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Prioritize These 4 Features in Your Application Development Process

Mobile device usage has seen incredible growth in the past decade. As such, software
development services has seen a huge impact on the amount of technology geared towards the
mobile market.

More shoppers have been using their mobile phones and tablets for the sake of convenience. As a
result, businesses are developing apps or optimizing web design specifically for mobile users.

Having apps and mobile-friendly web design helps maximize potential sales and growth. Here
are the essential features a mobile app development should include.

1. Security

Identity theft and financial hacks are becoming common. For preventative purposes, it is
important to make sure that an app is secure and protected against these threats. Many apps
require credit card information, especially when an e-commerce function is integrated.

Businesses should always ensure that their clients are protected. They should be transparent on
how the client data are being used in the application development service. The policies and
practices should be clearly outlined before users are being asked to provide personal
information. In this way, the users will trust the company, and will feel that the business has
credibility. Users providing their financial information online shows their trust in the app and
will likely use it more.

2. Ease of Navigation

Poor design is one of the main reasons why an app is deleted. Most users consider the overall
usability and user-friendly design as key functions of a great app.

A mobile device does not have a keyboard nor a mouse, so typing should be minimized when
designing an app. Users also favor having to scroll instead of clicking. Scrolling feels natural and
shows more content quickly because there is no need to wait for pages to load. Imagine having to
click through 5 pages of a top 10 list instead of just scrolling through it on a single page.

3. Social Media Integration

In 2017, it was reported that there are over 3 billion active social media users globally. That being
said, social media has an extensive influence in our lives, including the way we do business.
More than being a platform to share photos and status updates, social media has transformed
into an essential tool for businesses to reach their customers.
Integrating social media in mobile apps offers expanded brand awareness. Users can share
posts about the business, thus reaching more people. Social media integration brings increased
visibility and recognition to potential customers or users of the app.
4. User Feedback

Having the ability to provide feedback gives users the satisfaction that they are being heard. This
also lessens the need for the them to call or email the support team. It will help the business by
having an understanding to what the users want, the things that need to be changed, or the
things the users want to see in the end-to-end application development services. It is
imperative that businesses constantly improve their apps to provide value to their clients.

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