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Radius of the sphere=...m
1. You are given a rectangular/ cylindrical body and * volume of sphererV: 4/3nr3= .,,.m3
vernier calipers .Using the Vernier calipers measure Density of the sphere: mass/
the dimension ofthe body, tabulate the observation 3. You are supplied with vernier calipers. Determine
and hence find the volume of given body? internal volume of the given calorimeter.Hence find
*Least count of the vernier=Value of one main scale
mass of water that can be taken in the calorimeter(
division / no ofdivisions on the vernier density of water is 1000 kglm3.)
*Total readi n g=|,1.5.R+(V.S.RxL.C) *Least count of the vernier-Value of one main scale
M.S.R- main scale reading,V.S.R-vernier scale division / no of divisions on the vernier
reading,L.C- least count *Total reading:M.S.R+(V.S.RxL.C)
*Volume of cylinder,V:nfh, r: radius of cylinder,h:
M.S.R- main scale reading,V.S.R-vernier scale
height of cylindr readin g,L.C- least count
*Volume of rectangular block,V: lbh
Vof ume of calorimeter:nfho r: radius,h=depth of the
l= length,b= breadth,h=height calorimeter
Observations and calculations: cylinder lVIass of water:volumexdensity
Value of one main scale Observations and calculatioiis
No of divisions on the vernier:... Value of one main scale
Least count= value ofone m s d/ no ofdivision on vern No of divisions on the verniQr:. ..
=.,..,mm Least count: value ofone m s d/ no ofdivision on vern
Dimensions Trial MSR VSR Total reading= Mean
no cm div MSR+(VSRxLC) cm dimensions Trial MSR VSR Total reading= Mean
Diameter no cm div MSR+(VSRxLC) cm
Lensth diameter
Mean diameter of the depth
Radius of the cvlinder(r)=......m
Mean length of the cylinder()=.....m Diameter of calory meter=
Volume of the cylinder,V= zr2h=...m3 Radiiis of calori meter=....m
Observations and calculations: rect bk Depth of calory meter:....m
Dimensions Trial MSR VSR Total reading= Mean Volume of calorimeter. V: zr2h:...m3
no cm div MSR+(VSRxLC)::. tln
lensth Mass of waterrvol umexdensity:... kg
Breadth 4. A sbrew gauge and a meter scale are supplied .
height Determine diameter of wire and hence find its volume.
*Pitch is the distance moved for one complete rotation
Mean length of the block:......m
*Least ount.(LC)=pitch/ no of divisions
Mean breadth of the block:..,..m on the head
Mean height of the block:......m scale
*Total reading= PSR+ (Corrected HSRxLC)
Volume of the rectangular bloik,V:lbh=..,:,m3
2. A sphere of known mass is liven along with vernier PSR- pitch scale reading,HSR- head scale reading,LC-
calipers. Determih-e diameter and hence volume. Also least count
find the density'of'Sphere ( mass of Volume of the wire,V: nfl, r - radius , | - length
sphere=....... j.....,...;:'...........) of the wire
*Least count of the verniel=Value of one main scale Observations and calculations
division / no of divisionS on thtirvernier Distance moved for five
*Total reading:M.S.R+(V.S.RxL.C) Pitch:distance moved for five rotation/S
M.S.R- main scale reading;V.S.R-vernier scale Least count:pitch/ no ofdivisions on head scale
reading,L.C- least count Zero error.,.div, zero correction=.....div
* vof ume of sphere,V=4/3nr3,r: radius of the sphere Tr PSR TISR Correcte Total Mean
ial mm d HSR
* density : mass/ volume no
readi ng=PSR*(corre mm
cted HSRxLC) mm
Observations and calculations
Value of one main scale Mean diameter of the wire=,,
No of divisions on the vernier=.., Radius of the wire:....m
Least count: value ofone m s d/ no ofdivision on vern Volume of the wire= V: ar2l=....m3 5. Determine thickness of glass plate and its volume.
Dimensions Trial MSR VSR Total reading= Mean You are supplied with screw gauge and graph paper.
no cm div MSR+(VSRXLC) cm *Pitch is the distance moved for one
Dia mcter
comptete rotation


*Least ount.(LC):pitch/ no of divisions on the head
*Total reading: PSR+ (Corrected HSRxLC)
PSR- pitch scale reading,HSR- head scale reading,LC-
least count
Volume of the glass plate,V: area xthickness
When the point o is in equilibrium resultant of P and
Observations and calculations
Q balances W.By parallelo gram law if OD= diagonal
Distance moved for hve
Pitch:distance moved for.five rotation/S
Least count:pitch/ no of divisions on head scale
Zero error=...div. zero correction=.....div

Trial PSR HSR Corrected Total Mean

no mm HSR reading:PSR+(corrected mm
HSRxLC) mm
Mean weight of the body:...gryt=.. kgwt
Thickness of glass
Area of glass plate:'.'mm'=....-' g, With the help of helical spring.tabui*te the extension
Volume of glass plate=areaxthickness= ...m3 for at least four differentloads. Draw load extension
6. Determine the volume of given lead shot using screw graph and determine spring constant using the graph
gauge? *According to Hooks law Within the elastic limit ratio
*Pitch is the distance moved for one complete rotation of load to extension is a constant
*Least ount.(LC)=pitch/ no of divisions on the head Load/ extension: K ,spring constant
scale *Spring constant k=mg/1, l= extension
*Total reading= PSR+ (Corrected HSRxLC)
m- mass 18= acG€leration due to gravity
PSR- pitch scale reading,HSR- head scale reading,LC- *fromgraph,m/l=AB/BC, 1=(RB/BC)g
least count
Volume of lead shot,V: 4/3 nr3, r - radius
Observations and calculations Lqr:)

Distance moved for five iP.* *P

J' f+d
Pitch:distance moved for five rotation/S
Least count:pitch/ no ofdivisions on head scale
Zero error...div. zero correction:.....div r'tj [ )
Trial PSR HSR Corrected Total Mean Observations and calculations
no mm HSR rea d ing=PSR+(corrected mm
IISRxLC) inm Tri Mass Reading of the pointer Exte K=
al suspended nsio mg/l
loading unloa Mean
no kC n N/m
Mean diameter of the lend;"' ding cm
Radius of the lead shot=....m
Volume of lead shot.V: 4/3 nr3: ....m3 From graph,K: (AB/BC)xg:......N/m
7. Using the principie of moments determine mass of 10. Tabulate load extension for helical spring with atleast
given body? four different loads and find spring constant by
calculation. Also find mass of given body
*According to Hooks law Within the elastic limit ratio
v'.i ofload to extension is a constant
Sy principle of moments pfx$ir>Qfx[t Load/ extension= K ,spring constant
rn*FCxW/Qf *Spring constant k=mgll, l= extension
Observations and calculations m- mass ,8= acceleration due to gravity
Trial no w QC PC
*mass of the body= Kl'/g, l'-extension for unknown
q cm cm WxPC/QC
l\Iean mass,m:....9 : Observations and calculations: Spring const
Tri Mass Reading of the pointer Extens K=
al sus pe nded lon mg/l
8. Using Graveson's Parallelogram law apparatus loading unloa Mea
no kC l(m) N/m
ding n
balance the body using three sets of known weights. cm
Complete the parallelogram and find the mass of body
Mean .K=......N/m
Frequency of First Second resonance end
Frequency First Second Velocity of
sound tuning fork,n (Hz resona nce length correction
Trial of tuning resonance resona nce
fork,n (Hz) length length Vt= 2n( lu- lr ) length 12 (cm) s=ll2-3lll2
(cm) lr (cm)
l1 (cm) lz
I 2 me I .,
a mea I m earl
an n n
I lr= =.....m
Mean V1=
lr= lz'=

16. Using resonance column determine the velocity of Ratio of frequencies'h/n2 = (l2r-lrr)/ [2J1)=...IIz
sound at room temperature and frequency ofgiven
tuning fork. you are given the tuning fork of
frequencies 5121480,426 Hz as the known values
l. Determine resistance of wire by ohms law?
*Velocity of sound at room temperature is According to ohms law,at constant temperature
V,: 2n( 12- 11 ), n- frequency of tuning fork, 11- first the current flowinB through a conductor is directly
resonance lengthrl 2 - second resonance length proportional to pd across ilg ends,ie VoltageV=lR
,* l-current,R-resistance"', or'Rior X=V/l
,k, \,L
: "i

If111 and 121 represents the first and second resonance

length for a tuning fork ofunknown frequency nr'then I(A) V{v) X=v/I (O)
nr: V, l2(\t -br\
Observations and calculations: (a)to find V, Mean,X:......O
Frequency First Second Velocity of By drawing current voltage graph lind resistance of
Trial of tuning resona nce resona n ce sound
given wire tiy ohms law and frnd conductance
no fork,n (Hz) length length Vr= 2n( lr- lr )
l1 (cm) lz (cm) According to ohms law,at constant temperature
I 2 me I 2 mea th'b.turrent flowing through a conductor is directly
an n
proportional to pd across its ends,ie VoltageV=lR
Mean V,'=
l-current,R or X-resistance , or R or X=V/l
(b)Determination of unknown frequengy Conductance,C= l/X O-1
Frequency First Second Velocity of Connection diagram
Trial of tuning resona nce resona nce sound
"v*'-'4t1r*" L...-
no fork, (Hz) length
l1 (cm)
le ngth
n1: Vi
€ gu,
n' 2( l,' - b)
me 2 mea
an n Hz
Unknown frequency rn'=.,.......H2
17. Compare the frequencieiS of two tuning forks using
resonance column. [Ience find the end correction
If 11 and 12 are the hrst and second resonance length

for a tuning fork of frequency nr,then vel-ocity of

sound at room temp is given by,V,:2n1(12-11) ........(l)
Trial no
Iflll and 121 are the first and sbcond resonance length I(A) V(v) x=v/I (O)
for fork offrequency n2then velocity ofsound
a tuning
at room temp is given by,V,= 2nr(lrr-lrr; ,.......(2) Mean.X:......O
from (l)
and (2),ratio n1ln2-- 021-111)/ (12-lr) from V-I graph X:
end correction g=(12-3h)/2 conductance C= BCiAB :.....0-r
3.Using ohms law compare the resistance of two wires
using V-I graph
According to ohms law,at constant temperature
the current flowing through a conductor is directly
proportional to pd across its ends,ie VoltageV=lR
l-current,R or X-resistance , or R or X=V/l



Effective resistance in series(practical),X: ...... O

,Ef, Effective resistance in series(theoretical),X= X1+X2 :... 0
Effective resistance in parallel (practical),X= ...... O
resistance in parallel (theoretical)X= Xr& / X1+X2...()
5. Determine resistivity of given wire using meter bridge
Observations and calculations and screw gauge
Trial resista nce
For a balanced condition unknown resistance is given
no (A) V(v) X=V/I (O)
xr by,X= Rl / 100-1, R- known resistance,I l- balancing
X" length
Ratio of resistance , Xr/&:....... Resistivity of the material of the wire,P: nfxl L, r-
3. .Verify law of combination of resistances in series/ radius of the wire,X-iesistance,L-length of the wire
parallel using ohms law Screw qauqe readings to find resistance:
*Pitch is the distri,ilce moved for one complete rotation
According to ohms law,at constant temperature
*Least ount.(LC):pitch/ no of divisions on the head
the current flowing through a conductor is directly
proportional to pd across its ends,ie VoltageV=lR *Total reading= PSR+ (Corrected HSRXLC)
*When two resistors X1 and X2 are connectefl in series
PSR- pitch scale readingrHSR- head'ricale reading,LC-
effective resistance X: X1+X2 least count
When two resistors X1 and X2 are connected in Connection di4gram
paraflel effective resistance X: X1X2 | Xr+X2
Connection diagram

[+"-- t"-*'--+tr
X * c.ekRrkAt\} fg$i*/*"x e , €* f€,$rHnuc e
Observations and calculations: series/parallel g -eeJl/ e**Y? HR-
Trial resistance @*iS&va el
no I(A) V(v X:V/I(O)
Observations and calculations :
no Known (()) Balancing length Mean
X" resis ta nce(R) with unknown balancing X3
Xr&Xr resista nce length 100-l
Effective resistance in series(practical),X: ...... O In left in right cm
g qenlaml qt n, cm) o
Effective resistance in series(theoretical),X: X,+Xt =...
Effective resistance in parallel (practical),X: ,..... C) Distance moved for five rotation:.,.mm
resistance in parallel (theoretical)X: XrXz /Xj+X2...O Pitch:distance moved for five rotation/S
4. Verify law of combination of resistance in series / Least count:pitch/ no ofdivisions on head scale
parallel using ohms law by graphical method to find radius zZero etor...div. zero correction:.....div
According to ohms law,at constant temperature Trial PSR HSR Corrected Total Mean
no mm HSR reading=PSR+(corrected mm
the current flowing through a conductor is directly HSRxLC) mm
proportional to pd across its ends,ie VoltageV=lR
l-current,R or X-resistance , or R or X=V/l Mean diameter of the
Mean radius of the wirer:dl2=.....m
cA) r'$] Mean resistance,x:.,..O
fr Resistivity,p= nr'X/ L:..... Om
6. Verify law of combination of resistances in
-" -*-:!
v..{ series/parallel using meter bridge
When two resistors Xt and X2 are connected in series For a balanced condition unknown resistance is given
effective resistance X= X1+X2 by,X: Rl / 100-1, R- known resistance,I F balancing
When two resistors X1 and X2 are connected in length
parallel effective resistance X: X1X2 / Xl+X2 *When two resistors X1 and X2 are connected in
Observations and calculations: series/parallel series effective Yesistance X: X1*X2
Trial resistance When two resistors X1 and X2 are connected in
no I(A) V{v) X=v/I(O) parallel effective resistance X= X'X2 /X1+X2
xl Connection diagram


Trial Trial
no I(A) v(v) Xr=V/I no, I(A) v (v) Xz=V'/I'
/.o.) rOI

l:.t'_- *-*-sv. -r Xr:.....0, Xr:.....O,Xr/Xz:.......

4 $*- ,{"
d* i&lqvte 9. Compare the emfs of two cell using potentiometer
8 -edt, e"letru*-tr,Ih lf 11 balancing length for El and 12 balancing length for E2

tre*ar-*d**r €Y 'r then Ratio of emf E1lE2=lrll,

Observations and calculations :

no Known (O) Balancing length Mean
resistance(R) with unknown balancing X=Rl
resistance length I Observations and calculations
In left in right cm
gap(cm) gap(cm) Trial no Balancine leneth E1lE2=lrll,
For E1 ,(11) For E2(12)
X,&X, Ratio of emf=....".*..
Effective resistance in series(practical),X: ...... O 10. Find the emf of th.ggiven cell using potentiometer, emf
Effective resistance in series(theoretical),X= Xr+X, :... g of another cell is............
Effective resistance in parallel (practical)rX= ...... O lf It bqlahiiirg length for E1 and 12 balancing length for E,
resistance in parallel (theoretical)X= XrXz / Xr+X2...O then Rbtio of emf E1lE2=lrll,
7. Compare the resistance of'two wires using meter lf E2 is"giVEn then Er= Erlr/;.
bridge (Resistance box not provided)
For a balanced condition when X1 is connected in the
left gap and X2 in the right gap.,then X1:X2l / 100- l,
where I is balancing length.then ratio of
resistance,Xl/&= I / 100-l

Observations and calculations

Trial no Balancing length EllE =1t11,
L:J. ; For Et,(11) For E2(12)
P- tL -- *v" T'

Emf of cef f, Et= E2l1ll2=......... y

11. Find the focal length ofgiven convex lens by UV
method. Verify by distant object method
No Balancing length with Lri-
unknown resistance Xr/&: I UV method:lf u is the object distance and v image
Left Right distance, then focal length,f=uv/u+v
x, 9AP,XU
00-l :. ..
resistance,X 1/X2= I / Ir00-t:
ratio of resistance,Xl/.[2=
Compare the resistagiie of two wires by Ohms law
According to ohmS' onstant temperature
the current flowing through a conductor is directly *Distant obiect method:when the object is
at large
proportional to pd across its ends,ie VoltageV=lR distance the image is formed at focus. Distance

l-current,R or X-resistance , or R or X=V/l between image and lens is focal length

Then X,= V/I and Xz:Y'll'
Connection diagram
x-uokndon /€sitl
e- cell
Rn- Rtnc"sta"t {-vef e
v- voilnelev Observations and calculations:(1) uv method
observation&calculation t<- Kcy Trial no U (cm) V(cm) f=uv/u+v
ct- Ammde/

mean f=uv/u+v = ...,..,,.cm =...,..m

By sREESHytaJ.Kp HSST JR pHystcs ,GVHSS pAyyoLttl

(2) distant object method

Trial no Focal leneth (cml

Mean Focal =.......m

12. tr'ind the focal length ofgiven convex lens by IIV Uv- graph
graph. Also find power of lens
lf u is the object distance and v image f,m,o VnTtt
distance, then focal length=uv/u+v f t:
tryl !"
fr / .a
'&! l \
ul"q W
u 'ii{

obs erva ti on s&ca lcuHtions

Trial no U (cm) V(cm),

From graph OA+OB/4= ...m

13. Find the focal length of givg-4 coriCave mirror using
l/I-J- lN graplr.ryith ?t least six sets of readings.
Power of lens is given by,p=l/f ,where f is the focal lf u ii'tlie obje'd.'i*gistance and v image distance, then
length in meter. Unit is diopter(D) foca I length,f=uv/ii+v l:i,

Trial no U (cm) V(cm)

From graph,f= OA+OB/4= ...m

Power P= Llt = .....'.D
tlu-r/v graph

l3.Find the focal length of given convex lens by lN-lN -!*-J,

qv t4

graph. Take at least six sets of readings

lf u is the object distance and v image distance, then focat drX+36

. ,: " ,.,...i!:;::

Llu- Llv graph '
observations& calculations
^L*"1" Trial no U (cm) V(cm) Llu Llv
a'"Pv (.r-t) (cm-')

From graph','. f= 2/OA+OB=..m

14. Find the focal length ofgiven concave mirror using
UV method with at least six sets of readings. Verify
using normal incidence method
Uv- method:lf u is the object distance and v image
o bs ervation s 6." 1" u 1 n1; en5,il!,
distance, then focal length,f=uv/u+v

From graph

Normal incidence method:

l3.Find the focal length of given concave mirror using
lf the object is at the center of curvature of concave
UV graph with at least six sets of readings
mirror,image is formed at the same position .Then the
lf u is the object distance and v image distance, then focal
distance between the mirror and the object gives radius
of curvature then focal length f=R/2
Observations and calculations:(l) uv method


Trial no U (cm) V{cm) f=uv/u+v Refractive index of material of prism is given
C o^r) by,n=-.,n!119!4
mean f=uv/u+v = ..,,,, =..,,.,m A=angle of prism,D=angle of minimum deviation
(2)Normal incidence method A
Trial no F=R/2 (cm)

Mean f =,,.cm=....m
15. Fond the focal length ofgiven convex mirror using
convex lens
If the image formed by a convex lens placed in front of observations&calculations:Angle of prism:......
a convex mirror is at the centre ofcurvature ofthe no Angle of Angle of
mirror ,the rays are falling normally on the mirror. incidence fi)r deviation(d)
Then the distance between the mirror and image
formed by convex lens is radius of curvature of the n=sin(A+D)/2 - ':',:

mirror. Then focal leneth f=R/2 sinA/2 -_--"' ,iit,t,,i,

. , tr:,r

18. Draw path dtprisiil'for five.angles of

incidence. i1$ex' (A=600)
nd th'tiLa.ngle <if minimiiiii deviation
observations&calculations Refraqtive indexgf material of prism is given
Trial no Dist between by,n=sin(A+D)/2
screen and
mirror,R (cm)
A=angle of Sifism,D=an$ib of minimum deviation
A ,i
Mean,.m ,re..
Focal length f=....m d
16. Find the focal tength of liquid lens
When a convex lens of focal length f1 is in contact with
a concave lens offocal length f2 then l/F:lfir+l/fz
There fore f2= Ff1/fl-F :. :...
''bbservations&calculations:Angle of prism='.....

no Angle of Angle of
incidence (i) deviation(dl

focal length of convdx.lens
no Distance ofthe pointer from Average
Top surface": Bottom surface distance(cm)
of lens of lens

Focal length of convex lehii=......m

Focal length of combination
no Distance of the oointer from Average
Top surface Bottom surface distance(cm)
of lens of lens

Focal length of combination,F:.....m

Focal length of liquid lens, f2= Ffi/fl-F

17. Plot the i-d curve of the given prism. From the graph
find the angle of minimum deviation


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