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Gianna Pappalardo period 5 January 22, 2019

“Defense of Our Generation”

Anyone born in the time of about mid to late 1990s through early 2000s are known as

lazy, hard to manage, and always being connected to mobile devices. These people are also

known as the bothering and troublesome generation z. These characteristics are given to the

generation as a whole by older and apparently “wiser” generations. As a matter of fact, none of

this information is rather true. Generation z was brought up into the world surrounded by

technology, where other generations were not. Just because the generation was born into

technology doesn’t necessarily mean that we are unable to part of the technology of “todays

world.” Members of generation z are taking time to volunteer, they are dedicated and

compassionate, and they are willing and wanting to make a good first impression.

Teenagers and young adults mainly make up generation z. Schools require students to

collect service hours, which causes them to volunteer. Students like to volunteer with their

friends and then the number of volunteers increases. Most likely, teenagers are the ones to be

volunteering rather than adults in other, older generations. So, generation z is doing most of the

work. According to “Generation Z Teens Stereotyped As ‘Lazy and Unaware’” “I have kids right

in front of me that spend their time and effort volunteering and functioning in their community.”

Most teenagers are active and choose to participate in their community. For example, in Parkland

FL, there is an organization entitled “Parkland Buddies.” This organization allows teens to

volunteer in their community and teach mentally disabled children sports. This is teaching teens
to be helpful and to help others in need. This is just one example of how teens get involved and

partake in their community. There are plenty of other ways that teens get involved and be active.

Other states and cities have plenty of organizations anyone, no matter the age, can partake in,

epically over the summer. Teens are also outside and getting exercise and playing sports, causing

them to be active and not to be on technology.

To advance on the subject of schools, they require students to learn by using technology

to learn and better educate them self in problems in the world. Generation Z is highly

sophisticated and interactive with their community by engaging in many different occupations.

Some of these occupations may not all include inventing, but rather consistent of observing

various issues that have resulted in a decline of the wealth and production of an economy. Since

an advanced economy is so important to people, especially citizens of older generations, using

technology to increase education and better educate the young is an advantage. A major

argument that’s has been present over the years is that younger students aren’t educated enough

to vote and that voting age should be of a “higher and more mature age.

The children in generation z are being very productive to achieve a goal and they are

working hard to accomplish and be the best they can be, up to their ability. Students are

dedicated and are loving to one another. On February 14, 2018 a horrific tragedy happened at

Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school where there was an open gun fire shooting that cost the

lives of 17 innocent and harmless teenagers. MSD students and other students around the United

States are organizing protest and standing up to gun control laws. This is helped teens
everywhere be confident and to use their voice to stand up for what is right and protect one

another. One of the MSD victims was magnificently determined. Jamie Guttenberg, age 14, was

a competition dancer that was live by the quote that she would say, “dreams and dedication are a

powerful combination.” The dancers that danced with Jamie were so strongly affected and

devoted that they organized “Orange Ribbons for Jamie.” Now dancers all over the United States

are wearing orange ribbons to show love to MSD victims. Generation z are so passionate that

they are standing up for what is right. This is just one example of how generation z has made an

impact on everyone. According to “Generation Z Stereotyped as ‘Lazy and Unaware’” “when I

look at them I don’t see lazy or inattentive kids. I see kids that are caring and hard-working.” If

generation z is known as lazy, as is any other generation. Generation Z has done just as much

good, if not more, than any other generation. Even though our generation has not technically

invented something, we have made plenty of things better. Additionally, we have created more

organizations and structured protest that have affected hundreds of people.

As many people do say, generation z is always connected to our phones. As presented in

some articles “a lot of employers are troubled that young workers are always on their devices

during work, distracting them from work throughout the day.” These articles are saying that any

member of generation z can’t focus on an assignment because we are so focused on what is

happening on our phone. On the contrary, generation z uses their mobile devices for

multipurpose reasons. This generation was brought up into a world to technology, so they use

what they were brought up to. Generation z wants to make a good first impression, especially

when applying for a job. According to “Manager Not Too Enthusiastic About Generation Z

Coming to Work” “they want to be set up for success, and they want to start proving themselves
on Day One.” To illustrate, on the first day of a new job, they would want to come dressed

professionally and not be so connected to a mobile device. Generation Z is mainly teens of the

age of about 13-16 so they are just coming into the workforce. This means that they can’t be

criticized so quickly about their work ethic.

Generation Z has made a big impact on hundreds of people. Even though some people

say that generation z is lazy, hard to manage, connected to mobile devices, and hard to

communicate with. This is rather not true by any means. Generation Z is organizing protest and

have confident voices. They are volunteering and showing compassion for others, epically during

miserable, heartbreaking times. Generation Z is making the things we have today better. When

generation z is an older generation, what is going to happen?

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