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1. which most important action of inflammation which causes pulp necrosis?

a. odntoblast degeneration/ destruction

b. odontoblast Aspiration
c. dilatation of vessel/ vascular dilation
d. leukocytes diapedesis
2. Gracey and universal difference:
1. gracey area specific/ universal used anywhere
2) gracey 1 cutting edge/ universal 2
3) offset of gracey 70/ universal 85
4) gracey semicircular/ universal triangular
3. Treatment of Fucation type II involvement with non graft regenerative technique:
a. osseous coagulum
b. GTR
4. type of dressing used after GTR for type II furcation.
a. non eugenol dressing
b.eugenol based dressing
5. 5-6 months after crown lengthening:
a. maturation of pdl
b. formation of junctional epithelium
6. Before placing restoration in pedo in prepared cavities:
a. clean and dry
b. cavity varnish ??
c. base
d. CaOH2 liner
7.success of osteointegration depends on: medical condition?
b.poor temperature control during cutting
c.size of implant
d.implant oxide layer contamination
8. Niti feature:
a. shape memory
9.Case about: Heavy calculi and plaque which type of ultrasonic that moves in elliptical motion:
a. magnetic
b. piezoelecrtic
c. ultrasonic
10. Type of odontogenic pain:
a. PA and periodontal pain
b. maxillary sinusitis
c. sialolithiasis
11.Pain during meal time=Sialolith
12. Low cariogenic bacteria:
a.high mineral?
b.Ph above 3
c. low protein
13. Herpetic whitlow =fingers

14. 6mm space =lingual plate

15. Vascular dilation seen in which zone?

a.cell free zone,?
b.cell rich zone
d.pulp core

16. Diagram of a case, Diabetic pt.misiing lower anteriors + complete edentulous upper arch =
best treatment is to be done is:
b.implant supported prosthesis
d.Removable partial denture

17. Calcifying odontogenic tumor histology

a. Ghost cell

18. Artery of upper lip? Maxillary or facial ?

19. Artery of tmj= external carotid artery

20. Sensation of TMJ= auriculptemporal

21. Lichen planus caused by.


22. Best stress transfer under amalgam:

a.sound enamel,
b.sound dentin.
c.Thick base
d.thin base

23. Compomer is polyacid modified composite resin

24. Lutting cement that is mixed very slowly to get a consistency is:
a.resin cement
c.zinc phosphate ?
d.zinc polycarboxylate

25. Butadiene styrene co polymer is a type of which acrylic denture?

a.cross linked acrylic
b. high strength acrylic

26. orthodontic functional appliance is contraindicated in which class II patient:

a.maxillary incisor protruded
b.maxillary incisor retruded
c.mandibular incisor protruded?
d.mandibular incisor retruded
27. best plan to stop active thumb sucking habit is by:
a. reassurance
b.stop before eruption of upper permanent incisors
c. stop after permanent molars euption

28. pt with swelling , relatted to decayed lower molar, allergic to penicillin. what do you do?
a. RCT first, amoxicilllin after
b. amoxicillin first, RCT after
c. clindamycin first and RCT after
d. RCT first and clindamycin after
29. when to use heated/ thermoplasticized GP:
a. irregularities in canal
b. curved and small after prep
c. when lateral condensation in difficult
30. Success of rotary endo
a. Pre Coronal flaring
b. Use of EDTA
c. irrigation

31. best location and size of root perforation that is favorable.

a.small perforation below height of bone crest?
b.large perforation below height of bone crest
c.small perforation at height of bone crest
d.large perforation at height of bone crest

32.prognosis of endo treatment decreases in which case:

a.necrotic pulp with Periapical RL.
b.Necrotic pulp.
c.necrotic pulp without periapical RL.
33. medication of weeping canal is = calcium hyrdroxide
34. A tooth very painful to percussion, doesn’t respond to heat, cold or the electric pulp tester.
The most probable diagnosis is:
a. Reversible pulpitis.
b. Irreversible pulpitis.
c. Acute apical periodontitis.
35. interproximal bone on xray is parallel to = CEJ
36.failure of hertwig and epithelium layer to join before dentinogenesis will cause.
a.accessory canal? root dentin
c.intermediate cementum
37. Surveying is done:
a.on diagnostic cast
b.working cast
c.before final impression
38. Incision done by which blade. 11
39. Patient came for restorative work with Blood Pressure 200/160 treatment:
a. Anti stress
b. Anesthesia without epinephrine
c. Nothing, it's just chair stress d. Reschedule and send him for physician consult
40. pt came to the clinic of the retention of his upper complete denture, on examination you
noticed bubbles distal to the PPS upon pressing in the middle of the denture. you checked the
flanges extension & you noticed adequate retention there.. whats ur treatment.
b. remake
c.reduce from PPS and smooth

41. PICTURE.. tongue with half of the tip is bluish purple, what's your diagnosis:
a. hemangioma
b. SSC
c. Mucucele
d. papilloma
42. When you want to extract maxillary premolar what should you use: "I'm not sure abt this
one after searching I think it's D"
a. No.1 maxillary forceps.
b. No. 210S maxillary forceps.
c. No. 88 right & left maxillary forceps.
d. universal No. 150 maxillary forceps.
43. 2% taper of endo files means:
a. the difference from tip to D16.
b. 0.02 mm increase from the tip to the handle.

44. what's the first number of carpules of 2% lidocain for a 15 kg child?

a. 1
b. 2.4
c. 3.2
45. The type of bone that has least success:
a. Type I
b. Type II
c. Type III
d. Type IV

46.probiotics is : found in dietary products.

47.prophylaxis antibiotic given during:
a.shedding of primary
b.removal of suture.
c.intraligamentary anesthesia
48.chronic sinusitis type of bacteria.
a.primarily aerobes
b.primarly anaerobes.
c.mixed aerobes and anaerobes
d.80%aerobes and 20 unaerobes.
49. which has higest recurrence percentage?
a. OKC
b. dentigerous cyst
50.treatment of dentigerou cyst
a. nothing with long term follow up
c.enucleation with flow up
51. nerve for the lingual of maxillary posterior teeth when doing more than one restoration.
a.lesser palatine
b.greater palatine nerve
52. which anesthesia technique is given with IAN block fails due to anatomy variation?
a.akinosi technique
b.Gow-gates technique
53.Before placement of Fissure sealant, what should you do?
a. clean the surface with polishing paste
b. clean with polishing burs
c.occlusal reduction
54.function of Gingival Marginal trimmer.
a. removal of undermined enamel at the gingival floor
b. removal of facial surface in Class V restorations
55. What is the cavo-surface angle of prep. for amalgam restoration:
a. 30 degree
b. 60 degree
c. 90 degree
d. 130 degree.

56.patient with anterior caries and you want to place a provisional esthetic restoration

a.zinc phosphate cement

b.zinc polycarboxylate cement

c.composite resin

d.silicate cement.?

57. Retention of amalgam depends on:

a. Amalgam bond.
b. Convergency of walls oclusally.
c. Divergency of walls oclusally.
d. Retentive pins.

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