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We thank God for the presence of Allah SWT who has given us His grace and gifts
so that we can complete a paper entitled "ADJECTIVE" This paper contains
understanding, kinds, use of examples of adjective sentences and others.

We realize that this paper is still far from perfect, therefore we always expect
criticism and suggestions from all parties that are constructive for the perfection of this
paper. Finally, we would like to thank all those who have participated in the preparation
of this paper. May Allah SWT always be happy with all our efforts. Amen.

Pinrang, 04st September 2019





a) Background Problems
b) Problem Formulation
c) Purpose of Writing


a) Definition of Adjective
b) Use of Adjectives
c) Types of Adjectives
d) Ways to Form Words


a) Conclusion
b) Suggestions



A. Background

Along with the times that are increasingly advanced both in terms of science,
technology, economics and various other things. Talking about human language will not
be separated from language without human language, it is difficult to communicate both
to communicate between friends between regions and even between countries, which
certainly requires skills and knowledge so that what we will convey can reach the
listener (the other person).

Although not everyone likes English language lessons, even many ordinary people
consider it unimportant. But related to the times and competition between countries is
so difficult. A good and true language is language that is in accordance with grammar or
in English called Grammar. Therefore it is important for us to learn grammar so that the
delivery of language is easier to understand and in accordance with the rules of the
language. Adjectives are one of the various discussions in Grammar. Of course with this
short paper, students are expected to understand what and how and what types of

B. Problem Formulation

1. Is that Adjective?

2. What are the uses?

3. What are the types?

4. How to make adjectives from noun?

C. Purpose

From the objectives expected by the authors in this paper, some benefits can be drawn
for both the reader and the author himself, namely:

For readers

If the writing of this paper is felt to be able to add knowledge about the adjectives, it is
hoped that the reader can understand what is in this paper.
For the author

Writing this paper becomes a learning, as our knowledge to know more about Adjective.


A. Definition of Adjective

Adjectives are words used to explain nouns or pronouns which can be in the form of
person (place), place (animal), animal, object or abstract concept. This English adjective
is one of eight parts of speech. Example:

Active = active

bad = bad

beautiful = beautiful

busy = busy

clever = smart

diligent = diligent

In accordance with its function, adjectives are usually placed in front of nouns.


- They are clever students

They are smart students

- He is a busy worker

He is a busy worker.

B. Use of Adjectives

All adjectives or adjectives in the above sentence examples explain the noun in front of
it. Adjectives can be used on nouns in singular (plural) or plural (plural). Adjectives in
singular and plural forms do not change. The parts that change are only to be and the
noun, which is adjusted to a single or plural form.

- She is a clever student. (singular / single)

He is a smart student

- Diana and Ferdy are clever students. (plural)

Diana and Ferdy are smart students.

- I am busy. (singular / single)

I am busy

- We are busy. (plural / plural)

We are busy

If there are two or more adjectives before the noun, the two adjectives are placed
directly in sequence.


- A funny short story.

A funny short story.

- A pretty blonde girl.

A beautiful blonde girl.

However, if there are two or more adjectives that show color, both must be separated
by the word "and" between the adjectives.


- A blue, red and yellow jacket.

a blue, red and yellow jacket.

- My black and white photo.

My black and white photo.

In addition to the provisions mentioned above, adjectives are also generally placed after
to be.

- You are lazy student.

You are a lazy student.

- She is a beautiful girl.

She is a beautiful girl.

C. Types of Adjectives

Adjective in English can be divided into several types, namely:

1. Descriptive Adjectives

That is adjective which explains the state or shape of an object. the words included in
this group are: beautiful (big), big (big), clever (smart), high (high), low (low), etc.


- Amira is a beautiful girl.

(Amira is a beautiful girl)

- She has a big body.

(He has a big body.)

2. Distributive Adjectives

That is an adjective that is distributive (divided). Some examples of words are: each
(each), every (each), either (one of), neither (none), etc.


- They study English every day.

(They learn English every day)

3. Possessive Adjectives

That is adjective which states or shows ownership (ownership).


- my (mine)
- your (yours)

- her (belongs to him - female)

- his (belongs to him - male)

- their (theirs)

- our (ours)

- its (belongs to objects and animals)

4. Demonstrative Adjectives .............................................. ..............................

Demonstrative Adjectives or adjective pronouns used to limit the use of nouns in the
person or thing that is expected to be shown by the adjective ...................... .............


- this (this - single) ........................................... .................................................. .

- that (that - single) ........................................... .................................................. .

- these (this - plural) ........................................... .................................................. .

- those (that - plural)

5. Interrogative Adjectives

That is the adjective used to ask for an object.


- What (is)

- Which (which one)

- whose (belongs to who)

- what color (what's the color)

6. Quantitative Adjectives

That is the adjective used to explain the number of objects.


- many (many - for items that can be counted)

- much (for items that cannot be counted)

- a little (a little - for things that can't be counted)

- a few (few - for items that can be counted)

7. Numeral Adjectives

Adjectives that show how many (how many) objects or in what order.

Numeral adjectives limit the use of nouns in people or similar objects such as numbers
or in the serial sequence indicated by adjectives. Numeral Adjectives are divided into
two main categories, namely:

a. Definite numeral (certain numbers). Numbers that indicate how many objects
there are (such as one, two, three, four and so on) are called cardinals. Numbers
that indicate the serial sequence in which an object is located are called an ordinal
number or level number. Numbers that indicate how often an object is repeated
are called multiplicative or multiplication.
b. Indefinite Numerals (indefinite numbers) denote certain types of numbers
without telling exactly how many numbers they are. Therefore it is called
indefinite numerals.

The main words of this group are all, some, enough, no, many, few, several and sundry.

D. Ways to Form Words

Some adjectives are formed words from other words. adjective is also formed from
nouns (nouns) or verbs (verbs) with the following conditions:

1. Formation of Adjectives of Nouns (Nouns)

a. By adding the suffix "al" to nouns (nouns).


(Noun) Meaning of Adjectives

(Adjective) Meaning

Criminal crime crime is evil

nature of natural nature is natural

personal person person is individual

Partial parts are unilateral

the ratio of rational reason makes sense

b. By adding a "less" suffix to nouns, which have no or no meaning


(Noun) Meaning of Adjectives

(Adjective) Meaning

armless arm arm is not armless

wingless wing wing

hairless hairless hair

job job unemployed jobless

c. By adding the suffix "-Y" to the noun.


(Noun) Meaning of Adjectives

(Adjective) Meaning

angry angry anger anger

blood bloody bloody blood

cloud cloud cloudy cloudy

dust dusty dust dust

windy windy winds

d. By giving the suffix 'ful' to the noun


(Noun) Meaning of Adjectives

(Adjective) Meaning
beautiful beautiful beauty beauty

help help helpful helpful

hope hopeful hopeful hope

powerful power power

success succes successful

e. By adding the "ous" suffix to nouns (nouns)


(Noun) Meaning of Adjectives

(Adjective) Meaning

Danger of dangerous dangerous dangers

delight delicious delicious, delicious delight

Mystery Misterious secret full of secrets

poison poison poisonous poisonous

2. Adjective Formation of Verbs (Verbs)

a. By adding the suffix "able" to the verb.


(Verb) Meaning of Adjectives

(Adjective) Meaning

breakable break breaks can break

eat eatable can be eaten

laugh laughable funny laugh

obtainable obtainable downloads can be obtained

achieving achievable can be achieved

b. By adding the suffix "ive" to the verb.


(Verb) Meaning of Adjectives

(Adjective) Meaning

construct build constructive is constructive

educative educate educates are educative

Instructive instructing instructors are commanding

repressive oppressive repress is oppressive

talk talk talkative talkative

100 kata Adjective dan artinya

Berikut 100 kata Adjective dan artinya

NO Adjective Arti
1 afraid takut
2 agreeable ramah
3 amused geli
4 ancient kuno
5 angry marah
6 annoyed kesal
7 anxious cemas
8 arrogant sombong
9 ashamed malu
10 average rata-rata
11 awful mengerikan
12 bad buruk
13 beautiful indah
14 better lebih baik
15 big besar
16 bitter pahit
17 black hitam
18 blue biru
19 boiling mendidih
20 brave berani
21 breezy semilir
22 brief singkat
23 bright terang
24 broad luas
25 broken rusak
26 bumpy bergelombang
27 calm tenang
28 charming menawan
29 cheerful riang
30 chilly dingin
31 clumsy kikuk
32 cold dingin
33 colossal kolosal
34 combative agresif
35 comfortable nyaman
36 confused bingung
37 cooing berdekut
38 cool dingin
39 cooperative koperasi
40 courageous berani
41 crazy gila
42 creepy menyeramkan
43 cruel kejam
44 cuddly yg suka diemong
45 curly keriting
46 curved melengkung
47 damp lembab
48 dangerous berbahaya
49 deafening telinga
50 deep dalam
51 defeated dikalahkan
52 defiant menantang
53 delicious lezat
54 delightful menyenangkan
55 depressed murung
56 determined ditentukan
57 dirty kotor
58 disgusted jijik
59 disturbed terganggu
60 dizzy pusing
61 dry kering
62 dull kusam
63 dusty berdebu
64 eager bersemangat
65 early awal
66 elated gembira
67 embarrassed malu
68 empty kosong
69 encouraging mendorong
70 energetic energik
71 enthusiastic antusias
72 envious iri
73 evil kejahatan
74 excited gembira
75 exuberant riang
76 faint redup
77 fair adil
78 faithful setia
79 fantastic fantastis
80 fast cepat
81 fat lemak
82 few beberapa
83 fierce sengit
84 filthy kotor
85 fine halus
86 flaky terkelupas
87 flat datar
88 fluffy berbulu halus
89 foolish bodoh
90 frail lemah
91 frantic gila-gilaan
92 fresh segar
93 friendly ramah
94 frightened ketakutan
95 funny lucu
96 fuzzy kabur
97 gentle lemah lembut
98 giant raksasa
99 gigantic raksasa
100 good baik


A. Conclusion

Adjective is a word used to give a character to a noun. Adjectives can be used on nouns
in singular (plural) or plural (plural). Adjectives in singular and plural forms do not
change. The parts that change are only to be and the noun, which is adjusted to a single
or plural form. Types of adjectives are as follows:

1. Descriptive Adjectives

2. Distributive Adjectives

3. Possessive Adjectives

4. Demonstrative Adjectives

5. Interrogative Adjectives

6. Quantitative Adjectives

7. Numeral Adjectives

a. Definite Numerals

- Cardinals

- Ordinals

- Multiplicatives

b. Indifinite Numeral

Adjective can be formed from nouns (nouns) or verbs (verbs) with the following

From the noun (Noun):

1. By adding the suffix "al" to a noun (nouns

2. By adding a "less" suffix to a noun, which has no or no meaning

3. By adding the suffix "-Y" to the noun.

4. By giving the suffix 'ful' to the noun

5. By adding the "ous" suffix to nouns (nouns)

From verb (Verb):

1. By adding the suffix "able" to the verb.

2. By adding the suffix "ive" to the verb.


As the closing of this paper, we also spared thousands of thanks to all the colleagues
who have helped a lot in making this paper. But in addition, there are still many to the
extent and far from the word perfection, but we have all tried our best in making this
paper. Therefore, we all sincerely hope for all of our colleagues to give their criticisms
and suggestions, so that in making the next paper it will be better, as we expected.

There is no word we can say, besides gratitude for the motivation of all colleagues.

Drs. John S. Hartanto, dkk. Accurate, Brief and Clear English Grammar cet. Ke
41. Surabaya: Indah Surabaya

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