Sei sulla pagina 1di 18

MIL-R-1854bE m 9777706 1975460 5 0 T m

3 May 1994
13 J u l y 1965



T h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n i s approved f o r use by a l l
Departments and Agencies o f t h e Department o f Defense.


1.1 Scope. Thisspecificationcoversthegeneralrequirementsfor power type,wire-uound, fixed

r e s i s t o r s which u t i l i z e t h e p r i n c i p a l o f heat d i s s i p a t i o n through a metalmountingsurface. The r e s i s t o r s
havean i n i t i a l r e s i s t a n c e t o l e r a n c e o f 21 percent and a resistance-temperature characteristic range from
30 ppn per "C t o 200 ppn per O C depending upon the resistance value. They a r e n o t s u i t a b l e f o r a p p l i c a t i o n
when the alternating current (ac) characteristics are of critical importance; however, provisions have been
made t o minimize the inductance.

1.2 Classification.

1.2.1 P a r t o r I d e n t i f y i n g Nunber (PIN). The P I N s h a l l be i n thefollowing form,andas s p e c i f i e d (see

3.1 and 6.3).

RE65 C 1O01
Style Characteristic Resistance
(see (see (see Sfvle. The s t y l e i s i d e n t i f i e d bythetwo-letter symbol aaREaafollowed by atwo d i g i t nunber; the

l e t t e r s i d e n t i f y chassis-mounted, power type, wire-wound, f i x e d r e s i s t o r , and the nunber i d e n t i f i e s t h e s i z e
and power r a t i n g o f t h e r e s i s t o r . Characteristic. The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c i s i d e n t i f i e d by a s i n g l e l e t t e r which i d e n t i f i e s t h e maxinun

continuousoperating temperature,and inductive (C) or noninductive (13) method o f winding i n accordance w i t h
t a b l e 1.

TABLE I . Characteristic.

symbo l Method o f M a x i m continuous



i Inductive

Beneficial c m n t s ( r e c m n d a t i o n s , additions, deletions) andany pertinent data which may be o f use i n
improving t h i s document should beaddressed to: Comnander, Defense Electronics SupplyCenter,
ATTN: DESC-ES, 1507 WilmingtonPike, Dayton, OH 45444-5274, by usingtheStandardization Document
Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing a t t h e end o f t h i s docunent o r b y l e t t e r .


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved f o r p u b l i c release; d i s t r i b u t i o n i s u n l i m i t e d .

Licensed by Information Handling Services

MIL-R-3854bE 9999906 3975463 44b b 1

MIL-R-18546E Resistance. l h e nominalresistancevalue expressed i n ohms i s i d e n t i f i e d by a f o u r d i g i t nunber;

the f i r s t t h r e e r e p r e s e n t s i g n i f i c a n t f i g u r e s , and t h e l a s t d i g i t s p e c i f i e s t h e nunber o f zeros t o f o l l o w .
Where f r a c t i o n a l v a l u e s o f an ohm, and valuesoflessthan 100 ohms are required, t h e l e t t e r I8Rl1 is
s u b s t i t u t e d f o r one of t h e s i g n i f i c a n t d i g i t s t o representthedecimalpoint. When t h e l e t t e r lSRooi s used,
thesucceeding d i g i t s become s i g n i f i c a n t . The followingareexanplesof symbols forresistancevalues:

OR05 = 0.05 ohm

OR10 = 0.10 ohm
lROO = 1.00 ohm
lORO = 10.0 ohms
1000 = 100 ohms
1001 1,000 ohms
1002 = 10,000 ohms

M i n i m and maximum nominalresistancevaluesshall be as s p e c i f i e d (see 3.1). lhe standard resistance

values for every decade s h a l l f o l l o w t h e sequence demonstrated f o r t h e "1 t o 10" decade (see t a b l e I I ) .

TABLE I I . Standardresistancevaluesforthe 1 t o 10 decade. I/

1 .o0 1.50 2.26 3.40 5.00 7.15

1 .o2 1.54 2.32 3.48 5.11 7.32
1 .os 1.58 2.37 3.57 5.23 7.50
1 .O7 1.62 2.43 3.65 5.36 7.68
1.10 1.65 2.49 3.74 5 -49 7.87
1 .I3 1.69 2.55 3.83 5.62 8.00
1.1s 1.74 2.61 3.92 5.76 8.06
1.18 1.78 2.67 4.02 5.90 8.25
1.21 1.82 2.74 4.12 6.00 8.45
1.24 1.87 2.80 4.22 6.04 8.66
1.27 1.91 2.87 4.32 6.19 8.87
1.96 1.30 2 -94 4.42 6.34 9.09
1.33 2 .o0 3.01 4 -53 6.49 9.31
1.37 2.05 3.09 4.64 6.65 9.53
1.40 2.10 3.16 4.75 6.81 9.76
2.15 1.433.24 4.87 6.98 9.90
1.47 2.21 3.32 4 -99 7.00

-1/ Resistors having resistance values not listed herein, or i n any

other decade, s h a l l be considered as notconforming to the


2.1 Government

2.1.1 Specifications.standards. and

handbooks. The followingspecifications,standards, and handbooks
f o r map a r to ft h i s docunent totheextentspecifiedherein.Unlessotherwisespecified,theissuesof
these d o c e n t s a r e those l i s t e d i n the issue of the Department of DefenseIndex of Specifications and
Standards (DODISS) andsupplement t h e r e t o , c i t e d i n t h e s o l i c i t a t i o n (see 6.1).



MIL-R-39009 - Resistors,Fixed, Wire-wound (Power

Type, Chassis,Mounted), E s t a b l i s h e dR e l i a b i l i t y ,
General S p e c i f i c a t i o n f o r .
MIL-R-39032 - Resistors, Packaging o f .

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MIL-STD-202 - Test Methods f o rE l e c t r o n i c and E l e c t r i c a l Component Parts.

MIL-STD-1276 - Leads f o rE l e c t r o n i c Component Parts.
MIL-STD-1285 - MarkingofElectrical and ElectronicParts.

(Unless otheruise indicated, copies of the federal and m i l i t a r y s p e c i f i c a t i o n s , standards,and handbooks

are available from the Defense Printing Service Detachment Office, Building 40 (Customer Service), 700
Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)

2.1.2 Other G o v e r w n t docunents.drawings. and publications. The f o l l o u i n go t h e r Goverrment docunents,

drawings, and publications form a p a r t o f t h i s docunent to the extent specified herein. Unless otheruise
specified, the issues are those cited in the solicitation.


HandbookH28 - Screw-ThreadStandards f o r FederalServices.

(Application for copies should beaddressed t o t h e Superintendentof Docunents, G o v e r m n t P r i n t i n g

Office, Uashington, DC 20402)

(Copies of specifications, standards, and o t h e r G o v e r w n t docunents required by contractors i n connection

uith specific acquisition functions should be obtained from t h e c o n t r a c t i n g a c t i v i t y o r as directed by the
contracting activity.)

2.3 Order of precedence. I n the event of a c o n f l i c t betueen t h e t e x t o f ' t h i s docunent and thereferences
c i t e d h e r e i n (except for related associated detail specifications or specification sheets), the text of this
docunent shalltake precedence. Nothing i n t h i s docunent,houever,supersedes applicablelaus and
regulations unless a s p e c i f i c exemptionhas been obtained.


3.1 D e t a i ls p e c i f i c a t i o n . The individual item requirements s h a l l be as specifiedherein and i n

accordance u i t h t h e a p p l i c a b l e d e t a i l s p e c i f i c a t i o n . In the event of any c o n f l i c t betueentherequirements
o f t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n and t h e d e t a i l s p e c i f i c a t i o n , t h e l a t t e r s h a l l govern(see 6.1).

3.2 Qualification.Resistorsfurnished under t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n s h a l l be productsuhichareauthorized

by t h e q u a l i f y i n g a c t i v i t y f o r l i s t i n g on the applicable qualified products list at the time of auard of
contract (see 4.4 and6.2).

3.3 M a t e r i a l .l h em a t e r i a ls h a l l beas specifiedherein. However, when a d e f i n i t em a t e r i a li sn o t

specified, a m a t e r i a l s h a l l be usedwhich u i l l enable t h e r e s i s t o r s t o meet the performancerequirements of
thisspecification. Acceptance orapprovalof any constituent material shall not be construed as a guaranty
of the acceptance of the finished product.

3.4 Design and construction.Resistorsshall be ofthe design, construction, and physical dimensions
specified(see 3.1). Resistors shall be uound u i t h a single layer of resistance wire (round or flat-uound
ribbon), except as otheruise required f o r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c IlNo*. I n ordertominimizeinductancefor
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c 08Neo, r e s i s t o r s s h a l l beuound by one of the following methods:

a. Ayrton-Perry.

b. Bifilar.

3.4.1 Windings. Wire. Each r e s i s t o rs h a l l beuound u i t h a conductorhavingnojoints, welds, o r bonds w i t h i n

each terminated resistance element,except f o r a splice at the midpoint of any b i f i l a r winding and a t t h e
end terminals. I n nocase s h a l l t h e nominaldiameter be lessthan .O01 inch (0.03 mn) and theabsolute
minimun diameter be less than .O009 inch (0.023 mn) (see 3.1).

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MIL-R-L854bE œ 999990b L975463 219 œ

MIL-R-18546E U. Forroundwire,theaveragewinding p i t c hs h a l ln o t exceed 325 percent,norbelessthan

200 percent of the wire diameter, except that for resistance values less than 1 ohm, a m i n i m p i t c h o f 150
percent i s permitted. E f f e c t i v e w i r e coverage. E f f e c t i v e w i r e coverage i s t h e windinglength on thetube between

points of departure from the nominalwinding pitch. The e f f e c t i v e w i r e coverage s h a l l such t h a t n o t more
than 20 percent of the overall body length shall remainuncovered (by wire).

3.4.2 Protectivecoatinqorenclosure.lheresistance element and caps s h a l l beprotectedbyacoating

or an enclosure which shallcompletely cover the exterior of the resistance element and caps. The enclosure
s h a l l be free from holes,fissures,chips, and other faults. Sm a
l cracks and moldingflaws which do not
adversely affect the units ability to meet a l l e n v i r o m n t a l requirements of this specification w i
l not be
considered ascause f o r r e j e c t i o n . The exposed end of the enclosure shall prevent the entrapment of

3.4.3 Housinq. The housingshall be made from an a l u n i n u n a l l o y and s h a l l be protectedagainst

corrosion. A l fastenersshall be suitablyplated.Unplated copper bearingmetalsshallnotbe used i n

3.4.4 Terminals.Connection o f r e s i s t o r windings t ot e r m i n a l ss h a l lr e s u l t in aj o i n tt h a ti s

e l e c t r i c a l l y s t a b l e and mechanicallystrong. Uhen applicable, terminals shall be s u i t a b l y t r e a t e d t o
facilitatesoldering. The terminals shall be f i r m l y secured and shall not be s o l e l y dependenton the
protective coating or enclosure for mechanicalanchorage. Solder dip (retinning)leads.Onlythemanufacturer o r hisauthorized MIL-R-39009 category B o r

C d i s t r i b u t o r who has previously beenapproved may s o l d e r d i p / r e t i n t h e l e a d s o f p r o d u c t s u p p l i e d t o t h i s
specification provided the solder dip/retin pmcess has been approved by t h e q u a l i f y i n g a c t i v i t y . Qualifyingactivityamroval. Approvalofthesolderdip/retinprocess wi

l be basedon one of
the following options:

a.Uhen theoriginalleadfinishqualified was hot solder dip lead finish 52 o f MIL-STD-1276(Note:

The 200-microinch maximun thickness i s not applicable.), the manufacturer shall use the same solder
dip process f o r r e t i n n i n g as i s used i n t h e o r i g i n a l manufacture of the product.

b. Uhen t h e l e a d o r g i n a l t y q u a l i f i e d was not hot solder dip lead finish 52 of MIL-STD-1276 as

prescribed i n, approval for the process to be used f o r s o l d e r dip s h a l l be basedon the
f o l l o w i n g t e s t procedure:

(1) T h i r t y sanplesof any resistance value for each s t y l e and l e a d f i n i s h a r e s u b j e c t e d t o t h e

manufacturer'ssolderdip process. Followingthesolderdip process, the resistors are subjected
t o t h e dc resistance test and other group A e l e c t r i c a l s . No defectsareallowed.

(2) T e n of the 30 sanplesarethensubjected tothesolderabilitytest. No defectsareallowed.

(3) The remaining 20 sanplesaresubjected to the resistance to solder heat test followed by t h e
moisture resistance test. Solderdip/retinninsoptions. The manufacturer may s o l d e r d i p / r e t i n as follows:

a. A f t e r t h e group A t e s t s and following the solder dip/retinning process, t h e e l e c t r i c a l measurements

required i n group A, subgroup 1 s h a l l berepeated on t h e l o t . The group A, subgroup 1, l o t
r e j e c t i o n c r i t e r i a s h a l l be used. F o l l o w i n g t h i s t e s t , t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s h a l l s u b i t t h e l o t t o t h e
group A s o l d e r a b i l i t y t e s t as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.3.

b. As a c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n i f the lot fails the group A s o l d e r a b i l i t y t e s t .

3.4.5 Threaded m r t s . Al threadedpartsshall be i n accordance w i t h Handbook H28.

3.4.6 Ueiqht.Resistorsshallnot exceed the maximun weightspecified(see 3.1).

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MIL-R-II854bE D 777990b I I 9 7 5 4 b 4 II55


e 3.5 Voltagerating.Resistorsshall have a rateddirectcurrent(dc)continuousworkingvoltage,or

approximate s i n e wave r o o t mean square(rms)continuousworkingvoltage a t comnerical l i n e frequency and
waveform corresponding t o t h e power rating, as determined from the following formula:

E = m

Where: E = rated dc or rms continuousworkingvoltage

P = power r a t i n g (see 3.1)
R = nominalresistance

3.6 DC resistance. Uhen r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.1, the dc res istance shall be w i t h i n

1 percentofthenominalresistance(see and 3.1).

3.7 Solderability(asapplicable) (see 3.12. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.3, t h e f l a t

portion of the terminal shall be considered as the solderable area, and must be completelysolderable.

3.8 Terminalstrength. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.4, t h e r es h a l l be noevidence of

mechanical damage.Thechange i n resistanceshallnot exceed t(O.2 percent +O.OS ohm).

3.9 Resistance-temperaturecharacteristic. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.5, the

resistance-temperature characteristic shall not exceed t0.0030 percent per O C (30 ppn per "C) for resistance
valuesof 20 ohms and higher, i0.0050 percentper "C (SO ppn per " C ) for resistance values from 1 ohm t o
19.6 ohms, tO.01 percentper 'C (100 ppn per " C ) forresistancevaluesfrom 0.1 ohm t o 0.976 ohm, and 20.02
percentper 'C (200 ppn per "C) for resistance values from .OS ohm t o .O9 ohm.

3.10 Temperature. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.6, thereshallbe noevidence of

mechanical damage. Softeningofthesolderduringtest,except where i t used s o l e l y asa t i n n i n g agent,
s h a l l be considered a b a s i s f o r f a i l u r e . Thechange i n resistance shall not exceed t(0.S percent +0.05

3.11 Dielectricwithstandingvoltage. Uhen r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.7, r e s i s t o r ss h a l l

notflashover, show any evidenceof damage, arcing, or insulation breakdown, nor achange i n resistance i n
excess o f t ( 0 . 2 percent +O.OS ohm), as applicable.

3.12 Insulationresistance. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.8, theinsulationresistance

shallnot be less than 10,000 megohms.

3.13 Thermal shock. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.9, the change i n resistanceshallnot

exceed k(0.S percent +O.OS ohm) nor shall there be any evidence o f mechanical damage which will r e s u l t i n

3.14 Momentary overload. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.10, the change i n resistance

shallnot exceed t(0.S percent +O.OS ohm),and there shall beno evidence ofarcing,burning,orcharring.

3.15 Moistureresistance. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.11, the change i n resistance

s h a l l n o t exceed t(1 percent +O.OS ohm).The insulationresistanceshallnot be lessthan 1,000 megohms.
There s h a l l be no evidenceofbreaking,cracking,looseningofterminals,orcorrosion.

3.16 Life. When tested as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.12, r e s i s t o r ss h a l ld i s s i p a t en o tl e s st h a nt h er a t e d power

input (see 3.1) withoutexceeding a change i n resistance i n excess o f t(1 percent +O.OS ohm) betueen the
i n i t i a l measurement and any succeeding measurement.The insulationresistanceshall be notlessthan 10,000
megohms, and t h e r e s h a l l benoevidence o f mechanical damage.

3.17 Shock, (specifiedpulse). When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.13, t h e r es h a l l beno

electrical discontinuity during the test, the change i n resistance shall not exceed t(0.2 percent +O.OS
ohm),and t h e r es h a l l benoevidence of mechanical damage. Resistorsshall meet thedielectricwithstanding
voltage requirements specified i n 3.11.

3.18 Vibration.highfrequency. When r e s i s t o r sa r et e s t e d as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.14, thereshall beno

electrical discontinuity during the test, the change i n resistance shall not exceed +(0.2 percent +O.OS
ohm), and t h e r e s h a l l benoevidenceofmechanical damage. Resistorsshall meet t h e d i e l e c t r i c
withstanding voltage requirements specified i n 3.11.

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3.19 Marking. Resistorsshall be marked withthetypedesignation and themanufacturer's name,

trademark, o r code symbol. Al markings may appear on one f l a t a t t h e manufacturer'soption; however, a l l
markings must be v i s i b l e a f t e r mounting.There s h a l l be nospacebetween t h e symbols whichcomprisethe
type designation.Markingsshallremainlegibleatthe end o f a l l t e s t s .

3.20 Workmanship. Resistors shall be processed i n such a manner as t o be uniform i n q u a l i t y and s h a l l be

f r e e from corrosion,holes,fissures,chips, and other defects that may a f f e c t l i f e , s e r v i c e a b i l i t y , o r

3.20.1 Soldering. Uhere s o l d e r i n g i s employed, onlynoncorrosivefluxesshall beused, unless i t can be

shown that corrosive elementshavebeen s a t i s f a c t o r i l y removed after soldering. Solder shall not be used
forobtainingmechanicalstrength.Electricalconnectionsshall be mechanicallysecurebeforesoldering and
e l e c t r i c a l l y continuous a f t e r s o l d e r i n g . Except for solder used t o coattheterminals,thesolder used
s h a l l i n no case s t a r t t o melt a t atemperaturelessthan +300"C.


4.1 Reswnsibilityforinspection.Unlessotherwisespecified i n thecontractorpurchaseorder,the

contractor is responsible for the performance o f allinspectionrequirements(examinations and t e s t s ) as
specified herein. Exceptas otherwise specified i n thecontractorpurchaseorder,thecontractor may use
h i s own o r any o t h e r f a c i l i t i e s s u i t a b l e f o r t h e performance o f the inspection requirements herein, unless
disapprovedbytheGoverment.lhe Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set
f o r t h in t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n where such inspections are deemed necessary t o ensure supplies and s e r v i c e
conform to prescribed requirements.

4.1.1 R e s p o n s i b i l i t yf o r compliance. Al itemsshall meet a l l requirementsofsections 3 and 5 . The

i n s p e c t i o n s e t f o r t h i n t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n s h a l l become a p a r t o f t h e c o n t r a c t o r ' s o v e r a l l i n s p e c t i o n system
o r q u a l i t y program. l h e absence of any inspectionrequirements i n t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s h a l l n o t r e l i e v e t h e
contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government f o r
acceptancecomply w i t h a l l requirements o f thecontract.Sanplinginspection, as partofmanufacturing
operations, i s an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance t o requirements, however, t h i s does not
authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does i t comnit the
Goverment t o accept defective material.

4.1.2 Test eauimnt and i n s p e c t i o n f a c i l i t i e s . l e s t equipment and i n s p e c t i o n f a c i l i t i e s s h a l l be o f

s u f f i c i e n t accuracy, q u a l i t y , and quantitytopermitperformanceofthe required inspection. The supplier
shall establish calibration of inspection equipnent t o t h e s a t i s f a c t i o n o f t h e Government.

4.2 C l a s s i f i c a t i o no fi n s p e c t i o n . The inspectionrequirementsspecifiedhereinareclassified as

f o l lows:

a. Q u a l i f i c a t i o ni n s p e c t i o n (see 4 . 4 ) .

b. Q u a l i t y conformance inspection(see 4.5).

(1) Inspectionofproductfordelivery(see 4.5.1).

(2) Inspectionofpreparationfordelivery (see 4.5.2).

4.3 Inswctionconditions.Unlessotherwisespecifiedherein, a l l inspectionsshall be made a t room

ambienttemperature, r e l a t i v e h u n i d i t y , and pressure.

4.4 Q u a l i f i c a t i o n i n s w c t i o n . Q u a l i f i c a t i o n i n s p e c t i o n s h a l l be performedataLaboratoryacceptableto
the Goverment (see 6.2).
4.4.1 S a d e . l h e nunber ofsanpleunitsconprisinga sample o f r e s i s t o r s t o be submittedfor
qualificationinspectionshall be as s p e c i f i e d i n the appendix t o t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n . l h e sample s h a l l be
taken from a production run and s h a l l be produced with equipment and procedures normally used i n

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MIL-R-185YbE '3919906 L975Ybb T28 H


4.4.2 Testroutine. Sample u n i t s s h a l l be subjected t o t h e q u a l i f i c a t i o n i n s p e c t i o n s p e c i f i e d in table

I I I , i n theorder shoun. A l l sample u n i t s exceptthose l i s t e d undergroup I A s h a l l be subjected to the
inspection of group I . The 18 sample u n i t s s h a l l t h e n be d i v i d e d e q u a l l y i n t o 3 groups o f 6 sample u n i t s
each, f o r groups I I t o IV inclusive, and s u b j e c t e d t o t h e i n s p e c t i o n f o r t h e i r p a r t i c u l a r group. The
uncoated or enclosed sample units s h a l l be subjected to the inspection of group V.

4.4.3 Defectives.Failures i n excess o f thosealloued i n t a b l e I I I s h a l l be cause f o rr e f u s a lt og r a n t


4.5 Q u a l i t y conformance inspection.

4.5.1 InspectionofDroductfordelivery.Inspectionofproductfordeliveryshallconsistof groups A,

B, and C inspections. Delivery of products whichhavepassed the groups A and B inspections shall not be
delayed pending the results of group C inspection. I n s p e c t i o nl o t . An inspectionlot, as f a r as p r a c t i c a l ,s h a l lc o n s i s to fa l lr e s i s t o r so ft h e
same s t y l e , producedunder e s s e n t i a l l y t h e same conditions, and o f f e r e d f o r i n s p e c t i o n a t one time. Two o r
more resistance values may be grouped together i n one lot provided they are otherwise alike. Productionlot. A p r o d u c t i o nl o ts h a l lc o n s i s to fa l lr e s i s t o r so ft h e same style, nominal

resistance value, and termination type. G r o w A inspection. Group A inspectionshallconsistoftheinspectionspecified in table IV,

and s h a l l be made on the same set of sample units, i n the order shoun. Samlinqplan(group A). Subgroup 1. A sample o fp a r t s from each i n s p e c t i o nl o ts h a l l be randomly selected i n

accordance u i t h t a b l e V. I f one o r more defectsare found, t h e l o t s h a l l be rescreened and defects removed.
After screening andremoval of defects, a neusample o f p a r t s s h a l l be randomly selected i n accordance w i t h
t a b l e V. I f one o r more defectsarefound i n the second sample, t h e l o t s h a l l be rejected and s h a l l n o t be
suppliedtothisspecification.Resistancevalues i n the samples s h a l l be representative, andwhere
possible, i n p r o p o r t i o n t o t h e r e s i s t o r s i n the inspection lot. Subgroup 2. A sample ofpartsfrom each i n s p e c t i o n l o t s h a l l berandomly selected i n

accordance w i t h t a b l e V. I f one or more defectsare found, t h e l o t s h a l l be rescreened and defects removed.
Afterscreening and removal ofdefects,a new sample o f p a r t s s h a l l be randomly selected i n accordance u i t h
t a b l e V. I f one o r more defectsarefound i n the second sample, t h e l o t s h a l l be rejected and s h a l l n o t be
supplied to this specification. Subqroup 3 ( s o l d e r a b i l i t y ) . Sampling p l a n (subgroup 3). Five samples s h a l l be selected randomlyfrom each inspection
l o t and subjected to the subgroup 3 s o l d e r a b i l i t y t e s t . I f thereare one o r more d e f e c t s , t h e l o t s h a l l be
considered t o have f a i l e d . Rejectedlots. I n the event of one or more defects,theinspectionlot i s rejected. The

manufacturer may use one of the following options to rework t h e l o t :

a.Each p r o d u c t i o nl o tt h a t uas used t o formthefailedinspection l o t s h a l l be individuallysubmitted

tothesolderabilitytest as required i n 4.6.3. Production lots that pass t h e s o l d e r a b i l i t y t e s t
areavailablefor shipment. P r o d u c t i o n l o t s f a i l i n g t h e s o l d e r a b i l i t y t e s t canbereworked only i f
submitted to the solder dip procedure i n

b.The manufacturer subnits the failed lot to a 100 percentsolder dip using anapproved solder dip
process i n accordance u i t h Followingthesolder dip, t h ee l e c t r i c a l measurements required ,
i n group A, subgroup 2 t e s t s s h a l l be repeated on 100 percentofthelot. The PercentDefective
Allowable (PDA) f o r t h e e l e c t r i c a l measurements s h a l l be as f o rt h e subgroup 1 tests.Thirteen
additional samples shall then be selected and subjected to the solderability test with zero defects
allowed. I f t h el o tf a i l st h i ss o l d e r a b i l i t yt e s t ,t h el o ts h a l l bereworked a second time and
retested. I f thelotfailsthe secondrework, t h el o ts h a l l be consideredrejected and s h a l ln o t be
furnished against the requirements of this specification.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

NIL-R-LB546E 5999906 1975467 964


TABLE 1 1 1 . Q u a l i f i c a t i o ni n s p e c t i o n .

Inspection Requirement Nunber o f

paragraph defectives
allowed I/
Group I (18 coatedor
enclosed sample u n i t s )

)C resistance 2/ 3.6 4.6.1

i i s u a l and mechanical 3.1, 3.3, t o 4.6.2
inspect ions s/ 3.4.5 i n c l ,a m
3.19 t o 3.20.1
Group I A (4 coated or
enclosed sample u n i t s ) s/
jolderabi 1 it y 5/ 3.7 4.6.3
rerminalstrength 3.8 4.6.4

Group I I (6 coated or
enclosed sample u n i t s )

characteristic z/ 3.9 4.6.5
remperature 3.10 4.6.6
)ielectric withstanding voltage 3.11 4.6.7
Insulation resistance 3.12 4.6.8 1
rhermal shock 3.13 4.6.9
4omentary overload 3.14 4.6. 11
qoisture resistance 3.15 4.6. 1

Grow 1 1 1 (6 coated or
enclosed sample u n i t s

Life 3.16 4.6. 1,

Group I V (6 coated or
enclosed samole u n i t s )

Shock, (specifiedpulse) 3.17 4.6.13

Vibration,highfrequency 3.18 4.6.14

Group V (4 uncoated o r
unenclosed s a m l e u n i t s )

Visual andmechanical 3.1, 3.3 t o 4.6.2

inspections i n c l ,
3.4.4, and
3.20 t o 3.20.1
inc 1

-1 /
F a i l u r e of a r e s i s t o r i n one o r more t e s t s o f a g r o u p s h a l l be charged
as a single defect.
-2/Nondestructive tests.
3/ Marking shall be considered defective only i f marking or any p o r t i o n
thereof i s i l l e g i b l e . Markingshallremainlegibleatthe end o f a l l
4/ These sample units are subjected to group I A only.
5/ As applicable (see 3.1).

Licensed by Information Handling Services

MIL-R-LA54bE I9999906 L9754bA A T O I


TABLE I V . Group A inspection.

Inspection Nunber of sanples

Subgroup 1

DC resistance 3.6 4.6.1

Subsroup 2

Visual andmechanical
inspections ” _

Material 3.3 an¿ 3.4.3 ”- II

Dimensions 3.4 t o ”- II nic l
Design and construction 3.4.2 t o 3.4.5 “ _

(other than dimensions) incl

I “ _


” _


Subqroup 3

Solderability 3.7 4.6.3

TABLE V. Group A samplingplan.

Lot size Subgroup 1 Subgroup 2

sample s i z e sample s i z e

2 to 13 100 percent 100 percent

14 to 125 100 percent 13
126 to 150 125 13
151 to 280 125 20
281 to 500 29 125
501 to 1200 34 125
1201 to 3200 125 42
3201 to 10000 192 50
10001 to 35000 60 294
35001 to 150000 294 74
150001 to 500000 345 90
500001 and over 435 102 Dispositionof samples. The s o l d e r a b i l i t y t e s t i s considered a d e s t r u c t i v et e s t and

samples submitted t o t h e s o l d e r a b i l i t y t e s t s h a l l n o t be supplied on the contract. Group B inspection. Group B inspectionshallconsistofthetestsspecified i n t a b l e V I , i n the

order shown.They s h a l l be performed onsample u n i t s t h a t have been subjected to and havepassed thegroup
A inspection,unlessthe Government considers i t more p r a c t i c a l t o s e l e c t a sample from the lot for group B
inspection. Sampling plan(group B l . A sample o fp a r t ss h a l l be randomly selected i n accordance w i t h t a b l e

VII. I f one o r more defectsare found, t h e l o t s h a l l be rescreened and defects removed. Afterscreening
and removal ofdefects, a new sample o f p a r t s s h a l l be randomly selected i n accordance u i t h t a b l e VII. I f
one or more defects are found i n the second sample, t h e l o t s h a l l be rejected and s h a l l n o t be supplied t o
this specification.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

MIL-R-1854bE W 9799906 L975469 737


TABLE V I . Group B inspection.

Test Requirement Method

paragraph paragraph

Resistancetemperature c h a r a c t e r i s t i c 3.9 4.6.5

Temperature 3.10 4.6.6
Dielectric withstanding voltage 3.11 4.6.7
Insulation resistance 3.12 4.6.8
Thermalshock 3.13 4.6.9
Mmntarv overload 3.14 4.6.10

TABLE VII. Group Bsamplingplan.

Lot size Sample s i z e

2 to 5 100 percent
6 to 50 5
51 t o 90 7
91 t o 150 11
151 t o 280 13
281 t o 500 16
501 t o 1,200 19
1,201 t o 3,200 23
3,201 t o 10,000 29
0,001 t o 35,000 35
15,001 t o 150,000 40
50,001 t o 500,000 40
~00,001 and over 40 Despositonof sample u n i t s . Sample u n i t s whichhavebeen subjectedtogroup B i n s p e c t i o ns h a l l

not be delivered on the contract or purchase order. Group C inspection. Group C inspectionshallconsistofthetestsspecified i n t a b l e VIII, i n

theorder shown. Characteristic llNll sample u n i t s manufactured i n theprecedingperiodshall be tested i n
p r o p o r t i o n t o t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c lG1l sample units subjected to these tests. Sampling plan(group C). Quarterly. Ten sample u n i t so ft h e same s t y l e s h a l l be inspectedquarterly. Foursanple

u n i t s o f arly resistance value shall be subjected t o the tests of subgroup 1. Six sample u n i t s o f t h e same
s t y l e and highest resistance value shall be subjected to the tests of subgroup II. I f the nunber o f
defectives exceeds those allowed i n table VIII, the sample s h a l l beconsidered t o have f a i l e d . Semiannually.Twelve sample units, 6 f o r each o ft h e subgroups, ofthehighestresistance

value and i n the same s t y l e s h a l l be inspectedsemiannually. I f the nunber of defectives exceeds those
allowed i n t a b l e VIII, the sanple shall be considered t o have f a i l e d .


Licensed by Information Handling Services

MIL-R-1854bE m 99999Ob L975470 459 m


TABLE V I I I . Group C inspection.

equi rernent ethod Nunber of

lest laragraph aragrapt defects
allowed 11

Q u a r t e r l y (10 sample u n i t s )
Subgroup I (4 sample u n i t s )

Terminalstrength 2/ 3.8 4.6.4

Subgroup I I (6 sample u n i t s r

characteristic 3.9 4.6.5 1
Tenperature 3.10 4.6.6
Dielectric uithstanding
vol tage 3.11 4.6.7
Insulation resistance 3.12 4.6.8
Thermal shock 3.13 4.6.9
Momentary overload 3.14 4.6.10
Moisture resistance 3.15 4.6.11
Semiannually (12 sarrple u n i t s )
Subgroup I ( 6 sarrple u n i t s )

Life 3.16 4.6.12 1

Subgroup I I (6 sample u n i t s )

Shock, (specifiedpulse)
,/ Failure of a resistor i n one or more t e s t s o f an inspectionperiod
or subgroup s h a l l be charged as a single defective.
2/ As applicable (see 3.1). D i s p o s i t i o n o f sample u n i t s . Sample u n i t s which have been subjected t o group C inspection

shall not be delivered on the contract or order. Nonconpliance. I f a sample f a i l s t o pass group C inspection,themanufacturershall

immediately n o t i f y t h e q u a l i f y i n g a c t i v i t y and the cognizant inspection activity of such f a i l u r e and take
c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n on the materials or processes, or both, as warranted, and on a l l u n i t s o r p r o d u c t which
canbe corrected and which were manufacturedunder e s s e n t i a l l y t h e same materials and processes, and which
areconsideredsubjecttothe same f a i l u r e . Acceptance and shipnent of theproductshallbediscontinued
until corrective action, acceptable to the qualifying activity has been taken. A f t e r c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n has
been taken,group C inspection shall berepeated on additional sample u n i t s ( a l l i n s p e c t i o n , o r t h e
inspection which t h e o r i g i n a l sample f a i l e d , a t t h e o p t i o n o f t h e q u a l i f y i n g a c t i v i t y ) . Groups A and B
inspections may be r e i n s t i t u t e d ; however, f i n a l acceptance and shipnent shall be withheld until thegroup C
reinspection has shown t h a t t h e c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n was successful. I n t h e event o f f a i l u r e a f t e r
reinspection information concerning the failure shall be furnished to the cognizant inspection activity and
the qualifying activity.

4.5.2 Inspectionof packaging. The sampleand inspectionofthe packaging, preservation, and container
marking shall be i n accordance withtherequirementsof MIL-R-39032.


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4.5.3 Retentionofclualification. In o r d etror e t a i nq u a l i f i c a t i o nt,h es u p p l i esr h a lflo r w a r d a report

a t 6-month i n t e r v a l s , t o t h e a c t i v i t y r e s p o n s i b l e f o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n . The q u a l i f y i n g a c t i v i t y s h a l l
e s t a b l i s ht h ei n i t i a lr e p o r t i n gd a t e .l h er e p o r ts h a l lc o n s i s t of:

a. A s m r y of the results of the tests performed for inspection of product f o r d e l i v e r y (groups A and
B), i n d i c a t i n g asa m i n i m the nunber o f l o t s t h a t have f a i l e d . l h e r e s u l t s o f t e s t s o f a l l
reworked l o t s s h a l l be i d e n t i f i e d and accounted f o r .

b. A surrnary o f t h e r e s u l t s o f t e s t s p e r f o r m e d f o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n v e r i f i c a t i o n i n s p e c t i o n ( g r o u p C),
includingthe nunberand mode o f f a i l u r e s . The sunnary s h a l l i n c l u d e r e s u l t s o f a l l q u a l i f i c a t i o n
v e r i f i c a t i o n i n s p e c t i o n t e s t s performed and conpletedduringthe 6-month period. I f the surmary o f
the test results indicates nonconformance w i t h s p e c i f i c a t i o n requirements, and c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n
acceptable t o t h e q u a l i f y i n g a c t i v i t y has not beentaken, a c t i o n may be taken t o remove t h e f a i l i n g
product from t h e q u a l i f i e d p r o d u c t s l i s t .

F a i l u r e t o submit the report uithin 30 days a f t e r t h e end of each 6-month p e r i o d may r e s u l t i n loss o f
qualificationfortheproduct. I n addition to the periodic submission of inspection data, the
supplier shall imnediately notify the qualifying activity at it e during the 6-month p e r i o d t h a t
any m
the inspection data indicates failure of the qualified product to meet the requirements of this

I n the event that no production occurred during the reporting period, a r e p o r t s h a l l be submitted
c e r t i f y i n g t h a t t h e company s t i l l has t h e c a p a b i l i t i e s and f a c i l i t i e s necessary t o produce t h e t eim .
I f during two consecutive reporting periods there hasbeenno production, the manufacturer may be
required, a t t h e d i s c r e t i o n o f t h e q u a l i f y i n g a c t i v i t y , t o submit h i s q u a l i f i e d p r o d u c t s t o t e s t i n g in
accordance with the qualification inspection requirements.

4.5.4 Alternateinstxction. For the purpose o f r e t e n t i o n o f q u a l i f i c a t i o n and q u a l i t y conformance

inspection (see 4.5 and 4.5.3), test data on i d e n t i c a l itemscoveredby MIL-R-39009 may be used.

4.6 Methods o fi n s w c t i o n s .

4.6.1 DC resistance (see3.6). Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance w i t h method 303 o f MIL-STD-202.

l h e f o l l o w i n g d e t a i l s and exceptions shall apply:

a.The same measuringapparatus s h a l l be used f o r any one test, but n o t n e c e s s a r i l y f o r a l l t e s t s .

b. Testvoltage: The t e s tv o l t a g es h a l ln o t exceed 1 percentofrated dc voltage (see 3.1).The

voltage used f o r i n i t i a l measurement s h a l l be used f o r a l l subsequent measurements.

4.6.2 Visual and mechanical i n s w c t i o n s .R e s i s t o r ss h a l l be inspectedtoverifythatthematerials,

design, construction, physical dimensions,marking, and workmanship are i n accordance w i t h t h e a p p l i c a b l e
requirements(see 3.1, 3.3 t o 3.4.5 inclusive, and3.19 t o 3.20.1 inclusive).

4.6.3 S o l d e r a b i l i t y (see 3.71. Resistors shall be tested i n accordance w i t h method 208 o f MIL-STD-202.
The f o l l o w i n g d e t a i l s s h a l l apply:

a. Bothterminalsof each sanpleshall be tested.

b. Terminalsshall be i m r s e d s u f f i c i e n t l y t o coverthe flatportion.


Licensed by Information Handling Services

b MIL-R-%854bE 991990b L975472 2 2 %


4.6.4 Terminalstrenqth(see 3.1and3.81. Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance with method211 of

MIL-STD-202. The f o l l o w i n gd e t a i l s and exceptionsshallapply:

a. Testconditionletters A and E (pull t e s t and torquetest,respectively): Test condition A f o r a l l

terminal types, and t e s t c o n d i t i o n E forscrew-threadterminals.

b. Method ofholding:

(1) Test condition A: The r e s i s t o r body s h a l l be firmly mountedand t h e s p e c i f i e d d i r e c t pul (see

3.1) a p p l i e d t o t h e h o l e o r nut of each terminal, as applicable, for at least 30 seconds,one
terminalat a time.

(2) l e s t c o n d i t i o n E: l h e r e s i s t o r body s h a l l be f i r m l y mountedand thespecifiedtorque(see 3.1)

s h a l l be a p p l i e d t o each terminal, one a t a time.

c.Measurement before and a f t e r t e s t : DC resistanceshall be measuredas specified i n 4.6.1.

d. Inspectionaftertest:Resistorsshall be inspectedforevidenceof mechanical damage.

4.6.5 Resistance-temperaturecharacteristic (see3.9). Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance with

method304 o f MIL-STO-202. The f o l l o w i n gd e t a i ls h a l l apply:Testtemperature s h a l l be i n accordance with
table I X .

4.6.6 Temperature(see 3.101. Following a resistance measurement (see 4.6.11, r e s i s t o r ss h a l l be placed

i n anoven a t room temperature. The temperature of the oven shall then be elevated gradually to +25OoC
+O"C, -5°C. l h e t r a n s i t i o n p e r i o d f r o m room temperature t o +25OoC+O"C, - 5 ° C s h a l l beaccomplished i n not
more than 45 minutes.Forproductacceptanceinspection, at the option of the supplier, resistors may be
placed i n anoven uhose temperature has already been brought up t o +25OoC + W C , -5°C. The r e s i s t o r s s h a l l
be conditionedatthistemperaturefor a period of 2 hours. They shallthen be allowed to cool gradually to
room temperature, a f t e r which they shall be visually inspected for evidence of mechanical damage, and the
resistance shall be measuredas specified i n 4.6.1 (see 3.10).

O 4.6.7 Dielectricwithstandingvoltage(see 3.111. Atmosphericpressure. Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance with method301 o f MIL-STD-202.

The following details shall apply:

a. Specialpreparations:Resistorsshall bemounted f i r m l y on a metalplate by means ofthe normal

mountingharduare. The p l a t e s h a l l be o f s u f f i c i e n t s i z e t o extend beyond the resistor extremities.

b. Magnitude oftestvoltage: As specified i n 3.1.

c. Nature of potential: An ac supply atcomnercial-linefrequency andwaveform.

d. Points of applicationoftestvoltage: Between theterminalstiedtogether andmounting plate,

making c e r t a i n t h a t t h e r e i s good electrical contact between themetalofthemounting tab, i f any,
and mounting plate.

e.Measurementsand inspection:Resistance(see 4.6.1) s h a l l be measured beforethetest. A t the

conclusionofthetest,resistorsshall be inspectedforevidenceof damage, arcing,flashover, and
i n s u l a t i o n breakdown.


Licensed by Information Handling Services


TABLE I X . Temperature forresistance-temperature-characteristictest.

Temperature O C I
Sequence For q u a l i f i c a t i o n For q u a l i t y
inspection conformance inspecto in z/

+25 Jl +25 11
-55 -55
1/ 11
+125 "_"-

+250 +250

-I/ This temperature shall be considered the reference tenperature

f o r each of succeedingtenperatures.
-2/ A t the option of the manufacturer, the reverse sequence may be as
f o l lows:
Sequence 1: +25"C I/
Sequence 2: +25OoC
Sequence 3: +25"C I/
Sequence 4: -55°C A t reduced barometricpressure.Followingthetestspecified i n, r e s i s t o r ss h a l l be

tested i n accordance w i t h method 105 of MIL-STD-202. The f o l l o w i n g d e t a i l s s h a l l apply:

a. Method o f mounting: As s p e c i f i e d i n

b. Testcondition C.

c. Magnitude oftestvoltage: As s p e c i f i e d i n 3.1.

d. Natureofpotential: As s p e c i f i e d i n

e. Pointsofapplicationoftestvoltage: As s p e c i f i e d i n

f. Measurements and inspection: A t theconclusionofthetest,resistanceshall be measured (see

4.6.1). Resistorsshallalso be inspectedforevidenceof damage, arcing,flashover, and i n s u l a t i o n

4.6.8 Insulationresistance (see 3.12). Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance w i t h method 302 o f

MIL-STD-202. The f o l l o w i n gd e t a i l ss h a l la p p l y :

a. Testcondition A.

b. Specialpreparations: As s p e c i f i e d i n

c. P o i n t so f measurement: As s p e c i f i e d in

4.6.9 Thermalshock(see 3.131. Resistorsshall be mounted as s p e c i f i e d i n Followinga

measurement of resistance (see 4.6.11, rated voltage from an a t supply a t c o m e r c i a l - l i n e frequency and
waveform(see3.5) s h a l l be applied u n ti
l thermal s t a b i l i t y has been reached. The p o t e n t i a l s h a l l t h e n be
removed and w i t h i n 8 t o 12seconds, t h e r e s i s t o r s s h a l l be s u b j e c t e d t o a n a i r t e n p e r a t u r e o f -55OC+OaC,
- S O C f o r a p e r i o d o f not less than 15 minutesnor more than 30 minutes. Resistance(see 4.6.1) s h a l l a g a i n
be measured not less than 2 hours a f t e r f i n a l exposure. Resistors shall then be inspected for evidence of
mechanical damage (see 3.13).


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4.6.10 Mcnnentary overload(see 3.141. Resistorsshall be mounted as specified i n ofthe

resistorterminalsshall be grounded to the resistor housing during the test. Following ameasurement o f
resistance (see 6-6-11, a test potential from an a t supply a t c o m e r c i a l - l i n e frequency and waveform which
wil r e s u l t i n f i v e times the rated wattage(see 3.11, but n o t t o exceed the specified voltage used f o r t h e
dielectric-withstanding voltage test (atmospheric pressure) (see 3.11, s h a l l be a p p l i e d t o t h e r e s i s t o r s f o r
5 seconds. Resistors(see 4.6.1) s h a l l be measured a f t e r t h e r e s i s t o r s have s t a b i l i z e d a t room temperature.
Resistors shall then be inspectedforevidenceofarcing,burning, and charring (see 3.14).

4.6.11 Moistureresistance(see 3.151. Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance with method106 of

MIL-STD-202. l h e f o l l o w i n g d e t a i l s and exceptionsshall apply:

a. Mounting: Resistors under loadshall be mountedas specified i n Resistors under

p o l a r i z a t i o n s h a l l be mountedas specifed i n

b. I n i t i a l measurements: Resistorsshall be measuredas specified i n 4.6.1.

c.Load and polarization:One-halfoftheresistorsshall be subjectedtoload and theremaininghalf

to polarization.

(1) Load: Duringthe f i r s t 2 hours o f each ofsteps 1 and 4, the rated dccontinuousworkingvoltage
(see 3-51, derated i n accordance w i t h f i g u r e 1 t o t h e temperature attained at the end of the two-
hourperiod,shall be a p p l i e d t o t h e r e s i s t o r s . The negativeterminalsshall be e l e c t r i c a l l y
grounded t o t h e mounting surface.

(2) Polarization:Duringsteps 1 t o 6 inclusive, a p o t e n t i a l o f 100 v o l t s dc s h a l l be appliedwith

t h e p o s i t i v e s i d e connected to the terminals t i
e d together, and the negative side connected t o
the mounting plate.

d. Final measurements and inspection: A t the end ofthefinalcycle,theresistorsshall be removed

from the chamber, conditioned at room anbientconditions, and the dc resistance and i n s u l a t i o n
resistance shall be measuredas specified i n 4.6.1 and 4.6.8, respectively, uithin 30 t15 minutes of
removal fromthe chamber. The r e s i s t o r s s h a l l n o t be w
d o r f o r c e d a i r dried p r i o r t o these
measurements. Resistorsshallthen be inspected f o r evidence of breaking,cracking,looseningof
terminals and corrosion. (The subsequent4- t o 24-hour conditioning period and measurementsdo not

W 100
g 90
+I- 80

z ax
W 70
W o
& W
I- 40
2 30
-55 O 25 50 100 150 200 250 300

FIGURE 1. Deratingcurves f o r high ambient temperatures.


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4.6.12 L i f e (see 3.161. T e s tc o n d i t i o n s .L i f et e s ts h a l l be conducted a t anambienttemperature o f +2SoC *í'"C. l h e

r e s i s t o r s h a l l be c e n t r a l l y mounted bynormalmounting means onan aluninun chassis of the dimensions
s p e c i f i e d (see 3.1). The r e s i s t o r s h a l l be mounted u i t h t h e l o n g i t u d i n a l a x i s o f t h e r e s i s t o r p a r a l l e l t o
the longitudinal axis of the chassis. lhe chassis shall be horizontally-supported by a materialhaving a
lowthermal c o n d u c t i v i t y . R e s i s t o r s s h a l l be so arrangedthattheterrperatureof anyone r e s i s t o r s h a l l n o t
appreciably influence the temperature of any o t h e r r e s i s t o r . There s h a l l be no undue d r a f t overthe
resistors. lhe voltage used shall be the rated continuous uorking voltage (see 3.5) from an ac s u p p l y a t
commercial-line frequency and uaveform,andadequate precaution shall be taken t o m a i n t a i n c o n s t a n t v o l t a g e
on r e s i s t o r s under test. Procedure. Follouing ameasurement ofresistance(see 4.6,1), t h et e s tp o t e n t i a ls h a l l be

appliedintermittently, 1 hour 30 minutes on,and 30 minutes off, for a t o t a l o f 1,000 i12 hours.
Resistance measurements (see 4.6.1) s h a l l be made a t t h e end of the 30-minute off periods a f t e r t h e
following hours haveelasped:

250 +72, -24 hours;

500 +72, -24 hours;
750 +72, -24 hours;
1,000 +72, -24hours

Resistance and insulation resistance as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.1 and 4.6.8, respectively, shall be measured.
Resistors shall then be inspected for evidence of mechanical damage.

4.6.13 Shock ( s p e c i f i e d w l s e ) (see 3.17). Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance w i t h method 213,

c o n d i t i o n I , o f MIL-STD-202. The f o l l o w i n gd e t a i l ss h a l l apply:

a. Mounting: Resistors shall be mounted by t h e i r normalmounting means as s p e c i f i e d in onan

appropriatemountingfixture. The mounting f i x t u r e s h a l l be constructed i n such amanneras to
insure that the mounting supports remain i n a s t a t i c c o n d i t i o n w i t h r e f e r e n c e t o t h e shock table.
Resistors shall be mounted i n suchamanner that the stress applied is i n t h e d i r e c t i o n u h i c h would
be considered most detrimental.

b. Test c o n d i t i o n C.

C. Measurement before shock: Resistance, as s p e c i f i e d i n 4.6.1.

d. Measurement during shock: Each r e s i s t o r s h a l l be monitored t o determine e l e c t r i c a l d i s c o n t i n u i t y by

a methodwhich s h a l l a t l e a s t be s e n s i t i v e enough to monitor or register, automatically, any
discontinuity having a duration of 0.1 millisecond as u e l l asthose of greater duration.

e. Measurement, inspection, and t e s t a f t e r shock: Resistance(see 4.6.1) s h a l l be measured, and the

resistorsinspectedforevidenceof mechanical damage. Resistorsshallthen be s u b j e c t e d t o t h e
dielectric uithstanding voltage test (at atmospheric pressure) as s p e c i f i e d i n


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MIL-R-L854bE 9999906 L975476 9 7 7


4.6.14 Vibration,highfrequency(see 3.18). Resistorsshall be tested i n accordance w i t h method204 of

MIL-STD-202. The followingdetailsshallapply:

a. Mounting: Resistors shall be mounted by t h e i r normalmounting means as specified i n ona

vibration test jig. The j i g s h a l l be so constructed so as to preclude anyresonances w i t h i n t h e
t e s t range. Resistors shall be mounted i n r e l a t i o n t o t h e t e s t equipment i n such a manner that the
s t r e s s a p p l i e d i s i n t h e d i r e c t i o n whichwould be considered most detrimental.

b. Test condition B.

c.Measurement beforevibration: Resistance, as specified i n 4.6.1.

d. Measurement duringvibration: Each r e s i s t o r s h a l l bemonitored t o determine e l e c t r i c a l

d i s c o n t i n u i t y b y a method which shall at least be sensitive enough t o monitor or register,
automatically, any discontinuity having a duration of 0.1 millisecond or less, as w e l l as those of
greater durat ion.

e.Measurement, inspection, and t e s ta f t e rv i b r a t i o n : Resistance(see 4.6.1) s h a l l be measured,and

the resistors inspected for evidence of mechanical damage. Resistors shall then be subjected to the
dielectric withstanding voltage test (atmospheric pressure) as specified i n


5.1 Packagingrequirements. The requirements f o r packaging shalt be i n accordance w i t h MIL-R-39032.


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but i s not
mandatory. 1

6.1 Acquisitionrequirements.Acquisition docunents must specifythefollowing:

a. T i t l e , number,and dateofthisspecification.

b. Issueof DODISS t o be c i t e d i n t h e s o l i c i t a t i o n , and i f required,thespecificissueofindividual

docunents referenced (see 2.1)

c. T i t l e , nunber, and date of the applicable detail specification, and theconplete PIN (see 1.2.1 and

d. Levels of preservation and packaging and packing, and applicablemarking(seesection 5).

6.2 Qualification. Withrespect t o productsrequiringqualification, awards will be made o n l yf o r

products whichare, at the time of award o f c o n t r a c t , q u a l i f i e d f o r i n c l u s i o n in the applicable qualified
products l i s t whether or not such products have a c t u a l l y been so l i s t e d by thatdate. The a t t e n t i o n o f t h e
contractors i s c a l l e d t o theserequirements, and manufacturersareurged t o arrange t o have the products
that they propose t o o f f e r t o t h e Federal Goverrment t e s t e d f o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n i n order that they may be
e l i g i b l e t o be awarded contracts or purchaseorders fortheproducts covered by t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n . The
activity responsible for the qualified products List is the Space and NavalWarfare Systems Comnand and
information pertaining to qualification of products MY be obtained from the Defense Electronics Supply
Center (DESC-ELS), 1507 UilmingtonPike, Dayton, OH 45444-5764.

6.3 P a r t o r I d e n t i f y i n s Number ( P I N ) . P I N i s a neu term enconpassing previous termsused in

specifications such as p a r t nunber, typedesignator,identification number, etc.(see 1.2.1).

6.4 Retinning leads. I f retinning(hotsolderdip)oftheleads i s required(see

6.5 Subjectterm(key word) L i s t i n g .

Resistor, fixed
Resistor, power type
Resistor, wirewound
Resistor, chassis mount


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6.6 Changes from Dreviousissue.Marginal notationsarenot used i n t h i s r e v i s i o n t o i d e n t i f y changes

withrespect t o the previous issue due t o theextensiveness of the changes.


Custodians: Preparing activity:

Army - ER DLA -
Navy - EC
Air force - 85 (Project 5905-1292)

Review activties:
Army - AR, MI
Navy MC
Air Force -
17, 99


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