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Introduction to Polymer Chemistry

Frank W. Harris
Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435

Polymers are extremely large molecules that are essential Table 1. Typical Polymers Produced by Chain-Reaction
to our very existence. They are a main constituent of our food Polymerizations
(starch, protein, etc.), our clothes (polyester, nylons, etc.), our Chemical Name Repeat Unit Applications
houses (wood cellulose, alkyd paints, etc.), and our bodies
(poly(nucleic acids), proteins, etc.). Hence, it is reasonable to Polyethylene —f-CH,—CH,-A film, housewares
assume the education of every chemist should, at least, include Polypropylene -t-CH., CH-t-—

rope, automotive and appliance

an introduction to their chemistry and properties. The ob- I parts
jectives of this paper are (1) to introduce the reader to the
Polystyrene -(“(’H —

CH packaging, insulation
types of chemical reactions that are used to prepare polymers

and (2) to acquaint him or her with the structural parameters I

See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

that result in the unusual physical properties displayed by Poly(vinyl chloride) —t—CH.—CH—r- floor covering, wire and cable
these molecules. I
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Polymer Synthesis
There are two major types of' polymerization methods used Poly(methyl -f-CH2— CH—)- automotive parts (tail and signal-
to convert small molecules (monomers) into polymers. These methacrylate) I light lenses, etc.), display
methods were originally referred to as addition and conden- CO, CH, signs
sation polymerization. Depending on the author, addition Poly(vinyl alcohol) -f-CA—CH—t- water-soluble thickening agent
polymerization is now called chain, chain-growth, or chain- I

reaction polymerization. Condensation polymerization is now OH

referred to as step-growth or step-reaction polymerization.

The major distinctions between these two methods, which, Table 2. Typical Copolymers Produced by Chain Reaction
hopefully, will become apparent from the following discussion, Copolymerizations
result from the differences in the kinetics of the polymeriza-
tion reactions. Common Name Comonomers Applications

Chain-Reaction A Polymerization (Addition) SBR rubber CH2=CH—CH=CH2, C6H5CH=CH2 tires, shoe soles
ABS resins CH2=CH—CN, CH2=CH— appliance housings
The monomers normally employed in this type of poly- ch=ch2, c6h5ch=ch2
merization contain a carbon-carbon double bond that can Modacrylics CH2=CH-CN, ch2=ch—-Cl clothing
participate in a chain reaction. As in the chain reactions CH,
studied in organic chemistry, e.g., the free-radical halogena-
lonomers CH*=CH* CHa= C-— COvH packaging
tion of alkanes, the mechanism of the polymerization consists
(acid group converted to metal salt in
of three distinct steps. In the Initiation Step an initiator polymer)
molecule(s) is thermally decomposed or allowed to undergo
a chemical reaction to generate an “active species.” This
energy is released making the polymerization exothermic with
“active species,” which can be a free radical, a cation, an anion, cooling often required.
or a coordination complex, then initiates the polymerization 4) Chain-reactions normally afford polymers with high molecular
by adding to the monomer’s carbon-carbon double bond. The weights, i.e., 104-107.
reaction occurs in such a manner that a new free radical, cat- 5) Polymers can be obtained that contain secondary chains
ion, anion, or complex is generated. The initial monomer be- (branches) attached to the main chain (backbone). For example,
comes the first repeat unit in the incipient polymer chain. In free radicals sometimes abstract hydrogens from a formed polymer
the Propagation Step, the newly generated “active species” chain, thereby generating new free radicals along the backbone
in the same manner as in the Ini- which initiate secondary polymerizations.
adds to another monomer
6) Crosslinked systems can form where all the primary chains are
tiation Step. This procedure is repeated over and over again interconnected with secondary chains. For example, growing
until the final step of the process, Termination, occurs. In this free-radical branches sometimes terminate by coupling reactions
step, the growing chain terminates through reaction with with other growing branches to form a continuous network.
another growing chain, by reaction with another species in the
polymerization mixture, or by the spontaneous decomposition Two or more different monomers are often employed in a
of the active site. Under certain conditions, anionic and chain-reaction polymerization to yield a polymer containing
coordination polymerizations can be carried out without the the corresponding repeat units. Such a process is referred to
Termination Step to generate so-called “living” polymers. as copolymerization, and the resulting product is called a co-
The following are several general characteristics of this type polymer. By varying the copoiymerization technique and the
of polymerization: amounts of each monomer, one can use as few as two mono-
mers to prepare a series of copolymers with considerably
1) Once initiation occurs, the polymer chain forms very quickly, i.e., different properties. The amount of different materials that
10"1 10~6 sec.
can be prepared increases dramatically as the number of

2) The concentration of “active species” is very low. For example, in

free radical polymerizations the concentration of free radicals is
monomers employed increases. Thus, it is not too surprising
that the majority of synthetic polymers used today are co-
approximately 10-8 M. Hence, the polymerization mixture consists
primarily of newly-formed polymer and unreacted monomer. polymers.
3) Since the carbon-carbon double bonds in the monomers are, in The following are four different types of copolymer struc-
effect, converted to two single carbon-carbon bonds in the polymer, tures that have been prepared:

Volume 58 Number 11 November 1981 837

Initiation Propagation
Free radical Free Radical
0 0 0 0 0
C H 0—0—0—0—C„HS —
2C„Hr,C—0- C.H-C—0—CH,—CH,- + CH,—CH, —
— etc.

0 0 Cationic
CJI.C—0- + CH,=CH, —
C6HrC—0—CH,—CH,- CR, CH, CH, CH,

Cationic CH„—C+ r BFjOH)- + CH,=C — CH—C—CH,—C+ (BFOHf —


I ||
H,0 + BF,, — H (BF,OH)- CH3 CH,, CH,

H+ (BF„OH) + CH,=C; NH,—CH.—CH"Na+ + CH, =
CH —C„H, —

CH:, C„H,
Anionic I I
C.H, C,H,
NnNH. — Na+NH,
Na+NH,~ + CH;=CH—C,,H„

NH,—CH,—CH Na Complex


X / X
Coordination Complex CH CH,—CH
CH. V \\/ + CH2=CH —CH, —
V' \/
net, + (CH.CH,), ,A1 y/ v
/ X X X


Complex Precipitate Termination

Free Radical
i3 \/ 2 R—-CH,—CH,‘ — R- —CH.CH,—CH2CH,—R
/ J- / \ / 1
i"CH, CH, CH, 1

CH, ch3 CH,

i,/ vX \T/ 'v../
/ y:X
CH,=CH —CH, Ti Al 1

>- + -
A1 _
R—-CH2—C=CH, + H+(BFaOH)-
^ / X X \ R—CH,—-C+(BF,OH) —

CH . CH., CH, 1

| |
CH, CH,, CHj Anionic
R-CH,— CH"Na+ + NR, R—CH2—CH, + NH,” Na+ '

C,HS C„Hr,

Coordination Complex
1) Random copolymer. The repeat units are randomly distributed CH,
along the polymer backbone. I

-A-A-B-B-B-A A B A-B-B-B-B-A-A-B-A-A-A-A-B-A- CH,—CH-R '

2) Alternating copolymer. The repeat units are located in alternating I

positions along the backbone.
-A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B- I

3) Block copolymer. The repeat units located in long alternating \ / X /


,Ti A1 + CH,=C-R
segments. / \ / \ / X / X
-A-A-A-A-A-A-AB-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- CH. CH.
4) Graft copolymer. Branches containing one repeat unit are attached
to the main chain, which contains the other unit. CH, CH.

B B B Step-Reaction Polymerization (Condensation)

This type of polymerization normally employs two di-
1 I

B B B functional monomers that are capable of undergoing typical

| |


B B organic reactions. For example, a diacid can be allowed to react

| |
with a diol in the presence of an acid catalyst to afford a
B B polyester. In this case, chain growth is initiated by the reaction
of one of the diacid’s carboxyl groups with one of the diol’s
B hydroxyl groups. The free carboxyl or hydroxyl group of the

838 Journal of Chemical Education

throughout the polymerization mixture until all of the boring groups. For example, the rate of transesterification of
monomers converted to low molecular weight species, such
are pendant phenyl-ester groups surrounded by pendant carboxyl
as dimers, trimers, tetramers, etc. These molecules, which are groups is many orders of magnitude faster than that of anal-
called oligomers, can then further react with each other ogous phenyl acetates (7).
through their free functional groups. Polymer chains that have
moderate molecular weights can be built in this manner. The Physical Properties of Polymers
high molecular weights common to chain-reaction polymer- All of us are well aware that polymers display unique
izations are usually not reached. This is due to the fact that physical properties for non-metals. Some are tough under-
as the molecular weight increases the concentration of the free going large permanent deformations without breaking, some
functional groups decreases dramatically. In addition, the are stiff and strong, some are soft and flexible, and others can
groups are attached to the ends of chains and, hence, are no withstand considerable impact without breaking. All of these
longer capable of moving freely through the viscous reaction “mechanical properties” are peculiar to the polymer and are
medium. not characteristic of the monomer from which it was prepared.
The following are several general characteristics of this type Ethylene gas, for example, does not form very good films!
of polymerization. Why? What makes polymers so “different”? A polymer’s
The polymer chain forms slowly, sometimes requiring several hours unusual physical behavior is due to the tremendous amount
to several days. of interactions between its chains. These interactions consist
2) All of the monomers are quickly converted to oligomers, thus, the of various types of intermolecular bonds and physical entan-
concentration of growing chains is high. glements. The magnitude of these interactions is dependent
3) Since most of the chemical reactions employed have relatively high upon the nature of the intermolecular bonding forces, the
energies of activation, the polymerization mixture is usually heated molecular weight, the manner in which the chains are packed
to high temperatures,
together, and the flexibility of the polymer chain. Thus, the
4) Step-reaction polymerizations normally afford polymers with amount of interaction is different in different polymers and
moderate molecular weights, i.e., <100,000.
5) Branching or crosslinking does not occur unless a monomer with quite often different in different samples of the same polymer
three or more functional groups is used. U).
Chemical Properties of Polymers Nature of Intermolecular Bonding Forces
The chemical properties of polymers are very similar to The secondary bonding forces present in polymers, e.g., van
those of analogous small molecules. A functional group at- der Waals and dipole-dipole, are identical to those present in
tached to a polymer chain generally reacts the same way it small molecules. In polymers, however, all the types of elec-
would if present in a monomer. For example, an acid group can trostatic forces can be present and acting between different
be esterified, an aromatic ring can be sulfonated, and an ally lie parts of the same molecule. The strength of these bonds in-
hydrogen can be abstracted by free radicals. The rates at creases with increasing polarity and decreases sharply with
which these pendant groups undergo reactions, however, can increasing distance. Although the individual energies are low,
be quite different. For example, due to steric effects and the ranging between 0.5 and 10 kcal/mole, the cumulative effect
hydrophobicity of its surroundings, the ester group in poly- of thousands of these bonds along the polymer chain results
(methyl methacrylate) (Table 1) is considerably more resistant in large electrostatic fields of attraction.
to hydrolysis than the ester group in methyl propionates. Van der Waals forces are the weakest type of intermolecular

Volume 58 Number 11 November 1981 839

bonds found in polymers. These bonds arise from extremely chain-reaction and step-reaction polymerizations afford
short-lived dipoles, which result from the motion of electrons chains with many different lengths. Hence, one must talk in
in the molecules. Linear, nonpolar polymers, such as poly- terms of average chain lengths and average molecular weights.
ethylene, that have only van der Waals attractions between The number-average degree of polymerization (Xn) is defined
the chains, must have relatively high molecular weights and as the average number o_frepeat units in the polymer chains.
be packed very close together to have useful mechanical Closely associated with Xn is the number-average molecular
properties. weight (Af„) which is equal to Xn multiplied by the molecular
It should not. be too surprising that many commercial weight ofthe repeat unit. For example, a polyethylene sample
polymers contain polar functional groups that provide with an X_n 10,000 has a Mn of 280,000 (10,000 X 28). both

stronger dipole-dipole interactions between the chains (Fig. X„ and Mn are, of course, dependent on the sample’s molec-
1). Ester groups, nitro groups, cyano groups and halogens are ular weight distribution, i.e., the amount of each molecular
common pendant substituents. Polar ether and ester linkages weight species present.
are also incorporated in many polymer chains. Since dipole- If the intensity of electrostatic forces per unit length for a
dipole interactions are dependent on the alignment of the collection of molecules is the same, such as in the homologous
dipoles, the interactions between polar polymer molecules can series, then the total amount of attractive force increases as
be enhanced considerably by properly orienting the chains. the molecular weight increases. The increase in interaction
The strongest type of dipole-dipole interaction, i.e., hy- results first in changes in physical state. For example, as the
drogen bonding, is also present in many important polymer molecular weight increases in the alkane series (C„ H-in+z), the
systems (Fig. 1). In fact, polymers that contain functionality molecules change successively from gases to volatile liquids
that results in hydrogen bonding between the chains have to nonvolatile liquids to nonvolatile solids. The solids then
mechanical properties superior to those of analogous polar become progressively harder changing from soft waxes to hard
systems. For example, aliphatic polyamides (nylons) have resins. At a molecular weight of approximately 1,000, the
properties that permit them to be used in many applications. molecules begin to decompose before boiling. This means that
Whereas, the properties of aliphatic polyesters do not warrant the total bonding force between the nonpolar molecules has
their commercial production. Other polymers that display become stronger than their covalent intramolecular bonds.
hydrogen bonding include poly(vinyl alcohol) and cellulose, None of the relatively low molecular weight hydrocarbons,
with their pendant hydroxyl groups, and polyurethanes, with however, display the mechanical properties of polyeth-
their carbamate linkages. ylene.
A relatively new class of polymers called ionomers actually The question then becomes: How high must the molecular
have ionic interactions between the chains (Fig. 1) (8). These weight be before the molecule exhibits “polymer properties”?
polyolefins contain pendant carboxylate groups associated Oligomers have relatively no strength until a critical X„ is
with free Group I and Group II metallic cations. Since ionic reached (Fig. 2). At this point, which depends on the type of
bond energies are on the order of 100 kcal/mole, the amount secondary bonding forces present, the molecule begins to
of interactions between the chains is extremely large. This develop mechanical properties, such as tensile strength,
results in outstanding strength and impact resistance. elongation to break and impact strength. For polymers con-
taining hydrogen bonding, e.g., polyamides, the value of this
Molecular Weight critical Xn can be as low as 40. Polyhydrocarbons, however,
Before the effect of molecular weight on intermolecular must reach degrees of polymerization of greater than 100 be-
interaction is discussed, it should be pointed out that most fore the process begins. Above this Xn the mechanical prop-
erties increase rapidly with increasing molecular weight until
Dipole-Dipole H-Bonding Ionic a second critical Xn is reached. After this point further in-
creases in molecular weight result in very little change in a
S', 0
particular property. The value of this second critical X„ is also
cx very dependent upon the type of intermolecular bonding
"d^ x"J^

x—4*. N' O'-'-O present. For polyamides this point occurs near degrees of
O i'- M+ + polymerization of 200. Polyhydrocarbons require Xn values
ll Di- O' -0 - of greater than 500. The properties of most other polymers
c -
li x-y level off at degrees of polymerization between these two. Al-
C. c
though the second critical pointris also slightly different for
different properties, once the Xn is reached, the property
H becomes characteristic of the polymer. Polymer chemists
Figure 1. Intermolecular bonds found in polymers. Table 3. Typical Polymers Produced by Step-Reaction
Name Repeat Unit Applications

Nylon 66 H-NH—C-t-CH.-trC—NH-(-CH2-fs-J- clothing, tire cord


Polyester -t-O—C OCH2—CHr clothing, tire cord

Polyurethane -t-0—C—NH—\\_j)—CHa flooring, wood and
'O fabric coatings
CH;{ o

Polycarbonates -K)—c——O— CH- appliance parts,

CH, housings
Figure 2- Plot of selected properties versus Xn for a hypothetical polymer.

840 Journal of Chemical Education

\ P \ P \ P \ P \ p \ p \ p
/ \ \ / L / \ \ \

\f \F \F \F \F \F \F

Figure 3. Schematic two-dimensional representation of lamellae model.

V Nc/xc/S/CvP/CVCn
H V H V h' V H V H V HP
/ AA A /
\ A cA % A A c \ P \P \P \P \P \P \P
\H / / A / \H A /A AA
/Cv^ C C C
/CL c C.

H H H H H H H H H H A A /l
^ \ A
Figure 4. Extended, planar, zig-zag conformation of polyethylene.
Figure 5. Stereochemical configurations of monosubstituted vinyl polymers.

sometimes refer to a “threshold molecular weight,” which is

the minimum molecular weight a polymer must possess to relative dimensions of a typical polymer, however, a V^-in.
display the properties needed for a particular application. thick worm would have to be over 20 feet long. Physically
It is tempting to conclude that chemists simply prepare entangled worms of such length could still show considerable
polymers with as high a molecular weight as possible in order motion, but they would not be free to move as independent
to maximize their properties. This is usually not the case, moieties. Only segments of any one worm could be in motion
however, because polymers also become much harder to pro- at any one time. This is exactly the type of behavior displayed
cess as the molecular weight increases. In most industrial by entangled polymer chains. The intensity of the motion of
processing operations the polymer must undergo considerable the segments, which are 20 to 50 atoms long, is dependent
flow, which is dependent on the melt viscosity, another upon the temperature. Below a critical temperature called the
property that increases with increasing molecular weight. glass transition temperature (Tg) the polymer segments do
Fortunately, the rate at which the melt viscosity increases is not have sufficient energy to move past one another. At this
low until a critical molecular weight is reached (Fig. 2). After point segmental motion ceases and the material changes from
this point the melt viscosity increases rapidly. This behavior a rubbery solid to a brittle glass-like state. A polymer above
is due to the fact that low-molecular-weight polymers are free its Tg or a ball of living worms can withstand considerable
to flow as single molecules. As the chain length increases, the impact, but the same polymer below its Tg or a ball of frozen
chains begin to entangle and “network flow” occurs. As the worms will shatter when struck. For example, compare the
molecules become still larger the flow network and, hence, the results of throwing a rubber ball against a wall before and after
resistance to flow, rapidly increases. In fact, the resistance to it has been cooled in liquid nitrogen to below its Tg.
flow eventually will become^so high that the polymer cannot In semicrystalline systems, the crystalline order exists in
be worked mechanically (Mn ^ 107). In practice, the upper crystalline domains called crystallites or lamellae, which are
limit on the polymer’s molecular weight is usually set by the surrounded by an amorphous matrix. The crystallites do not
flow requirements of the processing operation employed. The have the regular shape of most organic crystals. They are also
final product often reflects a compromise between optimum much smaller in size, typically 100 A X 100 A X 200 A, and
properties and ease of processing. contain many more imperfections. Although the individual
It should be pointed out that not all physical properties are polymer molecules are several thousand Angstroms long, the
dependent on molecular weight or, for that matter, on the chains are aligned normal to the crystalline surfaces (Fig. 3).
magnitude of intermolecular interactions. For example, a This means that a molecule can remain in crystalline order for
polymer’s refractive index, color, hardness, density, and only ^100 A before it reaches the surface of the crystal. It then
electrical properties are all independent of molecular usually folds back on itself and reenters the crystal at some
weight. other point. Some chains do not reenter the crystal but instead
enter the surrounding amorphous region where they may
Nature of the Chain Packing become part of another crystallite. These small crystallites
Linear polymer chains pack together in both disordered also tend to aggregate in larger three-dimensional regions
(amorphous) and ordered (crystalline) fashions. Although called spherulites. Since there are normally no sharp
these two types of packing are analogous to the amorphous boundaries between the crystalline regions and the amorphous
and crystalline forms of small molecules, the microstructure parts of the system, it is sometimes useful to consider them
in polymers is considerably more complex. For example, small as one phase systems with varying degrees of order. Excellent
molecules are usually either totally amorphous or totally detailed discussions of crystallinity in polymers are available
crystalline. Polymers, however, quite often contain both (9,10).
crystalline and amorphous regions. In fact, polymers can be The regularity and close packing of the molecules in a
divided into two classes: those which are completely amor- crystallite maximizes the electrostatic forces operating be-
phous under all conditions and those which are semicrystal- tween the chains. Since the crystalline and amorphous regions
line. are continuous, the crystallites enhance the cohesiveness of
Totally amorphous polymers, such as atactic polystyrene the entire sample. In fact, they act very much like covalent
and poly(methyl methacrylate), are generally assumed to crosslinks that are stable to time but not to temperature.
consist of randomly coiled and entangled chains. A good Semicrystalline polymers are stiffer, stronger, and generally
analogy of what this must look like on the molecular level is more useful than their amorphous counterparts.
to imagine a bucket of worms (2). In order to have the same Associated with the crystalline regions is another important

Volume 58 Number 11 November 1981 841

thermal parameter, the crystalline melting point (Tm)- This Size of the Pendant Substituents
is somewhat of a misnomer as polymers tend to melt over As long as the substituent is short and bulky, such as a
ranges of 2 to 10°C. This is due primarily to the fact that each methyl or phenyl group, and is attached in a stereoregular
sample contains more than one crystal size. Of course, once manner to the polymer backbone, it will not prevent the de-
melting occurs the cohesiveness described above is lost. velopment of crystallinity in the polymer. In fact, it can en-
Keeping in mind the earlier discussion of Tg, it is not sur- hance the intermolecular interactions in the crystallites by
prising that most semicrystalline polymers exhibit their most stiffening the chain (discussed below). As the length of the
useful properties at temperatures above their Tg and below substituent increases, however, the distance between the
their Tm. chains in the crystalline regions increases. This results in
What then determines whether a polymer will crystallize
considerably less electrostatic interaction between the chains.
readily or remain amorphous under all conditions? Although Eventually the main chains will no longer be able to crystallize.
there are many contributing factors, the following are the most If the long substituents have regular structures, they may
important: the polymer’s conformation, the polymer’s con- crystallize to form a comb-like structure.
figuration, and the size of the pendant substituents.
Chain Flexibility
Polymer Conformation
In order for a polymer to crystallize it must be able to as- Linear polymer chains that meet the requirements of con-
sume a regular conformation, i.e., the three-dimensional ar- formation and configuration tend to crystallize considerably
rangement of the polymer backbone as produced by rotation faster and more easily than polymers with rigid backbones.
about the bonds must be regular. Polyethylene, for example, Flexible chains, however, generally do not develop as strong
crystallizes in a fully-extended, planar zig-zag conformation electrostatic force fields between the chains as do stiffer
chains. The latter polymers, once crystallized, form an ex-
(Fig. 4). Polymers with short, bulky substituents that are
regularly spaced along the chain often assume a helical con- tended intermolecular bonding network that is extremely
formation in the crystalline phase. This allows the substitu- difficult to break. For example, cellulose, which is a verv rigid
ents to pack closely together without any appreciable distor- crystalline polymer with hydrogen bonds between the chains,
tion of the chain bonds. Amorphous polymers, on the other is infusible, insoluble in all but a few solvent systems, and has
hand, tend to exist in completely random conformations. an unusual modulus of rigidity for an organic polymer.
The effect of chain flexibility can be qualitatively visualized
Polymer Configuration by comparing (1) the peeling of a leather strap from a wall to
For a substituted polymer chain to crystallize it must also which it is nailed to (2) the peeling of a nailed wooden board
possess a regular configuration, i.e., the succession and spatial (2). In the first case, one nail at a time may be broken loose,
arrangements of the atoms as set by the chemical bonds must while in the second all the nails must be stressed simulta-
be regular. There are two principal types of structural regu- neously. The molecular analogy for a nail is the intermolecular
larity: recurrence regularity and stereoregularity. Recurrence bond.
regularity refers to the regularity with which the repeat unit The term flexibility, as used here, refers to the ease with
occurs along the chain. For example, most monosubstituted which chain segments can undergo vibrational and rotational
vinyl monomers (CH2=CHX) polymerize to afford a head- motions to assume different conformations. Chain flexibility
to-tail configuration, where the head or substituted end of one is controlled primarily by the chemical structure of the poly-
monomer is attached to the tail of another. Another less mers backbone and by the size and shape of the pendant
prevalent configuration is the head-to-head. substituents. For example, the energy barriers to rotation for
—CH-,—CH—CH,—CH '

—CH2—CH—CH—CH.,— carbon-carbon or carbon-oxygen single bonds are very low,

I I II permitting segments containing these linkages to undergo
XX XX facile conformational changes. The energy barrier to rotation
head-to-tail head-to-head for large cyclic structures, such as phenyl rings, is relatively
The presence of a high degree of recurrence regularity, high. Thus, the incorporation of such structures in the back-
bone stiffens the chain dramatically. Short bulky substituents
however, does not generally guarantee crystallizability. Spatial
also increase the stiffness of the chain by inhibiting rota-
regularity, i.e., stereoregularity, is also extremely important. tion.
For example, monosubstituted vinyl polymers can exist in
three different spatial configurations. These configurations Cohesive Energy Density (Solubility Parameters)
can be illustrated by drawing the backbone in the extended,
In order to quantitatively describe the magnitude of in-
planar, zig-zag conformation and then examining the possible teraction between polymer chains, the polymer chemist makes
spatial arrangements of the substituent group (Fig. 5). There use of a parameter that can be used to indicate such interac-
are: the isotactic form, where the substituents are all attached
tions between small molecules. The cohesive energy density
to the same side of the main chain; the syndiotactic form,
(CED) of a liquid is defined as the molar energy of vaporiza-
where each successive substituent is attached on opposite tion (AEU) divided by the molar volume (V/i). One can deter-
sides of the main chain; and the atactic form, where the at-
mine CED experimentally by measuring the liquid’s molar
tachment of substituents is completely random. The isotactic heat of vaporization (AH„) and its density (d). These values
and syndiotactic forms are stereoregular structures, which are then used in the following equation:
exhibit strong tendencies to crystallize. Except for poly(vinyl
alcohol), the atactic forms of monosubstituted vinyl polymers ae1 ah^RT
are amorphous. ced = =

Vi M/d
The importance of stereoregularity can be illustrated by
examining the history of polypropylene. Prior to 1957, the where M is equal to molecular weight.
polymer could be produced only in the atactic form. This An associated parameter that is used quite often in polymer
material has very poor mechanical properties at ambient chemistry is the solubility parameter (5), which is defined as
temperature and, hence, was not produced commercially. In the square root of the CED. Of course, when using these terms,
the late 1950’s new coordination catalysts were discovered that one must also give the appropriate units. CED and are often

made the production of isotactic polypropylene possible. The expressed in cal/cm3 and (cal/cm3)1^2, respectively.
semicrystalline material possesses high tensile strength, Although amorphous polymers closely resemble liquids in
stiffness, and hardness. Its high strength-to-weight ratio behavior, they do not boil, thus, their 5 cannot be determined
makes it useful for many applications, such as the production directly. Several indirect methods have been developed that
of ropes used in water-skiing. make use of the fact that linear polymers are only soluble in

842 Journal of Chemical Education

Table 4. Typical Polymer Transition Temperatures and Solubility solvent mixtures where the amounts of the components have
Parameters*12* been adjusted to bring the 5sm close to the of the polymers. <5

In fact, some polymers can be dissolved in a mixture of two

non-solvents, e.g. cellulose nitrate is soluble in a 50:50 mixture
of ethanol and ether but insoluble in either solvent alone.
Polymer rg(°c) Tm{°C>
Solvent mixtures are also employed in turbimetric titra-
Polyethylene -125 135 7.9 tions, which are used to determine the solubility parameter
spectrum of polymers. In this procedure, the solubility of the
Polypropylene 0 171
100 240 ‘ 9.1
81 2126 9.7
polymer is tested in different solvents until a suitable solvent
Poly(vinyl chloride) is found. Two non-solvents for the polymer that are miscible
Poly(methyl methacrylate) 105 >2006 9.5
69 250-265 10.7
with the solvent are then selected. One of these non-solvents
Polyethylene terephthalate)
Poly(hexamethylene adipamide) 50 250-260 13.6 should have a b larger than the solvent's and the other’s should
be smaller. A solution of the polymer is then titrated with one
a =
isotactic; b =
syndiotactic of the non-solvents until the polymer begins to precipitate
causing the mixture to become turbid. The 5 of the mixture
at that point is calculated using the expression for 5sm. A
solvents that have 5’s very close to their own (like dissolves similar titration is also carried out with the other non-solvent.
like). Crosslinked systems, which are insoluble in all solvents, In this manner, both the high and low value of 5 that will affect
will only swell in solvents with similar S’s. The thermodynamic solution of the polymer is determined. The mid-point of the
explanation for this behavior is the following (6): In order for range is sometimes reported as the 5 of the polymer.
the polymer to dissolve, the free energy of solution must be Although the solubility parameter concept is extremely
negative. The factors that contribute to this value (tempera- useful to the polymer chemist, it still does not completely
ture, enthalpy and entropy) are related by the familiar characterize the complex intermolecular interactions that
equation: occur in a polymer sample. This is demonstrated by the fact
that inconsistencies sometimes arise when polymer properties
AC =
AH -
are correlated with solubility parameters. One difficulty in the
Since there many degrees of local motion associated with
are solubility parameter concept is that it involves the resolution
an amorphous polymer, the entropy of solution has only a of the composite influences of van der Waals, polar, and hy-
small positive value. Thus, the enthalpy of solution must be drogen-bonding forces. More advanced treatments subdivided
very small for the free energy change to be negative. The en- solvents into non-polar (5„), polar (5p), and hydrogen-bonding
thalpy of mixing (AHm) for two liquids is given by the Scat- (5*) classes (11). Separate parameters are then determined
chard-Hildebrand equation: in solvents in each class and the composite solubility param-
A Hm tAEAVi ' eter (50) calculated from the following expression:
|j(Ag„,\i/2 =
(Si 52)2_
= -

[\ Vi I
V(h02 l VJ . 502 =
K2 + b„2 + <>H.2

where V is the total volume of the mixture, AEyi and AEy-2 Literature Cited
are the vaporization energies of components 1 and 2, Vi and
(1) Williams, David J., “Polymer Science and Engineering,” Prentice-Hall, Englewood
V2 their molar volumes, and di and 6% their volume fractions. Cliffs, NJ. 1971, p. 19.
Hence, the probability that a polymer and a solvent will be (2) Rodriguez, Ferdinand, “Principles of Polymer Systems,” McGraw-Hill, New York,
miscible increases as the difference between their (S’s de- 1970, pp. 35, 39.
(3) Ravve, A,, “Organic Chemistry of Macromolecules,” Marcel Dekker, New York,
creases. Although solvents are generally miscible if this dif- 1967.
ference is ±3.5 (cal/cm2)1/2, the difference between the 5’s of (4) Billmeyer, Fred W., “Textbook of Polymer Science," 2nd Ed., Wiley-Interscience, New
York, 1971.
a polymer and solvent can usually be no larger than ±1.5 (5) Kaufman, Herman S., and Falcetta, -Joseph J., (Editors), “Introduction to Polymer
(cal/cm3)1/2 for solution to occur. Science and Technology,” Wiley, New York, 1977.
(6) McCaffery, Fudward M., “Laboratory Preparation for Macromolecular Chemistry,”
The solubility parameter for a mixture of solvents is
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970, p. 14.
approximated by the following equation: (7) Morawetz, H., and Zimmering, P. E., J. Phys. Chem., 58,753 (1954).
(8) Zutty, N. L., Faucher, J, A., and Bonotto, S., in “Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and
A, Vi5i ± X2V2S2 Technology,” Vol. 6, (Editor: Bikales, N. M.) Wiley, New York, 1967, p. 420.
Osm (9) Uhlmann, D. R., and Kolbeck, A. G., Scientific American, 233,96 (1975),
X1V1±X2V’2 (10) Geil. P„ rJEMMSE, 3,1 (1981),
(11) Hansen, C. M., J. Paint Tech., 39,104 (1967).
where X is the mole fraction and V the molar volume of each (12) Brandrup, J., and Immergut, E. H., (Editors), “Polymer Handbook,” 2nd Ed., Wiley,
component of the mixture. Polymers are often dissolved in New York, 1975.

Volume 58 Number 11 November 1981 843

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