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Student details

NAME: Anwar Tesfaye

Reg.No: 18BML0113
Course: Graphic System Design for Communication Engineers (ECE3029)
Faculty: Prof. KARTHIKEYAN B
VIT University

Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
Aim: To design and analyse the performance of Amplitude modulation (AM) in
AIM: To Analyse and study the significance of modulation index(m) of AM

I. M=1

Basic concept፦ There is a need for translating the original low frequency baseband
message or information signal into the high frequency wave before transmission. Such
that the translated signal continues to pass the information contained in the original
signal. To do that we need taking the help of high=frequency signal knowns as carrier
wave, and the process known as Modulation, which attains the original information to it.
Carrier wave may be continuous (sinusoidal). Or in the form of puls with higher frequency.
What is modulation?
It is the process of changing some characteristics Ex. (Amplitude, Frequency, or phase) of
a carrier wave in accordance with the intensity of signal is known as Modulation.

i. Amplitude modulation:
It comes into consideration when the amplitude of high frequency of carrier wave is
changed in accordance with the intensity of signal. Only Amplitude of carrier wave is
changed all other characteristics remain the same.
Why we need modulation?
1. Reduction in the height of antenna: for transmission of radio signals the antenna
hight must be multiple of λ/4, where λ = v / ƒ.
2. To multiplex signals, we can transmit multiple signals simultaneously over a single
channel all using frequency ranges.
3. Increase the range of frequency communication.
4. To avoid mixing of signal
5. Improves quality of reception to reduce the interference at the time of
6. transmission of information.

Mathematical calculation for Amplitude modulation:

Carrier signal is described by c(t)= Ac*sin(ωct) or c(t) =Ac*cos(ωct).
Message signal is described by m(t)= Am*sin(ωmt) or m(t) =Am*cos(ωmt).

Modulated signal is written as S(t)=c(t)+m(t)sin(ωct)

S(t)=Ac*sin(ωct) + (Am*sin(ωmt)*sin(ωct) ......................... 1

S(t) =[Ac+Am*sin(ωmt)*sin(ωct)]

S(t)=Ac*(1+𝑨𝒎*sin(ωmt) )*sin(ωct) S(t)=Ac*(1+mA(m)sin(ωmt))*sin(ωct)

Amplitude modulation program using LabVIEW.
Block diagram based on the amplitude signal modulation equation

S(t)=Ac*(1+mA(m)sin(ωmt))*sin(ωct) where Am=1.

Block diagram lab view code with time domain and spectral output.

1. Amplitude modulation when modulation index [ m=1] Critical modulation.

1.2 Amplitude Demodulation:
Signals are passed through low pass filter with critical frequency just the frequency of
baseband signal. And outputs are given in both time domain and spectral wave as shown

Original message (baseband) signal is obtained by technique of demodulation at the

receiver end of communication system.

Block diagram for Amplitude demodulation.

Front panel for amplitude demodulation.

2. , Experiment -2

Frequency modulation and demodulation

2.1 frequency modulation

Aim : To design and analyse the performance of Amplitude modulation (FM) in

Back ground theory

Frequency modulation (FM) is a technique used to encode data on an alternating digital or analog
signal. The method includes varying the frequency of the carrier wave on which useful information is
imposed or impressed upon
Mathematical calculation for frequency modulations

Frequency modulation uses the information signal, Vm(t) to vary the carrier frequency within some
small range about its original value. Here are the three signals in mathematical form:

 Information: Vm(t)
 Carrier: Vc(t) = Vco sin ( 2  fc t + 
 FM: VFM (t) = Vco sin (2 fc + (f/Vmo) Vm (t)t + 


 = f/fm , where fm is the maximum modulating frequency used.

Block Diagrams for Frequency Modulation

Front panel for frequency modulation.

2.2 Frequency Demodulations

What is FD ?
FM demodulation is a key process in the reception of a frequency modulated signal. Once the signal has
been received, filtered and amplified, it is necessary to recover the original modulation from the carrier.
It is this process that is called demodulation or detection.

Mathematical calculations for frequency demodulations

Block diagrams for frequency


Aim : to simulate the pulse modulation and pulse width modulation

What is pulse modulation ?

Pulse modulation is a type of modulation in which the signal is transmitted in the form of pulses.
It can be used to transmit analogue information. In pulse modulation, continuous signals are
sampled at regular intervals.
Block diagrams for pulse modulation

Control panel for pulse modulation





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