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Step 1: Update Your Linux Source Files and Install GNS3


sudo apt-get update

Now install the development version of python3, install pyqt5, and other dependencies required
to install and run GNS3. This video shows you how:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools

sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5

sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5.qtsvg

sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit

sudo apt‐get install python3‐ws4py

sudo apt‐get install python3‐netifaces

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Step 2: Install the software required by dynamips.

Install Dependencies Required to Compile Dynamips

The dynamips hypervisor is a program that emulates Cisco MIPS based router hardware,
allowing you to run select IOS image files in GNS3. Using dynamips you can run IOS images
for Cisco c1700, c2600, c3600, 3700, and 7200 series routers. You must provide your own IOS
image files, as GNS3 is unable to provide them. Start by installing the libraries and tools required
to compile dynamips. This video shows you how:

sudo apt-get install cmake

sudo apt‐get install uuid‐dev

sudo apt‐get install libelf‐dev

sudo apt‐get install libpcap‐dev

After installing the libraries, and other software, you're ready to compile and install the dynamips

Step 3: Compile the Dynamips Hypervisor

Much of the software that you'll install for GNS3, including dynamips, requires you to compile it
from source code. If you are new to Linux or have never compiled software before, don't worry
it's fairly straight forward.

You'll need to go to your Linux Downloads folder (or wherever you saved your source code)
and unzip the GNS3 source code file. This will extract other zip files that will also be unzipped
and used to install your GNS3 system.

Use the cd (change directory) command to change to your Downloads directory, use the ls
command to list files in a directory, and use the unzip command to extract the contents of a zip
file. Be sure to substitute “” with the name of the file you
downloaded. This video Shows you how:

Step 4: Complete these commands at a terminal:

cd Downloads



This video shows you how:

Step 5:Enter the following commands to compile, and install


cd dynamips-0.2.14

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..


sudo make install

sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=ep /usr/local/bin/dynamips

cd ../..

Now that dynamips is installed you're ready to move on to the GNS3 server and GUI
applications. This video shows you how:

Step 6: Install the GNS3 Server and GUI Applications

The GNS3 software is made up of two main components; a server application, and a GUI
application. This provides a great amount of flexibility by allowing you to run multiple servers
on different PCs. Leveraging this feature, you can create large GNS3 networks. Start by
unzipping and installing the GNS3 server application.

unzip (remember to substitute with the actual file you


cd GNS3-server-1.4.0rc1

sudo python3 install

cd ..

Next, install the GNS3 GUI application.


cd GNS3-gui-1.4.0rc1
sudo python3 install

cd ..

Note: The GNS3 installer downloads other files required to build the GNS3 server and GUI. If
you see errors during the install process, they're usually caused because the installer was unable
to download a required file. Re-running the sudo python3 install command often
resolves this issue. This video shows you how:

Step 7: After installing the GNS3 server and GUI, install

IOS on UNIX (IOU) related files.
Install IOU Dependencies
Installing the IOU dependencies allows you to run Cisco IOS on UNIX binary images in GNS3.
IOU images are Linux binary files that emulate the features of Cisco IOS L2 and L3 devices, and
are a handy way to create switches, and use advanced IOS 15.x features that are not available in
most of the IOS images that run under dynamips. You must provide your own IOU image files,
as GNS3 is unable to provide them. Enter the following commands to install the IOU
dependencies. This video shows you how:

sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0:i386

sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/

sudo apt-get install bison

sudo apt-get install flex

sudo apt-get install git

git clone

cd iniparser


sudo cp libiniparser.* /usr/lib/

sudo cp src/iniparser.h /usr/local/include

sudo cp src/dictionary.h /usr/local/include

cd ..

After installing the IOU dependencies you can compile the iouyap application.

Step 8: Compile and Install IOUYAP

IOU devices can be networked to other device in GNS3. The iouyap program provides the ability
to add IOU devices to your GNS3 workspace and link their Ethernet interfaces to other devices,
like dynamips routers. The following commands will compile and install iouyap.


cd iouyap-0.95

sudo make install

sudo cp iouyap /usr/local/bin

cd ..

After installing iouyap, install the ubridge application. This video shows you how:

Step 9: Install other supporting software; Cpulimit,

Virtualbox, QEMU and Wireshark.
The cpulimit application allows GNS3 to reduce CPU usage when running Cisco ASA devices
in GNS3. With VirtualBox installed you can link emulated VirtualBox devices with other GNS3
devices. QEMU (Quick Emulator) is another PC hypervisor, and it is used to create and run
Cisco ASA and other devices in GNS3. Wireshark is a powerful packet analyzer; using
Wireshark you can sniff packets from your virtual GNS3 networks and analyze them, just as
you can in the real world. Enter the following commands to complete your installation. This
video shows you how:

sudo apt-get install cpulimit

sudo apt-get install virtualbox

sudo apt-get install qemu

sudo apt-get install wireshark

Step 10: Compile and Install VPCS

VPCS is a simple but powerful little PC emulator that allows you to test your GNS3 networks using
commands like ping and trace. Enter the following commands to compile and install VPCS.


cd vpcs-0.6.1/src


sudo cp vpcs /usr/local/bin/

cd ../..

Complete the installation process by installing cpulimit, VirtualBox, QEMU, and Wireshark.

Note: No videos for this step.

Step 11: Install the Ubridge and other gns3 software.

Ubridge is a program used to bridge GNS3 devices to virtual machines running in VMware.
Enter these commands to compile and install the ubridge application.


cd ubridge-0.9.0


sudo make install

cd ..
Step 12: run gns3 in a terminal window.

You will now be presented with the GNS3 GUI, and a setup wizard to help get you started.

Note: No videos for this step.

Optional Step 13: Upgrading GNS3

You may have an occasion to upgrade GNS3. Use the following commands to upgrade the GNS3 server
and GUI applications. In the following example, I'm upgrading to GNS3 version 1.4.5. When entering the
commands, replace “1.4.5” with the version you wish to upgrade to. It's important to note that your server
and GUI applications must both be on the same version number.

sudo pip3 install gns3-gui==1.4.5

sudo pip3 install gns3-server==1.4.5

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