economics
• MR1 • Relentless
• P3, 5 • Retrieve the Necronomicion
• PM001 - 003 • The Nameless City
• R1-03 • The House of the Dead
• S01


• Blackwater • The Beginning of the End
• Stepford Hills • Under the River
• Crowd City • Zombie King
• Phil’s Family
By David Doughty - BGG: daviddoughty83
By David Doughty - BGG: daviddoughty83
By David Doughty - BGG: daviddoughty83
& 1-"/
The streets are crowded with zombies. MPOHBTUIFSFBSFOP;PNCJFTJOJU
Moving around is getting tricky. We
decided to use the subway tunnels. The
nearest entrance is closed, but we think
we can find the key somewhere in that 63(&,$/58/(6
maintenance building. Let’s hope we
don’t meet the controller...









 ZOMBICIDE -0,66,216 ;0.#*$*%&$0.

& %&&1

We just spotted a grade-A car in a JTPQFO UIFQJNQNPCJMFDBOCFESJWFO
garage. We’ll have to fight a little to
get it, but it’s a golden ticket to
freedom, the wind in our hair, and the t )JHIXBZTUBS:PVDBO4FBSDIUIF
With that car, we’ll glide on zombies FJUIFSUIF&WJM5XJOTPS.BT4IPUHVO
like smoke on the water.







63(&,$/58/(6 %PPST




ZOMBICIDE -0,66,216 
IC1 – Double Crossed
A helicopter passed over us yesterday, they circled twice but wouldn’t land. They dropped a brick with a note and a map
attached. It said “you are being tracked by a horde, if we land they’ll likely catch up and overwhelm us before we can
take you on board. We’ve set up a safe area, you can get to it by setting off some switches, Good luck!”

V 1.2
IC1 – Double Crossed
A helicopter passed over us yesterday, they circled twice but wouldn’t land. They dropped a brick with a note and a map
attached. It said “you are being tracked by a horde, if we land they’ll likely catch up and overwhelm us before we can
take you on board. We’ve set up a safe area, you can get to it by setting off some switches, Good luck!”

V 1.2
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal
If you are playing with 4 survivors remove the red spawn point in the start area.
If you are playing with 5-8 survivors play with the set up as is.
If you are playing with 9 or more survivors add a second red spawn point in start area.

Special Rules
Only the red spawn points are active at the start of the game.
Spawn points should be spawned in the sequence Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, White and then Purple, starting with
the red spawn point at the top of the map (as shown above, in essence working clockwise from that spam
point). Skip any that aren’t active yet. If there are 2 spawn points in the same spot (9+ survivors) spawn them
both at the same time.
When the YELLOW Cross is taken the YELLOW spawn point becomes active.
When the WHITE Cross is taken the WHITE spawn point becomes active.
When the PURPLE Cross is taken the PURPLE spawn point becomes active.
Both GREEN Crosses have to be taken during 1 survivor phase. If you only manage 1 put it back in the Zombie
phase and you’ll have to try again next survivor phase. When the both GREEN Crosses are taken the GREEN
spawn point becomes active.
Both BLUE Crosses have to be taken during 1 survivor phase. If you only manage 1 put it back in the Zombie
phase and you’ll have to try again next survivor phase. When the both BLUE Crosses are taken the BLUE spawn
point becomes active.
Taking a cross gives the survivor 5 XP.
Any Survivor may leave via the exit point at the end of their turn if all the crosses have been taken, they are in
the exit space and there are no zombies in the space.

To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone.

V 1.2
IC2 – Road Trip
We were listening to a radio we found just in case anyone was transmitting when we heard a broadcast. The
government have set up a safe haven up north on an island. If we can get close and signal them we’ll finally have a new
home. Trouble is it’s a long way off, but we have a plan. We saw a pickup in a garage a while back that only needed a
little work to get going and its big enough for all of us and our gear. So we’re off back to get it working and head off on a
road trip.

V 1.0
 Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
 Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal
 If you are playing with 4 survivors remove the red spawn point in the start area.
 If you are playing with 5-8 survivors play with the set up as is.
 If you are playing with 9 or more survivors add a second red spawn point in start area.
 The car represents a pickup, if you want a pickup to use instead of the car do a web search for Zombicide Pickup
and you should find one. The pickup is big enough to carry all survivors once fixed.

Special Rules
 Only the red spawn points are active at the start of the game.
 Spawn points should be spawned starting with the red spawn point at the bottom of the map and working
 The survivors must take the green cross before they any take any other crosses. This represents the survivors
assessing the pickup to see what needs doing to fix it.
 At least 3 survivors must be in the room with the pick up before the green cross can be taken.
 The survivor who takes the green cross gets 5 XP.
 The pickup isn’t working and cannot be searched.
 The Red crosses represent parts for the pickup and cans of gasoline.
 To repair the pickup the survivors must get the 9 red crosses and move them to the pickup. Gasoline cards can
be used instead of red crosses.
 When a red cross is picked up it is placed in the survivors inventory taking up 1 space per cross as if it were
equipment. The survivor gets no XP for picking up the cross.
 Each red cross (or gasoline card) needs to be taken to the pickup and then 1 action used to fix the pickup with it.
The survivor who uses the cross (or card) to fix (or fuel) the pickup gets 5 XP.
 Leave the red cross (or gasoline card) on the pickup so you know how close you are to fixing the pickup.
 Once the pickup is fixed it can be driven and all survivors must get on it and leave via the exit zone.
 When the big BLUE Mall door is opened the BLUE spawn points become active.
 All Survivors leave together via the exit point at the end of the survivor phase if they are on the pickup, they are
in the exit space and there are no zombies in the space.

To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone on board the pickup.

V 1.0
IC3 – Blazing Tower
A helicopter flew over, they were broadcasting that they could take any survivors to a safe location. Because the city is burning
the only place they can is up the top of the Diamond building at the centre of the city. We got to the building okay, but then the
zombies spotted us and started to chase us. We sorted them half way up the tower with a Molotov. Only problem is we set the
building alight! Now we have to leave via the helicopter and we can hear the zombies moving up the outside of the building and
through the air ducts.

The odd map shows the top seven floors of a skyscraper. The road represents the stairwell with the stairs at each end leading up
and down. The survivors start at the top of a staircase that isn’t shown as everything below them is on fire. You will need 6
copies of the staircase from the last page to put on the map.

Starting Equipment; set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night Sticks and
pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the equipment cards
back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of course if someone starts
with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal once.
If you are playing with 4 survivors remove the red spawn point near the start area.
If you are playing with 5-8 survivors play with the set up as is.
If you are playing with 9 or more survivors add a second red spawn point to the start point near start area.
Remove from the deck. One Concrete Saw, One Chainsaw, One Auto Shotgun, One Assault Rifle, One Shotgun and One
Molotov. Put these with the Pimp mobile weapons and shuffle them. Place this special equipment pile in the exit

V 1.0
Special Rules
Only the red spawn points are active at the start of the game.
Spawn points should be spawned starting with the red spawn point on floor 1 and spawn them in floor sequence (so
floor 2 then 3 etc). As the spawn points move up the building spawn all the ones on a lower level before moving up to
the next floor.
Fire is moving up through the building. To represent this use the rubble markers. After the Zombies have moved in the
Zombie phase add or move the rubble markers to show the progress of the fire as follows.
o Turn 1 - Cover the staircase zone and the zone linked to it with a small rubble marker on the floor that’s currently
o Turn 2 – Cover the 2 rooms/corridors to the left of the map with small rubble markers
o Turn 3 – Cover the other 2 rooms/corridors to with a large rubble marker
o Turn 4 – Cover the rest of the road with a large rubble marker, move any spawn markers up to the middle road
zone on the next floor.
o Fire moves to next floor, start again at turn 1.
o If the spawn points reach floor 6 leave them there.
o Once a floor has been engulfed by fire it cannot be entered again and can be removed. You may need to do this
if your table isn’t long enough.
o Any survivor or zombie in a space when it is destroyed is killed.

V 1.0

Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3

Turn 4 Turn 5

Turn 6 Turn 7

Note how the spawn points keep moving up the building and will all eventually end up on floor 6.
The staircases count as a separate zone. From them you can see down into the two zones they link. This is shown as the
blue and green areas in the example below. These are the only zones you can see from the stairs. To move up the stair
you must move from the green zone to the starirs zone and then on to the blue zone. You can stop on the stairs zone.

V 1.0
The Red crosses are special equipment locations. When a player takes a red cross they get the top card off the special
equipment pile we built during setup.
The survivor who takes a red cross gets 5 XP.
There are six red crosses; the survivors MUST take at least four of them.
When ALL the survivors are in the exit room the green cross can be taken. This represents the survivors radioing the
Once the green cross is taken the pilot will tell the survivors there are zombies swarming up the building and he can’t
land until they are dealt with.
Once the green cross is taken the RED spawn points stop spawning, but the WHITE, PURPLE, GREEN and YELLOW ones
start spawning. Spawn these spawn points in the sequence WHITE, PURPLE, GREEN and YELLOW.
After you spawn the WHITE, PURPLE, GREEN and YELLOW spawn points remove one of them.
Once all four spawn points have been removed you just need to kill off the last zombies and you can leave.
All Survivors leave together via the exit point at the end of the survivor phase if they are in the exit space and there are
no zombies on the board and they have picked up at least 4 red crosses.

To win ALL surviving survivors must leave via the exit zone and there be no zombies on the board.

Automatic Loss
If the fire reaches floor 7 before the survivors can leave, the survivors automatically loose as the building isn’t safe for the
helicopter to land on anymore. You may finish the survivors but you’ll then just have the choice of burning to death or jumping!

The Stairs

V 1.0
IC4 – Supply Hunt
We’ve found a small town that hasn’t been looted yet, time to put that right.

This only needs season 1.

V 1.0
Set the map up as shown above.

Special Rules
Only the BLUE spawn point is active at the start of the game.
The Blue Spawn point spawns differently than usual depending on the number of survivors. Roll a dice at the
start of the zombie spawn phase and check the following table to see how many spawn cards to draw for the
blue spawn point.

Number Of Roll
Survivors 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 No Cards No Cards No Cards 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card
5 No Cards No Cards 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card
6 No Cards 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card 2 Cards
7 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card 2 Cards 2 Cards
8 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card 2 Cards 2 Cards 2 Cards
9+ 1 Card 1 Card 2 Cards 2 Cards 2 Cards 3 Cards
Red Spawn points spawn as normal, but aren’t active at the start of the game.
Spawn points should be spawned in the sequence shown in the red circles.
Red spawn points become active when the door to the building they are in are opened for the first time and
remain active from then on.
The Red crosses represent supplies; they take no space and give the survivor 5 XP when they are picked up.
Unlike the area, the police car has been ransacked, it cannot be searched.
The police car is in a sorry state of repair having had many Zombies bounced off it. After an action has been
taken to move the police car roll 2 dice and on a double 1 it breaks down. The car still moves this time but then
is permanently broken.
All Survivors must leave together. The can do so from the exit zone at the end of a survivor phase if there are no
zombies in the zone.

To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone having picked up all 5 red crosses.

V 1.0
IC5 – Close the Bulkheads
We’ve got into the prison and cleared our way through to the control room. We can see from the monitors that we can
close off security bulkheads and seal this part of the prison off from the rest. Time to press some buttons.

This only needs PO. Note that I ran out of doors which is why there are some odd doors used on cells.

V 1.0
Place the grey, Green and Brown Abominations in the room shown.
When playing with 4 survivors the spawn points become active after the 3rd survivor round.
When playing with 5 or 6 survivors the spawn points become active after the 2nd survivor round.
When playing with 7 or more survivors the spawn points become active after the 1st survivor round (which is
what normally happens).

Special Rules
All 5 spawn points are active at the start of the game.
Spawn points should be spawned in the sequence Green, Yellow, Purple, White and then Blue.
The door to the start point is already open and the control room and the two rooms attached to it have already
been cleared so don’t spawn these rooms.
Doors to Cells and the door to the abomination room can’t be opened except with buttons (see below). All other
doors can be opened as normal, though some will open on their own when buttons are pressed.
If a card shows a spawn on drains spawn the zombies in the room or at the spawn point the card is drawn for
The Red crosses represent Passes.
o Once picked up they must be carried by a survivor and take up a slot in that survivor’s inventory.
o You need a pass in your hand to active one of the switches (see below).
o If a survivor dies while carrying a pass it is dropped in their space and someone else can pick it up as if it
was a normal red cross.
o Picking up a RED cross gives the survivor 5XP even if someone else died to drop it.
o Once picked up the pass CANNOT be dropped.
The Yellow, Purple, White, Green and Blue crosses represent buttons.
o To press a button you must have a pass in your HAND.
o Pressing a button closes a bulkhead. The effect is to remove the spawn point of the same colour.
o Once the button is press the pass is used up and is removed from the survivor.
o You’ll need all 5 red crosses to close all the bulkheads.
o Closing off a bulkhead gives the survivor 5XP
o Once closed a bulkhead cannot be reopened.
When the Blue cross is removed the blue door (marked with a 1) pops open if it is closed. It can be opened
normally before this though. If it pops open spawn the room.
When the Green cross is removed the green door (marked with a 2) pops open if it is closed. It can be opened
normally before this though. If it pops open spawn the two rooms.
When the Purple cross is removed
o The Purple door (marked with a 3) pops open if it is closed. It can be opened normally before this
though. If it pops open spawn the any rooms that need spawning.
o The ten cells marked with a 3 also open, these cannot be opened any other way. All ten need to be
When the White cross is removed
o The White door (marked with a 4) pops open if it is closed. It can be opened normally before this
though. If it pops open spawn the room but draw 2 spawn cards.
o The five cells marked with a 4 also open, these cannot be opened any other way. All five need to be

V 1.0
When the Yellow cross is removed
o The Yellow door (marked with a 5) pops open if it is closed. It can be opened normally before this
though. If it pops open spawn the room but draw 2 spawn cards.
o The four cells marked with a 5 also open, these cannot be opened any other way. All four need to be
When the White, Yellow and Purple buttons have been pressed the big door at 6 opens allowing the 3
abominations to exit, the three abominations take a activation straight away. These are the bodgit brothers who
wired the prison, go on have some revenge! This door can ONLY be opened when the switches are pressed it
cannot be opened any other way,

To win all 5 spawn points will need to have been removed and all zombies killed that are left on the map.

For a harder game also have all survivors survive.

V 1.0
IC6 – Plane Sailing
As we passed a small airport an aircraft flew in and landed.

We managed to contact the pilot via CB and he said he could fly us to a safe area if we could refuel the plane.

So we’re off in the airport to find the plane and fuel it.


When choosing survivors do not choose survivors with starting equipment or the break in skill.
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck as follows
Survivors Deck Special
Give the survivor who draws a pistol a second pistol.
4 1 Pistol, 1 SMG, 1 Machete, 1 Katana
Give the survivor who draws the machete a pistol.
5 1 Pistol, 1 SMG, 1Kurki, 1 Machete, 1 Katana Give the survivor who draws a pistol a second pistol.
If there are more than 6 survivors only 6 with start with
6+ 2 Pistols, 1 SMG, 1Kurki, 1 Machete, 1 Katana equipment. Dice off to see which survivors get
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor.
Note that none of the starting equipment can open doors.
Shuffle the equipment deck and draw 11 cards off the top, add the crowbar to these cards and shuffle them
again. Place 3 cards in each room marked with a red 1.
The green area is an area that hasn’t be ransacked yet.
The red area is the plane. The doors to the plane (#7) can only be opened by the pilot.
The pilot is locked away on the front of the plane and cannot be attacked by zombies.

V 1.0
Special Rules
Only the red spawn points are active at the start of the game.
Spawn points should be spawned starting with the red spawn point nearest the start point and working
After you’ve spawned the red spawn points place a spawn card face down on the blue spawn point. This card on
the blue spawn point represents the noise of the engines attracting zombies from all over the airport.
Only the 4 rooms in the two green areas can be searched normally.
The 4 rooms marked with a red 1 can be searched, but only the three cards in the room are available. Once the
cards in the room are gone they cannot be searched again.
The survivors will need to search for something to open the doors at position #2 before they can move through
to fuel up the plane.
Once the survivors open the doors and move into the zone at position #2 they can enter the runway area.
To move from zone #2 onto the runway area the survivors must pass through the metal detectors represented
by the breach markers. The alarm is set off by the first survivor passing the detectors. Normal play is interrupted
and the following happens.
o Once the pilot hears the alarm sound he turns off the engines in preparation for fuelling.
o The spawn cards at the blue spawn point are turned over and spawned at the survivors current danger
o The Blue spawn point activates and will act as a normal spawn point for the rest of the game. To start
with this spawns 1 card per turn, but see below.
o In effect the longer you take to get to the runway the bigger the hoard will be.
o The alarm stops sounding. Meaning it’s not a source of noise.
The survivors must next take the white cross in zone #3 which is the keys for the 3 pump rooms which are
shown as #5.
o The building with the white cross must be spawned normally.
o Taking the white cross gives 5 XP.
o Once the white cross is taken all three rooms can be opened and no one needs to carry the white cross,
however you still need a piece of door opening equipment.
Once they have the keys they need to pull one or more of three switches to start the fuel pumps.
o The pump rooms are rooms and must be spawned as normal.
o For each switch pulled to start the pump the survivors gets 5 XP.
o Pulling the switch starts a fuel pump, this makes noise. So for each pump that is started draw an extra
card when spawning the blue spawn point. So 1 pump = 2 cards, 2 pumps = 3 cards and 3 pumps = 4
o The switch will need to be turned off once the plane is fully fuelled, note that you don’t get points for
turning the pump off.
o For each pump running roll a dice and add it to a running total.
This running total starts at zero
When the total reaches 25 the plane is fully fuelled.
Once the plane is fully fuelled the pumps need to be turned off and the pilot needs to be radioed by taking the
yellow cross in zone #4. This can be done in any order.
The survivor who takes the yellow cross gets 5 XP.
The room with the yellow cross must be spawned as normal.

V 1.0
ICM1 – Toxic Moll
We need to visit the Mall for supplies. As we get close though we can hear something howling within…

NOTE this mission requires 2 copies of the TOXIC MALL BOARDS!

V 1.1
Starting Equipment set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal
If you are playing with 4-5 survivors remove the green spawn point circled on the map.
If you are playing with 6-8 survivors play with the set up as is.
If you are playing with 9 or more survivors add a red spawn point start area.
Place unused female zombivator in room #3, this is Toxic Moll along with the Toxic Abomination.
The 4 purple crosses show where the purple cross may be. Mix 1 purple cross with 3 red crosses and randomly
place the 4 crosses red side up in the 4 indicated rooms.
The 4 yellow crosses show where the yellow cross may be. Mix 1 yellow cross with 3 red crosses and randomly
place the 4 crosses red side up in the 4 indicated rooms.
Special Rules
Only the red spawn points are active at the start of the game.
Playing with the normal sound rules cause a huge amount of splitting on the board and made it impossible to
play. You can either follow the normal rules or use the following instead.
o When Zombies spawn on the red spawn point they follow the red path until they see a survivor.
o When Zombies spawn on the purple spawn point they follow the purple path until it intersects with the
red path, then they follow the red path until they see a survivor.
o When Zombies spawn on the yellow spawn point they follow the yellow path until it intersects with the
purple path, then they follow the purple path. They stay on the purple path until it intersects with the
red path, which they stay on until path until they see a survivor.
o When Zombies spawn on the green spawn points or drains follow the normal rules until they get to the
red path with they will follow until they see a survivor.
o If zombie have left the path but cannot now see any survivors they will return to the path via the
shortest route(s). This may cause them to split if there are two or more routes of equal length.
o Feel free to ignore this rule and play normally, but it’ll be brutal.
o If you want a real challenge try the v1 board at the end of this with fixed yellow/purple crosses, extra
red spawn zones and no paths. We couldn’t fight our way past the cross-roads in this version.
Spawn points should be spawned starting with the red top spawn point on the right side of the map and working
The Red, Yellow and Purple crosses represent supplies hidden within the shops. You can’t just take a cross
instead you must search for it.

V 1.1
When a room is searched roll a d6 after you’ve dealt with the equipment card(s) you’ve drawn, if the roll is 4-6
the supplies in that room have been found. The searching survivor gets 5XP and the Cross is removed.
If you search a room which has already had its cross removed roll a d6 BEFORE taking any equipment card(s) on
a roll of 1 you get no equipment, instead draw a spawn card and place the zombies in the room.
When the yellow cross is taken the yellow spawn point becomes active.
When the purple cross is taken the purple spawn point becomes active.
When the Yellow and Purple crosses have both been taken the doors to room #1 are opened releasing Toxic
When Toxic Moll is killed the green spawn points become active.
A Survivor can leave via the exit point at the end of the survivor phase if they are in the exit space and there are
no zombies in the space.
To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone having picked up all the crosses.
Toxic Moll
Toxic Moll is a Toxic Runner on speed.
Target after all other runners in the space.
2 Actions per activation.
2 Zones moved per action.
Toxic Zombie
Cannot be killed by Ranged fire
Immune to fire damage (So Flame Thrower, Molotov etc. have no effect on her).
5 XP to person who kills her.

V 1.1
V1 Map
Try this version of the map only if you want a harder game.

V 1.1
IC7 – Bunker Heist – 3 hours – Hard
We bumped into Doc Brown a few days ago, seemed harmless enough and then this morning he tells us we are near a
secret government Bunker where there’s a store of vaccine against the zombie plague that’s going on. Before we can
stop him he’s charged off into the building and we are wondering if we go after him or leave the mad man to get himself
killed. As he’s a likeable guy and there’s the possibility of a vaccine, so we decide to go after him.

You Need Seasons 1-3

1B 2B
1C 2C

3R 13P 11P

Ground Level
1B, 2B, 1C & 2C

Bunker Level
14P, 15P, 11P
13P & 3R

V 1.1
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal
Place the lift in its Ground Level position, the other lift is showing its Bunker floor position (see Lift below).

Get the Blue cross and leave via the exit.

The blue cross is the vaccine, it doesn’t work, but you’ll only know that when you try it, so it’ll all have been for nothing!

The Lift
To travel from the ground level to the Bunker level you’ll need to use the lift.

The lift can hold TWO survivors at a time.

To move the lift a survivor must us 1 action to press either the Yellow or the White Button. When either button is
pressed the lift moves from its current floor to the other floor. If the Lift is in its Ground Level position move it to its
Bunker floor position and if it’s in its Bunker floor position move it to its Ground Level position.

Special Rules
Only the Red spawn points are active at the start of the game.
The Red spawn points only activate if there are survivors on the Ground Level part of the map. If all
survivors go down to the Bunker Level don’t activate theses spawn points. Note that survivors in the lift
when the lift is on the Ground Level count as being on the Ground Level.
If there are no survivors on the ground level any zombies on the ground level STOP moving until there
survivors on the ground level again. They can’t hear any sounds so just stand still. They ignore all extra
activations or anything else that would make them move.
Spawn points should be spawned starting with the Red spawn point above the start point on the map
and working clockwise. The 1-6 markers are not spawn locators, see below for their use.
The Yellow spawn points only activate when the yellow button is pressed. They activate AS SOON as the
button is pressed, NOT in the zombie phase.
The first survivor to press the yellow switch takes the Yellow cross and gets 5 XP.
The White spawn points only activate when the yellow button is pressed. They activate AS SOON as the
button is pressed, NOT in the zombie phase.
The first survivor to press the White switch takes the white cross and gets 5 XP.
The Purple spawn points activate every spawn phase after the purple button is pressed until they are
removed (See Below).
The Purple switch must be pressed to open the purple doors. These doors cannot be opened any other

V 1.1
way. Once opened they cannot be closed.
Once the Purple doors are open spawn boards 13P and 11P. Not that there is no door from the rooms
on 13P into the cells on 11P. Note also that the room on 11P with the purple spawn point is spawned at
this point NOT when the Event Trigger on 15P is activated. Do not spawn this room when the door to the
purple switch room is opened.
The survivor who presses the purple switch takes the purple cross and gets 5 XP.
The Green door can only be opened once the green objective is taken until they are removed (See
The Green spawn points activate every spawn phase after the Green cross has been taken.
The survivor who takes the green cross gets 5 XP.
The Blue spawn points activate every spawn phase after the Blue cross has been taken until they are
removed (See Below).
When the Blue cross is taken remove the Event Trigger from 2B and flip over the other Event Triggers. As
you enter each board with an Event Trigger respawn that board. If there are survivors on a board where
you have just flipped an Event Trigger respawn that board straight away!
The survivor who takes the blue cross gets 5 XP.
Roll a die at the end of the zombie phase when any of the Purple, Green or Blue spawn points are active.
If the number you roll is same as an active spawn locator number remove that spawn point. So if the
purple spawn points are active and a 1 is rolled remove the purple spawn point on 11P. This represents
the limited supply of zombies inside the Bunker.
Any active spawn points on the Bunker level stop spawning if there are no survivors on the Bunker level.
Note that survivors in the lift when the lift is on the Bunker level count as being on the Bunker level.
If there are no survivors on the Bunker level any zombies on the Bunker level STOP moving until there
survivors on the Bunker level again. They can’t hear any sounds so just stand still. They ignore all extra
activations or anything else that would make them move.
Survivors can leave via the exit zone by finishing their turn in the exit zone and there being no zombies
in that zone.

To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone.

V 1.1
IC8 - Medical Supplies
We are out of medical supplies, time for a raid on the tent village next to the local medical centre.

You Need Season 3

4V 8V

7R 9V

Moderate Map

V 1.0
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal

Get the All the Red crosses, activate all the tents and leave via the exit.

For a more difficult Game play on the Hard Map below. Note changes are 2 extra spawn points and 3 & 4 move to them.

For an easier game only take the red crosses.

Special Rules
Survivors can leave via the exit zone by finishing their turn in the exit zone and there being no zombies in that zone.

To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone having completed the objectives.

Hard Map

V 1.0
IC9 - Run About
We saw some tents and checked them out, nothing worth having inside as we stepped out we realised we’d been
ambushed by three runners. Luckily another survivor spotted us and is helping us get away behind his makeshift

You Need Seasons 1 and 3 plus Toxic Mall and Angry Neighbours.

11R 6R 1R

8M 7B 6B

5R 6C 4R

V 1.0
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal
Place a standard runner in each of the three zones marked with a RED 1. One is on a tent and quite hard to see.
Make a deck of companions with 2xSniper, 2xGunman and 2x Searcher.

Leave via the exit.

Special Rules
A survivor can use an action to take a companion marker. When a companion marker is taken the
survivor gets 5 XP and takes the top companion from the companion deck built above.
To open the Pink door you must have taken the Pink cross.
The Survivor who takes the Pink cross gets 5XP.
To open the Blue door you must have taken the Blue cross.
The Survivor who takes the Blue cross gets 5XP.
The Purple and White doors cannot be opened by the survivors.
If Zombies spawn on the sewer entrance on board 1R the Purple door mysteriously opens.
If Zombies spawn on the sewer entrance on board 4R the White door mysteriously opens.
Survivors can leave via the exit zone by finishing their turn in the exit zone and there being no zombies
in that zone.

To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone.

V 1.0
IC 10 - The Armoury
At the back of the small towns police station there’s a building on the door it says armoury. We found the key in the
police station let’s get some weapons!

You Need Seasons 2 and 3 plus Toxic Mall and the pans from season 1. I’ve included equipment from all add-ons in case
you play with more than listed at the start of this paragraph.

4V 1V 2V


4P 11P

Don’t spawn on this Drain.

V 1.0
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Survivors Pans
1-4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal
The 3 rooms marked with RED numbers are the three armoury storage rooms.
Find 1 Glass Bottles and 1 Gasoline cards in the equipment deck. Add 28 extra randomly draw equipment cards
to the Glass Bottles and Gasoline cards and shuffle these 30 cards together. Take 10 cards from the 30 deck and
place them on the room marked with a RED 1, do the same with the room marked with a RED 2 and a RED 3.

Leave via the exit having emptied the 3 RED equipment piles.

Special Rules
Doors and Crosses
The Purple door can be opened at any time and doesn’t require door opening equipment. As noted in
the scenario description you have the key already.
The purple door can’t be closed as it jams on something when you open it. Things would be too easy
Before you can open the Red Mall door you must take the Red Cross. Note that you DO need door
opening equipment to open the Red Mall door.
The Survivor who takes the Red Cross gets 5XP.
Before you can open the Blue Mall door you must take the Blue cross. Note that you DO need door
opening equipment to open the Blue Mall door.
The Survivor who takes the Blue Cross gets 5XP.
When the Green Cross is taken the Green door opens. The Green door can ONLY be opened by taking
the green cross. Note that it takes no equipment it just opens as soon as the cross is taken.
The Survivor who takes the Green Cross gets 5XP.
The red doors require normal door opening equipment.
The Purple spawn point becomes active when the Purple door is opened. The purple double headed
arrow shows the area where the purple spawn point is at full effect. If there are any survivors on
these 3 boards spawn the purple spawn point at the survivor’s level as normal. If there are no
survivor’s on these 3 boards spawn the purple spawn point one level lower than the survivors level
(Blue => None, Yellow => Blue, Orange => Yellow, Red => Orange).
The Red Spawn point becomes active when the Red Cross is taken. The red double headed arrow
shows the area where the red spawn point is at full effect. If there are any survivors on these 4 boards
spawn the red spawn point at the survivor’s level as normal. If there are no survivor’s on these 4

V 1.0
boards spawn the red spawn point one level lower than the survivors level (Blue => None, Yellow =>
Blue, Orange => Yellow, Red => Orange).
The Blue Spawn point becomes active when the Blue Cross is taken. The blue double headed arrow
shows the area where the blue spawn point is at full effect. If there are any survivors on these 5
boards spawn the blue spawn point at the survivor’s level as normal. If there are no survivor’s on
these 5 boards spawn the blue spawn point one level lower than the survivors level (Blue => None,
Yellow => Blue, Orange => Yellow, Red => Orange).
The Green Spawn point becomes active when the Green Cross is taken. The green double headed
arrow shows the area where the green spawn point is at full effect. If there are any survivors on these
4 boards spawn the green spawn point at the survivor’s level as normal. If there are no survivor’s on
these 4 boards spawn the green spawn point one level lower than the survivors level (Blue => None,
Yellow => Blue, Orange => Yellow, Red => Orange).
Each active spawn point spawns 1 spawn card in the sequence Purple, Red, Blue and Green.
Additionally roll dice for spawning as detailed in Season 3. If the spawn point shown on a die is active
spawn on that spawn point as per Season 3. If the spawn point shown on the die isn’t active don’t
spawn. Not that 5 and 6 deliberately DON’T appear on the map, if you roll 5 or 6 ignore the roll.
Example:- There are six survivors so from season 3 each turn they will roll 4 dice for spawning. The
Survivors open the Purple door and move into the building. During the spawn phase they will spawn 1
card on the purple spawn point and roll the 4 dice. Let’s assume they roll 1, 3, 4 and 6. As the purple
spawn point is 1 it spawns a 2nd card. The other 3 rolls are ignored.
Example 2:- Later in the game they pick up the Red Cross which activates the red spawn point. During
the spawn phase they will spawn 1 card on the purple spawn point and 1 card on the Red spawn
point. Additionally they roll the 4 dice. Let’s assume they roll 1, 2, 4 and 5 this time. As the purple
spawn point is 1 it spawns a 2nd card. As the Red spawn point is 2 it spawn 1 more card and the other
rolls (4 and 5) are ignored.
Example 3:- Later still 5 of the survivors are on board 11P and the sixth one is on 3V. They have taken
the Red and Blue Crosses but not the green one. The danger level is orange. Looking at the map this
means the purple zones is not at full effect because no one is on 4V, 1V or 2V. The Red and Blue
spawn points are at full effect because there are survivors on their zones. If the sixth survivor had
been able to get onto 11P the red one wouldn’t have been at full effect either. This means the purple
spawn point spawn 1 card at Yellow (one less than orange) and the red and blue spawn points spawn
1 card each at orange. The four dice are rolled and 1,2,2,6 are rolled. The 1 means the purple spawn
point spawns a 2nd spawn at yellow. The two 2s mean the red spawn point spawns a 2nd and 3rd spawn
at orange and the 6 is ignored.
Equipment and searching
Only the rooms with RED numbers can be searched and they can only be searched if there are cards in
them to pick up.
The room with the RED 1 in it contains only low value weapons/equipment. When you search check
to see what happens to the card below.
o If it is an Ultra-Red Weapon put it at the bottom of the RED 3 deck.
o If it is another weapon, add up the number of dice and the damage.
If the total is 2 or 3 Keep it.
If the total is 4 or 5 put it at the bottom of the RED 2 deck.
If the total is 6 or more put it at the bottom of the RED 3 deck.
o If it is Glass Bottles, Gasoline, Plenty of Ammo, Hollow Points, Spare Change or Goalie Mask
Keep it.
o If it is Riot Shield, Gas Mask, Laser Pointer or Scope put it at the bottom of the RED 2 deck.
o If it is an Argh Card, place the Zombie in the room then draw a new card from the equipment
deck and place it on the bottom of the RED 1 deck.
o Otherwise discard the card and draw a new card from the equipment deck and place it on the
bottom of the RED 1 deck.
V 1.0
The room with the RED 2 in it contains only medium and low value weapons/equipment. When you
search check to see what happens to the card below.
o If it is an Ultra-Red Weapon put it at the bottom of the RED 3 deck.
o If it is another weapon, add up the number of dice and the damage.
If the total is 5 or less Keep it.
If the total is 6 or more put it at the bottom of the RED 3 deck.
o If it is Glass Bottles, Gasoline, Nails, Plenty of Ammo, Hollow Points, Spare Change, Goalie
Mask, Riot Shield, Gas Mask, Laser Pointer or Scope Keep it.
o If it is an Argh Card, place the Zombie in the room then draw a new card from the equipment
deck and place it on the bottom of the RED 2 deck.
o Otherwise discard the card and draw a new card from the equipment deck and place it on the
bottom of the RED 2 deck.
The room with the RED 3 in it contains all sorts of things including the most valuable equipment and
some rubbish. When you search check to see what happens to the card below.
o If it is an Argh Card, Draw the next SPAWN CARD and place zombies shown on that spawn
card in the room, if the zombies are toxic ones discard the spawn card and draw the next one
and continue doing this until you don’t get toxic zombies. Then draw a new card from the
equipment deck and place it on the bottom of the RED 3 deck.
o Otherwise Keep it.
If you have to add a card to a deck that is empty restart the deck.
If a survivor has a skill that allows them to search outside rooms (Scavenger, Hold your nose, etc) can
use their skill but draw there card from the normal equipment deck not from any of the RED decks.
Exiting the Map
Survivors can leave via the exit zone by finishing their turn in the exit zone and there being no
zombies in that zone.

To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone.

Different Variants
For the easiest variant game don’t roll the dice for spawning just spawn each spawn point once.

For an easier game only spawn with dice as per Season 3.

For an easier game don’t spawn a spawn point when there are no survivors inside that spawn point’s zone.

For a harder game spawn all spawn points at full effect wherever the survivors are.

For a much harder version add the 5 counter to the purple spawn point and the 6 counter to the red one.

Insane Version, add the 5 counter to the purple spawn point and the 6 counter to the red one AND all spawn points at
full effect wherever the survivors are..

V 1.0
IC 11 – The Start (Linked with IC 12-14)
It was Sunday morning when the Zombies came. I still have no idea where from but suddenly I saw the odd one, then
more appeared. At first I didn’t know what they were, but then I saw them attack someone and the horror began to
dawn on me. I tried ringing the police, but couldn’t get through. Then there was an announcement on the TV, “Get
out of the towns if you can, we can’t stop the zombie hoard!” Then the station went off. I rang my friends and we
decided to meet up with our families at the junction by the Pet Shop and get out of town together.

You Need Seasons 1, 2 and 3 plus Toxic Mall and Angry Neighbours.

Please note this scenario is intended for 4-6 survivors. DON’T use Zombivors, see the death rules instead.

1B 4P 6C 11V

3P 4R 18P 6F

1C 8R 16P 2B
Objectives Special Rules
All survivors with their families to meet up at the exit Starting Walkers
zone and escape the map together. The 12 starting walkers will remain
stationary until any survivor opens
Setup a door onto the street or zombies
Starting Equipment, set up an of the same type enter their zone.
equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire These walkers will only start
Axe, 1 Crowbar and 3 pans. Shuffle moving if the same type of zombie
the starting equipment and deal 1 spawns on the PINK spawn point
card to each survivor. If no one can and then passes through their zone.
open a door, take all the equipment Spawning
cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Only the PINK spawn point is active
at the start of the game
Continue doing this until at least 1
RED spawn points become active
survivor can open a door. Of course
once any survivor opens a door
if someone starts with a skill that onto the street. (Note that the
allows them to open a door (such alleyway on 16P is NOT the street).
as break in) you’ll only need to deal When spawning rooms in any
once. building where a survivor starts
There are 6 start points numbered replace TOXIC zombies with
with large 1 to 6 on STANDARD ones and replace
the map. Roll a dice for each Abominations and A-Bombs with 2
Survivor and start that survivor at walkers.
the start point matching the die roll When a survivor enters a space
UNLESS there is already a survivor with a car in it spawn the cards
at that start point. If there is a placed on that car.
survivor at that start point roll Starting building Doors
again until you get a start point Each Survivor can open any door
with no other survivor there. You with their number in on it
should end up with just 1 survivor without door opening equipment.
at each start point. This represents them having the
Place a companion miniature with keys to their own apartment and
each survivor. This represents the apartment building.
survivor’s family. They count as a Example:- the survivor starting at 2
noise marker and Low Profile. They can open the doors on 4P and 4R
must always be with the survivor without door opening equipment,
and move when their survivor but can’t open the door on 3P to let
moves. They have no actions or that survivor out without door
abilities and cannot carry anything. opening equipment..
Set up 8 STANDARD and 4 BERSERK These doors cannot be closed once
walkers as shown on the map. opened.
Place 2 spawn cards on the green Cars
beetle and 1 spawn card on each of Car cannot be searched.
the other 3 cars.
Cars cannot be driven.
Equipment and searching
Rooms where survivors start cannot
be searched.
All other rooms can be searched as
Death o If the teenager from above
If a survivor is killed their remaining just died the child takes
family with somehow escape and over. They can take 1 piece
another member of the family will of equipment from the
take over. dead teen, but if it is a
o If a survivor is killed move weapon it can’t do more
that survivor’s family to than 1 damage. They can
one of the adjacent spaces only use weapons that do 1
of the player’s choice. damage. They keep the
o If the space picked can be same skill sheet, but loose
on the other side of a the blue AND Yellow skills.
closed door provided the Remove the companion
survivor could open that miniature representing the
closed door. family, the child is the last
o If the family is place on the member. Set their XP total
other side of a closed door, to ZERO.
flip that door to opened o If the Child above is killed
and spawn any rooms that it’s game over, everyone
need to be spawned for the has lost as the mission can’t
door being opened AFTER be completed now.
placing the family. If you’ve lost the Yellow skill this
o If they are placed on the means when they get to Yellow
other side of a door they don’t get the normal Yellow
The most senior family member will skill (+1 Action).
take over as follows. If a Teenager or Child gets to 44 XP
o If the original survivor just they get their BLUE skill.
died an adult will take over If a Child gets to 50 XP they get
(Partner, Brother, Cousin their Yellow skill (+1 Action)..
etc.). They can take 1 piece Exiting the Map
of equipment from the ALL Survivors must be on the exit
dead survivor. They keep zone at the end of a player phase
the same skill sheet, but and there be no zombies in that
loose the BLUE skill. Set zone.
their XP total to ZERO.
o If the adult from above just
To win ALL survivors must leave via the exit zone.
died the teenager takes
over (Son, Daughter, Niece, Different Variants
Nephew etc.). They can For an easier game remove the walkers that start on
take 1 piece of equipment
the board.
from the dead adult. They
keep the same skill sheet, For an easier game replace the PINK spawn point with
but loose the BLUE AND a RED one.
Yellow skills. Set their XP
total to ZERO. For a harder game don’t allow the survivors to open
the doors in their own buildings. The survivors with
the Crowbar and Fire Axe will have to release them.

For a harder game, put two spawn cards on each car.

For a harder game, allow TOXICs and/or

abominations/A-bombs to spawn in the start

Linked Scenarios
This may be played stand alone or played as the first scenario in a series of link scenarios. If you wish to play as a
linked scenario play IC 12 – Ram Raid next with the families as they finish this mission. Keep 2 pieces of equipment
and start with 7 XP at Yellow danger level. Remember Teens and Children don’t get skills at Yellow danger level.
A mission by Mike Rohner

Well, the cold caught on and now I

need some antibiotics to get me better.
At least the others are well enough to
search the area where a couple of
pharmacies had been placed near each
Thanks Corporate America!


A mission by Mike Rohner

We have to get out of here!


R1-03 Perilous
Hard/ 4 Survivors / 4-5 h

Tiles needed : 1B, 2B, 1C, 2C, 4C, 5E, 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 4P, 5P, 17P

The alarm is turned on when we entered in the Mall.

After 3 days blocked, surrounded by the Z
attracted by the noise , Ned had the solution: Ultimate Van .
With this vehicle we can reach out and rescue our colleagues
stuck in the building opposite ...
But we must succeed to cross safely the horde !!

1- Found the equipment for the rescue mission , pick up all Red objectives in the Mall.
2- Found the keys of the building, Green hidden objective..
3- Found the keys of the first floor, Yellow hidden objective.
4- Find the survivors trapped in building, White hidden objective.
5- Exit with the Ultimate Van , ALL survivors must escaped ...
R1-03 Perilous

special rules
- Each objectives give 5 experience points to the survivors who takes it

- When you takes white objective , randomly draw 2 survivors . All 2 starts at the same Exp level as
the lowest survivor. They are both equipped with a ultrared weapon (randomly draw at the beginning
of the game) .

- When you press the Violet switch , the alarm shut down . Cancel Violets invasion zones.

- Only one action is required to walk up or down stairs.

- See the rules of the Ultimate Van for information and printing of the vehicle.

- For a shorter and easier game , canceled first floor and the yellow objective rescue the survivors .
A Mission by S.E.O'Brien.

Crazy old Ned's barely keeping it together!

We're running for our lives last night and he
insists on throwing his trash in the bin. It's not
like there's anyone left to empty them. I guess
we all gotta hold onto our sanity somehow. We
managed to slip through the Mall and lock
ourselves into a back room to get some rest - but
now Ned's realised he accidentally hurled his
backpack into the dumpster along with all our
extra ammo! How the hell are we gonna get out
of here now?


A mission by Adam Grebinsky
Once all the zombies in cells have been spawned, roll the
dice again for each cell to find out if the cell door is open, or
Odd = Open
Even = Locked
Special Note: Once the purple door has been opened the
purple spawn in the courtyard activates as well
We were just about out of the city when we spotted
a lone survivor from our helicopter. Trapped in the
guardhouse tower and surrounded by the some of the Phil
meanest zombies we have seen yet, we can’t just leave While he may be helpless, he is not useless! At the start of
the game, place Phil in the guard tower (marked with a (2)
him there… We’re going to have to land nearby and and equip him with a rifle + scope. Once during every player
work our way through the prison on foot. Here, I phase (he can be played out of turn order) he may use any or
all of his 3 actions to either Move or Shoot. He follows all
thought having the helicopter would make things regular rules when using the sniper rifle but does not gain
easy… any XP. Phil cannot open doors, be equipped with any other
Tiles needed: 7B, 6P, 8P, 7P, 12P, 9P, 15P, 5P, 8M weapon or item(s) and takes wounds the same as any
survivor. If Phil is killed, the mission is lost He can however,
shoot from the guard tower following regular line of site rules,
OBJECTIVES (In order) before he is rescued.

Pimp Mobile
Protect the Helicopter from being damaged during landing
Searchable only once, and contains all Pimp Weapons
Grab the Blue and Yellow keys from the police car
(Picked at random). The vehicle is not driveable
Unlock the white door using the white control panel in the
first security room
Police Car
Work your way through the prison to the second security
Can be searched more than once. When searching a police
booth (Key required) and unlock the purple door by using the
car, go through the equipment deck until you get a weapon.
purple control panel
Discard the other cards. It is not driveable unless you spend
Open the courtyard door (key required) and get to the guard
1 action and 1 Gas Can to fill it up
tower. Grab Phil and make your way back to the Helicopter
Protect the Helicopter from zombies during takeoff
Blue & Yellow key ring
Treat both keys as one objective – Keys do not take up
Special Rules inventory space however, the corresponding door(s) can only
be opened by the survivor carrying them
The Helicopter Taking the keys and activating control panels grant the
The green zone – This zone represents your “Helicopter” player 5 XP
landing site. At the start of the game place 5 noise tokens on
this zone. These tokens indicate the choppers shutdown and
start up status. As long as there is at least 1 noise token, the
Heli is considered “in operation” and must be protected by
ensuring no zombies enter its zone. If they do, the Heli is
damaged and the mission is lost!
Heli shutdown – Remove one noise token at the end of each
survivor phase. When all the noise tokens are gone, the
chopper is considered “shut down” and is no longer in
danger from being damaged by zombies.
Heli start-up – To end the mission you must start-up the
helicopter by adding one noise token at the end of each
survivor phase. Once there are 5 tokens total, the chopper is
ready to go! Remember to protect it from damage during this
process as well!

Special Note: As long as the chopper is in operation it is

considered the loudest zone on the board and attracts all
zombies, regardless of noise or line of sight of the survivors.

White and Purple Doors/Cells

When the white or purple doors are opened spawn all empty
rooms normally except for cells marked with a (1) icon. For
these cells, roll a single D6 die for each cell and place the
appropriate type of walker/runner (indicated by the icon on
the setup) zombie according to the following result rolled: CHALLENGING
1-2 (Regular)
3-4 (Toxic) 4+ SURVIVORS
5-6 (Berserker)

A Mission by Gino Brancazio of OBJECTIVES
Hell is other people. When you’ve been trapped in Take a blue X token and mix it into the stack of red X tokens
a room for weeks with the same people you start (face down so all visible sides show a red X).
to lose parts of your sanity. Every sensible part of Place the red Xs accross the board at random so you don’t
your brain is telling you to hole up in this pub (the know which X has the blue token under it.
Winchester), have a cup of tea and wait for this
thing to blow over, but rumour has it that there’s To win the game you need to find the blue X, get to a car and
cake in nearby buildings and you really want that drive the hell out of town. You do not need other survivors to
cake. But is it a lie? Only one way to find out. leave with you to win, however teaming up (into pairs) is
Material needed: Season 1
Tiles needed: 1B, 1C, 2B, 2C, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E & 7B Each time you turn over a token you may ‘search’ the items
deck and get 1xp.

Exit Zone

Keys (5 XP)


Player starting

Spawn Zones

It had to happen. It couldn't last. It never does.

Nobody knows how, but a fire started in our drug

store. Joshua thinks we'll now have to change the
location. Before we can do that, we need to put the
fire out and salvage what stock of meds we can.




A mission by Dan Manning

Well, that turned out to be more

trouble than we thought it would be.
We got the girl, but she is diabetic,
sick and needs a shot of insulin. On the
bright side, she is related to the boat
captain and knows the keys to the boat
are in the mechanic’s shed. She said we SPECIAL RULES
could get both the key to the shed and
her medicine in the bunk house. We
heard some moaning in there and
someone has built a barricade in front
of the door, but we’re still going in. It’s
the only way to get the yacht going.
It’s not over yet…


2 new survivors: , Zombie spawn point:

Spawn points activated by the blue objective: ,

Door opened only with green key (green objective):

Objectives (4 regular, 1 blue, 1 green): x4, ,

Exit: Rubble: Dogz starting spots:

A mission by Dan Manning
With keys in hand, it was time to gather
the others and get back to the boat. When
we arrived at the outpost, we noticed a
distinct smell: the odor of death. The
partially destroyed building and narrow
passages seemed like the perfect
stronghold. Unfortunately, we were wrong.
At least we wired the building with
explosives in case we were overrun. Looks
like we’re going to need them. We’re not OBJECTIVES AND SPECIAL RULES
leaving without our friends though- if
anyone is left alive. Wait. Do I hear

Y3 voices?

2 new survivors: , Zombie spawn point:

Door opened only with green key (green objective):

Objectives (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green): , ,

Y3 Exit: Rubble: Dogz starting spots:


I don’t think we’re ready for this. Resurrection
is not permitted during this scenario (No Zombivors
may be used).
THE LAST JOURNEY… Their locked in. Place the Bezerker Zombies in
their cells as indicated on the map.
We made it out alive, but hope fades fast,
Needful things. The item draw deck contains the
and we’re never going to survive here in
following cards: 8 Aaahh!, 6 Canned Food, 6 Bag of
this mall with supplies running so low. The Rice, 6 water, 2 Nightstick, 2 Rifle, 2 Scope, 2 Nails,
2 Baseball Bat, 2 Sub MG, 2 Riot Shield, 2 Meat
whole city is nearly devoid of food and
Cleaver, 5 Pistol, 2 Fire Axe, 2 Spare Change, 2
supplies at this point. There’s only one Assault Rifle, 2 Hollow Point Rounds, 2 Plenty of
Ammo (pistol), 2 Plenty of Ammo (shotgun), 2 Laser
place that no one has picked clean, and
Pointer, 1 Concrete Saw, 1 Goalie Mask, 4 Glass
while we can see it from the roof of the Bottle, 4 Gasoline, 2 Flashlight, 2 Chainsaw, 2
Shotgun, 2 Gas Mask, 2 Hatchet, 2 .44 Magnum, 2
mall; no one believes we can ever reach it...
Kukri, 2 Machete, 2 Katana, 2 Wakizachi, 2 Claw
The prison stands at the edge of town Hammer, 2 Automatic Shotgun, 2 Crowbar and 2
Sawed Off cards. Total 97 cards. All unused cards
like a great grey castle...
may be used to fulfill starting requirements.

You’ll need Zombicide Season 1 and 2 as well as The Nature of the Hordes. Create three spawn
the Toxic City Mall expansion to play this decks as follows:
scenario. o Deck One: use cards 1-41, shuffle.
o Deck Two: use cards 67-77, 133-138, shuffle.
Tiles needed: M1, M3, M4, M2, 6C, 5D, 7B, o Deck Three: use cards 79-90, 139-144, shuffle.
5C, 5B, 6B, 17P, 5E, 10P, 8P, 7P, 6P, 12P,
Deck one will be used for the white spawn zones
14P, 13P &15P.
each turn spawn zombies as per the normal
spawning rules. As well as for room spawning when
any door is opened (except those inside the mall).
Doing things in the right order is the only way to Deck two is used for the green spawn zones and will
survive: spawn toxic zombies and when any mall shop door
1- Make your escape. Escape the mall, and make is opened as usual. Until you begin to run out of
your way into the city streets. zombie types. At this point instead of generating
2- Finding the first key. Obtain the Blue Key from extra activations the cards will spawn the next rank
the diner and open the Blue Doors. of toxic zombie available. Ranks are as follows
3- The second key’s your way in. Obtain the Walkers – Runners – Fatties – Abomination. If there
Purple Key and gain access to the Prison. are no toxic zombies to spawn, do not draw any
4- Once inside it’s not going to get any easier. cards that turn.
Activate the Purple Security Switch opening all
purple cell doors, as well as the Normal purple door Deck three is only used after the purple security
within the prison. This will of course let whatever is switch is activated within the prison. Once activated
in those cells out. spawn bezerker zombies at the purple spawn point
5- Making progress. Activate the White Security as per the normal spawning rules, using only cards
Switch opening all the white cell doors within the from deck three. Bezerker zombies will gain extra
prison. A guard has left the last piece of the puzzle activations as usual.
in one of those cells, too bad that’s not the only thing
in them.
First Aid. There are First Aid Kits scattered
6- Almost there. Obtain the Yellow Card Key
around the map (the Red Objectives) they do not
7- Homeward bound? Activate the Yellow Security
grant any experience, instead they allow you to use
Switch using the Yellow Card Key rotating the
an Action to discard a wound card. If you are not
rotating security gate. Once the gate has rotated you
wounded you may use an Action to place one in
now have access to the exit, but will you make it MEDIUM - HARD
your inventory for later use.
there? 6+ SURVIVORS

Finding the keys. Each key grants 5 experience
to the survivor that picks it up. And the Yellow Key
card grants 10 experience. Place the token on your
dashboard; it does not take up an inventory slot. First Aid Kit Blue Key Purple Key
0 exp. 5 exp. 5 exp.
The Keys are the key. The keys are the only
way to open the Blue Doors, the Main Prison
Entrance (purple), and activate the Yellow Security Yellow Card Locked Doors
(No Keys) Purple Main
Switch. Only the survivor holding the correct Key – 10 exp. Entrance
objective token may open the door or use the
(open with
switch. Once used you may discard the tokens. (The
purple key)
blue doors can be opened from the inside without
the keys.)
Green Locked Blue Locked Purple Locked
Well at least the computer knows what to do. Doors Doors Door
When you activate the purple switch within the (Cannot be (open with blue (open with
prison not only does it open the purple cells and the opened) key) purple switch)
standard purple door in the prison, it will close the
main prison entrance. So no more zombies from the
outside will be able to enter. Purple Security White Security Yellow
Switch Switch Security
The Zombie in the room. The bezerker zombies Switch
locked in their cells do nothing until the doors are
Purple Cell White Cell Mall Shop
It’s a gun, it’s a knife! If you have a Machete Doors Doors Locked Doors
and a .44 Magnum in your inventory you may (open with (open with (no keys)
discard them and draw an Gun Blade from the purple switch) white switch)
unused cards.
Mall Main Exit
Useful stuff. When performing a search action, if Entrances Start Location
you find any food item keep it and place the card (no keys)
next to your dashboard they do not occupy an
equipment slot. If you have three different food
cards (e.g. water, rice and canned food) you may White Spawn Green Spawn Purple Spawn
discard those cards to remove a wound card from Zones Zones Zone
your character. Spawns Spawns Toxic Spawns
Normal Zombies Bezerker
Floor it man! You may drive any car. Zombies Zombies
(only after
The cops had guns, lots of guns When activating
searching a police car keep drawing cards until a purple switch)
firearm is drawn. Aaahh! cards interrupt your search
as usual.

It runs on high octane! Once during the game a

character may spend an action to “siphon the gas” Muscle Car Pimp-Mobile
from the Muscle Car. Search the item deck for a (may siphon for gas) (can search only once)
Gasoline card and place it in your inventory. After
siphoning the gas the muscle car may no longer be

It’s a pimp-mobile! The pimp-mobile can be Police Car Taxi

searched only once it contains Ma’s Shotgun, Pa’s (contains only firearms) (Search as usual)
Gun or the Evil Twins, choose one randomly.

Man folks sure take a lot of weird stuff on MEDIUM - HARD

trips. Taxis may be searched as if they were rooms. 6+ SURVIVORS



Hard, 4 survivors, 1,5 hours
Sets needed: Season 2 – PO, Toxic city mall

The prison was our home. It was our safe spot but we can´t stay here anymore. The mall on the back side of the prison
seems quieter so we´re gonna make a run for it and try to stay there instead. Behind us the zombies have taken the rest of
the prison and in the distance we can see a herd coming so we´d better hurry. Is everyone ready to g... oh, shit, you lost
my dads GUN?

Tiles needed: 5P, 6F, 5B, 1M, 12P, 7P, 1P, 2M

Get the medpacks. Get all survivors inside the mall, clean the mall from zombies and seal it with the barricades.


1, The Enemy Place an abomination here from the start.

Red tokens Mix one blue token in among the red tokens. Prison cells are searchable only once. If you
find a red token you perform a standard search. If you find a blue token you get Pa´s gun.

Green tokens Green tokens are medpacks. A medpack can be used for one action to heal one wound. It doesn´t take
any space in the backpack but can be traded between survivors.

Only the red spawns are active from start.

Count the rounds. Every 5:th round a new spawn is activated in the start of the zombie round in the following sequence:
purple, green, yellow. Place no new spawns when you have a total of 8 spawns on the map.

The barricades are moveable and can be picked up with one action. They take two slots in the backpack. The barricades
can be set up on the places where the mall doors are for one action if the doors first have been opened. The mall is
considered sealed when both barricades have replaced the doors.

Made by: Boardgamegeek member: Mysthjuk

Feedback is appreciated! Thank you.

A mission by Mike Rohner

We heard the screams of the

Abomination and started making
our way out of the Prison. Then we
noticed a few of other survivors
roaming through the streets too,
but they looked a little off. o
Hopefully they’ll leave without
causing too much trouble for us.



Hallway of Death
Tiles Needed: 1B, 2B, 2C, 3C, 4B, 4C, 4E, 4D.
Survivors: 4-6
Difficulty: ??
Time: ??
We thought we were safe.
We were holed up in the very back of an apartment block. We kept quiet and
stayed indoors. The only door out was locked, the windows were all board-
ed up. Then one night, they just showed up out of nowhere. Must’ve broken
through a window, or found a way up through the basement. We don’t know.
All we do know is - we’re trapped, and we have to get out. Now.

1. Get the key - Some idiot left the only key to the front door in a drawer somewhere. We have to
grab it. Take the blue objective token (see special rules).
2. Get out - This place is a death trap, we have to move out. All survivors must reach the exit
zone. Once all survivors are standing on the zone, and it is clear of zombies - the mission is suc-

Special Rules:
* They’re all over the place! At the beginning of the game, spawn zombies for the rooms on tiles
3C, 4D and 1B. Once any player enters tile 1B for the first time, spawn zombies for the rooms on
tiles 2C, 4C, 4B and 4E.
* Keep Moving Forward! The red doors are walls and cannot be opened, destroyed or moved
* What do you mean you don’t have the key?! Take one blue objective and 2 red objectives and
randomly place them (red face up) in the indicated locations. Once a player reaches the room
with the exit door, flip the objectives over. They cannot be taken before this point. To open the
door, a survivor with the blue objective needs to be in the exit room (one action, no noise).
* Where are they coming from? Once the blue objective token has been picked up, the blue
spawn point activates.
POLICE STATION (by Daniele Paci)

The city is in chaos. Ned is in the police station. He is being questioned because he knows too much
not to be involved in the apocalypse. Suddenly the lights go out. The safety system turns lights on
but blocks the doors. A superhuman scream breaks the silence. From the windows Phil can see out
of the building below an abominable beast. Other monsters are approaching. They must find a way
to open the doors and go quickly out of there otherwise we will soon be rats in a trap. Phil try to
call someone from behind locked doors. Phil’s son Josh the thug meets this; he went there to tell his
father he can not take it anymore and he wanted to get away from that disgusting city.

For 1-2 players (3 survivors)

You need these tiles: 5C, 4E, 3B, 2C, 7B, 4D, 4B, 2B.


• Ned & Phil (starting area: tile 4D)

• Josh (starting area: tile 4B)

GREEN DOOR: emergency stairs to 1st floor

BLUE OPEN DOOR: stairs to 1st floor
RED OBJECTIVES TOKENS: deck #1 – ranged weapons
BLUE OBJECTIVE TOKEN: deck #2 – melee weapons
GREEN OBJECTIVE TOKEN: green’s door key
RED CIRCLE: Abomination


• Reach the exit zone with all three survivors.


• Phil starts with pistol as usual.

• Josh start with baseball bat.
• Ned starts with nothing.
• Take only these equipment cards: pistols, shotguns, rifles, scopes, plenty of ammos, chainsaws
& fire axes.
• Make a deck (deck #1) with only pistols, shotguns, rifles, scopes, plenty of ammos and another
deck (deck #2) with chainsaws and fire axes.
• Deck#1 can only be searched in zones with red objective tokens or police cars.
• Deck#2 can only be searched in the zone with blue objective token.
• Cannot be searched in others zone.
• You cannot drive cars.
• You can search police cars more than once. Draw deck#1 until you find a weapon. No AAAH!
Cards are present in this mission.
• Tile 7B contains Abomination inside the building.
• Tile 4E contains 1 and 2 Walkers in the respective zones.
• Tile 2C contains 3 Walkers in the indicated zone.
• To open green door and exit to emergency stairs you must take green key indicated with the
green objective token. Green objective token give 5 XP as usual.
• Blue open door indicates stairs that go to 1 floor.
• Don’t spawn zones when open a building’s door.
• Openings at 1 floor (yellow lines) are windows.
• Survivors can shoot through windows.
• You can shoot to Abomination (following ranged weapon’s targeting priority order). You can’t
kill it but when hit Abomination smashes everything in its zone: it kills up to two Actors in its
zone (following ranged weapon’s targeting priority order) and brakes all doors in the zone.
Survivor who hit Abomination take XP for the Actors killed by Abomination.
• Zombies haven’t LOS through windows and go only for doors.
• Zombies can use ladders of green and blue doors.
Very hard, 6+ survivors, 6 hours+
Sets needed: Season 1, Season 2 – PO, Toxic city mall, Dog expansion

The game night at Luntmakargatan gets interrupted when a zombie enters the room and everybody
freaks out! Apparently the safe haven Stockholm isn´t so safe any more. It seems like the zombies
have attacked the Stockholm School of Economics where the bloody spoiled youngsters have died.
Oh, that was pretty ok anyway. But it seems like the students had something going on in the district
– stuff has been hidden in the banks vault, dogs have been locked up and keys have been dropped
all over the neighborhood. And also the bloody rich students had their cars parked in the Schools
garage stashed up with food, equipment and other stuff. Someone should go get them. One of the
bastards even got their own police car!

Tiles needed: 5D, 3P, 17P, 5C, 2M, 10P, 1C, 1P, 3M, 3B, 4B, 4E, 1M, 2B, 2C, 6P

Get all four vehicles out from the Stockholm School of Economics and through the exit. All players
must survive.

All survivors get one weapon drawn randomly from a stack containing a Claw Hammer, a Fire axe,
a Pistol and enough Night Sticks so that each Survivor gets one card from this stack.

Resurrection of one survivor into a Zombivor is permitted during this scenario. If a second survivor
dies the scenario is lost. Dogs don´t need to survive.

Dogs can not take keys.

Item draw deck contains items from Season 2 -PO and Toxic city mall except ultra red weapons,
Molotov Coctails, Nailbats and Dogs, but including Pimpmobile weapons and the Flamethrower.
Size the item deck up so its adequate for the number of players.

Horde draw deck contains all cards from Season 2 – PO and Toxic city mall. Use zombie tokens
from Season 2 only.

Abominations can not spawn on blue danger level. If an abomination is drawn it´s replaced by a
fatty and two walkers of the same kind.

1, The Bank The bank has closed the doors and sealed the entrance. It can only be opened by a
concrete saw or a molotov coctail used on one of the four zones of the street next to
the bank. Using a concrete saw to make a hole in the wall or using a molotov on one
of the four zones opens the bank.

2, Home Spawn one zombie card in each of the three rooms of home when game starts.
Abominations and fatties can not spawn in the home. If they show up, discard and
draw new cards.

3. Taxi Stockholm Normal rules for taxis apply.

Students cars The cars in Stockholm School of Economics have normal rules.

Red keys Red keys are health packs. They give 0 xp but can be used for one action to heal one
wound. If not used immediately they may be put in the backpack for later use, taking
one space in the backpack.

Blue key Blue door can be opened. Survivor gets 5 xp. Activates blue spawn.

Green key Zombies start to spawn from the toilets, activates green spawn. Green door can be
opened. Survivor gets 5 xp. Stops blue spawn.

White key All white doors immediately opens. Survivor gets 5 xp.

Purple key Purple doors can be opened. Toilets are shut and zombies stop spawning from green
spawn. Survivor gets 5 xp.

Yellow key The yellow key gives 5 xp and contains 6 ultrared weapons. Can be taken once per
survivor who gets to choose any ultrared weapon. (If you are less than 6 survivors
each survivor can take the red key again after all survivors have taken it one time.)
Dogs When the dogs are rescued they become your dearest friends and join your cause.
All dogs are of different kind. Shuffle dog cards to decide which dogs are in the
room. Every dog rescued gives 5 xp. Any survivor can only rescue one dog each. The
survivor may choose which dog to rescue and puts that dog card in its backpack.

Red numbers Designating street names/places from Stockholm according to this list.
1: Sveavägen
2: Odengatan
3: Kungstensgatan
4: Luntmakargatan
5: Surbrunnsgatan
6: Stockholm School of Economics (Handelshögskolan).

Made by: Boardgamegeek member: Mysthjuk

Feedback is appreciated! Thank you.

Hard, 6+ survivors, 3 hours+
Sets needed: Season 1, Season 2 – PO, Toxic city mall

- I think all the noise from this house is because there´s loot inside! - Look, we can´t go in there just
because what you think. - Trust me like last time, it went great didn´t it? Lets go!

Tiles needed: 4C, 4B, 2C, 2B, 5F, 5E

1) Get the purple token and push the purple switch
2) Open the doors
3) Get the yellow and the green tokens
4) Go to the exit zone with all survivors. You win if the zone is clear of zombies and all
survivors is in the exit zone.

The two glass doors in the house are not possible to open.

Door marked 1 is never passable for toxic zombies regardless of being open or closed. Toxics treat
door 1 as a wall.

Door marked 2 is never passable for berzerker zombies regardless of being open or closed.
Berkzerkers treat door 2 as a wall.

Doors marked 1 and 2 are synchronised for open and close. If you open one of them the other open

The purple token is a physical key to the purple doors. The key does not take inventory space.

Doors marked 1 and 2 have both electronic and physical lock. They are possible to open only if the
purple switch has been activated and the survivor have the purple key. The survivor does not need
break-in skill or items.

Create a separate zombie card pile with all toxic zombie spawn cards. Remove all toxic zombie
manhole cards from the game. The green spawn only spawn toxic zombies from this pile.

Create a separate zombie card pile with all berzerker zombie spawn cards. Remove all berzerker
zombie manhole cards from the game. The yellow spawn only spawn berzerker zombies from this

Red token marked with (3) is a gas mask.

Red token marked with (4) is a concrete saw.

Green and yellow tokens close green and yellow spawn respectively when taken.

All tokens and switches give 5 xp.

All cars are drivable and searchable.

The Pimpmobile contain two gunblades.

Made by: Boardgamegeek member: Mysthjuk

Feedback is appreciated! Thank you.


DURATION: 8 - 10 Hours
PLAYERS: 6 Survivors [4 for Black Ops mode]
Blackwater is a 3-4 Mission campaign created for - Randomly assign the pilot skill if there isn’t one on
Zombicide Season 1, Zombicide Toxic City Mall, the survivor’s team.
and Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue. (Any - YOU MAY NOT PLAY AS CRAZY NED
additional components added use general rules). Since all Survivors are properly trained….

- All Survivors automatically have Fast Roping skill.
- Every Survivor starts with a pistol. In addition (3) get
a crowbar and (3) get a fire axe.
- When firing on a space with friendlies, rolling a “1” is
A Survivor has a Wound card? It’s just a flesh the only way a friendly gets hit.
wound. It disappears between Missions. If playing as - You can drop any weapon card into any zone on the
Zombivor, then one wound is taken away. board instead of discarding it.

A Survivor is eliminated? Another Survivor must GOING TO ANOTHER MISSION

reach the eliminated Survivor in the same turn and
spend an action to keep the Survivor from turning into The campaign begins with Mission 01
a Lost Zombivor. The eliminated Survivor will then The second Mission has two different Exit Zones
come back the next mission with one Wound card and leading to different missions. Follow the Exit Zone to
no equipment cards. the Starting Point of the next mission on the following
LOST ZOMBIVOR?. If another Survivor does not
reach the eliminated Survivor in the same Player EXAMPLE: The Mission 02 can lead to Mission
activation phase, then eliminated Survivor becomes a 03(bottom exit zone) or Mission 04 (the top exit zone).
Lost Zombivor. They move like a walker, but require 5
accumulated hits to be taken out. Next mission KEEPING EQUIPMENT FROM ONE
Survivor starts as a Zombivor with no weapons. MISSION TO THE NEXT
A Survivor can begin the next Mission with a single
Equipment card from the previous Mission plus any
MISSIONS WITH A SPECIAL starting weapons they haven’t discarded. You can
keep any attachments added to your weapon (This
STARTING DANGER LEVEL does not include plenty of ammo or hollow point
cards). Starting weapons can be kept even if they are
Each Mission has its specified Danger Level. All
traded among other survivors.
Survivors begin at the lowest value of the Danger
Level indicated in the Mission.
Blackwater is an expert-level campaign. You will face
For example, Mission 02 is set at Yellow Level. The
a real challenge and hours of team-oriented fun. Will
Survivors will therefore begin at the Yellow Danger
you be one of the happy few to claim having
Level with 7 experience points.
conquered the Blackwater campaign?


BW-01 KEY TO THE BUNKER! Find the Green Objective
to unlock the Green Door.


This group around the table has seen a lot of MAKE A RUN FOR IT! Get to the Exit Zone with all
remaining Survivors.
combat. But tonight we were finally able to
relax at our favorite diner. Then all our SPECIAL RULES
phones went off at once. The message said, • Put the Green Objective randomly among the four Red
Objectives in the starting building face down. 

“Get to the helicopter…FAST!!” Our pilot’s
bunker was just across the street where the • You must take Green Objective to Open Green Door.

helicopter keys are but he lost the keys to the • Whoever has the Green Objective is the only one that can
open the Green Door (It can be passed among Survivors
bunker in the dinner. So we got to find them and does not take up an equipment space).

and get the chopper keys and get moving. I
• Each objective token gives 5 experience points to the
have a bad feeling about this. Survivor who takes it.

You will need the following tiles for this scenario: • Place the following pimp weapons aside for future missions:
6C, 5B, 7B Pa’s Gun, Ma’s Shotgun, Evil Twins, Flamethrower, La
Guillotine, and Nailbat.

Starting Doors Spawn Exit

Objectives Barricades
Space Zone Zone
HUEY BELLA • Put the Blue Objective randomly among the four
Red Objectives face down.

• You must take Blue Objective to open Blue
What the hell is going on? Why are their angry Doors. One Blue Objective will open both doors.

civilians that look half dead attacking us? As
• Once either Blue Door opens, Blue Zombie
soon as we get to the chopper, we can radio Spawn Zone becomes active.

headquarters and hopefully get some answers. The • Whoever has the Blue or Green Objective is the
whole town has started falling apart and our only one who can open the Blue or Green
Doors (They can be passed among Survivors
contacts at the helicopter port must be dead, and does not take up an equipment space).

which means we have to figure out how to get • Green Objective opens Green Door

inside and fly out of here. • Event Triggers don’t spawn zombies by being
on a street zone in the same tile. They only
trigger when a door is opened or a survivor
You will need the following tiles for this scenario: steps into a room on the tile with the Event
5B, 2C, 2B, 5D, 1C, 1B, 4V, 6V, 9R Trigger.

• You can drive only the police car. 

OBJECTIVES • You can search a pimpmobile only two times
DOOR ACCESS! Find the Blue Objective to open in this mission. It contains either Pa’s Gun,
either of the Blue Doors. Ma’s Shotgun, Evil Twins, Flamethrower, La
Guillotine, or Nailbat (choose randomly). In this
HELIPAD! Green Objective turns off the case, you can only get the weapons that
magnetic seals on the door to the helipad. haven’t been obtained yet. When there’re no
more…there are no more. Discarded pimp
FLY & DRIVE! You have to bring the helicopter. weapons can not be drawn in future missions.

But since it only holds 4, some of your Survivors
must use a car or walk. Together everyone must • You can search a police car more than once.
get to only one of the Exit Zones with all Draw cards until you find a weapon. Discard the
Survivors with the helicopter and any other other cards. The “Aaahh!” cards trigger the
means necessary. appearance of a zombie as usual and interrupt
IMPORTANT…Remember who is in the the search.

chopper at the end of the mission. This is
important for the beginning of the following • If you have a weapon with a range of 2 or
mission. greater, then you can shoot out of the
helicopter directly into the space below the
helicopter and no where else regardless of
range and abilities. (Molotov Cocktails cannot
be thrown from the helicopter, nor can a
flamethrower be used).

***OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE*** • No actors can enter a space with rubble

TEAM TACTICAL GEAR! • Each objective gives 5 experience points to the

Take the Pink Objective and all Survivors will get Survivor who takes it.

a bonus for the following missions.
• If you finish the mission in a police car, you
must start the next mission in the police car with
the same survivors.

Starting Spawn Exit Event

Space Zone Zone Trigger

Doors Pimp- Police

Objectives mobile Car
• All Survivors that left in the Helicopter start on the

helicopter (It is out of fuel and cannot be used until

 the radio is unlocked and fuel is found). 

Any survivors that left the previous mission in a car
Just when we thought we had a minute to or on foot are placed at the starting position on tile
3M. If a car was used, then it carries over into this
breathe, we learn that our helicopter is low on mission but breaks down and cannot be driven. It
fuel and that the radio in the helicopter isn’t can still be searched by normal police car search
working. Our communications expert says there
• Put the Blue Objective randomly among the six Red
is a comm. tent near the mall close by where he Objectives face down inside the mall.

was doing field tests last week and there should • Opening the Blue Mall Door activates Blue Spawn
be a radio there. So that’s where we are headed. Zone.

Another problem is that the radio is encrypted • Shuffle Communication Tent with 4 random bed tents
and place them randomly face down.
and needs a code to unlock it. It could be
anywhere nearby. So we will have to search the • Once the Communications Tent is revealed,
place the Green Objective on the tent. This
mall too just to make sure. I hope their is a objective becomes the radio and gives 5 experience
points to the Survivor who takes it. You also notice a
hunting store. I could use another weapon. fuel canister in the corner of the room. Take a
You will need the following tiles for this scenario: Gasoline card and place it on the tent.
2M, 1M, 7V, 3M, 4M, 8V
• The Gasoline card on the tent is the only gasoline
card that can fuel the helicopter. It takes an action to
**OPTIONAL PINK OBJECTIVE BONUS** pick it up and an action to fuel the helicopter.

• Each Survivor receives a Bullet Proof Vest • A surprise molotov cocktail is made. After you fuel
equipment card. It acts as armor. This means that
the helicopter you have enough leftover to make a
when a zombie attacks you roll one die. A 4-6 will
molotov cocktail. You may choose to put it into your
negate the wound. If a 1-3 is rolled then Bullet
inventory immediately or save it for the next mission.
Proof Vest is damaged and you must flip the card
If you choose to save it for the next mission, it does
around to damaged and take a wound.

not count against equipment you can carry over.

• The card also grants the Survivor “Webbing” skill.
(this skill continues even when damaged).
 • The pimpmobile is not drivable.

• A damaged Vest can no longer negate wounds.
• You can search a police car more than once. Draw
• The card does not take up one space on the cards until you find a weapon. Discard the other
Survivor dashboard. Place over Survivor’s picture. cards. The “Aaahh!” cards trigger the appearance of
• It does not count against the one equipment card a zombie as usual and interrupt the search.

each survivor is allowed to carry over into next
 • You can search a pimpmobile only two times this
mission. It contains either Pa’s Gun, Ma’s Shotgun,
• If the Vest is damaged during a mission, then at
Evil Twins, Flamethrower, La Guillotine, or Nailbat
the start of the next mission it is fixed.
(choose randomly). In this case, you can only get the
weapons that haven’t been obtained yet. When
there’re no more…there are no more. Discarded

OBJECTIVES pimp weapons can not be drawn in future missions. 

FIND THE CODE TO UNLOCK THE RADIO! Find the • No actors can enter a space with rubble

Blue Objective to Unlock the radio in the Communications
tent. • Each Objective gives 5 experience points to the
Survivor who takes it.

FIND THE RADIO AND GET FUEL! Search the tents and
find the Communications Tent and Fuel.
REGROUP! Get to the Exit Zone with at least the
helicopter and any remaining survivors.

Space Exit
Zones Pimp-
Mall Doors mobile

Comm Bed Tents


I got on the radio to find out what is going on • Put the Blue Objective randomly among the (7) Red
Objectives face down.
and it is worse than I could have imagined. It’s
Crazy Ned…he use to be one of us. A brilliant • You must take Blue Objective to open Blue
Basement Door.

scientist that pulled the team out of more than
• Each Event Trigger spawns a zombie in that zone as
one bind. About a year ago he lost his wife and soon as a Survivor moves into the same zone as the
kids to a theoretically curable disease, but the Event Trigger.

government wouldn’t let him have the cure • Place a Regular Abomination on this icon.

because they said it was unstable. He left • Place a Toxic Abomination on this icon.

shortly after that, and a week later the “cure” • No special key is needed to open Green Door. When
went missing. Green Door is opened, Green Spawn Zone becomes
Somehow, Ned has manipulated the cure to turn
• Place a Barricade under the Pink Door. It cannot be
people into aggressive walking corpses. I can opened. This door is only opened if an abomination
only imagine it’s for his dead family. Now we is trying to get through it on it’s activation.

have to stop him from spreading his infectious • If you have a weapon with a range of 2 or greater,
then you can shoot out of the helicopter directly into
cure. the space below the helicopter and no where else
It looks like we are going to have to fast rope in regardless of range and abilities. (Molotov Cocktails
cannot be thrown from the helicopter, nor can a
from the back since the whole front is flamethrower be used).

barricaded. Looks like he was using a grocery • Helicopter can land in the parking lot on tile 8M

store as a front for his operations. Let’s just • Pilot can Fast Rope from helicopter but abandons
hope we don't’ run into any surprises. helicopter making it useless. (this is necessary at the
end of this mission in order to get all Survivors to the
You will need the following tiles for this scenario: basement door).
4R, 1R, 8R, 5R, 5C, 8M
• You can only drive the police car. 

OBJECTIVES • You can search a pimpmobile only two times this
mission. It contains either Pa’s Gun, Ma’s Shotgun,
STORM THE MARKET! Fast Rope into the back Evil Twins, Flamethrower, La Guillotine, or Nailbat
of the market to get inside the barricaded (choose randomly). In this case, you can only get the
building. weapons that haven’t been obtained yet. When
there’re no more…there are no more. Discarded
ANOTHER LOCKED DOOR! Find the Blue pimp weapons can not be drawn in future missions.

Objective to open the Blue Door to the basement.
• You can search a police car more than once. Draw
UNITY! Get all remaining Survivors in the room cards until you find a weapon. Discard the other
with the Blue Door. cards. The “Aaahh!” cards trigger the appearance of
a zombie as usual and interrupt the search.

Make a molotov cocktail for the next mission. You • Each Objective gives 5 experience points to the
won’t regret it. Survivor who takes it.


• See M03 Black Friday Special Rules for Details

Starting Regular

Doors Barricade
Space Abom.

Objectives Pimp- Police

Event Spawn mobile Car Toxic

Trigger Zones Abom.
BW-05 • It takes one action to move from the room with the

Blue Door to the Open Blue Door in the lab.

• The Event Trigger activates as soon as a Survivor
crosses onto that tile. When this happens the Pink
We found a basement where it looks like Ned has Door automatically opens to release the Skinner

been hiding this whole time experimenting. I
think my team is operating solely on • Place the Skinner Abomination miniature on the
appropriate icon.

adrenaline at this point. I just pray we can last
• Place the survivor Crazy Ned miniature on the
a little longer and put an end to Crazy Ned. appropriate icon.

I think I have blood lust because I can’t stop • Barricades act normally (see TCM rules)
killing. Something must be wrong with me
• Ignore manhole cover zombie spawn cards 

because I’m starting to crave it. I feel like I’m no
• Actors can not enter areas with Rubble

different than the beasts we’ve been slaughtering,
and I’m worried what will happen when this • You can search any room in the top level basement,
but in the lower level lab you can only search the
ends. I hope we still have that molotov cocktail locker rooms.
because I have a feeling there will be some thirsty • Each Objective gives 5 experience points to the
patrons below that I would love to serve. Survivor who takes it.

You will need the following tiles for this scenario:

1B, 2B, 2C, 1C, 1V, 5V

GET TO THE LAB! Take Blue Objective and
enter the Blue Door into the lab.
CRAZY BASTARD! Take down Crazy Ned. • Normal Crazy Ned moves like a Walker but each
attack is 2 hit points.

DESTROY NED’S CURE! Take Green Objective
• It takes 20 collective hits to eliminate Normal Crazy
to destroy Ned’s concoction. Ned (Ex: a chainsaw has a damage of 2 and would
take 10 successful hits to eliminate him).

CLEAN UP! Kill all remaining Zombies to win.
• Once Normal Crazy Ned is eliminated, on the next
zombie phase, Ned resurrects as Zombivor Crazy
**PINK OBJECTIVE BONUS** Ned (replace his token with Zombivor version).

• See M03 Black Friday Special Rules for Details
• Zombivor Crazy Ned moves like a Runner but each
attack is 3 hit points.

SPECIAL RULES • Zombivor Crazy Ned can only be eliminated by a

molotov cocktail or flamethrower. 

• The Blue Objective opens the secret door into the • Once Zombivor Crazy Ned is eliminated, all Zombie
lab below. You must take Blue Objective to open Spawn Zones stop spawning zombies.

Blue Door.

• Each time Ned is eliminated, the Survivor that makes
the hit that kills gets 5 experience points.
• When a Survivor opens the Blue Door, the Blue
Zombie Spawn Zones activate and so does Crazy
Ned (see Crazy Ned rules below).

Starting Doors Objective Spawn

Space Zones
Skinner Crazy
Abom. Ned
Trigger Barricades
PLAYERS: 4 Survivors

Black Ops Mode uses the same rules in the

campaign except for the following rules below:

All Survivors begin on Red (43 experience points), but their counters start at “0”. So each Survivor
should pick one skill from each danger level on their dashboard to begin.

Survivors each start with a pistol and 2 get a crowbar and 2 get a fire axe.

Zombies still spawn at their normal danger level except the first mission starts on yellow instead of

For Example, in Mission 03 it starts at Orange Danger Level. Therefore, each Survivor will start with
the 43 experience points which gives each Survivor a skill from each danger level plus the additional
19 experience points to put each Survivor at Orange Danger Level. They will pick one skill from each
danger level on their dashboard plus the second one in Orange. It will be like they have gone through
their dashboards 1 and 1/2 times with kills.

UltraRed Weapons can only be used when each Survivor reaches an accumulated 86 experience
points. This means getting to Red on the Survivor’s dashboard for the second time.
Neville was right, Carmen’s injury is going worse. We could find no
medicine in the hotel. We decided to look for some around the block
while it looks quiet. PLAYING THE WOUNDED
• One player is the wounded Survivor.
OBJECTIVES: • Fever. At the beginning of Survivors’
turn, roll a die. Result is the position at
• Find all medicines tokens (blue, red, green) and bring which the wounded plays (1, first; 2
them back to the hotel (EXIT zone). second, etc). If the wounded has first
• Bring the wounded Survivor alive back to the hotel. player token and doesn’t roll 1, second
• [HARDCORE OPTION] Enough is enough. No Survivor dies. becomes first.
• Infected wound. The wounded Survivor
begins with a Wound card. It can be
SPECIAL RULES: healed, but that doesn’t change the
objectives or the “fever”.
• The hotel (tile 5D) cannot be searched.
• Once an objective token is activated, a medicine
token is put on the inventory of the founder. It does not
occupy any slot. It can be exchanged. If a Survivor
carrying medicine(s) dies, the token(s) is (are) put on
the same area, for further revealing.

Survivors begins at Orange level.

[CAMPAIGN] Any survivor can take one (and one only) Equipment card from his personal stock or the team stock.

You will need the following tiles for this scenario: 2B, 5D, 5E and 5F.

Survivors starting zone

EXIT zone

Closed door

Red pharmaceutical component

Green pharmaceutical component

Blue pharmaceutical component

FOREWORDS to the Forgotten Files
Here are presented the tricks and secrets that may happen during the Crowd City Campaign.
There are also some hidden objectives. They are not mandatory. The players will receive bonus at the end if they reach
them, may they be aware of them or not.


• So close, we were so close.
If the Survivors fail, the Mission can be tried again:
- Any Survivor looses one Equipment card of his (or her) stock to heal a wound, two to recover from a near death. If a
personal stock is empty, take from the team stock. If cards are lacking, the wound stays or the Survivor is really dead.
The Campaign is either started again, or continues without the player.
- Use a danger level below the one previously used. At blue danger, personal stocks or team stock cannot be used, begin
with the common starting equipment.

• Look what I found!

At the end of each successful scenario, each living Survivor chooses for each Equipment on his (or her) inventory at that
time if:
- It goes on the team stock;
- It goes on his (or her) personal stock;
- It is discarded.

• Bored of that.
For each Equipment already in his (or her) personal stock, he (or she) may put it on the team stock or discard it.


• Scoring
Each living Survivor brings 10 victory points.
Each food Equipment card in a stock brings 5 victory points.
Each weapon Equipment card in a stock brings 2 victory points.
A cleared hidden objective brings 10 victory points.
Failed try of a Scenario costs 20 victory points.


If the actual group of Survivor want to or has to end in a different place.
The objective token in the building(s) to be avoided must mandatorily be revealed first (and second)

The players do not know The players know

The secret [CAMPAIGN] rules The secret [CAMPAIGN] rules
If one building is to be avoided, that one is the one If one building is to be avoided, it must be
revealing as usual, no matter when it is opened. The opened first. The “Anyone here?” applies
two others use “Anyone here?”. normally.
If two buildings are to be avoided, first opened out If two buildings are to be avoided, they must be
of both and second opened out of both reveal as opened first and second (in any order). The
first and second of “Anyone here?”. Ignore the “Anyone here?” applies normally.
higher result rule for the third if it cannot apply. In
such case, results of 1 or 2 must reroll.

• We made it!
• The Zombie blue spawn zone works as normal once Is it a good plan? Nope. Does it work out? So far yes, unfortunately
the blue electric grid has fried. It does not spawn for poor Sammie. She’s not the first friend we lose in this madness,
before. Do not put the Zombie blue spawn zone on but none get used to the strange feeling afterward (Neville might).
initial setting. In the meantime, we checked the car. It lacks a battery and a
• That sounded too easy. The Abomination does not transmission cable. Something we’ll found easily when rescuing the
get pushed that easily. The Survivor who activates the sheriff. It’s not as if this type of car would not be common in his
blue objective has to sacrifice himself in the process. He earlier trap.
(or she) dies immediately. You might continue the adventure with N-3A (This
Check the forgotten map for hidden information.
Phil’s Family Campaign
Phil our friendly Cop lost track of his Wife and son Moving From a map to the Next
Josh during the madness that accompanied the start
of the Zombie plague. While he was out working they At the end of a mission follow the instructions to find
were moved to a refugee camp and he lost track of out which mission you’ll be playing next. Then work
them. Now things are a little settled he’s had a chance out what permanent level each survivor has reached,
to visit the camp and find out what happened to what wound each has and what equipment they may
them. It seems his wife was taken Ill and shipped off carry forwards.
to a temporary tent hospital. While he was in the Survivor Permanent level
camp he was badly hurt and so he’s asked the rest of All survivors start the campaign at Blue Level with 0
us to follow up on this lead for him.
experience points (XP).
Equipment Required After each mission you need to determine if a survivor
Season 1, 2 and 3 plus Toxic Mall and Angry has gain one level permanently or not.
Neighbours are required.
Their mission end level is the starting point. If they
Playing the Campaign have been wounded reduce this level by 1. If they
The campaign is a series of missions. Depending on were killed reduce it by two. If this level is higher than
what happens in a mission you may end up at their current permanent level you should increase
different missions. Simply follow the instructions at their permanent level by ONE.
the end of the mission to find out which mission is
You should notice that this means the level cannot go
up by more than one from a mission and can never go
It’s assumed between missions there is a period of down.
time where people can heal. It’s also assumed that
Levels are as follows
during a mission you gain skills because your
adrenaline starts pumping. During the period of time 1. Blue (0 XP)
between missions you may keep some of these skills 2. Yellow (7 XP)
and start following missions with them or may calm 3. Orange (19 XP)
down and loose them. 4. Red (43 XP)
It’s also assumed that the survivors are part of a If a survivor finishes at ultra-red their end of mission
community with extra people in it. level is RED and any deductions from wound start at
level 4.
Survivor selection
Before the first mission begins each player picks there A survivor starts the mission at their permanent level
normal number of survivors PLUS one extra one. At with the XP shown against their level above.
the start of each mission a player selects survivors
Example:- Wanda starts the first mission at Blue. At
from there list to use in that mission as per the
the end of the mission she has 18 XP and is thus
number of survivors they would use in a mission. The
Yellow level, she wasn’t wounded or killed during the
table below summarizes this.
mission so this isn’t modified, thus it stays as yellow.
Number Survivors Selected Survivors used by As yellow higher than blue her permanent level
of per player at start each player in each increase by one to Yellow.
Players of Campaign mission
1 5 4 Example:- Ned was killed during that first mission but
2 4 3 had 67 XP at the time. He counts as being Red level
3 3 2 because he’d reached at least 43 VP, but this must be
4+ 2 1 modified by 2 because he was killed. Reducing Red by
If a survivor is killed during a mission the owning 2 levels gives us Yellow, which is higher than Blue so
player may bring on their spare survivor during the he increases his level to Yellow.
next survivor phase. They start on the player start A Sheet is included at the end of the campaign to
zone for the mission. help tracking Survivor levels and Equipment.
Wounds Note that 7+ and 8+ are only possible with the mission
Wounded bonus.
A survivor who ends a mission wounded they Note that if you need 2+ and have a KWM of +1 that
are assumed to heal by the next mission and weapon is kept automatically. If the KWM is +2
thus are available with no wounds. weapons needing 3+ are kept automatically and if the
Killed KWM is +3 weapons which need 4+ are kept
Survivors who are killed somehow make it automatically.
back to base anyway, even though they may Ultra-Red weapons can only be kept if the survivor
have been torn limb from limb by a hungry reached RED during the mission or started the mission
hoard of zombies, just like in a Flash Gordon at permanent RED level. If the survivor started at
cliff hanger something unlikely happens and permanent RED level the roll required is 2+, otherwise
they manage to survive. the roll required is 3+, but DON’T add on the missions
They assumed to heal before the next mission KEEP WEAPON MODIFIER.
but not fully, thus they may be used in the Not Wounded or Killed
next mission but start with a wound. They may keep any ANY items of equipment
Equipment that are available from the last mission plus
any equipment they start with according to
Killed survivors lose all of their equipment.
their blue level skill.
For all other survivors roll a d6 for each piece of
equipment they end a mission with and add the KEEP
ITEM MODIFIER (KIM) shown at the end of each They may keep any TWO items of equipment
mission. that are available from the last mission plus
any equipment they start with according to
If it isn’t a weapon on a roll of 4+ it can be picked for their blue level skill.
the next mission, Items attached to equipment such
as scopes and laser points must be rolled for Killed
separately as equipment not as part of the weapon. They have no equipment to keep, but still get
Treat the Flame Thrower and any Molotovs as a non- any equipment they start with according to
weapon for testing to keep. their blue level skill.

If it is a weapon compare the modified roll with the No Equipment available

following table. If you have no equipment available due to
unlucky dice rolling you may reroll 1 dice. If
No. of To hit Damage Available you fail that roll the survivor is given a pan.
Weapon on
1 6+ 1 Always If you have no equipment available due to
1 4+ 1 2+ being killed you roll a dice and get the
1 4+ 2 3+ equipment listed below.
1 3+ 1 2+
1 = Pistol
1 3+ 2 4+
2 = Crowbar
2 4+ 1 3+
3 = Nightstick
2 4+ 2 5+
2 3+ 1 4+ 4+ = Pan
2 3+ 2 6+
3 5+ 1 3+
3 5+ 3 7+
3 4+ 1 4+
3 4+ 2 7+
3 3+ 1 5+
5 5+ 1 4+
5 5+ 2 8+
Count Bows as 1 Damage
Campaign Setup Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1
No one should play Phil, he’ll appear later in card to each survivor. If no one can open a
the campaign as a Non Player Character. door, take all the equipment cards back,
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this
with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
Hammer, 2 Night Sticks and pans as follows. course if someone starts with a skill that
Survivors Pans allows them to open a door (such as break in)
1-4 0 you’ll only need to deal once.
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10+ Number of Survivors -4

Campaign Flow Map

Tent Search Phil’s Wife Dead Phil’s Rampage

Finding Their
Phil’s Wife not Dead Records

The Road to the


The Orphanage Phil’s Son Dead Phil’s Rampage

Phil’s Son not Dead Family Rescue

Tent Search
1½ -2 hours, Medium

We’re here in this small tent hospital looking for Phil’s wife Jenny. We’re hoping to find some information on her
whereabouts, but there’s a chance we’ll find her body.

9V 8V 7V

Objectives Spawning
Leave via the exit having collected the 5 RED crosses. Spawning works as normal.
Equipment and searching
Infirmary tent card may be
Take 1 PURPLE cross and 7 RED
crosses and shuffle them together
face down. Put 1 cross on each of Exiting the Map
the 5 locations shown on the map. Survivors can leave via the exit zone
Set aside the other 3 crosses and by finishing their turn in the exit
DON’T LOOK AT THEM. They will zone and there being no zombies in
not be used but you shouldn’t that zone.
know if the Purple cross is on the Finishing
board of not. To win ALL surviving survivors must leave via the exit
Take the Administrative and zone.
Infirmary tent cards out of the tent
deck and shuffle the rest. Take 4 of Keep Weapon Modifier
these tent cards and add the ZERO!
Infirmary tent card. Then shuffle
these 5 tent cards and place them Next Mission
as shown on the map. If you found the PURPLE cross play “Phil’s Rampage”.
Special Rules If you didn’t find the PURPLE cross play “Finding Their
Crosses Records”.
If you find the PURPLE cross you
have found the body of Phil’s wife.
The RED crosses are information
about where Phil’s son was moved
to and if you don’t find the PURPLE
cross where Phil’s wife was moved
The Survivor who takes Any Cross
gets 5XP.
Phil’s Rampage
1½ -2 hours, Medium/Hard

When we told Phil his family member was dead he flew into a rage, grabbed his gun and left the camp.
Hours later and he’s on the radio. It seems he’s been on a killing spree, but in his eagerness to kill as many zombies as
possible he used a Molotov and brought most of a building down on himself. We’ll need to do in and dig him out.
Thankfully there are some shops nearby where we’ll be able to get digging tools, let’s hope there are some available!

1R 2C 3B

1M 2M 5R

4V 5M 3M
Objectives Once all 10 rubble markers have
Leave via the exit with Phil. been removed also remove the
rubble. Phil is now free and is card
Setup is given to the player who is playing
Place Phil in the top right of the first this turn. Remember he is
map where the red 1 marker is on already RED danger level and this
the map. may change you danger level.
Phil starts on 43 XP with a Katana The players should now choose
and Winchester. Phil’s ORANGE and RED skills
This means Phil is already at RED When the skull is passed to show
danger level, but as he is trapped who is the first player, Phil’s card
his level only becomes used once should also be passed.
he has been released (see below). The first player will play Phil in
Special Rules addition to any other survivors they
have in play. This may mean they
get to play Phil on the turn he is
The PURPLE, GREEN, BLUE, Yellow released if play hasn’t passed to the
and White crosses represent next player already.
digging equipment. See Digging Phil can’t do anything until he is
equipment cards below. Take these release.
5 crosses and mixed them together
face down. Place each one in one of
the red spaces shown on the map. Only the RED spawn points are
Picking up one of these crosses active at the start of the game.
gives the survivor 5XP and the The PURPLE, GREEN, BLUE, Yellow
matching equipment card. and White spawn points become
The digging equipment is used to active when the corresponding
clear the big lump of rubble on 3B cross is taken.
that’s block Phil’s escape. It is If you roll the number for a cross
equipment and must be carried like that isn’t active ignore the roll.
any other equipment. When you roll a 1 spawn each RED
To dig part of the rubble away a spawn point. I.E. for each 1 rolled
survivor must be on board 2C inside you’ll spawn 2 cards.
the building and adjacent to board Instead of the normal number of
3B. They must also have a piece of spawn dice. Roll 1 dice for every 3
digging equipment in one of their noise markers on the table.
hands. Place the 10 Rubble markers Remember each survivor counts as
as shown on the map. a noise marker.
For each action spent digging roll a When any survivor enters a building
dice. On the roll shown on the card space on a tile with a trigger token
remove one of the rubble markers on it spawn all the rooms on the
from the rubble. However if a 1 is board(s) that Tigger token is on.
rolled that piece of digging Note that there are 2 trigger tokens
equipment may have been which are on 2 tiles as follows.
damaged, roll a die and compare o 1M and 2M
with the “damaged on” number on o 5M and 3M
the card. Also check for Damage if Equipment and searching
used as a weapon and a 1 is rolled Any room may be searched except
on any to dice. If the item is those on board 3B, but add 1 noise
damaged discard it. Digging is very marker each time a search is done.
noisy add 2 noise markers to the Exiting the Map
zone for each digging attempt
Survivors can leave via the exit zone
made during the player phase.
by finishing their turn in the exit
You can only use 1 piece of digging
zone and there being no zombies in
equipment at a time.
that zone.
A survivor who removes a rubble
marker gets 2XP.
To win ALL surviving survivors must leave via the exit
Next Mission
zone with Phil.
Play “Finding Their Records” next.
Keep Weapon Modifier
+1 if played after “Tent Search”

+3 if player after “The Orphanage”

Trowel Old Shovel Pickaxe

Clears Red Cross on 6+ Clears Red Cross on 4+ Clears Red Cross on 4+

Damaged on 5+ Damaged on 3+ Damaged on 6+
O 1 6+ 1 O 1 5+ 1 O 1 5+ 2

New Shovel Garden Fork

Clears Red Cross on 4+ Clears Red Cross on 5+

Never Damaged Damaged on 5+

O 1 5+ 1 O 2 6+ 1
Finding Their Records
1½ -2 hours, Medium

The information we found at the tents points us to a small police station where records are being kept about where
people have been moved to.

5P 12P

18P 16P
Objectives Spawning
Collect the White Cross and exit the board. Only the RED spawn point is active
at the start of the game.
Setup The PURPLE, Yellow and White
Place the BERSERK Abomination spawn points become active when
and two BERSERK runners at point the corresponding door is opened.
1 on the board. They will not move Note that taking the PURPLE
until the yellow door is opened. activates both PURPLE spawn
Place 4 BERSERK Walkers on point points.
2 on the board. They will not move The PINK spawn point is a sewer
until the door they are next to is entrance into the utility room. If
opened. any survivor is on tile 16P and a
Special Rules sewer spawn card is drawn place
Crosses zombies on the PINK spawn point
as if it was TWO manholes (i.e.
The Three RED Crosses must be
double the spawn shown on the
taken to open the PURPLE door.
Once the third RED cross is taken
If there are any survivors on tile
open the PURPLE door. This is the
12P and a bed spawn card is drawn
only way the PURPLE door can be
treat the GREEN spawn points as
GREEN beds and the BLUE spawn
Pressing the Yellow Switch gives
points as BLUE beds.
the survivor the Yellow Cross and
opens the Yellow Door. Equipment and searching
Pressing the White switch gives the Any room may be searched.
survivor the White Cross and opens Exiting the Map
the White Door. Survivors can leave via the exit
Picking up any cross gives the zone by finishing their turn in the
survivor 5XP. exit zone and there being no
Once a door is opened it can’t be zombies in that zone.
closed again. Finishing
To win ALL surviving survivors must leave via the exit
zone having taken the White cross.

Keep Weapon Modifier


Next Mission
Play “The Road to the Orphanage” next.
The Road to the Orphanage
1½ -2 hours, Medium/Hard

The records showed Phil’s son has been sent to the Orphanage at Abbeyville so we’re making our way there.
Abbeyville has turned out to be a maze of damaged buildings and blocked roads, it looks like the army tried to stop
the zombies here and failed. We a close to the orphanage at last but the final street is block, so we’ll have to make
our way round trough the buildings, which we have been trying to avoid.

4E 4D 1C 2C

2B 1B 4B 4C
Objectives If a car’s alarm is already going off
Exit the board via the exit. stop checking to see if it goes off
until it has stopped again.
Setup If an alarm goes off place 3 noise
There’s no special setup rules. markers on the car to show the
Special Rules alarm is going off. At the end of
each subsequent zombie phase
remove 1 noise marker. When
All doors can be opened as normal there are none left the alarm has
no matter what their colour is. stopped going off.
Spawning The alarm going off has the
Only the RED spawn point is active following effects.
at the start of the game. o The car counts as 5 noise.
The GREEN, BLUE and PURPLE o During the Zombie spawn
spawn points become active when phase draw a spawn card
the corresponding door is opened. for each manhole in the
Cars same space as a car (Note
The cars cannot be searched and there’s one or two for each
cannot be driven. car).
The cars are all alarmed. The alarm Equipment and searching
will go off in the following Any room may be searched.
situations. Exiting the Map
o A ranged weapon is fired Survivors can leave via the exit
into the zone containing zone by finishing their turn in the
the car and a 1 is rolled exit zone and there being no
when rolling to hit. zombies in that zone.
o A Melee Weapon is used in
the zone containing the car
and a 1 is rolled when To win ALL surviving survivors must leave via the exit
rolling to hit. zone.
o When door is opened in the
Keep Weapon Modifier
space containing the car (all
cars have a door in there
space) a dice should be Next Mission
rolled and on a 1 the alarm Play “The Orphanage” next.
goes off.
The Orphanage
2½ -3 hours, Medium/Hard

We’re outside the Orphanage at Abbeyville it’s a mess, I can’t see how the boy can be here, but we’ve got to find out.

2P 2V 1V

4V 5V 13P

1P 11P 14P
Objectives continue drawing cards if that
Collect all the red crosses and exit the board via the number is rolled, however only
Exit. action extra action cards and ignore
any other cards.
Setup If Phil’s Wife wasn’t found during “Tent The number of spawn dice to be
Search” rolled depends on how many red
Take 1 PURPLE cross and 19 RED skills the survivors have. Start off
crosses and shuffle them together with the number of dice shown in
face down. Put 1 cross on each of the Rue Morgue rulebook. Count
the 14 locations shown on the map. the number of Red skills the
Set aside the other 6 crosses and survivors have and subtract the
DON’T LOOK AT THEM. They will number of survivors. Divide this
not be used but you shouldn’t number by 2 and round up. Roll this
know if the Purple cross is on the number of extra spawn dice.
board of not. Example: - There are 6 survivors, 3
have 1 red skill, 2 have 2 red skills
Setup If Phil’s Wife was found during “Tent
and the last 1 has no red skills. In
Search” total there are 7 red skills,
Take 14 RED crosses and put 1 subtracting 6 for the number of
cross on each of the 14 locations survivors gives us 1, divided by 2 =
shown on the map. ½ which rounds up to 1 extra dice.
Special Rules Equipment and searching
Crosses Any room may be searched.
If you find the PURPLE cross you Exiting the Map
have found the body of Phil’s son. Survivors can leave via the exit
The RED crosses are information zone by finishing their turn in the
about where Phil’s son was moved exit zone and there being no
to or bodies of other orphans. zombies in that zone.
The Survivor who takes Any Cross Finishing
gets 5XP.
To win ALL surviving survivors must leave via the exit
Spawning zone.
ALL RED spawn points are active at
the start of the game. Keep Weapon Modifier
The 4 RED spawn points INSIDE the +3
orphanage can be turned off. To do
so a survivor must be in the same Next Mission
zone as the spawn point and there If you found the PURPLE cross play “Phil’s Rampage”.
be no zombies in that zone. The can
If you didn’t find the PURPLE cross play “Family
then turn off the spawn point be
spending 2 actions. Leave the Rescue”.
spawn number in place and
Family Rescue
2 -2½ hours, Medium/Hard

Everything points to this base being where we must look next.

2P 5P 6P 1V

3V 8M 7D 2V

1P 18P 17P 14P

Objectives The Survivor who takes Any Cross
Collect the crosses representing the remaining gets 5XP.
members of Phil’s family, take them to the exit and Spawning
leave the board via the Exit. ALL RED spawn points are active at
the start of the game.
Setup The GREEN and BLUE spawn points
This depends on who has been found dead. There are become active when the
3 possibilities. corresponding cross is taken.
Phil’s Wife is dead
when the BLUE door is opened.
Take 1 PINK cross and 8 RED DON’T SPAWN TILES 2V and 7D
crosses and shuffle them together when the GREEN door is opened.
face down. Put 1 cross on each of
When the PURPLE or PINK crosses
the 9 locations shown on the map.
are found spawn each active spawn
Phil’s Son is dead point. If there is only one of these
Take 1 PURPLE cross and 8 RED two crosses to find spawn them all
crosses and shuffle them together a second time.
face down. Put 1 cross on each of The number of spawn dice to be
the 9 locations shown on the map. rolled depends on how many red
Phil’s Wife and Son are alive skills the survivors have. Start off
Take 1 PURPLE cross, 1 PINK cross with the number of dice shown in
and 7 RED crosses and shuffle them the Rue Morgue rulebook. Count
together face down. Put 1 cross on the number of Red skills the
each of the 9 locations shown on survivors have and subtract the
the map. number of survivors. Divide this
number by 2 and round up. Roll this
Special Rules
number of extra spawn dice.
Crosses Example: - There are 6 survivors, 3
If you find the PURPLE cross you have 1 red skill, 2 have 2 red skills
have found Phil’s wife. The cross and the last 1 has no red skills. In
must be carried by a survivor, but total there are 7 red skills,
doesn’t take up a space. subtracting 6 for the number of
If you find the PINK cross you have survivors gives us 1, divided by 2 =
found Phil’s son. The cross must be ½ which rounds up to 1 extra dice.
carried by a survivor, but doesn’t Equipment and searching
take up a space.
Any room may be searched.
The RED crosses are other survivors
Exiting the Map
at the camp. They don’t want to
come with you can you can’t take Survivors can leave via the exit
them anywhere. zone by finishing their turn in the
To open the GREEN door the exit zone and there being no
GREEN cross must be taken first. zombies in that zone.
To open the BLUE door the BLUE Finishing
cross must be taken first. To win ALL surviving survivors must leave via the exit
There are stair in the room with the zone with the crosses representing all of Phil’s
GREEN door that lead to 2V. You surviving family.
can see from and to the rooms at
each end of the arrow. You can also Keep Weapon Modifier
shoot into these zones from the Last mission not required
other one.
There are stair in the room with the Next Mission
BLUE door that lead to 3V. You can Last mission not required
see from and to the rooms at each
end of the arrow. You can also
shoot into these zones from the
other one.
Survivor Permanent Equipment Survivor Permanent Equipment
Level Level

Survivor Permanent Equipment Survivor Permanent Equipment

Level Level

Survivor Permanent Equipment Survivor Permanent Equipment

Level Level

Survivor Permanent Equipment Survivor Permanent Equipment

Level Level

Materials Required

Zombicide Season 1
Number of players: 2 to 6
Duration : 7 Missions / 9 Hours

We all had a life, a family, hobbies, dreams ... We did not missions must be played. This campaign was created to be played
know each other and yet we are now inseparable. We learned with just Zombicide Season 1. You can, course choose to add

to stick together from the start, leaving aside our differences content from other add ons (toxic zombies, zombies berserkers,

and face the trials together. It's amazing how an invasion of zombies Dog, dog companions, Equipment Toxic Mall city, ...) but

monstrous meat lovers can change your life! it will have an effect on the playing duration and the difficulty of
the Missions.
Each mission has a specific Danger Level. All the survivors begin BASIC EQUIPMENT
with the minimum number of experience points needed for the So that all objectives can be achieved, the basic equipment must

Danger Level indicated in the Mission. For example, the Mission be distributed as indicated in the Special Rules of each Mission.

"3B - Armed to the Teeth” is Orange Level, so the survivors begin Do not distribute equipment cards specified in the basic rules of

with 19 experience points which is the minimum for Orange the game. It is impossible to keep equipment from a Mission

Danger Level. another unless the Special Rules indicate otherwise (see Final
Mission "A Corner of Paradise”).
The campaign “The Beginning of the End” consists of 7 Missions. GOING FROM ONE MISSION TO ANOTHER
These are played in order described in the following pages. They Some missions end in have several Exits, others have several

play with the characters from Basic Season 1 Zombicide. survivor start areas. So read them carefully Special Rules and map

Attention some Missions will only play with certain characters. All legends.

Survivors are Tough. The Survivors starts the next
map with 1 wound.

Just discard the wound card, assume the wound is
healed between missions. Guys keep the beautiful
scar, but not the girls (except Amy who says they are


1A - Good Exchange 3a - Bon Appetite

Processes of Course!
1B - The
Inseparables 2 - Teamwork 4 - A Corner of Paradise

3B - Armed to the
1C - Gas to All Floors


1A – GOOD EXCHANGE • With the means at hand! Ned begins with a shotgun

PROCESSES and a baseball bat, and Doug with a crowbar. These

Cards may not be discarded.

DIFFICULY: - SPECIAL / 60 MINUTES • First come, first served! The building whose doors
are already open (Tiles 5C and 5E) cannot searched.

I cannot leave it like that. This poor guy is imprisoned • Remote opening system. The Green door opens
and will eventually put a bullet in his noggin. The Key, automatically when the Green objective is taken.
the one that will open main door of the building where he When the Green door opens spawn the Green door
is trapped, is locked in his garage. If he can open the door building.
of his garage with the remote, I can go get the key and get
him out of his hell. We geeks must stick together! • The Blue objective is the key for the Blue door.
Before the blue door can be opened Ned must pick it
Tiles Required: 2B, 3B, 5C, 5E, 4D, 1C, 4B, 2C up and place it in his inventory. It can then be used
to open the blue door (without the need for any
OBJECTIVES equipment that opens doors).
• Release Doug by unlocking the Blue Door (see
Special rules). • Once the blue objective is activated the blue spawn
• Leave the area via the Exit with Ned and Doug. point becomes active.

• The Pimp-mobile can be searched once but cannot
be driven.

• Survivors may leave the map via the exit Area if
there are no zombies there.

• Each objective marker gives 5 experience points to
the survivor who takes it.


Exit Area
Exit Zone Zombie Spawn
Spawn Zones


Closed Blue
Door Pimp Mobile
Pimp Mobile

Green Blue Objective
Green Door
Door Objective

Open Green
Green Door Objective


1B – THE INSEPARABLES • Together for better and for worse! Phil and Josh are
handcuffed. When either survivor is moving the
other must follow. Move both figures
simultaneously. Josh therefore cannot use his
DIFFICULY: - SPECIAL / 60 MINUTES “slippery” skill.
• Left! No, Right! Phil and Josh have to agree on the
way forward. During their turn, they have all their

actions but can spend only 2 (each) to move.
Wrong place, wrong time. All for a little
• Left or right? Phil and Josh have a hand hampered by
graffiti ... This cop has little overzealously
the handcuffs. Each will thus have only one “Hand”
handcuffed me to stop me getting away. He
location. No card can be placed on the second
was taking me to the police station when the
“Hand” location.
invasion began. They were everywhere and
• With the means at hand! Phil begins with a pistol (as
surrounding us. He secured the perimeter,
per his Blue Level skill) and Josh with a fire Axe.
but has lost the keys to my new bracelets in These cards cannot be discarded.
the battle. Here we are attached to one
another, cannot drive, cannot run away. • The police car and pimp-mobile can be searched
We'll have to learn to play as a team ... at (according to the basic rules) but cannot be driven.
least until we get our hands on a hacksaw ! • The Blue objective represents a hacksaw. Once the
Blue Objective is taken on, Phil and Josh then saw
Tiles Required: 4D, 1C,5C,5F,5B,5E,6C,2B,3B through the chain connecting the handcuffs (Free

action). Once the chain is sawn through the first 3
OBJECTIVES Special rules do not apply anymore.
• Find a hacksaw (Blue Objective).
• The Blue spawn point becomes activate once the
• Leave the Area with Josh and Phil via the exit.
Blue objective is taken.
• The green objective is the key to the restaurant.
The survivor who takes the objective places it in his
inventory. Only the survivor with the green objective
can open Green door.
• Each objective marker gives 5 experience points to
the survivor who takes it.
• Survivors may leave the map via the exit Area if
there are no zombies there.


Exit Area
Survivor Start
Point Green
Pimp Mobile Objective

Blue Objective
Zombie Spawn Closed Police Car (5xp)
Points Green Door



• You smell gas! Wanda’s boss forgot to turn off the
DIFFICULY: - SPECIAL / 60 MINUTES gas. It is therefore impossible to use firearms
(ranged weapons) from or within the restaurant

• The key to salvation! Wanda and Amy must search
When customers began to prefer brains to the restaurant parts for the spare key to the
restaurant and Wanda’s apartment (Blue and Green
burgers, I immediately went to hide in the
objectives). Mix the Blue and Green Objectives into
kitchens. Amy followed me, she seems quite
the red Objective markers and place the red
nice and we could be friends, in other objectives as shown on the map.
circumstances. Then there was this smell, • With the means at hand! Amy begins with a Sawn
as if the chef had forgotten to switch off the Off and with Wanda a Chain Saw. These cards cannot
gas. We have to get out and quickly. The be discarded.
idiot has locked us in with the living dead!
We'll have to search the restaurant to find • The Blue objective represents the spare key to the
another set of keys, and move away from restaurant door (Blue Door). Once taken the
Survivors may open the blue door.
the potential bomb in the kitchen. What
• The Green objective is the key to the door of Wanda
happened to the fast food! We need Girl apartment (Green door). Once taken the survivors
Power ! may open the green door.
• The Blue spawn point becomes activate once the
Tiles Required: 5D, 5B, 7B, 6B, IC, 6C, 1B, 5C Blue objective is taken.

• Each objective marker gives 5 experience points to
OBJECTIVES the survivor who takes it.
• Get out of the restaurant through the front door
• Survivors may leave the map via the exit Area if
(door Blue) after having found the key.
there are no zombies there.
• Leave the Area with Wanda and Amy via the exit.


Survivor Start Exit Area

Zombie Spawn

Closed Blue Red Objective


Closed Closed
Green Door Door

Gas Area



• All survivors begin this mission at yellow level (with 7
experience points).
• With the means at hand! Survivors begin with
Equipment as follows. These cards cannot be
o Phil, a Pistol (as per his Blue Skill)
PHIL AND JOSH. o Amy, a Sawn Off
o Doug, a Crowbar
We'll have to synchronize our watches! The o Ned, a Shotgun.
kid and the cop are trapped in the kitchen of • Electric door. The Blue door opens as soon as the
the restaurant, their barricade won’t last Blue objective is taken.
long. Girls have the key, but they can’t • The Blue spawn point becomes activate once the
leave their hideout without our help. We all Blue objective is taken.
know what we have to do, so what are we • The Green objective is the key to the Green door.
waiting for time to get started? One for all! The survivor who takes the Green Objective must
All for one! place in their inventory. You must use the Green Key
to open the Green door and don’t need normal door

opening equipment. If the survivor carrying it dies,
Tiles Required: 5B, 1B, 4C, 4D, 2C, 2B
the green objective falls to the ground in the area

where they were killed and can be [picked up by
OBJECTIVES another Survivor.
• Release Josh, Phil by opening the Blue Door. • We must separate and meet up again. Once all
• Release Wanda and Amy by opening the Green Door. survivors are released, the band must split up again.
• Leave the area by one of the Exits (see special rules). Form two groups of survivors (between 2 and 4
survivors per group). Each group must leave via a
different exit, one group to the left and the other to
the right.
• Survivors may leave the map via one of the exit
Areas if there are no zombies there.
• Each objective marker gives 5 experience points to
the survivor who first takes it. So if an objective is
dropped because a survivor dies picking up that
objective again doesn’t give 5 experience.



Doug and Ned

Exit Area Closed Blue
Phil and Josh (x2) Door

Wanda and Amy

Closed Blue Objective

Zombie Spawn Closed Green Objective

Points Green Door



3A – BON APPETITE OF • All survivors begin this mission at orange level (with
19 experience points).

• With the means at hand! The survivors start with the
same weapons as they had at the beginning “2-
Teamwork”. These cards cannot be discarded. If
nobody has any equipment for opening doors, give a
DIFFICULY: - SPECIAL / 90 MINUTES crowbar to one of the survivors.
• Delve every corner! All objectives Red must be
THE LEFT SIDE EXIT FROM MISSION 2 - TEAMWORK • Stock of Food. Before leaving the area via the Exit,
each survivor must have in their inventory at least
The blonde, Wanda, seems to have worked in one food card (Bag of Rice, Canned Food or Water).
all eateries in the area. She told us that • The Green objective is the Key to the restaurant
large food stocks have recently been owner's apartment. The survivor who takes the
delivered to the restaurants in the area. We Green objective just place it in their inventory. You
decided to collect enough provisions to hold must use the Green Key to open the Green door and
out for a few days until help arrives. Delve don’t need normal door opening equipment. If the
kitchens and cold rooms and reaping all survivor carrying it dies, the green objective falls to
the ground in the area where they were killed and
that we can carry. Just thinking about it,
can be picked up by another Survivor.
my stomach rumbling. • The Blue objective the key for the kitchens. The
survivor who takes the Blue objective just place it in
Tiles Required: 5B, 1B, 5C, 1C, 6C, 5D, 5E, 2B their inventory. You must use the Blue Key to open
the Blue door and don’t need normal door opening
OBJECTIVES equipment. If the survivor carrying it dies, the Blue
• Search the kitchens and cold rooms the restaurants objective falls to the ground in the area where they
(Collect Red objectives). were killed and can be [picked up by another
• Join the others by leaving the area via the Exit. Survivor.
• The Blue spawn point becomes activate once the
Blue objective is taken.
• Each objective marker gives 5 experience points to
the survivor who first takes it. So if an objective is
dropped because a survivor dies picking up that
objective again doesn’t give 5 experience.
• Survivors may leave the map via the exit Area if
there are no zombies there.



Survivor Start Exit Area

Zombie Spawn

Closed Blue Closed

Door Green Door


Red Objective Blue Objective

Green Objective



3B – ARMED TO THE TEETH • All survivors begin this mission at orange level (with
19 experience points).

• With the means at hand! The survivors start with
DIFFICULY: - SPECIAL / 90 MINUTES the same weapons as they had at the beginning “2-
Teamwork”. These cards cannot be discarded. If
THIS MISSION IS PLAYED WITH THE SURVIVORS WHO TOOK nobody has any equipment for opening doors, give a
THE RIGHT SIDE EXIT FROM MISSION 2 - TEAMWORK crowbar to one of the survivors.
• Delve every corner! All objectives Red must be
The cop has lost his pass card to enter the taken.
police station, but he knows another way to • An arsenal! The survivors must leave the area with
enter. The main door is locked electronically at least 3 ranged and 3 melee weapons (in addition
but there is a pressure switch in the to the weapons they start the mission with). These
building opposite can be used to unlock the weapons will distributed to survivors at the
door. Once inside we will search the beginning of the Next Mission.

building for weapons of all kinds, before
• The Green objective represents the switch of electric
joining the others. Then we’ll show these garage door. Once activated, the garage door (Green
zombies who is the boss! door) opens.
• The Blue objective is the pressure switch controlling
Tiles Required: 1B, 5C, 4B, 5D, 2C, 5F, 8C, 4E main door of the police station. When taken by a
survivor, leave the objective in place. Place the
OBJECTIVES survivor on the blue objective. The Blue door will
open and stay open as long as a survivor stays in
• Search the police station to find weapons and place on the blue objective. Once the survivor gets
Ammunition (Red objectives). off the objective the blue door closes, but can be
• Join the others by leaving the area via the Exit. reopened by a survivor standing on the objective.
• The Blue spawn point becomes activate once the
Blue objective is taken and remains active for the
rest of the game.
• Each objective marker gives 5 experience points to
the survivor who first takes it. So jumping on and off
the blue objective gives no extra experience.
• Survivors may leave the map via the exit Area if
there are no zombies there.



Survivor Start Exit Area

Zombie Spawn

Closed Blue Closed

Door Green Door


Red Objective Blue Objective




PARADISE • All survivors begin this mission at red level (with 43
experience points).

• Each at its place! Survivors who completed the
DIFFICULY: - SPECIAL / 90 MINUTES Mission “3a - Bon Appetite of Course!" begin this
mission on the zone marked with a blue 1 and the
THIS MISSION IS PLAYED WITH THE BASIC CHARACTERS survivors who completed the Mission “3B - Armed to
FROM ZOMBICIDE SEASON 1: AMY, WANDA, NED, DOUG, the Teeth” start on the zone marked with the red 2.
PHIL AND JOSH. • With the means at hand! Survivors begin with
Equipment as follows. These cards cannot be
Together, arm ed and fed. W e lack only one discarded.
thing: a quiet place where we can sleep a few o Phil, a Pistol (as per his Blue Skill)
hours a night. This area is overgrown, but it o Josh, a Fire Axe
has everything we need: a generator o Wanda, a Chainsaw
purring, garages where we can find fuel, o Amy, a Sawn Off
o Doug, a Crowbar
kitchens and pantries where we can store
o Ned, a Shotgun.
supplies and an arm ory for em ergencies.
• We brought you a souvenir! Randomly select 3 of
These cars should m ake good barricades. It's the ranged and 3 of the melee weapons the
tim e for spring cleaning! survivors brought from “3B - Armed to the Teeth”.
These 6 weapons are distributed randomly to 6
Tiles Required: 4E, 2C, 3B, 5B, 7B, 2B, 4C, 3C, 4D survivors (ONE each) any others weapons they
brought are discarded.
OBJECTIVES • All the barricades! Drive a Car to each zombie spawn
point zone to block the spawn point. This turns off
• Neutralise zombies invading areas (see Special rules). the spawn point. If the car is moved thereafter, the
• Empty the streets and buildings in the area of their invasion area becomes active again, but can be
zombies (Clear the board of Zombies). turned off again by placing a car on its zone.

• Taking the blue objective opens the blue garage
• Taking the green objective opens the green garage
• The Pimp-mobiles can be driven once their
respective garage doors have been opened.
• The Police cars can be driven.
• No Car can be searched.
• The game ends when all zombie spawn points have
been disabled and when all Buildings have been
activated and there are no zombies on the board.



Survivor Start
Blue Objective
Point from 3A
Pimp Mobile

Survivor Start Green

Point from 3B Objective Police Car

Zombie Spawn Closed Blue Closed Closed

Points Door Door Green Door



Securing the district has brought us a few days of respite. We were free of Zombies for a while
and we were able to have a good time. The generator purred and we had a few hot meals. We
could sleep a few hours in very comfortable beds, and even take a shower, and frankly, some of
us needed that a lot!

We took turns to monitor the barricades. Some Zombies forced their way past, so killed them
quickly and quietly, so as to not attract more. We laid the corpses of these degenerates
prominently to dissuade the curious few dared to approach our paradise!

We just had time to forget the hardships we had endured recently. Then the generator began to
sputter. We tried to siphon the tanks of cars serving us barricades, but there wasn’t much left.
Hardly enough to run for a few hours. So we pooled what chow we had left, we had one last
blowout, and with heavy hearts, it was decided to hit the road.

As we were walking, we chose to travel light. The streets were pretty quiet, perhaps things will
not turn out too badly. The zombies were suddenly attracted by the noise of explosion we heard
in the distance. As if a gigantic building had been destroyed. So we became more vigilant.
Then suddenly a horde tumbled from around a corner, but we were not ready to receive them. I
saw Wanda and Doug get out as fast, Ned and Amy try their luck in the opposite direction,
Phil hide in a corner of a restaurant. I tried my luck by sneaking through the horde feinting
right, dodging left. I got through them. They were after me, but I had a head start. Just a door
to go through and I’d be free. The only problem was that I had not imagined for a second that it
would be locked. My only hope that a kind soul would let me in and out of this mess ...



Under The River Campaign
We left the city in a car we picked up off the street. Wounds
It’s a beauty, the kind of car I’ve always wanted to
own, fast, smooth ride and all the gizmos you could The survivors can take up to five wounds during this
ever want, but it can’t cross a river when the bridge is campaign, the sixth wound will kill them though. As
raised. That’s the problem we have, we’ve come to a you must give up an inventory space for each wound
little town and the bridge is raised over a wide river, I taken by the time a survivor gets to five wounds they
said we should try jumping it, ‘Dukes of Hazard’ style, will be useless.
the others looked at me like I’m mad. Looking across Medical Supplies
the river we can see a hut with “Generator” written Each map has a white and a yellow cross on it. These
on it, we just need to get there and we can lower the are medical supplies.
bridge. One of the others worked in this town for the
local sewage company, apparently there’s a set of Medical supplies can be pick up at the cost of a search
tunnels that lead to the sewage works under the river. action. This means the survivor picking up the supplies
Seems an odd place to put a sewage works but what cannot search during the same turn, but also means a
would I know I only make sewage, I don’t treat it! free search action can be used.
They say we can pass through the tunnels and get to
Picking up medical supplies gives ZERO XP.
the other side of the river, doesn’t sound like fun, but
if we want to carry on we need to get the car across. When Medical supplies are picked up they can either
be used immediately or placed in the survivor’s
Equipment Required inventory. Medical supplies are treated like a piece of
Season 1, 2 and 3 plus Toxic Mall and Angry equipment and take up an inventory slot. As with
Neighbours are required. other pieces of equipment they can be traded.

Playing the Campaign Medical supplies can only be picked up and used if
This campaign consists of four missions. You start off there are no zombies present.
on the wrong side of a river with a bridge that needs
Medical supplies can be used for the cost of an action
lowering blocking your route onwards. You must pass
or by a medic using the medic action instead.
under the river lower the bridge and leave the map in
the car. Each survivor who is wounded and in the same zone
as the user of the medical supplies rolls a dice
Looking at the campaign map you’ll see the 4 mission
On a roll of 2-6 that survivor heals 1 of their
maps, you will start on the one marked with a 1 and
follow the arrows through missions 2, 3 and finally 4.
On a roll of 1 that survivor is not healed.
Moving From a map to the Next If at least 1 survivor with the medic skill is present any
Because each mission follows on from the last you will roll of 1 can be rerolled once.
carry forwards all equipment and any wounds you
As medical supplies are equipment they can be carried
have suffered. You also carry forwards any experience
forwards from one mission to the next.
earned, this means you will be spawning subsequent
maps at the highest danger level you’ve reached in When you set up the board only place the yellow and
the campaign. white crosses if they are not currently in a survivor’s
inventory. Example:- At the end of mission 1 Brad has
Equipment the Yellow cross in his inventory, but the white cross
All equipment you are carrying at the end of one was never picked up. Only the white cross is placed on
mission is carried forwards to the next mission and the board for mission 2, the yellow stays with Brad.
you will start that mission with that equipment. If
your survivors has a ‘starts with’ piece of equipment
they only get this at the start on the campaign not at
the start of each mission.
Ultra-Red Danger Levels Extra Infra-Red Skills Table
There are Extra danger levels for this campaign. No skill allows a reroll on this table, however if you
roll something you already have and can’t use a
RED/ORANGE – When at least 1 survivor has
second time in a turn then you may reroll. Roll a 1st
taken their 2nd ORANGE Skill.
dice followed by a second dice and compare with the
RED/RED – When at least 1 survivor has taken table below.
their 2nd RED Skill.
RED/RED/RED – When at least 1 survivor has 1st Roll 2nd Roll Skill
taken their 3rd RED Skill. 1 1 +1 die: Melee
1 2 +1 die: Ranged
Infra-Red 1 3 +1 free Melee Action
In addition to the above once a survivors reaches 1 4 +1 free Move Action
RED/RED/RED they should keep tracking their 1 5 +1 free Ranged Action
experience. Each time they reach RED they may 1 6 +1 free Search Action
choose to either heal a wound OR Roll for a new skill 2 1 +1 Max Range
until they have 5 extra skills after which they may only 2 2 +1 to dice roll: Melee
heal. If a survivor isn’t wounded when they reach RED 2 3 +1 to dice roll: Ranged
they must roll for an extra skill. 2 4 1 re-roll per turn
2 5 Blitz
If they already have 5 IR Skills, are not wounded and 2 6 Bloodlust: Melee
get to RED again they lose the bonus heal and start 3 1 Bloodlust: Ranged
tracking experience again from zero. 3 2 Break-in
3 3 Charge
Once a survivor has 1 extra skill rolled on the table 3 4 Death grasp
danger level increases to INFRA-RED level 1 or IR1. 3 5 Free Reload
IR1 – When at least 1 survivor has 1 extra skill. 3 6 Gunslinger
4 1 Hoard
IR2 – When at least 1 survivor has 2 extra
4 2 Jump
4 3 Lifesaver
IR3 – When at least 1 survivor has 3 extra 4 4 Loud
skills. 4 5 Low profile
IR4 – When at least 1 survivor has 4 extra 4 6 Lucky
skills 5 1 Ninja
IR5 – When at least 1 survivor has 5 extra skill. 5 2 Reaper: Melee
IR6 – When ALL survivors have 5 extra skills. 5 3 Reaper: Ranged
5 4 Roll 6: +1 die Melee
All extra cards spawn zombies shown on the cards 5 5 Roll 6: +1 die Ranged
RED level. 5 6 Scavenger
6 1 Search: +1 card
6 2 Shove
6 3 Sprint
6 4 Swordmaster
6 5 Taunt
6 6 Toxic immunity

Ultra-Red and Infra-Red Spawning

Each scenario lists how to spawn at these extra
danger levels.
Stuck On the River Bank
Here we are stuck on the wrong side of the river and with a few things to do.

4M 4B 1R

3M 4V 6R

7M 7R 3R
Setup Special Rules
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck Doors and Crosses
with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw The PINK door can opened once
Hammer, 2 Night Sticks and pans as follows. the PINK cross has been taken.
Survivors Pans The GREEN door can opened once
1-4 0 the GREEN cross has been taken.
5 1 The PURPLE door can opened once
6 2 the PURPLE cross has been taken.
7 3 Note that you only need GREEN or
8 4 PINK cross to move get to the exit.
9 5 The PINK cross is easier to find but
10+ Number of Survivors -4 activates an extra spawn point.
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 You’ll have to choose which you
think is best to take. You can take
card to each survivor. If no one can open a
both if you wish.
door, take all the equipment cards back, A Survivor who takes any RED,
reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this PINK, GREEN or PURPLE Cross gets
until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of 5XP.
course if someone starts with a skill that RED and BLUE doors have no
allows them to open a door (such as break in) precursor and thus can be opened
you’ll only need to deal once. anytime the normal rules are met.
Take 3 RED crosses and 1 PINK cross and Cars
shuffle them together faced down. Place Neither car can be driven.
The Orange Muscle Car cannot be
them face down on the board in the 4
searched, but up to 2 equipment
locations shown in the PINK area of the map. cars can be stored in it for use in
Take 6 RED crosses and 1 GREEN cross and mission 4 ‘Releasing the Car’. To be
shuffle them together faced down. Place honest through I doubt they’ll be
them face down on the board in the 4 much use in that mission.
locations shown in the GREEN area of the The Police car can be searched
map. once and you will find two walkie
talkies (‘Cards’ supplied below).
Take 3 RED crosses and 1 PURPLE cross and
These are very useful in mission 2
shuffle them together faced down. Place ‘Into the Tunnels’. Note that each
them face down on the board in the 4 one takes up an inventory space
locations shown in the PURPLE area of the and you really need both or
map. neither!
Normal Spawning
Objectives The RED spawn points are active at
Leave the map via the exit. the start of the mission.
The BLUE Spawn points becomes
active when any of the BLUE doors
are opened.
The PINK Spawn point becomes
active when the PINK door is
The GREEN Spawn point becomes
active when the GREEN door or the
PINK door is opened.
The spawn points should be
spawned starting with the RED one
in the bottom left of the map and
moving clockwise.
Extra Spawning
Extra spawns occur in the zombie spawn phase as follows.

Spawn this many cards at each spawn point of this colour

RED/ORANGE 1 2 1 1
RED/RED 1 2 2 1
RED/RED/RED 1 2 2 2
IR1 1 2 3 2
IR2 1 2 3 3
IR3 1 3 3 3
IR4 1 3 4 3
IR5 1 3 4 4
IR6 1 4 4 4

When opening a door and spawning rooms Walkie Talkie ‘Cards’

spawn 1 card per room at RED level.

Equipment and searching

All rooms can be searched.
Moving on to Next Mission
Move on to Mission 2 ‘Into the Tunnels’ when all
survivors are in the exit zone and no zombies in the
exit zone at the end of a player phase.

Print off and cut out or use a substitute for your

Into the Tunnels
At the back of the small towns police station there’s a building on the door it says armoury. We found the key in the
police station let’s get some weapons!

1R 6B 2R

6R 18P 16P

4R 6C 3RP
Setup Normal Spawning
The survivors start this mission with the The RED spawn point is active at
equipment, wounds and danger level they left the start of the mission.
the last mission with. The GREEN Spawn points becomes
active when the GREEN door is
Place 1 face down equipment card from the
equipment deck in both rooms with a in The PURPLE Spawn point becomes
them. active when the PURPLE door is
Place 2 face down equipment cards from the opened.
equipment deck in both rooms with a in The BLUE Spawn points becomes
them. active when any of the BLUE doors
are opened.
Place 3 face down equipment cards from the
The PINK Spawn point becomes
equipment deck in the 4 rooms with a in active when the PINK door is
them. opened.
The spawn points should be
Objectives spawned starting with the RED one
Leave the map via the exit. and moving clockwise.
Extra Spawning
Special Rules
Extra spawns occur in the zombie spawn
Doors and Crosses phase as follows
have no precursor and thus can be At RED/ORANGE danger level roll a
opened anytime the normal rules dice for each active spawn point. If
are met. a 1 is rolled that spawn point
The PINK cross is the code for the spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
PINK door. To open the PINK you At RED/RED danger level roll a dice
must either take the PINK to the for each active spawn point. If a 1
PINK door or transmit the code or 2 is rolled that spawn point
with a walkie-talkie so that spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
someone at the PINK door can At RED /RED/RED danger level roll
open it. a dice for each active spawn point.
The BLUE cross is the code for the If a 1, 2 or 3 is rolled that spawn
BLUE door. To open the BLUE you point spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
must either take the BLUE to the At IR1 danger level roll a dice for
BLUE door or transmit the code each active spawn point. If a 1, 2, 3
with a walkie-talkie so that or 4 is rolled that spawn point
someone at the BLUE door can spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
open it. At IR2 danger level roll a dice for
A Survivor who takes any PINK or each active spawn point. If a 1
BLUE Cross gets 5XP. through 5 is rolled that spawn point
spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
At IR3 danger level roll a dice for
each active spawn point. If a 1 is
rolled that spawn point spawns 3
cards instead of 1.
If 2 through 5 is rolled that spawn
point spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
At IR4 danger level roll a dice for
each active spawn point. If a 1 or 2
is rolled that spawn point spawns 3
cards instead of 1.
If 3 through 5 is rolled that spawn
point spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
At IR5 danger level roll a dice for Equipment and searching
each active spawn point. If a 1,2 or Rooms in the red area of the map
3 is rolled that spawn point spawns can be searched as normal.
3 cards instead of 1. Rooms with a , a or a can
If 4 or 5 is rolled that spawn point be searched until the cards in them
spawns 2 cards instead of 1. run out. After the cards have run
At IR6 danger level roll a dice for out they cannot be searched.
each active spawn point. If a 1 All other rooms cannot be
through 4 is rolled that spawn point searched.
spawns 3 cards instead of 1.
Moving on to Next Mission
If a 5 or 6 is rolled that spawn point
Move on to Mission 3 ‘Beneath the River’ when all
spawns 2 cards instead of 1.
When opening a door and spawning rooms survivors are in the exit zone and no zombies in the
spawn 1 card per room at RED level. exit zone at the end of a player phase AND the door
has been opened.
Beneath The River
Time to pass under the river itself. It’s nasty, pitch black and up to our calves in water.

For the survivors this seems easy cross the void, open the doors and head up the stairs, but it’s not that easy. When
they open the door they find a toxic pool that will need to be crossed without touching it. This will require planks to
be placed across the pool to form a bridge.


9V 8M 7V

8V 7B 2C
Setup Light
The survivors start this mission with the 12V is lit, thus Zombies and
equipment, wounds and danger level they left survivors on 12V be can seen as
the last mission with. normal.
Once one of the Blue doors has
Objectives been opened the light from 12V
Leave the map via the exit. spills out onto 8M and Zombies and
survivors in the yellow area on 12V
Special Rules be can seen as normal. Until this is
General done treat 8M as below.
The other tiles (and 8M before a
BLUE doors have no precursor and
blue door is opened) are dark and
thus can be opened anytime the
the following rules apply.
normal rules are met.
o Survivors and Zombies can
The RED doors cannot be opened
only be seen at a range of 1
until at least 1 BLUE door is open.
The RED crosses cannot be taken o A survivor with a flashlight
until at least 1 BLUE door is open. can use it to see zombies as
The pool can only be crossed normal, but they are also
once the 5 RED crosses have been seen as normal! The
picked up and carried to one of the survivor must state if they
blue doors, these represent the are using the flashlight or
planks needed to form the bridge not and once used they
and each takes up an inventory slot count are being “lit up”
whilst being carried. It takes 1 until the start of the next
action to place each RED cross and player phase.
all 5 must be placed before the o A survivor who uses a
bridge can be crossed. flashlight to search can be
A Survivor who takes any RED Cross seen as normal until the
gets 5XP. start of the next player
No actors can enter the pool until phase.
the bridge is built. Jump can be Normal Spawning
used to leap across but no skills can
The RED spawn points are active at
force any actor into the pool, they
the start of the mission.
will instead stop on the edge. So
shoving zombies or taunting them Roll dice as listed in Rue Morgue to
in, etc. No one can enter for any determine where zombies spawn.
reason. Don’t spawn board 12V when
When a survivor steps onto a zone either blue door is opened.
that is part of the tile with an
activation marker, spawn all the
zones on that board including
partial zones.
Extra Spawning
Roll extra spawn dice each turn depending on the number of players and the current danger level as follows

Number of Survivors
Level 3 or Less 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or
RED/RED 1 2 3 4
RED/RED/RED 2 3 4 5
IR1 2 3 4 5 6
IR2 3 4 5 6
IR3 3 4 5 6 7
IR4 4 5 6 7
IR5 4 5 6 7 8
IR6 5 6 7 8
When opening a door and spawning rooms spawn 1 card per room at RED level.

Equipment and searching Moving on to Next Mission

All rooms can be search normally, Move on to Mission 4 ‘Releasing the Car’ when all
however roll a dice after and search survivors are in the exit zone and no zombies in the
and on a roll of 1 draw a spawn exit zone at the end of a player phase.
card and spawn any zombies on it
in the room.
Releasing the Car
All we have to do now is start the generator, get the bridge up and drive off!

Of course it’s not quite that simple, the generator turns out to have no fuel, meaning you’ll have to get some from the
nearby garages (unless to happen to be carrying some).

3C 2B 8R

2C 7B 2M

3B 5B
Setup each gasoline card you have or can
The survivors start this mission with the find is one. The RED crosses and
equipment, wounds and danger level they left gasoline cards must be carried to
the small room with the blue cross
the last mission with.
in it before the BLUE cross can be
When the BLUE cross is taken the
Leave the map via the exit.
bridge is lowered. This takes the
Special Rules rest of the current player phase and
the following Zombie phase.
A Survivor who takes any RED or
The line of three barricades BLUE Cross gets 5XP.
represents the bridge being up. Once the bridge has been lowered
These cannot be removed except as remove the 3 barricades.
detailed below and the area Once the barricades are gone the
beyond them cannot be access until players can go and get the car.
they are removed.
The car is big enough for all
GREEN door has no precursor and survivors (assume it is a van or bus
thus can be opened anytime the if there are a lot of you!)
normal rules are met.
Normal Spawning
The RED doors cannot be opened
until the GREEN door is open. The RED spawn points are active at
The 4 RED crosses represent fuel the start of the mission.
for the generator. To start the Roll dice as listed in Rue Morgue to
generator you must have 4 units of determine where zombies spawn.
fuel. Each RED cross is one unit and
Extra Spawning
Roll extra spawn dice each turn depending on the number of players and the current danger level as follows

Number of Survivors
Level 3 or Less 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or
RED/RED 1 2 3 4
RED/RED/RED 2 3 4 5
IR1 2 3 4 5 6
IR2 3 4 5 6
IR3 3 4 5 6 7
IR4 4 5 6 7
IR5 4 5 6 7 8
IR6 5 6 7 8
When opening a door and spawning rooms spawn 1 card per room at RED level.

Equipment and searching Finishing the Campaign

All rooms can be search normally, All survivors must be in the car and the car must be on
however roll a dice after and search the exit zone at the end of a player phase. It doesn’t
and on a roll of 1 draw a spawn matter if there are zombies in the zone or not, you are
card and spawn any zombies on it gone!
in the room.
Add up the number of wounds on the survivors at the end of the campaign, add six for each survivor who didn’t
make it and divide the total by the number of survivors who started the campaign.

Final Value
Less than 1 You are gods of Zombicide well done.
1-2 You did well
3-4 Those zombies are chomping well tonight
More than 4 You’re lucky to be alive, but the nightmares will haunt you forever. Avoid dark places!

Ryan Jacobsen (Thelildevil) 01 Helveticaneue

11 Zombie S.W.A.T.
12 Make Some Noise
13 Friday the
14 Please Help Save my Baby
David Doughty (daviddoughty83) CM01-RM
Stepford Hills Campaign
Blackwater Campaign
Brian Beyke B3 Last Remains
B4 Populus
Zombie Fifty-Seven (zombie57) BoD1 - 4
Nathan Triplett (trip11) D1 The Long Run
Goeshi G1 Crazy Eddie
G2 Claustrophobia
Ian Clarke (Falseemp) IC1 - 9
ICM Toxic Mall
Zombie King Campaign
Mike Rohner M2 Medicine Run
M3 Get Out!
Mark Allan Reynolds MR1 On Patrol
Patient Zero P3 Bunker Down
P5 Number Two
S.E. O’Brien S01 Damnation Alley
Wondercat (Vinsssounet) V1 “Full House” Casino
Itai Rosenbaum (IronSyndicate) Hallway of Death
Karl (CorpseFX) Pit of Zombies
Johan T (Mysthjuk) Stockholm School of Economics
Luke (BringDaRuckas) Retrieve the Necronomicon
The Nameless City
Jeff Smith J1 Josh
Mysthjuk A New Home

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