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This lab experiment aimed to use Instron Universal Testing System to perform uniaxial tensile
tests on Nylon cables ties (zip ties). Four tests were run: Two trials for the single strand and two
for the double strand. The test was done by hooking the top and bottom of the zip ties and
stretching them until failure. Tests were done to determine yield strength, elastic modulus,
ultimate tensile strength, fracture stress, and fracture strain, and the results were compared to the
manufacturer’s specifications of the zip ties used.

Uniaxial tensile testing is vital to determining various variable for mechanical and material
properties of objects. Some variables that can be determined from tensile testing is the elastic
modulus (E), yield strength, elongation and yield strength. In this experiment we tested the
material and mechanical properties of the zip ties provided, and to do so we used the Instron and
the Blue Hill software to determine the stretch length and their failure points. ASTM D638-14
[1] standardized procedures were followed.

The cable ties provided by the TA were cut in half using a scissor and their width and thickness
of samples were measured.
The testing apparatus consisted of Instron Universal
Testing System, Wedge grips and BlueHill data
acquisition software. A specific displacement rate(table
1) was selected. We input the dimensions of the cable
into the BlueHill 3 software. The prepared sample was
then fit into the wedge grip. Further, the axial was zero
balanced and the BlueHill 3 software was used to stretch
the cable. The single strand extensions were set to
10mm/min, and double strand extensions were set to
15mm/min. The software recorded the applied load and
the change in length and used it to calculate the stress
and strain of the zip tie until it snapped. The data was the
saved in the form of an excel sheet.
Sample # of strands Displacement Length Width Thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm)

1 1 10 63.5 3.175 1.5875

2 1 10 63.5 3.175 1.5875

3 2 15 63.5 3.175 1.5875

4 2 15 63.5 3.175 1.5875

Table 1: Length, Width, and thickness of four samples

Test Max Max Load Tensile Stress Tensile Modulus Modulus
Extension (N) (MPa) Strain (Elastic (measured
(mm) (mm/mm) Modulus) from
(MPa) graphs)


Sample 1 25.6174 178.96387 35.50650± 0.21744± 1058.24962 1002.1

5.6874579 0.1166182

Sample 2 62.92779 193.75996 38.44205± 0.30563± 1008.93682 993.17

6.9980375 0.2862827

Sample 3 12.71001 347.54236 68.95255± 0.07617± 2239.09056 1937.0

13.491041 0.0580185

Sample 4 28.1749 413.07565 81.95438± 0.21791± 2226.12786 1998.3

17.908838 0.128369

Table 2: Summary table

It is clearly seen that a double strand sustained a higher maximum extension and load than a
single strand of zip tie. Also, the maximum load for a double strand was almost double of that of
a single strand, and respectively the elastic modulus for the double strand was different than the
elastic modulus of a single strand.


Fig 1a: Stress-Strain

graph of single strand

The elastic
modulus of this
stress-strain can
be calculated
from the slope
of the linear part
of this graph.
Therefore, the
elastic modulus
of single strand
sample 1 is
1002.1 MPa
Fig 1b:
graph of

The elastic modulus of

this stress-strain can be
calculated from the slope
of the linear part of this
graph. Therefore, the
elastic modulus of single
strand sample 3 is 1937.0

The young’s Modulus (E) calculated from the graphs is different from the young’s modulus (E)
determined using Instron, for example the E for sample 1 (single strand) calculated from the
graph is 1002.1 MPa but the E measured by the machine is about 1058.25 MPa. It can be seen in
the Table 2 that the young’s modulus calculated using the graph is less than the young’s modulus
given by the machine.
As seen
in Fig 1c.
the stress
of double
strand is

Fig 1c: Stress-Strain graph of single and double strand samples.

Fig 2a: Load-

Extension graph of
single strand
Fig 2b:
graph of

Sample 1
This sample showed necking at one single place and fractured at the same point. The fracture is a
“brittle fracture”, which means that both the broken ends are flat.

Sample 2
This sample shows brittle fracture, like sample 1. There is however necking at multiple places.
The zip tie broken near the end that was fixed in the top wedge of the Instron testing system.
Sample 3
This sample withheld more stress than samples with single strand. Towards the end only one zip
tie fractured showing “brittle fracture” like all other samples. Not a lot of necking was seen.

Sample 4
This sample also withheld more stress than samples with single strand. Like sample 3, towards
the end only one zip tie fractured showing “brittle fracture”. More necking was seen compared to
sample 3.

Conceptual Questions:
1) What was the difference between two strands and one strand tested?

Ans. Two strands tested had greater load and greater extension which ended up affecting the
stress and strain slightly more than one strand.

2) How much force does it take to undo the knot, or did the sample break before the knot
was undone? What does this tell you about the material from which the sample is made

Ans. The sample was broken before the knot was undone.
3) Compare the data obtained with that from the manufacture. Does it come close to the
given value of tensile stress?

Ans. The manufacture gave a tensile stress load value of 334 N, and the data we obtained for
max load of single strand was around 186 N on average. Thus, it does not come too close.

4) Zip ties such as the ones you just tested are frequently used by the law enforcement
forces to restrain arrested suspect. Suppose you were arrested, and you wanted to free
yourself from such a zip tie. (Please do not try this, and most important don’t break the
law!). Describe how you could generate enough force to undo or break the zip tie

Ans. I would move my hands as far away from each other as possible and then hit the middle of
the zip tie on an inanimate object.

5) If you are the arresting officer, how would you make sure that the suspect was secure
and not able to escape?

Ans. I would use two zip ties instead of one, make sure there is least amount of space between
hands and tie the suspects hands behind their back.

6) Name some materials which can be used as zip tie material.

Ans. Different ductile plastic materials like nylon 6/6, polypropylene, etc.

Materials like nylon (used in this experiment) exhibit ductility and undergo plastic deformations.
The uniaxial tensile test displays the properties of the material at work. By testing the material, it
can be seen that the elastic modulus, yield strength, facture stress, and fracture strength are
dependent on the displacement rate. This test has showed how Zip-Ties are affected by a two
different displacement rates 10mm/min and 15mm/min. After the test, it was seen that the double
stranded samples were stronger in regard to tolerating stress than single stand samples. Overall
the experiment allowed us to apply the theories learned in class to real world scenarios.

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