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A Warm Welcome to Delybites!!!

(The gateway to have a healthy body and mind)

Delybites (Nutrotop) has been delivering fresh

natural juices without sugar and added
preservatives in Pune from last 15 years. Our
company is in a mission to disappear the
lifestyle diseases through our natural juices and
nutritious health products. Delybites is Pune’s
leading company for fresh natural juices and
essential nutrition products.
We deliver juices and healthy products all
across Pune and PCMC before 7.30 in the

The expert team of nutritionists, food

technologists, health coaches, juice therapists and
agro-technicians build the best possible products
to enhance the quality of your life and make a
healthier YOU. They believe, “Energy is the new
currency” and dedicatedly working on such
products to improve your health and energy level.
Current Health Status in India
India has a new name – “Diabetes capital of the
World”. More than 70 million people are
struggling with this lifestyle disease. Not only
Diabetes, Our country is struggling with other
lifestyle diseases like respiratory diseases, heart
diseases, Cancer and Depression. The most
important thing here is, all these diseases are
because of our unhealthy lifestyle.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

Health & Lifestyle

The major problem with our so-called busy and
modern lifestyle is physical inactivity and highly
processed food. Through our food and lifestyle,
we must detoxify the blood and strengthen the
immune system in results there is more energy
and less illness. Fresh juices, raw foods and
essential nutrients must be part of our diet.
Most food that we eat is overcooked and half-
dead [most of the enzymes in food are
destroyed by cooking]. Beverages are loaded
with sugar, artificial sweetness, caffeine,
alcohol or stimulants that create an illusion of

The main essentials of a healthy life are – active lifestyle, fresh & nutritious food and
managing the stress level.

‘’Remove the Toxicity & replace the deficiency” – The magic formula to
cure all diseases. ~~ Delybites.


There is one reason behind all the major diseases – cell malfunction. That means, if each
and every cell in your body is functioning well, then there is no chance of diseases. Cell
malfunction occurs for two reasons – cell toxicity and cell deficiency. To be healthy and fit, we
must remove the toxicity and replace the deficiency in our cells. At Delybites, we believe, “Food
is the medicine” and all our products are intended to detox and nutritious.

“Let JUICE be thy medicine and Medicine be thy JUICE” ~ Hippocrates,

We must have 60 – 70% of our food in the natural and raw form to have all the food
enzymes in the food. Fresh fruits and vegetables juices without any added sugar and
preservatives are one of the best ways to add raw food in our diet.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

The Food Digestion Process:-

The digestion process starts from the mouth

and ends in the large intestine through
stomach. Our mouth works as a blender/grinder
and stomach works as a juicer. So, it is always a
best practice to chew our foods properly before
sending it to the stomach.

Mouth  Esophagus  Stomach  Small

Intestine  Large Intestine  Excretory

The food in the stomach comes in contact

with the stomach acid and other digestive
organs and juices before moving to the small
intestine. The walls of our small intestine have
small villi like structure to absorb the nutrients
in the food and move the remaining parts to the
large intestine. In the large intestine, only water
absorption occurs and wastes moves to the
excretory system.

Our body on fast for hours in the night and expect pure water and nutrition in the morning
from us. If we have juice in the morning on the empty stomach, our body gets all the essential nutrients
and water which leads to energy and rejuvenation. Also, Juices gives a rest to the high-energy digestion
process and boost the overall immunity.

What about Fibres in Juices?

Juice doesn’t remove the fibre completely; it only removes the insoluble fibre. All the natural and fresh
juices come with soluble fibre which acts as a prebiotics.

Our Green Juice Benefits:-

1- Boost your brain power

2- Reduce stress
3- Clears out waste and toxins
4- Healthy Skin
5- Strengthens Immunity
6- Contains Phytonutrients
7- Speeds up Metabolism and smooth digestion

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

8- Burns Fat

What is Phytonutrients?

These chemicals help protect plants from

germs, fungi, bugs, and other threats. When
we eat phytonutrients, we have remarkable
health benefits from it. They help prevent
disease and keep our body working properly.
Fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients.
Phytonutrients give vibrant colours to the
fruits and vegetables. Different colours
contain different phytonutrients.
Red Foods  Beetroot  lycopene
reduces the risk of cancer and heart
Orange Foods  Carrots  beta-carotene 
boosts immunity and promotes healthy
Greens  Wheatgrass  chlorophyll 
detoxifies the blood/organ and strengthens
immune system

We at Delybites, deliver all our fresh and natural juices before 7.30 in the morning so that you can
have it on empty stomach to get the maximum benefits.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

Nutritional Health Products

Veg Extracted Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acid is an essential nutrient
for our body as our body can’t create it on
its own. Our body need fat for many
internal functions and that’s why fat is a
macronutrient. The mistake we generally
make is choosing the right kind of fat for
our body. Fat are of different types –
saturated fat, mono unsaturated fat
(MUFA), Poly unsaturated fat (PUFA), and
Trans fat. Saturated fat and trans fat are
processed fat and we must avoid them.
MUFA is omega-9 and it’s non-essential.
So, what we need is PUFA and that is
Omega-3 and Omega-6 from our food.

The major problem with our modern diet is the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. The ideal ratio should be
1:1 or 1:2 but the average ratio is 1:10 to 1:20. This is because of our processed food and processed
cooking oil which is rich in Omega-6.

Best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are nuts and seeds especially flax seed. We at Delybites, provide
best quality veg extracted Omega-3 products like emulsion, flax seeds, Omega-3 eggs and chocolates.

Cold Pressed Wood Churner Oil

Refined oil extraction involves high

supply of heat to extract maximum oils
out of seeds. On top of this, to extract
more oil, they use chemicals and
solvents. In this case, oils come with less
nutrients and added chemicals and

The traditional method of wood pressing or cold pressing doesn’t involve any external heat. The seeds
are generally crushed in the wooden axis. There are no added chemicals in the oil. Although there is
less production of oils in this process they are much healthier than the modern day refined oil.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

The only problem with the wood churner oil in the market is the hygiene. The seeds must be cleaned
before process and also, the people who are extracting the oil must be neat and clean. That’s why at
Delybites we did minute level research on this and provides you the best wood churner oil in the

We provide sunflower oil, safflower oil, mustard oil, coconut oil, flax seed oil, almond and walnut oil.
Without any second thought, to be healthy and fit, switch to the traditional Wood churner oil for your

Natural Sweetener

The refined white sugar in your kitchen is the

main reason behind many health problems in
your life starting from diabetes, cancer to
digestion and dental diseases. In India, it is used
in many food items like tea, coffee, sweets, and
bakery items to the junk foods. You will surprise
to know that the white colour of sugar is not a
natural colour, it is due to bleaching. Through
highly processed method, there are no
nutritional contents in it and it spikes the blood
sugar immediately.

Our health team and experts, find the best possible substitutes for this harmful food.
1 – Locally Produced Raw Honey
2 – Raw Jaggery and Jaggery Syrup or Liquid Jaggery
3 – Stevia

We at Delybites provide you best natural honey and Jaggery products to substitute the white poison
from your life now. Remember, “Sugar is the new nicotine.”

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

Healthy Spices & Herbal Teas

In India, due to unavailability and high-price of

certain foods, manufactures do food
adulteration. Doctors and health coaches are
very much concerned on health problems due
to the toxics. Many foods like milk, cooking oil
and spices are heavily adulterated.

In case of spices, they use sawdust and brick dust in most of the masala powder and sell in the market.
A commonly used adulterant in turmeric powder is lead chromate, which gives it a bright yellow colour.
Similarly, the most commonly used adulterants in chili powder are saw dust and brick powder. Papaya
seeds are grounded and mixed with hazardous chemicals to make it seem like black-pepper. At
Delybites, our expert team of nutritionist, food technologists and agro-technicians, always choose and
deliver the best quality nutritious products at your doorstep.

Apart from adding flavour to the foods, spices have many health benefits.
1- Turmeric – Inhibit the growth of cancer cells and helps in diabetes.
2- Cinnamon – Lower blood pressure
3- Black pepper – reduce oxidative stress and helps in nutrients absorption
4- Red Chilli Powder – helps in weight loss by boosting metabolism
5- Fennel seeds – play a major role in digestion and absorption, helps in acidity

Nuts & Seeds

A handful of nuts and seeds gives you many

health benefits and essential nutrients.
1. Source of healthy fat and quality protein.
2. Rich in vitamins and minerals.
3. Zero cholesterol

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

Seeds:- Flax, Chia, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Sesame.
Sunflower Seeds High in Vitamin E and Phytosterols
Pumpkin Seed Higher amounts of Zinc (Prostate health), Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Iron, Mg,Mn,Cu
Chia Seeds  Excellent source of essential Omega-3 Fatty acids, High in Fiber, good for GI tract
Good source of Calcium, Thiamine, Iron, Mg, Riboflavin, Folic, Zn
Flax Seeds  Very similar benefits as Chia seeds
Sesame Seeds  Contains Phytosterols and Lignan compounds, Anti-oxidants

Add these superfoods in your breakfast bowl or smoothies or have a handful in your evening snack with
your herbal teas.

Sprouts & Microgreens

Sprouts and microgreens are the most nutritious

foods and the ultimate local superfoods. Sprouts
are grows in water and it takes 2-5 days
depending on the seeds. Microgreens are little
mature and grow in the soil. In these phases of
the plants, plants absorb most nutrients from the
soil or mat.

Health coaches and Doctors recommend eating

minimum 50-60% of raw food. Sprouts and
microgreens are best raw food to add in your
diet. The major benefits of eating it daily are,
1 – Increase beneficial enzymes
2 – More micros – vitamins & minerals

Sprouts vs Microgreens – which are more nutritious?

Microgreens are more nutritious than sprouts as it grows in the soil contains more mineral.
Microgreens have more fibre and nutrients than sprouts.
Note - Sunflower greens are one of the most complete foods on earth and the most nutritious of all
sprouts. Pea shoots are second in overall nutrition. Other nutritious microgreens are broccoli & alfalfa.

We at Delybites prepare our own sprouts and microgreens from quality seeds with proper care.
Sprouts – Moong, Mix, Chana & Chickpea
Microgreen – Alfalfa, Radish, spinach, pea shoot, broccoli and mustard

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

Healthy Snacks

We always focus on breakfast, lunch & dinner

but don’t care a lot about our quick snacks. In
snacks, whether it’s mid-morning or afternoon,
you generally choose unhealthy or processed
food that comes with lots of sugar, salt,
chemicals, and preservatives.
Healthy Snacking Benefits:-
1. Proper weight management
2. Energy and Mood Enhancing
3. Brain Boosting
4. Hormonal Balance
5. Avoid common lifestyle diseases

The Best food to have in snacking:-

1. Nuts & Seeds with Herbal teas
2. Natural Fruit or vegetable juices
3. Vegetables sticks with nut butter
4. Fruits with nut butter
5. Quality Snack bar or ladoo
6. Healthy Crackers

We provide quality nuts & seeds, nut butter, snack bar, ladoo and healthy crackers at your doorstep.
Keep these snacks in your bag and have it daily to get the health benefits.

How to Order Healthy Products

Now we are delivering healthy food and drinks free in Pune and PCMC. You can order from our
Delybites Website:

Also you can download and Install Android or IOS App from Android App Store and Apple Play Store.
For Android Mobile,

For Apple Mobile

Also you can call and whatsapp for new order or enquiry: 9850035026

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits


NUTROCIA HEALTH FOODS Mob No.: 9850035026 / 9545553254
NO - 6, 7, 2nd Floor, Manisha Blitz, Opp. to Visit
Megacenter, Hadapsar, Pune - 411028, Email
Maharastra, India

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices | Authentic Spices | Veg Extracted Omega 3 Products | A2 Milk |
Super Foods–Wheat Grass and Moringa| Microgreens | Probiotics | Healthy Crackers | Wellness Kits

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