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This is to declare that this project work which is done under the supervision of instructor
Tesfahun Maru having the title Web Based Vehicle Insurance Management System for Abay
Insurance S.C Gondar Branches the sole contribution of:

1. Markos Mulu
2. Endalew Abebe
3. Daniel Demsia
4. Belay Geto
5. Fikreab Anbessie
No part of this project work has been reproduced illegally (copy and paste) which can
be considered as Plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and
have been cited properly. We had been responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of
this declaration is proven.
Date: 25/06/2011 E.C
Group Members:
Name Signature
6. Markos Mulu
7. Endalew Abebe
8. Daniel Demsia
9. Belay Geto
10. Fikreab Anbessie

Name of advisor Signature

Ins.Tesfahun Maru

Examining committee members’ signature

It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid
down by the university.

Above all, our utmost gratitude goes to the Almighty GOD for his graciously provision of
knowledge, wisdom and inspiration and he is always with us in all our day to day
undertakings and giving us strength to complete this project.

Next We are deepest and sincere appreciation also thank to our advisor Tesfahun Maru ,Abebe
Mulu and Mingizam their understanding, invaluable, constructive and enduring comments,
criticism and professional advice from time of inception to the completion of this project.
Next we are also grateful to thank Ato Fasil Minas, Manager of Abay Insurance Company and
other member of staff of Abay Insurance Company for their substantial support and provision
with necessary materials and information.

Finally, we would like to express our special acknowledgement to families, friends and relatives
who have been providing us backup both in terms of material, moral support and for their
constructive suggestions, comments and professional criticism on the due course of the project

Tables of content
Declaration ....................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................ ii
Tables of content ............................................................................................................................ iii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. vi
List of figure ................................................................................................................................. vii
List of Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the Organization ...................................................................................... 2
1.2. Detail study of existing system ........................................................................................ 3
1.3. Statements of Problem ..................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Objective .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.1. General Objective ..................................................................................................... 5
1.4.2 Specific Objective ..................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Methodology .................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1 Data collection methodology .................................................................................... 6
1.5.2 System development approach ................................................................................. 6
1.6 System Development tools ............................................................................................... 7
1.7 Scope of the Project.......................................................................................................... 7
1.8 Constraints of the project ................................................................................................. 9
1.9 Feasibility study ............................................................................................................... 9
1.9.1 Technical Feasibility: ................................................................................................ 9
1.9.2 Operational Feasibility: ........................................................................................... 10
1.9.3 Economic Feasibility: ............................................................................................. 10
1.9.4 Legal Feasibility...................................................................................................... 10
1.10 Alternative Solutions .................................................................................................. 10
1.11 Proposed solution ............................................................................................................... 11
1.12 Significance of the project ................................................................................................. 11
1.13 Beneficiary of the project................................................................................................... 12
1.14 Hardware and software tools ...................................................................................... 13
1.15 Overall cost estimation ............................................................................................... 14
1.15.1 Cost cash for material ............................................................................................. 14
1.15.2 Time Schedule: ....................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 16
2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 16
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Description of Existing System ...................................................................................... 16
2.3 Overview of the of new system ...................................................................................... 17
2.4 Input and output of the system ....................................................................................... 18
2.5 Requirement analysis of the system ............................................................................... 19
2.5.1 Functional requirement ........................................................................................... 19
2.5.2 Non-Functional requirement ................................................................................... 20
2.6 System architecture diagram for proposed system:- ...................................................... 21
2.7 System Analysis Models ................................................................................................ 22
2.8 System Use Case Diagram ............................................................................................. 23
2.9 Use Case Narrative ......................................................................................................... 24
2.10 Activity Diagram ........................................................................................................ 35
2.11 Sequence diagram ....................................................................................................... 42
2.12 Class Diagram............................................................................................................. 47
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 48
3. System Design ................................................................................................................... 48
3.1 introduction .................................................................................................................... 48
3.2 Design Goals .................................................................................................................. 48
3.3 Collaboration diagram .................................................................................................... 49
3.4 Persistence diagram ........................................................................................................ 51
3.5 Deployment Diagram ..................................................................................................... 53
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 55
4. Implementation .................................................................................................................. 55
4.1 Sample Form or interface design ................................................................................... 56
4.2 Samle code for customer registration ............................................................................. 62
4.3 Testing ............................................................................................................................ 76
4.3.1 Usability testing: ..................................................................................................... 76
4.3.2 Acceptance testing: ................................................................................................. 76
4.3.3 Integration and system testing: ............................................................................... 76

4.4 Installation ...................................................................................................................... 78
5 . Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 80
5.1 Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 81
5.2 Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 82
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 83

List of Tables
Table 1: software tools .................................................................................................................. 13
Table 2: hardware tools ................................................................................................................. 14
Table 3: Cost cash for hardware materials .................................................................................... 14
Table4: Software cost estimation .................................................................................................. 14
Table 5: Schedule plan .................................................................................................................. 15
Table 6: actor description.............................................................................................................. 22
Table 7: for login page .................................................................................................................. 24
Table 8: use case description for customer registration ................................................................ 25
Table 9:use case description for post notice ................................................................................. 26
Table 10:use case description for update customer information .................................................. 27
Table 11: use case description for view information .................................................................... 28
Table 12: use case description for view notice ............................................................................. 29
Table 13: use case description for approve contract ..................................................................... 30
Table14:use case description for send complain .......................................................................... 31
Table 15:use case description for view complain ......................................................................... 33
Table 16:- Use case description for logout ................................................................................... 34
Table 17: use case description for generate report........................................................................ 34
Table18 :Input data and expected results of the system after testing. .......................................... 77
Table19: Login .............................................................................................................................. 78

List of figure
Figure 1: system architecture diagram for proposed system ........................................................ 21
Figure 2:- use case diagram for the proposed system ................................................................... 24
Figure 3: activity diagram for login .............................................................................................. 36
Figure4:- activity diagram for customer registration .................................................................... 37
Figure 5: activity diagram for view information........................................................................... 38
Figure 6: activity diagram for send complain ............................................................................... 39
Figure 7:activity diagrams for post notice .................................................................................... 40
Figure 8: activity diagram for update customer information ........................................................ 41
Figure 9: sequence diagram for login ........................................................................................... 42
Figure 10:sequence diagram for customer registration ................................................................. 43
Figure 11: sequence update customer information ....................................................................... 44
Figure 12:sequence diagrams post notice ..................................................................................... 45
Figure 13: sequence diagram for view customer information ...................................................... 46
Figure 14:- class diagram for vehicle insurance management system .......................................... 48
Figure 25: Collaboration diagram for Login ................................................................................. 49
Figure 16: create account collaboration diagram for logged user................................................. 50
Figure 17: add user collaboration diagram for log........................................................................ 51
Figure 18:collaboration diagram for view information. ............................................................... 51
Figure 21: Persistence diagram for proposed system ................................................................... 52
Figure 22: Deployment diagram ................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3: Home page for abay vehicle insurance S.C ................................................................... 56
Figure 24: login page for abay vehicle insurance company ......................................................... 57
Figure 26: approve page for abay vehicle insurance company .................................................... 59
Figure 27: contract page for abay vehicle insurance company .................................................... 60
Figure 28: notice page for abay vehicle insurance company ....................................................... 61

List of Acronyms

AD-------------------activity diagram
CSS ----------------- Cascaded Style Sheet
DBMS-------------- Data Base Management System
DFD-----------------data flow diagram
GPS----------------global position system
GUI------------------ Graphical User Interface
HTML--------------hyper text markup language
MYSQL------------ Structural Query Language
OOSAD------------object oriented system analysis and design
PHP--------------- hypertext preprocessor
SC ----------------Share Company
UML--------------- unifying modeling language
USCVIMS---------use case vehicle insurance management system


1. Introduction
Vehicle insurance is one solution to manage risks posed by the road transport industry and a
means to ameliorate (improve) damages arising from accidents and other mishaps. With
compulsory insurance in place financial risks arising from the operation of vehicles can be better
managed. Damage to personal property (such as to vehicles and personal items), public property
(road signs, lights and other infrastructure) and personal injuries arising from accidents can be
managed without imposing an undue burden on private or public persons and organization [1].

Auto/vehicle insurance is contract between insurer and insured whereby the insurer undertakes to
pay the insured a fixed amount, in exchange for fixed sum (premiums). The insurer agrees to
offer compensation for a financial loss that occurs when involved in an accident. It is remunerate
the owner of the vehicle against the losses or damages arising for various future risks which one

In other words when an insured pay the insurance company then he/she is buying a security
blanket for his/her car. If he/she is in an accident the insurer company pays for repairs of his/her
car. This shows that whatever happens to the car is covered by the policy.

Due to this motor vehicle insurance has developed into an important form of contract arising out
of connection with the use of motor vehicles including third party. Motor insurance policy may
also be affected to provide cover against loss or damage to the third party arising from the use of
a vehicle [2].

Vehicle third party insurance is mandatory in most countries around the world, which is an
expression of contemporary trends in securing compensation of victims of traffic accidents. For
this reason the functioning of this product is relevant to many subjects: vehicle holders who pay
premium, drivers covered, injuries and damaged parties seeking for compensation as well as the
state which impose the obligation and decides about shape of system and its rules [3]. Likewise,
motor third party liability insurance has been made compulsory in our country, Ethiopia since
September, 2011. The Policy plays the critical role in pooling the risks of homogeneous loss

exposures hence minimizes the financial risks that might be happen if the driver or owner of the
insured vehicle cause an accident on the third party regardless of the fault who ever commit [3].

The Ethiopian Insurance industry is suffering from the higher claims and administrative costs
due to the growing traffic accidents and ever increasing costs of spare parts and labor [4].

1.1. Background of the Organization

Abay insurance where this insurance found in Gondar Branch S.C. was established on January 1,
2010 GC as per the commercial code of Ethiopia 1960, and it is licensed by the national bank of
Ethiopia on July 26, 2010 to underwrite non-life insurance risk. On June 20, 2016, the company
has got the license from national bank of Ethiopia to start long term (life) insurance business.

The main branched is located and that head office in Addis Ababa kirkos kefleketema, Kebele
019. The insurance company provides different types of insurance services to their customers
this are:

➢ Life insurance
➢ Vehicle/Motor insurance
➢ Health insurance
➢ Marine cargo insurance
➢ Fire insurance
➢ lightening insurance
➢ travel insurance

The organization gives insurance service for non-life risks. Ato Fasile Minas who is the manager
0f the Abay insurance S.C Gondar branch said that “Among the non-life risks the majority of
people register for vehicle insurance, all most about 95% of them”. There are many types of
vehicle insurance policies available. These are:

➢ Third party cover

➢ Third party, fire and theft cover
➢ Comprehensive cover

1.2. Detail study of existing system
Currently Abay insurance system works in manually. The system, which is manual, faced with
numerous problems like missing to record the entire daily task, tedious paper work, huge storage
space, load of registration. Abay vehicle insurance is an insurance company that gives customers
guarantee for damages on the car and on third party properties. When one wants to have
insurance in Abay vehicle insurance for his vehicle, he/she first brings the car to the
organization. Then the employers do pre-risk analysis by checking quality of the vehicle. Then
the employers decide whether to proceed or reject the agreement. If agreed, the employer
calculates the depreciation cost of the vehicle and the premium cost to be paid. If the customer
agreed with calculated price agreement is made. Finally the agreement is approved by the
organization manager. After the manager approves the agreement, the customers file, given a
unique policy number, is handled manually in file handler.

Every customer who has insurance for the vehicle should also have third party insurance. Third
party insurance is the insurance for the damages caused by vehicle. This third party insurance is
not optional it is mandatory. An agreement is made for a year called terms of service. When
terms are completed the customer should renew the term unless can’t get service from the
company. The company have the habit of informing customers to renew their terms when they
are left month before completion.

0Once the customers made an agreement they can get service soon in the very next day. When
the customers face damages they can call the branch and the branch checks the belongingness
and terms of service of the vehicle. Then the company sends technician to place of accident. The
technician evaluates, determine damage and estimate the cost. The company then pays the

The company also has the habit of informing its customer to renew their terms before the date of
completion, just before a month. But usually it is difficult to pop out a customer who has left
only a month for their term to expire since we have lots of customer.

1.3. Statements of Problem
The existing system poses different working problems. It performs every activity manually. It
handles file on a paper which lacks security, backup, confidentiality, timely access of customers.
Manipulation of customer’s data is very difficult in the existing system as searching individuals
file is tedious among thousands of users.

This manual system is vulnerable to error and it is very time consuming. The insured person is
obligated to fill a proposal forms in order to get the policy numbers and to make a payment
according to the policy purchased. And it takes weeks for a person to make financial report under
this manual way of operation. Time is not the only matter but the report may also fail to
represent the actual value due to some error. Recording customers file using manual method
causes the company to decrease its efficiency, accuracy and productivity. Some customer can’t
read and write by English; due to this it is difficult to understand the works of the company.
Some of the problems in the existing system are:

➢ Requires lots of paper

➢ Requires much manpower

➢ Redundancy of policy number

➢ Individuals can’t be treated timely

➢ Users can’t interact with the organization unless they are physically present

➢ Preparing financial report manually is too tedious

Thus all manual system problems or tasks solved by new system, this new
system develop in web based management system. The new system briefly
explain below about work.

1.4. Objective

1.4.1. General Objective

The general objective of this project is to develop a web based vehicle Insurance
management System for Abay vehicle Insurance S.C for Gondar branch.

1.4.2 Specific Objective

Towards achieving the general objective, this study addresses the following specific objective:

➢ To evaluate the existing system of the company.

➢ To collect and analyze functional Requirement of the company.
➢ To collect and analyze non-functional Requirement of the company.
➢ To design web based insurance management system for the proposed system.
➢ To evaluate the proposed system prototype.
➢ To test the proposed system
➢ To develop GUI both in Amharic and English language

1.5 Methodology
Methodology deals with a range of ways to make the most out of solving key project
problems. It is a composite of philosophies, ideals, and foundations that drive the actions, the
methods that we used [7].
Think of the method as the “instrument,” or “tool” that used to accomplish the goals of the
project. Think of the methodology as the systematic way in which those tools could be
employed. There is no use having a tool without having a process to use it most effectively.
This is the same basic gist with method (the tool) and methodology (the process, the guiding
force) [7].
To develop proposed system we have used different methodology approaches. The following
are the different methodology used in our proposed system

1.5.1 Data collection methodology
We used different data collection methods in our project. Interview and document analysis are
among the method that we used.

a) Interview
We are orally discussed and interview with some employees of the vehicle insurance company
for necessary information’s. This information helps us to understand the system and also to
identify the problems occur in existing system. So, we analyze information’s of the agency and
obtain some basic concepts on how the customers become a members in the current system. We
use interview for the following reasons:

➢ Since we are developing a proposed system we have to directly communicate to the

organization officials.
➢ To understand the system well we choose this method.
b) Observation

This is another type of method for collecting data and information in which we have witnessed
the actual events which is happening in the association. In this method all we have to do is
observing and note down the events that we observed, so here we have observed some events
like, employees are keeping customer file manually, the dissatisfaction of clients by the service,
calculation errors, the time taken to search clients file, takes large space for storing the files, and
lack of data security are some of them.

C) Document Analysis
We collect more information by referring different manuals, written files and documents
about the general information of the vehicle insurance company.

➢ The documents helped us in understanding different policy rules and history of

the company till the current date.
➢ To understand very specific information about the companies operation.

1.5.2 System development approach

We used the object oriented methodology to develop this system. Here for the deployment of our
project we use unstructured system development (object oriented system analysis) and design

method (OOSAD) specifically UML (Unified Modeling Language) model. We select this
because of the following advantages:-

➢ To simplify the design and implementation of complex program.

➢ To make it easier for teams of designers and programmers to work in a single software
➢ To enable a high degree of reusability of designs and software codes. Increased
consistency among analysis, design and programming activities.

1.6 System Development tools

In the system development section, we will describe what evolves to come up with the system
and how the system works. We will use different software tools. These software tools that we
will include are MY-SQL server- a database management tool that uses popular SQL for adding,
accessing and processing data in a database, WAMP server and the programming languages
PHP- which is a server side scripting language used in order to collect information from the user
interface storing in a data base retrieving data from the database and displaying the data retrieved
on the user interface, JAVA script, HTML-which is used to design the user interface by creating
forms to receive input from user

1.7 Scope of the Project

The scope of the project for Abay vehicle Insurance S.C in Gondar branch is to develop and
design the web based vehicle insurance management system for effective and efficient
management of the customer’s records and provides better services for users.

The system is responsible for:

➢ Conduct Pre risk analysis on the vehicle:- As the user enter the status of the
vehicle i.e. the car is used or new , the type of the car, year of manufacture and
year of purchase the system would be used these information as an input to
calculation of the depreciation cost. The depreciation cost is a sum of purchase
price, carrying capacity, propose esteem and number of passengers all time’s by
the specific values that used by the company.

➢ Calculate the depreciation cost of the vehicle: - The depreciation cost of the
vehicle is depending on the status of the car whether it is used or new.
➢ Calculate the premium by the price to be paid customer: - If the car is new the
premium birr to be paid by the customer will be less, if the car is used/old the
premium birr to be paid by the customer will be high because considering
vulnerability to risks.
➢ Make contract with the customer:-The person who wants to get vehicle
insurance cover is required to fill a vehicle insurance proposal form and make an
agreement with the company. And then staff has a role to make a contract with
➢ Make third part contract with customer: -The person who wants to get third
party vehicle insurance cover is required to fill a third party vehicle insurance
proposal form and make an agreement with the company. And then staff has a
role to make a third party contract with customer.
➢ Approve customer’s contract:-only fill proposal form of either vehicle insurance
or third party vehicle insurance was not Member Company until they pay
premium birr make approve by admin (manager) to service.
➢ Renew the terms of service: -if insurer pay a one year premium birr to the
company, than next year must pay to continue service unless they do not give
service to customer.
➢ User send notification:- to be member of the insurance company the user sends
notification for the staff.
➢ View notification:-the staff views the notification that is sent by the user.
➢ Manage customers complain:-manager should give response if customer has any
type of complain about service which they get from company.
➢ Prepare backup for customers file:-staff must put customer information in
secure database and easily retrieval manner.
➢ Generate report:-admin should prepare report either annual or monthly.

1.8 Constraints of the project
The services which the company provides but we don’t include in our study are: Life insurance,
health insurance, Marine cargo insurance, Fire insurance, lightening insurance, travel insurance,
because of the following Constraints:

➢ Lack of enough time to include other insurance type.

➢ Lack of budget to include other insurance type for the new system.
➢ Lack of well organized source of information.

Limitation of the project

The new system could only be applicable in the presence of Internet network unless we can’t
work with it. The new system also lacks:-

➢ The use of GPS for exactly locating the vehicle.

➢ Customer can’t pay by being online.
➢ Other insurance types like Life insurance, health insurance, Marine cargo insurance, Fire
insurance, lightening insurance, travel insurance are not included in the new system that
only handle vehicle insurance.

1.9 Feasibility study

The project will develop and implement web based vehicle insurance management system to
address the drawback of existing system. While studying the feasibility of the project we try to
see from different feasibility measures as follow:

1.9.1 Technical Feasibility:

The project will develop by designing simple, easy to use interface and customers will given a
user guidance on how they operate with the system. So users can understand and operate the
system without any problems. Hence our system is technically feasible. We have used PHP
language with the back End MYSQL Server database, Visual Paradigm software for UML
diagram to develop our system with which our team is already familiarized with. Due to these
factors our system is technically feasible.
1.9.2 Operational Feasibility:
The new system can provide efficient insertion, searching of information, easy updating, and
modification of customer’s information etc. This increases the efficiency of work in the office.
All operations are easy and can take small times to learn them by the employers. So that we can
say the system is operationally feasible.

1.9.3 Economic Feasibility:

The new system that we develop economically feasible than the manual system because the
new one uses less resource , few manpower and more over less time is required to access and
process individual customers file. We can see this economic feasibility in two ways:

a) Direct/Tangible benefit:
Our system saves paper, pen and phone expense that are used to record customers’ file and
communicate with branches. Also saves the number of manpower’s that are required in the case
manual system. More over saves the time required to process tasks within the company.

b) Indirect/Intangible benefit:
The new system increases the satisfaction of the customers and company employers which in
turn affects its competitiveness with other companies.

1.9.4 Legal Feasibility

The system that we develop is not conflict with any government directives. Perform tasks
effectively and efficiently. So the government and people is beneficiary.

1.10 Alternative Solutions

Alternative solution is the successful actions of solving a problem or the method for
solving a problem in alternative ways.

We put some options as an alternative solution for the system.

➢ Use Improved and proper manual system.

➢ Use web based record management system.
➢ Use desktop application.

1.11 Proposed solution
The proposed solution will solve the problems that are faced on the existing system in the
following way:

➢ It will avoid material wastage.

➢ It will also avoid redundancy information and policy number.
➢ It will provide a fast response so as it avoids time or speed problem.
The main propose of the system will solve the problems that faced on the existing system.
These problem solutions are expressed as follows
➢ Do not require lots of paper to store customers file.

➢ System does not require much manpower to manage the files of thousands of

➢ Redundancy of policy number did not occur, which uniquely identifies each
customer from each other, because the system assign unique policy number
for each customer.

➢ Users can interact with the organization without they are physically present
to the branch which they are belonging to.

But our project teams develop in web based application management system. This new
developing system manipulation of customer data is very easy, because searching files
of a particular person from thousands of customers file is easy to access.

1.12 Significance of the project

The proposed web based vehicle insurance management system would be reliable, easy, fast and
Consistent and would play a crucial role for the agency workers and for the customers.

The proposed system has the following significances:

➢ The main benefit of the proposed system is it saves the time to access customers file.
➢ The customer’s files are safe because the proposed system has backup system.
➢ The proposed system makes the company more comfortable for customers making the
company more competent.

➢ The proposed system saves lots of money that are paid due to lack of proper handling of
customers file such by cheating.
➢ Employees of the company can work together easily than ever which eases the company
work significantly by treating every customers of the company wherever and whenever
they need the company’s service.

1.13 Beneficiary of the project


➢ To minimize time needed to register and update their profile.

➢ Customer’s information is managed properly.
➢ Customers can send their compliant freely.
➢ They can get full information about the system through the website and know the detail
how the company works


➢ It increases performance of the organization,

➢ Fast response to customer’s affair making the company competent.
➢ Easily communicate with customers.
➢ To generate policy number by using the system
➢ Making the company more profitable than ever by attracting many customers.


➢ Easily identify customer’s information by searching their policy number.

➢ Easily know the term of the customer, and expired terms.
➢ Reduced work load, they are only responsible to feed data to the system.
➢ The system performs the difficult and the time consuming task for them.


➢ To develop the skill and knowledge to develop an industrial project.

➢ Learn to do things in a group which is more advisable.
➢ Enables us how to respond to problems and design new improvement.
We can also have experience in developing systems.

1.14 Hardware and software tools

a) Software requirement

We used the following tool for developing the new system with their function.

Table 1: software tools

Software tools Function of the tool
Operating system: Window 7,8.1,10 To install different software’s such as Microsoft,
notepad++, dream weaver, wamp server,
Notepad++ To write html and php code
MS word 2007 To write documentation.
MS-power point To prepare power point for presentation.
Script language: JavaScript To validate forms.
Markup language: php, html To develop the interface and connect with
Wamp server To run the php command
Database Server: PhpMyadmin To store data’s entered by the system
(MySQL database)
Edraw Max, visual paradigm and UML To UML diagram to develop our system
Diagram maker
Camera To image and video

b) Hardware requirement tools

Table 2: hardware tools
Hardware tools Function of the tools

Flash To hold files, software’s, backups

Laptop To do the project
Pen To Write interview responses from the organization
Note Book For taking response from the organization

1.15 Overall cost estimation

We have prepare 15526 birr total cost for this industrial project, for buying hardware material
and install the application softwar0e.

1.15.1 Cost cash for material

Table 3: Cost cash for hardware materials

No Material type Amount of Price of Each Total price of
material material material
1 Flash disk 1 250 250
2 Laptop 1 15000 15000
3 Pen 1 6 6
4 Printing 80 1 80
6 Transportation 5 times 40 200
Total cost for project is=250+6+80+200+15000=15536birr

Table4: Software cost estimation

No. Software Cost
WAMP server-to run PHP
1 Free
2 Microsoft access 2007 Free
Microsoft office word 2007-
3 Free
to write documentation
Operating System
4 Free
(Windows 7, Windows 8)
5 Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Free

6 Notepad- to edit codes Free
7 Notepad++- to edit codes Free
Edraw Max- to draw
8 Free
9 SQL database Free
1.15.2 Time Schedule:
The proposed system has completed within the given time frame, so the project is will be
developed based on the specified schedule.

Table 5: Schedule plan

No Activities Nov/ Dec/ Jan/ Feb/ March April/ May June/
2011 2011 2011 2011 /2011 2011 /201 2011 E.C
E.C E.C E.C E.C E.C E.C 1
1. Title Selection
2. Data collection
3. Literature
4. Writing
2 Proposal
5. Proposal
6. System
Analysis and Data
7. Design
8. Implementation
9. Final
7 Presentation



2.1 Introduction
Analysis is the process of studying a procedure in order to identify its goal and purposes and
create systems and procedures that will achieve them in an efficient way. In this chapter we will
see, the analysis phase of the project that contains a detailed description of the operation of the
existing system, overview of the new system, requirement analysis of the new system and system
analysis methods, to simplify the design and implementation of complex program.

2.2 Description of Existing System

Vehicle insurance is an insurance company that gives customers guarantee for damages on the
car and on third party properties. When one wants to have insurance in vehicle insurance for his
vehicle, he/she first brings the car to the organization. Then the employers do pre-risk analysis
by checking the library and quality of the vehicle. Then the employers decide whether to proceed
or reject the agreement. If agreed, the employer calculates the depreciation cost of the vehicle
and the premium cost to be pay. If the customer agreed with calculated price agreement is made.
Finally the agreement is approved by the organization manager. After the manager approves the
agreement, the customers file, given a unique policy number, is handling manually in file

Every customer who has insurance for the vehicle should also have third party insurance. Third
party insurance is the insurance for the damages caused by vehicle. This third party insurance is
not optional it is mandatory. An agreement is made for a year called terms of service. When
terms are completed the customer should renew the term unless can’t get service from the

company. The company have the habit of informing customers to renew their terms when they
are left month before completion.

Once the customers made an agreement they can get service soon in the very next day. When the
customers face damages they can call the branch and the branch checks the belongingness and
terms of service of the vehicle. Then the company sends technician to place of accident. The
technician evaluates, determine damage and estimate the cost. The company then pays the
payment. Finally we have concluded from the existing system the following points from our
requirement gathering.

➢ There is data redundancy in all recording format

➢ There is data overwhelming and overloading
➢ Recording data on the format is very tiring and time consuming
➢ Incomplete and inaccurate data records occur very frequently
➢ Lack of back up in the case of losing individual files.
➢ Lack of confidential storage and retrieval of information
➢ poor interoperability between the different departments

The company also has the habit of informing its customer to renew their terms before the date of
completion, just before a month. But usually it is difficult to pop out a customer who has left
only a month for their term to expire since we have lots of customer.

2.3 Overview of the of new system

The newly developing system will make the company move one step in the direction of its way
to success. The new systems try to help the organization and the customers in giving service in
facilitated and timely manner. The develop system guarantees save document management with
a much secure database. Individuals file are not vulnerable to attack posed by unauthorized
parties. The organizations task is easy because the new system records the customers file more
conveniently than the manual. The develop system also support easy manipulation of customers
file as it tries to identify each customer through a unique policy number. With which the system
can search easily the policy number to get the individual file. Doing this update, delete, renew
term are a matter of a few seconds. The system can also provide a sophisticated way of doing the
most tedious and difficult task, the financial report for thousands of employees shortly with
greater accuracy and less manpower. The new system also made a new improvement on the

function of branches making them work together more conveniently. Every employee in every
branch can access easily customer’s information being on the website. The customer can interact
with new system without physical presentation, being on the website can access his/her
individual files and can see different notifications.

So this new system decrease the manpower need and the time of giving service to customer
while assuring greater accuracy and elevated customer satisfaction. And finally the new system
will make the organization become more competent and more profitable organization giving
facilitated service than it was giving before.

2.4 Input and output of the system

Input requirements: - are the signals or data received by the system. System should have a form
to accept the user’s details (users’ information).

The system inputs:

➢ Username and Password

➢ Policy number
➢ Customer registration information
➢ Insurance payment form information
➢ Accident report information
➢ Contract or term renew information

Output requirements: - are the signals or data send to the outside world from the system.
Allows users to send and receive information and request to and from record document such as: -

➢ Respond general report about the data recorded for users.

➢ Display the record is successful.
➢ View information.
➢ View notice.
➢ View contract.
➢ View complains.
➢ Generates report.

2.5 Requirement analysis of the system
The purpose of the requirement analysis in our study is to correctly identify the system,
functional and non-functional requirements for the new system. In general the user’s visible
aspects of the system are identified in this section.

2.5.1 Functional requirement

This web based vehicle insurance management information system is designed a way that
enables the stakeholders to collect, analyze, disseminate and utilize vehicle insurance
information at all levels of the organization. Besides those functionalities it will enhance secure
vehicle insurance information transaction, proper control of service utilization and standard data
definitions across the system. Below are lists of functional requirements.

➢ Approve contract:- the system approve customer contracts.

➢ View complain:- the system view customers complain.
➢ Post notice:- the system post notice for customer.
➢ View accident:- the system view accident.
➢ Update customer information:- the system update customer information correctly.
➢ Renew terms:- the system renew customer contract.
➢ On line registration:- the system register customer on line.
➢ View information: - the system show information for staff and customer.
➢ Send complain:- user send complain for administrator.
➢ View notice:- the system show notice for customer and staff.
➢ Accident report:- users or traffics send report for administration.
➢ View contract:- users view or cheek contract.
➢ Send notification:- the user sends notification for staff.
➢ View notification:-the staff members view the user’s notifications
➢ The system manage account:- i.e. Create account, delete account, update account.
➢ The system should allow manipulation for authorized employees only.
➢ The system should give each customer a unique policy number.
➢ The system should allow customers to interact remotely.
➢ The system should generate financial report
➢ The system should calculate depreciation and premium cost.

2.5.2 Non-Functional requirement

In ours study non functional requirements are features of the system that has no direct
implementation on it, which will used to judge the operation of the system. The main are:

➢ Security:
• The system should provide high level of security by blocking unauthorised user to
view secured system page.
• The system should be secured by firewall and encryption algorithm.
• The external security should be provided by giving login authentication.
➢ Performance:
• The system should minimize errors and should display clear error message that
guides users.
• For login to the software password and user name should be matched to the
password and name.
• There shall be various ways of retrieving data and it shall take less time.
➢ Usability
• The end user should be able to access any page fast according to the internet
connection speed.
➢ Availability
• The availability of the software should be for everyone who has an internet
• The system should be available for 24 hours and 7 days a week.
➢ Correctness
• The results of the functions should be correct and accurate.
➢ Maintainability
• After the deployment of the project if any error occurs then it should be easily
maintained by the software developer.
➢ Portability
• The software shall work properly in any browsers.

➢ Reusability
• The data and record that are saved shall be reused if needed.

2.6 System architecture diagram for proposed system:-

shows the interaction of user, internet ,web server and data base.

Figure 1: system architecture diagram for proposed system

2.7 System Analysis Models

As we mentioned in the above section, in this project, we have used an object oriented system
development methodology. To develop this project, we have used object oriented system
analysis models. From object oriented system analysis method, we have used the following
designing diagrams listed below.

➢ Use case diagram

➢ Activity diagram
➢ Sequential diagram
➢ Class diagram

Use case model

A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of measurable value to an
actor. A use case is made up of a set of scenarios. Each scenario is a sequence of steps that
encompass an interaction between a user or actor and a system. The use case brings scenarios
together that accomplish a specific goal of the user.

Actor description

Table 6: actor description

Name Role
Admin The admin view report, post notice, approve contract
and resolve complain.
Staff The staff do contract, renew terms of service, update
customer information,
Insured customer View notice, register online, give comment, accident

2.8 System Use Case Diagram
Use case diagram for the proposed (new) system shows the interaction of customer, staff and

Figure 2:- use case diagram for the proposed system

2.9 Use Case Narrative

A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize system
requirements. The use case is made up of a set of possible sequences of interactions between
systems and users in a particular environment and related to a particular goal. Use case is a list of
steps, typically defining interactions between a role (known in UML as an actor) and a system, to
achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or an external system.
Use case description for login

Table 7: for login page

Use case ID USCVIMS-1
Use case name Login
Use case description • The actors must be login with administration to modify the
• The insured customer and staffs’ login into the system for
searching and view records and sends receipt recorded
• The administrator login into system to control the overall
Actor Admin, staff, insured customer.
Pre-condition Having username and password

Basic course of 1) Open the system

action 2) The system displays login page.
3) The user Insert valid username, password and role, if filled
correctly the home page displays.
4) Click login button
5) Else try it again
Use case ends
Post-condition ▪ Administrator insert, modify, search records, make

decision, approved decision, and view records and also
generate reports. In short the administrator controls record
management activity.
▪ Users search records, see news, view records and send
request to administrator.
Staffs view records and send requests.
Alternative course 3. A. if username or password is incorrect the system display an error
of action message
” invalid password or username please try again”
Use case description for customer registration

Table 8: use case description for customer registration

Use case ID USCVIMS-2
Use case name Customer registration
Use case description To be the member of the organization the customer need to register
into the organization.
Primary actor Insured customer.
Pre-condition Insured customer must have account

Basic course of action User Action System

1) The user open the system 2) The system displays the
3)the user log in with valid login page
username and password 4) the system displays home
5) the user select the page
registration menu 6) The system display
7) The user fills valid registration form.
information in the 8) The system validates the
registration form filled information and display
9) The USCVIMS user message.
exits the system 10) The use case ends
Post-condition 1.The customer data will be member of the organization

2. A specific customer ID(policy number) will be generated
Alternative course of action 7. A. If the user inserts invalid information the system
display error message.

Use case description for post notice

Table 9:use case description for post notice

Use case ID USCVIMS-4
Use case name Post notice
Use case News or information’s about the organization is posted by the manager
Primary actor Admin
Pre-condition The organization has new information.
Basic course of User Action System
action 1) The admin open the system 2) The system displays the login
3) the admin log in with valid page
username, password and role 4) the system displays home page
5) the admin select post notice 6) The system authenticates the
menu manager with valid username and
7) the admin write or upload the password.
notice 9) use case end
8) the admin click post button

Post-condition The posted information will show in the page of “News” .

Alternative course None
of action

Use case description for update customer information

Table 10:use case description for update customer information

Use case ID USCVIMS-5
Use case name update customer information
Use case description Update customers information when needed
Actor Staff
Pre-condition There must be already registered file.
Basic course of User action System
action 1) staff open the system 2) The system displays the login
3) staff log in with valid page
username, password and role 4) the system displays home page
5)Staff select update customer 6) The system authenticates the
information menu. staff with valid username and
7)staff search customer by their password.
policy number 8) the system displays customer
9) staff edit customer information
information 11) The system displays a message

10) staff click update button “successfully updated”.
12) Use case end.

Post-condition Updated customer information

Old once replaced by new record successfully

Alternative course 3. If the staff enters invalid username, password and role the system
of action display “your password or user name is incorrect.”
6.A If staff fail to authenticate correctly the system display “please try
6. B. the system displays the authentication form again.

Use case description for view information

Table 11: use case description for view information

Use case ID USCVIMS-6
Use case name View information
Use case description The user and staff can view his/her information
Actors staff, insured customer
Pre-condition Customer’s information must be already registered.
Basic course of User action System

action 1) staff or customer open the 2) The system displays the login
system page
3) staff or the customer log in 4) the system displays home page
with valid username, password 7) use case end
in role

5)staff or customer select view

customer information menu.
6) staff or the customer search
information by policy number
of the customer.

Post-condition The user and staff view information

Alternative course of 6) If the staff or the customer enters invalid policy number, the system
action display invalid message.

Use case description for view notice (news)

Table 12: use case description for view notice

Use case ID USCVIMS-7
Use case name View notice
Use case Customer sees different notices and gets new information from the
description organization.

Actors Insured customer
Pre-condition Notices should be posted and the customer must be logged in.
Basic course of User Action System
action 1) the customer must open the 2) The system displays the login
system page
3)the customer log in with valid
username, password and role 4) the system displays home page
5) the customer select view notice 6) The system display notice.
menu 7) Use case ends

Post-condition View posted information

Alternative 3. A If the customer enters invalid policy number, the system display
course of action invalid message.

Use case description for approve contract

Table 13: use case description for approve contract

Use case ID USCVIMS-8
Use case name Approve contract
Description The admin approves the contract with customer.

Actor Admin
Pre condition Customers must be registered
Basic course of User Action System
action 1) The admin open the system 2) The system displays the login page
3) the admin log in with valid 4) the system displays home page
username, password in role 6) The system authenticates the admin
5)the admin selects the approve with valid username and password.
contract request menu 8) The use case ends.
7) The admin checks the contract
and approves it.
Post condition The customer is member of insurance
Alternative course 6. If the admin fills incorrect username and password error message will be
of action displayed.
7. the contract will be rejected

Use case description for send complain

Table14:use case description for send complain

Use case ID USCVIMS-9
Use case name Send complain

Use case description Insured customer send complain to the organization manager
Actor Insured customer
Per-condition 1.the customer should be registered
Basic course of action User action System
1) The customer open the 2) The system displays the login
system page
3)the customer log in with 4) the system displays home
valid username, password in page
role 6) The system displays complain
5) the customer select send form.
complain menu 8) use case end
7) The customer fill complain
form and click submit button.
Post-condition The customers complain may be solved or not
Alternative course of action None

Use case description for view complain

Table 15:use case description for view complain
Use case ID USCVIMS-10
Use case name Receive complain
Use case description The admin receive complain from the customer
Actor Admin
Pre-condition The admin should login to the system
Basic course of action User action System
1) The admin open the 2) The system displays the login
system page
3) the admin log in with 4) the system displays home page
valid username, password 6) The system authenticates the
in role admin with valid username and
5)the admin selects the password
view complain menu. 8) the admin respond complain to
7) the system displays the the customer
complain chronologically 9)use case end
Post-condition The admin solve or reject customer complains
Alternative course of action 6. If the admin fills incorrect information the system displays
error message.

Use case description for logout

Table 16:- Use case description for logout

Use case number USCVIMS 11
Use case name Log out
Actor Administrator, staffs, insured customer
Logout from the system at a time of accomplishing their
Pre-condition They finish their work
User Action System
1. They want to log out 3. The system responds to the
Basic course of action
2. They click the log out requested action.
button 4.Use case ends
Post-condition System logs out or sign out to homepage
Alternative None

Use case description for view report

Table 17: use case description for generate report

Use case ID USCVIMS-3
Use case name Generate report
Use case description Generate report for insured customer
Primary actor Admin
Pre-condition 1. The admin must be logged into the system
Basic course of The administrator generate report of the activity
action User action System action
1 The admin open the system 2) The system displays the login
3) The admin log in with valid page
username, password in role 4) The system displays home page
5) The admin selects generate 6) The system shows the generate
report menu. report page

7) The admin generate report 8) The system displays the
generated report
9)use case end
Post-condition The report generated for insured customer

2.10 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram (AD) is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the
system. Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. So, the control flow
is drawn from one operation to another. In many ways, activity diagrams are the object_ oriented
equivalent of flow charts and data flow diagrams (DFD) from structure development.

The purposes of activity diagram can be described as:

➢ Draw the activity flow of a system.

➢ Describe the sequence from one activity to another.
➢ Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the system.

Activity diagram for login form:- the use, staff and admin login the system with correct role
and valid user name and password .

Figure 3: activity diagram for login

Activity diagram for customer registration form:- it shows how the customer is successfully
registered .

Login page Ente

Open the Usernam
system Displayed e passwor

Click login


Registration Click
Click submit Fill form
Form Registration



Figure4:- activity diagram for customer registration

Activity diagram for view information:-it describes how the customer views information.

Click on view
Select view info

Enter policy number


System display

Figure 5: activity diagram for view information

activity diagram for send complain :-it shows how users send complain for administrator.

Figure 6: activity diagram for send complain

Activity diagram for post notice:- it shows how the administrator post notice .

Figure 7:activity diagrams for post notice

Activity diagram for update customer information:-it shows how the customers registration
can be updated.

Figure 8: activity diagram for update customer information

2.11 Sequence diagram
The sequence diagram is used primarily to show the interactions between objects in the
sequential order that those interactions occur.

Sequence diagram for login:- the use, staff and admin login the system with correct role and
valid user name and password .

main controller login

login form
manu<<ui>> database

1: click loginform()


3:call login()

4:display login form()

5:enter account()



8:try to open()
9:main manu display()

Figure 9: sequence diagram for login

Sequence diagram for customer registration:- it shows how the customer is successfully
registered .

signup page customer AVIMS

register form
registration<<ui>> database
1: user click signup page

1.1:open side check validty

and unfilled input

2.fill the form

2.1 :store

identification number
2.2 successfully

Figure 10:sequence diagram for customer registration

Sequence diagram for update customer information :-it shows how the customers registration
can be updated.

Figure 11: sequence update customer information

Sequence diagram for post notice:- it shows how the administrator post notice.

manager page post advertising advertising AVIMS

<<ui>> page form data base
<<actor> post notice page
1.1 .1 open

2.fill the form 2.1 validate the filled


2.1.1 save(post notice) successfully prepared

upload post notice

Figure 12:sequence diagrams post notice

Sequence diagram for view customer information:- :-it describes how the customer views

Figure 13: sequence diagram for view customer information

2.12 Class Diagram
The purpose of a class diagram is to display the classes within a model. In an object oriented
application, classes have attributes (member variables), operations (member functions) and
relation-ships with other classes. The class diagram can display all these things quite easily. The
following picture shows the sample diagram.

manager ID
-post notice()
1 -approve contract()
approve 1
1 -view report()
+receive complain
* () has
1 1
generate view 1
contract receive
* post
* 1
contract report * *
name :char informatio complain accunt term
report n notice
contract type:char user
final term
type:char report complain name:char
informatio notice date:int
contract name:char name:char password:va
n type. name:char
date:int reportdate:int date:int r
noticetype:char started
contract reportID:int id;char privilage:cha
char noticedate:int Term date:int
owner:char r
1.* * 1.* 1
contractID;int 1
1.* view 1
do has view
has send
search 1
1 1 1 1.
1 view 1
staff 1
username:char erer
password:char password:char
ID:int ID:int
fname:char fname:char
lname:char lname:char
-do contract() +givecomment()
-renewed term() -sendcomplain()
-updateinfo() +viewnotice()
+searchinfo() -searchinfo()
1 renew

Figure 14:- class diagram for vehicle insurance management system


3. System Design
3.1 introduction
The purpose of design is to determine how the new system is going to build and to obtain the
information needed to drive or perform the actual design and implement the proposed Web based
vehicle Information Management System which can replace the low manual type of system used
currently. The Design Phase seeks to develop detailed specifications that emphasize the physical
solution to the user's information technology needs.

System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and
data for a system to satisfy specified requirement. It is the transformation of the analysis model
into a system design model.

3.2 Design Goals

The design goals are derived from the non-functional requirement which is the part of the
analysis document and they describe the quality of the system.
➢ The system should be fault tolerant and keep the data of the customers and registered
vehicle information/data permanently.
➢ The system should be secured. I.e. not allow unauthorized users to access the system
by using firewall and encryption algorithm.
➢ The system should be flexible to add new user.
➢ The system should be reliable and time saving.

Process modal
3.3 Collaboration diagram

A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization of

the objects that send and receive messages. A collaboration diagram shows a set of objects, links
among those objects, and messages sent and received by those objects. The objects are typically
named or anonymous instances of classes, but may also represent instances of other things, such
as collaboration, components, and nodes. Weuse collaboration diagram to illustrate the dynamic
view of a system.

Figure 15: Collaboration diagram for Login

Figure 16: create account collaboration diagram for logged user

Figure 17: add user collaboration diagram for log

Figure 18:collaboration diagram for view information.

3.4 Persistence diagram

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This logical
data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage
parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language, which can then be used
to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains detailed attributes for each entity.

Generally the database design briefs the entire design of the database used in the
project.Persistence modeling is used to show the schema of the database. It’s also used to
communicate the design of the database. These schemas for flat files are the norm within the
system. The strength of persistence model is that data entities are conceptually the same as the
table of relation database that the attributes are the same as table columns.

Figure 21: Persistence diagram for proposed system

3.5 Deployment Diagram
The Deployment Diagram helps to model the physical aspect of an Object-Oriented software
system. It models the run-time configuration in a static view and visualizes the distribution of
components in an application. A deployment diagram is a graph of nodes connected by
communication associations.In most cases, it involves modeling the hardware configurations
together with the software components that lived on.



receive <<component>>
complain admin
view database
send insured customer





Figure 22: Deployment diagram


4. Implementation
Implementation is defined as a specified set of activities designed to put into practice an activity
or program of known dimensions. According to this definition, implementation processes are
purposeful and are described in sufficient detail such that independent observers can detect the
presence and strength of the "specific set of activities.
To implementto recognize and use an element of code or a programming resource that is written
into the program. We will use the following programming languages. Such as:

− PHP used to interact with WAMP server on our system to deliver instant content.
− Html that used to create web content so it can be displayed by a browser.
− Css for the formatting of the system.
− Java Script for animation purpose and validation.
This phase consists of implementing the requirements and design into code, data and
documentation and following coding methods and standards. Unit testing is also usually a part of
software implementation. Implementation includes the following point
➢ Implement the software design into software code.
➢ Ensure that software coding methods, standards, and/or criteria are adhered to and
➢ Ensure that the software code is unit tested per the plans for software testing.
➢ Provide a software version description document for each software release.
➢ Provide and maintain traceability from software design to the software code.:

4.1 Sample Form or interface design

Home page for abay vehicle insurance company

Figure 2: Home page for abay vehicle insurance S.C

Login page

Figure 24: login page for abay vehicle insurance company

Create account page

Figure 25: create account page for abay vehicle insurance company

Approve page

Figure 26: approve page for abay vehicle insurance company

Contact page of vehicle inssurance

Figure 27: contract page for abay vehicle insurance company

View notice page posted by admin

Figure 28: notice page for abay vehicle insurance company

4.2 Samle code for customer registration

The first phase of implementation is coding. Coding is the process whereby the physical design
specification created by the designers is turned in to working computer code by the programmer.
We used Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language.
// include language configuration file based on selected language
$lang = "en";
$lang = "de";
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="login.css" />
<script src="newuser.js"></script>

<body bgcolor="">
<imgsrc="abay.png" height="150" width="1000" class="logo">
<div class="container">
<a href="index.php"><?php echo $language["home"]; ?></a>
<div class="dropdown">

<a href="customserv.php"><?php echo $language["proposalform"]; ?></a>

<div class="dropdown-content">
<a href="newregister.php"><?php echo $language["vehicleinsureance"]; ?></a>
<a href="select.php"><?php echo $language["thirdvehicle"]; ?></a>

<div class="dropdown">
<a href="customserv.php"><?php echo $language["service"]; ?></a>
<div class="dropdown-content">
<a <button onclick="document.getElementById('id04').style.display='block'"
style="width:auto;"><b><?php echo $language["viewvehicle"]; ?></b></button></a>
<a <button onclick="document.getElementById('id05').style.display='block'"
style="width:auto;"><b><?php echo $language["viewthird"]; ?></b></button></a>
<!--<a href="transfer.php"><?php echo $language["transfer"]; ?></a>-->
<a href="accidentreport.php"><?php echo $language["accident"]; ?></a>
<a href="sendcomplain.php"><?php echo $language["complain"]; ?></a>
<a href="renewrequest.php"><?php echo $language["renewrequest"]; ?></a>
<a href="select.php"><?php echo $language["viewpersonal"]; ?></a>
<div class="dropdown">
<a href="customserv.php"><?php echo $language["viewterm"]; ?></a>
<div class="dropdown-content">

<a <button onclick="document.getElementById('id03').style.display='block'"
style="width:auto;"><b><?php echo $language["vehicleterm"]; ?></b></button></a>
<a <button onclick="document.getElementById('id06').style.display='block'"
style="width:auto;"><b><?php echo $language["thirdterm"]; ?></b></button></a>
<div class="dropdown">
<a href="#"><?php echo $language["setting"]; ?></a>
<div class="dropdown-content">
<a href="changepassword.php"><?php echo $language["changepass"]; ?></a>
<a href="index.php"><?php echo $language["logout"]; ?></a>
<div class="crea">
<form name="a" onSubmit="return fu()" action="register1.php" method="POST"
<h2 align="center"><?php echo $language["vehicleinsureance"]; ?></h2>
<fieldset><legend><font size="+5"><?php echo $language["personalinfo"]; ?></font></legend>
<p><?php echo $language["first"]; ?>:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="fn"
<?php echo $language["last"]; ?>:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text"
name="ln" size="20" ></p>
<p><?php echo $language["sex"]; ?>:&nbsp
<input type="radio" name="sex" value="male"><?php echo $language["male"];
?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="sex" value="female"><?php
echo $language["female"]; ?>&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <?php echo
$language["region"]; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<select name="reg" >
<option selected><?php echo $language["selectregion"]; ?></option>
<option>Addis ababa</option>

<p><?php echo $language["town"]; ?>:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="tn">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp <?php
echo $language["kebele"]; ?>:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="ke"></p>
<p><?php echo $language["woreda"];
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="wo">
<?php echo $language["tel"]; ?>:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<input type="text" name="tel"></p>
<p><?php echo $language["branch"]; ?>:&nbsp<select name="branch" >
<option selected><?php echo $language["selectbranch"]; ?></option>

<p><?php echo $language["uploadphoto"]; ?>:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="file"
<legend><font size="+2"><?php echo $language["vehicleinfo"]; ?></font></legend>
<p><?php echo $language["plateno"];;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="pno">
<?php echo $language["chassis"]; ?><input type="text" name="chno"></p>
<p><?php echo $language["engineno"]; ?>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="enno">
<?php echo $language["horse"]; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="hp"></p>
<p><?php echo $language["purchaseprice"]; ?>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="pp">
<?php echo $language["damage"]; ?>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="ed"></p>
<p><?php echo $language["purchase"]; ?>&nbsp<input type="date" name="mkv">
<?php echo $language["yearmade"]; ?>&nbsp;<input type="date" name="yp"></p>
<p><?php echo $language["passenger"]; ?>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="pa">
<?php echo $language["carring"]; ?>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="cc"></p>
<p><?php echo $language["estem"]; ?>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="pe">
<?php echo $language["trade"]; ?>&nbsp;
<select name="trade">
<option select><?php echo $language["occupation"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["private"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["business"]; ?></option>

<p><?php echo $language["uploadcar"]; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="file"
name="image"><?php echo $language["status"]; ?>
<select name="status">
<option>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $language["selectstatus"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["used"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["new"]; ?></option>
<p><?php echo $language["typeofvehicle"]; ?><br>&nbsp;
<select style="font-size:14;" name="private">
<option select><?php echo $language["selecttypeofvehicle"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["privatepersonal"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["privatebusiness"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["taxismall"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["taximinibus"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["minibusown"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["minibuspublic"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["bussmall"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["busmedium"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["buslarge"]; ?></option>
<option><b><?php echo $language["tour"]; ?></b></option>
<option><?php echo $language["pickupcarring"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["smallcargo"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["liquidcarring"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["trailers"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["tanker"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["isuzu"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["motorcycleprivate"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["motorcyclecommercial"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["bajajprivate"]; ?></option>

<option><?php echo $language["bajajcommercial"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["vehicleconstruction"]; ?></option>
</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $language["typeofcover"]; ?>
<select style="font-size:14;" name="cover">
<option select><?php echo $language["selecttypeofcover"]; ?></option>
<option><?php echo $language["vehicleinsure"]; ?></option>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $language["send"]; ?>" style="font-size:30;color:black;font-
style:cambria"src ="java.js" onclick="proof();">
<input type="reset" value="<?php echo $language["cancel"]; ?>" style="font-size:30;color:black;font-

Create Account Sample Code
$lang = "en";
$lang = "de";
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="login.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="all.css" />


<script type="text/javascript">
var f=document.a;
var x=/^[0-9]+$/;
alert("please fill first name");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(f.fn.value.length<3)
alert("pls insert valid length");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(f.fn.value.length>20)
alert("this is maximum length! pls insert less than 20 ");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(!(f.fn.value.match(ch)))
alert("name must be character");"25px solid red";

return false;
else if(f.ln.value=="")
alert("please fill father name");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(f.ln.value.length<3){
alert("pls insert valid length");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(f.ln.value.length>20){
alert("this is maximum length! pls insert less than 20 ");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(!(f.ln.value.match(ch))){
alert("name must be character");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(f.un.value=="")
alert("please fill username");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(f.un.value.length<3){
alert("pls insert valid length");

71"2px solid red";
return false;
}else if(f.un.value.length>20){
alert("this is maximum length! pls insert less than 20 ");"2px solid red";
return false;
}else if(f.pass.value==""){
alert("pls create password");"2px solid red";
return false;
else if(f.pass.value.length<3){
alert("pls use strong password");"2px solid red";
return false;
}else if(f.con.value==""){
alert("pls confirm new password");"2px solid red";
return false;
}else if(f.pass.value!=f.con.value){
alert("you have entered different password pls try again");"2px solid red";
return false;
return true;
<body bgcolor="">
<imgsrc="abay.png" height="150" width="1000" class="logo">
<br><div class="container">
<a href="index.php"><?php echo $language["home"]; ?><a href="about.php"><?php echo
$language["aboutus"]; ?></a>

<div class="dropdown">
<!--<a href="">Service</a>-->
<a <button onclick="document.getElementById('id01').style.display='block'"
style="width:auto;"><b><?php echo $language["login"]; ?></b></button></a>
<a href="feedback.php"><?php/* echo t_feedback; */?><a href="#"><?php echo
$language["help"]; ?></a><a href="viewnotice.php"><?php echo $language["news"]; ?></a>
<div class="crea">
<form name="a" onSubmit="return fu()" action="createacc.php" method="POST">
<h1 align="center"><?php echo $language["createaccount"]; ?></h1>
<table bgcolor="" align="center"><tr><td>
<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["first"];
?>:</td><td><input type="text" name="fn"></td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["last"];
?></td><td><input type="text" name="ln"></td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["username"];
?>:</td><td><input type="text" name="un"></td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["password"];
?>:</td><td><input type="password" name="pass" placeholder="enter new password"></td></tr>
<td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["role"];
<select name="rol" style="font-size:19;color:black;font-style:italic;">
<option select><?php echo $language["selectrole"]; ?></option>
<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["confirmpass"];
?>:</td><td><input type="password" name="con" placeholder="re-enter new password"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2><p align="center"><?php echo $language["recinfo"]; ?></p></td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["friend"];
?></td><td><input type="text" name="fr"></td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["nickname"];
?></td><td><input type="text" name="nk"></td></tr>

<tr><td style="font-size:30;color:black;font-style:italic;"><?php echo $language["birth"];
?></td><td><input type="text" name="bd"></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $language["createaccount"]; ?>"
<td><a href="index.php" style="color:blue;"><?php echo $language["loginif"]; ?></a></td></tr>
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "abay";

// Create connection
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
$query="select * from login where role='$role'";
if($r>=1 && $role=='admin'){

echo "<strong><p align=center style=color:blue>This previlage is not allowed.</p></strong>";
}else if($r>=1 && $role=='staff'){
echo "<strong><p align=center style=color:blue>Only created by admin.</p></strong>";
$querys="select * from login where username='$uname' && password='$pass' && role='$role'";
if($rs>=1 && $role='customer'){
echo"<p align=center>Invalid user name</p>";
$sql = "INSERT INTO login VALUES ('$uname','$pass',
if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
echo "<strong><p align=center style=color:blue> successfully created.</p></strong>";
echo"<p align=center>not created</p>";
//echo $datenow;

4.3 Testing
System testing is the main activity of evaluating and executing a system with a view to find out
errors. It is the process where the system requirements and system components are exercised and
evaluated manually or by using automation tools to find out whether the system is satisfying the
expected requirements and the difference between expected and actual results are determined [6].
There are many type of system testing. Among those we will use for the proposed system are
program tests, system test, usability test, unit test and acceptance test.

4.3.1 Usability testing:

user friendliness check. The system flow is tested, will new user understand the system
easily, proper help documented whenever user stuck at any point.

4.3.2 Acceptance testing:

in our new develop system to verify if system meets the customer specified requirements.
User or customers will do this testing to determine whether to accept the system.

Unit testing: by which the team tested components individually.

4.3.3 Integration and system testing:
we have tried to test the system for its integration that justifies that major components of
the system are working as per the requirements gathered. We have conducted test to get
information about the quality of the product or service under test. It can also provide us
an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and
understand the risks of implementation. During this stage issues such as that of web
application security, the functioning of the site, its access to handicapped as well as
regular users and its ability to handle expected functions has been checked. The team
used system testing for validating and verifying whether the system:
 Meets the requirements that guided its design and development,
 Works as expected,
 Can be implemented with the same characteristics,
 And satisfies the needs of the association as well as its members.

Test case specification identifier

The project should use unique identifier to identify this test case specification, its level and the
level of software that it is related to. Preferably the case specification level will be the same as
the related software level. Ideally the case naming convention should follow the same general
rules as the software it is related to. This is to assist in coordinating software and test ware
versions within configuration management

Input dataand expected results of the system after testing.

Table18 :Input data and expected results of the system after testing.

No Test case Test precondition Expected Out put

name procedure result

1 Customer Fill fname, Customer Added to Success

registration lname, home page database , not
form username, Added to
password, database
role, confirm
best friend,
nick name,
birth date

2 Login form Fill role, user home Login Success

name, successfully,
password please enter
correct role,
user name
and password

3 Create User fill User Add to Success

password, database or

password confirm registration record is
password already exist

Test Case . Login

Table19: Login

Test case Field Test item Output


Test case1 Role Character Invalid role

otherwise Valid

Test Case2 User name Character Invalid user


Test Case3 Password Character Invalid password

otherwise Valid

4.4 Installation
User’s manual: - it is easy to- use installation software places safely on to our computer.
Web based record management system is extremely friendly, with little or no training,
anyone who has basic knowledge of internet access.
Compatibility:-the software is compatible with the web server and other standard
Web server with PHP:-this is the soft ware server that controls the web communication
between the web host server (hard ware web server) and each web client (user browser).

Database server: - we are still attached to MYSQL for the backup database server, but
due to technical reasons the project requires at the very minimum to use MYSQL.

Installation procedure
First the application is not a desktop application, it is a web based. Therefore there is no
executable file to run locally. This application runs on a web server and is used via a web
browser to establish the basics, find out if the name you want is available, manage your website,
add themes-apply themes or designs to the website, and find a website that can show similar
domain names that are available


5 . Conclusion
This implementation of a web based solution will not only help the company but also promote
education for the project team (us) in the field of information science.
We began the project by laying out the foundation that dictates the development process. This
involved identifying and stating the problems of the current manual system, review of related
literatures such as some researches and projects conducted on vehicle insurance management
system describing the functionalities and scope of the proposed system, defining the system
development methodology, identifying resource requirements, and setting the project schedule.
 We have performed requirements analysis to discover the needs of the new solution to
proposed system. This phase consists of drawing out functional and non-function
requirements of the system. And then the team performed objects oriented analysis and
object oriented design.
 In analysis, we tried to model the new and proposed system using UML diagrams: use
case diagrams, sequence diagrams, Class diagrams, Activity diagrams. The team gave a
clear preview of what the new system might look and feel with our user interface design
and documentation.
 In design phase, we extended our work in analysis with more models. The Class diagrams
in analysis were extended in design to step closer to implementation, while deployment
and component diagrams were also drawn.
 In implementation part, we have done Conversion of manual vehicle insurance
management system to web based system with basic stated functionalities for the Abay
Vehicle Insurance Company.
The key benefits of this project are the following:

 Abay Vehicle Insurance Company is benefiting with implementation and integration
this Software into their current systems to survive and prosper in this growing
industrial country.
 The product has yield enhanced compliance and reporting
 The paper work has been overcome by being computerized.
 The database access to the whole customers was achieved through the result of
central DBMS with exact database report.
 The number of employers needed was reduced to the economic benefit of the
 Retrieval of customer information was achieved online through internet.
 Loss of customers time and money is reduced

5.1 Recommendation
Based on the findings and limitations we recommended that persons who want to develop
application web based vehicle Insurance management System for insurance companies:-

 Develop an application in this area using other languages and integrated with the data
 To delivering notification in mobile phone.
 Maintaining the system according to the service of the organization after applying and
testing the acceptance of the project by the organization.
 Allow customers to pay online.

5.2 Appendix
Questions which are used to collect information from the organization:-
 When was the organization established?
 What types of insurance covers does your company provide for its customers?
 What are the types of policies?
 What the roles of each employee of your company?
 What kind of system you are currently using to provide services for your customers?
 What are the criteria’s that the customer must fulfill in order to get insurance coverage?
 Who is responsible for informing when an accident does occur?
 Is there a communication between the main and sub braches of the organization?
 If there is a communication, how do you communicate?

[1] Falegan, J. 1991. Insurance an introductory text.University of Lagos Press. Lagos. Retrieved
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[2]Kwiecien, I., &Poprawska, E. 2011. Motor third party liability insurance: Polish market in
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Retrieved on 26 August, 2013, form

[3]"Maine Bureau of Insurance: Auto Insurance Required by Law".


[4] Pressman, R.S. 1997. Software Engineering: A practitioner Approach. 4th edition Addison-

[5] P. Handel, I. Skog, J. Wahlstrom, F. Bonawide, R. Welsh, J. Ohlsson, and M. Ohlsson:

Insurance telematics: opportunities and challenges with the smartphone solution, Intelligent
Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, vol.6, no.4, pp. 57-70, winter 2014, doi:

[6] Smartphone-Based Measurement Systems for Road Vehicle Traffic Monitoring and Usage-
Based Insurance, P. Händel, J. Ohlsson, M. Ohlsson, I. Skog, and E. Nygren, IEEE SYSTEMS

[7] Howell, K. E.2013 Introduction To The Philosophy Of Methodology .London: Sage



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