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How to Lose Weight with the Power of the Mind

Use your mind to Lose Weight

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our
thoughts we make our world."





CHAPTER 3: THOUGHTS saboteurs.





You've heard of the power of the mind to lose weight? You are able to
reprogram your brain to get your body of dreams? That without regime change
in mentality does not work? Or that weight loss process is directly related to
how we relate to food? Surely you have heard all these issues. Is not true?

This is an essential truth in the weight loss process: "Any kind of external
transformation begins rather by an internal change." So if your focus is to lose
weight and stay slim, know that not only cut calories and exercising. Your mind
needs to be aligned with all this!

But how to turn the power of the mind? How to use this tool to your
advantage? I bet you must be wondering this, is not it? Everything starts with
your mental reprogramming, since it is this change that will produce new
behaviors, help eliminate old habits and you have a healthier life and a
physically slimmer body.

Through this book you will learn effective techniques for weight loss
power of the mind. Good reading, good study and use your mind.

Here is a fantastic true for one who wants to use the mind in the process
of weight loss: "Our brain does not know the difference of what is real or
imagined." So everything we say to ourselves, be it good or bad, just could
affect our way of thinking and acting and the results we have or not. With the
weight loss is no different, as when, for example, we say that - let's eat one
more day a chocolate and tomorrow we'll start the diet; our mind believes.
However, our body, which continues to receive high doses of calories,
continues to put on weight too.

If you want to lose weight it is important to attach in your mind new ideas,
for example, that:

 wrong eating is harmful to your health in every way;

 No need to eat all the candy at once;
 A balanced diet is the best for your well-being;
 Make at least five healthy meals a day, it is the best way for your
positive weight loss;
 You do not need food anchors to feel better;
 The food is part of your life, but not the center of it;
 Excuses only sabotage your results and make you eat and gain
weight even more. You no longer need them;
 Exercise combined with proper nutrition are your allies;
 You can lose weight all you want to keep your focus and devote
truly the results you want to achieve;
 You are fully able to achieve your goals and eliminate

All these thoughts should be fed every day so you can lose weight,
healthy and full way and especially without this route, use the old excuses to
stick your foot in the jackfruit and put everything away again. When you take the
food from the center of his life and no longer see them as their only sources of
pleasure, it helps you also work your anxiety, your frustrations maturely, it is
necessary to face our difficulties facing, learning from our mistakes and
successes without eating something to ease the pain or nervousness.

To think so, when you stand before the food even still enjoying certain
foods, time to put them on the plate, you know what's good for you or not and
take the right decision. Once you reach this level, you will feel so free and sure
of himself, who may even eat a sweet, without feeling that guilt before beating
whenever finished savoring a delicacy, for now dominates his will and not the

Of course there are factors that regulate the weight of each one of us:

 genetics
 Foods
 Physical activities
 Stress
 Body image

The image you have of your body is the most important factor in
regulating your weight. Now understand how it is possible to lose weight
without diet with the power of mind.


With this Japanese breathing technique you will see below, this situation
may change.

First technique of long breath

Tighten your buttocks and at the same time, place one foot in front of
your body, leaving 90% of your body weight on your back foot. Remain at this
position, inspired by a three-second count while raising his arms above his
head. Then when you exhale, the muscles in your body will be forced to
contract while the air is being released (seven seconds).

Repeat this process two to five minutes every day to see the best results.

Second long breath technique

This time, stand up and tighten the buttocks. Place one hand on your
abdomen and one hand on her lower back. Do this, inhaling for three seconds.
Then, during seven seconds exhale, while continuing to "press" the stomach.

Repeat this exercise two to five minutes a day to see better results. Deep
breathing and weight loss

If you are wondering if there is any way that breathing can help you lose
weight, there are many curious wondering the same, there are several positive
factors that breathing can offer you during a diet. The "deep breathing
enhances the benefits." This is because the breath fills the body with the
oxygen that is necessary for the body to absorb nutrients and remove toxins,
thus making you lose weight.

CHAPTER 3: THOUGHTS saboteurs.

The slimming process is to experience different situations of everyday life

that can help or hinder the achievement of your goals.

Among the difficulties that we can find, the saboteurs thoughts are those
that take the focus and undermine personal confidence.

If you faced a delicious milk pudding and thought "just a little bit does not
matter" or "I will eat only this time" and several times is a permissive thinking
that you do out of your goals, know that this pattern of thought it is one of the
main reasons that hurt its results.

Dieters have an enormous capacity to cheat on food and easily find

numerous excuses for getaways. Saboteurs thoughts flow in our mind as if they
had life and we can find logical reasons to relieve our guilt of certain thoughts or

The fact is that we are always in self justification when we left the diet or
skipped a day of training, and the saboteurs thoughts generally arise united the
feelings of worthiness and permissiveness.

These thoughts make it more difficult diet and are responsible for making
us eat without notice or believe that small but daily consumed constant extras
make no difference in weight loss.

Identify some of them:

* Just today a little bit does not matter ...

* I am so sad / stressed / tired / discouraged ...

* I deserve to eat because ... (any reason).

* After I burn at the gym ...

* Once I make up ...

* It is weekend / holiday / vacation ...

* If I refuse he will hurt me ...

* But I like both ...

* I had to refuse ...

* Do not want to lose weight, it is very difficult ...

* I can not resist that food ...

* I'm hungry, I can not stand it, I need to eat!

Saboteurs thoughts can also undermine their self-confidence through the
guilt and impotence after having slipped in diet or training and can make you
believe you will never lose weight.

To win the saboteurs thoughts, the first point is to identify the stimuli that
provoke these thoughts, because through this self you can minimize exposure
to these stimuli.

Then you need not prevent saboteurs thoughts appear, but can respond
to them changing the way the answers. Seem unfair you have to follow the diet,
but will have to answer that it is not justice but a choice for their greater benefit
in the future.

The trick is to identify practice all saboteurs thoughts you can find and
note them in Notepad on your mobile. When you feel like eating something they
should not, ask, "What's going through my mind right now" For bringing those
thoughts to the rational you'll be able to respond more frankly and can change
the actions on them.


For those who have not read "The Secret" is the LAW OF ATTRACTION:
Everything that comes into your life is you who attracts, through images that
hold in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Each draw to you what is going on in
your mind.

So, are all creators, and there is an easy process to create using the law
of attraction. What you think affects the universe and through people,
circumstances and events begins the realization of that desire. The creative
process is summarized in three steps:

1. Request for sure what you want, without any shred of doubt;

2. Believing with absolute and unconditional faith. Think about what

asked how already obtained;

3. Receive, feeling happy as if you had already received.

When it feels like already having what you want now, the feeling is so
real that it is as if already had, and believing that received receive. An action
can involve the mind a "work" out of the comfort zone, but an action inspired by
a sincere and honest desire not give sense of work.

To implement the "Law of Attraction" in weight loss must be considered:

Take the mind the idea of losing weight, it attracts more and more the
need to lose more weight;

The condition of being overweight was created by thought. Are "fat

thoughts," whether you are conscious of it or not;

To think that the thyroid is sluggish, the metabolism is slow or has a

hereditary biotype is merely disguises for thinking "fat thoughts." Who accept for
themselves one of these conditions, and believe it, it will turn into reality itself,
and will continue to attract being overweight;

Believe that food is responsible for weight gain is an unfavorable belief.

The fat is the effect of thoughts and make the food put on weight;

You have to forget all those limiting thoughts. To lose weight according to
the "Law of Attraction" follow these steps:
1 - Set the weight you want to have an ideal body. Visualize your image
to get to that weight. To facilitate can use pictures from when had that body.
This step corresponds to ASK.

2 - Believe that you will succeed, and that their weight is already what
you asked. You have to imagine act like, pretend to have that weight. See
yourself as getting the weight you want and feel it. Admire and praise people
with your perfect body model. Stay close to them and share that feeling, you will
be attracting it to you. Do not pay attention to people overweight. This is the
step of BELIEVE.

3 - Feel good with you, with your body, to attract the weight you want.
Praise and bless every square centimeter of his body. Think of all the perfect
things from you. Thus you enter the frequency of their weight.


"To lose weight you need to lose weight physically mentally."

Mental exercises to lose weight include practices such as increasing

confidence in their ability to succeed, identify obstacles and think about them
and advance solutions to relearn how to handle the food.

This type of exercise has been widely used because excess weight is not
only caused by excesses in food, but also because the mind fails to control
eating behavior, and begins to sabotage attempts at weight loss.

This happens to many people on a daily basis: even making every effort,
diet and exercise are not enough to lower the pointer of the balance. According
to the general practitioner and exercise physiologist, João Pinheiro, graduated
in medicine from the Federal University of Pará, several factors may affect the
results. And that's where what he calls neurofitness or neurobics: "The
individual who is overweight uses the food to bypass frustrations, anxieties,
stress" And in these cases, it is often necessary to do something else. Some
mental exercises help to overcome barriers to weight loss.

Many people who are overweight believe they can not lose weight.
Sometimes you can say it out loud, or hear friends say it about themselves. For
other people this belief stays in the subconscious. But it is sure that it influences
our behavior. Someone who believes it is impossible for her to lose weight will
be constantly battling her own negativity when she is trying to diet. Your mind
will be constantly telling her there is no point dieting, she can not lose weight so
she should go ahead and eat whatever you want. Visualization is one of the
most powerful techniques we can use to overcome these negative thoughts and

view:It is important to practice every day - morning and evening if you

can. You need only take a few minutes in a quiet place and keep an image in
your mind of your body at your ideal weight. Some people can do this easily,
others need some help. If you have a photograph of yourself at your ideal
weight in the past, you may find it easier to look at it. Or use a picture from a
magazine but cut off the person's face. You need to visualize your own body,
but thinner.

You can also view from the inside. Close your eyes and let your focus
awareness on the part of your body - for example, your right thigh. Imagine it
slowly becoming thinner in your mind's eye. Then move to the other thigh, and
around the body. It may help to get the feet and moving toward the head, or
vice versa.

As you go about your work or daily chores, think of yourself as already at

your ideal weight. Create your own affirmations and repeat them often, always
in the present tense ( "I am glad to be flexible, fit and slim", not "I will ..."). Enjoy
the feeling of having a positive self-image. Over time, this will help you maintain
your weight loss plan. You will find that fatty foods are less attractive and
exercise is more enjoyable.
While your weight loss will of course be gradual, the wonderful thing
about the display is that it gives you a new body image right away.

Write down and focus: Seneca, one of the most remarkable intellectual
history, once said: "No wind blows in favor of those who do not know where to
go." That such a list, literally everything you want to achieve? Whether you want
to get into those pants that no longer serve a long time or if you want to
participate in a triathlon: write down everything!

After separating the goals, be sure to note, too, that you are willing to do to win
it. It can be "I will walk for 40 minutes every day" or "I will avoid fatty and sugary
foods during the week." Only up to you to choose.

Find out where you often go wrong:Make a self-analysis and identify

the factors that have hindered you. Did you have eaten little during the day and
therefore have exaggerated night? Is it a lack of exercise? Is it too much fast
food? Discover, write down and take this list with you anywhere. Later, see what
you can do to replace these bad habits. For example, if you have the habit of
eating out and always end up opting for fried and fatty foods, you can plan and
start bringing home meals.

Learn and choose their companies:You do not need to stop walking

with your friends who do not want to lose weight. But perhaps it is a good idea
to avoid eating them. If you usually have lunch with that famous friend "thin
bad", it's likely that while you ride a balanced and healthy dish, he will be riding
a plate full of little nutritious food that, for you, will be seen as temptations. It is
good to avoid this kind of stress, right?

Try to make your meals with people who share the same goals as you.
Thus, you will find motivation when needed and know you are not alone in this!
Imagine and give shape to your success:Daily imagine how you will feel after
reaching your goal weight and lifestyle. For this, one must imagine the body, the
clothes you wear, the places you will go by feeling good, and the satisfaction
they feel with its new image, new health and high self-esteem as if he were
something conquered .

This exercise will bring great satisfaction to the mind and will create
powerful positive emotions, which will stimulate new efforts and bring more
confidence in the future conquest.

Write your wishes:Skip to the role desires is an even more powerful

way to focus the mind and strengthen it for conquest. Type what clothes will use
that jeans size you want to buy, which will attend the beach in a bikini, which
tours will do, as will routine physical activity and to which remedies fail to take to
gain health.

Also write their daily achievements and how they are important for you to
leave closer to the ultimate goal. Each achievement must be seen as a step
forward to steady change, which should be final.

Find reasons to love:Find good points in your body, from the hair to the
shape of the hands and feet. Accept your height and type curves, without
wishing to fit into standards of beauty that are completely different from his body
and genetic structure.

Looking up and imagine the best way for your body is to put real goals in life,
and not seek perfection imposed by the media and that his body can never win.

You choose how much you eat:Take command of attitudes towards

food is important to get out of addictive routines such as attacking an entire
candy bar or always eat a dessert after lunch. These control actions include
actions such as:
Do not eat what's left only for the food does not go to waste;

Do not repeat the dish;

Placing limits on the amount of goodies that will eat: 1 scoop of ice
cream, 2 squares of chocolate or 1 piece of pie instead of eating it all at once.

Remember that you decide how much you will eat, and the food will not master
their emotions.

Plan solutions to the obstacles: Envision what obstacles will arise

during the process of weight loss or along each week. Write on paper what
actions you will take to control the nephew's birthday, at the wedding of a friend
or traveling with the group.

Plan how you will keep practicing physical activity in exam week and
drink will take to avoid alcohol on Sunday barbecue with the family. Anticipate
and prepare in advance for the problems is to find solutions that will be
implemented much more easily and effectively.

Stop being afraid of food:Forget the fattening chocolate or frying is

prohibited. In a balanced diet, all foods are allowed, the difference is how often
they are consumed. Dieting often entails restriction thoughts, anxiety and
suffering, which predisposes the brain to give up, because no one likes to

Always remember that no fattening food or thin, and you can eat everything
from to find your balance. See which started to lose weight with nutritional

Look for alternative pleasures: Your brain does not relax and meets
only with food, so identify and write down other sources of pleasure and
contentment. Some examples are hanging out with friends, take a walk
outdoors, walk your pet, read a book, dance alone at home or do manual labor.

These pleasures may be implemented in times of anxiety, where the

previous trend would eat sweets or order a pizza by phone. Try to force the first
take an attitude of alternative pleasure, because then the food will always be in
the background.


Psychologists emphasize that you end up becoming what you see as

your core identity. See with overweight, averse to exercise or unworthy, and
indeed your body and your mind will act in accordance with what you believe.
And it has even biological and physiological explanations. Research published
in Psychosomatic Medicine showed that the stress hormone cortisol and always
increase when you care about its shape, which leads to increased distribution of
fat around the abdomen.

The good news is that, fortunately, the mind is flexible, and that is fully
within our power to transform it.

Follow these tips, and I'm sure that will change your mindset and make
the way you approach the weight loss process much simpler, leading him to
more effective results!

 Change your goals

Losing weight can be a result, but should not be a goal. Instead, your
goals should be changes in habits, food is healthier, have a better life routine,
finally, attitudes that will lead to weight loss as a result. If the weight loss is the
only goal, to reach the dreamed weight, you abandon the changes made and
live the famous accordion effect.

 Think positive

Think positively and surround yourself with people who have the same
behavior is essential. An encouraging and emotionally healthy environment
helps you invest more in yourself. "Do not be afraid to ask for help or support,"
says master trainer Nike NTC, Emily Hutchins.

 .Repense rewards and punishments

Food is not a reward, and exercise is not a punishment. Both are the best
ways to take care of your body and help you feel better. You deserve them.
Always keep in mind that making healthy choices is a way to practice self-care.

 Of attention to your breath

At the beginning of your workout, or even at the beginning of your day,

take a few minutes to focus on the simple act of breathing. This attitude will help
you set your intentions, connect with your body and even reduce the stress
response in your body. Lie on your back with your legs straight and place one
hand on your stomach and one in his chest. Breathe through your nose for four
seconds, hold for two and exhale through your mouth for six.

 Give a break to the calendar

Having patience is also very important when you are losing weight in a
healthy and sustainable way. Do not impose deadlines you crazy with weight
loss goals that only cause you anxiety. Focus on achieving truly possible goals
such as walking x kilometers every day, for example. There is no need to
engage in a timeline with future goals. Each day comes with a new success.
Focus on them.

 Think of exercise as a fun activity.

Find an exercise that is fun for you, is very important because it is more
likely to incorporate it into your weekly routine. If you hate running, do not run.
No matter what the race has been proven as a valuable aid in weight loss.
Because if you hate running, it will seem a punishment.

Working out with friends or in a group can be motivational, making

exercise a less arduous task and even an enjoyable pastime, after or before

 Imagine yourself thin.

If you want to be thin, imagine yourself thin. Visualize your future in six
months, one year and think about how you will look and feel without the extra
kilos. Print old photographs when I was thinner, and put them in a place as a
reminder of why you are working. Ask yourself what you did at that time and
could incorporate into your lifestyle today. And think about the activities you
would like to do but can not because of their weight.

 Create a detailed action plan.

Plan your healthy meals and your exercise routine for the next day.
Planning ahead is 80% of success in this battle. If you have at hand a detailed
plan, the results will come.
Prepare dried fruit, vegetables or meal replacement bars so you will not
be tempted to eat the wrong types of food at work.

Make your health a priority, creating such steps in your life and,
ultimately, these healthy behaviors become part of your routine.

 Forget the classification between good or bad food

Somewhere along our life, we learn to feel pride or guilt for each food
choice we make. But that's just food, and you should not have to feel guilty for
wanting a cookie one time or another. Having healthy habits as part of their life,
all foods fit.

 Keep control.

Weigh yourself regularly and keep notes detailing what you eat how
much you exercise, your emotions and your measurements. Studies show that
monitoring of this information helps to promote positive behavior and minimize
unhealthy. Just knowing that you're tracking and controlling your food intake,
this may help you resist a piece of cake!

Personal reports also help reveal which strategies are working or not.

Remember, anyone can give millions of excuses for not having a healthy
lifestyle! Be work pressure, family problems, anxiety or something else. But all
have problems, and the decision to succumb to them or overcome them is
100% in your hands.

Health and success !!!

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