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The first cases of corona virus infection in Saudi Arabia, specifically

Jeddah, were reported on June 13, 2012; after this outbreak, corona virus continued
to spread overseas to many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America [1–4].
During this outbreak, most cases occurred in Middle Eastern countries, including
those in the Gulf region (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman,
Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq), as well as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and
Egypt. These countries were considered to be at high risk for corona virus infection
according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Thus, any person arriving from any of these countries should be screened at the
airport before entering, particularly after several cases of infection were reported
in European countries, including France and the United Kingdom [4–6].

The corona virus responsible for this outbreak was a novel virus that mainly
affected adults. The transmission mechanism and potential treatment strategies
were still unclear. Notably, although this virus initially appeared to only affect
adults, cases have also been observed in pediatric patients. Thus, this novel,
potentially fatal virus represented a substantial public health risk.

Protease inhibitors are a class of antiretroviral medication that people use

alongside other HIV drugs to manage HIV effectively. Protease inhibitors work by
stopping the activity of HIV protease enzymes, therefore preventing HIV from

People may take several pills each day, but many antiretroviral regimens
involve taking a single tablet once per day. There are many protease inhibitors
available, including atazanavir (Reyataz), darunavir (Prezista), Fosamprenavir
(Lexiva), and Saquinavir (Invirase).


“Cina Pakai Antivirus HIV untuk Obat Sementara Virus Corona”

Reporter : Antara
Editor: Mitra Tarigan
Senin, 27 Januari 2020 11:15 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Produsen obat AbbVie mengatakan Cina sedang menguji obat
HIV sebagai pengobatan sementara untuk gejala virus Corona.

Dikutip dari Reuters, 27 Januari 2020, otoritas kesehatan Cina meminta obat itu untuk
membantu upaya pemerintah mengatasi krisis, menurut Adelle Infante, juru bicara
AbbVie yang berbasis di Chicago Utara, Illinois. Aluvia, yang juga dikenal sebagai
Kaletra, adalah kombinasi lopinavir dan ritonavir.

Dalam panduan yang diterbitkan pada Kamis, pemerintah mengatakan tidak ada obat
anti-virus yang efektif tetapi menyarankan untuk menggunakan dua pil
lopinavir/ritonavir dan menghirup satu dosis interferon alfa-nebulisasi dua kali

Strain baru telah ditemukan setidaknya 70 persen serupa dalam urutan genom pada
tahun 2000 yang dikenal sebagai SARS-CoV, virus hewan yang diyakini berasal dari
kelelawar, yang pertama kali menginfeksi manusia di provinsi Guangdong di Cina
selatan pada tahun 2000-2002. dikutip dari

Dua tahun setelah penularan, penelitian besar diajukan yang menyatakan bahwa PI,
suatu kelas obat antivirus yang digunakan untuk mengobati HIV/AIDS, dapat
digunakan untuk mengobati SARS.
Penelitian itu mengungkapkan bahwa salah satu obat yang dikenal sebagai nelfinavir
"sangat menghambat hubungan virus corona SARS", yang mengarah pada penurunan
racun dalam sel yang sudah terinfeksi.

Seorang petugas medis menangani pasien yang diduga terinfeksi virus corona di Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan
University, Wuhan, Cina, Jumat 24 Januari 2020. FOTO/ANTARA/HO-Xinhua/Xiongqi/mii/aa

WHO meminta tinjauan sistematis dan ringkasan komprehensif dari perawatan

protease inhibitor yang digunakan untuk pasien yang terinfeksi SARS untuk
memandu pengobatan di masa depan dan mengidentifikasi prioritas untuk penelitian.

Pada tahun yang sama, para ilmuwan menemukan keberhasilan dalam menggunakan
protease inhibitor lain termasuk lopinavir, ritonavir, dan ribavirin pada 41 pasien
yang terinfeksi SARS, jenis penyakit yang sama ditemukan dalam wabah baru virus

Studi itu menemukan ketiga perawatan menghasilkan hasil negatif "jauh lebih
rendah", dengan 2,4 persen memiliki hasil klinis yang buruk dibandingkan dengan
28,8 persen tanpa menggunakan obat tersebut.
Michael Mina, seorang ahli epidemiologi di Harvard School of Public Health,
mengungkapkan para ahli di Galveston menggunakan protease inhibitor "yang agak
berhasil" untuk mengatasi coronavirus.

Ahli mikrobiologi Yuen Kwok-yung dari Universitas Hong Kong telah mendesak
warga di Cina untuk tidak khawatir dan mengonfirmasi penggunaan protease
inhibitor akan digunakan untuk memerangi infeksi.

Menurut WHO, virus Corona baru menyebabkan demam, kelelahan, sakit

tenggorokan dan batuk kering pada tahap awal penyakit.

Seiring perkembangan penyakit, pasien mungkin mengalami kesulitan bernapas.

Tetapi gejala-gejala virus Corona mirip dengan banyak penyakit pernapasan lainnya
yang membuatnya sangat sulit untuk dikendalikan .

Treatments for HIV involve taking antiretroviral drugs. Protease inhibitors are
one of seven classes of antiretroviral drugs.

Antiretroviral drugs are designed to treat HIV. Different drugs have different
mechanisms of action. Protease inhibitors work by blocking the activity of HIV
protease, which is an enzyme that HIV needs to multiply.

A healthcare professional usually prescribes three or more drugs to treat HIV, which is
called high action antiretroviral therapy (HAART), combination antiretroviral therapy
(cART), or antiretroviral therapy (ART). One of these may be a protease inhibitor.

When HIV enters a person's body, it makes copies of itself by inserting its virus DNA
into specific immune system cells, called CD4 cells. CD4 cells coordinate the immune
system, directing it to fight off infections.

When HIV places itself inside the CD4 cells, they lose their ability to work. HIV then
instructs the CD4 cells to make new HIV proteins and HIV genetic material, which it
uses to create more viruses that can target more CD4 cells.

Over time, this damages the immune system by reducing the number of working CD4
cells in the body, making a person more susceptible to diseases and infections.

Protease inhibitors interfere with HIV's ability to make new viruses inside the CD4
cells. Specifically, they block an enzyme known as protease. Protease breaks down
HIV proteins, using those smaller particles to make new viruses that can mature and
When a protease inhibitor blocks protease, HIV cannot break down its proteins to make
new viruses. As a result, it cannot multiply, and it stops spreading.

Protease inhibitors are not a cure for HIV, but when taken in combination with other
effective antiretroviral drugs, protease inhibitors can decrease HIV to undetectable
levels in the body. When the virus is undetectable, it is no longer transmittable through
sexual contact.

This means that a person living with HIV who adheres to an effective treatment plan
can live a healthy life without risk of transmitting HIV to others.


Protease inhibitors are a class of antiretroviral medication that people use alongside
other HIV drugs to manage HIV effectively. Protease inhibitors work by stopping the
activity of HIV protease enzymes, therefore preventing HIV from multiplying.

People may take several pills each day, but many antiretroviral regimens involve taking
a single tablet once per day. There are many protease inhibitors available, including
atazanavir (Reyataz), darunavir (Prezista), Fosamprenavir (Lexiva), and Saquinavir

HIV is a treatable condition. Taking all HIV medications as prescribed helps a person
keep HIV under control. This prevents damage to the immune system and removes the
risk of spreading HIV to sexual partners. Within 3 to 6 months of effective treatment,
a person's viral load is usually undetectable.

Today's advanced antiretroviral medicines allow people living with HIV to live long,
healthy lives. Getting tested and diagnosed is the first step toward effective treatment


Penelitian besar diajukan yang menyatakan bahwa Proteasen Inhibitor, suatu kelas
obat antivirus yang digunakan untuk mengobati HIV/AIDS, dapat digunakan untuk
mengobati SARS.

Penelitian itu mengungkapkan bahwa salah satu obat yang dikenal sebagai
nelfinavir "sangat menghambat hubungan virus corona SARS", yang mengarah
pada penurunan racun dalam sel yang sudah terinfeksi.

Para ilmuwan menemukan keberhasilan dalam menggunakan protease inhibitor lain

termasuk lopinavir, ritonavir, dan ribavirin pada 41 pasien yang terinfeksi SARS,
jenis penyakit yang sama ditemukan dalam wabah baru virus Corona.

Studi itu menemukan ketiga perawatan menghasilkan hasil negatif "jauh lebih
rendah", dengan 2,4 persen memiliki hasil klinis yang buruk dibandingkan dengan
28,8 persen tanpa menggunakan obat tersebut.

Aisha M. Osail and Marwan J. Al-Wazzah. 2017. “The history and epidemiology of
Middle East respiratory syndrome corona virus.” Al-Osail and Al-Wazzah
Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 12:20 DOI 10.1186/s40248-017-0101-8

Antara. “Cina Pakai Antivirus HIV untuk Obat Sementara Virus Corona.” Dunia
Tempo. Dilihat pada 30 Januari 2020

What are protease inhibitors for HIV? Dilihat di web pada tanggal 30 Januari 2020.

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