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Volume 2, Issue 2 – January – June - 2018

Journal-Economic development,
Technological chance and Growth
ISSN-On line: 2524-2024

RINOE-Western Sahara

Chief Editor RINOE Journal-Economic Development

RAMOS-ESCAMILLA, María. PhD Technological Chance and Growth,
Volume 2, Issue 2, January – June 2018, is a
Senior Editor journal edited semestral by RINOE. Agueinit #
SERRUDO-GONZALES, Javier. BsC 4, Wilaya de Awserd, Sahara Occidental,
Western Sahara. WEB:
Senior Editorial Assistant Editor in Chief: RAMOS-
SORIANO-VELASCO, Jesús. BsC BUJARI, Ali, PhD. ISSN-2524-2024.
Responsible for the latest update of this number
Editorial Director RINOE Computer Unit. ESCAMILLA-
PERALTA-CASTRO, Enrique. MsC BOUCHÁN, Imelda, LUNA SOTO, Vladimir.
PhD. Agueinit # 4, Wilaya de Awserd, Sahara
Executive Editor Occidental, Western Sahara, last updated June
AALÍ-BUJARI, Ali. PhD 30, 2018.

Production Editors The opinions expressed by the authors do not

ESCAMILLA-BOUCHAN, Imelda. PhD necessarily reflect the views of the editor of the
LUNA-SOTO, Vladimir. PhD publication.

Administration Manager It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part of

REYES-VILLAO, Angélica. BsC the contents and images of the publication
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DÍAZ-OCAMPO Javier. BsC Intellectual Property
RINOE Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
Definition of the Journal

Scientific Objectives

Support the international scientific community in its written production Science, Technology and
Innovation in the Field of Engineering and Technology, in Subdisciplines of Economic development:
Macroeconomic analyses of economic development, Microeconomic analyses of economic
development, Agriculture, Natural resources, Environment, Other primary products, Industrialization,
Choice of technology, Human resources, Income distribution, Migration, Financial markets, Saving and
capital investment, Formal and informal sectors, Shadow economy, Institutional arrangements,
Regional, Urban, and Rural analyses, International linkages to development, Role of international
organizations; Development planning and policy: Planning models, Planning policy, Project analysis,
Fiscal and monetary policy in development, Trade policy, Factor movement, Foreign exchange policy;
Technological change: Innovation and invention, Management of technological innovation and R&D,
Technological change; Intellectual property rights; Government policy; Economic growth and
aggregate productivity: One, two, and multisector growth models, Monetary growth models,
Measurement of economic growth, Aggregate productivity; Economywide country studies:
Comparative studies of countries.

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RINOE Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth is a Journal edited by

RINOE® in its Holding with repository in Western Sahara, is a scientific publication arbitrated and
indexed with semester periods. It supports a wide range of contents that are evaluated by academic
peers by the Double-Blind method, around subjects related to the theory and practice of Economic
development: Macroeconomic analyses of economic development, Microeconomic analyses of
economic development, Agriculture, Natural resources, Environment, Other primary products,
Industrialization, Choice of technology, Human resources, Income distribution, Migration, Financial
markets, Saving and capital investment, Formal and informal sectors, Shadow economy, Institutional
arrangements, Regional, Urban, and Rural analyses, International linkages to development, Role of
international organizations; Development planning and policy: Planning models, Planning policy,
Project analysis, Fiscal and monetary policy in development, Trade policy, Factor movement, Foreign
exchange policy; Technological change: Innovation and invention, Management of technological
innovation and R&D, Technological change; Intellectual property rights; Government policy;
Economic growth and aggregate productivity: One, two, and multisector growth models, Monetary
growth models, Measurement of economic growth, Aggregate productivity; Economywide country
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Editorial Board


University of Kent


Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

SUYO - CRUZ, Gabriel. PhD

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Universidad Real y Pontifica de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca

GARCIA - ESPINOZA, Lupe Cecilia. PhD

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

AZIZ - POSWAL, Bilal. PhD.

University of the Punjab-Pakistan

BANERJEE, Bidisha. PhD

Amity University


Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Universidad Rey Juan Carlos III

ALIAGA - LORDEMANN, Francisco Javier. PhD

Universidad de Zaragoza

GUZMAN - SALA, Andrés. PhD

University of California


Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

BARDEY, David. PhD

University of Besançon

GÓMEZ - MONGE, Rodrigo. PhD

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

HIRA, Anil. PhD

Claremont Graduate School

FELDMAN, German. PhD

Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität
IBARRA - ZAVALA, Darío Guadalupe. PhD
New School for Social Research


Boston University

CHAPARRO, Germán Raúl. PhD

Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Keele University


Universidad de Concepción

VILLASANTE, Sebastián. PhD

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

VALDIVIA - ALTAMIRANO, William Fernando. PhD

Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

DE AZEVEDO - JUNIOR, Wladimir Colman. PhD

Universidade Federal do Amazonas

LUO, Yongli. PhD

Universidad de Chongqing


University of St. Gallen

DANTE - SUAREZ, Eugenio. PhD

Arizona State University

D. EVANS, Richard. PhD

University of Greenwich

NIEVA - ROJAS Jefferson. PhD

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente


Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas – UNAM
Arbitration Committee


Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo

QUISPE, Jimmy. PhD

Universidad Superior Politécnica del Litoral


Universidad Agraria la Molina

HERNÁNDEZ, Carmen Guadalupe. PhD

Instituto Politécnico Nacional

LUIS - PINEDA, Octavio. PhD

Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil

GIRÓN, Alicia. PhD

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

ORDÓÑEZ - GUTIÉRREZ, Sergio Adrián. PhD.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

MORÁN - CHIQUITO, Diana María. PhD

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


Universidad de Guadalajara

CAMELO - AVEDOY, José Octavio. PhD

Universidad de Guadalajara

ACEVEDO - VALERIO, Víctor Antonio. PhD.

Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

SANCHEZ - CANO, Julieta Evangelina. PhD

Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango

TAVERA - CORTÉS, María Elena. PhD

Colegio de Postgraduados


Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Instituto Politécnico Nacional

SÁNCHEZ - TRUJILLO, Magda Gabriela. PhD

Universidad de Celaya


Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala


Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

CAMPOS - RANGEL, Cuauhtémoc Crisanto. PhD

Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

NOVELO - URDANIVIA, Federico Jesús. PhD

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

TREJO - GARCÍA, José Carlos. PhD

Instituto Politécnico Nacional


El Colegio de Tlaxcala

MARTÍNEZ - SÁNCHEZ, José Francisco. PhD

Instituto Politécnico Nacional

COTA - YAÑEZ, María del Rosario. PhD

Universidad de Guadalajara

MARTÍNEZ - GARCÍA, Miguel Ángel. PhD

Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

CAPRARO - RODRÍGUEZ, Santiago Gabriel Manuel. PhD

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

ISLAS - RIVERA, Víctor Manuel. PhD

Instituto Politécnico Nacional

OLIVO - ESTRADA, José Ramón. PhD

Instituto Pedagógico de Estudios de Posgrado
RUIZ - MARTINEZ, Julio César. PhD
Instituto Politécnico Nacional

PÉREZ - SOTO, Francisco. PhD

Colegio de Postgraduados


Colegio de Tlaxcala

GARCÍA - ROJAS, Jesús Alberto. PhD

Universidad de Puebla
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Instructions for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Publication

Knowledge Area

The works must be unpublished and refer to topics of Economic development: Macroeconomic
analyses of economic development, Microeconomic analyses of economic development, Agriculture,
Natural resources, Environment, Other primary products, Industrialization, Choice of technology,
Human resources, Income distribution, Migration, Financial markets, Saving and capital investment,
Formal and informal sectors, Shadow economy, Institutional arrangements, Regional, Urban, and
Rural analyses, International linkages to development, Role of international organizations;
Development planning and policy: Planning models, Planning policy, Project analysis, Fiscal and
monetary policy in development, Trade policy, Factor movement, Foreign exchange policy.
Technological change: Innovation and invention, Management of technological innovation and R&D,
Technological change; Intellectual property rights; Government policy; Economic growth and
aggregate productivity: One, two, and multisector growth models, Monetary growth models,
Measurement of economic growth, Aggregate productivity; Economywide country studies:
Comparative studies of countries and other topics related to Engineering and Technology
Presentation of the Content
In the first chapter we present, Customer Relationship Management Web for construction
companies, by MACÍAS-BRAMBILA, Hassem Rubén, LÓPEZ-LAGUNA, Ana Bertha, GONZÁLEZ-
DEL CASTILLO, Edgardo Emmanuel and MORENO-MONROY, Julio César, with ascription in the
Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco, as a second article we present, Study of high specialty hospitals of
the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco, for the generation of a development model of
the productivity, by PÉREZ-PÉREZ, Iris Cristel, ELISEO-DANTÉS, Hortensia, GALLEGOS-DÍAZ,
Rosa Aurora and MEDINA-VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan, with ascription in the Instituto Tecnológico de
Villahermosa, as the following article we present, Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the
State of Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal, by NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE
JAVIER, Elizabeth, with affiliation at the Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa, as next article we
present, Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate value and its impact on
decision-making in SMES, by RODRIGUEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Noemi del Carmen, ORTEGA-
affiliation at the Universidad de Guadalajara.

Article Page

Customer Relationship Management Web for construction companies 1-6

DEL CASTILLO, Edgardo Emmanuel and MORENO-MONROY, Julio César
Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco

Study of high specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, 7-12
Tabasco, for the generation of a development model of the productivity
Aurora and MEDINA-VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan
Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa

Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of Tabasco for the generation 13-22
of a development proposal
SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER, Elizabeth
Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa

Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate value and its 23-27

impact on decision-making in SMES
Universidad de Guadalajara
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 1-6

Customer Relationship Management Web for construction companies

Customer Relationship Management Web para empresas de la construcción


CASTILLO, Edgardo Emmanuel and MORENO-MONROY, Julio César

Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco

ID 1st Author: Hassem Rubén, Macías-Brambila / ORC ID: 0000- 0002-6540-7464, CVU CONACYT ID: 902812

ID 1st Coauthor: Ana Bertha, López-Laguna / CVU CONACYT ID: 847437

ID 2nd Coauthor: Edgardo Emmanuel, González-Del Castillo / CVU CONACYT ID: 916620

ID 3rd Coauthor: Julio César, Moreno-Monroy

Received January 25, 2018; Accepted April 07, 2018

Abstract Resumen

This article describes the process of analysis, design, El presente artículo describe el proceso de análisis,
production and technological implementation carried out diseño, producción e implementación tecnológica llevado
within the framework of the academic collaboration a cabo en el marco del convenio de colaboración
agreement between the Universidad Tecnológica de académico entre la Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco
Jalisco (UTJ) through the Research Group (RG) UTJAL- (UTJ) a través del Cuerpo Académico (CA) UTJAL-CA-
CA-2 Social Responsibility , Sustainability and Integral 2 Responsabilidad Social, Sustentabilidad y Desarrollo
Development for SMEs and the Camara Mexicana de la Integral para SMEs y la Cámara Mexicana de la Industria
Industria de la Construccion (CMIC). This process de la Construcción Jalisco (CMIC). Este proceso
consisted in the implementation of the agile software consistió en la implementación de la metodología de
development methodology SCRUM for the creation of a desarrollo de software ágil SCRUM para la creación de
web application for the automation of the management of una aplicación web para la automatización de la gestión
the commercial relations of the clients. This application de las relaciones comerciales de los clientes. Esta
will allow to establish the mechanisms that ensure the aplicación permitirá establecer los mecanismos que
correct communication and collaboration in the aseguren la correcta comunicación y colaboración en la
administration of projects to be developed, allowing the administración de proyectos a desarrollar permitiendo
customer service processes to be stored and managed by que los procesos de atención al cliente sean almacenados
the application, as well as being accessible to all the y gestionados por la aplicación, además de ser accesibles
members of the organization that have a direct or indirect para todos los miembros de la organización que tengan
relationship with the client or the projects that are being una relación directa o indirecta con el cliente o los
developed. This will allow to control and direct the work proyectos que se están desarrollando. Esto permitirá
efforts of the collaborators towards a better management controlar y dirigir los esfuerzos del trabajo de los
of the resources of the company and offer a better follow colaboradores hacia una mejor administración de los
up to all the sales processes. recursos de la empresa y así ofrecer un mejor
seguimiento a todos los procesos de venta.
CRM, Web development, Web application
CRM, Desarrollo web, Aplicación web


Edgardo Emmanuel and MORENO-MONROY, Julio César. Customer Relationship Management Web for Construction
companies. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 2-2: 1-6.

* Correspondence to Author (email:

† Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara

Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 1-6

Introduction The projection of the ACTA company,

as well as its objectives, establish the need for a
The agreement of academic collaboration timely and correct management in the handling
established between the Technological of information and its processes, enhancing the
University of Jalisco (UTJ) and the Mexican importance of management, service and
Chamber of the Construction Industry Jalisco customer service, as a fundamental principle for
(CMIC) has allowed since 2016 the Academic its offer, which Cajiga (2010) defines as
Body (CA) UTJAL-CA-02 Social fundamental within the economic performance
Responsibility, Sustainability and Integral indicators of an ESR that includes clients,
Development for SMEs implement strategies suppliers, employees, capital providers and the
and actions with affiliated companies interested public sector.
in their adhesion to the Global Compact of the
United Nations Organization (UN) or in Likewise; the management of
obtaining the Distinctive Socially Responsible commercial relations with customers through
Company (ESR) through The Mexican Center Information and Communication Technologies
for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) and the Alliance (ICTs) will allow for the appropriate
for Corporate Social Responsibility (AliaRSE), mechanism so that the communication
through projects that have emerged from the processes of all areas of the company that are
strategic planning of SMEs that participate, and involved in the commercial process be
developed from the Innovative Lines of informed in real time and allow control and
Applied Research or Technological follow up each and every one of the actions
Development (LIIADT) of CA in the areas: scheduled or established in customer service.

a) Social Responsibility and Sustainability. The implementation of a Customer

b) Industrial Projects, Strategic Relationship Management web platform will
Management and Marketing. require that the company internally cause
c) Management, Total Quality and changes in its processes and organization.
Business Finances. These changes will directly impact the
d) Information and Communication preparation, safekeeping and management of
Technologies for SMEs. their contracts, the administration of projects,
collaboration and control of tasks,
These projects oriented to Social establishment of goals, monitoring of
Responsibility and aligned to the needs of the objectives, evaluation of proposals and
companies, allowed the company Asesores communication with the client.
Constructores Técnicos Administrativos, S.A.
of C.V. (ACTA) located in the city of Zapopan, Methodology
Jalisco and with business activity in the field of
construction, set up with the UTJAL-CA-02 a The project was developed in a quarterly period
work plan, where the process of analysis, between the month of May and August of 2017,
design, production and implementation was which affected the selection of SCRUM as a
necessary technology of a web platform that development methodology, which according to
would allow the management and Canós (2003) is characterized by its high
administration of the process in the commercial adaptability to change and the required
relations with the clients, thus paying to have iterations, which were scheduled every two
mechanisms that favor the control of the weeks. In the implementation of this
resources of the company and thus offer a better methodology we worked in phases, such as:
service to the sales processes. analysis, design, programming and testing.

The responsibility of establishing and Analysis

maintaining a satisfactory relationship with
customers allows the products and services This phase required the elaboration of the plan
offered to be maintained in a healthy to obtain requirements, in which the result of a
commercialization process, one of the group of interviews prepared for each of the
characteristic features being customer loyalty profiles in the organization was designed,
and recognition, in a way that identifies to the implemented and analyzed, with the objective
Economic Unit as the best alternative for the of extracting the necessary information for its
consumption of said products or services. classification and categorization.
ISSN-2524-2024 MACÍAS-BRAMBILA, Hassem Rubén, LÓPEZ-LAGUNA, Ana Bertha,
RINOE® All rights reserved MONROY, Julio César. Customer Relationship Management Web for
Construction companies. Journal-Economic Development Technological
Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 1-6

Below is a diagram that represents the Likewise; for the planning, monitoring
priority functional aspects obtained in the and control of the assigned tasks, as well as the
interviews: deliverables of each meeting, the Gantt chart
was made with the mentioned phases and the
critical route of the project was determined
File manager
through the Pert graphic.

Documentation of contracts Design

Notification of tasks This phase was divided into two areas, the
architectural design and the semantic data
design, which allowed to define the operation
Security of the information
of the dynamic and static aspects of the project,
as well as the definition of the metadata and its
Graphic 1 Functions
Source: Self Made
In the architectural design, the Unified
After having the information classified Modeling Language (UML) was implemented,
and categorized by functionalities, it began with which according to Macías (2017) allows the
the elaboration of the Software Requirements definition of operations, interactions,
Specification (ERS) document for which the sequences, states, activities and communication
template offered by the IEEE Std 830-1998 of processes. In this definition was also included
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics the interaction of the actors, functionalities and
Engineers was used. (IEEE, 1998), this instances of the system.
document specified the roles of the participants,
the characteristics of the users, the scope of the Likewise; Documents defined by Canós
software, as well as the functional and non- (2013) were developed as good practices, such
functional requirements. Below is a description as the Class-Accountability-Collaboration
of some specific requirements of the ERS: (CRC) cards, the class dictionary and the block
Requisition number R1.11
Requirement name Create a new task within a project This phase of architectural design also
Type Restriction
required the definition of the use cases, the
Supply of the Interview 28/05/2017, registry 12 identification of the actors with their inputs and
requirement outputs and the entities associated with the
Priority of the Low
requirement High/Essential Medium/Desired
operations described in the definition of use
Requisition number R1.13
Requirement name Modify general data of a task assigned to a
To determine the complexity of the
Type Restriction system, according to Larman (2003), the
Requirement complexity matrix was elaborated based on the
Supply of the Interview 28/05/2017, registry 12 defined use cases. In terms of interface design,
Priority of the Low the navigation map of the web application was
requirement High/Essential Medium/Desired developed. Below is the graphic of features of
the project:
Requisition number R1.14
Requirement name Delete a task assigned to a project
Type Restriction
Supply of the Interview 28/05/2017, registry 12
Priority of the Low
requirement High/Essential Medium/Desired

Table 1 Specification of requirements

Source: Self Made

ISSN-2524-2024 MACÍAS-BRAMBILA, Hassem Rubén, LÓPEZ-LAGUNA, Ana Bertha,

RINOE® All rights reserved MONROY, Julio César. Customer Relationship Management Web for
Construction companies. Journal-Economic Development Technological
Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 1-6


Interface File

Band CRM
Files Física

Tracing Data

Views Figure 2 Interface to manage tasks

Source: Self Made
Files Meta Logic
informati In this interface the user will be able to
report the progress in the tasks associated with
a project or event, in which a date and time
Graphic 2 Functionalities of the project must be established, both at the beginning and
Source: Self Made at the end, as well as a description of the same.

Programming Likewise; the administrator through this

interface can follow up on the tasks of each of
In this phase, we started with the production the collaborators. Below is the event control
process, selecting Bootstrap as a development interface:
framework for the application and through
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) its
Enero Febrero Marzo Abril
programming, in addition to the implementation
of JavaScript for the development of the
sessions, the control of security and accesses, Mayo Junio Julio Agosto

and according to Macias (2017) thus avoiding

intrusions to the database through the Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre

application using injections of Structured Query

Language (SQL). Below is the interface for Figure 3 Interface to manage events
adding events: Source: Self Made

From this interface the administrator can

view the events, tasks, actions and monitoring
of each of the projects that are running in the
company, this will allow to have a global vision
of the production.

Likewise; Interfaces were developed to

determine progress, as well as a customer
service log where the tracking and management
of each of the requests or attentions provided
was stored and managed, as well as alerting
Figure 1 Interface to add events
functionality when any of the elements
Source: Self Made
developed was not met the time established.
In this interface, the user can add events
associated with a client account and a contract. Tests
Below is the interface for managing tasks:
In this phase a test plan was designed and
implemented for the web application and the
configuration and installation of the server that
stores the database and the application.

ISSN-2524-2024 MACÍAS-BRAMBILA, Hassem Rubén, LÓPEZ-LAGUNA, Ana Bertha,

RINOE® All rights reserved MONROY, Julio César. Customer Relationship Management Web for
Construction companies. Journal-Economic Development Technological
Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 1-6

This test plan includes general Acknowledgement

information about the project, as well as a
version history and the definition of the We thank Dr. Víctor González Álvarez, Rector
evidence, which included: of the Technological University of Jalisco, the
President of CMIC, Mr. Luis Rafael Méndez
- Evidence elements Jaled and Engineer Fernando Zamora Medina
- Features to try General Director of Administrative Technical
- Regression tests Construction Consultants for providing the
- Functions not to try means and mechanisms for the realization of
- Test strategy this project derived from the work of UTJAL-
Further; with the objective of
determining an approximate performance of the Conclusions
execution of the Use Cases, the criteria of
acceptance and rejection of the tests through The implementation of the Customer
binary behavior were defined through the Relationship Management Web allowed during
functional and non-functional requirements. As its development process to analyze and
well as the determination of deliverables, implement strategies that allowed the ACTA
resources, planning and organization for the company to strengthen and consolidate its
execution of the test plan. technological infrastructure, thus achieving the
investment that would allow not only the
Results operation of the CRM but the implementation
of other IT tools for the daily operation of the
It was determined to establish a centralized data organization.
model for its administration due to the fact that
the estimate made according to the operational Likewise; the implementation of the
capacity of the company does not contemplate a CRM allowed the unification of different areas
simultaneous connectivity of more than 30 involved in the costs, planning, monitoring and
users, for which the requests of the clients, the release of projects, in which there must be an
storage management of data and processing efficient channel of communication with the
operations, do not justify the cost of a client and a constant feedback of the progress
distributed scheme. of each of the tasks, even which allows the
General Management of the ACTA company to
Regarding the determination of the provide timely follow-up to each of the projects
development environment, installation and it carries out simultaneously.
configuration of the server, no restriction was
contemplated except for the acquisition of The operation of the CRM also allowed
licenses, so the choice was made to implement paying a new organizational culture, as well as
free technologies, which favors the adaptation being a strategy that will provide a better
of the technologies to their processes by not experience to the client and that will allow the
representing licensing costs. efforts of each of the areas to be effective, thus
contributing to the compliance of the indicators
Through the test plan, cases that of the Distinctive ( ESR) of CEMEFI, allowing
contemplated aspects of connectivity, the company to be more competitive,
performance, interface and functionality were optimizing its relations with all the people
made; for which the simultaneous connection of involved, expanding access to technology, the
120 users and their respective requests as price-quality ratio of a product or that a service
clients was verified, as well as the outputs of will be easily comparable.
the processes, which through descriptive
statistics allowed to determine the 98.35% Besides representing a good practice
coincidence with the expected results in the and example for the rest of the MyPyMES
cases of test. The rest of the exits that did not members of the CMIC that are in the process of
meet the acceptance criteria were documented improving and evidencing their practices,
and reprocessed. which will generate a positive impact on CSR,
according to the CEMEFI Distinctive (ESR) or
of the evidences for the adhesion of the Global
Compact of the United Nations Organization.
ISSN-2524-2024 MACÍAS-BRAMBILA, Hassem Rubén, LÓPEZ-LAGUNA, Ana Bertha,
RINOE® All rights reserved MONROY, Julio César. Customer Relationship Management Web for
Construction companies. Journal-Economic Development Technological
Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 1-6

References Macías Brambila, Hassem R., López Laguna,

Ana B., González del Castillo, Edgardo E., &
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Introducción a la ingeniería del software: aplicaciones como evidencia para sinergia
modelos de desarrollo de programas. DELTA. academia-empresa MyPyMES de México.
351-353. Revista de Tecnología Informática. Ecorfan.
Álvarez Jiménez, Hugo R. (2017). Web
Development: Evidence of follow-up for Macías Brambila, Hassem R., López Laguna
compliance with the UN Global Compact in Ana B., Peña Montes de Oca, Adriana I., &
Construction Companies. Jorunal-Republic of
Paraguay. Ecorfan. 20-26. Martel, A. (2014). Gestión práctica de
proyectos con scrum: desarrollo de software
Beynon-Davies, Paul (2004). Database systems ágil para el scrum master. Antonio Martel.
third edition. Palgrave macmillan. 89-110.
Ramez, Elmasri & Navathe Shamkant (2007).
Cajiga Cálderon, Juan Felipe (2010) . EL Fundamentos de sistemas de bases de datos.
concepto de Responsabilidad Social Pearson Education. 209-211.
Empresarial. CEMEFI. 20.
Ramos Cardozzo, D. (2016). Desarrollo de
Canós, J. H., Letelier, P., & Penadés, M. C. software: requisitos, estimanciones y análisis.
(2003). Metodologías ágiles en el desarrollo de IT Campus Academy. 33-35.
software. 1(10), 1-8.

Date, C. J. (2001). Introducción a los Sistemas

de bases de datos. Pearson Education. 71-76.

Duarte, A. O., & Rojas, M. (2008). Las

metodologías de desarrollo ágil como una
oportunidad para la ingeniería del software
educativo. Avances en Sistemas e Informática,

Gómez, O. T., López, P. P. R., & Bacalla, J. S.

(2014). Criterios de selección de metodologías
de desarrollo de software. Industrial Data,
13(2), 070-074.

IEEE. (1998). IEEE Std 830-1998 - IEEE

Recommended Practice for Software
Requirements Specifications. mayo 20, 2017,
de C - IEEE Computer Society Sitio web:

Laínez Fuentes, J. R. (2016). Desarrollo de

software ágil: extreme programming y scrum.
IT Campus Academy. 71-94.

Larman, Craug (2003). UML y Patrones. Una

introducción al análisis y diseño orientado a
objetos y al proceso unificado. Prentice Hall.

ISSN-2524-2024 MACÍAS-BRAMBILA, Hassem Rubén, LÓPEZ-LAGUNA, Ana Bertha,

RINOE® All rights reserved MONROY, Julio César. Customer Relationship Management Web for
Construction companies. Journal-Economic Development Technological
Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 7-12

Study of high specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa,
Tabasco, for the generation of a development model of the productivity

Estudio de los hospitales de alta especialidad del sector privado en la ciudad de

Villahermosa, Tabasco, para la generación de un modelo de desarrollo de la

PÉREZ-PÉREZ, Iris Cristel†*, ELISEO-DANTÉS, Hortensia, GALLEGOS-DÍAZ, Rosa Aurora and


TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa

ID 1st Author: Iris Cristel, Pérez-Pérez / ORC ID: 0000-0003-3120-5597, Researcher ID Thomson: G-1891-2018, CVU
CONACYT ID: 843577

ID 1st Coauthor: Hortensia, Eliseo-Dantés / ORC ID: 0000-0003-4006-4669, Researcher ID Thomson: F-6749-2018,

ID 2nd Coauthor: Rosa Aurora, Gallegos-Díaz / ORC ID: 0000-0001-8376-2403, Researcher ID Thomson: G-1926-2018,

ID 3rd Coauthor: Addybryan, Medina-Vázquez / ORC ID: 0000-0002-0075-3972, Researcher ID Thomson: G-1934-2018,

Received January 27, 2018; Accepted May 18, 2018

Abstract Resumen

Productivity is fundamental for today's organizations, not La productividad es fundamental para las organizaciones
only for transformation organizations, but also for those that actuales, no sólo para las de transformación, sino también
provide services. This is the case of the present investigation para las que brindan servicios. Este es el caso de la presente
that focuses specifically on the study of the health sector investigación que se centra específicamente en el estudio del
taking as reference the High Specialty Hospitals of the sector salud tomando como referencia a los Hospitales de
private sector, in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco. The alta Especialidad del sector privado, en la ciudad de
research is carried out through a systemic and Villahermosa, Tabasco. La investigación se lleva a cabo a
comprehensive approach, considering both internal and través de un enfoque sistémico e integral, considerando los
external elements that affect productivity, therefore, ten elementos tanto internos como externos que inciden en la
elements have been established that include current priority productividad, por lo tanto, se han establecido diez
aspects to achieve productivity and therefore the quality of elementos que engloban aspectos actualmente prioritarios
organizations. It should be noted that the compilation para lograr la productividad y por ende la calidad de las
according to the information contained in the organizaciones. Cabe señalar que la recopilación de acuerdo
aforementioned elements is taken directly from the experts a la información contenida en los elementos antes señalados
linked to the study context. t is important to note that the es tomada directamente de los expertos vinculados con el
participation of the leaders in the self-assessment is of great contexto de estudio. Es importante señalar que la
importance to have a comprehensive outline of the participación de los líderes en el autodiagnostico es de gran
organization's scenario. In the present investigation different importancia para tener un esquema integral del escenario de
strategies were managed to achieve real participation. la organización. En la presente investigación se manejaron
diferentes estrategias para lograr una participación real.
Objectives, Methodology, Contribution, Productivity,
Hospitals, Comprehensive approach Objetivos, Metodología, Contribución, Productividad,
Hospitales, Enfoque integral

Citation: PÉREZ-PÉREZ, Iris Cristel, ELISEO-DANTÉS, Hortensia, GALLEGOS-DÍAZ, Rosa Aurora and MEDINA-
VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan. Study of high specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco, for the
generation of a development model of the productivity. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth.
2018. 2-2: 7-12.

* Correspondence to Author (email:

† Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara

Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 7-12

Introduction In 2014, the Women's Hospital was the

unit with the highest productivity in the state,
The productivity is of great importance for the which is why in June 2015 the state government
good operation in the organizations since it is invested in highly specialized medical
required to realize the established processes equipment in order to improve the service of all
with efficiency and effectiveness, taking general hospitals, Community and regional
advantage of in the best possible way the governments, giving better attention to users,
available resources. That is why the General leaving behind the hospital crisis. (Palmas R.,
Hospitals of Villahermosa Tabasco must 2015).
maintain a continuous improvement in their
processes, to provide a quality service to the One of the modifications that was made
community. in January 2016 at the State level, was to
analyze the objectives that the health sector has
In order for the service in the hospitals directly related to the officials of each general
of Villahermosa to be adequate, full attention hospital and the Secretary of Health, Rafael
must be given to the right-holder (user), Gerardo Arroyo Yábar, declared before the
however, that need is not met and even the jurisdictional heads and the directors of
workers show disagreement since they do not hospitals of high specialty, general that in the
have the necessary budget to invest in state dependency there must be public officials
maintenance, updated equipment, medicines or who serve the population and not that they are
food suitable for the right holder. Patients, to be served in a personal way. (Gobierno de
relatives, nurses and doctors admit that, in these Tabasco, 2016 enero 12).
hospitals, some new or recently remodeled,
there are no medicines and there are no doctors Methodology
and sometimes no nurses. (Contreras S. J, 2015
mayo 05). The present investigation is subjective -
quantitative, since an integral instrument is used
Because of this, several studies have for the measurement of the productivity in
been carried out since previous years related to which each owner of the process at his
the measurement of productivity for the discretion and by means of information that
implementation of improvement strategies. backs it must choose what percentage of
qualification has each sub-element of the
Within these studies focused on general different elements that make up the instrument,
hospitals in Villahermosa, we can highlight the this is where from the subjective to the
research carried out by the Engineers: Aguirre quantitative, these percentages are represented
Manzo, Castro Ramón and Cruz González in graphs which show the situation of the
(February, 2009) of the Villahermosa general hospital just as much is its productivity.
Technological Institute, called "Model of In the first instance we proceed to the detection
improvement of productivity for Quality of factors for such use the storm or
management "applied in the High Specialty brainstorming.
Hospital Gustavo A. Rovirosa Pérez. The
research contemplates a proposed model, which In this stage the description of the
is based on forming intellectual capital and methodology for the development of the present
following the established programs. investigation is placed, considering the work of
a systemic way and with a logical order to reach
In 2014, different hospitals implemented the objective of the investigation. For which the
improvement projects and programs such as following figure is presented:
awareness-raising and training to strengthen
workers in terms of quality under a technical,
operational and human approach. In order to
improve the attention processes, some strategies
were modified and new ones were applied, for
example: "Together we build quality" that is
based on the development of the culture of
quality in the services and on improving the
waiting times of the users. (Secretaria de
Gobierno, 2014 mayo 26).
ISSN-2524-2024 DÍAZ, Rosa Aurora and MEDINA-VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan. Study of high
RINOE® All rights reserved specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco,
for the generation of a development model of the productivity. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 7-12

The results will give us an integral

Design of the
Emergence of Integral Realization of panorama, and will show if it is working in
the idea Measurement
the Diagnosis team under a systemic approach, for the
achievement of the established objectives. In
Development of
Design of the order to create solution proposals that help the
the Research Model for the
methodology improvement of growth and considerable improvement of the
Productivity hospital service.
Reference Detection of the
Framework real context of The objective of the Integral
Study the study
Measurement Instrument is to obtain
information that will show a 360 ° scenario,
Figure 1 General outline of the methodology for the
related to productivity progress.
investigation. The results obtained were used as self-diagnosis
Source: Researcher contribution and thus, identify the red centers that impact
hospitals, with the aim of taking corrective or
For the study of Productivity in the preventive actions, by controlling the processes.
General Hospitals of Villahermosa, because of
the hospitals that meet the characteristics Instrument: (first element example)
established in the study, a representative
sample was taken, and since there are few Element 1: Measurements related to the User.
elements of the population and the sample
complies with the specific description Objective: Know all the aspects related to the
necessary for the research and the contribution Right Holder and that impact on the processes of
that was intended to provide in the present the Hospital.
work, three general hospitals of high specialty
were studied. DESCRIPTION OF THE









These Hospitals, have the characteristic Does the Hospital reveal to
1 which sector of the
of being High Specialty so they maintain a population it is directed?
Does the client know the
continuous operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a 2 market to which his
year; They have clinical and surgical organization is directed?
Who are your potential
procedures, involving professionals from 3
Does the Hospital carry out
different disciplines, with specialized 4 activities to meet its
knowledge and a high degree of skill, who use patients?
Do you know the needs of
special spaces, equipment and high technology 5
Do they have any parameter
to do so, which should not fail at the moment that measures the
they are required. satisfaction of their patients,
after their occupation?
Is the satisfaction of the
service of quality to the
Results 7
degree that the user returns
to use it?
Do you have any method
An Integral Instrument for the Measurement of 8
that evaluated the quality of
the services offered to the
Productivity (IIMP) was used to generate the patient?
diagnosis, to the Hospitals of high specialty 9
How do you identify
opportunities for
which is composed of 10 elements and each improvement?
Are there indicators that
element has sub-elements, designed to obtain 10 show opportunities for
information relative to the advances reached in Do you have a procedure
the Integral scheme of the organization. 11 manual that ensures the
quality of patient service?
Do they objectively assess
12 the perception of their
The evaluation was applied to each patients?
leader of each area of the Hospitals, since they
know in detail the processes they perform. Table 1 Development of element 1
Source: Researchers contribution

In the same way the other nine elements

are described, considering the relevant
information for each one of them, only
mentioned below:


ISSN-2524-2024 DÍAZ, Rosa Aurora and MEDINA-VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan. Study of high
RINOE® All rights reserved specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco,
for the generation of a development model of the productivity. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 7-12

Element 2: Measurements and / or performance Áreas Hospital one Hospital two

of the process. Nutrition 68 74 50
Imaging 65 88 56
Element 3: Partnerships with suppliers. Warehouse and
73 80 71
Billing 68 89 67
Element 4: Structuring and management of
Admission 72 78 75
documentation. Systems 75 76 68
Laboratory 82 84 83
Element 5: Training for the development of Human Resources 85 60 80
skills and abilities. Quality 90 71 90
Purchases and Payments 85 66 83
Nursing 81 89 87
Element 6: Benchmarking Process Maintenance and Service 83 66 82
(Benchmarking) Commercialization 79 86 78
73 73 70
Element 7: Process adaptability. Management
Medical Subdirection 81 62 82
Commercial address 92 58 93
Element 8: Evolution of human resources. Avgerage: 78.3 75 75.9

Element 9: Evolution of the managerial level. Table 2 General information by area

Source: Three institutions evaluated
Element 10: Scheme of continuous
improvement. The average obtained by each hospital
falls within the range of the status in
At the end of the application of the development, so it is inferred that the status of
instrument to each manager results were the sample mean of the hospital private sector
obtained which give an overview of the of the city of Villahermosa is classified as a
scenario according to the current situation in developing industry in that context.
which the hospital private sector is, making a
measurement analysis within a range of 10 to It is worth mentioning that, of the areas
100 percent. This weighting will outline the of the private hospital sector, the most
percentage of progress of each element, which strengthened with an average of 86% is the
is the average of the sub-elements that make up. Nursing department, which indicates that it is a
strong point of the industry studied.
With the results obtained from the
application of the instrument, it will be possible However, the area of Nutrition with an
to establish a measure of the general average advance of 64%, is the department with
productivity of the sector, as well as the the most deficiencies within the industry, for
identification of the classification to which it which it will have to focus with greater
belongs as an industry. insistence the same in order to strengthen said
department / aspect within the sector.
The levels, ranges and classifications
that reach the systems that are subjected to the Measurement by elements
measurement of their productivity with the
support of this instrument are mentioned below: On the other hand, an analysis of the context
studied from the elements approach was done in
10%-30% Incipient the same way, obtaining the results shown in
40% -50% Initial table 3 below.
60% -80% Development
90% - 100% Approach found with productivity

For better interpretation of the data are

shown in the table and corresponding graphs,
establishing the percentages of weighting


ISSN-2524-2024 DÍAZ, Rosa Aurora and MEDINA-VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan. Study of high
RINOE® All rights reserved specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco,
for the generation of a development model of the productivity. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 7-12

Hospital Hospital Hospital

one two trhee
1 User 76 70 68
Measurements and / or
2 69 70 67
process performance
Partnerships with
3 78 71 77
Structuring and
4 management of 78 73 75
Training for the
5 development of skills and 79 74 81
6 Benchmarking process 76 66 73
7 Process adaptability 86 67 92
Evolution of the Human
8 71 72 66
Evolution of the
9 84 72 82
managerial level
Scheme of continuous
10 82 72 80 Figure 2 Model for the improvement of the integral
Average: 78 71 76 productivity for the general hospitals of high specialty in
the City of Villahermosa, Tabasco
Table 3 General information by element Source: Researchers contribution (2017)
Source: Three institutions evaluated
Based on what is observed in Table 2, it
is concluded that the sector from the The proposed model clearly presents a strategy
perspective by elements reaches a sample of continuous improvement, which starts from
average of 75% of progress in productivity, four basic concepts to provide quality in the
positioning itself at Development level, being service and therefore, achieve productivity. The
the key element of the sector, according to the first step is the strategic planning of all the
results obtained, item number 7 with an average processes, tasks, and activities of the Hospitals,
of 82% advance. then, you must "do" executing the planned
actions, then verify checking the results and
On the other hand the most deficient drawing conclusions, finally acts based on the
element of the sector resulted in number 2, results obtained, making the relevant changes to
measurements and / or performance of avoid incurring the same errors.
processes with a mean sample of 69%, despite
being within the development range, it is References
relevant to pay attention to this element to
strengthen it and not become in the future in a Cantú Delgado, Humberto. 2001. Desarrollo
weakness for the industry. de una cultura de calidad. México Editorial.
Me Graw-Hill/Interamericana Editores, S. A.
Contribution de C. V.,

With a 75% result in the Integral measurement, Casas, Rosalba y Luna, Matilde
high-specialty hospitals have a development, in (coordinadoras). 1997. Gobierno, Academia >
matters of productivity although there are many empresa en México: hacia una nueva
details within each hospital, because they configuración de relaciones. México. UNAM-
follow a pattern of carrying out the activities Plaza y Valdéz.
without knowing what is that they perform, it
has worked for them, but they are completely Casas, Rosalba y Vaienti, Giovanna
unaware of the names of the processes, their (coordinadoras). 2000. Dos ejes en la
variety is very changeable within the clinics, by vinculación de las universidades a la
maintaining a strict and rigid discipline, by producción. La formación de recursos
managing monthly evaluation programs, by humanos y las capacidades de investigación.
collaborator and maintaining a scheme of Coedición entre: Instituto de Investigaciones
compliance with each of the aspects that Sociales de la UNAM, la Universidad
hospitals demand. Autónoma Metropolitana. México. Plaza y
Valdéz Editores.
Therefore, the following model is proposed for t


ISSN-2524-2024 DÍAZ, Rosa Aurora and MEDINA-VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan. Study of high
RINOE® All rights reserved specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco,
for the generation of a development model of the productivity. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 7-12

Chiavenato, Idalberto. 1999. Introducción a la Zubiría Samper, Sergio; Abello Trujillo,

teoría general de la administración. Quinta Ignacio; Tabares, Marina. 1998. Conceptos
Edición. México. Editorial Me Graw básicos de administración y gestión cultural.
Hill/lnteramericana Editores, S. A. de C. V., Cuadernos de la OEA. Madrid, España.Editado
por la organización de Estados
Dyer, W. 1987. En Cantú Delgado, H. 2001. Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia
Desarrollo de una Cultura de calidad. Editorial y la Cultura.
México. Mac Graw Hill/lnteramericana
Editores. S. A. de C. V.,

Fritz, Robert. 1997. Corrientes corporativas.

Las leyes inevitables de la estructura
organizacional. México. Ediciones Castillo.

Lloria, M. B. 2000. El conocimiento como

recurso y capacidad. Una aproximación a la
gestión del conocimiento como ventaja
competitiva. España. Universidad de Valencia.

Münch, Lourdes y Angeles Ernesto. 1998.

Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación. México.
Editorial Trillas, S. A. de C. V.,

Ostroff, Frank. 1999. La organización

horizontal. México. Editorial Oxford
Universit> Press

Revilla, E. 1999. De la organización que

aprende a la gestión del conocimiento Madrid.
Editorial Instituto de Empresa.

Robbins. Stephen. 1998. Comportamiento

organizacional. México. Editorial Prentice

Rodríguez Valencia, Joaquín. 2001. Como

aplicar la planeación estratégica a la pequeña y
mediana empresa. Internacional México.
Thomson Editores, S. A. de C. V.

Sayles, Leonard. 1990. En Crainer, Stuart,

1999. Ideas fundamentales de la
administración. México. Panorama Editorial,
S. A. de C. V.

Schelmkes, Corina. 1998. Manual para la

presentación de anteproyectos informes de
investigación (tesis). México. Editorial Oxford
University Press.

Senge, Peter M. 1990. La quinta disciplina.

México. Editorial Granica.

Silíceo Aguilar, Alfonso. 1997. Liderazgo para

la productividad en México. México. Editorial
Limusa, S. A. de C. V, Grupo Noriega
ISSN-2524-2024 DÍAZ, Rosa Aurora and MEDINA-VÁZQUEZ, Addybryan. Study of high
RINOE® All rights reserved specialty hospitals of the private sector in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco,
for the generation of a development model of the productivity. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of Tabasco for the
generation of a development proposal

Estudio de la productividad del sector hotelero del estado de Tabasco para la

generación de una propuesta de desarrollo


Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER, Elizabeth

Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa

ID 1st Author: Ezequiel, Notario-Priego / ORC ID: 0000-0002-3791-1823, Researcher ID Thomson: G-2613-2018, CVU
CONACYT ID: 407736

ID 1st Coauthor: Jucelly, De la Cruz-Castro / ORC ID: 0000-0002-3862-9555, Researcher ID Thomson: G-1886-2018,

ID 2nd Coauthor: Brissa Roxana, De Leon-De los Santos / ORC ID: 0000-0002-4775-6185, Researcher ID Thomson: G-
3140-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 778437

ID 3rd Coauthor: Elizabeth, Rodriguez-Javier / ORC ID: 0000-0002-8658-1816, Researcher ID Thomson: G-2638-2018,

Received January 27, 2018; Accepted April 05, 2018

Abstract Resumen

The present study analyzes the productivity of the hotel El presente estudio analiza la productividad del
sector that is located in the state of Tabasco for the sector hotelero que se encuentra en el estado de Tabasco
design of an improvement proposal. The results of a self- para el diseño de una propuesta de mejora. Se consideran
diagnosis carried out at six hotels that are part of the los resultados de un auto diagnóstico efectuado a seis
hotel sector and that were selected by verifying their hoteles que forman parte del sector hotelero y que fueron
impact in the context of action, are considered in order to seleccionados al verificar su impacto en el contexto de
identify the critical factors that affect the productivity of acción, con la finalidad de identificar los factores críticos
the hotel industry in the always considering the variables que inciden en la productividad de la hotelería en la
of the context. The methodology that was used from the considerando siempre las variables del contexto. La
selection of the experts was the Delphi method, allowing metodología que se utilizó desde la selección de los
them to have the key elements to develop the criteria and expertos fue el método Delphi, propiciando que se
factors, and thus obtain the information that is then tuvieran a los elementos claves para desarrollar los
analyzed in the integral diagnosis, by means of graphs criterios y factores, y así obtener la información que
that in a more practical way, they allow the results to be después es analizada en el diagnóstico integral, por
more evident. It should be noted that based on the medio de graficas que de manera más practica permiten
variables of the context, the specific factors that affect evidenciar más los resultados. Cabe señalar que partiendo
them were interrelated. This led to the comprehensive de las variables del contexto, se logró interrelacionar los
proposal of a model for the improvement of productivity factores específicos que inciden en las mismas. Lo
in the hotel sector of the state of Tabasco, always with an anterior llevo a la propuesta integral de un modelo para
integral approach.. el mejoramiento de la productividad en el sector hotelero
del estado de Tabasco, siempre con un enfoque integral .
Productividad, Mejoramiento, Integral
Productivity, Improvement, Integral

Citation: NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana
and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER, Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of Tabasco for the
generation of a development proposal. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 2-2: 13-

* Correspondence to Author (email:

† Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara

Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22


The current business context transits times of

crucial changes, the leading companies in their
branches seek to break paradigms in the
processes seeking to achieve their objectives
more effectively and efficiently.

However, the effective and quality

realization of all the activities necessary to
complete objectives and goals is not exclusively
a matter of a single factor, rather it depends on
many factors that are directly related to
Figure 1 Methodological Process of Research
The tourism sector is one of the main Source: Researcher Contribution 2017
economic axes in the country and particularly
the hotel industry has a very important role in This section shows the process to
the creation of jobs which highlights the analyze the interrelation between the
importance of having a competitive hotel sector fundamental indicators of the organization and
in the State of Tabasco since a region that it is the value created by the maturity in quality of
not competitive, it does not grow and it can not its processes and systems; employees and
give welfare to the citizens that make it up. suppliers in the internal value chain and for
their clients, the sectors of influence and
The state of Tabasco has a location and society, in their social value chain.
characteristics that have made it a development
area for companies in the energy sector and The model was adapted according to
agricultural sector, which has involved the the hotel context, so some criteria have more
construction of commercial and office spaces, questions than others.
increasing the demand for hotel night rooms
with special qualities for business tourists. The application was made individually
in the work centers of each of the experts and
The present research will present the in person to have the opportunity to expose
criteria and factors that affect competitiveness them in detail the method and ensure
in a very particular way in the state of Tabasco confidentiality.
and the areas of opportunity for improvement
resulting from self-diagnosis. The numerical value that is given to the
advances was maintained in the scale from 10
The objective is to analyze the to 100, so that when obtaining an average this
competitiveness and make an improvement can be placed within the scale of development
proposal that allows to raise it to have more of the organization and thus be able to identify
satisfied business tourists and a sustainable the level of development in each of one of the
destination. areas.
Methodology Description Scale development of the
Scale organization
The methodology that has been followed in the 0-20 Initial
present investigation, then, is shown by means 25-40 Developing
45-60 Trustworthy
of a scheme and which shows each one of the
65-80 Competent
steps that were carried out to achieve the 80-100 World class
established objectives, by means of the use of
tools and instruments such as the model of Table 1 Scale of Organization Development
innovation for competitiveness and structural Source: 2014 Innovation and Quality Model

ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

Once the self-diagnosis has been In this phase we proceeded to develop a

obtained, it will be possible to observe the double-entry board, or matrix of direct
improvement opportunities areas that the relationships that are dependence and motor,
hotels have, which will later be complemented filling is done with the factors that affect the
with the influencing factors that are detected hotel business sector and that were defined in
with the following tool so that together they the phase. This being the qualitative and
are the basis for the elaboration of the proposal posterior part, a value is given, this being the
of improvement. quantitative part, 1 for those that have a strong
influence and zero for those that have zero or
Once considering the actors related to zero influence, in this way a dependency value
the hotel sector, experts were selected who is obtained and another value is obtained
determined the factors that they indicate in the motor to later obtain a total percentage of each
variables proposed at the beginning of the of the factors.
present investigation, by means of the phases
that are represented in the following scheme: This phase consists of identifying the
factors that affect the hotel business sector
through the results that will be obtained from
the double entry matrix and the percentage

The comparison of the hierarchy of the

variables will allow us to confirm the
importance of certain factors that because of
their indirect actions play a leading role and
that the direct qualification would not show,
allowing to classify each factor according to
their degree of motor and dependence in
relation to the other variables.

The dependence and motor indexes can

be represented graphically in a Cartesian
coordinate system, in which the motor index is
Figure 2 Structural Analysis Scheme represented on the "Y" axis, and the
Source: Researcher Contribution 2017 dependency index on the "X" axis.
This first phase consists of listing the
set of variables that characterize the context
studied and its environment, it is
recommended to be as exhaustive as possible.

1 Customer satisfaction
2 Leadership
3 Personal development
4 Information management
5 Strategic planning Graphic 1 Plano Cartesiano de Motricidad y
6 Management and process improvement Dependencia
7 Impact on society Source: Mojica, Sastoque Franciscol. The prospective
8 Results 1999.

Table 2 List of variables As you can see in the previous figure,

Source: Researcher Contribution 2017 the coordinate system is divided into 4 zones
that represent 100% of the factors selected, the
The list of variables was generated by number of total factors. The areas are
free conversations in complete interaction with represented by: zone of power, conflict, exit
the experts and actors of the hotel sector and autonomous problems.
which, in addition to identifying them, also
made a brief, but precise description of them.

ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

The zone of power, located in the upper Presentation and Interpretation of Results from
left zone, refers to the factors that have the the Innovation and Quality Model
highest motor index and the lowest
dependency index.

These factors are the most important of

the analysis because they influence the
majority and depend little on others, whatever
affects them, will affect the other remaining,
affecting the entire system.

The zone of conflict, located on the

right margin, which can also be called as a
work zone, contains the factors with the
highest motor and dependence rates, whatever
affects them, in turn affects the exit factors. Graphic 2 First Hotel Studied
Source: Contribution of experts 2017
The exit zone, located in the lower right
area, is made up of those factors that are a The previous graph shows the results of
product of the previous ones and that have the the first study object located in the municipality
lowest motor rates, but the highest dependence of Paraíso, Tabasco, where it is observed in the
rates. Development level that the impact criterion is
the Company and the results; in the Reliable
Finally, the area of autonomous level you can see the criteria Customer
problems, which is so called because the Satisfaction, Staff Development and
factors contained are loose wheel with respect Leadership; In the Competent level are the
to others, do not influence, or are significantly criteria Management and Improvement of
influenced, have the lowest rates of motor and Processes, Information Management and
dependence. Strategic Planning. The general average for the
organization in this evaluation places it on the
Analysis from the Method level of development Reliable level.

Next, the results obtained from the application So successively we proceeded to graph
of the methodology cited in the previous section with each of the objects of studies, ie with each
will be presented, with the results obtained hotel studied.
there is a complete picture of the current
situation of productivity in the business hotel To later graph and average the results of
sector in the state of Tabasco, said information all the objects of study.
is will analyze to be able to make the final
diagnosis of the problem.

Selection of Experts.

As a result of the first phase in the

methodology; that is to say, the application of
the Delphi method was obtained the
identification of the 10 experts in the subject,
who in turn identified the main factors that
affect the productivity of the hotels in the state
of Tabasco.

Graphic 3 Graphic 8 Integral Profile by Criteria of the

Hotel Business Sector in the State of Tabasco

ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

This previous graph represents the Factors Generated in the Study of the
average evaluation of all the experts by Context of the Analysis of the Productivity of
criterion which reflects that the criterion Impact the Business Hotel Sector in the State of
to the Company is the one that enters in a lower Tabasco.
position of the scale located in the Initial level,
later in the development level it is found the In this stage the experts based on their
criteria Development of Personnel, Results, knowledge and extensive experience and
Strategic Planning, Information Management, considering the variables of the context and
and Leadership, and within the reliable level is their characteristics and once the self-diagnosis
Management and Process Improvement and was obtained through a debate that concluded in
Customer Satisfaction. The general average a consensus, they could identify the factors that
places the hotel sector at the Development level affect the productivity of the business
of the organizational development scale. hospitality sector.

Based on the results obtained from the Factor Description Definition

F1 Knowledge Much of the organizational knowledge
application of the integral instrument for the management is lost when people leave organizations,
measurement of productivity and starting from this without their being fully aware of it.
F2 Knowledge In the information age of the value of
the general to the particular we can see that knowledge increasingly exceeds the
there are three areas that reflect less value of experience, knowledge
represents a huge competitive
development, for which we will mainly have to advantage.
elaborate improvement strategies, these are the F3 Strategic The formulation of creative strategies
planning that seek the achievement of objectives
following: in a sustainable manner and that
guarantee growth.
Initial level: F4 Leadership The way that the management or senior
managers influence and motivate the
rest of the organization to achieve the
Impact on society. Average Staff Development objectives.
F5 Organizational They must be clear and contribute to
and Intellectual Capital Management. Average policies facilitate the operation in pursuit of the
of 20.74. It can also be observed that the achievement of the objectives.
F6 Organizational Values, beliefs, knowledge and ways of
subsequent areas are at a similar level of culture thinking that serve as a guide for
development evolving at par, being as follows: collaborators.
F7 Globalization Foreign investment, foreign tourists,
hotel chains and the economic, social
Development Level: and cultural impact they have on the
Results Average of 28.46 F8 Sustainable It refers to the projects being variable
Average Leadership of 29.63 development and compatible with the activity of the
Strategic Planning Average of 30.76 company, society and persevere the
biodiversity of the region.
Average Information Management of 33.71 F9 Organizational It is the environment in which work
climate activities are developed, perceived by
employees as being key because it
Finally, we can observe two areas that conditions the attitudes and behavior of
were evaluated with the highest averages where those who integrate it.
F10 Linkage Promote, manage and manage
it can be inferred, those that have been given between relationships with other organizations
priority to be developed by applying strategies organizations and institutions of the business and
government social sector.
that have allowed them to obtain the results that F11 Social changes Those variations in the social structure
are presented below. and its consequences.

F12 Infrastructure Not only the facilities must be

Reliable level. consistent and be in perfect condition
covering aspects of comfort and safety,
Management and Process Improvement. also the access routes to them.
Average 42.45 F13 Culture of Measure yourself to know the state of
measurement what is done and how well it is done, to
Customer satisfaction. Average 46.07 have a continuous and integral
F14 Political The political changes and the
In general it can be seen that the areas reforms consequences they bring in the sector.
have not evolved together which ultimately F15 Access to The level of access to technology to
affects negatively in productivity because an technology carry out the activities of the
organization is a system where one lagged area organization to facilitate learning.

affects the evolution of the others limiting the

Table 3 Relationship of Factors
entire organization to obtain better results and
Source: Contribution of experts 2017
the achievement of the objectives.

ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

A total of 15 factors were obtained that, The results obtained in the previous
in a different proportion, affect the variables of table will be represented graphically in the
the study context. Cartesian plane of motor and dependence that is
divided into 4 zones.
Once the factors that affect the treated
problem were identified, the double entry To generate the graph we use the
matrix structured by the 15 factors was formula 100 / n where it is equal to the number
elaborated, which were qualified by the experts, of factors therefore 100/15 = 6.67 figure that is
giving it a value of 0 if the variables do not marked both for the axis of the "x" and for the
have a direct influence relationship or 1 for axis of the "y" giving the crossing of these the
those variables that have a potential influence classification of each one of the zones on the
relationship. Cartesian plane.

In this phase it was possible to detect the

factors that have the greatest influence and that
will be relevant for the analysis of the context
of the business hotel sector.

Graphic 3 Position of the Factors in Each of the Areas

Source: Contribution of the researcher 2017

In the graph you can clearly see the

location of the factors in each of the quadrants
which allows defining which are the most
affected or critical factors.
Table 4 Double Entry Matrix
Source: Contribution of experts 2017
As can be seen in the area of power are
The following table shows the the factors F8, F9, F1 and F5, which are
dependency and motor level of each factor determinants for the dependent variable.
obtained from the double entry matrix.
The factor eight (F8), the sustainable
development is of great relevance for the other
factors because it is important that the projects
are viable and compatible with society and that
the biodiversity of the region is preserved;
additional that business travelers are already
considering this factor as another attribute when
choosing where to stay looking for hotels that
are friendly to the environment.

The factor nine (F9) Organizational

climate, this factor is decisive for the other
factors because this conditions the attitudes and
behavior of the members of the company
contributing to this, that if the environment is
Table 5 Motor and Dependency Values pleasant, the treatment is with respect and there
Source: Contribution of experts 2017 are few conflicts the collaborators are more
productive and therefore the organization is
more likely to be competitive.
ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE
RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

The factor one (F1) Knowledge In the zone of autonomous problems

management, strategically enhance knowledge factors F13 and F12 are placed, therefore, the
to create human capital is a competitive influence of these factors on the study variable
advantage before any other organization so it is can be ruled out a little, but it must be taken
of great importance. into account that the F13 factor is very close to
be a factor of zone of power or conflict.
The factor five (F5) Organizational
policies are highly influential for the other In the zone of exit the little motor and
factors because if they are well elaborated very dependent factors are located F7, F11 and
based on the mission and vision they facilitate F14.
the operation and the achievement of the
objectives. In the zone of conflict are a great Proposal
majority of the factors being these F3, F2, F4,
F10, F6, F15 are factors with high motor and As can be seen in the results obtained from the
simultaneously with high dependence, any evaluation applied to the different hotels and
action on these factors, will affect the others dependencies found in the state of Tabasco
and the dependent variable. according to the scale of development, some
criteria have presented areas of opportunity that
The factor three (F3) Strategic planning, affect the productivity of the region as well as
this is a determining process that will affect all also the results obtained by the study of
the factors involved because it is precisely the structural analysis have left in evidence the key
formulation of strategies for achieving the factors that directly and indirectly affect the
objectives and the growth of the company. dependent variable, leaving much clearer the
current landscape in terms of productivity in the
The factor two (F2) Knowledge while hotel sector of the state of Tabasco.
managing it represents a great competitive
advantage as long as it is obtained from Based on these results, a model has been
information that benefits the company's own developed by means of which improvement
activity. actions are proposed for the criteria and for
those factors that, due to their influence and
The four factor (F4) Leadership is an dependence on the dependent variable, demand
influential factor since the leader must guide the greater attention in such a way that, when
rest of the staff in a motivating way in such a implemented, productivity can be raised in the
way that they release all their potential, no hotels of the State of Tabasco.
matter what the activity that is developed or the
position that they have as a system, every action Analysis of the Model.
influences either positively or negatively.

The ten factor (F10) Linkage between

organizations, promote and manage the link
with other organizations in the region is
relevant because it can contribute to the
exchange of knowledge and therefore to the
development of new improvement programs.

The factor six (F6) The organizational

culture shaped by values, beliefs and ways of
thinking influence the other factors because
they can limit or potentiate the development of
the organization.

The factor fifteen (F15) The Figure 3 Proposal for an Integral Model for Improving
technological factor currently present and Source: Contribution of the researcher 2017
necessary both for the development of a product
and for the provision of a service is highly
influential in the rest of the factors.

ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

The objective of this model is to Having an intellectual capital with

generate an improvement in the productivity of skills, knowledge and attitude to continue to
business hotels in the state of Tabasco but as a develop can be considered the creation of a
result of this improvement it is implicit that structural capital that includes technological
generate changes, which however necessary equipment, programs, and avant-garde
they affect the working climate and alter the databases that allow raising productivity in
culture organizational so it is necessary that this terms of technological infrastructure.
is accompanied by an awareness-raising
intervention that makes the change process an In the area of information management,
opportunity for improvement, avoiding negative organizations must now rely heavily on the
changes and conflicts. administration of information and technology,
as is the case with the study organization, which
The processes of sensitization to change, proposes that leaders focus their people on the
as a management policy, are the worthy and use of information and benefits that technology
pedagogical way to help understand the new provides for the administration of information,
system, its reasons, motivations, and thereby achieving greater efficiency and
consequences that will imply. effectiveness in the daily work.

The sensitization processes are aimed at Covering the aspects of leadership and
the entire organization, but they must start at staff development, the company and the staff
the managerial level, that is, through the are prepared in attitude and aptitude to
leaders. participate in a comprehensive manner for the
creation of the strategic plan, which will bring
The importance of counting in the as a consequence that it has its lines of
organization with leaders is so imperative with development and action that allow you to have
the organizational vision since they are those a solid foundation on the work or project you
that intelligently define the goals to achieve the will undertake, as well as to be able to measure
objectives. the results since you will have specific goals.

A visionary leader infuses his Organizations today can not live in

organization with a concrete sense of mission, isolation, they have to interact strongly with
trust, collaboration, a sense of interdependence, their clients, suppliers, the government and the
motivation and co-responsibility for success. entire society in which they are immersed in
order to measure how they are evaluated as a
In short, a leader is a person, able to company and the impact they are generating in
motivate people and help develop, able to the context. For them it is important to look for
continually reinvent, to assess both the results the means of feedback that allow the actions to
and the quality of relationships in the be channeled towards results that are in
organization and embody the fundamental harmony with society.
values on which the latter is support.
In terms of Social Responsibility, when
Achieving with this an organization considering a performance evaluation, it should
where the efforts not only focus on obtaining a be considered that it encompasses a set of
good financial result, but also include becoming practices, strategies and business management
suppliers, employers and favorite investment systems that pursue a new balance between the
destination for clients, employees and economic, social and environmental dimensions
investment. that seeks to provide benefits to employees, to
suppliers, to the families of their workers, to
After developing leadership, the focus their environment, fostering within the
will be on making staff grow in all areas, both organizational culture respect for the culture
in the personal aspect and in the development and traditions of the region and the
of skills and abilities, and as a foundation so environment, covering one of the main
that they can contribute development plans for sustainability axes and, overall, complementing
the organization, becoming an organization that the impact on the society.
learn through them.

ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

Acknowledgement References

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dedication of several people, who throughout del turismo 4ta edición, Trillas.
their development gave their support to the
author and his collaborators. Baez Casillas, Sixto. 2005, Hotelería. México:
This document emerged as part of a
PhD thesis, which involved a graduate student Brunet, Luc. 1992. El Clima de Trabajo en las
who is grateful for his dedication and Organizaciones, Trillas, México.
motivation for its development; as well as
undergraduate students who developed their Campos Serna, M., Naranjo Priego, E. 2010. La
professional residency projects during the competitividad de los Estados Mexicanos.
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gave their support with the collection of Administración Pública y Política Pública.
information as well as the processing thereof. Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Thanks are also given to the colleagues Carmona Olmos, Gabriel H. 2012 Hospitality
of the academic nucleus who took the time to Competitiveness Measurement System. ITESM.
review the material, as well as the support they
provided with their recommendations in order Chiavenato, I. 2010. Administración de
to obtain feedback on the work. Recursos Humanos. El capital humano de las
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ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 13-22

Porter, M. 2005. Ventaja Competitiva: Creación

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ISSN-2524-2024 NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel, DE LA CRUZ-CASTRO, Jucelly, DE

RINOE® All rights reserved LEON-DE LOS SANTOS, Brissa Roxana and RODRIGUEZ-JAVIER,
Elizabeth. Study of the productivity of the hotel sector of the State of
Tabasco for the generation of a development proposal. Journal-
Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 23-27

Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate value and its

impact on decision-making in SMES

Generación de innovación tecnológica como alternativa para generar valor y su

repercusión en la toma de decisiones en las PYMES



Universidad de Guadalajara - Centro Universitario del Norte, carretera federal No. 23 km. 191, C.P. 46200, Colotlan,
Jalisco, México

ID 1st Author: Noemi del Carmen, Rodriguez-Rodriguez / ORC ID: 0000-0002-2169-9821, Researcher ID Thomson: S-
5835-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 265335

ID 1st Coauthor: Rosa, Ortega-Sánchez / ORC ID: 0000-0003-0464-4017, Researcher ID Thomson: S-6648-2018, CVU
CONACYT ID: 669460

ID 2nd Coauthor: Héctor, Cuellar-Hernández / ORC ID: 0000-0002-5369-2237, Researcher ID Thomson: S-4874-2018

ID 3rd Coauthor: Katya, González-Jiménez / ORC ID: 0000-0002-6105-2432, Researcher ID Thomson: S-5965-2018,

Received January 27, 2018; Accepted May 18, 2018

Abstract Resumen

SMES Innovation SMES, (small and medium-sized La innovación dentro de las PYMES (Pequeñas y medianas
company) is a required element to survival because of empresas), es elemento obligatorio para la supervivencia
markets competition. Technological innovation consists of dada competencia en los mercados. La innovación
changes and modifications in the different processes and tecnológica consiste en cambios y modificaciones en los
their application. These changes, by themselves may not diferentes procesos y su aplicación de estos. Dichos
mean great advances in the generation of knowledge or cambios, por si mismos quizá no signifiquen grandes
technologies. If these changes are made permanent based on avances en la generación de conocimiento o en las
systems, implemented measurable both in individuals and tecnologías. Si se logra que éstos cambios sean permanentes
procedures, will mean a permanent improvement throughout basados en sistemas, implementados medibles tanto en los
the company. One tool for the generation of SMES individuos como en los procedimientos, supondrá una
innovation is information technology (IT) in the mejora permanente en toda la empresa. Una de las
management activities of SMES to impact decision-making herramientas para la generación de innovación dentro de las
and in its final performance, for which it is important to PYMES son las tecnologías de la información (TI) en las
carry out a field study to know where the opportunity areas actividades de gestión de las PYMES para impactar en la
are for implementation. The main objective of this work will toma de decisiones y a su vez en su desempeño final, para lo
be to carry out a study to generate a perspective on the cual es importante realizar un estudio de campo para saber
impact of innovation, the subsequently tools related and how dónde se tienen las áreas de oportunidad para su
it has been applied in SMES located in the municipality of implementación. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de
Ocotlán, Jalisco. investigación consistirá en la realización de dicho estudio
para generar una perspectiva sobre el impacto de la
Technological innovation, knowledge generation, innovación, las herramientas subsecuentemente relacionadas
information technology y como se ha aplicado en las PYMES localizadas en el
municipio de Ocotlán, Jalisco.

Innovación tecnológica, Generación del conocimiento,

Tecnologías de la información


and GONZÁLEZ-JIMÉNEZ, Katya. Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate value and its impact on
decision-making in SMES. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 2-2: 23-27.

* Correspondence to Author (email:

† Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara

Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 23-27

Introduction Acknowledgement

The knowledge within SMES companies is In the furniture producing companies of

fundamental for making decisions to maintain a Ocotlán Jalisco, it has been observed that they
competitive advantage within the market have the opportunity to improve in the different
through (Vaca Garcia, 2007) customer areas, both administrative and production, by
satisfaction, complying with product means of the reduction of waste caused by the
specifications and / or service to the added operations that do not add value to the product,
value. This, hence the importance of having an as well as as to maximize the abilities and
efficient and efficient processes based on the experiences of the human factor.
knowledge generated by the information of the
processes, of the company, the method used for Globalization obliges the SMES of the
the collection of the data record, the analysis, furniture sector of the Ciénega region, to
the information and knowledge acquired from generate technological innovation for the
the same if, they are applied intelligently they development and permanence within the
will add value to the processes or systems markets.
within the SMES. According to (Vaca Garcia,
2007) "You can not talk about intelligence The SMES, by not having a robust
without referring to knowledge. control of their resources used and the amount
of goods and services produced, productivity is
Both concepts are closely linked, since affected, according to (Roberto Carro Diaz,
knowing the factors that affect the business 2016), productivity is an index that relates what
allows smart decisions to be made. That is why is produced by a system (output or product) and
modern organizations are increasingly seeing the resources used to generate it.
themselves as knowledge-based companies, in
which the proactive management of their This work is focused on companies in
knowledge base is important for the furniture sector of Ocotlán Jalisco. It
competitiveness. There is a growing provides an overview of the area where the
understanding among the business community companies under study are located. According
that knowledge is a critical resource in to a study carried out by the Ciénega University
organizations, however, this resource has not Center (Table 1), the furniture companies of the
been addressed through efforts directed municipality were classified according to their
systematically towards the administration of size (Guerreo Medina Pedro, 2008)
human, material and financial resources".
No. of
Category %
Manage knowledge, can become a companies
Micro from 0 to 15 145 60
competitive advantage for SMES, since Small from 16 to 100 22 22
knowledge is the information analyzed and Medium from 101 to
4 2
organized, which comes from the knowledge, 250
experience, skills and abilities of human capital, Large + 250 0 0
I do not answer 38 16
to be useful in making decisions, adds value to TOTAL 242 100
the processes and services of the company.
Table 1 Classification of companies based on size
The management of the company Source: Furniture industry census in the city of Ocotlán
oriented to the significant knowledge (Guerrero Medina Pedro, 2008)
basicmene employ the resource of knowledge
to increase efficiency and renew quality, Methodology
generating knowledge based on information and
transforming these into sustainable competitive The useful method was qualitative and
advantages, which will become commercial quantitative, through instruments aimed at
success according to Klaus & Rivas, (2008). A obtaining information on the different
tool to acquire this knowledge is information productive processes of business management,
technologies and how this information is classifying them as technical companies (T)
transformed into knowledge and the latter into a since they use information technology (IT) by
generator of value. Hence the importance of means of software in the areas of purchasing,
analyzing the processes with respect to what production control, sales and payroll, non-
should enter and what is expected as a result. technical (NT), do not have software.
RINOE® All rights reserved Katya. Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate
value and its impact on decision-making in SMES. Journal-Economic
Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 23-27

The information was obtained through A =

surveys applied at medium levels and Teamwork, B = C = Being D =
commitment Leaders in the number Production
interviews with managers. and interest products with respect programming
The data obtained in both companies were on the part and to the are critical
analyzed through the results of the same of the innovation competition aspects
surveys that were generated by obtaining workers
acceptance ratios on each variable analyzed
later, making correlation between technified Table 2 What is the success of the company based on?
Source Own creation
and non-technified companies to visualize the
areas of opportunity.
On the graph. 2 and Table 3, Useful
knowledge for decision making is stored, it is
observed, that an area of opportunity for NT
companies is found in information systems, to
According to the information obtained in the
be used in decision making. NT companies,
study, it is observed in which points there are
decision making is based on the experience and
differences between companies T and NT, the
knowledge of their employees, are decisions
results obtained are shown below. According to
with high risk of uncertainty. Decision making
the data in Figure 1 and Table 2, on which the
must be based on data, generated through
success of your company is based. It can be
information technologies. In the T companies,
seen that in T companies, one of their strengths
one of their strengths are the information
is the development of unique and innovative
systems, in the decision making, where they are
products, being a leader in products and
using specialized software.
innovation, not so for NT companies, where
their main strength of success is teamwork, the
commitment and interest on the part of the
workers. NT companies depend on the skills
and knowledge of their collaborators, this can
sometimes make it difficult to measure and
improve production systems, since depending
on the collaborators, continuity is affected if for
some reason they leave the company, the
stability or success of the same can be in risk.
Not so with T companies, where their success is
based on innovation in their products, based on
information technologies. As can be observed
in the data of the companies (T) when using, an
information system helps to visualize the areas Graphic 2 Where is the knowledge useful for decision
of opportunity within the company, these making stored?
Source: Own creation
companies maintain a competitive advantage
over the NT. A = Expert B = Procedures C= D = There are
people, manuals, Databases or phone
experiences documentation, intranet that directories or
personal files allow storing emails by
experiences functional areas
and that allow to
knowledge to identify the
be used later expert in a
specific topic
E = Employees F = G=
frequently use Information Information
databases system and system and IT
IT indicate, facilitate access
with to information
directories, to different
graphs, users in
Graphic 1 On what is the success of your company
Source: Own creation Table 3 Useful knowledge for decision making is stored
Source: Own creation


RINOE® All rights reserved Katya. Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate
value and its impact on decision-making in SMES. Journal-Economic
Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 23-27

As can be seen in Figure 3 and Table 4, Conclusions

some of the NT companies, accounts, with
software used in the areas of payroll and human Table 5 shows the comparison of the perception
resources, these in some cases are required to against the technological innovation proposal.
carry out their procedures before the social
security. This analysis shows how important IT is
for good decision making, since they are to be
Unlike with the T companies, they have taken based on the information, and this
software to take control of their processes, from information must come from reliable data
the raw material, the production scheduling, the collected through secure and reliable systems,
finished product warehouse, as well as the in addition It is essential to save valuable
logistics to take the product to its final information in order to analyze the results of
customer. these decisions, and from that design strategies
that favor their development and remain in the
They are software, specialized to carry market.
out the administrative and operations activities,
these can be made specifically for the company, Perception of more Proposal
or buy the licenses of those already existing in significant strengths
Categories Tecnified Non- Technologic
the market. Companies technical al innovation
The relevant thing is to acquire the right On what the In the Teamwork, It is
software for each company, that covers their success of development commitme suggested to
needs, and with this tool the decision making is your of unique nt and develop a
company is and novel interest on design
made based on the information, and not only on
based products. Be the part of department
the experience of the collaborators. a leader in the workers for new
products and products, in
innovation NT
Useful IT, which Expert It is
knowledge allow data people, suggested
for decision storage, experience, that the NT
making is administrativ anecdotes companies
stored e and and have a
operations opinions system
where they
are stored as
e and
to perform
Graphic 3 Does the company use software? more reliable
Source: Own creation operations.
Specific It has Accounts Implement
C= software is software with software
A= B = Raw Inventor D= E= available to tailored to databases tailored to
Purchase material y of Distributio Custome perform the company for the perform
s inventory finished n logistics r service administrativ to perform human administrativ
product e and administrativ resources e tasks and
F= G= H= I= operations e tasks and area and operations in
Accountin Nomina Production Batch tasks operations the NT
g RRHH schedule tracking procedures companies.
before the
Table 4 Does the company use software? IMSS
Source: Own creation
Table 5 Significant strengths
Source: Own creation


RINOE® All rights reserved Katya. Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate
value and its impact on decision-making in SMES. Journal-Economic
Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth
June 2018 Vol.2 No.2 23-27


Calderon, G. (07 de julio de 2008). Obtenido de
Administración del conocimiento.

Klaus N & Rivas, R. (2008). Gestión del

conocimiento: Una guia práctica hacia la
empresa inteligente. Mexico: LibrosEnred.

Roberto Carro Diaz, Daniel Gonzales Gomez.

(2016). Administracion de la Operaciones
Productividad y competitividad. 1.

Vaca Garcia, C. (2007). Desarrollo de un

modelo para la incorporación de la inteligencia
competitiva en las SMES de la Region Ciénega.
Revista Estudios de la Cienega , 241-246.


RINOE® All rights reserved Katya. Generation of technological innovation as an alternative to generate
value and its impact on decision-making in SMES. Journal-Economic
Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018
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