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1, JANUARY 1996

eat Control of a Three-phase

verter with an Output LC Filter
Osman Kukrer, Member, IEEE

Abstract-The discrete-time control of a three-phase inverter

with an output LC filter is described based on space vectors. The
mathematical model of the inverter-filter system is first obtained
by using space vectors to represent three-phase quantities. Dead-
beat control laws are derived for no-load and resistive-loadcases.
Then, a deadbeat control law is obtained for the case when the
load draws current of any waveshape from the inverter-filter.It is
shown that deadbeat control of output voltage can be achieved in
two control steps. The manipulated variable, which is the voltage
vector demanded from the inverter, is implemented using the
space vector modulation technique. Simulation results for various
operating conditions are presented.
Zph. inverter n

I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1. A three-phase inverter with an LC filter at the output.

HE deadbeat control of three-phase PWM inverters has

been investigated by many researchers in recent years II. SYSTEMMODELING
[1]-[4]. Feedback control of a three-phase inverter with filtered Fig. 1 shows a three-phase bridge inverter feeding a three-
output is of particular importance for certain applications, such phase balanced load through a three-phase LC-filter. If the
as unintenuptible power supplies, and for obtaining sinusoidal neutral point ( n )of the filter and load are not connected to
outputs under all loading conditions. Furthermore, such an the midpoint of a split dc supply, the phase voltages of the
inverter may have applications in variable-speed drives and in load are related to the pole voltages of the inverter by
active filters. In [l] and [2], the deadbeat control of an inverter
with an LC filter at its output is discussed. The inverter-filter 2 -1 -1
system is modeled in an equivalent synchronously rotating (1)
two-phase frame after the application of a three-phase/two- vcn -1 -1
phase transformation to the system equations. The result is The phase voltages can be represented by the following space
that coupled equations are obtained in the equivalent two- vector:
phase frame, thus requiring decoupling transformations for
controller design. v = van f sub, f g2v,, (2)
However, the mathematical modeling can be greatly simpli-
where S = e 3 2 x / 3 . Corresponding to each switching state of
fied if space vectors are used in a stationary reference frame
the inverter, eight voltage vectors will be generated, as shown
to represent three-phase quantities. This paper discusses the
in Fig. 2, which can be expressed as
deadbeat control of a three-phase inverter with an output LC-
filter based on space vectors. It is shown that deadbeat control vm -- E e j ( m - 1 ) ~ / 3 m = 1,.. ' ,6; V7 = VS = 0. (3)
of output voltage can be achieved in two control steps ideally,
under no-load or with a purely resistive load. With other types The zero vectors correspond to the switching states of the
of load, linear or nonlinear, it is shown that deadbeat control inverter in which either the upper or the lower switches are
is still possible with an appropriate modification to the control closed.
law. In this case, the load is represented by the current it The following differential equations can be written for each
draws from the inverter-filter system, which may be sinusoidal phase of the system in Fig. 1
or nonsinusoidal. Computer simulation results for the various
cases studied are presented and discussed. (4)


Manuscript received November 1, 1993; revised August 21, 1995. In (4) and (5), p represents one of the phases a, b, or e. Defining
The author is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the current space vector as
Eastem Mediterranean University, G. Magosa, Turkey.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8993(96)00591-1. 1 = ia + s i b + s2iC. (6)
0885-8993/96$05.00 0 1996 IEEE

Now, let
t” + AX(k )
X( k ) = X* ( k ) (13)
V(k) = V*(k) + AV(k) (14)

where x*(k) and V*(k) are reference vectors for the state
and voltage vectors, respectively, at the kth sampling instant.
Substituting (13) and (14) in (12) gives

Re x*(k + 1 ) + Ax(k + 1) = Ax*(k) AAx(k) +

b(V*(k) AV(k)). (15) +
If we define

x*(k + 1) = Ax*(k) + bV*(k)

I then (15) reduces to
Fig. 2. Voltage vectors of the inverter. A x ( k + 1) = AAx(k) + bAV(k).
Then (4) and (5) can be written as In (17) if the following state feedback is used

v = L-dI
+v, (7) AV(k) = -KAx(k) K = [kl k2]

I = c-dVC
+IL. (8) then, the closed-loop state equation becomes

Equations (7)and (8) can be put into the following matrix Ax(k + 1) = (A - bK)Ax(k).
The closed-loop system matrix is
-= F x + G V + H I L (9)

where x = [V,
transpose. In (9)
IIT is the state vector and T denotes
[aa21l l - blkl
- bzk1
a12 - b1kz
a22 - b2kz I.
The characteristic equation of the system in (19) is

F = [-Oi a]
G= [;] .I:-[
(10) IsU - ( A - bK)I = s2 + + ,6

Assuming that the inputs V and IL are constant between where

sampling instants kT and ( k + 1)T, (9) can be discretized
to obtain the discrete-time state equation Q = biki + bzkz - 2a, a = a l l = cos(woT)
p = 1 + blkl - bzk2.
x(k + 1) = eFTx(k) + (eFT - u ) F - ~ [ G v+( ~H )I L ( ~ ) ] .
(1 1) Deadbeat control will be obtained if kl and k2 are chosen so
In (ll), U is a 2 x 2 unit matrix, T is the sampling time and that Q = ,6 = 0. The solution for kl and k2 is

With the gains as in (21), the closed-loop system matrix



Deadbeat control of the state vector in (1 1) will be obtained In (22) 0, = woT and X L = woL. It can be easily verified
at no-load first. Hence equating to zero the load current IL, that A; = 0. This implies that for an arbitrary error Ax(k)
the state equation of the system in (11) reduces to at step k

x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + bV(k). (12) Ax(k + 2) = A:. Ax(k) = 0.


IV. THE REFERENCEVECTOR Following the same procedure for the no-load case, one obtains
the following gains for the deadbeat controller:
In order to implement the control law in (14) and (18),
the reference for the inverter voltage vector (V*( k ) ) must be 1
evaluated. Now, since the controlled variable is the capacitor k: = -[(a’,,b’,
D - a:lb’,)(a:l + uk2)+ bk] (30a)
voltage vector Vc,the reference for this vector is to be 1
specified. Then, the references for the inverter voltage and ki = 5[(&b’, - 42b;)(ail + ~122) + b’,] (30b)
current vectors, V* and I*, can be obtained from (16). For
sinusoidal variations

v;(k + 1) = Vcre3(k+1)wT D = (ai2 - &)b’lb’, + a’,,bi2 - a’,,bi2.

= eJWTV;(k) = q ~ ; ( k ) (23) The inverter voltage and current reference vectors for the
I*(k + 1) = qI*(k). (24) resistive load case must also be modified as follows:

Substituting (23) and (24) in (16) and solving yields


When the load of the inverter is purely resistive, with per CONTROL WITH ANY LOAD
phase resistance Ro, then the state equations of the inverter- When the load of the inverter-filter system is such that it
load system can be written as draws current of any waveshape (sinusoidal or nonsinusoidal)
from the filter, then the state equations of the system can be
dx = F’x+ G’V
- (27) written as

where the matrices A, b and d are as defined in (11). With

the definitions in (13), (14), and (16), we have
Then the discrete-time state equations for the system can
Ax(k + 1) = AAx(k) + b A V ( k ) + dIL(k). (33)
be written as
x(k + 1) = A’x(k) + b’V(k). (28)
Let the control law in (18) be modified as

AV(k) = - K A x ( k ) + AVz(k). (34)

Assuming that the response of the system in (27) is under-
damped, the elements of the matrices A’ and b’ are Then, the closed-loop system state equation is

Ax(k + 1) = A,Ax(k) + b A V z ( k )+ d I L ( k ) . (35)

ai2 = ---ye-EWaTsin(wdT)
WO c If (35) is written for the next control step, then
ukl = --ye-@‘OTsin(wdT)
AX(k f2) = A,Ax( IC +1) b A V z(IC+ 1)+dIL( k+ 1). (36)
ai2 = ye-@‘OTsin(wdT + 4) (29) Substituting (35) in (36) gives

Ax(k + 2 ) = AcbAV2(k)+ A,dIL(k)

+ b A V z ( k+ 1)+ dIL(k + 1). (37)
In (37) the fact that A? = 0 has been used. Also, it can be
In (29), WO is the undamped natural frequency of the LC filter easily shown that
defined before and


Tq vj
- ...-...---*-......*

Fig. 3. Voltage vector V(k) in the sector between V, and V,. Fig. 4. Region of synthesizable voltage vectors (shaded area).

In (39) XC = --&
= XL. In (37) we require that the change
from (42) as
in the capacitor voltage AVc be zero for deadbeat control.
Using (38) and (39)
AVc(k + 2 ) = bl(AV‘(k)+ AV’(k+ 1))
- (Xcsin(B,))IL(k + 1)= 0. (40)

The correction term in the manipulated inverter voltage At, = Vjqvid - Vjdvzq.
vector is thus updated according to
The duration of the zero vector (V7 or V , ) is then
A V Q + 1) = -AVl(k) + (xccot(e,))IL(k) To = T - Ti - T2 (45)
+ (Xccot($))IL(k+ 1). (41) which is usually split into two [7]. This means that the
zero vector is applied for equal durations of T0/2 at the
beginning and at the end of a sampling period. The case
TI + T2 > T means that V ( k )cannot be synthesized with
The inverter voltage vector V ( k )demanded by the control the available inverter voltage vectors in the sampling interval
algorithm in (14) is an arbitrary complex quantity and hence T (overmodulation). It can be easily shown that
cannot be generated by the inverter. Therefore, it must be
approximated by the available voltage vectors V , , m =
1,. ,8. One approach is to transform the d- and q-axis
+ +
TI + T2 = - (
2 v )sin(
J3z f - +)T (46)
components, v d ( k ) and V q( k ) to three-phase and generate
the switching functions by comparison with a triangular carrier
where is defined in Fig. 4. The condition that V ( k )can be
synthesized is then
signal synchronized with the control sampling. A second
approach is to obtain directly the inverter switching functions
using the space vector modulation technique [5]-[7], which is
briefly described below. This approach is simpler to implement
Vsin - - 4
) 5 -E. (47)

than the first one and is the approach used here. Equation (47) defines a region of synthesizable voltage vectors
Fig. 3 shows a voltage vector V (k ) in the sector defined by in the sector between Vi and V j , as shown in Fig. 4. Using
V , and V j ,which are two consecutive nonzero vectors of the (46) it can be shown that the scaling of the durations TI and
inverter ( j = i + 1).The vector V ( k )can be synthesized with T2 given in (48) scales the magnitude of the vector V to a
the inverter voltage vectors as point on the boundary in Fig. 4

TV(k)= TiV; TzV,.+ (42)

In (42) Tl and T2 are the durations of the inverter voltage It should be pointed out that, in case the inverter switches
vectors V , and V , , respectively, which can be solved for can operate at frequencies much higher than the control

-130- I::: -150



0.015 0.02
, ,

0.025 0.03
, ,

0.035 0 I4
time ( s )

-501 \

-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
v,, (VI
Fig. 5. (a) Phase A capacitor voltage ( ~ c and
, ~its) sinusoidal reference at Fig. 6. (a) Phase A capacitor voltage ( O C , ~ ) and its reference with resistive
no-load. (b) Corresponding capacitor voltage vector. load (Ro = 4 CL). (b) Corresponding capacitor voltage vector.

The effect the filter parameters and the sampling time would
sampling frequency, the sequence of the inverter vectors as
have on the performance of the system is a problem that needs
determined above can be applied more than once in a sampling
a separate study. Here, representative values have been chosen
interval. In that case, the durations given above should be
which are: L = 0.91171 mH, C = 1000 pF, and T = U1500 s,
scaled accordingly.
resulting in the sampling angle Os = 40" for all the cases
studied. The dc input voltage of the inverter is E = 250 V.
SIMULATION Computation of the responses are started by initializing all
variables to zero and then applying the reference voltage vector
The proposed deadbeat control strategy has been simulated as a step at t = 0.
for various operating conditions. In computing the responses Fig. 5(a) shows phase A capacitor voltage ( v c , ~and ) its
of the output voltage, the following assumptions have been sinusoidal reference ( w ; , ~ ) at no load. In Fig. 5(b), the ca-
made: pacitor voltage vector is shown for this case. It can be
1) There is no time delay between sampling and the imple- observed that the capacitor voltage is nearly sinusoidal with
mentation of control, caused by the control calculations. negligible distortion. Fig. 6(a) shows the capacitor voltage
Such a delay would arise in a practical application. ( w c , with
~ ) a resistive load of Ro = 4 0 per phase-Y, and
2) The load current is constant in a sampling interval. This Fig. 6(b) shows the corresponding voltage vector. With this
assumption is valid if the control sampling frequency load resistance, the damping ratio in (29) is [ = 0.12. Note that
is much higher than the operating frequency of the the response of load voltage is similar to the no-load case, with
inverter. This assumption has been made to facilitate slightly increased deviation from the reference wave. A case of
the computations for any load current waveshape. particular importance arises when the load resistance deviates

-150 - 500
-1 0.005 I 0.01 0.015 3 0.02 0.025 O0.03 0.035 C4
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 I4
time ( s ) time ( s )
Fig. 7. Phase A capacitor voltage with load resistance Ro = 3 0.

“‘ 50-




-130- -200
- -250 -200 -150
I -100 -50 5 0 50 100
O 150 200 2i

v,, (VI
Fig. 9. (a) Phase A capacitor voltage and its reference with a three-phaserec-
tifier load (3-ph quasi-square-wave load current). (b) Corresponding capacitor
voltage vector.

all Ro in the range

Ro >Lm. (49)
Fig. 7 shows the load voltage for Ro = 3 0. The error between
controlled and reference voltages is due to the fact that the
reference vectors required for the load Ro = 3 0 are different
from the ones calculated at the nominal value Ro = 4 0.
Fig. 8(a) shows the capacitor voltage ( w c , with
~ ) a sinu-
soidal load current of 20 A amplitude and lagging behind
~ 4.5’. Although the distortion in ‘ u c increases,
W C , by ,~ it is
within reasonable limits and can be improved by increasing the
sampling rate. Fig. 8(b) shows the voltage vector for this case.
-2004 I
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 The responses of the control system with a nonlinear load
v, (v) are shown in Fig. 9. The load here is a three-phase bridge
rectifier with a constant output current of 18 A, demanding a
(b) quasi-square-wave current from the filter, as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig 8 (a) Phase A capacitor voltage ( W C , ~ ) and its reference with 20 A The space phasor for this load current is
(amplitude) load current. (h) Corresponding capacitor voltage vector.

from the nominal value used for gain and reference vector
calculations. In this case the poles of the system shift away
from origin. Simulations show that the system stays stable for

7" I

' 1

r-l l-i 0

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 . 0.025 0.03 0.035
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
time ( s ) time ( s )
Fig. 10. The quasi-square-waveload current used for the responses in Fig. 9. (a)

where I d is the dc load current and 4~ is the phase shift

of the fundamental with respect to the voltage reference VG.
Again, it can be observed from the responses that the increase
in distortion with respect to the no-load case is not very
Fig. ll(a)-(c) shows the currents supplied by the inverter
in the no-load, resistive load and lagging power factor load
cases of Figs. 5(a), 6(a), and 8(a), respectively. Note that the
ripple amplitude in the inverter current for the lagging power
factor load is much larger than that for the no-load case or
the resistive load.
Fig. 12(a) shows the response of phase A capacitor voltage
to a variable frequency reference. Here, the frequency of -100-c
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
the reference is changed from 0.4 Hz to 50 Hz in steps of time ( s )
0.2 Hz per sampling period. The amplitude of the capacitor
voltage reference (Vcr) is increased linearly with the fre-
quency. This simulates the operation of a scalar controlled
induction motor in which the V/f ratio is kept constant for
flux regulation. The capacitor voltage vector corresponding
to the response in Fig. 12(a) is shown in Fig. 12(b). The
load current for this case has been chosen as 5 A am-
plitude. Although the formulation of the system has been
done for sinusoidal references for current and voltage, these
responses indicate that the control system can successfully
cope with slowly changing amplitude and frequency of the

A new deadbeat control strategy for a three-phase inverter -501
-1004 I
with an output LC filter is developed based on space vec- 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
tors. The mathematical model of the system is seen to be time ( s )
greatly simplified compared with a formulation in the rotating
reference frame, rendering the design of the control system Fig. 11. (a) Inverter current at no-load. (b) Inverter current for the resistive
easy. It is shown that deadbeat control of output voltage can load (Eo = 4 Q). (c) Inverter current for the 20 A (amplitude) load.
be achieved in two control steps ideally at no-load or with
resistive load, if the computed inverter voltage vector can be
exactly generated. However, because of the PWM approxi- results at the end of a sampling interval. The assumption that
mation used to synthesize the demanded voltage vector, a the load current is constant between sampling instants also
slight error between reference and controlled capacitor voltage introduces some error.

trol system. The output voltage waveshapes have reasonable

distortion in all the linear and nonlinear load cases studied, in
spite of the low control sampling rate chosen.



.”” ,
0.02 0.04 0.06
V ‘
0.08 0.1
time ( s )

0.14 0.16 0.18

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H. W. Van Der Broeck, H. C. Skudelny,and G. V. Stanke, “Analysis and
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Oman Kukrer (M’93) was bom in Cyprus in

1956. He received the B.Sc, M.Sc., and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering from Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1979,
1982, and 1987, respectively.
From 1979 to 1985, he was a Research Assistant
-1504 4 in the Department of Electrical and Electronic
-200 -150 -100 -50 0. 50 100 150 200
Engineering at Middle East Technical University.
From February 1985 to August 1986, he was
(b) with the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering at Brunel University, London, England,
Fig. 12. (a) Phase A capacitor voltage with variable frequency and amplitude
on a British Council Schol&ship, where he did research on variable-speed
reference. (b) Corresponding capacitor voltage vector.
drives. He is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering at Eastem Mediterranean University, G. Magosa,
Simulation results indicate that the above errors do not Turkey. His current research interests include power electronics, electrical
degrade to a significant extent the performance of the con- machines, and control systems.

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